HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.c. Approve Job Description / Authorize Ad for Building Trades Person { t1 FfOk '�{(7 � � � �,���� � � . it-� I•ttilti ,1 iN. (� R+��aSEti1C����il� � nYltdt ',i�(�fr �, .u��8 (� � ���J��,� �,�e� )�� ��� � r,i;� a :f i��i � T0: Mayor / City Council 9 r � X Stephan Jilk - City Administrator _ FROM: David J. Bechtald - Director of Parks & Recreation DATE: March 16, 1990 RE: Building Trades Position / Associated Job Description The 1990 general budget shows a position for employu�nt in the Parks & Recreation Department of a general Maintenance Level I to be filled in April. Also included in the 1990 general budget is a position to be filled in October of Building Trades II for the Public Works Department. Due to several pra�ects within our department that should be completed during the coming summer months I am requesting that these two pasitions be reversed. Pro�ects that Mr. Cook, the Parks Foreman, and I would like to use the services of the building trades person include repair work to the Erickson Park shelter, setting forms and laying the cancrete slab in the Connemara Park shelter, building park benches with canopy top for walking trails, and possibly the construction of the two scheduled hockey rinks. This switch in requests for staff additions is supported by the Public Works Department. Services of the building trades person will be shared within the city to complete a variety of pro�ects that are not of long term nor of major staff requirements. Attached is a copy of the proposed job descriptions pertaining to the Building Trades positions. Council action requested is to "ADOP� THE JOB DESCRIPTIONS PERTAINING TO BIIILDING TRADES AREAS AS PRESENTED AND TO GIVE AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR APPLICANTS TO FILL THE POSITION OF BUILDING TRADES". + y CiTY OF ItOSFM()UNT POSITION RESPONSIBiLITY WRITE tJP POSITION TITLE: BUILDING TRADES I llEPARTMEyTt PARKS & RFC�tEATION ACCOUNTAB�'1�t I'UBI.IC W�RKS DI1ti�:C`I�OR PRIMARY OBJECTIVS OF POSITIONt To perform general �intenance and aervicea for buildinga, for park playground equipwent� for park tables� benchea, etc� for city aigns� and other city ca�structlon end msintenance pro,jects. To also perform manual labor es required to provide timely and ef�icient general maintenance eervlcee Co the entire city. MAJOR AItEAS 0�' ACCO[1NTABILITY t A. BUILDYNG CANSTRIJCTION 1. Aaeiet in Che plenning and design of pra�ect to be completed end to help echedule Che purchaees of materiels required for the pro,�ect. 2. Aesiet the Foreman of Parke Co implement a con�ietent schedule of maintenance and repeir for all park buildinga. 3, Assist with the finish work on city pro,jects ae required. 4. Asaist with general inep�cCione and repaire of eheltere. t3. PQUIP� �tEPAIIt AND Ml1INTENANCE 1. Perforra all duties neceesary to maintain eound and eafe equipment in our park eyste►a. a. Chis includee safety inepectiona atid repair of playground equipmenC b, thia includes repairing tables, benches, rink boards, park eigna. etc. 2. Evaluate criL-erla relating co cauaea af damegea to buildings and equigment. 3, Work with the Foreman of Parka to draw wp e schedule of maintenance programs based up�n conditione cau�ed by: seasonal changes, weather changea, damages to parks, upgrading of parks, etc. C. E UIPMENT 1. Operate �eneral equipment required for the job such as a r�uter, table saw, planer, circular baw, etc. . Operate all vehicles such as dump trucks requiring a MN. Class B License and below. 2. Assist in the general mgintenance of equipment. D. SPECIAL P�OJECTS/DUTIES 1. M�ay Yielp witl� otkier a�ainCeiiauc� [aska 1n otl�er City d�par�u�ents ae assigned. Ttiis would be particularly in emergency situationa, snow removal for example, or to balance seasonal workloads and schedules. i 2. Performs other dutiea and accepts responsibilities as assigned. � 3. May be aeaig�aed ae deparCwent etandby pereon on 24 hours call for Yublic Works llepart�uent or Yurke llepartment. � EXAMPLE OF P$BFORMANCE CRIT'ERIA - • A. Demonstr$tes ability to identify, plan, and complete accurate areasuremente and detailed work ciealing with wood and concrete materials. B. DemonstraCe ebillty Co operate equipment of the Parks Department necessary for aesi�ti.ng �rith the maintenence and eonstruction of buildings, playground equipment, wooden park equipment. C. Follows established safety procedures to avoid personal in�uries and property losses. D. Responds willingly to emergency duCy and varied work assignements. E. Showe leadership and command by c�penly explaining to others whom working with about procedures and itema involved with project. ; . „ RESPONSIBILITY F0� WORK OF OTHERS A. None regularly assigned : H. May provide on-the-3ob direction to others assigned to work on pro�ecta. This would lnclude, but nbt�be limited to, seasonal or Cemporary employees as required in certa�.n jab situations. _ , . DESIRED QUALIFICATIONS � � �. �.