HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.e. Approve Policy for Payroll and Benefit Changes � r l..�i� o P.o. eox s,o � 2875-145TH ST. W. O�+p,�AO��� ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 c7G/i'L 612-423-4411 ir�� # �+E TO: Mayor Napper Council Members Willcox, Wippermann, Oxborough, Klassen FROM: Susan M. Johnson, City Clerk , DATE: Jul 13 1990 � Y r RE: Procedure for Salary and Benefit Changes Attached for your adoption under the Consent Agenda is a Procedure for Salary and Benefit Changes which would become a p�rt of the administrative personnel policy. Since assuming the position of City Clerk and taking on more of the personnel responsibilities, it has been my goal to put together a procedure where all salary and benefit changes would be initiated from my office. Currently the department heads have the responsibility of making sure all salary and benefit changes are sent to the payroll department. Deputy Finance Director Jeff May and ,I have met over the last few months and have agreed the proposed system would be more efficient. We feel having only one person assigned to initiate changes will allow the forms to end up in Jeff's office in a more timely manner and in a consistent fashion that will assist the payroll department. Please be advised that having the changes coming from my office is basically the only change being made with regards to salary and benefit changes. The procedure for computing when payroil increases, vacation rate increases and vacation accrual maximums are effective has been in place for several years; except now it will be in writing and formally adopted. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. � : y . CITY OF ROSEMOUNT POLSCY TZTLE: PROCEDURE FOR PAYROLL AND BENEFIT CHANGES POLTCY NUMBER: PE - 4 PROPOSED BY• ADMINSSTRATION DATE APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL: PURPOSE This procedure will provide an efficient and consistent method for making adjustments to all city employees' payroll records with regards to salary and benefit changes. These changes will be initiated and approved according to the following documents in effect at the time of a change: Salary Adjustment Policy for Non-Union Employees, Salary Compensation Schedule for Non-Union Employees, �esolution Outlining Non-Union Full-Time Staff Salary and Benefits, Labor Agreement between the City of Rosemount and Law Enforcement Labor Services, Inc. and Labor Agreement between the City of Rosemount and Minnesota Teams�ers Public and Law �nforcement Employees' Union, Local No. 320. I. The City Clerk will keep up-to-date and accurate payroll records for all city employees. A. Records will include: ( 1 ) Present salary of employee and when scheduled salary increases should occur. (2) Anniversary dates of employees/years ot service. ( 3} Vacation rates and when changes in earned rates will accur depending upon employee's anniversary date and the above-referenced documents. (4) Vacation �naximum accrual amounts and when maximum amounts would change based upon e�nployee' s anniversary date and the above-referenced documents. ( 5) Longevity percentage rates and when salary adjustments �aould occur based upon emplayee' s anniversary date and the above-rzferenced documents. - � � Procedure for Payroll and Benefit Changes Policy Number PE - 4 Page 2 B. Salary increases will be effective for the pay period within which employee`s anniversary date occurs. For example, when employee' s anna.versary date falls in the middle of a two-week pay period, all salary increases will be effective for the entire pay period. This aiso includes salary increases because of longevity rate changes. C. Vacation rate increases occur the second pay period of the month. If the employee' s anniversary date occurs after the second pay period, the vacation rate change will occur the second pay period of the following month. D. Vacation accrual maxirnums will be changed on the employee's anniversary date. II. The City Clerk will initiate a Payroll/Benefit Change Forrn for all new full-time and part-time employees. III. The City Clerk and Department Heads or Supervisors will meet prior to the new employee start date to insure that the Payroll Department has the appropriate salary and benefit information for all new employees in a timely manner. IV. The City Clerk will initiate any changes in payroll status of all employees. This will consist of the following changes: A. Salary changes B. Longevity changes C. Vacation Rates D. Vacation accrual maximum amount �. The City Clerk will fill out the Payroll/Benefit Change Form one month in advance of any scheduled change and forward to employee' s department head for review. Department head will sign and date form authorizing change. If employee is a department head, forrn will be forwarded to the Administrator for review and signature. VI. Department head, after signing form, will forward to City Administrator for approval. VII. City Administrator, af ter signing form, wi11 forward to City Clerk. City Clerk Eaill copy form to employee and forward the original form to payroll department. VIII. Procedure will be conducted in a timely manner so the payroll department has the change form two weeics prior to effective date of chang2.