HomeMy WebLinkAbout3. Sign Ordinance Discussion (n(J P.O. BOX 510 ✓i�'([. Q 2875-145TH ST. W. OSQ�YLOZL/I.� ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 I 612-423-4411 i TO: MAYOR NAPPER� CITY COIINCIL AND CITY ADMINISTRATOR FROM: MICFIAEL WOZNIAR, AICP, CITY PLANNER DATE: MAY 31, 1990 SUBJ: JUNE 2, 1990 - SPECIAL MEETING - SIGN ORDINANCE DISCUSSION After previous workshops to discuss the Sign Ordinance the following three issues remain unresolved: 1. Council did not reach consensus, tentatively agreed to � allowing 100 square foot signs, 25 feet in height, only south of C.S.A.H. 42 . � 2 . Council did not reach consensus, but tentatively agreed to allowing signage to cover 20% of wall area (instead of 15%) only south of C.S.A.H. 42. y� 3 . No consensus was reached regarding the use of off premise 1`� signs. Y Director of Community Development, Dean Johnson, will discuss these three issues and present staff recommendations at the meeting. To ensure that City Council is current on the progress which has been made on resolving issues related to the sign ordinance I have attached with this review a copy of materials which were provided to Council for the Special Council Meeting on May 8th when the Sign Ordinance was last discussed. At the May 8th Council Workshop I was asked by Council Member Willcox to explain how the Planned Unit Development (PUD)procedure may be used to waive normal ordinance requirements for signage. After discussing this matter Staff has concluded that the PUD provisions of the Zoning Ordinance (Chapter 12) would allow the City Council to waive dimensional standards for signs for commercial or industrial developments approved by PUD. However, the PUD process would not allow the use of off-premise signs. For example, Council could allow a waiver to size requirements for a sign serving multiple businesses which are all situated on a parcel of property fronting on a major highway. The PUD process would not allow Council to allow businesses without frontage on the highway to have an off-premise sign. At the meeting, Dean, will discuss methods of allowing subdivision identification signs for planned commercial or industrial developments. � , � � P.O. BOX 510 A ��i�� � 2875-145TH ST. W. � ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 �se'f!/L�'u'n� 612-423-4411 TO: MAYOR NAPPER, CITY COUNCIL, CITY ADMINISTRATOR FROM: MICHAEL WOZNIAR, AZCP, CITY PLANNER DATE: MAY 2, 1990 SUBJ: MAY 8, 1990, SIGN ORDINANCE WORRSHOP ' At the Apri1 24th Sign Ordinance Workshop, Gouncil discussed the following eleven items regarding the Sign Ordinance which relate to the Chamber of Commerce letter (attached) dated March l3th: 1. Staff was directed to present definitions (attached) for ribbons, banners, pennants and strings of lights. 2 . Eliminate restrictions on ribbons, banners & , pennants and required permits. There was no apparent consensus by the Council. � 3 . Allow beacons 3 days, 6 times a year and portable signs l0 days, 6 times a year. There was apparent consensus, if written permits were required. 4 . This item was dropped by the Chamber of Commez�ce. 5. Increase freestanding signs in "C" and "IP" districts from 80 sq. ft and 20 feet height to 100 sq ft. and 25 feet height. There was � apparent consensus. 6. Increase wall signs in "C" and "IP" districts from 15% wall coverage to 20% -wall coverage and eliminate reference to "sign band" " concept. There appeared to be consensus on the increased percentage, but not on eliminating "sign band" concept. ? . Increase freestanding signs in "IG" districts from 80 sq. ft and 20 feet height to 100 sq. ft and 25 feet height. There was apparent consensus on this item. , 8 . Increase wall signs in "IG" district from 15% wall coverage to 20% wall coverage. There was apparent consensus on this item. 9 . Eliminate restrictions on the illumination of "billboards" . There was apparent consensus on this item. � � , , - , , . . ' wE.T NORTHERN DAKOTA COUNTY � 'Fr�" CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE MfNpGTA"�: ., •,�; � 1301 Carporate Center Drive q116 . :.;��.''