HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.k. Set Public Hearing - 145th Street Improvements, City Project #206 0 .. r . � � . . � . 1TEM # �. K *****�r***�r**********�r�t**********��t*MEMO�*************�r*�******************* DATE• MAY 10, 1990 TO: MAYOR & COUNCILMEMBERS C/O CITY ADMINISTRATOR JILK FROM: CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR HEF RE: ITEM FOR THE MAY 15, 1990 COUNCIL MEETING CONSENT AGENDA Set Public Hearinct 145th Street Improvements, Proiect 206 This item consist of setting a public hearing date to consider 145th Street Improvements between Cameo Avenue and Chippendale Avenue. We propose on having this hearing at the Rosemount Senior High School Student Center to accommodate anticipated crowd. We have 278 parcels, but as you can see there are a few that are the same. I plan on holding an informational meeting with residents on the mailing list prior to the public hearing, which we propose to be held on June 21, 1990. I will divide the area up into north of 145th Street and south of 145th Street for my informational meeting so that the groups don't get too large and we can hold them in the council chambers. My tentative schedule for those meetings would be on June 12 from 7: 00 p.m. -8: 30 p.m. and June 14 from 5: 00 p.m.-6:30 p.m. Recommended action for Council to consider is to adopt the attached resolution setting the public hearing for 145th Street Improvements, City Project 206, for June 21, 1990 at 7 :00 p.m. S . � CITY OF R03EMOUNT DAROTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA � RESOLIITION 1990 - A RESOLUTION CALLING FOR A PIIBLIC HEARING 145TH STREET IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT #206 WHEREAS, the City Council received the feasibility report and found the project feasible for 145th Street Improvements, City Project #206, on the 3rd day of April, 1990; and AHEREA3, the statute provided that no such improvements shall be made until the Council has held a public hearing on such improvements following mailed notiee and two publications thereof in the official newspaper stating time and place ' of the hearing, the general nature of the improvement, the estimated costs thereof, and the area proposed to be assessed, in accordance with the law; and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, as follows: 1. A public hearing will be held at the time and place set forth � in the Notice of Hearing attached hereto as Exhibit A to consider said proposed improvements. 2 . The nature of the improvements, the estimated cost of each major portion thereof, and the areas proposed to be assessed therefor are described in the form of Notice of Hearing hereto attached. 3 . The notice of said public hearing shall be in substantially the form contained in the notice hereto attached. 4. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of said hearing to be given two publications in the official newspaper. Said publications shall be one week apart, and at least three days shall elapse between the last publication and the hearing. Not less than ten days before the hearing the Clerk shall mail notice of the hearing to, the owner of each parcel of land within the area proposed to be assessed as described in the notice. For the purpose of giving such mailed notice, owners shall be those shown to be such on the records of the County Auditor or, if the tax statements in the County are mailed by the County Treasurer, on the records of the County Treasurer. As to properties not listed on the records of the County Auditor or the County Treasurer, the Clerk shall ascertain such ownership by any practicable means and give mailed notice to such owners. P.O. BOX 510 ����� Q 2875-145TH ST. W. ose�vcoun� ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 612-423-4411 I ; ' Xh;b;�- CITY OF ROSEMOUNT � DAROTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA PUBLIC NOTICE �.. 1 � NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON IMPROVEMENTS 145TH STREET IMPROVEMENTS� PART A PROJECT NO. 206 __ _ __ TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, will meet at 7:00 o'clock p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible, Thursday, June 21, 1990, in the Student Centers of the Rosemount ` Senior High School, 3335 142nd Street West, to consider the following improvements: Project #206 `= 145th Street Improvements, Part A The total estimated cost of said improvements is $787,900. The amount to be assessed is estimated to not exceed $210, 000. The area proposed to be assessed for the foregoing improvements would generally be- all that area ,:generally. described as the area 1/2 mile north and 1/4 mile south of 145th Street West, between Chippendale Avenue and TH 3 , ' Section 29, Township 115, ` Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota. Such person(s) as desires to be heard with reference to the proposed improvements will be heard at this meeting. Written or oral opinions will be considered. Dated this 15th day of May, 1990. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL. Susan M. Johnson City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota ! ;. . ; 5� 34 U?d�U 150 L?. t�FLSU�a JAMES"A BtiANGELINF 3220 145TH ST u ROSEMDIINT MN 5506$ � - `---- 140 12 CTN�pUIST-�"_ � ACM� w,� -----___ 14595�"CANA@A�-A-yE ---- -" 'RUStMOl1NT -- M"l-55068 - ... . ,, bfl 34 0?300 `_ '� �, : � 1 61 34 038('U 150 12 KELLY 'M ICH�AEL'I��AItY� JEAN 1G555 CANA�A :AVE RUSEMOUNT MN 55068 4:, 62 34 U3�C0 l60 1? JASFNOSKY ,'�: � RQBEIiT^.