HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.b. ISD 196 / City of Rosemount Joint Powers Agreement c CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EBECUTIVE SUNIIKARF FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: 1�GENDA ITEM: ISD 196/City of Rosemount - AGENDA SECTION: Joint Powers Agreement OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: Dean Johnson AGEN � � � Director of Community Development ATTACHMENTS: Joint Powers Agreemen�, APP D BY: � Attached is a joint powers agreement (JPA) , between the City and ISD 196, governing the development and usage of the Shannon Park Elementary School/City Park property. The JPA is a detailed accounting of the privileges and obligations of both parties, regarding future use and maintenanee of the properties . As noted in the JPA, the District owns Lot 1 {school building) , the City owns 0utlot A (City Park) and the two parties jointly own 0utlot B (the supplemental parking lot) and 0utlot C (the "school athletic fields" ) . The ISD 195 Board of Education is expected to approve the JPA at their September 24, 1990 Regular Meeting. RECOMNlEND�ED ACTION: Motion to approve the "Independent School District l96/Gity of Rosemount, School/City Development and Site Usage Joint Pawers Agreement. �� COUNCIL ACTION: APProved. , * INDEPENDENT BCHOOL DISTRICT 196/CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DEVELOPMENT AND SITE IISAGE JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT AGREEMENT, made this day of , between the CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, a Minnesota municipal eorporation (hereinafter "Rosemount") and INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 196, duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota (hereinafter "ISD 196") ; and WHEREAS, the parties have acquired, as tenants in common, approxa.mately 32 . 01 acres of property known as the Kelley Site, located along Shannon Parkway in the City of Rosemount and legally described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to develop the Kelley Site jointly as one parcel to include an elementary school and city park, according to the Minnesota Joint Powers Act; and WHEREAS, Rosemount and ISD 196 historically have had a long and positive working relationship. The joint acquisition and development of the School/Park Site provides Rosemount and ISD 196 with a unique opportunity to work together in a new and exciting manner; and WHEREAS, the joint development of the common site affords both parties benefits that could not otherwise be provided and that will be valued for the years to come; and • WHEREAS, working together on this project, Rosemount and ISD 196 wi11 be able to save tax dollars and will provide additional services to the area. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: I. TITLE. Upon execution and approval of this Agreement by the City Council of the City of Rosemount and the Sehool Board of Independent School District No. 19b and the subsequent recording of the plat covering the land described in Exhibit "A" , Rosemount shall convey Lot One (1) , Block One (1) as shown on Exhibit "A" attached hereto, to ISD 196 by Quit Claim Deed; and ISD 196 shall convey Outlot A as shown on Exhibit "A" attached hereto, to Rosemount by Quit Claim Deed. Each party shall provide good title to the appropriate_ parcels and cause the Deeds to be filed with the Dakota County Recorder. II. DEVELOPMENT PLANS. The parties jointly approve the plans and specifications (exclusive of plans for development of the school building) , identified as Project No. 8826RS, including Addendum No. 1 ' and Addendum No. 2, said copies of which are not attached, for t�e joint development of the property set forth on Exhibit "A" . III. ISD 196 DEVELOPMENT. At the time of school construction, ISD 196 shall be responsible for the costs incurred and the implementation of the following development items, according to the plans and specifications referenced in Sectian II above, as identified below, upan the designated portion of the property noted below and set forth on Exhibit "A". A. Backstops and maintenance strips for the softball fields. - Outlot C. B.