-' ':. . Eagan, Minnesota 55121 612-452-9872 ;,,;....• ; . 3.,� , y . . . � .� . � . . . . .. � . ;.� . . Serving . ..�: '��'�� •:�, � . Ea�an Chamber of Commerce � ; ���T Mendola Heiyhls Chambor ot Commarce • Hosurnount Cham�ui ol Comme�rce Wer:;t St. Paul Charnbw of Comrnorce and lhe Citic�s ol LOydalc, M�ndota and Sunf�sh l.ako M��t•c:lt l:t, 1')�)U Mayor Vernon Napper Council Member Dennis Whipperman ' Council Meniber Sheila Klasson Council member Harry Wilcox . � Council member John Oxborough� � City Staff Ci ty of Rt�sem uo nt � 2875 West 145th Street Rosemount, Mn 55U68 It�noruUle M�iyor and CounciZ Members: A!'i,er rcvi�win� the Pin�il draft of the proposed Si�;n Orclin.�nce, Ll�c Rosetnc�ttnt ChamUer oP Commerce is requesting the foll�wiri�,r ch�in�;c� Uc cansidored: 1 . Acid a definition for "ribUons, banners, pennants and strings o� lights". ' Cfe� 2. Section 10. 1 - (C) General Provisions �# Dc:lete rc=strictions .�nd pormit rec�uirements fo ribUons, k�.xnners, pennants and strinbs of lights ar�d sub5ti- tiite a provision to require renroval if not ro >er 1 P I maintained. y �f 3) :3. Section 10. 't - (C) Generul Provisions #1 : !!11�w t�e�icons ior three 3 days each, six G times a ycur. Allow Portable si�ns up to ten ( 1O) ciays euch, six (6} times a year. ` 4. Section 10.2 - (A) Al1 Districts; "Real �state Si�ns" : Change tota?. square �ootage allowed in commercial/industrial areas �rom seventy (70) squure feet to ninety-six (96) square fset to allow use of standard 4 x 8 signs. 5. Section 1Q.2 - (E) Signs Allowed By' Permit In Commercial and IP Districts #1 : Chan�e Yree � � ' �7 , ti q � . � . .. � . . '�. � .�/�J�J`7 � � . � � �I�I � Pz�e 2 '' si;anding si�n for each principal structure to one-hundred ( 100) square feet with a maximum hei�;ht oY twenty-five (25) feei,. G. Sec:tic�n 1O.� - (f:) Si6ns Allowed 13y permit In Cc�mmc�rciul :i�icl IP DiStr� cts �#3; Chango wull :;i.�;ais - i.c� ,��low «E� Lo tw�nty 2Q p�rcont o� tho toL�i1 urc,i of Ll►c: w�i115. lt�mc�vc� t.ho reYoronco to c�m;�ll.- mc�n l..iry ciur�i.�;tit�, simil��i• shu��ot3 uiid sign ur�us ( t,c�c� � v�i�;uc� unci mlhloi�ciinK) . 7. Sr.<:Llc�ri 1O.2 - (I�) Si�iis Allowocf 13y l��rmlt i.rr fc; I)i:;Lricl.:;, #;�: Chun�� tho �'roc� stiinciinK si�n i'c�r c���cti ��z•incii»i1 r�truaturc, to onp hur�cirod ( 1Ot?) hyu,�rc: ' 1'ect W.��.h �t maiximum h�ibht .�t twenty-Yi.vo (25) 1'c�c�i.. 8. Section 10. 2 - (F) Si ns Allowed B Permit In IG Districts, #2: Allow up to twenty 20 per cent �f t11e total area Qf the wall �or si�;n. 9. Section 10.2 - (F) Signs Allowed By Permit In IG Distri.cts, #5: Eliminate the time restrictions of illumination o� the off-premises si�ns as in most instances the signs are controlled by photo-electric � cyes automaticully. lU. Allow temporary sign permits to be obtained by plione ut no char{;e. Wc feel Lltc:so ehun�es- urQ requirod to allow us the flexit�il.ii,y cinci cre�itivi l.y Lr� etfec�ively �k�t� botki thU c;xisting �usii�c�ses i.ii ttc�semc�tinL t�cz1 �tny new businesr� thut would like to locate herc withc�ut cium.��;�ing or diminishinb tho intent oi the Si6n• Or�i.in.�nce:. 7'hank you for your consideration in this m�ltter. Sincerely, . RnSLMUUNT C1IAMBER OF CUMMERC� ���� ���� Richurd Carlson, �cie:�t / , ', RC:db . ' � r� • Q. � .� !. � �. (B ����lrn�� � � l�� D n��� � y . �<<w►��afe Y�'�'lG-�td�5 tar ar�' �rew���e . . a�v�.�-c,�� . . , SECTION 14 SIGNS 02/06/90 SECTION 10.1 PURPOSE, DEFINITIONS, GENERAL PROVISIONS A. Puraose The purpose of this provision shall be to achie��e the following objec[ives: tv-itfz�cttifp-strn _ � - �.''� ,.:::.:::.:�...:.: :.::.:,::.:...:,,,.:::.:,:::::::.:::.:::.:,:.:,..:.;�,;:.;;..>..:..;,..;>:;;;�::.:;...:<,:.;:;;:.,.,>;>�<:,;:::::.>::>::.:;::.