HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.h. Set Public Hearing - Easement Vacation S -r CnV 2 P.O. BOX 510 ✓�G� � 2875-145TH ST. W. osernoun� ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 612-423-441 1 TO: CITY COUNCIL �TEI� � H FROM: MICHAEL WOZNIAR, AICP, CITY PLANNER DATE: MAY 10, 1990 SIIBJ: MAY 15, 1990 - REGOLAR MEETING REVIEWS 4h. SET PIIBLIC HEARING - EASEMENT VACATION Karen and Scott Rynerson of 14350 Cameo Avenue have petitioned (see petition) the City to vacate a sanitary sewer easement affecting there property. The easement in question has no specific dimensions and effects there entire property. The easement was origonally established to guarantee that the City could have access to and maintain a sanitary sewer line which is situated on an abutting property (see attached sketch. City Engineer Rich Hefti, has determined that the City no longer requires the easement which encumbers the Rynerson' s property. It is requested that City Council set a public hearing to consider this easement vacation for June 5, 1990, at 8: 00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. City of Rosemount Petition t_o Vacate Existin4 Easement/Rivht-of-waY To the Rosemount City Council : I (We) , the undersigned, being the ma�ority of the landowners and the owners of at least SOX of the land area o� _ 1�3 5o Co�c.o Av��v� hereby request the city to vacate the following legal description of public easement or right-of-way (please attach sketch) : .�� �Sc�n��o„ Q�, as¢r►.��„+- (� � dc� Ju1� � 19� 5 , Siqnature Address � . a� �6 �- �� 2 . � ap �z � n•��J L 3 . 4 . For City use only ------------------------------------------------ I Date Rec'd: To Council : � -------------------------------------------------- . . . � ' / 1 ---�c�€"• / "-� � `..,"s,��,,.L_ , 1 -u._._ .,,----• �.... ---K�---�___. , -- _. . - . �•---•-x- —�.�.--•k_--1�--_--�— ' __ � — —_____— -i�----i4 ,�..�x.— --- --�_ ,»�.. . � ?,r� P�e coR. . Sren � (r)oT �p��av> : . -� ,, � I � • � ' , .. . . , . � � • � , . ' ; ' ,• : ( � � _ ; " ' , , - � . � 1 , ! � . � , ` �i 1 ' � � � ' � . � • � � • � i � . � ; ; ' � � i ; ; �`�krJ� � � ' � �(!�i���'�vt1`, ' � I 4340 � . +� I 4?�o � ' . � � , � � . . , � � : ; � � ,l . ' � ' i � ,, � . . , . , , � , � . , ; , , � ; ; , � , , , . , . � . � . , , � . � ; � , . , , i . , ' I ; ; ; i i . . . � . � , . , . -__ ._ �Go(', CoB. (�����D� �' _' �j 1�.) �To �.N 1 c�M �o �v�' � --, . . < i ./ i FJ13EI�II'sNT DEED TIi7S INDENTURE, Made this��y ol 4 19�• � between R os �• S n s wid w a��d uo.+ ururarri na •J. Ryenn�id�tlll�rly Myeliyan,el; of the Count of Dplwtx Mif Y and Sbate of Minns�p},a � �art�ee � of the first �rt, and TtiE VILIAGE OF RQSEMpUNT� MINNE9pTA+ g corporation under the laws of the State of Hinneaota� Fs rty of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the eaid part�of the first part, for and in considetetion of the sum of 7Lrea ard nof 1GOt,i,s- - llollare, to_ LheM in hand paid Dy the aaid Fa rty of the aecond , F�rt the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and the n�har consideretion of the performance of the covenants and agreements by the psrty of the �econd �s rt as hereinafter eet out and expresaed, do_ hereby Grant, Remise and Relinquish unto the part,-; of L'ne Hecond part, its auccesaore and assigrte� the Right,Privllege and Fasement to construct,maintain and opeiete a sanitary �ewer and appurtenances thereto, over and thraugh the following described ]ands, aituated in the County of Dakota and State of Minnesota, to wit: Lot fir� (b)� SohOol Wditioo to tlw Yillug� ut flo�s�+cunt� �if�u��aoCs, uccurdiug !o the plat thereoC na+ on t'tl� und ot rscorl in tl�a offio� ut tiw Aygiat�r �t Aa�3� L► uud t�r r.i1 CowiOi rnd Stat�� sald sunitnsr ��.var �o b• lrid ut �► dopth of al,�� roxL�..Caly i�n (lU) l�s� Delcw ground l��ul, Nith it• osntir line Doing dsaorib�l a• 1011a•+�s BOgSCITS(1� e�t e polnt on the Ne�t lfu� of e.