HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.a. Minutes of March 6, 1990 Regular Council Meeting . . ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING MARCH 6, 1990 Pursuant to due call and notice thezeof a regular meeting of the City Councii of the City of Rosemount was duly held on Tuesday, March 6, 1990, at ?:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. Mayor Napper called the meeting to order with all members present. Mayor Napper led the group in the Pledge of A1legiance, The agenda was amended as follows: Item 4(i) Partial Payment for Watear �'ower; Ztem 5(a) American Legian Addition Discussion; Item 5(b) Approve Survey Work/G�neral Engineering Casts for podd Boulevard Bike Trail; Item 7(d) Burn Moratorium Amendment; and Item 7(e) Hazardous Waste Disposal were added to the agenda. Consent Agenda Item 4(d) Set Hearing Date - Sign Ordinance; Item 4(e) Accept Fire Department Resignations; and Item 4(f) Approve Specs for New Front End Loader were moved to Old Business for discussion. Council concurred the last sentence of the second paragraph on page 4 of the Minu�es of the February 20, 1990 Regular Council Meeting should be changed to read as follows: A eonsensus was reached by Gouncil to request the city adrninistrator to report back to Couneil as to the merits of such a project; and if such a project was to be undertaken, a recommendation from the administratar as to the apprapriate schedule for such a project as well as cost information. MOTION by Napper to approve the Consent Agenda subject to an amendment to the minutes of the February 20, 1990 Regular Council Meetinq. SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes: Willcox, Wippermann, Nappe�c, Oxborough, Klassen. Nays:� 0. Council Member Oxborough commented on the success of the March 4, 1990 American Legion Open House for their recently completed new adclition and expansion project. Council Member Oxborough thanked city sta£f for their cooperation and service on this project and also their attendance at the open house. Parks & Recreation Director David Bechtold requested Council approval to authorize an expenditure not to exceed $4,100.00 for general survey and engineering work for bike trail construction on the south side of Dodd Boulevard for approximately 150 to 200 feet west of Chippendale Avenue. Bechtold advised this amount represented an estimated price from the consultants and any additional costs would be considered by Councii. Bechtold further advised preparation of the plans and specifications at this time could allow this project to be included with the 145th Street Reconstruction Project which will provide a cost savings to the city. See Clerk' s File 1 990-5. MOTION by Wippermann to authorize expenditures in the amount of $4,100.00 for the purpose of planning and surveying for the construction of a bike trail along the south side of Dodd Boulevard. SECONO by Klassen. Ayes: Wippermann, Napper, Oxborough, Klassen, Willcox. Nays: 0. City Planner Michael Wozniak requested the City Council to set a public hearing date of March 20, 1990, at 8:00 p.m. , or as soon thereafter as possible, to consider an amendment to the zoning ordinance regarding sign provisians. Wozniak advised the proposed amendment is the result of staff _ � ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEET�N6 MARCH 6� 1990 working together with a committee of business owners. A concern was expressed from the Council that residents who are not business owners did not have the opportunity to provide input on the sign ordinance amendment. It was suggested the committee review the sign ordinance revisions again, with non-business owner residents providing input, or that an advertisement be placed in the local newspapers to assure that all interested citizens are aware of the public hearing. Discussion foilowed with Council reaching a consensus that the process shoulc� not be changed at this point in timef and a paid advertisement would be the appropriate, Council further coneurred it would be appropriate to try to encourage the editors of the local newspapers to do an article on the upcoming public hearing. See Clerk' s File 1990-5. MOTION by Nappe'r to set a public hearing date on March 20, 1990, at 8:00 p.m. , or as soan thereafter as possible, to consider a rezoning text amendment with regards to the sign provisions of the Zoning Ordin�nce. SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes: Napper, Oxborough, Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann. Nays: 0. Fire Chief Scott Aker presented for Council ratification the resignations of Glen Uitdenbogerd and Tim Siebens from the Rosemount Volunteer Fire Department. The Fire Chief advised that although the two resignations are not a real detriment to the number of required members for the dep�rtment, the recruitment of possibly four new members would bring the overall membership to a more suitable number. See Clerk' s File 1990-5. MOTION by Willcox to accept the resignations of Firefighters Tim Siebens and Glen Uitdenbogerd. SECOND by Napper. Ayes: Oxborough, Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann, Napper. Nays: 0. Discussion was heid on the specifications prepared by the public works department staff for a new front end loader. In review of the specifications, it was noted the specifications did not include specifi.c requirements tor Z-bar linkage which the city engineer advised would be an advantage over having two cylinders on each side of the bucket. City Engineer Hefti advised this requirement will be included in the specifications. See Clerk' s File 