HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.c. Parks & Recreation Department CIP Changes & Authorize Purchases of Aerater, Portable Irrigation and Flower Garden Irrigation r j � .--- C� I �', F3(1>. >1C) � -Y��L� {)� � t ;�t t ��� 'N � � �� : y,. ,,. _ ` � �� �t�,•;t�r.j;,t�rd�; r.i� lr t.:,r,� l .,r,i,t;;3 - �.������'�t�t.rt�� -- � � � � �,;�;� i. s ��a„ � � ITEM # 6 C T0: Mayor / City Council FROM: % Stephan Jilk - City Administrator DATE: May 7, 1990 RE: Changes in CIP Funding for 1990 Due to a Building Trades person being hired for the Department there will be several jobs that would have been contracted out that can now be done in house. These relate to shelter work, concrete forming and installation relating to walkways and shelter pads. One other item that will alter costs associated with planned park development pro�ects is the purchase of the gaving machine for the City rather than a crack filling machine. With the paver our crew will be able to do the installing of some of the parking lot areas of the parks including drive way areas, most of the curb and gutter work in Erickson Partc, and the work related to installation of basketball courts in Camfield Park and Winds Parks. The following is the request for changes at this time in the CIP funding: . ITEM � 14 (530) $ 8,500 CHANGE FROM CHIPPENDALE BIKE TRAIL PARKS � 1,500 CONNEMARA PARK UPGRADES 7,000 PORTABLE IItRTGATION SYSTEM ITEM # 28 (533) $ 10,000 CHA1dGE F1tOM BASKETBALL COURT IN CAMFIEL➢ P KS TO 3,000 BASKETBALL COURT IN CAMFIELD � 4,000 CONNEMARA PARK UPGRADES 3,000 AERARTER. • I'i'EM �E 56 (584) $ 12,000 CHANGE FR.OM LAWN MOW�R RF.YLACEMENT P,UB�^ TO 6,990 LAWN MOWER REPLACEMENT (ALR,EADY PUI�GHAS,ED) 5,000 CONNEMAR.A PARK UPGRADES ITEM # 46 (537) $ 15,000 R M CURB & GUTTER - ERICKSON PARKING LOT PA� TO 10,000 CURB & GUTTER - ERICKSON PAR.KING LOT 3,000 CONNEMARA PARK UPGRADE$ 2,OAO 7RK:1GA`1'IUN 1N (:OMMUN1'!'Y i?I�OW}?It GAttlN�,N COUNCIL ACTION IS REQUESTED TO AUTH08IZE fiHE CHANGES YN CIP FUNDING AS LISTED. , 1990 CTY _._.�._._W_._ PBESENT REQUESTED �� 14 (530) CHIPPENDALE BIKE TRAIL $ 8,500 PORTABLE IRRIGATION 7,000 CONNEMARA UPGRADES 1,500 (8,500) (8,500) � 28 (533) CAMFIELD BASKETBALL CT. 10,000 CAMFIELD BASKET.CT. 3,000 CONNEMAitA UPGRADES 4,000 AERATOR FOR PARKS 3,000 Clo,doo) (lo,000> � 46 (537) ER.ICKSON CURB & GUTT�R 15,000 �RICKSON CURB/GUT. 10,000 CONNEMARA UPGRADES 3,000 FLOWER GARDEN IRRIG.2,000 (15,000) (15,000) � 56 (584) LAWN MOWER REPLACEMENT 12,000 LAWN MOWER REPLACE 7,000 (ALREADY PURCHASED) CONNEMARA UPGRAUES 5,000 (12,000) (12,000) NOTEt There ere no changet� in th� dollar am�unt�3 of the CIF. Chang�a sr�e��ing requ�st�d due to three m�,�or reasor�s: 1. Building trades persan will be able to assist 3n concrete work and conetructlon work to cut costs for labar porti�ns of construct3an pro3ects. 2. Pav3ng machine rather than crack filling machine af Public Works will allow our crews to do most of the contracted paving scheduled for the parks this summer. This will take into consideration time available and number of staff available. 3. Changes in demand in the Connemara Park area have been identified. With the costs savings for various reasons in the present CIP the upgrades of the concrete slab in the shelter, the parking lot and driveway, additional playground equipment, and additional landscaping should be highly considered for this season. 