� A minimum of one hardcourt, bituminous play surface. - Lot l. C. 100% of the cost of play equipment, - Lot l. D. Two (2} basketball standards. - Lot 1. E. Site grading, topsoil placement and turf establishment. - Lot 1 and Outlots B and C. F. All bituminous trials and sidewalks to provide pedestrian transportation access to the school building. - Lot l. G. Survey and staking cost for the school building, parking lot and utilities (excluding irrigation) . - Lot 1 and 0utlots B and C. H. Shrubs, edger and mulch for school building foundation and other plant materials. Al1 plant materials shall conform to the City of Rosemount Landscape Policy. - Lot 1. IV. ROSEMOUNT DEVELOPMENT. Rosemount shall be responsible for the costs of the following development items, according to the plans and specifications referenced in Section II above, as identified below, upon the designated portion of the property noted below and set forth on Exhibit "A" . A. Site grading, topsoil placement, turf establishment, surveying and staking. - outlot A. B. Backstops and maintenance strips for the softball fields. - Outlot A. C. Al1 bituminous and soft surface trails which provide internal pedestrian access to recreation facilities. - Outlot A. D. Parking lot for recreation and special event school use. - Outlot B. Rosemount will also be responsible for the costs incurred and the implementation of the following development items as identified below, upon the designated portion of the property noted below and set forth on Exhibit "A" . E. Standard soccer goals, players benches and park benches. - Outlots A & C. F. Irrigation system on all athletic fields. - Outlots A & C. G. Landscaping and play equipment. - Outlot A. V. USAGE. ISD 196 shall have jurisdiction of the entire property for the purposes of scheduling activities during the regular school year from 8: 00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on school days and during the summer school program from 8: 00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Rosemount shall have jurisdiction of the entire property for the purposes of scheduling recreation activities (with the exception of the school building) at all times other than designated above. Exceptions to scheduled usage include maintenance by either party as identified in Sections VII and VIII. The parties agree to notify each other of prolonged or major maintenance activities, which may interfere with scheduled usage of the property. Nonscheduled, casual use of the Outlots during school jurisdiction may be permitted, provided there is no disruption or interference with scheduled activities. VI. NONSCHEDULED USAGE. If either of the parties wishes to schedule activities outside of that party's designated time jurisdiction, as stated in 5ection V above, permission must be given by the other party in writing. Examples include but are not limited to the following: A. ISD 196 scheduled evening, weekend or "summer" activities. B. Rosemount scheduled building use or scheduled use of the Outlots during school sessions. VII. SCHOOL DISTRICT MAINTENANCE. ISD 196 shall be responsible - for all labor and material costs far the following maintenance items: A. School building. B. Snow removal and sanding of the parking lats, internal drives, and hard surface play area located upon Lot 1 and Outlot B as identified on Exhibit "A" . C. Sealcoating, patching, and sub-grade carrection, striping and typical maintenance of the parking lot and internal drives located upon Lot 1 and Outlot B as identified on Exhibit "A" . • D. Ground maintenance adjacent to school building upon Lot l of Exhibit "A" , including snow removal and sanding the sidewa3k adjacent to the school in order to provide pedestrian , access. E. Mowing area in Outlot "C" of Exhibit "A" west of the ballfields to Shannon Parkway. VIII. ROSEMOUNT MAINTENANCE. Rosemount shall be responsible for all labor and material costs for maintenance for the following items upon Outlots "A" and "C" as identified in E�ibit "A" : A. Turf and grounds maintenance, including: mowing, seeding, watering, sodding, fertilization, and weed control. B. Sealcoating, patching, and maintenance, associated with all trails. C. Park furnishings including benches, goals, backstops, play equipment, etc. D. Lining and striping of athletic facilities. E. Removal of diseased or dead trees, tree pruning, tree fertilization, tree wrapping and replacement. F. Irrigation system. IX. MISCELLANEQUS UTILITY COSTS. Subject to construction of a school building, ISD 196 sha11 be solely responsible for costs of utilities, including electrical, sewer and water, into the site. Rosemount shall pay for all costs, including utility use, for any security light(s) , and field iights if so installed, and all utility charges associated with the irrigation system upon Outlots "A" and "C" , as shown on Exhibit "A" . X. SCHOOL BUILDING COSTS. ISD 196 shall be solely responsible for all costs associated with development and construction fees directly related to the school building, including building permit fees; SAC and WAC charges, road unit, and water treatment plant charges. XI. DAMAGE COSTS. ISD 196 shall be responsible to recover damage costs and/or pay far (or repair) vandalism to the building and parking lots. Rosemount shall be responsible to recover damage costs and/or pay for (or repair) vandalism to the athletic and park facilities located upon Outlots "A" and "C" , as shown on Exhibit "A" . XII. ACCESS. Each