HomeMy WebLinkAbout7. Valley Oak Addition Replat, Phase IV Assessment Hearing - � ITEM # �**���r*****�t***********�t**�t********MEMO**�t******�*****�t�t*************��*� DATE: MA.RCH 15, 19 9 0 TO: MAYOR & COUNCILMEMBERS C/O ADMINISTRATOR JILK FROM: CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR HEFT ' � RE: TTEMS FOR THE MARCH 20, 1990 COUNCIL MEETING PUBLIC HEARING Valley Oak Addition Replat, Phase IV AssPssment Hearin,g This item consist of conducting a public hearing for consideration of adopting the assessment roll. a� presented to the Caunail for this pro�ect. This memo contains a brief background informati4n and recommendation foz Cauncil to take afte� closing the hearing. Valley Oak Replat-Phase IV consisted of the installation of water, sewer, storm sewer, streets and street lights for single family residential area. This phase happens to be the last part of the Valley Oak Addition Replat that was started about 10 years ago. Attached is a copy of the assessment roll for this project for CounGils reference. . For Staffs part of the public hearing, I will provide a summary of the scope of this original pro�ect along wi.th an explanation of the determination of the assessment amaunts and the assessment roll. I will also be available to answer questions from the Council ar the audience regarding the projeet and the determination of the assessment amounts. After closing the meeting Councils recommended action to consider is to adopt the attached resolution adopting the assessment roll. EXHIBIT "A" MAILING LIST � Valley Oaks Replat - Phase IV Page Nc,. 1 Flssessment Hearing: March 2Q, 1990 Ftss�ssment Oue 9efore: �ril 2�, 199Q 02/2G/90 Years Spread: 5 PRRCEL NUMBER CC PLAT LQT 8L LRST Nf4l� FiRS't' ,�IME fiDORE55 CITY STA ZIP UNIT TQ3AL 34 81310 I50 Q2 Crossing Ca. Winds 25594 Cornell Trail �osemount MN �5068 1 �6,84I.90 34 82310 i6Q QZ Crossing Co. i�inds 15594 Cornell Trail Rose�sou�t MN 550b8 L 56,84i.90 34 91320 27II 02 Crossing Co. Winds I5594 Carnell TraiL Rase�unt #1N 5�068 I $6,341.9Q 34 81.�10 180 �2 Crossing Ca. Winds 15594 Cornell Trail Rosemount MN 55068 I �6,842_4p 3� t3131Q 19A 02 Crossir�g Co. Fiinds 15594 Cornell Trail Ros�,aount MN 55068 I x6,84I.90 34 81320 2Q� 02 Crossir�g Ca_ Winds 2559� Cornell Trail Rosesount !NN 55Q68 1 56,841_9II 34 H131Q 21tT a'2 Crossing Ca. 4iirids I5594 Corne�I t Trai I Rose�oc�nt I"1� �506H L �5,84I_9KI 3� 913IQ 220 Q2 Cressing Ca. Idi� � I5594 Cornell Trail Rosemount MN 55068 L �6.341.4Q 34 8i310 23Q Q2 Crossing Co. Winds I559A� Carnell Trail Roseaacsnt MN SS�68 1 t6,3�41_9D 34 81310 240 �2 Crossing Co. Winds 15594 Cornell Trail Rase�ount i'1h1 5�068 1 �6,64I_9� 34 8I310 250 Q2 Crossing Co. Winds 15594 Cornell Trail Rusewount MN 5505$ i �6,841.9Q 3� 8I31D �b� �2 Crossing Co. Winds 15594 Carneli Trail Roseaiount MN S�J68 1 �6,941.g0 3� 91314 270 Q^c Cr�sir�g Co_ Winds 15594 Cornell Tr3i1 Roseaiount t'iN S�D68 1 �6,34i.'30 3d 31310 280 l32 Cro�sirx� Co_ Winds 15594 Cornel I Trai 1 Rose�nount MN 55C)68 1 �6,341.9Q 3�t @131Q 290 02 Crossing Ca_ iii� 1`5594 �nell Trail i�as�arourrt -!MM 5'S068 L �6.3+tI_�1 34 8I3IQ Q2Q 03 Cressing Ca. 6iiru#s t5S34 Cflrnel I Trai I �emour�t MN 5�068 I �6,94I_30 34 8I32Q Q3Q Q3 Crossing Co_ 9�iinds I5594 Cornell Trail Rasenwurtt I�IV SSQ68 L x6.84I.9Q 3d $131Q �� 04 Crossis�g Co. f�lirtds 155� C�-nell Trail Rase�ou�t h1N 55068 1 �b,84Z.9Q 34 8I310 23Q 0� Crossing Co_ Ninds 15594 Cornell Trail Rosemount MN 5�68 1 �6.B4I.�0 34 81310 240 04 C+-ossing Co_ Winds I5594 Carrre�l I Tr�i 1 Rose�eount 1°ttV 55068 1 �6,9�+1.90 34 8131Q 0@O I0 Crossing Co. Wirids I5594 Cornell Tr�il Rese�ount MN 55�II68 1 $6.841.90 34 81310 Q9t7 IO Crossing Co. Winds 15594 Corne11 Trail Rose�nt MN 550�66 1 xb,Bdl_90 � 34 813I0 IOQ 10 Crossir�g Ca_ {�ir�s i5594 Co�nel I Trai 1 Ros�n�ount MN 55p6H I �6,�341_9Q � 34 813IQ I1Q LO 5chrita Brad3ey S_ � l2oisirt L. I5b72 CrrstoM Ct_ Rcse�aount MN 55t3f8 I �6,941.90 34 813IQ 22Q IQ Crossing Ca. t�;nds 1559� Cornell Trai1 Rosemount MN �5Dfi8 1 �5,8dI.90 � 34 81310 130 IQ Crassing Cc_ I•ii� I5594 Ca�rn�rll i'rail Rosanwunt MN SSpi68 L �6,841_90 3� BI3I0 I4Q 14 C�-ossing Cc_ Wir�ds 15594 �ornel l Trai 1 Rose�nt MN 55068 I �6,84i.90 � 34 81310 15� 10 Crossing Co_ Wincis 1559� Cornel l 3r.�i 1 i?os�nunt h!M 55068 1 x6,841_�0 iOTRt, �19I,573_IO �. ,� , , �, • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT RE�OLUTION 1990 - �• A RESOLUTION ADOPTTNG ASSESSMENT ROLL ' VALLEY OAK ADDITTON REPLAT, PHABE IV STREET & UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS { PROJECT NO. 196 ' i WHEREAS, pursuant to notice duly given as required by law, the City { Council has met, heard and passed upon all objections to the i proposed assessment for Valley Oak Addition Replat, Phase IV Strest � & Utility Improvements, Project No. 196, and has amended such proposed assessment as it deems just. ' � NOW THEREFORE 8E IT RESOLVED by the City Gouncil of the City of ' Rosemount, Minnesota, as follows: ' (1) Such proposed assessment, in the amount of $191, 573 . 10, a copy of whicl� is in Clerk's File 1990-6 is hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessment against the lands ' named therein, and each tract of land therein is hereby found to be benefited by the proposed improvement. , (2) Such assessments shall be as follows: a. The assessments shall be payable in equal annual �-- installments extending over a period of five (5) years, the first of said installments to be payable with general taxes for the year 1990, collectible with sUch taxes c�uring the year 1991. ' b. To the first instal�ment shall be added interest at the � rate of eight and seven-tenths percent (8.7�) per annum on the entire principal amount af the assessment from the date of this resolution until December 31 of the year in which such installment is payable. To each subsequent installment, when due there shall be added interest for one year at said rate on the unpaid principal amount of the assesSment. c. The owner of any property so assessed may at any �ime ' prior to the certifieation of the assessment or the first � installment thereaf to the County Auditor, pay the whale of the principal amount of the assessment on such property with interest accrued to the date of payment to the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the date hereof; and such property owner may at any time prior to November 15 of any year pay to the County Auditor the entire principal amount of the assessment remaining due with interest accrued to December 31 of the year in which said payment is made. � ��� / � (3j The City Clerk shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate copy of this assessment roll to the County Audztor to be extended on the tax list of the County. �._.._ ADOPTED this 20th day of March, 1990. Vernon J. Napper, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M, JoMnson, City Clerk � I Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against• __ � � .. . _. _ _._ _ __ ______ _ _ _____.__ _ _ ______ __ __ _ _ _. _ _ __ _ .._____