HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.a. Receive Plans & Spec's / Authorize Ad for Bids - Shannon Parkway & Dodd Blvd. Bike Trail ��� � :�7� ***********************************MEMO********************�*****�x*�******* DATE: JUNE 15, 1990 TO: MAYOR & COUNCILMEMBERS C/O CITY ADMINISTRATOR JILK FROM: CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR HEFTI RE: ITEMS FOR THE JUNE 19, 1990 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING NEW BUSINESS Receive Plans & Snec's/Authorize Ad for Bid Contract 1990 2 Shannon Parkway & Dodd Boulevard Bituminous Walkways This item consist of Council approving the plans and specifications and authorizing an Ad for Bids for the construction of a bituminous walkway along Shannon Parkway and Dodd Boulevard. This memo will describe a description of the project, proposed funding, and a recommendation for Council action. The Park Board Committee requested the extension of Shannon Parkway Trail from Jaycee Park to 160th Street on the west side of Shannon Parkway. They also requested the continuance of the trail on the east side of Shannon Parkway as far south as possible which is from 156th Street to Cornell Trail. When Shannon Parkway was originally planned a trail was proposed along the entire east side of Shannon Parkway in accordance with the overall trail plan. Just before we went out for bids the Wensmann Addition started development. With the First Addition came the 6 acre portion of Jaycee Park that was dedicated to the City. Because this was dedicated on the west side of Shannon Parkway, we felt it would be more imperative to have a trail from Jaycee Park to the north on the west side of Shannon Parkway to serve the Wensmann people. At that time there was really no need to extend the trail all the way to 160th Street because there was no good access to the trailway along 160th Street. Rather than dealing with change orders we simply exchanged construction of the �outherly 1/2 mile of the trail on the east side of Shannon Parkway and built that section along the west side of Shannon Parkway along Jaycee Park and County Road 42. Because Shannon Parkway was a Municipal State Aid Street any bituminous walkway built adjacent to it would be eligible for State Aid funding. Al1 of the cost to construct this trailway including engineering fees will be reimbursable through Municipal State Aid. The reason we are not building the trail on the east side between Cornell Trail and 160th Street is because we have to extend a watermain from just south of Cornell Trail to 160th Street in the future. Rather than encumber the existing agricultural praperty with deferred assessments for watermain that is' not necessary at this time, we would wait until development began on that 40 acre parcel south of Winds Crossing and east of Shannon Parkway before we would continue the watermain and complete the trail system. We feel quite strongly that once the Empire Treatment Plant is completed which is scheduled for late 1991\early 1992, we will be able to add more area into our urban sewer service district that can flow into the Empire Plant. This will open up this property for development. The Dodd Road bike trail is also being requested by the Park Board Committee and Parks Department. The feeling is to provide a safe avenue for pedestrians and bike traffic to get from the Twin Puddles Park area to the Kidder Park area and beyond safely. The cost to complete this trailway section is budgeted in the 1990 C.I.P. Tha budget number for this is 532 and the amount budgeted was $25, 000. Mr. Bud Osmundson from OSM Consulting Engineers, who is the design engineer on this project, will be presant to answer any questions Council may have regarding the alignment or construction of these bituminous walkways. One item of special interest is that with the help of the City Attorneys office we are attempting to negotiate an easement across Mr. Hubert Utidenbogerds property which lies just west of Cimarron Avenue and south of Dodd Boulevard. We cannot find any evidence of any past easements for road right-of-way. We are asking for a 50 ' wide half easement in order to enable us to construct the bituminous walkway. As I understand it, negotiations appear to be heading towards a favorable solution. The following is a recommended motion for Council to consider: Motion to approve the plans and specifications for City Contract 1990- 2, Shannon Parkway and Dodd Boulevard Bituminous Walkway Improvements. Motion to authorize a bid opening for July 11, 1990 at 11: 00 a.m. for Contract 1990-2, Shannon Parkway and Dodd Boulevard Bituminous Walkway Improvements.