1990-5. MOTION by Willcox to approve the specification for a new front end loader and to authorize advertisement of bids with a bid opening date of April 6, 1990, at 10:00 a.m. SECOND by Klassen. Ayes: Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann, Napper, Oxborough. Nays: 0. Mayor Napper opened the public hearing scheduled for this time to cansider applications for on-sale and off-sale non-intoxicating liguor licenses received from Brockway Golf Club, Inc. The city clerk presented for the record the Affidavit of Publication and Affidavit of Posted Hearing Notice. See Clerk' s File 1990-5. City Clerk Susan Johnson advised the applications have met City Code requirements and recommended approval of the licenses. Arnold Moss, President of Brockway Golf Club, Inc. answered questions from the Council Members. See Clerk' s File 1990-5. 2 � � ROSEMDUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING MARCH 6, 1990 There were no comments or concerns heard from the audience regarding the applications. MOTION by Willcox to close the public hearing. SECOND by Klassen. Ayes3 Willcox, Wippermann, Napper, Oxborough, Klassen. Nays: 0. MQTION by Oxborough to grant an on-sale non-intoxicating malt liquor license and an off-sale non-intoxicating malt liquor license to Brockway Golf Club, Inc. SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes: Wippermann, Napper� Oxborough, Klassen, Willcox. Nays: 0. Jon Scott, Rosemount Firemen' s Relief Association President, presented for Council ratification amendments to the relief association' s B.ylaws which were approved by the mecnbership on January 23, 1990. Sco�t advised the elimination of the short term disability benefit was the result of the membership concurring the benefit was tpo expensive and potential liability was too great from a legal standpoint. See C1erk' s File 1990-5. MOTION by Napper to approve the Rosemount Firemen' s Reli.ef Association B laws amendrnent�. SECON� by Wi�.lcox. Ayes: Napper, Oxborough, Kl�ssen, Willcox, Wippermann. Nays: 0. City Engineer Rich Hefti presented for Council approval the plans and specifications for Chippendale Avenue Street Improvements, from 151st Street to 160th Street. Hefti advised one reason for considering improvements to Chippendale Avenue at this time is because the Minnesota Department of Transportation is proposing to reconstruct the bridge over Highway 3 south of County Road 42. Motorists would undoubtedl take 160th Street to C ' Y hi e ndale Avenue to Coun PP ty Road 42, which would quickly deteriorate the condi.tion of the existing Chippendale Avenue. Hefti adcled this project would also include extending watermain down Chippendale to 160th Street. The city engineer recommended a bid opening on Friday, April 13, 1990, at 10;00 a.m. See Clerk' s File 1990-5. MOTION by Napper to adopt A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING ADVERTISEMENT OF BIDS� GHIPPENDALE AVENUE STREET IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT 191 . SECOND by Oxborough. Ayes: Oxborough, Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann, Napper. Nays: 0. City Planner Michael Wozniak presented for approval Gomprehensive Guide Plan Amendment #15 for the redesignation of 80 acres of property located west of Biscayne Avenue and north of 160th Street from Agriculture to Generai Industrial. See Clerk' s File 1990-5. MOTION by Napper to approve Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment #15. SECOND by Klassen. Ayes: Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann, Napper, Oxborough. Nays: 0. Council Member Willcox advised Council of H.F. 2444 presented to the House of Representatives from the Environment and Natural Resources Cammittee. The bill would require counties projected to use resource recovery facilities to recycle at least 35� of its waste and divert from the waste stream at least 35� of the heavy metai in the waste. The bill would also 3 - '�' Rl?SEMOUNT CITY PROCSEDINGS REGULAR MSETING � MARCH 6, 1990 require the Pollution Control Agency ta conduct studies to determine the need for resourse recovery facilities and place a moratorium on issuance of permits for resourse recovery facilities until the study is completed. The bill was amended to exclude Dakota County and Winona County. Council Member Willcox further advised he presented City Roaemount Resolution No. 1990-17 to the House Members when he testified in support of this bi11. Willcox also stated he iearned tY�e Governor's proposed budget contained a line item in the amount o� approximately $7,0OO,OQO designated for a hazardous waste site on University of Minnesota property in Rosemount� Following discussion, Council concurred to have Ci.ty �taff follow �ip on Bill H.F. 2444 and the hazardous waste site budget �.tem and keep Council regularly informed. See Clerk' s Fil� 1990-5. The Council Members agreed it would be appropriate for Council and City staff inembers to meet in the near future to address the items establishecl at the recent goal setting session; and specifically those issues with regards to the Dakota County waste to energy facility, the University of Minnesota property and the Comprehensive Guide Plan. The city clerk was directed to have the city administrator, who was not present at this meeting, to update the City Council on the status of the priorities and the timeline for future meetings of the City Council and staff. MOTION by Napper to adjourn. SECONp by Wippermann. Ayes: 5. N3ys; 0. Respectfully submitted, Susan M. Johnson, �ity Clerk ATTEST: - Vernon J. Napper, Mayor Published this day of , 1990 in Dakota Countv Tribune. 4