HomeMy WebLinkAbout10.a. Earth Day Celebration . � ♦ . � � � `�` ♦ � � � � �� ��� � :: �,�♦ � ' �p �.•��; � E1�►RTH DA� 19 9 a �, P.O. Box 10329; Minneapolls, Minnesota 55458-3329 (6121 627-4049 Earth Day Co-chairs Resolutf�on Committee Co-chairs Governor Rudy Perpich Attorney Gen. Hubert H. Hump1'►rey III Senator David Durenbtrger U. S.Congressman Vin Weber � February 21, 1990 Dear Minnesota Mayor: Earth Day 1990 presents a unique opportunity to focus public attention on resolving.our environmental problems. The Minnesota Earth Day 1990 Advisory Committee, composed of leaders from business, environmental and government orgax�izations. is helping to design a series of . activities and events that will increase public understanding df environme�tal problems and the ways these problems can be resolved. One of the guiding principles of Earth Day 1990 is inclusiveness. Regardless of what eity. state or nation we-reside in,we all share planet Earth as our home. The goal of Earth Day 1990 is to raise the level of pubIic awareness about our environment and to educate people about actions they can take on behalf of the environment. Earth Day 19901s the ultimate expression of the phrase "think globally; act locally". Earth Day 1990 will be the praduct of a huge coalition of loosely afT'lliated organizations, reaching far beqond existing environmental constituencies to involve the broadest possible cross section of participants. Around the world. �cross America, and here in Minnesota, individuals and groups are already planning activities and events to celebrate Earth Day. As co-chairpersons of the Minnesota Earth Day 1990 Resolutions Committee, we urge you to �oin elected officials �n local jurisdictions across Amerlca in passing resolutions like the sample resolution enclosed with this letter. With your help we can demonstra�te why Minnesata is recognized as an environmental leader among the states. Finally, after your organization has passed the resolution, we request that yau send a copy to us in care af Minnesota Earth Day 1990, p.0. Box 10329, Minneapolis,MN 55458-3329. On behalf of Minnesota Earth Day 1990, we would like to thank you for your help in makirig Earth Day in Minnesota a great success! Sincerely. '��rr��" ��� ,� .....� � HUBERT H. HUMPHREY, III N BER Attorney General . U. S. ongressman Enc. � � . P4inad en Recy�Jed Paper � . ' , � � � � �j�\\� ��''''''�''� , •J. ` �� �� "Al7�� � � � �� ���'�7� . . � �` � � �{� � . . . . . . . ���; � E�!IRTH DA�' 1 �9t� �, P:O. Bax 10329; Minneapolls, Minnesota 55458-3329 (fi 12l 62?-4049 RESOLUTIt�N WHEREAS, almost twenty years ago, more than twenty million Amerlcans jained together on Earth Day in a demonstration of concern for the enviranment, and their collective action resulted fn the passage of sweeping new laws to protect our air,water, and land; ' WHEREAS, in the nineteen years since the first Earth Day, despite environmental improvements, the environmental health of the planet is increasingly endangered. threatened by Global Climate Change, Ozone Depletion, Growing World Population, Tropical Deforestation, Ocean Pollution, Toxic Wastes. Desertiftcation, and Nuclear waste requiring acrion by all sectors of society: WHEREAS, Earth Day 1990 is a national and international call to action for all citizens to join in a global effort to save the planet; � WHEREAS, Earth Day 1990 activities and events w11I educate all citizens on the importance of acting in an environmentally sensikive fashion by recycling, conserving �nergy and �yater, using efficient transportation, and adopting more ecalogically sound lifestyles; WHEREAS, Earth Day 1990 will educate al1 citizens on the importanee of buying and using those products least harmful to the environment: WHEREAS. Earth Day 1990 will educate all citizens on the importance of doing business with companies that are environmentally sensitive and responsible; WHEREAS, Earth Day 1990 will educate all citizens on the importance of vvting for those candidates who dernonstrate an abiding concern for the envirorunent; WHEREAS, Earth Day 1990 will educate all citizens on the importance of supporting the p�ssage of legislation that wi11 help protect the environment; NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that designate and proclaim April 22. 1990 as Earth Day 1990, and that that day shall be set aside for public activiries promoting �reservation of the global environment and launching the "Decade of the Environment". � r�;,,ma m,��y��a v.�� ��N� � � i . � - "w �` CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DA�QTA COUNTY, MINNBSOTA RESOLUTION 1990— t A RESOLUTION DESIGNA�INC AND PROCLAiMING � APRIL 22, 1990 EARTH DAY 1990 WHEREAS, almost twenty years ago, more than twenty million Americans joined together on Earth Day in a demonstration of concern for the environment, and their collective action resulted in the passage of Isweeping new laws to protect our air , water , and 1and ; WHEREAS, in the niz�eteen years since the first Earth Day , despite environmental improvements , the environmental health of the planet is increasingly endangered , threatened bq Global Climate Change, Ozone Depletion, Growing Wor1d Population, Tropical Deforestatian, Ocean Pollution, Toxic Wastes, Decertification, and Nuclear Waste requiring actian bq all sectors of society; WHEREAS, Earth Day 199Q is a national and international ca11 to action for all citizens to join in a �lobal effort to save the planet; WHEREAS, Earth Day 1990 activ3.ties and events will. educate a11 citizene on the importance of acting in an environmentally eensiti.ve fashion by recycling , conserving energy and water, using efficient transportation, and adopting more ecologically sound lifestylea ; WHEREAS, Earth Day 1990 will educate a11 citizens on the importance of buying and using those products least harmful to the environment; ._M_. WHEREAS, Eerth Day 1990 will educate all citizens on the importance of doing business with comganies that are environmentally sensitive and responsible ; WHEREAS, Earth Day 1990 will educate all citizens on the importance of voting for those candidates who demonstrate an abiding concern for the environment; WHEREAS, Earth Day 1990 will educate all citizens on the importance of supporting the passage of legislation that will help protect the environment; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Rosemount City Counc3l designate and proclaim April 22 , 1990 as Earth Day 1990, and that that day shall be set aside for public activities promoting preservation of the global environment and launching the "Decade of the Environment'� . ADOPTED this 20th day of March, 1990. ernon . apper , apor ATTEST: Susan M. Johnson, City Clerk Motion by : Seconded by: Voted in favor • � Voted against: . _ , PC? El(7k ',ip ��1�� +� 2H75 14bIHSI '�N � (p � ROSEMOUNI� �.iihlN�4(Y�A '�,'�trt�8 �VG������ 612 423 -latt m0: MAYOR NAPPER, CITY CbUNCIL, CITY ADMINISTRATOR FROM: TRACIE L. PECHONTCK, E.D. SPECIALIST �TEM # 10A DATE: MARCH 16� 1990 SUBJ: ROSEMOUNT EARTH DAY 1990, Agenda Item 10a. Sunday� April 22, 1990, is the 20th ariniversary of "Earth Day", fir�t celeb�'ated on Aprii 22, 1970. It is a day, and for many an ongoing cammittment, to encourage everyone to r�alize the im�ortance af being environmentally aware, Rosemaunt Gitizens have praven through their participation in the recycling program, the citywide clean-up days, and the hazardous waste collection days, that Rosemount truly is concerned about the environment. In an effort to spread and increase this spirit, sponsors throughout Rosemount have pul.led together to form a "Rosemount Earth Day 1�90 Committee. �� Th� Committee is planning programs that will i�ivolve a11 sectors of our community. These programs and th�ilc implications are likely to last far beyond the 20th ann�.���csary of Rosemount Earth Day 1990 as activities are planned far eyery mo�th of Z990 and beyond. It is our hop� that the cel�b�'ation o� Earth Qay can become an annual event in Rosemount. Attached for your review is the Committee's praposed program. Upon th� consent of all sponsors inyQlved, the Committee will implement the proposed activities. One or more Rosemount Earth Day 1990 Committee members will be at Tuesday's meeting for any questions you may have. In addition, T have attached information from the Minnesota Earth Day 1990 Program. It has been requested that all cities throughout Minnesota adopt a resolution designating and proclaiming April 22, 1990, to be "Earth Day 1990. " Thank you. ROSEMOUNT EARTH DAY 1990 PROPOSED PROGRAM Sponsors: Rosemount Chamber of Commerce City of Rosemount DPC �Industries Independent Schaol District #196 Knutson Rubbish Service, Inc. Koch Refining USPCI Rosemount Earth Week 1990 Activities: 4/22/90 Earth Day Rosemount churches are being encour�ged to speal� about the meaning of Earth Day and the importance of being environmentally aware. Churches will encourage people to attend the kick-off program at the Minnesota Zoo in Apple Valley at 1:00 p.m. They will also promote the Earth Day 1990 Parade to take plaee at the Capital at 3:0o p.m. 4/24/90 Rosemount Chamber Lunchean Speakers: Larry Knutson af Knutson Rubbish Service, Inc, , "The Ease and Importance of Commercial Recycling" Pastor K1uth of St. John's Lutheran Church, "It's Our Responsibility to be Environmentally Aware" Speaker from DC Technical College, "How to Educate People to Be Enviranmentally Aware" 4/27/90 Arbor Day Breakfast at the Rosemount Senior Center. Speaker providing informatian about how trees benefit our environment. Seedlings will be handed out to those who want them. Other Proposed Activities: - Educational group from the Como Zoo may visit Middle 5chool classes - Jaycees contribute scholarship funds for essay eontest - Reproduce and distribute "How to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle in Your Home" (NDC Newsletter, church, City Hall, Chamber Meeting) - Prepare a Rosemount Earth Day 1990 display for the Minnesota Zoo - Compile Earth Day 1991 calendar from award winning posters - Have students and citizens construct an Earth Day float for the Leprechaun Days parade - Have field trips to the Minnesata Zoo, the Como Zoo, Dakota County Material Recovery Facility, etc. � � Rosemount Earth Week 1990 Activities for ISD #196: After meeting with the various school representatives it was found that the teachers want aids to facilitate the teaching of Earth Day lessons in their classrnams. 11The more hands-on material provided, the better. " Unfortunately, as the teachers were approached about expanding the current recycling programs in the schoals, it was � found that many of them were not even aware that recycling programs already exist in the schools. The majar activity that will be taking place to cel.ebrate Earth Day throughout the Rosemount schools is the kick-off of household battery callection in the schools. Handouts on the procedures to follow in regard to bringing in one�s batteries will be sent home with all students the week before collection is implemented. Included in this information will be a reminder about the other materials that are already recycled in the schools. Elementary Activities: - Household battery collection kick-off - Teachers will use lesson plans from Minnesota Earth Day 1990 - Trees will be given to teachers to use for lessons - Earth Day Minnesota will supply teachers with a variety of posters, etc. for bulletin boards - "Rosemnunt Waste Watcher" program wil� be promoted by handing out pencils and "Rosemount Waste Watcher" buttans - Children wi11 be encouraged tv participate in a poster contest. There will 13 winners, 1 each from grades K-12. Winners wi11 may receive a certificate from the Mayor and their posters will be in the "1991 Every Day is Earth Day" calendar. �n addition, family memberships at the Minnesota Zoo, the Science Museum, etc. are being considered. Middle School Activities: - Household b�ttery collection kick-off - Teachers will use lesson plans from Minnesota Earth Day 1990 - The Rosemount Earth Day committee wi11 provide speakers for classes according to the teachers' needs - Teachers/students will go an field trips which will increase their environmental awareness - Art classes will have an npportunity to make T-shirts with an "environmental" theme - Classes may be given trees to plant - Students will be encouraged to participate in the poster cantest. High School Activities: - Household battery collection kick-off - Teachers will use lesson plans from Minnesota Earth Day 1990 - Speakers will be provided for the "social issues" classes as requested by teachers " - Students will be encouraged to participate in the poster contest - Essay contest, scholarships may be awarded to those students with best essays on environmental topics ! Every Day is Earth Day Calendar: 4/22/90 Earth Day 1990 4/24/90 Rosemaunt Chamber �arth Day 1990 Luncheon 4/27/90 Arbor Day - program at Rosemount Senior Center 5/1/90 Arbor Month Starts - programs through Rsmt. Park & Rec. 5/19/90 Rosemount Citywide C1ean-Up Day - may ask Rosemount Boy Scouts to hand out seedlings to those who participate 6/2/90 Rosemount Hazardous Waste Collection Day 6/18/90 Camp Courage Wagon Train - in Rosemount for lunch 7/21/90 Tenth Anniv�rsary of Rosemount Leprechaun Days begins Oct 90 Grand Opening of KRSI Material Recycling Facility Dec 90 Rosemount businesses hand out Every Day is Earth Day Calendars Preliminary Earth Day 1990 Budqet: ', �tem 4uantity Total 1) pencils 5,000 $ 685.00 2) buttons 5, 000 900.00 3) banners 2 200.00 4) m-shirts 500 1,245.00 5) fabric paints 125 250.00 6) trees 1, 000 450.00 7) misc. printing ---- 1, 000. 00 TOTAL $4,730.00 � ` HUDGET ITEMI2ATION 1) White pencils with "Rosemount Waste Watcher" inscribed in green will be handed out at the schools and during other Rosemount Earth Day 1990 events 2) White buttons with "Rosemount Waste Watcher" written in green and a picture of the "Rosemount Waste Watcher" will be handed out at the schools and during other Rosemount Earth Day 1990 events 3j Double-siaea banners announcing that Rosemount celebrates �arth Day 1990 will be displayed on South Robert Trail 4/5) T-shirts and fabric paints will be provided to the Middle School art classes to desiqn their own t-shirts with an environmental theme. In the interest of keeping costs to a minimum, price comparisons of t-shirts were done at area stores. Rosemount: any quantity of shirts at $3.04 each; West St. Paul: 250 shirts at $2 .69 each; 500 shirts at $2.49 each. NOTE: There may not be a need for as many as 500 shirts, but the committee wanted to be prepared for this cost in the event that all of the art classes wish to participate. 6) Trees can be purchased through the Minnesota Foresty Association lacated in Grand Rapids, MN. There is no limit on the number of trees that can be ordered, they are $. 45 each. 7y A variety of printing aosts wi11 be incurred througl�out the Earth Day 1990 Activities: announcements for the paster contest, informationa2 packets for battery recyciing, fliers announcing Rosemount Earth Day 1990 activities, possible newspaper ads, etc.