�V,��';l�D'ITH L 3305, 14bTH ST_ W ROSEMOUNT `-- MN 55�68 �ti �h3-34---U3��u __�7�___1.�._..�{ICR�T`ER"�"_."l , � .,, �,. , ._.__..�_..._��32�'0-`I�"SfiN'S1`u� RUSEMUUNT MN_SS0_6.8.____..._ � ; 64 34 U330U ?d0 17. ER[CK�UN VERNON, IdwB'TNER[SA 5275 146TH ST u RUSEMOUNT MN 5506� ; 65 34 U.',3GU )90 1?. �MCDONOU:�N FRANCIS 8�SAkA A 3�6Q 145Tti ST W RJStMOUVT MN 5506P ------66-34 03d00 200__.17_.-�5"TRESF.._`- -- , FfARCi :�,� � ---__.._._____'_-3300-155'i'Ii�ST-'W--------�-._ROS�MOUNT _._._ MN-SSR68__ _. ��: 6? 34 0330U ?10 12 TRONDSON . , AI.BERT� �,YN�,;,� ', 3315 : 14bTN ST 4i ROSEMOUNT MM. 550b�3 �, 63 34 03900 020 lj ?EDERSON , ;RONI#C:D� ,B���A��tENCE ' 3170 LUWER .147TN ST W RUScNOUP�T MN'S5068 ' , __... ��o --br�- 34-- U3d(?U __Oi�--13-I�R�xfi5CF1� .. �: Njl"FTt : , _ '-"3710-'1_-II'�lER`1�i7"Tifi"ST�-RUSEMOt)(�T-.___M�t-5506R �„ 70 3k 0'dc�0 �50 13 AHIMAN �ST�PH�'N�R , "; ' 31.5� �UWER 147TH ST W RUStFIUUtiT t4'J 55�6a �i-� 71 34 033QJ �5� 13 MORRI i VANtELa�S�. " 3160 LOWER 147TH ST RVScMOU;JT MN SS�bR �» •---72l34---03�00.__07.�._.._1.�__.--STACIFFER� CHA r�i . IIRIITN "'--"31y0-LU�'ttR�'1"47TH-ST.:vT-'-�FUSrM�t1NT .____MPl- 550b8-_...._ ��ia 73 34 0380U 160 14 MULLERY ; , ,f MIL��� �`�������� Y- ' 14630 CAME� AVE RUSEMOUNT MN 55068 ,�� 74 34 182Q0 070 O1 ANERN ' ,: , a. •° �`� `:lAM�5�`8y,` ATRICIA; 14355 CAMFO AVE ROSEMOUNT - MN 55068 r�s 75'S4_�1"2!?u _--C4�---��� pupre o er�' � . __...._._.__.._I43R�"-CP.l�1�U-7CVE-`-_ .RUS'fMOUNT_____MN-S5068-`_ �n 76 34 1£20U ll� U] HAAC.K ANGEIINE��� , 3135 144TN ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55�68 I,F� 77 34 1°2�0 111. J] S�LIN.ER JERQM�, P R CARUL 3115 144TH ST W ROSEMU1I��T MN SSOGR __ ��_.�__ _ (;,,'. -�7d 34 1320u 1�0 ._-01_..__I_P�6�C}ID-OL �TST� -�144"�S'�U"IAMffND�PA-i`Ff- . R�S�MOUMT�--MN-550b8—___.. � � '� �4 �.:• 79 34 1820U 020 02 E3LUEMKE ' � , '��,jDAL �,`B��ROSE'' •144Q5 'CAMEU'AVE 5 ROSEMOUNT MN 5506t3 ,_+� 8J 34 1820U Q"li 02 HnGEMEtSTFR t'.�, • ,t.*a��,E01�,�,, ��,LOR�TTA �' 14445-.CAMEOzAVE , ` :., ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 ` '. 82 34_ 1820 U ,05�---0 7_.-F 1�GU�� ROB� �'� , - OX'"`4Z'ROSEMOI�PtT��t1N��5�15-8 __, .. � ., . �RTR�J ; ; 3130 144TH ST N ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 �:a 33 34 1820� 050 02 HUBEkTUS JEFFREY F�.: ' 314Q 144TH ST W RUSEMOU;�T MN 5506R �8�-3�----4 9 2(10 . p 10_.._.�.1-_`.H A R �;:T1tt1�}''#Cli'"�''8'%1iIISE1'fARY'�'- """-'3 22 Q-1.�i 4 TN , --R fl S E M 0 U N T ___....._M N-5 5 0 6 8 _._._. _-� 85 34 4920U 020 U1 uILI:IAMS �?' ����f�.��1��?.�,.) ��'� y k. �:o r �� �� $ ANNA; E , :! 3240 .144TH, ST W ROSEMUUNT MN 550G8 z�' '86, 34 492U0 A30 . O1 COURTNEY��:;�G���y''��. � ,+';J�,��'�,, . Y�,�A �8';�l�I,ADGE 'F.. 32G0`144TH ST ; 'ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 ,..._r.