HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.i. Approve Pay Estimate #2, Pump House #8 � ITEM # � H TO: Mayor ! City Council �-�''� FROM: David J. Bechtold - tor of Parks & Recreation DATE: July 13, 1990 RE: Purchese Materials for Benahes, etc. Account number 36 (535) of the 1990 CIP relates to pur�chseea of park benahes etc. through the Parks Department. Rather than purchasing the tables and benches of inetal and xood combinatione for the parke and the playing fields as we have done in the paet our etaff ie planning to try a new design this season. The eddition af the Building Trades to aur str�gf has ellowed us to echedule inhouse construction of some of these items that will use nearly all wood as the constructian material. ITEM # PLANNED @ COST 1. TABLES: i0 S 250. 00 @ S1� 500. 00 2. TABLE / 1 800. 0@ @ 800. 00 SHELTER TOP 3. BALL FIELD 5 500. 00 @ 2, 500. 0@ BENCHES - & EROSION CONTROL 4. MISC. 200. @0 TOTAL ♦ 3, 000. 00 Construction materialB have been checked at various lumber yarde. The prices given above are estimates for materiaia required. Materlals for conetruction of each af the items lieted above may not be svailable at one location. For that reaeon mare than one yard may b�e used for the purahase of the materials for ea�h item and/or for the cambinations of iteme. Time3y evailability of materials 1s elso e factor that �311 be addreseed �vhen deciding rrhere we must obtein the materials. The rooden tables are designed around the style used at the Valleypoad Golf Course, They ere solid in both weight end construction. The t$ble Nith a small roo# type shelter over it ig similsr to the design used in the Lebanon Hille County Park. It �ill provide a picnic t�ble aree with some shelter from the sun and element$. It is e quality design and should add additional esthetics to our park system. This one prototype is planned for construction in Schwarz Perk near the playground equipment. The benches in the ball fields ere p3anned to be built out of timber materiel. They will be built into the side of the hill near fields i, 2, 4, end 5. They will provide good seating for the players as well es to eddress the erosion prahlem along those fields. Council action is to approv• the u�• ot CIP fund• fro�n aaaount � 36 «3S) for th� purchaee of a�ateriale for con�truation of park benahe� and tabl�s. �r •� „ . . � ... . ���� �� ' �al - 4�4c�f�--vc-4r9 I ��v►G.'`��' �Y # ( i I Cotzun. No. 9230 Cezt. Na 2 St. Paul, MN, June 14, �. �, �9 90 1 � � � .I.o Ci ty of Rosemount, Mi nnesota � � wner I 1 � I This Cer:ifies that Richmar Construction, Inc. ,Contractor ! i � I For Pumphouse No. 8 � ( � � Twenty-Two Thousand a I Zs etltitled to Three Hundred Twenty-Five and 00/100------------��22,325.00 � � i 1 � 2nd February 20, 1990 � 1 being estimate for partial paymcnt on contract with you dated , I � I Received payment in full of abovc Certificate. To�Tz.tctr�o,DWALL,artoERsoN I � APiD ASSOCtATES.tNCOi�PORATED � � ENGINEERS ANO ARCNfTECTS � � CONTRACI'O�i 500 �Natio�al Bank Bidg. ( � $t. u(,Min esota 101 � 1 , 19 � ��%��� ! i � I � I David L. Moore, P.E. � RECAPiTU�ATtON QF ACCOUf1T i corrraACT I i � I PLUS EXTRAS I PAYMENTS I CREOfTS �oot�oric:.�it�s��tra� � 1 204,560 f00 i i t 1 _ _ ��]L�re��ous natmerns 1 I i _. 45,172150_I_ • � p�ll rn�.,;,.,,��i� I 1 1 I 1 � � l i i i i ! Eztza Nc� i i i i I � .. .. � � � __ I 1 1 „ _ . I I I 1 I i .. .. � I 1 � � � « ., � � � � � � i I i 1 I 1 �'mxtit No i ! 1 I ( � .. .. � l I I � � .. .. � I i t I � ., ., I I I 1 � � .. .. . . � I 1 I � � 1 1 I - 1 � � av��trtli'OF THIS CERTIFICATE I I t 22,325 I 00 1 � � � � I 1 � T�{�s � ` 204,560 �00 � 67,497� 50 t � Crcd+t Balan� I • I I ' I t � ' Tticre�rill rcmaia unpaid on contracx ahcr pavmait I I 1 I i ( QSsh�s C'enific�te I I 1 137,062� 5D � � i i i i t i i � i i t i � 204,560 �00 � 204,560� 00 � � __ _ _ _ _ ._ ■ � ,� RICHMAR CONSTRUCTION INC. 7776 Alden Way, Fridley, MN 55432 Phone: (612)574-1T89 ROSEMOUNT, MN -PUMPHOUSE #8 PROJECT BREAKDOWN I Value %CompleEe Tota1 Complete Item 4, 500. 00 Mobilization,Bonds & Insurance $ 4, 500. 00 100 $ 12 100. 00 1 QO 12, 100. 00 Site Piping ' gp 6, 700. 00 Site work-Fill & Cornpaction 7, 500. 00 1, 200. 00 100 1, 200. OQ Furnish & Install culvert 10Q 2, 800. Oq Excavate & Backfill Bldg. 2, 800. 00 Absorbsion Pits & Piping 1, 800. 00 100 l, 800, 00 Driveway--Base & Bituminous 6, 500. 00 Finish Grading 500. 00 Curb & Gutter 4, 500. 00 Concrete & Masonry 36, 800. 00 90 33, 120. 00 Carpentry & Windows 12, 500. 00 Doors &. Hdwr. 3, 560. 00 50 l, 78Q. 00 Painting 2, 900. 00 Pump & Motor 23, 500. 00 Ghemical Feed Equip. 8, 900. OD Truck Fill Line 1, 500. 00 P'ro�ess Piping, Valves & Fittings 22, 500. 00 20 2, 300. 00 ' Htg. & Ventilation 11, 500. 00 1, 200. 00 75 900. 00 Bldg. Louvers 100 3, 800. 00 Electrical Rough-in 3, 800. 00 MCC & Ele�. Control Equip. 2$, Q00. 00 Electrical Fixtures & Finish work 6, 500. 00 �71, 050, 00 $204, 560. 00 E s t. #_ 2 _ Date: 6/12 j 90 % Comp. 35% ■