>;:::<,;>:::<,:..;::.:>:::;;;::<:. �:>};:::;:;<,�'i:k:::�s�a���h s�a�aicds `y��ch petm�t.bus��.esse��a. reaso�ab�e�ma�d .: eq�tat�le.oppAriun�y..� �c�ertisc; ' irv�rci cirt—fram :,:.:�:;.;:.::.....;,..:>::.:�;:�;:.:.;;:.:; :.;�.;;:.:;.;...:,..;;•:..:,�:::::::.:,:::.:....:::::<:,:.;::.,;:.�;,.;:�;;�.>:;.:.;<_.:..:;.;;:;;;;:.;..,;::.:.:,:.;::;;;..::.;:;<,::::.;:.>::�:.;::,. ��;;:<>;:�'i�<;a:l�w t'�r ���et��u� xde�t�ficat�ar�, aduerF�tng and com�tuzucaC�o�z ,...>.:::::..:.: > :.,;:.;: t�rau�h the..us� Qf orrlgr3y,,.,ducrete..:ant�;.�e�essar�::com�an�ca�ive �aeiixcxes: ..... 3. To restrict the locations of advertising signs with messages which are not exclusively related to the premises in which [hey are located, to ' areas where visual intrusions have the leas[ impact on the resident population yet allow maximum exposure to vehicular movement. 4. To create standards regulating ihe type, size, number and location oE signs to promote uniformiry and protect the inves[men[ of the most discriminating sign makers and users. 5. To prevent the use of signs t'rom downgrading the appearance of residenual and commercial neighborhoods or deprecia[ing property , values from the overcrowding or the oversizing of signs � �� � � . � ��'�� (� B. Definitions � � Freestanding Sig_n: Any sign [hat is attached directly to �he ground or is supported vertically by any structure having a source of support independent � of any building e�,�isting on the premises on which the sign is located. ' Height: The height of a sign shall be measured from the centerline of the street or highway [oward which the sign is principally displayed to the top � of the sign. ' Identification Sien: A sign which displays only the name, address and tide of an occupant or the name and address of a buiiding or development. Non-Conformin�,Si�n: Any sign lawfully in existence on the effec[ive date of this ordinance or any sign lawfutly in existence on the date of any amendment to this ordinance which does no[ conform to the regulations . atfec[ing signs for the district in which the sign is siluated. Off-Premise Adverlising,Sign: Any sign that direc[s attention lo a business, product, service, activity or entertainmen[ nol conducted upon the premises on which such sign is located or to non-commercial speech. 1 � � � On-Premise Sien: Any sign that directs attention to lh� name of the building, premises, or [o the name of the building m�nagement firm, or to the business, principal product, service, entertainment, or activity conducted, sold or offered upon the premises on which such sign is located or to non- commercial speech. Portable Sien: A sign so designed as to be movable from one location to ano�her, and which is not permanen�ly attached [o [he ground, sales display device or structure. Projecting Si�n: Any sign which is affixed to the outside of the exterior wall or soffit of any building and is not parallel to the plane of the wall or soffit. Si n: Any letter,.work, symbol, model, printed, projected or affixed device, poster, picture, reading matter, or other represen[aUon in [he nature of an advertisemen[, announcement, direction or informative device including struc[ural and component parts that is located outdoors and islarger than one (1) square foot in area. Sign, Reader Board: Any sign having letters not permanently affixed to the sign face. The intent of the changeable copy is [o permit the owner of the sign to place messages corresponding to promotions or events at his establishmen[. i Area: The area of a sign includes the space inside a conunuous line drawn around and enclosing all letters, designs and background materials exclusive of border, trun and structural supporu. For [he purpose of calcula[ing the area of multiple-faced or back-to-back signs, the supulated maximum sign area shall refer to a single face. . Traffic Sien: �A sign which is erected by a governmental agency for the � purpose of guiding vehicular traffic and providing information to motorists. Wall Sien: A sign which is affixed to [he exterior wall, mansard roof or sofFit of a building and which is parallel to the building wall. A wall sign does not project more [han twelve (12") inches from the surface to which it is attached, nor extend beyond the top of the parapet wa1L C. General Provisions 1. No sign shall be erec[ed in or overhang upon a public right-of-way or otherwise interfere with safe pedestrian or vehicular movement, except [raffic signs. 