4. Flower garden in Erickson Park requires some funding for the irrigation and watering system. The changes in CIP funding are taking this into consideration. f � a d -. // f(1 RC�?C �ittl �c .� tt......-- 2875-145TH ST W � �, �� ��+ ����q� R�OSEMOUNT. MiNNESOTA 550fiR � Qe7�/I'lV����� _ 612-423-4411 � �i . T0. Mayor / City Council 'TE�ii # �� X Stephan Ji1k — City Administrator FROM: David J. Bechtold — Director of Parks & Recreation DATE: May 9, 1990 RE: Purchas� nf Por��b1.� I�rrig�tion Sy�tem Care of th� nureery and general improvement� to extst3ng nei$hborhood parks require watering (irri$atin�) ability. A portable irrigation system has been used in Lakeville, Apple Vall�ey, and BurneviJ,le that proves to supply the required water for the park work in areas where no underground irrigation is installed. Rj.ck Cook, our Parks Supervisor, has contacted several companies for information on the portable systems. Three of these companies have submitted quotes. Following the testing of the appropriate use of this portable system he is prepared to recommend one a� the machines f or purchase at thia time. The machine he is recommending was brought to Rosemount and was demonstrated to our staff. Qur department staff feel strongl.y that this portable system is of high quality and will meet the needs of our department. uor�s: 1. HEINEN & MASON OSSEO, MN $ 6,475.Q0 2. KIFCO HAUANA, IL. 7,050.00 3. NEIL DORNBUSCH &�ASSOC. NEW PRAGUE, MN 6,770.Q0 This portable system does include the pressure pump that allows f or �;re�ter area to be eovered in a much �horter period of time. AF► �>E�r Cl�e reccimmend�tton ci(' ci�ir F'�rk Surc�rv:tAnr �i r�m reqtirat:;inp, coimcil. action to authorize the purchase of a portable irrigation sgstem from the company of Heinen & Mason for the quoted price of $ b,475.00. The money for this purchase wi11 come from CIP account ��14 (530) according to the revision authorized by Council earlier this evening. Iw . i. s � {;.��`JIA� ., ;� � \ . _ �:�` . .+ �x M1�#^ i i � � � • .. ��F��„ . 1 • ' , `f f« � � �i�'��t��• 1* ,F!! � � � ��� � �i�� •� � ��`t�. i t' t � `` . , r�I .. . 7 Y i. - � � ��� ,.y^; � <�� . �� � + �: � ��, z�r � ,._ .. , �' wir _ - ` , -, �j ���+� �`t � 1� _. ,;�,,� ,�����;��`°� ��i �t k ' i •u� \* .�ln` r ��y'���[�7��rk�t,hiY' q`Y_ - + _� �. � t..��Y"iJ�a_' 'W'f� .'1.e h J��Y`y_..�.'.. � ,' ' " . ���� Y ��' .� +�� • ,�....i� ,� �., � 1�+ , i'� �y � � �y� ���r��" � ;��f Y . � .� ���. , ;� ;:�'� �u��: ,�, . , 't; � ;r i; } .�„� :�i�`t,� . . "�Ar*f`���,� �. � � �.� y � +� .!.I �'�•;;�.'�,s "f j � f '�,,,/�,t �,,' a � '"'t,r.� ��4'+�`ls 1.. . _+`�. " � ��, �` ,�f.�� ����`'J ,,����`��t id��+''�,sv;.,1���x-�',�;".i.�.�"�4�� ! .,�! "�` � -�{ y'`'v:{_:'_�� fi" 2'�- ,?'� _c t.��,�` 1 • ' PRICE qUOTATION H E[ N �N 8� M A�O l�I �N�. 