�_ . „ ' . :. . �ze ti7'-34--4qz-�t�---��T�- $0'1�4'T RUStMO��NT--'-MN-SS�Ofi -_.___ �:y 83 34 4920J 054 O1 FQIEY ' i ,JOHN�Er'&:;:CARRIt E 3300 144TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 ��� $9 S4 4920U Q60 O1 KNUTSON , � `�;;I.EI,A�ID, 8'�ELIZABETH 3310 144TN ST W RUSEMUUNT MN 55QG8 _..._.__ , .�. UR'i£L V . ; 332�I��tfitt-ST-W-.--_ RUSkMt�UNT-------MN-5506-fi----- I�� 90 �3�i -492 0 0---07 0�`ffT;RYAIV��� �i�.sa � �. ,� ,� 91. 34 �' 492Q0 -080 � 'O1 CA55EMs;�.�;���:��� � � ¢K��'��i,KATHftYN R .� �' 3330��"144TH ST W RUSEMUUNT Mtd S50b8 •;,, 92 34 4�200 0�0 O1 ,EL'IASONk `��-,@'�f '"� � " ��1�„ R�N�iECLEN� 1° i . ,�;;.3340 �144TN ST W RUSEMOIINT MN' SSAbR �r:�,� „ �_. . �, ... .;• , � ,_ -�4`��ZOS-1�0-"-0-1-Y� t�CYSfMOtiNT MN-55�6R---_ _ �a �;; 94 34 492nU 11(1 01 FR�Y � ;: `KENNETN A 3360 144TH ST W ROSEMU!IidT MN 55�69 ,, 95 34 4920U ]20 U]. A�LISON E�uARD B EIIEEN 3370 144TH ST W ROSEMOl�N7 MN 5506g 4:�; 93-34-4 9 2 0 0__130._.._OT"GERA"GH -'""'�3$8"144TN--ST--W�T RUStMUUNT-------MPJ-55468----__._ �:��t�^ 97 34 492Q� ].40 O1 ' DUEA',� ' »; k� �"�� * y f�0'N�:CA R�+�?�';' ` � `. ' 339Q-:144TH ST W RUSEMOUNT MN 5506R .,��� �'98 34 49200 150 O1." GIST ; ,` ''��` =a;,:'K,�NF�ETH 6.;.,MARGA3ET . ` 340p°',144TH ST , W ROSEMOUNT MN 55468 . '.��,J��� 3.4-.�.�2_�0.._...�b..Q_�0_I_`�iYNF .. ._`�.3t'0'S"`Y"�Si''ti-S-T V�_'_.----ROS�MOUNT..__-- M�)-5506R.. ......._ ��,I 100'34 49200 01� 0? ST JOHrJ� FV LUTH C N OF;,ROSEMOUNT 3285 144TH ST W ROSEMOUuT MN 5506� ,a=� 101 34 4920U ('20 02 3FTTERS GARY,`,'A K EARLENE A 3325 144TH ST W R�SEMOUt�T MN 5506R t.., ._1Q�~34 _ 492�0 - 030 -02-- CUNtrELL.�-.'�._�i�£��Ft'T8-'ICARE;v --�33�3i;..2��4-fiH-S�T�1--80X_ 41_p__f;USEMOUNT ____....MN--5506A--_._. � � 103 34 49200 040 U2 YANf.Y � ' u'� OELQR�S6A;+ '" " 3345 ';144TH. ST W RUSEt",OUNT MN 55068 :;! , �a�� � �'� �,.�� , ,>. ' ` ,.._ 104 34 49Z00 O50 D2 MCKENZIE ���, , �'��MARS�HALI�G�,& ,HELEN ", 3355 �144TH ',ST U ` RUSEMOUNT MN 55063 i.,:; 165�34+ 4�1n0__...-�50 _.._�?__--�dIt'CEZ -f3"0'N'�lT� 'Fi'"'_"..='__ "' f#-=�-�--"_-ROSEMUt1NT_.�_.__M�t-5546R�_.�._ _ �1� 106 34 4?ZOU (?TO o2 LFSHEtSTER WILIIAM; B JEAN 3375 144TN ST u RU�EMOUNT MN 55�68 .t�t 107 54 492oU 03�1 J2 �ANr�tIIS CARL; S 3385 144TN ST RUSEMOUNT MM 5506R `:�s�� 1 D 8-3_4__�/i 9 2 0 0--- p�0 _-0 2. -3-A NGER TTR" /CY, ,T�K�8�CO2"STC�"----�'"339-t'►'14"ri f"H-''a-T 11---�-._._�R U S E M O U N T--M N--5 S O o R----_ � �� 109 34 4920U 100 02 MILLARp �ARIENE.�' ,��'�;; rs:= , ', 3405_;°144TH ST :W ROSEM'�UNT MN SSOGR ;,,� 110 34 4?"LO1 OLO 0]. SOUFr2HOLM ;.,,: • ,`DONALQ� ��MARCELLA �i3310,:UPPER 143k� ST ROSEMOUNT MN SS068 .-�_ ..>�, . . ;�,1 -1TI`3�4�`S-92OI"-O�d.-Q7�_.._C�'i T-W-��'65tMf3liNT--MM--5S068------..