2. No sign shall contain colors, shapes, intermittent lighting or words such as "stop," "warning," "caution," etc. which may be confused �vi[h traffic , signing or controls unless such si�ns intended or approved for such use. 3. Electrical signs shall be installed according to Slate electrical codes and shall require underground wiring. � 4. All permanent signs expased to weather conditions shall be constructed of materials to preven[normal deEerioration from weathering. Further, all signs shall be constructed and maintained in a safe, orderly condition. 2 , � 5. Any sign or sign struc[ure which is defaced, deteriorated, iruproperly maintuned or otherwise altered from its original permitted condition shall be repaired, replaced or removed upon written notice from the City. 6. Sign structures not used for signing or signs and/or sign structures not properly maintained for six (6) consecutive months shall be removed. 7. No sign or sign structure shall be permitted to interfere with the safe access to doors, windows or fire escapes. 8. No p�:iG:�€i;��t�;rik freestanding or building mounted sign shall be supported bY 8uy wires. 9. No sign shall contain intermittent, Ilashing or o[her type of lighting which changes in in[ensity or color when arti£cially illuminated, except time and tempera[ure signs. � � � . . . t� ---� nc,r ..r .t-� •-•--' --'-�'--- . . , wuc�w � 10. Flags displayed in commercial and industrial districts shall not exceed in surface area the maximum permitted for freestanding signs, provided fur[her that the display of more than [hree (3) flags shall be debi[ed against lhe total freestanding signage area permitted. 11. Address signs shall be required for each principal struc[ure in the City, clearly legible from the sueet at which access is gained, except in non- sewered areas where addresses shall be affixed to mailboxes or a separate structure visible from the street. , 12. No exterior sign shall pivo[, move, rotate or display any moving parts including electronic reader boards, excep[ time and temperature or other public informadon. Interior electronic reader boards visible to �-- pedestrians on the oucside are allowed only by permit in Commercial or Indus[rial Park Districts (See 10.2 E.4) , 13. Portable signs or revolving beacons are allowed in addition to permanent signs only by temporary permit issued by the Community Development Department. The length of permits for revolving beacons ,.... ..:., : or similar devices shall no[ excecd three (3) days �nd;::S�ia1l;�iief:i��ue:d >��:;:.:;:.::,,,;;: . : � ��.�q�,.U..u�;ptt1,:oE;�v���„��y�ac. I'ernu�s for portable S�gns shall aat-�e :ssu�d-frn-mvr�-tkxurt�mtp�-E3f�-cf�ys-Qcr-yc�ttr bc� i�suec� � �na�a�tim ���fpur {a� c�m�s �r`y�a�:Cnr a rri�aaznu,m a�tea ��.q� �lay.s.per per��t. f�?�1,� c�ne.poria�?��.:��&�,.�?er.�ot�aX.be..Pe.rn��4ced 14. No sign shall be painted direcdy on the ex�terior surface of any building. , I5. Projecting signs are prohibited in atl districts. 16. Ribbons, banners, pennants, strings of lights and similar devices are � ;.;::.,>,..:;:::<.;>�>:::>:.;:.:;:�:.>;;::..::..::.:::<::,.>.,.:.;<:;>:;.:...:<;::;;,;:.;,;::.;::;;::.>;��;:::;,;<:.>.:�.>:.>:.;>:�:.::::;�:.;::.,,:: ��lA�SI'Cd 17�i��4�1i1S�1�t{�pBt'I1�2�e7zt:S��riS 0#11�b�t�silpOT��'y,g�CtltiL a�S'Ue� tx�ihe.��mmuriit�r�3eyelopment.Depar[�nen[exeept when c�mporarily used for non commercial purposes: `fhe Ier��C�. �E per3zuts 5b:al�.xu>t exceed ten (i0� daYs.and,shalI be �ssued a�naximum of f�ur.��4�.:t�mes ........., ,...... ......... ......... ,......... �i'�r;:3'ear. 3 . r � . . . - . � ' 17. Signs which advertise a business, acti�•ily, product or service not loeated exclusively on the premises are E�rc�hibited exce��t as rebulated herein. 18. No signs shall be closer than ten (10) feet Crom any property line or corner lo[s except in t��C 2;I3�strict,;aizd as otherwise regulated herein. , mvvcm�srE: 19. No sign may contain more than two (2) sides. 20. Rooftop signs are prohibited in all dis[ricts. � � � SECTION 10.2 PERMITTED SIGNS A. Ail D(stricts: The foilowing signs are aliowed without a perrnit in all zoning distric[s, but shall comply with all o[her applicable provisions of the ordinance. L Traffic Signs 2. Public Signs: Signs including public intormation, points of interest, memorials and other non-commercial information provided such signs are erec[ed by or on the order of the City or oth�r public agency having jurisdiction. 3. Directional Signs: Signs giving direc[ion for pedestrian and vehicular movement on the premises in which the signs are located, not $xceeding four (4} square feet in area nor three (3) feet in height. 4. Commemorative Siens: Signs or plaques stating the name, date of construction, etc. of the building i�self as opposed to the name or nature of a business, unless they are one in the same. : 5. Holida,L,gns: Temporary signs or displays relating non-commercial messages associated with national, state or local holidays or festivals. . 6. Cam„�ai�n Siens: Signs or displdys naming candidates or issues to be voled upon a[ public elections, provided such signs are posted no sooner than ninety (90) days before an eleccion and are removed ten (10) days after an elecuon. , 7. Real Estate Siens: Signs displaying sale or lease of pro�er[�+.._and contacts of owners or agents not exceeding taoe3a�} i1V��fo�2i+ ��4� square feet in area, provided only one (1) sign is erected per s[reet frontage and all signs are removed within ten (10) days after the sale or lease of the �ro�erty, except in �ommercia�ndu�fr�al .�r��s w�aez�;up.to..tw�.:(2) sigas:;per'str�ec fKon�tage shall be`peX.�a�ttPdh�not exceeding seventY:��0;� �quAre feei. 4 8, Rummage Sale Siens: Signs announcing rummage or garage sales not exceeding four (4) square f�ct in area, provided such si�ns are located on private properly and are removed immediately after the sale. 4. Address Siens: Signs displaying leuers or numbers naming only the owners and/or address of the property not exceeding one (1) square foot located at the street frontage properry line, exce�t on corner lots where such signs shall be set back a[ leas� Cifteen (15) feet from either property line, or on the principal structure. � B. Si;,ns Allowed bv Permit in All Districts � 1. Construction. Si�ns: Signs naming a project, owners, contractors, ete. not exceeding thirty-two (32) square feet in area or ten (10) feet in height, provided such signs contain no o[her advertising and are removed upon completion of the project or two (2) years from erection, whichever is sooner. 2. Development Siens: Signs promoting subdivision developments under construcuon not exceeding 100 square fee[ in area or twenty (?A) fee[ . in height, provided such signs are located on the developmen[site and are removed after nine[y percen� (90%) of the lots have been sold. 3. Institutional 5isns: Signs displaying n , addresses or directions for � schools, churches, public buildings, arks, public events, etc. not � exceeding three (3) square feet in area or s'ix (6) feet in heigh[. C. Siens Allowed bv Permit in e�riculture Districts 1. One (1) si�n per farm identifying the name of said farm no[ exceeding twenry-four (24) square feet. 2. One (1) sign per farm advertising agricultural produc[s raised in part on the premises not exceeding thirry-two (32) squarc feet. . D. Sions Allowed bv Permit in Residential Districts 1. Permanent identificauon signs for residential dcvelopment`� not exceeding e�venty-four (24) syuare feel per sig�with a��mu� o�� �,..