HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.g. Auditors' Recommendation _ .. _ _..w.s: �-- -�_--_._._-�. ,,,.,,.., �L���►'1VIAN NH�'H�N�CJyAY�' � E R T I F I � b P U S l I C A C C O � N T A N T 5 Mr. Do�n Dnr�.ing � Finan�e I71.���tar � City of RoaemQunt � � I�c�eemc�unt, Minneaota L�e�r I7�n: During the most recent l�gis�.ative �ee$ion. �h��� was fri�r�+�se�l attentian an City'� fund bale�nc�e �,nr� �h,��,�, Ferception ae "e�ceesive. " The pr�.m�ry fo�us was c�n fund balanc�a th�t �re unreserv�d and unde�sigr�ated, whfch �he c�*Y of Rosemount haa in tha emc�unt of $1, 191, 181 at L�ecembex �1, 1989. Because theae funds are needed �o anable the City to meet ca�h flaw z�eede ���tween yee�r-end and �rot�er�y tex/e�ste �sid ��Ymen�� re�Q�v�d 3n Julv, we su�geat that the City Council �ieai� to d��ignate an aniount r�eaded for wo�k�ng capital �'uYF�BeB. This should be c�ane to be r�f�.�cted on the 1989 �eneral purpose financial �te►�emen�e. I caleul�t�d a possible e�mount ae folloc��e: Total 1989 Gener.al. Fund Expendituree $ �,57g,��1 M�.altipiied by 75� (Ps�eentage of Budget that is Prop�rty T�ce�/State Aid) �nd I/2 year (LenBth af Time ��' S� Urttil Amau�,te are Received} An�ounti b��ignated fQr Wo�kia�g C�p�.tnX � 965.OQ0 F3ease ].et m� know if you, Steve, az� the City Cvuncil heve anY que�tlan�x. Sincerely� Rager A. Sohanues, C.P.A. G� �.�� �oec ermann, He3nen & Mayer Cer�ifi�d Public Acevun�+�r�t� Eden Prairie, M�,nnesotn ��Y 15, 1990