HomeMy WebLinkAbout4. Presentation by Staff � ��j P n. BC)X 510 Zl� � � � � 2875-145Tfi ST. W �5� � 1�y� ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 ��N%/`� 612--423-441 1 TO; CITY COUNCIL FROM: MICHAEL WOZNIAR, AICP, CITY PLANNER � DATE; MARCH 23, 1990 ' SUBJ: MAItCH 27, 1990 - SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING - BIGN ORDINANCE WORKSHOP a w The City Council held a public hearing to consider am�ndment of Sec�3.on 1Q (Signs) of t�e 2oning Ordinance at the� March 20th � Council �e��i�g. At the gub].ic hearing Council heard extensive ' cqmtq�ri'�� �rom many Ro���naunt business o'wners/operatoxs. Many af thcas� �rQviding pub].�.c comment referenced the letter from the Ch���r o� .�ommerc�.,.c��ted Mar�h 13, 1990. This letter �dentified t�n chang�s to th� propo�ed �ec�ion 10 which the Chamber- has requested that the City Co�ncil consider. A copy of the Chamber letter has been attached to this review. In addition to the 10 , changes requested �y the, �hamber, Gouncil Member Willcox also recommended that the following thxee sub-sections be deleted: 10. 1 C. 13. , 10.1 C. 16. ,, and 1p.�: C. 17, ; � After he�ring pub].i� �amment, Council proceedecl to close the public ;� hea��.�g and then began discussion of the ch�nges which had been re�o�tmended by th� Chamber of Commerce and Cou�cil Member Willcox. -' Nex�� �c��,nGi7. procee�ed to briefly discuss �he ten changes proposed by the �Chamber. Consensus was reached regarding numbers 1, 4, and , � �� �e���en�ed in the �hamber's letter. ` Regarding #1, Council .Wa� .�n agreelnent that a definiti,on or : definitiQn� for "ribbons, banners, pennants and strings of lights" should b� added. After discussion and clarification, Council decided the change referenced in #4 was nnt necessary, Council decided to accept the modification to 10.2. F. 5. proposed by #9, which would eliminate the time restrictions of illumination of the off-premise signs. Prior to closing discussion on the Sign Ordinance the Council agree that further discussion was necessary regarding the other seven " changes proposed by the Chamber and the three deletions proposed by Council Member Willcox. The purpose of this workshop is to allow for further discussion of =d these issues by Council and to allow Council to obtain further input and recommendations from City Staff. �; ��` NORTHERN DAKOTA�CpUNTY � CHAMBERS �F COMMERCE � � ��� ����. � .� , �^ 1301 Corporate Center Orive t1116 � Ea an `:EF t�^'���: ���; 9 , Minnesota 55121 612-452-9872 `�'�`�' ���'` ` Serving §�`':� 3 �}l9. Y`:'� . . 5�} t� 4T "'�h"'��=x� Eagan Chambe� of Commerce ° �,a� ��'„ Mendola Heights Chamber of Commerce Rosamaum ChantUer ol Commerce West St. Paul Chamber ot Comrnorc� and the Cities of �ilydalp, Mendota ancf Sunfish Lake M.iz'c;lt 1:1, 1�1�)U ,r Mayor Vernon Napper Council Member Dennis Whipperman Council M�mber Sheila Klasson Council member Harry Wilcox � Counci�. member Jahn Oxborough � City StaYt ' City of Rosemount 2�75 West 145th Street ltos�mount, l�n 5�U68 , llanor�tble Mayor and Council Members: , A1'ter r�vibwin�; the Yinal draft ot the proposed S.i�n Qrdin�incc, Lhe Rosemc>unt ChamUer ol Commerce is roquesting thQ following c:t�,�n�;�cs t�c� considQrsd: ca�.,�/ r�c �° ._...- 1 . Aad a definition for "ribbons, ba.nners, pennants •` ar�� dr�'�,�ort and strings of lights". 2. Section 10. 1 �- (C) General Pravisions #17: Daleta �/p restrictians and permit requirements for ribbons, �qnse�tu� '� banners, p�n�ants and strings oY lights and sut�sti- tute a provision to �^equire removal if not properly main�ained. � ' 3, Section 10. 1 - (C} Genoral Provisions #14; Allow i . (�o Le�cons for three 3 days each, six 6 times a z ,,;. �,���f��. ' year. A11ow portable s�.gns up to ten ( 10) days � � ' each, six (6) times a ; Year, .{; �. 4. Section 10.2 ►� � ��� � `�. - (A) All Districts; R�eal Estata � Si n� . Changa tota�. square �aotage al�lowed in � 't'?p�`" �'► C��'SQ�'� ^� commercial/industrial areas irom sevent � � . Yeet to ninety-six (96) square fe�t to allow>use�are P of standard 4 x 8 signs. . , � _ a 5, Section 'IO,� - (E) Signs Allowed Hy Permit In f N� - Commercial and IP Districts #1 ; Chan e �ree CGnSt�S�S � a :_ �., � . . . . .. � . . �'. . . � � . � ' ! � , r 3113/9� I � Page 2 , standing si�n Yor each principal structure to one-hundred ( 100) square �eet with a maximum height of twenty-five (25) feet. �� _ Ei. Sect.