-_._..-� A. Coa�pletion of course work froa� a technicel/vocational school or college in one or more oF the areas of carpentry and masonry. 8. Une (1) to two (2j or more yeare of experience working in building conatruction� buildiag repsir� and general construction work. C. Good a�echenical skilla D. Knowledg� end ekills in plan�ing, repeiring� and conatruction of buildings. : MINIMtTM RE�IR�t�Fl�lEN'I'S A. Gampletian of coureework from s t�chnical/vocational school or college in the ares of carpentry. . S. lligh echool graduate or completiori of GED equivalency program C. Une (1) to two (2) yeare experience working with building constructio� and/or repaix. D. AbiliCy to follow and underetand written and oral 3nstructione. E. Abillty to eetebli�h and aiai:atain effective worlcing reletian�hipa � with employeea' eteff inember8, eupervisore, and the general public. F. Ability to perforw atrenuous phyaical labor. G. Good mechenical akills. ti. Clase !3 Minneaota drivera 11cen�e. � �, . � � � � � � �� .. ` � � � � � I i y t ... I CITY OF ROSEM(3UNT POSITION RESPONSIBILITY WRITE UP POSITION TITLEt• BUILDING TRADES II DEPARTM�NTs PARKS & RECRLATION ACCOUNTABLE TOs PUSLIC WqRRS DIRECTOR PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITIONt To perform maintenance and services for general building construcCion, for park playground equipment, for park tahles, benches, etc, for city signs, and other city construction and maintenance pro�ects. To also perform manual labor as required to provide timely and efficient general maintenance services to the entire city. . MA.TOR AREAS OF AC(�dUNTABILITY t A. BUILDING CONSTRUGTI4N 1. Assist in the planning and design of pro�ect to be completed and to help schedule the purchases of materials required for the pro�ect. 2. Work witb the Foreman of Parks to i.mplement a consistent schedule •� of maintenance and repair for a11 park buildings. 3. Complete finieh wvrk on city pro,jecte as required. 4. Complete general inepectians end repalre of shelters. B. EQUTPMENT REPAIR AND MAINTL�NANCE �. 1. Perform all duties necessary to maintain sound and safe equipment in our park sqstem. a, this includes safety inspectiona and repair df plaqground equipment , b, this includes repairing tables, benchea, rink boarda, park signs, etc. 2. Evaluate criteria relating to causes of damages to buildings and equipn�ent. 3. Work with the Foreman of Parks to draw up a schedule of maintenance programs bseed upon conditione caused by: aeasonal changes, weather changes, damages to parks, upgrading of parks, etc. f r c � C. EQUIPMENT 1. Operate general equipmsnt required for the �ob such as a router, table saw, planer, circular saw, etc. . Operate all vehicles such as dump trucks requiring a MN. Class B License and below. 2. Assist in the general maintenance of equipment. D. SPECIAL PROJECTS/DUT��S 1. May help with other maintenance tasks in other City departments as assigned. This would be particularly in emergency situations, snow removal for example, or to balance seasonal workloads and schedules. 2. Performs other duties and accepts responsibilities as assigned. 3. May be assigned as department standby person on 24 hours call for . Public Works Department or Parks Department. I• .N .��r.u� w- �..� r+�.�+� .�.�..�.� . �. .. E.�XAMPLE OF. PEBFORMANCE CRITF.R�A . , . A. Demonstrates ability to identify, plan, and complete accurate measurements and detailed work dealing with wood and concrete materials. • B. Demonstrate ability to operate equipment of the Parks Department necessary for the maintenance and construction of buildings, playground equipment, wooden park equipment. C. Follows established safety pracedures to avoid personal injuries and " property losses. D. Responds willingly to emergency duty and varied work assignements. E. Shows leadership and command by openly esplaining to others whom warking with about procedures and iCems involved with project. ` �' . RESPONSIBILITY F08 ,WORK OF OTHERS A. None regularly assigned. -B. May provide on-,the-�ob direction to others assigned to work on projects. This would include, but not be limited to, seasonal or temporary employees as required in certain �ob situations. � �' ,..� . ' - � . ` DE3IRED �UALIFICATIONS ' A. Completion of course work from a technical/vocational school ar college in one or more of the areas of carpentry and masonry. B. Three (3) or more years of experience working in building construction, building repafr, and general conetruction work. C. Good mechanical skills D. �xcellent knowledge and akil.ls in planning, rep�iring, and construction of buildinga. (to include quellty finiah work skills) B, llold (or have held) a �ourneyman card in the area of carpentry. MINIMCJM RF(�UIREMENTS 1 !� r� �.