HomeMy WebLinkAbout11.a. Receive Feasibility Report for Diamond Path Improvements, City Project #212 _._.y...;> t.• .. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 4 , 1990 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: Receive Feasibility Report for Diamond Path Improvements, City Project #212 � New Business PREPARED BY: AGEN NO. : Richard M. Hefti, �����J ,� ��' �� City Engineer/Public Works Director � �L � This item consist of receiving t.he attached feasibility report for roadway and storm sewer improvem�,ents for Diamond Path (CSAH 33) from just to the south of 145th Stree.t to just to the north of Connemara Trail (140th Street) . This feasibility report has been a collaboration between Dakota Ccunty Highway Department, Barr Enginee:-ing, OSM Engineering and Staff. Page 3 of the feasibilit:y report contains an executive summary of the feasibi�ity repoz•t. I would propose holding the publ.ic hearing at the October 4 , 1990 meeting. This will require acti.on at a subsequent Council meeting after we have resolved the collector and local street assessment policies. The result of the assessment policies may or maynot effect the assessment area for this project. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Appr'ov�d by: Motion to adopt a resolution receiving the ��,� feasibility report for Diamond Path Improvements, - ' City Project #212 . �� COUNCIL ACTION: II Adopted resolution. ,I i - i ` � _ � . � ; � , CITY OF ROSEMOU1dT DAROTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 199Q - A RESOLUTION I2�CEIVING THE FEASIBILITY REPORT DIAMOND PATH IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT #212 WIiEREAS, the City Council deemed it necessary and expedient that the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, construct certain improvements, to-wit: City Project #212, Diamond Path Improvements, in the City as described in and in accordance with the feasibility report prepared by Dakota County Highway Department, Barr Engineering, OSM Engineering and City Staff, and; WHEREAS, the City Council has been advised by the above that said roadway and storm sewer improvements on Diamond Path, City Project #212, is feasible, and should best be made as proposed, and the report to this effect has heretofore been received by Council, and filed with the City Clerk on September 4, 1990; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount accepts the feasibility report for City Project #212 and - places it on file. ADOPTED this 4th day of September, 1990. Vernon J. Napper, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Johnson, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Vote in favor• Vote against• . FEASIBILITY REPORT FQR DIAMOND PATH STREET IMPROVEMENTS (145TH ST W TO CONNEMARA TRAIL) CITY PROJECT NO. 212 I hereby certify that this report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Professional Engineer under t e ws o t State of Minnesota. Richa . Hefti, �.E. Date: $l3ol�p Reg. No. 14973 Page 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE/CERTIFICATION TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE NO. EXECUTIVE SUNIlKARY 3 PART 1 - INTRODUCTION 4 1.1 Authorization 1.2 Scope 1.3 Data Available 1.4 Feasibility PART 2 - GENERAL BACKGROUND � 6 2 . 1 Location 2 .2 Project Area 2 . 3 Existing Conditions PART 3 - PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS 8 3 . 1 Street 3 .2 Drainage 3.3 Walkways 3.4 Detour Route 3 .5 Street Lighting 3 .6 Easements 3 .7 Permits/Approval,s PART 4 - FINANCING 11 4 . 1 Cost Estimates 4.2 Assessment Area 4 .3 Cost Recovery 4.3. 1 Storm Drain 4.3.2 Street 4.3 .3 Bituminous Walks 4. 3 .4 Cost Recavery Table PART 5 - PROJECT SCHEDULE 14 EXHIBITS A, B-1, B-2, B-3, C, D Page 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY On March 20, 1990, Council authorized the preparation of an engineering feasibility report to investigate improvements Dakota County proposes to make to Diamond Path (CR 33) . The Public Works Department, the County Highway Department, Barr Engineering, and OSM Engineering worked together to prepare this feasibility report. This report presents the results of the study and recommends council proceed with this project. The proposed improvements studied within this report (pages 8-10) are feasible from an engineering standpoint. These improvements basically include: (1) Widening Diamond Path to 4 traffic lanes, bituminous surfaced street with concrete curb and gutter, and a continuous center left hand turning lane between 145th Street and Connemara Trail (2) Widening 145th Street from Diamond Path to Shannon Parkway as proposed in Project #206 (3) Installing storm drain piping from BIR144 pond to Birger Pond (4) Constructing an 8 ' trail along the east side of Diamond Path (5) Installing streetlights Diamond Path improvements are estimated to cost $1, 327, 000 and 145th Street improvements are estimated to cost $703, 100. Financing is discussed in pages 11-13. Dakota County would like to begin construction of the storm drain piping in the fall of 1990, however, it is unlikely the city can proceed with the public improvement process ', in time to meet this timetable. It is more realistic that construction j will occur in 1991. The following report includes background on the project, proposed improvements, financing, project schedule, and exhibits. - Page 3 PART 1 - INTRODUCTION 1. 1 AUTHORIZATION On March 20, 1990, Council initiated this project by authorizing the preparation of an engineering feasibility report for street and drainage improvements for a segment of Diamond Path (County Road 33) between 145th Street West and Connemara Trail. The Diamond Path improvements are designated as City Project No. 212 . 1.2 SCOPE The scope of this project is to reconstruct and realign this street � from just south of 145th Street West to just north of Connemara Trail. The existing two lane pavement with ditches will be replaced with a five lane bituminous pavement with curb and gutter and bituminous trails. The existing curve by the Baptist Church will be removed and Diamond Path will be straightened to form a "T-shaped" intersection with 145th Street West. Because of the removal of the curve, 145th Street West will have to be reconstructed about half way to Shannon Parkway. As Shannon Parkway would make a better cut-off point, we propose to reconstruct 145th Street all the way to Shannon Parkway. This would encroach into the project area originally included within the Project #206 feasibility report. Some of the data and cost estimates are taken from that report. 1. 3 DATA AVAILABLE The preparation of this report relies upon the following information and material: 1. Dakota County Highway Department drawings and survey information for Diamond Path. Page 4 2. CitY of Rosemount Drainage Plan - West Drainaqe Area, May 1989, Barr Engineering. 3 . Feasibilitv Report for 145th Street Reconstruction Project 206, February 1990, OSM Engineering. 3 . Record plans for Country Hills and Country Hills 2nd Additions. 4. City of Apple Valley engineering information. 1.4 FEASIBILITY The project is feasible from an engineering standpoint and can best be carried out by combining it with the reconstruction of the section of 145th Street West between Diamond Path and Shannon Parkway under one contract administered by the County. i Page 5 PART 2 - GENERAL BACKGROUND 2.1 LOCATION Diamond Path is located, for the most part, on the boundary line between Apple Valley and Rosemount. The portion of Diamond Path south of 145th Street West is located entirely within the City of Rosemount's corporate limits. The reconstruction and realignment of Diamond Path, as seen in Exhibit B-2, will take place from about 400 feet south of 145th Street West to about 500 feet north of Connemara Trail. Exhibit B-3 shows an illustration from Project #206 depicting the portion of 145th Street that we would include with this project. 2 .2 PROJECT AREA The portion of Rosemount that abuts the project area consists of the following properties (see Exhibit A} : Properties Zonincr Country Hills Addition� R-1 Country Hills 2nd Addition� R-1 Broback Industrial Park; Blk 1, Lots 1-4 IG Broback 5th Add'n; Blk 3, Lots 1-7 R-1 Broback 3rd Add'n; Blk 1, Lots 1,2,4, & 5 R-1 Broback 2nd Add'n; Blk 1, Lots 1-3 ; Blk 1, Lots 1 & 2 R-1 Evergreen Acres; Blk 1, Lot 1 R-1 34-03010-010-30 & 010-44 (Rosemount Baptist Church) PUB/AG 34-03010-010-43 R-1 34-03010-010-45 R-1 34-03010-010-36 R-1 34-03010-010-40 R-1 34-03010-020-40 R-1 34-03010-010-39 R-1 34-03010-010-41 R-1 � streets and storm sewer Page 6 34-03010-014-37 R-1 34-03010-013-37 R-1 34-03010-010-35 R-1 34-03010-020-35 R-1 LeForet Addition2 g� Birchview Terrace 1st & 2nd Additions2 RR 34-01910-010-502 � 34-01910-011-252 AG 34-01910-012-252 AG 2 storm sewer onl� 2 .3 EXISTING CONDITIONS Diamond Path and 145th Street West are two lane roadways with a 24 foot bituminous driving �urface, gravel shoulders and ditches for drainage. Diamond Path begins at Pilot Knob Road (CSAH 31) in Apple Valley and ends at County Road 42 in Rosemount. The latest traffic volumes from MnDOT (1989) show an average of 6,500 vehicles per day travelling this roadway. The intersections at Connemara Trail and 145th Street West pose hazards to motorists. Although the County improved the safety of the Connemara Trail intersection when they installed a four-way stop last year, the road is two narrow to provide for turn lanes. The lack of adequate nu�;�er of lanes also delays the opportunity for installing signal lights. The accesses onto the Diamond Path curve by the Baptist Church poses difficulty for traffic attempting access onto Diamond Path as well as traffic along Diamond 1�ath. From January 15, 1989 through May 11, 1990 there have been 13 reported accidents along this curve. The cu�ve also poses more of a hazard when the road surface is slippery. Page 7 PART 3 - PROPOSED I�PROVEMENTS 3. 1 STREET The County is proposing, as shown by the typical section in Exhibit B- 1, to widen the roadway to a five lane urban roadway (concrete curb and gutter) to handle existing and anticipated traffic volumes safely. The five lane roadway would allow two lanes of traffic in each direction and a center lane for left turning vehicles. The County will be designing the street to accommodate nine ton axle weights. The street will transition back to the existing roadway. Exhibit B-2 shows the County eliminating the existing curve by straightening the roadway out as it passes by the Baptist Church. It will still contain a slight curve so that it can align with the segment of Diamond Path south of 145th Street West. The ramoval of the curve will require the reconstruction of 145th Street to Shannon Parkway. The 145th Street section and proposed improvements were discussed in Project #206. 3 .2 DRAINAGE Because of the urban roadway section, it will be necessary to install storm drain pipe to transport runoff. Runoff doesn't recognize city boundaries, so the existing topography and storm water plans for the City of Apple Valley and Rosemount suggested it would be appropriate , for Apple Valley to design the south portion of this roadway while �' Rosemount designs the north. One of the reasons for including the � portion of 145th Street west of Shannon Parkway is that drainage of Delft Avenue requires the construction of storm sewer east of Delft Avenue to about halfway to Shannon Parkway, as Exhibit C depicts. From here it will go to the north and into Hawkins Pond. The piping system design for Diamond Path project is defined largely Page 8 by drainage areas consisting of street surface and adjacent boulevard areas. Exhibit C illustrates the drainage areas for the portion of the project that Rosemount is designing for. In addition to the street and boulevard drainage areas there are some watersheds that will be drained by the Diamond Path System and will impact the system sizing. The portion of the system that Apple Valley is draining will include the roadway and boulevard areas only. The estimated cost to construct the drainage system necessary as shown amounts to about $822,700. Exhibit D shows a detailed cost estimate. Of these costs, Rosemount's share based on peak discharge is estimated to be about $572,500 plus its share of Apple Valley's system, which is estimated at $23, 600. MnDOT will determine final cost participation when the County submits the plans to them for approval. 3. 3 TRAILS/WALKWAYS A new 8 ' bituminous trail is proposed for the east side of Diamond Path from Connemara Trail to 145th Street. The existing 8 ' bituminous trail along the south side of 145th Street may need to be reconstructed as needed. All costs of new bituminous walkway construction and reconstruction will be the responsibility of Rosemount. 3 .4 DETOUR ROUTE The County will be planning the detour route, possibly using Connemara Trail to Shannon Parkway. 3.5 STREET LIGHTING Street lighting is within the Dakota Electric service area. Their policy is to contract directly with the city for their forces to ' install streetlights. The streetlights would be the 25 ' high, mast arm I� type with 250 watt lamps. Estimated costs for street lighting would be $14,400. Page 9 3 . 6 BURIED CABLE Dakota Electric has the overhead power lines along 145th Street. They estimate the costs to bury the cables at $26,250. This work did not include burying the cable to the houses. Under this proposal the lines along and crossing 145th Street would be buried, but the service lines would be brought up the service poles and remain overhead to existing houses. Burying the service line would be the responsibility of each property owner. There will be a cost to each property of about $600 to bury the lines from Dakota Electric's buried cable to the house. This cost does include removing the overhead mast arm and installing a buried connection. Dakota Electric's policy differs from NSP in that NSP would bury the customer's line to the house, whereas Dakota Electric will not. The buried entrance electrical work must be done by a master electrician. As with NSP, the customer's household electrical wiring must be up to electrical code, otherwise the customer will have to bear the expense of bringing their entire household wiring up to code. 3. 6 EASEMENTS The County will be responsible for obtaining all easements. The city will be responsible for 45 percent of the costs for easement acquisition within the city's borders. 3 .7 PERMITS/APPROVALS The Municipal State Aid Division will need to approve the plans so that we will be eligible for reimbursement for the portion of the construction that will take place along 145th Street West. Page 10 PART 4 - FINANCING 4. 1 COST ESTIMATE The cost estimates for this project are based on 1990 construction costs, except as noted, and include a 10% contingency factor and a 30� overhead factor. The overhead factor includes legal, engineering, __ interest, and other administrative costs. Table 1 shows the cost estimate summary. The cost estimate is broken down into streets and storm sewer for Diamond Path and 145th Street. These costs do include a rough estimate for easement acquisition cost. Diamond Path 145th St� Total Item Est'd Cost Est'd Cost Est'd Cost Streets $270,OOOZ $249, 000 $519, 000 Storm Drain $596,100 $120,800 $716,900 Walkways $26,500 $13, 300 $39,800 Streetlights $14,400 $8, 000 $22,400 Watermain $0 $90, 100 $90, 100 Sub-total $907, 000 $481,200 $1,388,200 10% Conting. $90,700 $48, 100 $138,800 Est'd Constr. . $997,700 $529, 300 $1,527, 000 30% LEAF $299,300 $158,800 $458, 100 Est'd Proj . $1,297, 000 $688, 100 $1,985, 100 Easements $30, 000 $15, 000 $45,000 Total $1,327, 000 $703,100 $2,030, 100 � from Project #206, 145th Street Reconstruction Z based on 1/2 of 45% of Dakota County's CIP estimate Page 11 4.2 ASSESSMENT AREA The general assessment area for storm drainage is shown on Exhibit C. The street assessment area will not be known until Council determines a street reconstruction assessment policy, which Staff and Council are planning to do in September, 1990. 4. 3 COST RECOVERY This section covers the anticipated revenue sources for funding this project, such as special assessments, storm sewer core fund, and MSA fund. Tr� amounts of sprecial assessments will not be known until Council a��pts a street reconstruction assessment policy that will designate what percentage the city will assess benefited property. What cast is not assessed must be covered using the appropriate core facility fund, MSA fund, or general levy. The following will indicate what revenue sources are available and appropriate. 4. 3 . 1 Storm Drain - Revenues for storm drain will come from Storm Sewer Core funds and either special assessments or storm drain utility fees. (The latter wi11 require city action to set up a storm drain utility. ) Rosemount's share of the storm drain cost for the Diamond Path system required to provide an outlet to Pond Bir144 should be the responsibility of the watershed generating the runoff. This can be recovered through special assessments or through a storm drain utility fee. The cost to drain Rosemount's share of street runoff from Diamond Path should be recovered through special assessments and can be included with the cost of a residential street equivalent. , For 145th Street, the Storm Sewer Core fund would cover the I� over-sizing costs of the 30" and 36" pipe sizes from Delft Page 12 Avenue to Hawkins Pond until Project 177, Storm Sewer Improvements for Section 30 occurs. The pipe necessary to drain the street should be recovered through special assessments and can be included with the cost of a residential street eguivalent. The residential equivalent for storm sewer will be considered as the size of pipe necessary for street and R/W drainage only. In this case, the pipe size necessary for street and R/W drainage would be 12", 15", and 18". 4.3 .2 Street - Revenues for street construction will be available through special assessments based on a residential street equivalent with the balance coming from the MSA fund or general levy. . The residential equivalent rate for streets is for the construction of a 32 ' wide bituminous surfaced street with concrete curb and gutter, and lateral storm drain necessary to drain the street. This report will use the residential equivalent from the feasibility report for Project #206, which was $103.40 per centerline foot, or $51.70 per foot of frontage. 4. 3.3 Trails - Revenues for 5/8ths of the bituminous walkway construction along 145th Street West will come from Municipal State Aid Funds. The remainder, as well as the entire walkway along Diamond Path will have to come from the either assessments, general le�y, or CIP fund. Page 13 PART 5 - PROJECT SCHEDULE The proposed schedule for this improvement is as follows: Receive Feasibility Report September 4, 1990 Public Hearing October, 1990 Approve Plans/Specifications Oct/Nov, 1990 County Bid Opening Navember, 1990 Begin Construction November, 1990 Complete Construction August, 1991 Assessment Hearing Fall, 1991 First Payment Due With Taxes May, 1992 � Page 14 TYPICAL SECTION � � 4 LANE W/LEFT TURN ' sra. �+oo-3�+20 NOTE� ' VARIABLE ROADWAY IS IN TRANSITION � FROM STA. 0�00 TO STA. 7+00 AND R/W FROM STA. 37+20 TO 44+57. SEE DE 50' q0' -------...� AND X-SECTION SHEETS. 32 32 - �PROFILE GRAOE 2, 8� 8�- 14� 12' 6' 6' 12' J4' VA�I� �tj�� B i T.� TRAIL I '"[�IL, _ OA20 0.020 � - -- � 0.02 0.02 --=--------- -----_ _ � 0 � 3:� ------ ------- 3:� VARIABLE \ 2A SUBGRADE EXCAVATION 2.0 GRANUTAR 6t�CK.FiLL __J R/W INSET��B'� -�' �r �� �, INSET"A° 0.3' TOPSOIL 33.5' 33.5� �� �� �� � il-3� TOPSbIL 145th. ST. INSET"B" TYPICAL SECTION W/RIGHT TURN 2'�BITUMINOUS WEA(211 � 6'�AGGREGATE_BASE_Clh` VARIAB�E --- 4`�' — 30� R�W �PF20FILE GRAOE VARIAB�E I -10'- -8' —I 4' 12�— 12� 8� I O' 8' 12' R/W AGG. ���,`"�,,,3:i SHLD. SNLQ 2' 8'BIT. 2' � 0.040 .,.Q 02Q 0020 0.040 I TRAFL I � I �;/ 1����q:1 ----------------- - - ---=_-- 4:/ 3,� - _ 3:� m L 0.3' TOPS01l. � INSET "A" INSET B �� ` /`r ` ------ Q3' TOPSOIL _ — 27' 13' NOTE� + �. ALL FILIS�OPES,BACKSLOPES AND OITCHBOTTOMS T� �--2.0' SUBGRAdE EXCAVATJON/GRANULAR,BACKFILL ARE TO BE FINtSHED TO A ROUNDED SECTION. I W � � � - t'ROJ. 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