33 Central Avenue OSSEC7, MINNES�TA 55369 Telephone 425-2178 Area Code bl2 DATE Please indicate 4-20-90 this number when Ordering Clty of Rosemount YOIJR INqI�IRY DATED TERMS Tp 2875 1�Jt� S� pqpP�SE�5HIPPING OATE TU BE SHI�PED�IA Rosemaunt Mn 55068 Attn: Rich Cook $4LESMAN P.O.G. P�'O. L:OIL. — RM HERE 1S OUR QUOTATI�N ON THE GOODS NAMED• � • s • 1 Kifco B-160 Hater Reel Irrigator with 390' of tube, supply hose � Nelson P-85 sprinkler. $ 4175.00 1 8 H.P. Monarch/Honda Booster Pump mounted on Ki�co B-160 $ 1550.d0 1 Nelson SR 100 Big Gun sprinkler $ 750.00 �y�J^ � 3p ,�!''i��t �� �L� QUqTE VALID FOR DAYB. BY 70 CONFIRM OROER, BION ANC� RETURN WNITE /1CCEPTANCE COPY Y � � KFFCO, INC. � P.O. Box 367 600 S.Schrader Ave. Havana, Illinois 62644 U.S.A. � Phone:(309)543-4425 TELEX: 36't-611 QUAIITY IHRIGATION EQUIPMENT FAX:309-543-4945 April 24, 1990 Rich Cook City of Rosemount 2875 145th St Rosemount r�J 55068 � 12F,• Quotation Qty 1 Kifco Water-Reel Model B160 $4400.00 Qty 1 Booster Pwnp 8f�iP Honda/ Monarch pwnp set mot�nted directly on the 13160 �1800.0� . Qty 1 Nelson SR1(�0 Big Gun with a Taper bore nozzle $ 850.00 The above prices include delivery and set up � ehar�es. Tot�l package priee �'��.�6 r�..�L..�-vv--��-st,� Graham G. Curtis � Kifco/ Ag-Rain GR � r NEIL D41�NBUSCH & ASSOCIATES u�az e.c�rv�uc.�R. NEW PRAGUE,MtV 56071 TELEPHONE(612)758�2086 March 1, 1990 City of Rosemount 2775 - 145th Street Rosemount, MN 55068 �ttention: Rick Cook Dear Rick: Thank you for the opportunity to quote on a Bauer Rainboy for your irrigation needs. Neil Dornbusch & Associates offers: 1 Hauer Rainboy including: a. Ti-'7 full flow injection turbine b, Speed compensation c. Speedameter and pressure gauge d. 15" tires for easy maneuverability e. Standard P85 sprinkler package with low rise cart f. Inlet hose Your Cost $4,470,00 1 - 2" Booster pump with mounting brackets and control valves. �our Cost $1,450.00 � `��"�� $S� • °�`� I am expecting my first shipmer�t around April 1, 1990 wh3.ch will be available for demonstra�ion a�. that time. I£ yau have any questions or would like to go ahead with an order, please cantact me. Thanks, � . �� Nei7. Aornbusch ND� Enclosure l P O RC1X !"i10 -.. � / ] 2HT5-IA�iFII `.>T W �� ���.° � ��l1 l� O �. � � RO�FMOUNT. MINNESOTf1 ��5(1f,F1 �� c�,�eYnvu Y�l �,�_��:3-�4„ �,� `�- � . � ITEM � 6 C TQ; Mayor / City Council % Stephan Jilk - City Administratar �pM; David J. Bechtold - Director of Parks & Recreation DATE: May 9, 1990 gE; purchase of Aerater Constant care of the turf in our park system is required to maintain a healthy thick growth. One problem related to turf growth along with dry conditions is the compaction of the soil. To loosen the soil and allow for greater root growth a process called aeration is required. The machine used in this process is known as an aerater. It is pulled behind a tractor over the areas �ulled from the. Rollers with metal prongs cause "plugs" of soil to be p ground generating holes about 3/4 " in diameter and 4" to 6" i.n depth in the ground. In the past years we have used the aerater of the school district. It has come time for us to purchase aur sQ havehabilityhtoemaintain�the� for our use as the need arises. We al �or use when working condition of tt►e machine to make sure it is ready we need it. Rick Cook, oueraters.SToethisQdateaonly onetcompanyrhascreturned aor ( inf ormation a quote. ' T n The machine quoted is of very high quality and of the desThe price e d� prefer. Tt is manufactured and sold by the Toro Company. tir quoted for the machine is $2,623•00. Funds for this aeretbr �uncil actionbontthis date.Clp � 28 �533) as approved for chang y Council action requested is for authorization to purchase an aerater mode7. � 687 from the '�oro Companp for a price of $2,63A.00. ------__ .