� (2) signs at each principal entranca. � � �"�C exceedin � 2. One (1) identificauon sign for multiple family dwellings not g � �� i twenry-four (24) square feet, set back a minimum of ten (10) fee[from ��n. all property lines not exceeding three (3) feet in height. - 3. One (1) tcmporary freestandinb sign per residential development advertising the sale or .Icasc uf dwe�lling units on the premises not � exceeding lUU square feel nor twenly (20) feel in h�ighL 4. One (1} identification sign per eacli permitted public and instituuonal principal building or use not exceeding thirty-six (36) square fee[or six (6) feet in height. � E. Si�ns t�lip�v�d bY Permit !n Coiurorrci�ll and iF Districts 1. One (1) freestanding sign [or cach principal structure not exceeding eighty (80) square teet nor twcn�y (20) feet in height. 2. One (1) freestanding sign for each principal structure with ten (10) or more businesses not exceeding 1(}0 square feet nor twenry (20) feet in height. . � , . ., • 3. Wall signs not exceeding fifteen percent (1�%) of the total area of the wal! on which [he signs are aEfued, provided that structures with more [han one (1) sign be signed according to an approved sign concep[plan in which all signs have complimentar�� designs, similar shapes and sign areas. Consideration may be made by PUD to permit variation in size and design of signs for major tenants or anchor businesses in larger conipl�xes. 4. Changeable letter reader boards provided [he sign area is included in the to[al sign area permitted. Elec[ronic reader boards may be displayed from [he inside of buildings to be visible through windows by pedestrians. Maximum size for electronic reader boards displayed in this fashion shall be determined by the Planning Commission; in general, such displays should be limited to a size which does not represen[ a distraction [o passing motorists. 5. Temporary signs as permitted in residential districts, provided not more than one (1) such sign is permi[ted on any one (1) parcel nor located any closer than 150 feet from any o[her freestanding sign. 6. Public and ins[itutional identification signs as permi[ted in residential districts. F. Signs Allowed bv Permit in IG Districts 1. One (i) freestanding sign for each principal structure not exceeding 80 squaze feet nor twenty (20) feet in heigh[. 2. Wall signs not exceeding fifteen (15%) percent of the total area of the wall on which the signs are affixed. ' 3. Temp�rary signs as permjtted in residential dis[ricts, provided not more [han one (1) such sign is permitted on any one (1) parcel nor located any closer than 150 fee[ from any other frees[anding sign. 4. Public and insututional signs as permitted in residential districts. 5. Off premises advertising signs, provided such signs are located adjacent to principal arterials as defined in the Comprehensive Guide Plan. Such off-premise adverdsing signs shall not exceed 80 square fee[ in area nor twenty (?A) feet in height, nor be loca[ed at intervals exceeding 2500 feet radius; provided further such signs shall no[ be located closer than 500 fee[ from any residence, public or institutional use or municipal corpora[e limits. Off-premise advertising signs are considered a separate use of properry and no[ an accessory use, and may only be located on a parcel which meets zoning requirements for the IG District. �-vff-Frremise advertising-sigfl-sl�}-be-�k�t��isa�ed- between the hours of 12:OU a.m: and 6:00 a.m. G. Sieiis A.11owed by Permit in PUB Districts 1. One (1) freestanding sign for each principal struc�ure�not exceeding eighty (80) square feet nor twenty (20) feet in height. / ` ' � � 2. Wall signs not exceeding fifteen (15%) percent of the total area of the wall on which the signs are affixed. H. SiP�� Allowed bv Permit in F'W nistricts 1. Navigational signs including barg� ship identiGcalion and directional signs. 