__. �;� 112 34 4�2C1 Q50 U1 SIM'10�dS RICHARD l 3330 UPPER 143RD ST W ROSEMUUVT MN 5506R (sa�113 34 492�1 04Q U1. GREEN EDNARD J 8-.DELORES 3340, UPPER 143RD ST N ROSEMOUtJT MPI SS068 �sc.l II�i-34_ 492�1 _ 050- --OI�-RFTS";' MENtEE�SSR'"S"-D-R'KC�-'^ "�3'.�0-'U�'P�R 1,-43N0�5(__W-'.-RUSEMUl1NT ---MN-550G8-_ . _....._ � �_� 11S 34 4�201 Ob0 O1 .:THOMPSON 'MARGTT;M��,t,,,�,�q;;�t ,, ;:: " 3360��;UPPER'.143RD �5T ..W <R05EMOUNT i MN 55068 , .� �� 116 34 44201 07� O1 ' M�NZtI. s ROBERT,�p` ��S�IZETTE ;� 3370.�UPPER ,143RD; ST W , ' �tOSEMOUNT ;.'. MN 55068 :: �_�__------- ----- � �� 175 34 62s51 07n 01 I)tbLEY JAMES S 8 UAWN 3265 LOWtR 147TN 5T W RDSEMOUNT MN 55008 � _: 17b�34`---62351___O10____02 - 3RDEiA'C"IC�"`-_� ��_.�-ARTHOft-C-""'"�"'_'•- T03G1�05�TN�-p---�`.._�.��A�tVILLE--MN_SSOk4-. ____ �2 ;°` 17T;<34 62851 O20 02 �3ARIE LnNELL C 8 L�INDA M 3330 LOWER 147TH ST W RUStMOUNT , MN 55068 3 �;-178' 34 62851. 030 02 G�RVI"! ;:ALVtN H JR ;,.. >;; (30X 293 - ;' ;; RUSEMOUNT MN 55068 � � �-3�-b�Z 8 51-----0 t_n-_� �, -MF YF 7_- """..�.- CL�'D-8_irtE7-`�"-�-`"_��3'32�tO WC�i 47-T1#-S i`-tJ---R U S€M O tf N i�--t+t t1�S5(r 6 R�_.--... �s 180 34 b2�i1 050 0? PTSTUIY.A CLETUS ^I 8 MARLYS S30Q LUWER 147TN S7 41 ROSEP�OUNT MN SSQ68 a 181 �4 622iS1 �?:i0 0? iiP.THAWAY t1ICNAFL R g SHEILA 3?.80 LOWER 147TH ST '�J RUSEMOUtJT MN 550ti8 ,,..._.__._. � -1$2y34._-67351 �70 D2 -FfELCN--`� �THOMAS �-B:JA�NEZ.-C'J'T'.�_ �32G0�'LOWErfi-7.�7TH��5�W�"-"R�SEMOUPJT---- MN-55�63- �'e � ' 183 34 ' 62i351 n30 02 3RO�iACK NENRY 'S HELENE ` 14373 EMBRY�,COURT APPLE VALLEY MN .55124 9 ; - 184:34 62�51 n1Q U3 MCNAMARA ° 'RAPlIAFL 8 MARf.tI.LA ; 14605 CNIANTI ROSEMOUNT MN SSAb$ " E;o fS5-3 4-_6 Z 3 S 1_ �2-�-��JFNS�E '7l!TN�1 CD`C`CL�1E� �67 E�"`I?b S�M�tJii T M!�Y-4 5(f 5 8 _ ��� 186 34 023�1 030 �3 SrRnSsc? MICFIAFL 8 �l)UIS:= E 14645 CHIANTI AVE RI�SEMOUNT MN 55068 �is 167 34 62o5S O1Q Ot KAHN RFGINh P. 3G50 145TN ST N ROSEMOUNT _ MPJ 55�68__ � �3..-_1_$a._34_ 62353 02p._. �Z...._._�FCTiTl_"ISEI:' _.._.--CARL �i--RUTfi'`�"'�'�"'"._ ' BnX�294 ---__._._.ROSEMOUNT -MN 55068 �tia " '<189 34 62d53 �Sn O1 FJ5CHER ' Lt.lCILLE K ;,. :, ` ; i 3390 14STN ST W : ROSEMOUNT MM 550G8 ; ',5 :-. 190 34 62353 040 U1 �CU'JV�R FItA�lCI5 W &' S�PNIE . .�; 3385;:,'14fiTH ST :W ROSEMUUNT MN SSQ68 : ��s 1'g 1 3�0 7 3`3"---0 5 0.-0_1-._S TR�,�r._ �J 5'�C'11�1C _ 4 51`H'S'1`W�-R O S E M 0 U N T M N-S 5 0 6£3-_._.__._. A,� 192 34 62353 Q50 01 H'lf2t•!A"JN GA{2Y G R BE�ERLY 3425 146TH ST u ROSEMOUNT MN 5506�3 �,e 193 34 62Fi.`+S 070 O1 CilftLEY Ff�A"tCIS T 8 hAitY M 3455 146TH ST ROS�MOUNT MN 55068 ,a 194 34. __.62a53 - 080--. -01.'_aIh1TERS-"'. ___- ----JQH^1�`K"ICA'THL'FEN.__.__...__ �-�4GS�.�iSTN--ST-W-- --ROS�MOtfNT- MN-55Q68 --_. �__f_.. ,�o , 195 34. 62353 090 O1 RAHN R EG I N A 2 . , : � �: 3 4 5 0;,1 4 5 T H 5T W , RUSE�10t1NT MN 55068. '�,) 196 34 61.353 O1� -07_ LINEiIAN JOHN C R .SUSAN J; _ ! 