HomeMy WebLinkAbout2. Sign Ordinance Revisions � ; • n P C� B�X 510 C�i� 0 2875-1�75iM ST W � ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 550fi8 � osernoun� 6,2--423-4411 Tn: Mayor, City Council, City Administr�tor FROIvt: Dean Johason� Director of Communiky Development DATE: April 19, 1990 RE; Sign Ordiaance Workshop A large packet an the sign provisions of the Zoning Ordinance was included in the March 20, 199Q ;�►eeting materials distributed to the City Council. The isaues that apparently rem��p yn�'esolvcd are includtd in the March 13, 1990 (etter from the Chamber af Cowme��e. That letter, the draft sign ordinance and the Planning Commissioa's recpq�t�n�pdatioa,� are attached for youi GoqYepience. The fotlowing comments reflect the appac�nt st�tu� of discussions, whicb were held at the March 27, 194Q wprkxhop. The nuwbers I tefer tc� �re those itemized in the Chamber's letter. �. Staff was directed to prese�t deflnitions (ettacbed) far ribbona� bannera� paaA�nta and str;ngs of �Ights. 2. Elimittata resErictions on ;ibbons, bann�rs & pennants and required permits. There was no app�reat consensus by the CounciL 3. Allow beacoas 3 days, 6 kimes a yea�r and portable signs 10 days, 6 times a year. T6ere was appa�rent cpnsensus� if written permits were required. 4. This item w�§ drqpped by the Chamber of Comnnerce. �. Increase freCstandiug signs in "C" and "1P" districts fxom 80 sq. ft an� ZQ feet hei�bt to 100 sq ft. aad 25 feet h�i�ht. There was no apps�et�t con;�nsus, 6, In�rce�+� wall sign� ia "C" apd "IP" distri�ts from 15°!o wall �ovetage to 20% wall coverage and eliminate reference to "sign band° concept. There appeared to be consensus oc� the increased percentage, but ipot on eliminating "sign band" coacept. 7. Increase freestanding signs in "IG" districts from 80 sq. ft and 2Q feet height to 100 sq. ft and 25 Ieet height. There was apparent conseasus on this item. 8. Increase wall signs ia "IG" district from 15% wall coverage to 2p% wall coverage. There was apparent consensus on this item. 9. Eliminate restrictions on the illumination of "billboards". There was apparent conseasus on this item. 10. Allow temporary sign permits to be obtained by phone 8t no charge. There was tto appareat consensus on this item. 11. Eliminate restrictians for off-premise advertising. There was no • apparent consensus on this item. I hbpe this is an accurate summary. tt came frorn notes that Steve, Mike and I had taken at the meeting. Steve aad I have conflicts and wilt not be in atlendance, however� Mike wil! be at the meeting to answer a�y questions the Council may have. ,� I�V'3 P t) BOX 510 `��1� D 2875-145TH ST W. � os�rnaun� ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 612---423-44 i 1 TO: MAYOR IJAPPER & CITY C�UNCIL FROM: MICHAEL WOZNIAK, AICP, CITY PLANNER DATE: �P'RIL 20, 1990 SUBJ: APRIL 24, 1990 - SIC3N ORDINANCE WORKSHOP De��.nitio�, caf Terms for Sign Ordinance ��.�g� ,� r����.r�gular gieee of fabric of distinctive design that is u��d �s a symbol (a� a nat�on) , signalling device (nauticai) , or att�ntion c�etting devic� (advertising commercial or non- commercial) : Banners: Attention get�Ging devices which resemble flags and are of a paper, cloth or plast�,c like consistency. Pennants: A flag or banner which tapers to a point. My r��aearch indic,�tes that the terms flag, banner and pennant are f�'equsntly used inte�changeably. The difference in use tends to be fl,�qs ar� generally mc�unted on a pole, banners may be strung b�etw��n poles or mounted agains� � wall, and pennants are ofteri st�'u�g on ropes or wires. � 1/�(v 1. P n BOX 510 `✓��� 0 2875-1a57►-� S7 w �c���u�� ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 J 6t2--423-4411 TO: MAYOR DiAPPER & CITY COtTNCIL FROI�i: MICHALL WOZNIAK, AICP, CITY PLANNER DATE; APRIL 20, 1990 SUBJ: APRIL 24, 1990 - SI�3N ORDINANCE WORKSHOP De��.�itio� of Terms for Sign Ordinan�e �'�.�g� �# r���+�r�gular pisce of fabric of distinctive c�esign that is u��d �� a symbol (as a nat�.on) , signalling device (nautical) , or att��tion getting devic� (adv�rtising commercial. or non- comi�ercialj : Ban�ers: Attention getting devices which �esemble flags and are of a paper, cloth or plastic like consistency. � Pennants: A flag or banner which tapers to a point. My =e�se,�rch �.ndic,�tes that the terms f lag, banner and pennant are f�'�quently u�ed inteXch;angeably. The difference in use tends to be �l�g� ar� generally mounted on a pole, banners may bs strung betwe�n pales or maunted against a wall, and pennaz�ts are often st�ung on ropes or wires. � ', _ � w��i NUR1`HERN DAKOTA COUNTY ���` CHAMBERS QF COMMERCE � ���:� . .,;�+.�� '� 1301 Corporate Center Orive q116 ��'�'�: Eagan, Minnessota 55121 612-452-9872 �! � . . Yri�� � � ' . . � ' � '� Servirtg ,��:i�.. : , Ea�an Chamber of Commerce - , �T Mc�ndol� Hei�hls Chamt7�r oi C�ir►m�rc� f��:�uniuu�N Ch�m�u� oi c;ummurc:e Wu:�l SI. f'aul Chait�bu� ��f(:umn►o�ce an�l Ihe�Cqius ol Lilydalu. Mui�Uot.i dn�! Sunhsh l.;�ku Mtlt'�:11 1:1, 141:)t! �fuyar V��•no� Nappor Cuuncll Mc:u��c�r Dannis Whipperwan �ouncll Member Sheila Klasson Cou�cil me�ubQr Har�y Wileox ' ' �ouncil member John Oxborough � Ci�y StaPi� Ci Cy of R�sornount 2�?5 ��s�� 145th Street 1tosQuioi�nt, i�ri 55U68 II�nArul�lc� Muy�r ur►d Council. A�embar�: A!'Lc�r r�vl4win6 tho Yin�tl cir�tP1, oY Lhe proposc�ci Si�;n Orciiri�rncc, I���c� t�o�au�ouni. Ch�lml�or ot Con�n►ercc� i� raquestln�� thc� Pol.lowln�; ch,�n�;Qr; uc� consl�lc�rod: � � A�1c1 u definition for "rlk�t�ons, banners, pennants anci strings o:f li�hts". �. � �1e� Sectiop 1U. 1 - (C) �enornl Provis1.�ns � t Ucsle��� j•�=�Lrlctionb und p�rm.it rc�quiraments f'c� r�li�,�n�, t��i�inc�x•s� �c�nnunts and strii�gs oP lights �nci si�i�5t,i- tutp a provision �p �equii•c: remova� if' rnoL pro��erly a��tintairied. :1. Sectic�n 10. � �t�� 1 - (C) Cenortil 1 rovisians #1 : �11c�w k�c=uconr� ior tliree 3 d�iys e�ch, six G times u y�ur. Allow portable signs up ta t�n ( 1()) cipiys aach, siX (6) tin��a � your. 4. Sc�etic�n 10.2 - (A) A11 Uistricts• "R�al Er�tate Si =ns"; Cbange total. square Yootage allowed in commercial/industrial areas trora seventy (70) squ,irc� Yeot to ninety-six (96) square feet to allow use o� standard 4 x 8 signs. 5. Sc�ction 10.2 - (�) S�ns Allo��d By Permit Tn Comuiercial and IP Districts #1 : Ch�nge free � `� "..+".:.f . . 3f 13�J� 1���►�€� 2 s�tunditi� sibn �or �uch pY•incipal structure t� one-hundred ( 100) sguare feet with a maximum hei�;ht of Lwenty-Yivc� (25) feet. G. Suc:l.ic�n 1t1.1 - (f�) Si ri�s Allowoci ti �ormit Tn Cc�nu�iurciul ;�►ul TP �i.�tricta� :�: Chan�a wull 5a�;n:� i��� <<�low u�� Lo tw�nty l4 l�urcaiit u� th� toC�i1 ur�;� c�t �Uci w�t11a. ItUmc�vc� tho rur�ronco to caui��l i.- u�c���l.��ry �iue�l��ur�, x�imilui• eliuj��e� iuui �i�n ure�ur� ( Guu � v�i�;uc� up�i mlc�lw�clltlK) . 7. 5uc:l..tc�i► �Itl.2 - (X�') �1 i�d A1lawUc! li I�c�rn�i 1.�► ft; 1)l�;�rtc:4s�, N2: ,hun�u I�a �rot� c�titnciin� s Kn rc��• c�;4c:it r,j'lt�c:l�»�1 atructuru t,4 ona huuclracl ( ltlt)) r���u�ic•c� ' Puu4 W.��.lt t1 iai�xiu�um h�i};Ut .t�r tw,�nty-t'ivo (25� 1'��et.. t3. Sactiop 1�.2 - (�) ,S1 ns Allowed a Permit I'n IC t)istriGts: �#2; �Allow u� to �W�nty 20 per cent of Lhe total areti c�t t�,@ wall tor si�n. 9, Sect�.on 14.2 - (�') S�.�na Allawed 6y Pera�i.t In IG Aistr�,cts� �5; E iwinate the t.ime restiric ions o� illumi�ation oi the of�-pre�►ises signs as in most instancea the si�ns ar� controlled by photo-eloctric Uyc�b ��t�taat1cu11X, 'IU. Allow temporary s.ign psrmits to Ue obtuined Uy pt�onQ ui: no char�e. Wu fcsel t.hoz�u c:hup�at� �tr0 requir�d to ttllow us tho t1ax11�i l i Ly ;�u�l �:rc�s�tivll.y Lc� ptt��tivc�ly {xcxuc�t,c+ uoth th� oxisting busxn�;:��c�x� 1.0 ltc�s;u�uc�ttni. tut�i uny now uuein�es tht�t wauld likt� tc� loCu�c; Uc�rc: Wfthc�ut �ivau���.p� Ur cAlluipit�hin� tho lntent c�Y th4 Slgn Ur�l.inuncc�. 7'l►uuk you tor your consld�rutian in this muttc:r. Si.ncoY•oly, ' t�osLn�c�uN•r ciin�te�t� or� co��a�Rc�; � . ���� ���� Richurd Carlson,�ci�nt RC:dU �' • � �, u! ,(c.�,r p�;f In• r •�. # �7'. .J ��. �By ���r � � , �1:�iv�A� Y�v�''t�.�(6�s �or' a�' �rew.ise � G�VC�`t� � . � n i � Hmrch 20, 1990 Cauncil Meeting Review ' Public Heerinq - Section 10 (6ign�) Pa�e Four FI,, P�NNING COMM�SSION RECnMMENDATION The Pl�nning Cammission reviewed the propased Section 10 at its F'�ebruary 13, 1990 Regular Meeting. The Commission recommended approval of the proposed sign provisions (draft attached with this review) with one modification. The Commission recommended that Sub-Section 10.� . A. 7 . (p�ge 4) Real Estate Siqns be modified to read as follows : �teal �§tate Signs : Signs displaying sale or lease of property and contacts of owners or agents not exceeding 12 equare feet in area, provided only one (1) sign ie erected per street frontage and all ai.gns are removed within ten ( 10) days after the sele or lease of the property; except in the RR Rural Residential, RL Low pensity Single Family Residential and R-1 Single Femily R�sidential Districts where signs sht�ll not exceed six (6) aquare feet it� area; ; and, except in all Commercial and Industrial Districte' where up to two (2) �ig�s per street frontage shall be permitted not exceeding seventy (70) square feet. SECTiON 10 SIGNS 02/p6/90 SECTION 10.1 PURPQSE, UEFiNiTIONS, GENERAL PROVISIONS A. Puroose The purpose of this provision shall be to achieve the [ollowing ob,jectives: �--�'b`p*oaidc-ad ..y.v,:r.>:;..;.:�::.,..:;.::,:.:,: :..>.:..s::.:;.;,:.,.;....;<:,: :<�s�.•:,:.::;: �f.�y.�'�����t���Is�►; ��a�€�s�{>���h �rin��.�b�����.�. c��s�rs�brl�...��� i.�11�"���I�.�ip��rtttn�'�{;�d�er.�� . �irenttereeit--fro�tr . :?+A}i: �:4•.'<•r,�•. :.�• ;nk+t• n2}}rT+} ....�..v.x � �:n��'�<a�a� �g� �k��c��f��c�ti��t���, ��u���� ��� �am�ar�+�� p� ��� ��e::t���..,!�C,�t�er�x,..�is���c�>�n�����e��x�r ;�o,������ �� r � i���cz�s. .... 3. To restrict the locations af advertising signs with messages which are not exclusively related to the premises in which they are located, to ' areas where visual inUusions have the least impact on the resident population yet altow ma�omum esposure to vehicular movement. 4. To create standards regulating the type, sizt, number and location of sigas to promote uniformity and �rotect the investment of the tnost discriminating sign makers and users. 5. To prevent the use of signs from downgrading the appearance of resideatial and commercial neighborhoods ar depreciatirtg property vatues from the overcrowding or the oversizing of signs. • ', � . � oper�tieu-ef-si�rr. B. Deflnitions �rees���ding Sien: Any sign that is attached directly to the ground or is supported vertically by any structure having a source o[support independent of any building existing on the premises on which the sign is located. Hei¢ht: The height of a sign shall be measured Erom the centerline of the street or highway toward which Ehe sign is principalty disptayed to the top of the sign. Identification Sisn: A sign which displays only the name, address and title of an occupant or the name and address of a building or develapment. ]+Ton-C9nforming Sien: Any sign lawfully in existence on the effective date of this ordinance or any sign lawfutly in existence on the date of any amendment to this ordinance which does not con[o�m to the regulations a[fecEing signs for the district in whieh the sign is situaEed. Off-Premise Advertisine Sien: Any sign that directs attention lo a business, product, service, aclivity or entertainment not conductecl upon the premises on which such sign is located or ta non-commercial speech. 1 �n-Premise Sien: Any sign thht dirccts attention to the name o[ the building, premises, or to the name o( the building management �rm, or to the business, principat product, service, entertainment, or activity conducted, sold or offered upon the premises on which such sign is located or to non- commercial speech. Partable Sien: A sign so designed as to be movable from one location ro another, and which is not permanently attached to ihe ground, sales display device or structure. Prgjec' g Si¢n: Any sign which is affixed to the outside of the exterior wall ar soffit of any building and is not paraliel to the plane of the walt or soffit. i n: Any letter, work, symbol, model, printed, projected or �ffixed device, poster, picture, reading matter, or other representatian in the nature of an advertisement, announcement, direction or informative device including structural and component parts that is located outdoors and is larger than one (1) square foot in area. SiQn. Reader Board: Any sign having letters not permanently affixed to the sign face. The intent of the changeable copy is to permit the owner of the sign ta place messagea cortesponding to promotions or events at his eatebllebment. ,'�i g Area: 7'he area of a sign includes the space inside a continuous tine drawn around and enclosing all letters, designs and background materials exclusive of border, trim and structural supports. For the purpose of calculadng [he area of multiple-faced or back-taback signs, the stipulated maxinaum sign area shall refer to a single face. , Traff c�Si¢n: A sign which is erected by a governmental agency for the � purpose of guiding vehicular UafCc and providing information to motorists. I i n: A sign which is afCixed to the exterior wall, mansatd roof or saffit of a building and which is parallel to the building walt. A wall sign does not project more thaa twelve (12") inches from the surface to which it is attached, nor extend beyond the top of the parapet wali. C. �eneral Provision� 1. No sign shal! be erected in or overhang upon � public right-of-way or otherwise interfere witb sa[e pedesUian or vehicular movement, except traffic signs. 2. No sign shall contain colors, shapes, intermittent lighting or words such gs "stop," "warning," "caution," etc. which may be con[used with traf6c signing or controls unless such si�ns intended or approved for such use. • 3. Electrica!signs shall be installed according to State electrical codes and shaU require underground wiring. 4. Al) permanent signs exposed to weather conditions shail be constructed of materials to prevent normal deterioration from weathering. Furthet� all signs shall be constructed and maintained in a safe, orderly condition. 2 5. Any sign or sign structure which is defaced, deteriorated, improperty maintained or otherwise altered from its original petmitted condition shal! be repaired� repls�eed ar removed upon written notice from the City. 6. Sign structures not used far signing or signs end/or sign structures not properly maintained for six (b) consecuuve months shall be removed. 7. No sign or sign structure shaCl be permitted to in�erfere wit6 the safe access to doors� windows or C�re eseapes. 8. No°:'';;�C���i�;tik freestandin or buildin mounted si shall be su orted �. .. . ... . 8 B � PP bY Suy wites. 9. No sign sball contain intermittent, tlashing or other type of lighting which changes in it�tensity or cotor when artificially iliuminated, except [ime and temperaWre sigas. , ib. Flags displayed in commercial and industrial districts shali not exceed in surface area the maximum permitted for[reestanding signs, provided turther that the display of more than three (3) t]ags shall be d"ebited against lhe tatal freestanding sign�ge area permitted. 11. Address signs shall be required for each principai structure in the City, eleatty legible from the atreet at which accesx is gained, except in non- sewered areas where addresses shall be affixed to mailboxes ar a separate sUucture visible from the street. 12. No exterior sign shall pivot, move, rotate ar disptay any moving parts including electronic reader boards, except time and temperature or other public informatioa. Interior electromc reader boards visible to pedesUians on the outside are allowed only by permit in Commercial or Industrial Park Districts (See 10.2 E.4) , 13. Portable signs or revolving beacons are allowed in addition to permanent signs only by temporary permit issued by the Community Development Department. The length of permits for revolving beacons ' or similar d�vices shatt not exceed three (3) days �ncl;:.��i��:<:G+�:;:.�.�.5�?�� i•:•1'"• 1 ? ' � ��;�q�u�,upa �������c>jt�,�i. I'ermits [or portable �igns shall not-br tas�ed--fvr�nar�-tMm-�t�nrt�r`�3f3�-�la�pr���r-�car � �i�u��� �,, �ttu�i � i ����ur ��� t►a��s��:ti�4�'�f,o� � maaa�au�{` �tea ��p�) �i��,:��r�rmi� �!�Y �n�:�nrt�bl�.:�igtl:l#��r.lof.?m�Y �.f?�.;�itG�e� 14. No sign shall be painted directly on the exterior surface of any building. 15. Projecting signs are prohibitecl in all districts. I6. Ribbons, banners, pennants, strings o[ lights and similar devices are . ��; ��ir�wed��t�dd�i�a�c��xmancnc s�gns nn1��t��►pcsra�r��a�tw�sua� ��r t�i�,��iinmitnit��J�it$�c�pm�nE�7Qp�r�irra�rY��xt��t wh�a}�.+��i�'�tiC� used for non commercial purposes `�'�1�,���gCI� �n� per�zt�E� ��1�.>�t+�f �:��e�d r�s� (it��day�.an.d�hal! be.�sde�;.��mUm ol.�'gtt�(�),t3m�� �r:year. 3 17. Signs which aclvertise a business, �cti�•ity, product ar scrvice not located exclusively on the premises are �n�ohibited except as regulated herein. 18. No signs shall be closer than ten (10) feet from any property line ar corner lots except In i��'����:Uutr�c�;ani�as otherwise regulated herei�. . �e�catien nrevemtnf: 19. No sign may contain more than two (2) sides. 20. Rooftop signs are prohibited in all disUicts. . , , . intainr.t�-and�-�e�et , i�txet-assat�t: SECTION 102 PERMiTTED SIGNS A. �,II Dlstrlr�,g: The fotlowing signs are allowed without a permit in all zoning districts, but shall compty with all other apptieable provisions of the ordinance. 1. T��ffic Si¢ns 2. Pub,��,Si¢ns: Signs including public inCormation, points of interest, memorials and other non-cocnmercial information provided such signs are erected by or on the order of the City or other public agency having jurisdiction. 3. irectional Sians: Signs giving direction for pedestrian and vehicular movement on the pramises in w6ich the signs are located, aot exceeding four (4) square feet in area nor three (3) feet in height. 4. �omc�emorative Si¢�: Signs or plaques stating the name, date of construction, etc. of the huilding i�self as opposed to the name or nature nf a business, unless they are one in the same. S. H21�dav Si¢ns: Temporary signs or displays relating non-commercial messages associated with national, state or local holidays or festivals. 6. Campaign Si¢ns: Sigas or displays naming candidates or issues to be voted upan at public elections, provided such signs are posted no sooaer than ninety (9Q) days before an election and are removed ten (10) days after an election. 7. RPa! Estate Sians: Signs disptaying sale or lease of pro�ert�r,and contacts of owners or agents not exceeding twr�iv�-{-��} ��1�'....�.=:f�4u.E"� ��� square feet in area, provicled only one (1) sign is erected per street frontage and all signs are removed within ten (10) days aiter the sate or lease of the �roperty, eitc�p� 1t�°�ofnmetci��hs�����fi�,�#�`�8�� �r�rk��c� up to tw� ��� s�ga� per str�et.f���t�►ge..shia�i.t�e::��rm�aci�.�s:� ,'��►���ScUn�.Sav�nty..�74��.:�Qu�r� fcec. 4 8. Rum,�n�g�$ale Si¢ns: Signs announcing rummage or �arage sales not exceeding four (4) square fect in area, provided such signs art located on private pr�perty and are remuved iminediately after the sate. 9. Address Si¢ns: 5igns displaying letters or numbers naming only the owners and/or address of the prr��serry not exceeding one (1) square foot located at the street [rontage praperty line, except on corner lots where such signs shall be set back at least fifteen {15) feet from either praperty line, or on the principal structure. B. �i�ns Atlowed bv Permi�in All Dis�,ri�� ' 1. �,ons�uctign Siens: Signs naming a project, owners, contractors, etc, not exceeding thirty-two (32) square feet in area or ten (10) feet in height, provided such signs contain no ather advertising and are removed upon completion of the projec[ or two (2) years from erection, whichever is sooner. 2. �gv_g,lQpment Si¢ns: Signs promoting subdivision developments under construction not exceeding 100 square feet in area or twenty (20) feet • in height, provided suc6 signs are located on the development site and are remaved after niaety percent (90%) of the lots have been sold. 3. �nsti4utionat Si¢ns: Signs displaying names, addresses or directions for schools, churches, public buildings, parks, public events, etc. not exceeding three (3) square feet in area or six (6) feet ia height. � C. ,�.i�� AIIQwed t,�y P�rm,�t irl�ric_�llture Districts 1. pne (1) sign per farm identifying the name of said farm not exceeding twettty-four (24) square Eeet. 2. One (1) sign per farm advertising agricultural products raised in part on the premises not exceeding thirty-two (a2) square feet. . U, �[�a4 A low� by Pgrmit In i�esidenti�i D�stri��,� 1. Permanent identiCcation signs for residential dcvelopments not ' exceeding hventy-four(24) squarc feet per sign with a maximum of two (2) signs at each principal entrance. 2. One (i) identification sign for naultiple family dwellings not exceeding twenty-Eour (24) square feet, set back a minimum of ten (10) feet from all property lines not exceeding three (3) feet in height. 3. Qne (i) temporary freestanding sign per residential development advertising the sale or Ic�se c�� dwelling units on the premises not exceeding 1W square feet nor twenty (20) feet in height. 4. One (1) identification sign per each permitted pubiic 9nd institutional principal building or use not exceeding thirty-six (36) square Ieet or six (6) feet in height. E. Siuns Allo�ved by�gr n� ummrrci,�i�nd IP District� 1. One (1) frcestanding sign for each principal structure not exceecling eighty (8Qj square teet nor twcnry (20) feet in height. 2. One (1) freestanding sign for each principal structure with ten (10) or more businesses not exceeding 100 square [eet nor twenry (20j feet in height. 5 3. Wall signs not exceeding fifteen �ercent (15%) of the total area ot the wall on which the signs are atfixecl, provided that structures with more than one (1) sign be signed according to an approved sign concept plan ian which aq signs have complimentary designs, similar shapes and sign areas. Cansideration may be made by PUD to permit variation in size and design nf signs for major tenants or anchc�r businesses in larger c�mpicxes. No Sign rnay 1'ace an abutting tesidential district. 4. Changeable letter reader boards provided the sign area is included in the total sign area permitted. Electtonic reader boards may be displayed from the inside o[ build'sngs to be visible through windows by pedestrians. Maximum size for electronic reader boards displayed in this fashion shall be determined by the Planning Commission; in general, such displays should be timited to a size which does not represent a distraction to passing matorists. S. '7'emporary signs as permiued in residentiai districts,provided not more than one {1) such sign is permitted on any one (1) parcel nor located any closer than 150 feet 1'ram any other freestanding sign. 6. Public and institutional identi6cation signs as permitted in residential districts. F. Slgns Allowed, l�y P�rmit 1n I�Di�tricts 1. One (1) freestanding sign for each principat structure not exceeding 80 squaze feet nor twenty (20) feet in height. 2. Wall signs nat exceeding fifteen (15%) perceot of the total area oE the wall on which the signs are af6xed. 3. Temporary signs as permitted in residential districts,provided not more tban one (1) such sign is permitted on any ane (1) parctl nor located eny closer thaa 1S0 feet from eny other freeatanding sign. 4. PubGc and institutional signs as permitted in residential districts. 5. Off premises advertising signs, provided such signS are located adjacent to principal arterials a& deGned in the Comprehensive Guide Plan. Such off-premise advertising signs shall not exceed 80 square feet in area nor twenty (20) fect in height, not bt located at intervals exceeding 2500 feet xadius; provided further such signs shall not be located closer than 500 feet from any residenee, pubGc or institutional use or municipal corporate limits. Off•premise advertising signs �re considered a separate use of property and not an accessory use, and may only be located on a parcel which meets zoning requirements far , the IG District. No off-premise advertising sign shap be illuminated between the hours of 12:00 a.m. and 6:0(1 a.m. G. �iSns Allowed by Permit in P�B Di t5 rlct,� L One (1) freestanding sign [or each principal strucwre not exceeding eighty (80) sqaare feet nor twenty (20) feet in height. 2. Wall signs not exceeding fifteen (15%) percent of the total area o[the wall on which the signs are afCixed. H. Sl�n� Allowed bv Pgrmft M FW D�trlgt� 1. Navigational signs including barge ship icientification and d'+rectional signs. 2. Park identification and interpretation signs. 6 . � • - SECTION 103 PERMITTING PROCEDURES AND ORDINANCE COMPLIANCE ItEQUiREMENTS A. Permit Requirements: Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, no sign or structure shall be erected, constructed, altered, rebuilt ar relocated until a permit has been issued by the City. 1, �l�ation Reauirements: Applicants shautd contact tl�e Community Develapment Department to obtain tht necassary application form. Information required includes sign dimensions,height, colors,materials of construction, method of anchoring; content and location. A sketch or photograph of the proposed sign �s required as well as a site plan which adequately illustrates the proposed location of the sign. 2. �pnlication Review Procedure: Upon the filing of an application for a sign permit,Community Development Uepartment Staff shall examine the plans and speciCications and the premises apon w4�ich it is proposed to erect the sign. If the proposed sign is in compliance with this ordinance, the bnitding code of the City and �ll other laws and ardinances vf the City the sign permit will be approved. 3. Egg: The required fee as estabtished by resolution of City Council shal[ be paid to the Gity be[ore issuance of a sign permit. $. QnaoMg Ordinance Comnli��ce Reauiremeats for V1�W end Existin¢ Si�_s 1. j� ans fe Signs. Not�ce: If the City C�nds that any sign or other advertising structure regulated herein is unsafe or insecure� a menace to the public, or In violation of the provisions of this ordin�nce, the D'uector of Community Development shall give written notice to tht holder of the permit. The holder of the ptrm�t shalt remove or alter the sUucture so as ta comply with the standards required by this ordinance and iadicated by the Director of Community Developmeat within ten (10) days a[ter issuance of such nodce. 2. �xistine Si¢ns: Any sign legally e�cisting on the �ffective date of this ordinance which does not conform to the requirements set forth in this ordinance shall become a nonconforming use. Nonconforming signs shall be altowed to continue, but shall eot be rebuilt, relocateJ, , replaced or altered without being brought into compliance a+ith all the requirements of this ordinance. Maintenance of nonconforrriing signs shall camply with provisions of Section 14.3 of this ordinance. 3. �moval of Si¢�ts: The Director of Communiry Development shall order the removal of any sign erected or msintained in violation of this ordinance. Thirry (30) days notice in wridng shal! be given to the awner ot such sign, or of the building, structure or premises on which such sign is (ocated, to either comply with ordinance or remove the sign. 7 P O F1C1X S10 ����� V ^A�5-iq:",ill �:1 11� 0������,� ROSLP�tUtltJl MiNNt_t;��tn ��•,��;�+ 617 4?:i •1411 April 18, 1990 Mr. Rieh Carlaon, Pr�eident Rosemount Are� Ch�mb�r o� Commerae 15125 South Robert Tra�il Roeemount, Kn 55068 Dear Richs This i� e quiak notice of the eign ordinance work eeeeion, echeduled for 6:30 p. m. , Tueeday, April 24th. et the City �leli. The original dete, seleated �or April lOth, wae cencelled due ta Counail member eonfliate. Th� purpos� ot the meeting ie to continue the diecus�io�s held at the tfarah 2?th aork �e�eion. Thi� ie the only rritten r►otice of the r�eeting. W� would be Aeppy to announae th� m�etina �t the April 24th Ghamber lunaheon, rith your permiseion. Sinaerely, O�en R. Johneon Dir�ator Community Development