HomeMy WebLinkAbout4. Goals & Objectives Discussion r � �. �:� i%�.�yo,Qs = 1o�i,3�r�s I 7owx r�c�.r.crtc; c�cro��_l i,����� ' Tt1WN INPUT ON IMI'ROVEMI;N'TSf STRF.NG.ClIS ANU WIsAKNES5F„S A ;f, T()t' FIV� RANKINGWIMPROV�IGN'�S // 1. [3uf.ld � �ubl.Ic [ (�rmorpj :t�t�r�ry/r.��mm�u�ity tent:�r; F�ren,�, p�rl►i:tc f.acil.iL•p, movi� theeter, seniors-youth, � Z. trn��rovc: r_c�mmttnic�tion� between city-coi1nty-Pta1.��-�chr>��l.s-cmnmurii.ry- lfubltc. Commun:tty riewsletter, �aufi�ll�h eg�ndas, c«mprehen3tvP 1,1.:�r�. 0 3. Impr�v� retai.l develvPment and i.ndu.4tri�1 ci�vc�lonmeni:; mnr� jot�s; �ir�n' t l�vsc� small. L•own atmo8�here; �lon't hv,.•C exi.sL-ii��; hu4i.t�ea�; ker..p ��t;� .large stc�res(T�c�et, Cut3). � /�►. Set �p a lon� range comprehensiv� pl.an, i:.e. sLorm vc�ver p.l�n, p1-egt,,•v„ rural atroospl�ere. - � 5. 'Crs�f.f:ic rlannin�: �noCor v�h3.cle f]:ow. 1.f�i�t;s, �pc�r.�itn�;(j5--ht) Uicycles. ), QTIIC.i� IMPRQYI�Mi:NTS LISTED (randnin ordcr) 1) Dea1 witi� erivironme�ital cancern� i.a. KocM, 13 of �i� r'�t:y�11:n�;. �) i3ull�l vn sma11 I:own v�lues; say no to oE�t��tcir+ ��eiyci.e;� nt��l f��ren3. �) GnJ�rnve tr�na{�vrtnti.on f�tr.tli.t:i.c�. �►) Ncecl mc�i•e m��ll9.plc� f�mlly l�ousl:ng; r�enlUc• ni�d :�1:n�lc�il: t��,i�sl.ng. 5) f.�nprnv��nc�tts rc� h�ndle g�awth. fi) Oar�i�.nlrices ne�cl en£�ccPment i.e. trAE£Lc, �ni.mr�l.g, �nc�re pol.3.ce? . 7) lii.�;ii�:r�� quality homeq tttrou�;h r_on[:r��l c�E hcn��tn� - r..rjr�l:rr.►l: "Ti��t�ri�i s��t•,nwt , F3) 11e7�cc}me L-�► Roscmount si�n c�n ilwy f�2 9) ��n��i•ov�� comm�tility icie��ti.�y . lpj C„i�Cr.�I.i�� cic�wntnwii distriet y .. . 11) 1J of M �roPert-y: get a t�antile c�r� i.t; esr.:i�)�..L9I1 d�vf�lu�Nne�it hiri��f �;,, ,�f.ler i.t� ki�it# o�tl: I�ow it teF.t. ' 17) AgrHe r��i �nnlit� nl.���. t3} Clty lrna�� - neatne�s, ht1tCA11Cr9, ��� awaiy Erom �inm�, i.Fn��;r. Ih) i:;�Lab�l.:i.sh tr�dustri.al �1;�rk. 1.5) rstablish netosp�per. • lb) 13ui1dtng code �o aici dr�antown image -- strlct ��ol:t.cy ,an 1��aii�:i:n�;. 17) titre a pro�e9sional. L•� sulicit industrLal. ���tl eCrnf�»�1i:� clt3vel.t��tmE*�tt:. 18) Get Star Gitp rating. a 19) Iucent:tves for c�oamtown imprr�vemer�t9. � 20) L�wer den9ity af housin�. , 21) Chan�e image in eqes of other govcrnin� hodi.es tow�c�i "c}umE,,r a.m��g��. 22) �eve3.v��e tt�ry 52 tndusL•rial carrid�r wi.�:hoiit pvtluLnnts. 2�) Pf�re development east artd south L-o hring mn�'n rC3�.t1L(it9 i.n. T'�P �IVF. RAI�KING 5'rRCNt�!'ti5 ' 1. Great religious au{�pe�rt - all. denominat:i.�nr� 2. Goocl geogrr�phi.e locat�on; c].c�se �o metr.c�; rvraljuri»n. 3. T;xc��tent sch�ols; Co�mm�»t.ty i:d, f:c�r aciul.rn nnd pc»�U�. 4. Goocl communtty s�p�ort - civic �r�u�s. S. Sm�11 t-awn atmnsphere - neighborlq, fr:fi�nrtly. STRL'i+IGTtIS (ranclorn brder) G) (;ocxi 3cl�oo�.a. 7) Rosemui�nt'� locattai I:� g�»d. s3} i�and qu<zlity and �vai�.nhi.l�tty good . 9) Qw;�l..i:ty people here 10) Ci.ty - cvunCry Htmvs��liere 2 11} t,rent ���porturiitv for Cu�nr.