346t? 14bTH ST .`W, � ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 : , , _ Sf-AtfltINT MN-55(f-b8 `- _ ��1_9.T`�_4-'.62 d�j---�Z n__o.�__.P TKCE� '�'D"N�q . . . ��a 198 34 62d.`+3 030 07 RiEGt GAYLE A K K•4RE�1 ANN 342� 146TH ST W ROSEMOU�dT MN 55068 >o� 199 34 62�53 04� 07 CLA�iC TFRRY t� MAitGARET 3400 146TN Sf W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 �?S-ZOtf 34---- b2853_ _05�-. �'-__ONETL' _ -T-'-D�ANTEL"'_'R�".B-PATRI�C"I7�-- 3'3750']:46�H�T �--�ROSEMOUNT MN-55�6-$--__ ,�c 201 34 62354 �10 01 MILL�� JOEL E & MARY , 1177 BOSTQN . AU+�URA • C0 SOQ10' Iz�f 202 34 b2E354 020 O1 RIX""ANN WARRE�� M...�,.DIA'dE J, : 3415, 1�0�lER 147.TH ST .; `ROSEMOUNT MN 55068_ e 203 34�-�2�54..-�3�-----�T-T�RJ�ft!TAY-" TtfO"�ti.i�'fi P7rfR7-Ci�7� -S-t-Ot�E�R�.�T'T�t�-Sf�ROSEMflt1NF ' MN-5-Sfl6-g---_._ != � ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 �'�s� [04 34 023`4 �4d 01. REvOLtN5K1 i2nNAL� J 8 SALLY 14655 CNILI AVE 'zo LOS 34 62�Sc, OSO O1 ALLFpPU CHA?LE� J. R KATHLEFN 146(�S CHILI AVE RUSEMOUNT MN 55068 �:,��-. 2_O6 34--- o28S%.__ 05(!'_ i�a.. _��ONNFLL .____T__.__._PATK J n�'_OUNN71-, t. '4'i"iT5-Ctl"IL�I`JtVE RaSEMOUNT--MN-55068----._._. �u 207 34 62854 070 QL HUkKHALTER 6RYAN ' ; ' .=14Gf35,tCHILI,. AVt ROSEMOUNT MN 55068. ��� ;= LOE3 34 62854 n10 02 CAMFi2�N ; RNODERICK 8' LILLIAN : , 335� .LOWER,1.47TN ST '�J ROSEMOUNT MN 5506$" �aa 2 0���` 6 2�5 q--0 2(i t�?��3?'�737�K J7A�F�5^fi ' -*"TTfi SEM6tltJT- MN-55O6$ - �,� 110 34 62354 �30 0? DFMFi2�tJ�/ILLE MAFtK I . tc JANA ?. 3390 LOWER 147TH ST ROSEMOUtJT MN 5506R �.+e 211 34 67.3�4 040 0? 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' • ' 3375,147TH ST W ROSEMQUWT MN 55068 �ao 23�5 ,i4-�(i2$.5_4___.�3.�-.�.?-.dT.Y� IIc;L:A-S-B-`STiS}Ci 3"SS-I�7�7`H-'S'�`N�-- RU�tMOUNfi--MN-S5068___ __ ���� 210 34 62�54 ��0 0' S��ITN FtOt3FRT J R JANET 3335 147TH ST �USEMOI:i�JT MM 5506R iaz 217 34 ti28i4 lu0 02 CArtZOLL KEViN P 3325 147TH ST W RUSEMOUNT MN 55Q6$ r3 Z13"3�-_67.354 11�--Dz--TOOMBS'� - ---DAVTD_'"H"-8�"BAr?KARA A 3�1"5-17i7TN-ST-W ----------RUS�MU11iJT --- MN--SSQ68-_. .__.. �.,< 219 34 62854 ].2f1 02 DARI:ING u0N F K CA:KQLE J; , 3305`:�147TH ST W ; ROSEMUIINT MN 55068 as - 220 34 :, 62854 130 U2 VANKLFEK 60RDON R, MARI ; ,� ,. ;; �. -`"�295:'147TH ST ' RUSEMUUWT ' MN SS!168 4a Z�2 i 3 4__._G 2 8 S 4-`14 0__�_7"^�nt�A-_.�_.__�_.���i CFi_A F L�`8�'I.i7DX`1 -R U S E M 0 U rJ T---M N-5 5 p b�__.___._. ;�1� 222 3�� 62354 150 0�? iCIkKEY THU'•1A5 R LINDA � 3265 147TN ST RUSEMO�INT MN 55068 . ae 123 34 o�bS4 150 02 CORRIfiAN DONAI.(1 J B RITA M 3245 147iH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 ��, , Z�Z��`3.r--�6 2 8 5 G _ �10...._03'-�T T'C. 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