*. � A, Completion of coursework from a technical/vocational school or college in the area of carpentry. B, High school graduate or completion of GED equivalency program C. Three (3) or more yeara experience working with building construction and/or repair. D. Ability to follow and understand written and oral instructiona. E. Ability' to eetablieh and maintain effective working relationshipa with employees, staff inembers, supervisors, and the general public. F. Ability to perform strenuous physical labor. G. Good mechanical ekills. H. Class B Minne�ota drivera license. , M ` CITY OF ROSF�MOUNT P05ITION RESPONSIBILITY WRITE UP POSITION TITLEs BUILDING TRADES III DEPARTMENTt PARKS & RECREATION ACCOUNTABL�' T�0 s PUBLIC tJbRRS DIRECmOR PRIMARY OB.TECTIVB OF �OSITIONs To perform maintenance and services for general building construction, for park playground equipment� for park tables, benchea, etc, for city aigns, ar�d other city construction and maintenance pro�ecta, To a18o perform manual labor as required to provide timely and efficient general maintenance services to the ent�re city. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITYt A. B'UILDING CANSTRUCTION 1. Assist in the planning and design of project to be completed and to help schedule the purchases of materials required for the pro�ect. 2. Work with the Foreman of parks to implement a consistent schedule of maintenance and repair for aZl park buildings. 3. Complete finiah work on city pro�jects as required. 4. Complete general inapections and repaira of shelters. B. EQU�I MENT REPAIR AND MAINTENAAiCE 1. Perform a11 duties necessary to maintain sound and safe equipment in our park system. a. this includes sa£ety inspections and repair of playground equipment b. thia includes repairing tables, benches, rink boarda, park signs, eCc. 2. Evaluate criteria relating ta causes of damages to buildings and equipment. 3. Work with the Foreman of Parks to draw up a schedule of maintenance programs based upon conditions cauaed by: seasonal changes, weather changes, damages to parks, upgrading of parks, etc. � J C. E UI�PME�NT 1. Operate general equipment required for the job such as a router, T table saw, planer, circular saw, etc. . Operate all vehicles such as dump trucks requiring a MN. Class A License and below. 2. Assist in the general maintenance of equipment. D. SPECIAL PROJECTS/DUTIES 1. May help with other maintenance tasks in other City departments as assigned. This would be particularly in emergency situations, snow removal for example, ar to balance seasonal workloads and schedules. 2. Performs other duties and accepts responsibilities as assigned. � ' 3. May be assisgned as department standby person on 24 hours call for Public Works Department or Parks Department. EXAMPLE OF PERFORMANCE CRITFdtIA - A. Demonstrates ability to identify, p1an, and complete accurate measure�nts and detailed work dealing with wood and concrete materials. Instruct others to learn skills. � B. Demonstrate ability to operate equipment of the Parks Department �', nec+�ssary for the maiatenance and const�uction af buildinga, playground equipment, wooden park equipu�nt. Instruct others on safe operation of equipment. C. Follows established safety procedures to avoid personal in�uries and praperty losses. � D. Responds willingly to emergency duty and varied work assignements. E. Shows leadgrship and command by openly explaining to others whom working with about procedures and items involved with project. Shows willingness to instruct and lead staff in performance of jobs. �s..--,_— , ..T.�.� � , -- RES�ONSIBILITY FOS WORK OF OTHER3 � �� , � A. Leads staff assigned ta` him/her and is responsible for job performance of those assigned staff inembers. , �. Wi1L provide on-the-3ob directinn to ottiers assigned to work on pro�ects. This would include, but not be limited to, seasonal or temporary employees as required in certain �ob situations. _ . � ti , . � . . . . . }„ f ♦ k+. �,' DESIRED QUALIFICATIONS —.�.,—.. A. Completion of course work from a technical/vocational school or college in one or more of the areas of carpentry and masonry. B. Five (5) or auc�re years of experience working in building construction, building repair, and general construction work. C. Good mechanical skills D. �xcellent knowledge and ekille in plenning, repairing, and consCruction of buildings. (to include quality finiah work akills) E. Hold (or have held) a �ourneyman card in the area of carpentry. MINIMCIM RF(tUUIRFM`ENTS A. Completion of coursework from � technical/vocational school or colle�e in the area of carpentry. $. IIigh school graduate or completion of GEA equivalency program C. Five (5) yeara experience working with building construction and/or repair. D. Ability to follow and underatand written and oral instructions. E. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with employeea, staff inembers, supervisors, and the general public. F. Ability to perform strenuous physical labor. G. Good mechanical skills. H. Clase A Minneaota drivers license.