HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.a. Star City One and Five Year Plans . . C�2 P.O. BOX 510 ZL � 2875-145TH ST. W. O�p��}A �j/� ROSEMOUNT. M�NNESOTA 55068 G r r�'O�,4� 612-423-4411 lTEM # �a TO: MAYOR NAPPER, CITY CdUNCIL, CITY ADMZNISTRATOR FROM: TRACIE L. PECHONICR, E.D. SPECIALIST DATE: JIILY 12, 1990 SOBJ: ROSEMOUNT STAR CITY ONE AND FIVE YEAR PLANS Attached is a copy of the Rosemount Star City "One and Five Year Plans". This document is intended to be a very basic guide to inform the Department of Trade and Economic Development, Star City Program Officials of what is currently happening in _Rosemount and what we expect to take place throughout the next five years. When reviewing this document, please keep in mind that it is a guideline and can be amended, subject to the approval of the Rosemount City Council, as the Rosemount Star City Committee or Rosemount City Staff sees fit. If there are any major changes or questions which you may have regarding these plans, piease contact me prior to Tuesday's meeting if at all possible. This is the last document which needs to be submitted to the Department of Trade and Economic Development prior to the "Marketing Team Interview" which will take place later this summer. Al1 star City information previously approved by City Council has been forwarded. If the Rosemount Star City "One and Five Year Plans" meet with your approval, the Rosemount Star City Committee respectfully requests your formal approval of the document. Thank you for your consideration. MOTION: To approve the Rosemount Star City ��One and Five Year Plans�� and direct the Rosemount Star City Committee to forward this document to the Department of Trade and Economic Development, Star • City Frogram officials for review and approval. ROSEMOUNT STAR CITY ONE AND FIVE YEAR PLAN3 A variety of entities were involved in the preparation af the "One and Five Year Plans" for the City af Rosemount. Those contributing their time and effort included the Rosemount Chamber of Commerce, the Rosemount Econamic Development Committee (a sub- committee of the Chamber of Commerce) , the Northern Dakota County Chambers of Commerce, the Rosemount Citizen's Advisory Committee, Decision Resources (a full service marketing and research firm) , the Rosemount Economic Development Authority, the Rosemount City Council, the City of Rosemount staff and the Rosemount Star City Committee. The organizations and individuals working on these plans were afforded some unique opportunities in the process of gathering and compiling information consisting of variety of goal setting workshops and sessions, a community-wide telephone survey, and several Town Meetings. In September of 1988, a ten member Rosemount Citizen's Advisory Committee (RCAC) was formed to identify community-wide values and needs. To facilitate this committee's charge, the City of Rosemount sponsored a Town Meeting on October 11, 1988, at the Rosemount High School. It was the hope of the city leaders that the Town Meeting process would be repeated annually. The purpose of these meetings is to give Rosemount residents an oppartunity to share their input regarding what they perceive to be community needs and values. Out of this meeting came a new found interest in evaluating the community's immediate needs and projecting what the needs may be in the future. It was determined by the RCAC, the City of Rosemount staff and the Rosemount City Council that an outside opinion would be able to further assist community groups by having an unbiased outsider collect the opinions of Rosemount citizens through a survey. In the winter of 1988-89 the City of Rosemount, in conjunction with Dacision Resources (a full service marketing and research firm) , arranged for a telephone survey of 440 randomly selected residents of Rosemount. Survey responses were gathered by professional interviewers between December 1989 and January 1989. The average interview took 45 minutes and was intended to gather information on demographics and public opinion on various aspects of the community: small town ambience, downtown Rosemount, communications, recreational opportunities, relations with external entities, economic development. After all data from the survey was compiled, the RCAC scheduled a workshop on March 28, 1989 to analyze the survey results and to begin the preparation of a document called "Goals and Strategies" for the future of the Rosemount community. This document was intended to summarize the survey data while still allawing for further input and revisions. To present the survey results and the draft document prepared by the RCAC, another Town Meeting was scheduled for May 9, 1989. This meeting allowed those in attendance to hear the information which had been gathered up to that point. Interested persons at the meeting were encouraged to participate in a small group session at the Town Meeting to discuss other goals or strategies which had not yet been considered or brought forth as a concern. With the additional information provided at the May 9th Town Meeting, the RCAC was able to take their