�c�n 10.2 - {r) Si�ns Allowod IIy germit In Cc�mmc�rc:iul unci IP ni�tricts �3: Chango wull signs �v�lGr�.Sv�. t� ,�l.lcaw up to twc�nty 20 p�rcant ot tho totul ureu o� thc� w�ll�. Itomovo �hp ro�oronco to compli.- n�c�n Lury c1��lgn�t, r�imi 1ur shupUs und eign urc�ur� (tc�n � v�4�;uc, unci mi�lut�ciin�) . �d ?. Soc:tic�n 1().1 - (l�') Si ne Al.lowqci Ii Pormit in TG 1)ir�Lric:ta�, #f2: ht�n�� ho froc� e rtndin� siKn :f�r Gun��n,Sv� o��cti r�r.incl��u1 structur� to ona hundrnd ( 1c�t)) r�r�tu�r� °'� .`' '.' _ �' 1'oc�t wittt it mti�cimum hoight o� twonty--fivc� (25) fer.t. �� .. 8. Section 1�.2 - (F) Si ns Allowed H Permit I� TG C�"�r�1s+�; nistricts, #2: Allow up to twenty 20 per cent of the ` total area at' the wall Yor si�n. r+�car�Orwl�„' „� `�, Section 10�2 .» (_F) Signe� Allawed By perml.t In IG ,f.�as G��h �. Aistrictsi #5: Eliminate the time rest "rictions of y illumination ot the o:��-premises signs as in most instances the signs� are controlled by phato-electric . Qyes aut�matically. /v0 CpnitnJ'✓S ' lU, Allow teropo:rary sig� permits to be obtained by phone at no charge. Wc� feel thosc� changes are required to all�w us the �loxil�ility ;ind crou�tivity ta c��f�ctiv�ly �to laoth thc► axistin� k�u+�ina��a� l�� Itc�s,untc�iinL t�nci any nc�w busir�e�� th�t would liko tc� lcacut� hsrc� without dam���ing or dimipishing th4 intent of the Si�;n Ordinance. 7'hank you �or �rour consideration in this matter. , , SincerQly, ' �. . . .__ RnS�MUUNT CIiAMBER OF COMME�tCE �� ������� Richard Carlson,�dent ; I�C:db ; y , ; � ; - y : F'(1 ROX 510 ����� U 2$75-145TH ST. W. OSG,!'LO��� ROSEMOI)N7. MINNESOTA 5.5068 612-423-4a11 TO: MAYOR NAPPER, CITY COUNCIL, CITY ADMINIBTRATOR FROM: TRACIE L. PECHONICR, E.D. SPECIALIST DATE: MARCH 23, 1990 SUBJ: DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM FOR DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 1 AND TAX INCREMENT FINANCINC� PLAN FOR TAR INCREMENT FTNANCINC� (ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT) DISTRZCT NO. 1-1 {the �`Pll�21��j The Rosemount Economic Development Aut�ority has found that the area within the proposed Development District has not realized its greatest development potential due to a variety of factors. Included in the development barriers identified by the Authority are: inadequate public improvements, improper land use and utilization, and lack of investment. The Authority has tound that the creation of the District and the utilization of tax increment financing is needed to remove these barriers and to promote development of the community. On February 20, 1990, the Rosemount EDA, in an effort to promote economic development within the City of Rosemount approved the Plan and forwarded it to the City Cauncil. since that time the following required activities have taken placet 2/20/90 Rosemount EDA approved the Plan 2/20/90 Rosemount City Council set the Public He�ring da�e for consideration af the �lan 2/26/90 Copies of th� Plan a�d information regarding the dates of the Rosemount Planning Commission meeting and the Public Hearing were distributed to ISD 196 and the Dakota County Board of Commissioners 3/13/90 Rosemount Planning Commission agreed that the Plan is in conformance with the Rosemount Guide Plan 3/15/90 Public Hearing Notice was published in the Dakota County Tribune Attached to this memo is a letter of comment from the Dakota County Board of Commissioners. While the County Board does not support the use of tax increment financing for our proposed use, staff strongly recommends that the Rosemount City Council support the Plan so as to �ncourage development and make it more feasible for businesses to locate in Rosemount. Staff respectfully requests City Council adoption of the attached resolution approving "Development Program for Development District No. 1 and Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing (Economic Development } District No. 1-1. " DA KQTA COUNT Y ADMINISTRAtION DEPARTMENT . � TELEPHONE 612/438-4418 ' DAKOTA COUNTY GOVERNMENT CENTER 1560 HWY.55- HASTINGS, MfNNESOTA 55033 .:�.��,; ����� � � � j�'' : March 20, 1990 Mr. Stephan Jilk Administrator/Clerk eity o.f Rosemount Cit�r Hall 2875 - 145th St. West Rosemount, MN 55068 Dear Steve: I have attached a copy of Resolution No. 90-250 adopted by the Dakota County Board of Commissioners on March 13, 1990 in response to the Tax Increment Financing Plan for TIF District No. 1-1, submitt:ed by the City of Rosemount. The Dakota County Board acknowledges receipt of this plan and encourages the City not to use tax increment financing for this project as it is inconsistent with the County's adopted policy on the use of tax increment finaneing. The County Board further requests that in the future the City include the County's road costs associated with TIF pro�ects in the TIF plans. Sincerely, �(J ��� � Lyl D. Wr3y ffc County Administra r LDW:JLK:cps attachment {.� � : E��A' � � � � e�+ - '��v`'� �l�.c�3 . ,��a�/�v G-�- AN EQUAI OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER t . � BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIUNERS DAI�OTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA DATE March 13, 199Q RESOLUTIONNO. ��-250 Motion by Commissioner Maher --Seconded by Commissioner Harri s WHEREAS, the �ity of Rosemount has submitted the deuelopment program for Qeve],opment Di�trict No. 1 and the Tax Incr�ment Financing Plan (TIF) for TI�' District No. 1-1 to Dakota County for review; and . WHEREAS, the purpose of the proposed project is to assist in the development of a privately owned material recovery facility; and - WHEREAS, the County does not support the use of tax increment financing for this purpose; and WHEREAS, future TIF projects within the pevelopment bistrict may have ' adverse impacts on County highways. � NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Dakota County Board of � Commissioners hereby encourages the City of Rosemount not to use tax increment financing for this purpose; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the pakota County Board requests that the City of Rosemount includes the County''s road costs associated with ' future TIF projects in the TIF plans. YES NO Harris X Harris Maher X Maher Chapdelaine X Chapdelaine _ Loeding X Loeding Turner X Turner _ State of Minnesota County of Dakota 1,Joan L. Kendall,Clerk to the Board of the County of Dakota, State of Minnesota, do hereby certify that 1 have compared the foregoing copy of a resolution with the original minutes of the proceedings of the Baard o�County Commissioners,Dakota County, Minnesota, at their session held on the 13th day of March 19 90, now on file in the County Administration Department, and have found the same to be a true and correct copy thereof. Witness my hand and official seal of Dakota Gounty this �� day of�'�C��. /! �� , � Gli� � i7�i�� _.- Clerk to the Board CITY �F ROSEMOUNT , DAKQTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RPSOLUTION 1990 - A RESOLUTION APPROVINa DESIGNATIfJN OF DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 1, A DEVELOPMENT PROGSRAM FOR TSL DISTRICT, AND A TAB INCREMENT FINANCIN(3 PLAN FOR TA% INCREMENT FINANCINQ (ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT) DIBTRICT NO. 1-1 BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rasemount: section i. Recitals. 1.01 This Council has received from the City Economic Development Authority (the "Authority") , a resolution of the Authority determining to establish Development District No. 1, undertake and complete an economic development program for the District, and a tax increment financing plan for the District. 1. 02 This Council, by its Resolution No. 1990-14 adopted February 20, 1990, called a public hearing on establishing the Economic Development Distriet and approving the economic development program and tax increment financing plan. Notice of the hearing was pubiished in the official newspaper as required by law; and the hearing was held on March 27, 1990, and all persons appearing thereat were permitted to present their views on the program and the plan.. 1. 03 Prior to the commencement of the hearing this Council received the written opinion of the Flanning Commission stating that the program and the proposed economic development plan are consistent with the City's comprehensive plans and its planning and 2oning ordinance. section 2. Findinas. 