HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.b. Armory Support Resolution . ,I . . . . . . . � ��� P O. ROX 510 /Z�� 0 28T5-145TN ST. W. � O�Q/I'l.OVL�� ROSEMOUNT, MINNESQTA 5506$ 612-a23-44 t 1 ITEM # �g March 12, 1990 T0: Mayor Napper Council Members: K].assen Oxborough Willcox Wippermann FROM: Stephan Jilk, City Administrator RE; Minnesota Armq Reserve National Guard Division Headquarter Armory Proposal On Monday, Februarp 26, Ma�or General John Cox called our offices and spoke to Dean Johnson. General Cox indi.cated that the Guard - had been working with the City of N�w Brighton for some two years in placing a 400 person armory there. This Armorp was to b� the r�home" for: 1) The 47th Viking Division Headquarters 2) The 47th Viking Divisian Band Heat�quarters 3) The 47th' Viking Division Military Palice (MP) Headquarters It would have 37 or more fu11 time employees and the division headquarters would be commanded by a two- star general, Division Commander General Dave Lueck. The City of New Brighton studied the opportunity , in depth, that this would provide to sugport their efforts to bnild a communitq center which would include a theatre, a swi,mming pool, a running track, a gymnasium, a fitness center and a senior center, In the end design considerations, land acquisitian costs and costs for building in con�unc�ion with the Guard caused the city to decide not to work with the Guard and on Februarp 20th the City of New Brighton advised the Guard it did not want the armory built there. This was a�ter a twa year procesa involving the city and the Guard. In his ca11, General Cox indicated that he wished to know if the City o£ Rosemount would consider the locating of the larger Armory here at the alreadq chosen Armorp site. � . . Armory - Division Headquarters Page 2 A meeting was set up for Tuesday, February 27th between General Cox, Mayar Napper , Dean Johnson and I to discusa this concept. General Cox presented cost information, unit makeup information and informafiion regarding desi n and construction time frame for the 400 person armory to us. �Informatian an coet/aq. footage �s attached. ) Design funda have been allocated already and the architect already chosen ; unless Federal funding would be heXd up, this facility wouia be built in 1992. Mayor Napper, Dean and I indicated the city' s interest in this larger unit as we saw the advantages for the citq in the larger complex. General Cox indicated that a decision would be made on Thursdaq March 1st by the Guard management as to whether to pursue this project and where it should be considered for placement. On Friday, March 1st , General Cox was contacted and he indicated that General Andretti, Minnesota National Guard Adjutant General and other members of his staff who decide these matters had decided to proceed with Rosemaunt as the primary site for this facility. A meeting was set up for Tuesday, March 13th to discuss with General Cox more information an the epecific facilitp size, its physical makeup, the options for city/state cost sharing and design/construction time-lines. The Tuesday meeting was attended by General Cox, Tom Vesely - Design/Construction Coordinator for the Guard , Craig Project Manager, Terry Palmer - Minnesota Building Commission �xecutive Director, Don Darling , Dave Grannis, Dean Johnson and myself. To summarize the meeting I would relate the following ; 1) The Guard is prepared to move ahead with this praject here, if the citq is ; 2) Design of the pro�ect coul.d begin right away and the City and the Guard need ta begin making decisions on what is wanted and how it can be placed on the site. (The Guard presented two "footprints" of the building for the site �ust to get an idea of the size. A ane story building would be 11 times as l�ig as City Ha11 . ) 3) This would be the largest armorp in the state, outside Camp Riplep, at 91 ,000 square feet. Armory - Division Headquarters J Armorp - Division Headquarters Page 3 4) With the increased size and overall cost of this facilitp compaxed to Che previously proposed unit the local share would potentially increase from $387 , 500 to $837,500. General Cox indicted that the state share may be able to be increased thue reducing the local share. We ind3cated that the City would be unable to bear the entire $837,500. 5) Because this would be a "Diviaion Headquarters" ,Armor� there would be some increase in siz�/number of components which would provide the community more use without requiring additional expend�tures by the City which we would hav� considered otherwise such ass a. larger gymnasium b. larger parking area c. triple the locker area d. larger kitchen faci�.ities e. theater "t�rpe" facilitq for 250 persons - this map require some local �tinding to make it useable as a real theater 6) A portion of the de�ign must be completed by October of this year With bidding in October of 1991 and construction in spring of 1992. 7) Locatin� this larger facility t�n ` the site wi11 nat preclude the addition of anq "multi-purpose" facilitp for the cit�r. It is staff' s feeling that because the Gu�rd was "dropped" in New Brighton after two years and is under a ti.meline ta proceed with this facility they are in a very cooperative mode. It is our recommendation that we proceed with this concept. We have placed an item on the agpnda to adopt a resolution of support for this pro�ect. This resalution is a repetition of one adopted in late 1988 for the initial proposed pro�ect. Though there are potential increases in costs to the citp, it is felt that this facility , with all the manpower involved, both fu11 time and part time, and the facilitp componente available to the community for use� cannot be overestimated as to the positive effects it wi11 have on the communitq. I request your considerati.on c�f the "Resalution of Support" and ask your direction to proceed with haste, working with the Guard to bring this pro�ect to reality . l � � March 15, 1990 COST AND SQUARE FOOTAGE COMPARISONS OF: Proposed Rosemount (8ngineering aattalion) Armory and New Brighton (Di�isian Headquartexs) Armorp �ngineexing Division COST Battalion Headquarters , Total Cost $ 3, 100,000 $ 6,700,Q00 Federal 2, 325,000 5,025,Q00 Local/S�ate 775,000 1 ,675,OOQ SQUARE FOOTAGE Tota]. Square Footage 35, 200 Sq. Ft. 91 , 400 Sq. Ft. Classroom 2,63Q Sq. Ft, 6,550 Sq. Ft. Assembly Ha11 5,800 Sq . Ft. 7 ,500 Sq. Ft. Kitchen 590 Sq . Ft. 910 Sq . Ft. Lockers 3, 134 Sq . Ft. 11 ,300 Sq. Ft. 1� , , " « I ` CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA GOUNTY, MINNESOTA ;,,,�„ RESOLUTION 1990- A RESOLUTION PLEDGING SUPPORT TQ THE MINNESOTA ARMY NATIONAL GUARD IN ESTABLISHING AN ARMY NATIONAL GUARD ARMORY IN THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA WHEREAS, the Minnesota Army National Guard has expressed interest in establishing an armory �n the City of Rosemount ; and WHEREAS, officials of the Minnesota Army National Guard have met with city officials to discuss the general planning and funding '', requirements for an armory; and � i WHEREAS, the Rosemount Independent School District ��196 has also I indicated strong interest in having an armory located in the City of Rosemount ; and WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount and Independent School District ��196 feel it would be extremely beneficial ta �toseznount citizens in many ways for the Minnesota National Guard ta continue its planning to lacate an armory in the city� NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESQLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount unanimously continues its encouragement to the ,� Minnesota Army Nationa]. Guard to select the City of Rasemount as the location of the armory and pledges its support and cooperation in the subsequent planning and siting effort . ADOPTED this 20th day of March, 1990. � Vernon J. Napper, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M Johnson, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor : --,- Voted agains� :