2. Park idenCiCication and interpretation signs. 6 . t � . � � �� �I SECTION 103 PERMITTING PROCEDURES AND ORll1NANCE COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Permit Reauirements: Except as otherwise provided in[his chapter, no sign or structure shall be erected, constructed, al[ered, rebuilt or relocated until a permit has been issued by the Ciry. i. Aantication Repuirements: Appticants should contact the Community Developmen[ Department to obtain the necessary application form. Information required includes sign dimensions, height, colors,materials of consuuction, method of anchoring, content and location. A sketch or photograph of the proposed sign is required as well as a site plan which adequately illustrates the proposed location of the sign. 2. Ap.�lication Review Procedure: Upon the filing of an application for a sign permit,Community Development Department Staff shall examine the plans and speciCications and the premises upon which i[is proposed to erect the sign. If the pro�osed sign is in compliance with this ordinance, the building code of the City anti all other laws and ordinances of the City [he sign permit will be approved. 3. Fee: The required fee as established by resoluuon of City Conncil shall be paid to Che City before issuance of a sign permit. B. OnEomQ Ordinance Comaliance Requirements for New and Existing Siens 1. Unsafe Siens No[ice: If the City finds that any sign or other advertising structure regulated herein is unsafe or insecure, a menace to the public, or in violatian of the provisioas of this ordinance, the Director of Community Developmen[ shall give written notice to the holder of the permit. The bolder of the permi[ shall remove or alter the s[ructure so as to comply with the standards required by this ordinance and indicated by [he Direc[or of Communiry Development wi[hin ten (10) days after issuance of such notice. 2. Existine Si�ns: Any sign legally existing on the effective date of this ordinance which does no[ conform to the requiremen�s set forth in this � ordinance shall become a nonconforming use. Nonconforming signs shall be allowed to continue, but shall no[ be rebuilt, relocated, � replaced or altered without being brought into compliance with all the requirements of this ordinance. Maintenance of nonconforming signs shall comply with provisions of Section 14.3 of this ordinance. 3. Removal of Siens: The Director of Community Development shall order the removal of any sign erected or maintained in violation of this ordinance. Thirty (30) days notice in writing shall be given to the owner of such sign, or of the building, structure or premises on which such sign is located, to either comply with ordinance or remove the sign. ` II 7 Proposed Language to Al1ow ` Subdivision Identification Signs � for � � � U � �I Commerici and Industrial Subdivisions Add to Section 10.2 Subparagraph E: 7. For the purposes of creating identity in planned commerical and industrial park subdivisions, in addition to other freestandin signs allowed by this ordinance, one freestanding Subdivisi entification Sign not to exceed 100 sqtt.are feet in area o 20 eet in height shall be allowed per subdivision. Commerci d Industrial Park Subdivision Identification signs sha 1 only be permitted on property within the subdivision being identified which is situated on a Principal or Minor Arterial as identified in the City of Rosemount Comprehensive Guide Plan. Furthermore, no Commercial or Industrial Park Subdivision identification sign shall be� situated closer than 100 feet to any other permi freestanding sign. ,/� � � . VS � ��� ��� .�� ' �� �a�u,/�C� � ��� OO � � -----�--_-__._.`._�m____..�___....._, , � �,,:. /a . �, /�3 3 F �� �'� �� �� � ��� � _ , �� � � �� `'� �� � � � � � �,�,� � �" _ �� .��� � � � �