HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.l. Approve Chang Order #1, Well #8 Construction .�� # �r *���******�*****************#******MEMO******�**�*�*******�**�r******�c�k*�*� � DATE: MARCH 15, 1990 TO: MAYOR & COUNCILMEMBERS C/O ADMINI$TRATOR JILK `, FRQM: CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR HEF � RE: ITEMS FOR THE MARCH 20, 1990 COUNCIL MEETING CON$ENT AGENDA Approve Change Order �1 far Contract ].989-2. Well #8 Construction This item consist of approving Change order #1 to City Contract 1989-2, Well #8 Construction. The change order consist of increasing the aontract amount by $1,391.00 as a result of the difference between the actual installed unit price quantities and �he bid price quantities. Attached is a copy of the change order fvr Councils information. On the second page you will note the differences from the contract estimated quantities (3rd column) to the actual installed quantity to date (4th column) . Recommended action for Council to consider is to approve Change Order #1 to City Contract 1989-2, Municipal Well #8 Construction, in the amaunt of $1, 391.00 and authorize the Mayor to sign the change order. �HANCx� ORDER TOLTZ, KING, DWALL, ANDERSON AND ASSOCIATES, INCORPORATED Engineers-ArchiteCts-Planners St. Faul, MN arc�� i9�Q, Comm. No. 9230-01 Change Order No. �, To Kev•s Well�g Drillinp�'o_mo�nv_,_, for My{�i�i Qa3 Well �jo 8 for City of RQ4P*�+��in�., Minnesota You are hereby directed to make the following change to your contract dated May 2, � , 19 �. The change and the work af£ected thereby is subject to al�. contract stipulations and covenants. This Change Order will (increase) (de�re�a�se) (not—ckc�ge) the contract sum by one Thousand Th��_,. Hundred Nine�y-on� and - - - no/j,90 Dollars ($ 1.�91.00 ) , COMPENSATI�j,G CHANGE ORDER This change order shows the actuai quantities installed at the unit price bid amounts (see attached itemization) : NET CFiANGE ORDER Add $ 1,391.00 Amount of Original Contract $ 120.820.00 Additions approved to date (Nos. ) S O,S?9 Deductions approved to date (Nos. ) $ 0.00 Contract amount to date $ 1�0�820.00 Amount of this Change Order (Add) (Btd�a�t) iBkst'-�rangzdi' S + 1.391.00 Revised Contract Amount $ 1,,�-2�7,..00 TOLT , NG, DUVALL, ANDERSON ApprovedS'�IT�, OF RQSEMOL�+jT� MN AND ASSOC A� IN ORP TED Owner By By Date David L. Moore, P.E. Approved KEY� WELL DRII,LIN�, INC. White - Owner* Contractor Pink - Contractor* By Blue - TKDA* Date Yellow - Field Goldenrod - Department Green - TKDA Main File *Only copie9 needing signatures. �� r' Item Contract Quantity Unit Net t�,i�, Descr9.ption Ouan�itv � Date Differenc� Price Chanae 1 MOBILIZATI�N/DEMOBILIZATION 3, LS 1.00 0 80(?0.00 $ 0,00 2 DRILL 30^ DIA CASED HOLE 60 LF 65.00 + 5 2OO.Q0 -F$ 1,000.00 3 INSTALL 24" CASING 60 LF 65.00 + $ 55.00 +$ 275.00 4 DRILL 24" DIA CASED HOLE 130 LF 112.00 - I8 120.00 -$ 2,160.00 5 DRILI, 23" DIA ROCK HOLE 290 LF 321.00 � 31 60.00 +$ 1,860.00 6 F&I 18" DIA INNER CASING 390 LF 3$9.U0 - 1 39.00 -$ 39.00 7 CEMENT GROUT ANNULAR SPACE 30 CY 30.00 0 200.00 $ 0.00 8 EXPLOSIVES 400 LB 200.00 - 200 lO.Ofl -$ 2,000.00 9 REMOVE ROCK 300 CY 316.00 + 16 70.00 +$ 1,120.00 10 COMPRESSOR FOR AIR SURGING 1 LS 1.00 0 3000.QQ $ O.UO 11 AIR SURGING 32 HR 54.00 t 22 130.00 +$ 2,860.00 12 ADDITIONAL AIR SURGING EQUIPMT 1 LS 0.00 - 1 500.00 -$ 500.00 13 TEST PUMP 1 LS 1.00 U 3000.00 $ O.QO 14 WELL TESTING 60 HR 57.50 - 2.5 110.00 -$ 275.OQ 15 F/I/R WELL PUMP FOR ADDNL TEST 1 I,S 0.00 - 1 500.00 -$ 500.00 16 ADDNL SAND CONTENT TESTS 5 EA 0.00 - 5 50.00 -$ 50.00 7 NET CHANGE ORDER +$. 1,391.00