party shall provide the other garty with reasonable access to the other party's property (excluding school building) so long as either the City continues to operate its property as a city park or ISD 196 continues to operate its property as a school facility. Upon the transfer of any of the property shown on Exhibit "A" , the parties will provide an alternative access if required, at a location agreeable to both parties. This condition shall survive the termination of this Agreement. XIII. TERMINATION. Either party may terminate this Agreement by advising the other party by two year's written notice of its intent to discontinue use nf its property for the purposes set forth in this Agreement. XIV. OUTLOTS- B & C. Upon notice of intent to discontinue, the non-terminating party shall have the option of purchasing the terminating party's interest in Outlots B & C as shown on Exhibit A. Upon receipt of the notice of intent to discontinue, the parties may agree upon a value of the property to be acquired or each party shall select an appraiser to appraise the property. The two appraisers so selected shall select a neutral appraiser within 30 days or either party may apply to the Chief Judge of the District court of Dakota County, Minnesota, to appoint a neutral appraiser. The three appraisers shall appraise the property according to its market value, taking into account its then current use and zoning. If the three appraisers cannot agree on the value, the determination of market value by the neutral appraiser shall be binding on the parties. The appraisals shall be delivered to the parties within 60 days af the appointment or selection of the neutral appraiser. The non-terminating party shall then have nine months after rece.ipt of the binding appraisal or agreement of value to elect to purchase the terminating party's interest in said property for cash or upon such terms and conditions as the parties mutually agree. The closing shall be held within 60 days from the election of the purchase. In the event the non-terminating party does not elect to purchase the terminating party's interest in said property, the terminating party shall have 90 days to elect to purchase the non-terminating party's interest in said property for cash or upon such terms and conditions as the parties mutually agree. The elosing shall be held within 60 days from the election of purchase. Outlots B & C shall be valued and appraised separately and the options to purchase may be exercised as to either Outlot B or C, or both. XV. RECORDING. Either party may record this Agreement with the Dakota County Recorder. XVI. AMENDMENT. This Agreement may be amended in writing by agreement by both parties. XUII. HOLD HARMLESS AND LIABILITY INSURANCE. Each party shall hold �he other harmless from any claims or causes of action that may arise on the property owned by each respective party, and each party shall acquire adequate liability insurance covering all buildings and improvements located on the property owned by each party. INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT CITY OF ROSEMOUNT NO. 196 By: By: Its: Its: By: By: Its: Its: Dated this day of Dated this day of , 1990. , 1990. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) On this day of , 1990, before me a Notary , _ Public within and for said County, personally appeared and to me personally known, who being each by me duly sworn, each did say that they are respectively the Mayor and Clerk of the City of Rosemount, the municipality named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed on behalf of said municipality by authority of its City Council and said Mayor and Clerk acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said municipality. Notary Public STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss, COUNTY; OF ) On this day of , 1990, before me a Notary Public within and for said County, personally appeared and to me personally known, who being each by me duly sworn, each did say that they are respectively the and " of INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 196, the Minnesota public corporation named in the foregoing instrument, and that said instrument was signed on behalf of said Minnesota public corporation by authority of its Board of Directors and said and acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of the Minnesota public corporation. Notary Public THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: SEVERSON, WILCOX & SHELDON, P.A. 600 Midway National Bank Bldg. 7300 West 147th Street Apple Valley, MN 55124 {612) 432-3136 MGD � . � . � � � � � e .. , , . .. . ._ . . .. . . � .. ._ . _'. ._. . .. . _ . � . . . s . . . . -.. � �. . .. . � �bfWr " . J - � 7 , : :� PRELIM/NARY PLAT ` ': ,, k= ,:. . � '� � / ... 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