�; tit� ��c�Le�thi.ri:l ��i.t:l� y;ct�x! �►��nnlir�; i�a L�mnt�tt���. ��) �'rr�:tAe for r.:ttp �cl�n.l.��i.q�:r�t:�r !'3) (:rez�t; vc1�r���l:�a lJ�j 11 ut. M �rut>erty ccwlrl lu� :.i p�F�;� #.(' wr cuu.1.�1 �;�I: 1.t1 1 i} �xcellcnt seho�l.slYo-1'Ach �G) S�nal.l town atmoe�phere 17) Cl.�aeness t� metro �re�e; ire�ways 18) Rural and vpen r�rea�s ��) �'rienclly people/business; pooci mi.x �E yotin� �nc1 ��:t�i 20) �vart schonls 2.l) Go�ct parks ancl recre�ti.an prc�gram ZZ) Goud carn�rouni.tp services i.e. fire, po.ticQ 23) Ac1;.tve civic graupa - Leprecheun Days ' �now re,n�v7l. �1+) Good corrm�ura3.tq ed. e 2i) rxcellent qchoo],s; �ublfc ancl priv:�te 26) Proxim3.tp to MSP metro sc�rvices �7) Qu3l.itp of lt.€p here c3.ean, friendlp 2�) M�ny options for control of develnpanent Zy) �Iversity/v�riety of dev�Iapment: r.esidet�r�.�1, cwnmcr<<ia�l, titduai.ri.�J. #�# Retain sma11 L•own atmosphere I 3(}) School system - good teflchers 31} SporL-s good - REA� RAAA: R�M; beiief3t tor nif.glihors getl.in� tob�t?�er whil.e kicis �lap 32) Park apstem; aciults and kida 33) Goocl fire �ncl police protectt�n 3t+) Itornetown atmosphere, fri�ncily, o�ei� ;�p�ces TOP k iVE RhNKING .WI�.AKNI'.SSES 1. !'ul�tic facili.ties 2. Co�nmtinication� 3• Retai�.-Ittdustrial �ase � 4. Cvn�prehen�ive Plan �• 'I'raEfic 3 ,, „' WCAKN�SSES (random orde�) 1) Rofldw�q qpeecl� and p�rking 2} (�t���i.ttp atnrc� nnd d1.ni.r�� :;) t:+�r�n��nl.ty Lnv��lv�ment �i) �t�Csidc inftu�n�.e S) Lack of �,nclusCriat i�a�� 6) Communicati.on 7) 51ow clevelopment of. ret�i l �`3) Cr�ter C� ind��stry instaaci ��:C cc�mme�-r;iat; no mh.�nr devr�.fc,�xnc�F�l 9) 1,�ck oE P��bti.c fec't1tY.ieA: tr�ir�apc�rtAt�.on, m�v.lc� L•.he�t.,�r 10) Sign nii Cty 42; le�ving APF1e V�11ey; entering on Hwq 3 ].1) L�ng term comF�tiinitp dev�l.o�m�r�� . l2) Corr�unicRtion w;ttli.tr� cc�rmnc�n:ltp 13) lit�h Laxes - no servicel lf;) Recre�►tion for l•eens 15) Identitp 1G) 1,ack of. }�u9inesr�/indnstrial ha�e; .r.etai.l 17) (;ommunily involvementJcvmmttnle�Y.i.�n wiLlY riLy �8} Polkut:i.an; U of M� Kach Re£ining 1`)) 't'r�neportation - pvfi�lic Rnd traffi.r. .fl�a� 2�) Deslgn nf citp - continuity, ol.cl to nec+ 21) Lack of communicatlon from ci.�y � 22) Areng of clowntown nec� d bus 23J Youth plRces needed 24) T.,ack of enthasiasm 25} Residential builcling fas�ter tiien 9CFIUOJ. �an ke�e�� t�� 2G) Further indu�trial growth - broeden tax bnae 27) pevelo�►e U o� M praperty� canGern �v�r c�ntr<al 2�� �vrther rmtait dev�lopmcent �nci t�esC u4e 2y) Citg l�lanntng re;�ponaive �o re9i.{ihnL-s i.sr�ufiq; i:nni.�;l�t: �,i.c�c,,:a:� er�Peciallp 30) 1.,aw �nfarcement, tr.Hffic, :apeedtng, stog9 31) rnviro�ment: Wildlife, �tr, �a�er, r.ecyc:ti:n�, d�im� 32) Suf;Ficient reta�.l 3�) Need to rec. div�rsi.ty; rural-urban enfarcemeTat o� 1aw9 ir� these flrer���- halance 3�i} Controlling t� o.E M praPertp 35) P�rking: �ll. night on Atreet4; v�nc�aliem. 3(�) A�iimal control; dogs and catA 37) Sl��nnon 1'�rkwup speeciers 3f3) T'our way stop on nod� an�t ghannan . 3`�) S�iow remcrval slow � 1�j !