�id Iot i�tre (6), .!lilali point 1� f1lt��n (75) le�0 ►1vrt1� uf tt:y 9c��ttr:+eeE eorr,ar I,iier:iof, t�enos Eaotarly ca r llns parsllsl to stid Yiftasn (15) fest korth ot ti,H South Line oP said ►.at Ciru (G) ���{d�{��y�ll�EfHEl�tflllli/ii�iltii a diatuuae of on�t hur,lreci iifty •eren nnd thrs�/;a�t1�� (15�,3) feet ��ore oi• lee� to a polnt on the �:a�t line of �aid tot fite (5) �rhioh is !1!t�en (lb) Gorth pf tha 9outhesst oort�er thoreot. TO HAVE AND TO f{OLD t'He same, unto the said g4rty of the eecond �rt, its successors and assigns, so long as eaid sanitary eewer and appurtenances thereto shall be �intained, together with the right of ingress to and egress from said premises, for the purpose of constructing, inspecting� repairing, maintaining and rePlacing the property of the Fs rty of the second Fart located thereon� or the removal thereof, in whole or in Fe rt, at the will of the said Fnrty of the second Part, its successors and assigrm, it being the intention of the parties hereto that said part 1� of the first partBre'' hereby g�enting the uses herein specified without diveatin theraselvea 8 ��� of the right to use and en�oy said above described premises, sub,ject only to the right of the party of the second Fart to use the same Sor the purposes herain erplws�ed. As a llirther consider+stion for this easement� tho per.ty of the aecond �trt agrees that it xill Fay to the �rt i�y of the first �s rt any dam�ges which mrsy arisa �o growing cro�, lawny� trees� shrubbery� fences or buildings from the . . � i consttvctiori, rnqintornnce, oporution or ramoval of eaid eanitary s�►ror and aPEurtenuncae thorato� eaid damages, if not mutwg,lly egreed upon� to be ascertained and detennined by threa diainterested peraons� one of whom ehall be appointed bq the pnrt�e of the first Fsrt� one by the party of the aecond part, and the third to be selacted by the tw� appointed as aforesaid� and the written arrard of auch threa persons ahall be fir�al, conclusive and binding upon the Farties hereto. IN TESTIFDNY Wf{EREOF, the eaid parties have hereunto aet their hands and aeals the day and year first above xritten. IN P'ftF1SENCE OFt TfiE VIIS�CE OF t�SEMJUNT, MINN.F^,,OTA � �� �. "�, :�..�.� .. /�. �_r� L.�i�,�1�.�—•- �'� /� E.�. McDonald-Mayor: r.-a.:� /Y' y` � SFAL Eu J. Duf lerk ��r � '"\ Li-ee. . � � c � � , , ,�. '�,�__ �'_ ' � � `'7 LL� X ,aG�..,...^'_ ' ��-.-�-� STATE OF MINNESOTA C��` (/ ss 1� • 7�� COUNTY OF DAKOTA � On this �th day of_ JulY .19� before me� a notary public within and for said County� peraor�lly appeared E. J. McDonald and F�gene J. Atff, to me personal�y known, who� being by me duly axorn did eay that they are respectivelq the t�yor and the Glerk of the Village of Roaemavnt, Minneseta; that the seal afCixed to tha foregoing instnunent is the corporete seal of the Village of Roea- mc,unt, Minnesota; and that the instrument wns executed in behalf of the Village of Rusemount, Minnesota by authority of its Village Council; and said E.J.HcDonald and Eti�ene J.Duff acknarledged said instrument to be tha free act and deed of tha Village of Rosemount� Minnesota. �. ��'o 3TATE OF MINNFSOTA EDw�RD e.MeYENOMY � - � Not�n PoWk, D�ko1, Coenry,Mino. � ss M�Commluion Esam pec.17,1459. ('.OUN'fY OF DAKOTA On tt�is �th��y op 195�lbef�re me, a notary public within and for sasd County, onally ppaared Ao�e A. Rynn, a �ingle person aad John !. Aqan and Hnrgie M. r�, hi� fe; Donnld J. $yaa and Be�erly ll. Ayan, hie vife to me known to be tha person;j_described in, and xh� executed the foregoing instrumant, and acknorrledged that �ha� exocuted the same as �ge�_free act and daed. / �Cil�-� NAROLD LE VANDER NMary P�bllc, D�kol� County,M►nn. M�Commiulon Expirq May tE,1959.