draft document and do a final revision. On June 14, 1989, the RCAC "Goals and Strategies" were presented to the Rosemount City Council. The document, presented as a culmination of both the Decision Resources telephone survey and the Town Meeting process, was very favorably received by the Rosemount City Council and the City of Rosemount staff. So much so, that the Council directed staff to contact Decision Resources to begin preparations for a formal "goal setting session" for Council and staff. This allowed city leadership to take input from Rosemount citizens and combine it with what the Council and staff felt were the foremost needs of the community. While all of these events were taking place, the Rosemount Star City Committee (originally formed in 1986) was regrouped in February of 1989. Playing crucial parts in this regrouping were the Rosemount Chamber of Commerce, the Rosemount Economic Development Commission and the Northern Dakota County Chambers of Commerce as well as area utilities (Peoples Natural Gas, Dakota Electric, Minnegasco, NSP) . The members of these groups were very enthusiast�c about getting together to determine what remained to be done to achieve Star City status and how to go about getting it all completed. After being designated as the new "Rosemount Star City Committee" the first tasks was to let the community know that the quest for Star City status was still taking place in Rosemount. This was achieved through appearances at public meetings in Rosemount and by submitting information to a variety of area newspapers. The Star City Committee meets the third Tuesday of each month. This schedule allowed the committee enough time between meetings to actually get things done. While most activities were completed by late in 1989, the "One and Five Year Plans" were incomplete pending the City Council and staff "goals and objective session" . The committee decided to wait for the completion of said workshop to allow the inclusion of that information within the final drafts of the "One and Five Year Plans. " Members of the committee took great care to play a role in all of Rosemount's goal setting activities throughout 1989 and �990. The Rosemount City Council and staff "goals and objectives" session took place at a very intense workshop on January 30, 1989, from 3 : 00 p.m. to 10: 00 p.m. The Council and staff took into account the information discussed at the Town Meetings, the Decisian Resources survey results and the RCAC "Goals and Strategies. " After seven long hours of debate and discussion, the group compiled a listing of the most important issues expected to be facing the community within the next five years. That information was presented to the community at the third annual Town Meeting held on April 30, 1990. It was with the assistance of that listing that the Rosemount Star City Committee formulated its "One and Five Year Plans" . ROSEMOIINT COMMIINITY ASSESSMENT - The University of Minnesota owns a great deal of tax exempt land in eastern Rosemount. +/- Dakota County officials and the Metropolitan Council are interested in locating a waste to energy plant (incinerator) in Dakota County; the proposed site is in eastern Rosemount on the University of Minnesota property. + The Metropolitan Council is having an Environmental Impact Study completed to determine the impact a waste to energy facility wauld have on the environment with which it comes in contact. {see Goal Al) - The most recent copy of the Rosemount Comprehensive Guide Plan is dated 1980. - Without an up to date Rosemount Comprehensive Guide Plan it is difficult for city leaders to guide residential and economic development in a consistent manner. (see Goal A2) - A basic marketing plan has to be prepared before Rosemount can aggressively promote its development potential to businesses and industries. - Not all businesses are suitable to locate in Rosemount. + There must be a process in place to determine where a business looking to locate in Rosemount would be best suited. (see Goals A4 ; B4 ; C5; C8; D4 ; E4) - Because potential development in Ros�mount's downtown area is important, deve2opment elsewhere in Rosemount may tend to get overlooked. + There is much land available for those businesses with an interest in locating or relocating outside of Rosemount's downtown. - Businesses often found in other eommercial centers are not found in downtown Rosemount (retail - clothing for adults and children, music stores) . (see Goals A6; A7 ; B6; B12 ; C5; D4; E4) +/- As the population of Rosemount is growing steadily, it has become necessary to add qualified persons to the City Hall staff to insure that the services provided by City Hall can be, carried out in an efficient manner. - As the City Hall staff is increasing it has become necessary to provide employees with sufficient space and equipment with which to perform their assigned duties, (see Goals A3; A8; B2; C2 : D2 ; E2) +/- As businesses consider locating in Rosemount it is necessary to have people on the City staff to market Rosemount's assets. - The City of Rosemount does not currently have a staff inember whose only job is to recruit businesses to locate within the city. (see Goals A?; B3 ; B4) +/- Annual legislative sessions can have a great impact on programs implemented through municipalities. - Tax increment financing has been changed drastica�ly due to the 1990 Legislative session, said change limiting its effectiveness as a develapment tool. + Special legislation which was recently passed may make it more feasible for the City of Rosemount to assist in the development of a National Guard Armory to be located in Rosemount. (see Goals B5; B7; C3 ; D3) - The sidewalks in some of the older areas of Rosemount are in need of upgrading. - There is little Senior Housing available in Rosemount. (see Goals B8; B9) + The City of Rosemount has an excellent public parks system. + Many Rosemount citizens and community leaders are participating in the creation of a concept called "Town Square / Town Green" . Through this project several of Rosemount's parks would be tied together by a trail system and would generate from a "town square" located near City Hall. (see Goals A5; B13) . + Every other year the City of Rosemount is eligible to receive Community Development Block Grant funding through the Dakota County Housing and Redevelopment Authority. + Community Development Block Grant funding assists in economic development activities within the city of Rosemount. (see Goals C4 ; E3) - The Chicago Milwaukee Company (railroad) owns approximately 100 acres of undeveloped, industrially zoned land south of 145th Street in Rosemount. + The City of Rosemount intends to negotiate with railroad officials for the purchase of this land for industrial development. + The Pine Bend area, in northeast Rosemount, it well suited for industrial development as it is accessible by road, rail, and river. (see Goals B6; B11; C5; C6; C8 ; D4 ; E4) + The Minnesota National Guard is currently working with Cit� officials on plans to loeate a National Guard Armory within Rosemount. + The City of Rosemount will be permitted to upgrade and add facilities to the armory for community use. This will ultimately provide Rosemount with a Community Center / National Guard Armory. + The City of Rosemount has obtained and designated a site for the proposed Community Center / National Guard Armory. + The anticipated Community Center/ National Guard Armory will be very large (96, 000 s. f. } and therefore may be difficult to design so that the center functions in an efficient and aesthetically pleasing manner. (see Goals B10) + The Star City Program wi11 assist the City of Rosemount in marketing/recruiting new businesses. + The Star City Program will assist the City of Rosemount in staying aware of the wants and needs of existing businesses. (see Goals A6; B1; C1; Dl; E1) - Rosemount and other South Metro cities do not have an adequate system of public transportation for citizens. + Rosemount and six other South Metro cities have formed the Minnesata Valley Transit Authority in hopes of providing sufficient public transportation from Minneapolis/St. Paul to the South Metro area and among the South Metro cities. (see Goal D5) CITY OF ROSEMOIINT STAR CITY FIVE YEAR PLAN FOR LONG RANGE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT YEAR 1: 1990 A 1. Work with Dakota County and the University of Minnesota regarding the proposed siting of the Waste to Energy Plant (incinerator) 2. Revise Rosemount Comprehensive Guide Plan 3 . Revise "Five Year Capital Improvement Plan" 4 . Initiate the "Commercial/Industrial Market Analysis" 5. Initiate the Town Square evaluation 6. Continue downtown redevelopment activities 7. Evaluate City Hall staffing needs for business recruitment/marketing 8. Complete "City Facilities Expansion Study" YEAR 2 : 1991 (The following is subject to revision pursuant to the 1991 Rosemount Goals & Objectives Session) B l. Update Star City Plan and maintain Star City designation 2 . Update "Five Year Capital Improvements Plan" 3 . Evaluate City staffing on special projects 4 . Establish marketing/recruitment strategies based on commercial/industrial market anslysis 5. Establish tax increment financing policies (1990 Legislation) for new development 6. Evaluate land use policies/development potential in Pine Bend and University of Minnesota Areas 7. Follow Up on Impact of 1991 Legislative session 8. Implement the Rosemount Sidewalk Improvement Plan 9 . Evaluate addition Senior Housing needs in Rosemount l0. Determine design scheme for proposed Community Center/Natianal Guard Armory 11. Initiate feasibility study on Chicago Milwaukee Company railroad property for use as an industrial park 12 . Evaluate aesthetic/architectural guideline for downtown 13. Action/implementation on the Rosemount Town Square plan YEAR 3 : 1992 (The following is subject to revision pursuant to the 1992 Rosemount Goals & Objectives Session) C 1. Update Star Cities Plan and maintain Star City designation 2 . Update "Five Year Capital Improvements Plan". 