2 . 01 The Council has reviewed and considered the proposed economic development plan and tax increment financing plan, the written opinion of the Planning Commission, the facts and views presented at the public hearing and other Council meetings concerning the program, and facts and circumstances concerning the City and the program area and its development. 2 . 02 On the basis of such review and consideration the Councii hereby determines that (1) the praposed tax increment district is an economic development district, (2) the land in the program area would not be developed, or available for development, unless the proposed development plan and the financial assistance therein described is undertaken by the City; (3) the proposed development plan for the program area will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the locality of the program area as a whole, for the development of the program area by private enterprise; and (4) the proposed development program conforms to the comprehensive plans of the City for the development of the lo�ality of the program area and the City as a whole. Resolution 1990 - 2.03 The Council hereby determines that the approval and undertaking of the program and the actions described in the proposed development program by the City, are necessary to and will result in the accomplishment of the public purposes specified in Minnesota Statutes Section 469. 124 et sea. in the City. 2 . 04 The Council hereby determines that the economic and other benefits described in the development program will, or are likely to, accrue to the City and its inhabitants as a result of the apprQval and undertaking af the program. section 3. Approv�l and Imtilementation. 3 . 01 The establishment of Development pistrict No. 1, the , development program for the District, the establishment of a tax increment financing district within the Development District and the tax increment financing plan are hereby approved. 3 . 02 The City Administrator is authorized to and directed to take all actions on behalf of the City, subject to such approval of this Council as may be required by law, to implement and carry out the program and plan. 3 . 03 The City Engineer is authorized to prepare feasibility studies relative to the construction of the public utilities and other public improvements to be provided by the City 3n accordance with the program. 3 . 04 The Economic Development Authority is autharized and directed to take all actions necessary to implement and carry out the program and plan, subject only to such approval of this Council as may be required by law. ADOPTED this 27th day of March, 1990. ATTEST: Vernon J. Napper, Mayor Susan M. Johnson, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against: 2 + � I i , ' .�_ ' CITY OF ROSLMOUNT D�ROTA COUIJTY, MINNESOTA � I'� RLSOLUTION 1990-PC1 � A RESQLUTION FINDINt3 �HAT THE ROSEMOUNT DEVSLOPMENT PROGRAM FOR ; DLVELOPMENT DISTRI� NO. 1 s TAX INCREMEIdT FINANCIN�i PLAI�i EOR � TAX INCREMENT F'INANCI�Ki (ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT) DISTRICT NC. 1-1 I I�,, IWHEREAS, the Economic �bevelopment Au�hority (EDA) of the City af ; Rosemount has preparedlthe Development Progrnm for Development ; District No. 1 : Tax In;'�rement Financing Plan for Tax Increment i Financing District No.'� 1-1 . , dated February 20, 1990; and WHSREAS, the City of Rlosemount Planning Commission has received � said plan modificati.on'iand is required �o eomment on ite ! conformance with the C'�ity of Rosemount Comprehensive Guide Plan. .i I NOW, THLAEFORE, BE IT �tLSOLVED, the Planning Commiesion of th� ! City of Rosemount advi��ses the EDA and the City Council of the ! City of Rosemount that the Development Program for Development ; Diatrict No. 1 : Tax In,�Crement Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing Distriet No.ji-I. , dated February 20, 1990 is ir► __. conformance with the Clity of Rosemount Comprehensive Gc�ide Plan. i � � ADOPTED this 13th day �of March, 1990. ; / � i ' Daniel Huntington, Chairman j ATTEST: � /� ''� i � Sheila Hathaway, Secre'itary ; , � , , ', . , , I� Motion � • -s b : � Seconded b . Y Y , Voted in favor: /h ' Voted against: