HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.b. Minutes of August 22, 1990 Special Meeting ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS SPECIAL MEETING AUGUST 22, 1990 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Special Meeting of the City Council of ths City of Rosemount was duly held on Wednasday, August 22, 1990, at 5:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Mayor Napper called the meeting to or3er with all rnembers �resent. Mayor Napper led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. David R. Kroos of Boarman & Associates, Inc. , the consulting firm contracted to conduct the space needs assessment study for the City, reviewed the Interim Report of the facilities study with Council. Kroos noted the purpose of the Interim Report is to keep Council currant on the progress of the study and to provide Council. the opportunity for input throughout the process. Within the next few weeks, Council will meet with the Citizens Advisory Committee members for further discussion on the facilities study developed by Boarman & Associates. See Clerk' s File 1990-26. The next items for discussion were the final two goals for 1990 set by the City Council and staff at a goals setting session in February, 1 990. City Administrator Stephan Jilk referred to the executive summary of the Citizens �,ttitude Survey regarding the residents' desire for more constant and frequent co.mmunications between City Hall and the residents. Council and staff discussed the present scope and freguency of ths city' s community newsletter. Alternatives to the current community newsletter were discussed such as nublishing more often, nurchasing advertisement space in a local paper for publication of a city newsletter or the possibility of a newspap�r published for Rosemount only and incorporating the city' s community newslatter into this publication. Developing a business flyer, having a community informa�ion coordinator and televising the council meetings were other suggestions discussed for improving communications between city hall and the citizens. Council also discussed holding town meetings at the end of a year which would allow council to report on the status of the goals established for the current year and to inform residents of issues and goals to be discussed the succeeding year. This time schedule would also allow newly elected �ity officials to be involved in the town meeting process. See Clerk' s File 1990-2F.... Council discussed the goal of taxes vs. services and referred to the executive summary of the Citizens Attitude Survey which concluded that, "more than half of the citizens surveyed would support a property tax increase if it were required to maintain city services at the present level" and that residents were satisfied with the level of city servies received for their tax dollars. Council discussed the cost for providing city services, such as streets, utilities, fire, police and parks, to meet present population needs and future popuiation growth. Council referred to the proposed 1991 budget regarding park and street , ' I ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS SPECIAL MEETING AUGUST 22, 1990 maintenance and staffing requirements. Council and staff unanimously concurred communications should be ongoing to allow residents' input as to what services they want and to keep residents informed of the costs for city services. Council also agreed the citizens should be aware of how the city' s budget affects their property taxes. Council concurred further discussion on the 1991 Operating Budget will be discussed at the August 28, 1990 Special Council Meeting. MOTION by Napper to adjourn. SECOND by Klassen. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Respectfully submitted, .Susan M. Johnson, City Clerk ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, City Administrator - Published this day of , 1990 in Dakota Countv Tribune. 2 ,