HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.a. Approve Spec's / Authorize Ad for Bids, Fire Department Rescue Truck ,�.,....�,....�....,..b.�..�,..._ ,.�.... . x.........., __- _ _---_ __ _ _ __..._ . ' ITEM � �� ���������� �OLU����� 2$75 145th Street West Ftosemount, MN 55066 F��� ������`���� City Hall 612-423-4411 Fire Hall 612-423-3444 T0: Steve Jilk, City Admina.strator Mayor Napper Council Members Klassen, Oxborough, Willcox, Wippermann FROM: Scott Aker, Fire Chief DATE: March ].6, 1990 RE: Approval of Specifications and Authorization for Bids on Rescue Truck For almost two years, a committee made up of Rosemount fire fighters has been collecting information and data on specifications for a proposed new rescue truck. As you have been - made �ware , through discussions of the CIP and the presentation of_ thc� annual report , this new rescue truc)c would replace our curr_ent 197$ model as the first respanse vehicle to medical calls . The current res�ue truck would become a utility support vehicle and a backup res�u.e truck in case of simultaneous calls, ' On the average, the Rosetnount Fire Depar.tment re�ponds to r�scues more than they respond t� any other �.�y�e of calls: Rescue c�I1s account for ap�roximatel� 6Q to 70 p�rcet�t of th� calls that cae do have. As you can see, the rescuc vehicle is t�ie most used and most critie�l piece of response equipment that we have. This rescue committee has been chair�d by Assistiant Chief, Jahn Strese with assistance f�om one of o�r fire fig�t�rs, Dan Corri�an. It was alsa ri�ade up of several othe� fi�e fighters for input. Dean Sandstrom, the city mechanic, graciously volunteered to assist u� with some of the more technical specifications �hat were needed, has attended almost every meeting that the committee has had and has been a very valuabl� asset in putting together our specifications . During the time the committ�e has been operating, the cities of Hastings, Inver Grove Heights, Burnsville, and Farmington have taken delivery of rescue and/or ambulance vehicles. The committee has visited most of these departments, looked at what they are using and have attempted to incorporate as many of the �ood ideas as possible into this vehicle to make it as workable and as efficient for the City a£ Rosemount as 3.s possible. They have also talked with various distributor� and visited manufacturers of rescue vehicles in order to best ascertain if certain design features they felt would be necessary could be � incorporated into such a vehicle. � Attached are those specifications which we have drawn up which seem to best fit the needs of the City of Rosemaunt . T will attempt ta have as many of the key people; John Strese, Dan Corrzgan, and Dean Sandstrom available at the council meeting to answer any qu.estions or provide clarification if you so desire. � Approva� a� Rescue Truck Specifications Fage 2 W+e wau�d �t �h�,� t�m� 1�c�1� t� Che �ity caunc3.� �o app�ov� the � specificatio�ne that are attached and authorize ue �o go out £or bids . Because the fire department inuolves itself so seldom in this process, it was necessary to draw on the expertise of other depa�tments as we brought all of this information together. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Steve Jilk, Sue Johnson, Linda Jentink, Deb Widstrom, Rich Hefti, and again Dean Sandstrom for all the help they prov�.ded to the committee. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. dw attachment CITY OF Ri�SEMOUNT �DYERTISEMENT OF BID Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the City of Rosemoant until 10:00 A.M., C.S.T., April b, 1990 and will then be publicly opened and read aloud. Bids are being requested for the purchase of.the following equipment: ONE (1) NEW 1990 EMERGENCY VEHICLE RESCUE TRUCK Specifications may be obtained through the office of the City Clerk, City of Rosemount, P.O. Box 510, 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068. All bids shall be on forms on file in the of fice of the City Clerk which will be furnished free to each bidder upon his request. All bids must be sealed, marked "Bids for Purchase of New 1990 Emergency Vehicle Rescue Truck" and addressed to the City Clerk. Each bid shall be accompanied hy a certified check, cashier's check, or bid bond in the amnunt of five (5°�0) percent of the total bid price, made payable to the C:ity of Rosemount. The City of Rosemount reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to accept the bid it feels is in the best interest of the community. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL Susan M. .Iohnson City Clerk CITY QF ROSEMOUNT BIn SPECIFICATIONS � N This invitation is issued for the purpose of establishing a vendor to supply equipment to the City of Rosemount in accordance with these specifications. Specificatic�ns for: One (1) New 1990 Emergency Vehicle Rescue Truck PureBasing Agent: John Strese, Assistant Fire Chief Buyer: City of Rosemount P.O. Box S14 2875 145th St. West Rosemount, MN 55068 Telephone Number: (612) 423-4411 The following refers to the bid specification requirements: Bid Opening Date/Time: April 6, 199Q 10:00 A.M., C.S.T. Bid Opcning Location: Rosemount City Hall 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Bid Deposit: 5% of Total Bid Performance/Payment Bond: A performance/payment bond in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the total bid at the time the contract is signed by both parties. The City ciesires the maximum financial protection p�ssible, so the performanee/payment bond must hc furnished by the manufacturer and signed by a company officer. A performance/payment bond not signed by a cc�m}�any officer or furnished t�y a sales representative will mean .iutomatic rcjcclion undcr any ��r :all circumstanccs. Notes: All standard terms and conditions apply as specified within product specifications. VENDOR'S NAME - BID FORM - FOR ONE (1) 1990 NEW EMERGENCY VEHICLE RESCUB TRUCR Assistant Fire Chief John Strese City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West P. O. Box 510 Rosemount, MN 55068 We submit for your consideration the following bid in accordance with specifications on file in the office of the City Clerk in the City o� Rosemount. MARE OF EQUIFMENT BID MODEL OF EQUIPMENT BID All prices must be F.O.B. Rosemount, Minnesota. BASE „�ID ONE (1) 1990 NEW EMERGENCY VEHICLE �� RESCUE TRUCK I $ � NOTE; Any deviation from specifications for this emergency vehicle shall be noted on the specification sheet and a written explanation as to the exception provided with this bid form. Failure to do so may be reason for rejection of the bid. DELIVERY DATE: If rescue truck not delivered by date stated or time specified, $50 per day liquidated damages will be enforced. Bid enclosure requirements: 1. Bid Form and specification sheets. 2. Authorized Signature - (Within bid form) 3. Statement of any deviations ta specifications, attach to bid form. 4. Manufacturer literature & specifications sheets �. Manufacturer warranty statement . .� ` BID FORM 1990 EMERGENCY VEHICLE RESCU� TRUCK PAGE 2 Sealed bids will be received and publicly opened and read by two officials of th� City of Rosemount on April 5, 1990 at 10:Q0 a.m. C.S.T. , at the Rosemount City Hall, located at 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount, MN 55068. Enclosed herewith is a certified check, cashier's check, bid bond, money order, made payable to the City of Rosemount in the amount o� $ (equal to at least 5� of the bid) to guarantee that the bidder, should his bid be accepted, enter promptly into a contract. NON-COLLUSION STATEMENTs (Required for submission of k�id) I l��r�b�r �wear (or �fgirm� und�r the per��►l�y far �er�ury: 1. That I am the bidder, a partner a� tl�e bidder, o� an �t�ic�ar or �emplc�y�� o� th� b�ddin� csas�,aor�t5�vn h�ving �utha�i.�� tcs sign on it�s b�hmltt 2 . That this bid or bids have been arrived at by the bidder independently and have been submitted without collusion with, and without any agreement, understanding or plann�d common course of action with any other vendor of materials, supplies, equipment or services which maybe designed to limit independent bidding or competition; 3 . That the contents of the bid or bids have not been communicated by the bidder or its employees or agents to any person not employee or agent of th� bidder or its surety on any bond furnished with the bid or bids and will not be communicated to any such person prior to the offieial opening of the bid or bids; and 4 . That I have fully informed myself regarding the accuracy of the statements made in this statement. In submitting this bid, the bidder understands that the City reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive informalities, to award the bid in the best interest of the City, and to accept trades on any or all units to be traded, or to accept the base bid without trade. Date of Bid: SUBMITTED BY: NAME OF BIDDER ADDRESS TELEPHONE NUMBER STATE OF INCORPORATION AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE