HomeMy WebLinkAbout11.d. Legislative Update �T�� i��� � � � � ��✓��s �Fr��� � � � � � � I� ��0 -- � M E M 4 /�� . �� �� � � TO: Stephan Jilk, City Administrator FROM; Susan Jahnson, City Clerk DATE: March 12r 1990 � � RE: U of M Hazardous Waste Site At your request I contacted Richardreeaddine�thef7i5emillion�rnal Rel.ations, University of Minnesota g g , dollar hazardous waste site included in Governor Perpich s proposed budget. Your request was the result of discussion of this item at the March 6, 1990 Regular Council. meeting. I spoke to his assistant, Donna. 5he informed me the request for these funds was from the University of Minnesota. Th� request is for approximately $7 ,500,000 to construct an integrated waste manag�ment facility somewhere near the St. Paul Campus on Como Avenue. She advised that some of the programs currently done at the Rosemount Research Center would be moved to this new r faeility, if the funds are appropriated. Therefore, this facility would not be built in Rosemount. Council Member Klassen provided the attached Building Request . from the U of M for this facility. This also �n�iva�5 the � Goeernor' s recommendations in support of the request. Attachment . , . � � I 0 N n x � .. � Ix _.._. � . � ,.���-,�� /��� C L�r2(Cs �F( 1�� I ��O �- � M E M O �� • ?�� �� �1 � TO: Stephan Jilk, City Administrator FROM; Susan Johnson, City Clerk � DATE; March 12, 199Q � � RE: U of M Hazardous Waste Site - At your request I contacted Richard Heydinger, Office of External Relations, University of Minnesota regarding the 7.5 million dollar hazardous waste site included in Governor Perpich' s proposed budget. Your request was the result of disaussion of this item at the March 6, 1990 Regular Council meeting. I spoke to his assistant, Donna. 5he informed me the request for these funds was from the University of Minnesota. The request is for approximately $7 ,500,000 to construct an integrated waste management facility somewhere near the St. Paul Campus on Como Avenue. She advised that some of the programs currently done at , the Rosemount Research Center woul.d be moved to this new . ' facility, if the funds are appropriated. Therefore, this facility would not be built in Rosemount. Council Member Klassen provided the attached Building Request . from the U of M for this facility. This also includes the . Gavernor' s recommendations in support of the request. Attachment t �, ,�� �° +� . df E.'. . ' . . _ . . �r� �r . . . _ � t , ! BUILOIN6 REQt�S7 � 1989-41 tAPITILL BUD6ET SIX-YEAR PLAN - PROJECT OETAII DOLWtS IN THOUSAl105 (137.s22 � 138) � Agency: University of Min�esota Faciiity: System vide Tvoe of Reauest Proiect Cateaorv genc Priorit 1 8iennium R X Ner+ Construction X Facility Safety/Integrity A Y Y: equested: 1989-91 X 91dg. lmprovanent Bidq/Oper Efficiency X Code Ca�liance X Prograw•Enhance�ent Prior �Commitment: _ No X 1'es Laws 89 . Ch 300 , Sec S S 5.400 + p���t�� Additional Prior Caamitme�t(sj Laws 87 , Ch 400 , Sec 20 S 2.Od0 SQIWtE FOOTA6E Nnw Gross Square footage. . . . . 40,A00 PreviouslX Requested: _ No X Yes Yhen? 1989 New Assiqnable Square Footage . . . . . 31.150 Rdnodeled Square Footage. . P�oject Title: Hea}th and Safety (Fire & Life Safet y/U p grade for P h y s i c a l l y D i s a b l e d/Ih t e g r a t e d D e m o l i s h e d S q u a re F o o t a g e . 1laste Maaageiaentj - Utilities 8 Services Net Change in Square Footage. . . . . . 40.000 Project Oescription: CFiAN6E5 IM OPERATIN6 COSTS Change in�Compensation. . . S 71 funds js1,834,00U) are requested to continue the program for upgrading University facilities ta elim- Change in Camplgnent. . . . . . . . . 1.68 inaLe fire and life safety deficiencies. At tF�e pcesent time major code deficiencies (Fire and Life Change in $uilding fxpense. . . . . , j 233 Safei���:exist in over 90 facilities creating potentiaily hazardous occupancy conditions for the stw Change in Other Expense . . = p3 dents, public, facuTty ar►d sta€f. The University is currently conductinq a comprehensive code defi- � � � � ciency`survey of all facilities, which wili be completed february 199Q. !t is estimated that the PROJEGT COSTS cost to correct these de€iciencies is in the neighborFwod of S4d,000,000. The key areas of the code Land Acquisition. . . . . . . . . . . s 846 deficiency survey are: stairway enclosures, corridor protectio�, fi�e separaEions, sprinkler protec- New Construction. . . S 4 394 ' tion, fire alarms and emergency lighting, ihe code deficiency survey is a major part of the Univer- Ronodeling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . j sity's co�rehensive �lan to elisinate all deficieocies within 10 years. The buildings and their Code Compliance . , s code deficiencies have been prioritized based on hazard and type of occupancy• Construction Contingency. . . . . . . = 599 Twin Cities Campus Site York . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 320 Oesiqn fees . . S 337 Siair Enclosures & Corridor Protection 51,029,000 8uilding Equipment. . . = 503 fire Alanns/Ewergency tighting � 206,000 Art York (ix) . . . . . . . . . . . . s � Other Pro�ect Cost. . . j 324 Coordinate Campuses • • • • • • - Stair Enclosures 8 Corridor Protection r 2J5,000 TOTAL PROJECT COST . . s 9.fi11' Fi�e Ala►ms/Emergency Eighting f 92,000 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Sprinkler Protectiort = 228.000 TOTAL FOR it1IS REQIEST ONLY. . , s 9.111 Total 51,830,000 " ' ' � Funds js458,000) are requested ta continue fhe an in Universit Data P�epa�ed 8y: Finance S Physical Plannfng go g y-wide prograa� of rendering facili- � �Y ties accessib}e to the physicatly disabled. Ramps and elevators are to be installed in older build- 60VERNOR`S RECOM�NMTION: s 7,500 ings, and bathrooms modified. Other madification such as locker roaas, seating, signage, and curb cuts are atso needed. Ultimately, several million additional doliars will be requested to complete �The Governor concurs with the syste�`s request for con- � the project in co�liance rith state and federal regulations. struction af an iniegrated wasie management faci}ity. Recommended funding level is 51,50Q,000, the amount of i funds i;7,323,0U0J are requested to construct an Integrated �aste Managemertt facility. This facility the systan's request adjusted for infletion. 7he rana- [ X ++ould include holding, ha�dii�g, treatment and analytical capabilities for hazarda�s artd radioactive ining fire and �ife safety projects are not recc�mnended; l raste, an emergency response center for Twin Cities hazardous material spills, and atl appurtenant Lhe system, however, �+ould be eligidle to apply to the needs such as vehicle garage, shipping and receiving areas, office and training space, and lxker proposed Department of Administration emergency contin- rooms. the facility will consist of approzimate�y 40,000 gsf. The facility wuld repTace the Como gent account for funding of high priority life/ safety ' Transfer Facility, harardous and rodioactive waste handling at Rosemount and storage space currently projects. For further information concerning the prop- xeupied at 1809 5th Street SE. �he requested amount includes land acquisitiort, construction, equip- osed continqency account, refer to the pepartment of dient, and costs of permitiing. —"'"'_�� A�oiniatration section of the Governor's 1990 Capital � �he Universit Budget reCommendation. y generates large qua�tities of hazardous chemical and toxic rraste from research, clin- Funding Source: Oirect Appropriation s, plant operotions and teaching labaratories. Taxable Bonds iax Exempt Bonds X ' — � ' ��������� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 1 � � � E # � � i � � i � , BUILOIN6 REQllEST 19�-91 GPITAL BUOC,Ef SIX-YEAR PLAM - P(tO�CT DETAIL (Contd.) ' � OOLLARS IN 'i1ql15AND5 (137,522 = 136I ' � A�ency: University of Minnesota ' Project Titir. Health 6 Safety Agency Priority: 1 ``.The pnsent haza�ious storage facilities i� Minneapolis consist of a pole barn and a a�nell shed. �This facility Mill provide the University the necessary capability to destroy all hospital bio-infectious waste and animal pathological waste on campus and In add9tion, the 4lealth Sciences, liniversiEy liospitais and others generate as a res�lt will reduce ihe potential ca�nuniLy exposure io infectious waste apprenciwettiy 800.�0 lbs/year cf bio-irrfectious �waste and 2.000 lbs/day of health hazards. exper�wental carcasses which require disposal. The UniversiEy currently transports this material across Minneapotis to a private incinerator. A 2- ' Total includes: � phase study has recently been completed which recaanends that a ner+ inciner- ator be cor�structed on the Minneapolis Laapus. S),323.000 for Integrated Yaste Management Facility (totat project cost) Project I�qact: 51,830,000 for fire & Life Safety Over the past 15 years there have been considerable changes in the buitding 3458,OU0 for Physically Disabled and fire codes as �+e11 as tf�e construciion indusiry. Nany of the older ma- �oT UnfiversitY facilities. «hich vere buiit in the eariy 190Q's, have poten- tia] far extensive loss o€ life and property due to outdated or inadequate � fire pratection. Ins,allation of autamatic sprinkler systems, fire alarms. � stnin�ays enclosures, etc. �ould 6e a positive approach in the elimination of tfiese hazards and providi�g adequate proteciion for students, faculty and � the public. Caapliance Nith building and fire caies witl make our existing . capiiat resources more usable and safer as �rell as havieg a positive effect on iesurance rates_ Siate 1aw requires that all new and renadeled buildings meet certain stan- tbrds, and federal m�utetions require that all University programs be ac- cessible to the handiupped, thereby necessitatin9 aadification to existing facilities. Previous Legislative appropriatians have funded the initiation of upgrading buildings on the Uoiversity campuses to meet state standards. Ramps have beert constructed, sidewalk curb cuts, locker room, bathroom, and seating madificatio�s have been made, and several elevator installations have been caipleted. This work needs to be continued for the physically handicapped. Continuing changes in the rules and restrictions on waste management mandate thst tt+e tlniversitx have en updated and expanded facility in a� envirornnen- ' ' talty saund aod careful?y selected location. � The lntegrated Waste Managnient facility would provide an adequate hazardous `Maste storage and processing faciTity for all campuses of the University of � Minnesota. Ii «ill pravide an increased measure of safety due to climatic control's, fire safety, and monitoring that is noi poss�ble in the existing I facility. Jt will atso p�ovide adequate equipment and controls so that the University wiil be able to meet future United States fnvironmental Protec- tion Agency regulatory compliance requirertients for waste reduction, treat- ment and storage. .�r► f � i . n ; � HF2444 FIRST ENGR�SSMENT [REVISOR ] CA H2444-1 FIRST ENGROSSMENT Introclueed t�y Rukavina, Munger, Mars}i, H.F. No. 2444 llausman, Weaver ' Read FIRST TIMF. MARCit 1 , 199Q, and Referred to the Committee on CNVITiONhil:td'I' �, NATURAt, I2ESOURCES Comma.ttee Recommendation and Adopti.on of Reportt 7'0 I'ASS AS APICNDGC3 aiid re-referreci to the Comrnittee on Af'PROPR[�TIONS, h�IARCH �, 199� � �- A bill for an act 2 rel,ating to waste; placing waste stream diversion � 3 r�quirernenks on counki�s applying fcac new permits �or 4 �acilities that incinerate mixed municipa7. �olid , 5 , wastes or that process or burn refuse-deriw�d fuel ; 6 requiring a study oE the environmenta�. effects of 7 existing facilities; placing a moratorium ori new 8 permits until completion af the study; appropriating 9 money; amending Minnesota Statutes 1989 Supplem�nt, 10 section 116.0?, subd3vision 4j � = � � 11 BE iT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE QF MINNESOTA: 12 Section l. Minnesota Stakutes 1989 Supplement, section 13 116.Q7, subdivision 4j , is amended to read: � � . � . �� ' ' . . HF2444 FIRST ENGROSSMENT [REVISOR ) CA H2444-1 ' 1 (b) The agency shall require as part of the permit 2 application for a waste incineration faciiity identification oE 3 preliminary plans for ash management an� ash leachate treatment 4 or ash utilizati�n. The permit issued by the agency must 5 incl�ide requirements for ash management and ash Ieachate 6 treatment. 7 {�c In addirion to the requirements of paraqraphs a) and 8 �b) , the agency may not issue a new permit for a facility that 9 incinerates mixed municipal solid waste or that proc�sses or - � � --y- 10 burns refus�-derived Euel unless each countY projected in the 11 permit app�ication to use the facility has diverted and can show 12 that it wi.11 continue to divert from the waste stream at least 13 35 percent by weight of the residential�ortion of the cou�' s 14 annual total solid waste. generation as defined in se�tion � 15 115A. 551, subdivzsion 1, parac�ra .�h (b) . Diversion from the 16 waste stream ma be accom lished b voluntar or mandator waste , 17 reduetion, reuse, rec�cling or compostin , . � 18 (d�In addition to the requirements of par�aphs (a) , (b) , Z9 and (c) , the agency maY not issue � new permit for a facility 20 that incinerates mixed munici�._al solid waste or that �rocesses 21 or burns refuse-derived fuel unless each county prolec�ed in the � , �1 � '� � . .. . � HF2444 FIRST ENGROSSMENT [REVISOR ] CA H2444-1 7. test;ing, and determine which substances or criteria for 2 substances should be added to the list in Minnesota Statutes, 3 section 116.07, subdivisiqn 4 `, ara ra h d . The a enc ma 4 contract with Qthers for all or portiQns oE the study� Each 5 permitted facility shall provide the aqency or its desi�nee 6 access to the facility for activities related to the stud� and 7 to all facility records related to the studv. , 8 The ac�ency shall compl.eke the study and subm.�.t a report of ..�...—.,._..' ._.... 9 its Eindin�s, to�ether with ar�y recommendations for legislative 10 action, to the le iq�lative commission on waste manaqement and 11 the le islative cammittees on the environment and natural 12 resources by June 1, 1993. 13 Sec. 3. [MORATORIUM. ] 14 The pollution control agenc�ma� not issue an initial 15 permit for a new Eacility that incinerates mixed munici.pal solid � 16 waste or that processes or burns reFuse-derived fuel until i . 17 completion of the study reQuired in section 2. � 18 Sec. 4 . [APPROPRIATION. ) - - 19 $ . . . . . . . . . is appropriated Prom the general fund to the 20 pollution control agency for the purpose of conducting the study 21 reguired in section 2.