��� � f'�� [4�tx � li� ,-�-• / �� 4����� �� itv ��tt.`;�.rl�i f�ll t'i`.TI� F �N - ' .< <t�_���i ; � '� . ; � tJiJt ' lii � ��. ��,z�����r�'��..�t���� i;l ' �a:t�-{}il ��'�� # 6G T0: Mayor / City Council X Stephan Jilk - City Administrator FROM: David J. Bechtold - Director of Parks & Recreation DATE: May 10, 1990 RE; Furchase of Trrigation System for Flower Garden The Rasemount Flower Garden has caught the interest �f many of the Rosemount Businesses as we11 as the g;eneral public. Many thanks have gane out to Deaana Simpson for her leader�hip role in gettiag this project from the drawing table and into the cons�ruction phase. One af the items required for the care of the plants in the garden is an irrigatian system designed for flower gardens.• The Parks Department is willing to use a portion of its CIP funding to assist with the over all pro�ect and to pay for the costs of the irrigation system followin� Council approval to do so. We have selected Southview Design to install the irrigation system. This was based upon the fact that the irrigation will be connected to � the system already installed to irrigate the city hall area. Southview Design was the contractor who installed that system. This will make for ease in compatible design from the city hall system to the flower garden area. The coet estimate presented for the project was $ 1,700.00. Other factors outside of the quoted price such as add3tional specially designed heads for irrigating flowers could bring the cost to approximately $2,000.00. The funding will come from the Parks & Recreation CIP fund �� 46 (537) as identified by Council action for CIP changes that included this item. Council action is requested to authorize Southview Design to install the irrigation system in the Flower Garden pro�ect at a cost not to egceed $2,000.00. TO:MAYOR NAPFER CQUNCILMEMBERS:KLASSEN OXBOROUGH WILLCOX WIPPERMAN FROM:STEPHAN JILK RE: 1990 Legislative Cuts to State Aids For Cities Action taken by the Legislature in 1990 will cause a reduction in State Aid payments to City of Rosemount in the amount of $38,848. . This will be caused by the State reducing the, yet to be received state payments in July and November by this amount. Because we were expecting some cuts this year we prepared our budgets accordingly although not sufficiently to cover the cut we did receive and so I would recommend the following reductions in expenditures for the year 1990 to keep our budget in balance as affected by the state aid cut. Account Title Amount Number of Account of Reduction 101-41320-06-139 New Position (start 1�-1-90) 17, 566. 101-41110-01-598 Contingencies 15,000. 101-41110-01-307 Training 3, 000. 101-41810-01-303 Engineering Fees 1,000. 101-41810-01-321 T�lephone 3,000. � Total Reductians Proposed 39, 566. The budget would not actually be revised but directives will be given to curtail expenses by these amounts. Making these proposed cuts will effect operations by not allowing the additian of a much needed support staff person until October. This will cause a continued overload on support �taff in the engineering and public warks departm�nt. A1so, a portion of our training program proposed for a taem building effort will be cut short and will not be implemented until 1991. I would recommend these cuts and request your app�oval to put them in place.