HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.g. Approve Coates Fire Contract . �nV2 P:O. BOX 510 ✓26� � 2875-145TH ST. W: O�Q�O�M� ROSEMOUNT. M6NNESOTA 55068 G /�� 612-423-4411 Julp 13, 1990 ITEM # 1� �` T0: Mayor NaPPer ` �����f �t .. Council Members: Klassen � `�_� l� ,� Oxborough � ri . Willcox Wippermann �'"• FROM: Stephan Jilk, Citp Administrator RE: Citp of Rosemount/Citp of Coates Bu.ilding Inspection Contract Gity of Rosemount/City of Coates Fire Contract _ Attached find proposed contracts with the City of Coates for Building Inspection and Fire Protection. 1 . Building Inspection. Contract - This is simply a renewal with no changes in the proposed contract other than date changes. Ron Wasmund has recommended the renewal indicating that he has had no problems during the past year. Mp recommended action would be to adopt a motion to approve the building inspection contract for the City of Coates as presented and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign on behalf of the City of Rosemount. 2. Fire Protection Agreement - This is a renewal of the existing Fire Protection Contract for Coates. There are three changes for the existing contract. a. This will be a two year contract versus the existing three qear contract. b. It provides for a 5� increase of standby fees (Section 5 a. ) per each year of the contract. c. It provides that the City of Coates will adopt the Uniform Fire Code at our request, and allow for the inspection of certain buildings by our Fire Marshal. Mapor Mogen of Coates has indicated their council has agreed to adopt this. With these revisions I recommend pour approval of the contract by adopting a motion to approve the Fire Contract with the Citp of Coates for 1990 -1991 as proposed and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to sign on behalf of the Citp of Rosemount. lj CITY OF ROSEMOIINT AND CITY OF CO�TES FIRE PROTECTION AGBEEMENT THIS AGBEEMENT, made and entered into this 17th day of July, 1990, by and between the Citp of Rosemount, a municipal corporation, of the County of Dakota, State of Minnesota, party of the first part, and the City of Coates, partp af the second part, WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the partp of the second part is desirous of having fire protection and rescue service furnished by the City of Rosemount Fire Department: and WHEREAS, the party of the first part has facilities and equipment and is willing to make available fix�e and rescue protection service for the partp of the second part; and WHEREAS, the party of the first part has by appropriate action authorized its Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a contract with the party of the second part for furnishing of said service. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and the mutual covenants of the parties hereto, it is agreed as follows: 1 . Partq of the first part shall provide fire protection and rescue service to the City of Coates, Dakota County, Minnesota. 2. Party of the first part, through its said Fire Department, shall endeavor to protect and save life, and propertp from destruction by fire, in the Citq of Coates . FIRE PROTBCTION AGREEMENT CITY OF COATES PAGE 2 3. That at times weather and road conditions through the various seasons of the qear may interfere in the rendering of such service, in which event, failure to furnish the service herein agreed upon, shall not be taken as a breach of agreement. Partp of the first part shall not be liable to party of the second part for loss or damage of anp kind whatsoever resulting from any failure to furnish or delay in furnishing �firefighters or fire equipment, or from any failure to prevent, control or extinguish any fire, whether loss or damage is caused by the negligence of the officers, agents, or employees of the City or its Fire Department, or otherwise. Further, party of the second part further agrees to indemnify and hold harmless party of the first part, its officers, agents, emplopees or fire department members, from any and all Iiability, claims, damages or expenses, including but not limited to attorneys fees, resulting from this Agreement. 4. (a) Party of the second part agrees to submit a listing of all iocations in the City of Coates that store or handle explosive or hazardous materials. This listing shall contain information including owner , address of owner , phone number and name of contact person, description of explosive or hazardous materials stored at the site and location of site. Part of the second part agrees to update said listing at least once every six months. FIRE PROTECTION AGREEMENT CITY OF COATES PAGE 3 (b) Party of the second part further agrees to keep the party of the first part informed, on a regular basis, of its own fire fighting equipment and procedures . 5 . (a) Party of the second part agrees to pay the party of the first part as compensation for all service furnished pursuant to this Agreement, an amount as follows : 1990 $1 , 970.00 1991 $2,070.00 (b) In addition to the annual payment due per Section 5 above , the party of the second part agrees to compensate the party of the first part for actual fire service furnished . Additional compensation shall be based upon the following equipment schedule. Unit Rate or Char�e Ladder/Pumper $100.00 per hour per unit Tanker $ 50.00 per call per unit Rescue $ 50.00 per call per re5cue unit Grass Rig $ 50.00 per call per unit For the purpose of calculating the hourlp charges , the following method will be used: 60 minutes or less 1 .0 hours 61 minutes to 90 minutes 1 .5 hours 91 minutes to 120 minutes 2.0 hours etc. using one half (2) hour increments as minimum additional charges beyond the first hour . FIRE PROTECTION AGREEMENT CITY OF COATES PAGE 4 (c) The amount of $1 ,970 shall be payable upon execution of this Agreement. The 1991 amount due shall be payable on Januarp 1 of 1991 . (d) Party of the first part agrees that it will bill the partp of the second part on a periodic basis for those charges set out in subparagraph S(b) . (e) Party of the second part agrees to make the State Fire Code as adopted by the State of Minnesota part of their City Code through local adoption. Further more party of the second part agrees to allow party of the first part to perform annual inspections of all commercial industrial, and multi-family (3 or more units) properties for purposes of code compliance and pre-plan strategies. Such inspections shall be performed bp the Fire Marshal or other designate of the party of the first part . 6 . (a) This Agreement shall be for two (2) year period commencing January 1 , 1990 and expiring December 31 , 1991 , subject to termination by either partq on the contract anniversary date upon a one hundred eightp ( 180) day notice served upon the other party ; and both parties shall review this agreement starting no later than September 1 of the year prior to its expiration each pear to renegotiate for another period . • FIRE PROTECTION AGREEMENT CITY OF COATES PAGE 5 (b) If this contract is terminated prior to the completion of any calendar year, it is in effect for a prorated amount of the time of prepaid contract period and a prorated amount of the contract cost for the remaining period of the contract period as set out in subparagraph 5(a) of this Agreement and shall be refunded to the party of the first part. 7. This Agreement is executed in duplicate, each party has a copy and each copy shall be deemed an original for all purposes. Official Citv Seal CITY OF ROSEMOUNT MAYOR VERNON NAPPER CITY CLERR SUSAN M. JOHNSON Official Citv Seal CITY OF COATES MAYOR RAREN MOGEN GLERK/TREASURE MARJORIE RARNICK