3 . Follow Up on Impact of 1992 Legislative Session 4. Determine Project for 1992 CDBG Program 5. Continue expansion and improvement of retail development in designated areas 6. Follow-up on industrial development in the Pine Bend area, on the University of Minnesota property and on the Chicago Milwaukee Company railroad property 7. Initiate a new promotional brochure to market business opportunities in Rosemount 8. Designate and obtain industrial park sites YEAR 4: 1993 (The following is subject to revision pursuant to the 1993 Rosemount Goals & Objectives Session) D l. Update Star Cities Plan and maintain Star City designation 2. Update "Five Year Capital Improvements Plan'" 3 . Follow Up on Impact of 1993 Legislative Session 4. Continue promotion of retail and industrial businesses in planned areas 5. Evaluate capacity of services with reiationship to marketing, ie: transportation, public utilities and public services YEAR 5: 1994 (The following is subject to revision pursuant to the 1994 Rosemount Goals & Objectives Session) E 1. Update Star Cities P1an and maintain Star City designatian 2 . Update "Five Year Capital Improvements Plan" 3. Determine Project for 1994 CDBG Program 4. Actively market commercial and industrial park sites CITY OF ROSEMOUNT STAR CITY ONE YEAR WORR PLAN 7/1/90 - 7/1/91 GOAL #1 WORR AITA DAROTA COUNTY AND THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA REGARDING THE PROPOSED SITING OF THE WASTE TO ENERGY PLANT (INCINERATOR) Work Tasks• A) Stride for acquisition of the University of Minnesota lands, subject to not assuming liabilities. B} Publicize City strategy: rationale for position and actions. Develop communications plan, including timing and message content. C) Develop host community relationship with Dakota County. Identify bargaining points. D) Acknowledge receipt of EIS {Environmental Impact Study) . Expect County to live up to the letter of the EIS and employ any new technologies as they emerge. Assictnments• Rosemount City Council Rosemount City Staff Completion Date: 1991 - 1992 Status: In progress GOAL #2 REVISE ROSEMOUNT CQMPREHENSIVE GIIIDE PLAN Work Tasks• A) Define process. Summarize available data and update. B) Hire Consultant and define work program. C) Implement process. D) Completion/adoption of Guide Plan by June, 1991. Assianments• Rosemount City Council Rosemount City Planner University of Minnesota Intern Completion Date: July 1, 1991 Status: In progress GOAL #3 REVISE ��FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN'� Work Tasks• A) Circulate past "Capital Improvements Plan" for review. B) Request department heads to work with staff in preparing department updates. C) Review updated "Capital Improvements Plan" with all department heads prior to presentatian to the City Counail. D) Present to City Council for comment and approval. Assignments• Rosemount City Council Rosemount Planning Commission Rosemount City Planner Completion Date: 1990 Status: In progress GOAL #4 INITIATE THE ��COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL MARRET ANALY3IS�� Work Tasks• A) Define process. B) Hire consultant and define work program. C) Implement process. D) Completion of study expected in the fall of 1990. Assignments• Rosemount City Council Rosemount Economic Development Authority Rosemount City Staff Rosemount Chamber of Commerce Completion Date: 1990 Status: To be completed , , � GOAL #5 INITIATE THE ��TOWN SQIIARE / TOWN GREEN�� EVALIIATION Work Tasks• A) Recognize the importance of this issue. B) Agree on th� meaning of this issue (select process for reaching agreement) . C) Continue with a high level of citizen involvement in this project. Assignments• Rosemount City Council Rosemount Planning Commission Rosemount Parks & Recreation Board Rosemount Parks & Recreation Department Completion Date: 1991 - 1992 Status: To be completed GOAL #6: CONTINUE DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES Work Tasks• A) Define "downtown area" . B) Assess businesses and services not currently available in "downtown Rosemount" . C) Assessment of business which might relocate out of "downtown" . Assignments• Rosemount City Council Rosemount Economic Development Authority City of Rosemount Community Development Department Rosemount Economic Development Committee (Chamber of Commerce) Completion Date: 1990 - 1991 Status: To be campleted . , � GOAL �7: EVALIIATE CITY HALL STAFFING NEEDS FOR BIISINE83 RECRIIITMENT/MARRETING Work Tasks• A) Assess businesses and services not available in Rosemount. B) Assess which businesses and services are most likely ta be attracted to Rosemount. C) Assess which businesses and services would be able to locate within Rosemount's existing market. D) Prepare a marketing plan for Rosemount based on results of this evaluation. Assiqnments• Rosemount City Council Rosemount Economic Development Authority Rosemount Community Development Department Completion Date: 1991 - 1992 Status: To be completed GOAL #8: COMPLETE ��CITY FACILITIES EXPANSION STUDY�� Work Tasks• A) Determine a process to prioritize and meet the city's spacial needs to the year 2005. Assignments: Rosemount City Council City of Rosemount Department Heads Rosemount City Planner Completion Date: 1991 Status: In progress