HomeMy WebLinkAbout8. Birchview Terrace Street & Utility Improvements, City Project #214 � , ITEM # � *********�**********�r*************�MEMO***�******************************** DATE: JULY 12, 1990 TO: MAYOR & COUNCILMEMBERS C/0 CITY ADMINISTRATOR JILK FROM: CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR HEFT RE: ITEM FOR THE JULY 17, 1990 COUNCTL MEETING PUBLIC HEARING Birchview Terrace Utility & Street Improvements, City Proiect #214 This item consist of holding a public hearing to consider input from property owners that are affected by this project. This memo contains some background information regarding similar situations in adjacent communities that hopefully will assist the Council and recommended action for Council to consider. I have done some research regarding two similar projects in adjacent communities. One being in an area of Apple Valley called The Woods that is located northwest of this project. The other is in Eagan in a development called South Oaks Addition that is located just northwest of the intersection of Trunk Highway 3 and Cliff Road. Both of these areas contain relativeTy large single family lots that had their own private wells and septic systems with gravel roads for access. In the case of The Woods, the Apple Valley Public Works Director informed me they assessed 1000 of the cost to install sewer, water and streets. The cost for this project was between $16, 000 and $17, 000 per lot. For the South Oaks Development in Eagan, it was also assessed 100% of the cost, which amounted to about $14,500 per lot. The cost for the improvements in The Woods Addition in AppZe Valley and South Oaks Addition in Eagan are about 2 years old. Besides inflation, another reason for the estimated cost for the improvements to the Birchview Terrace Addition is due to the difficulty in construction resulting from existing topography and trees. The two examples that are similar to our situation also have another thing in common, that being all the project costs were able to be recovered by assessing properties on both sides of the roadway. Even though the property along 136th Street located within the LeForet Addition did not enter into the petition for improvements, it nevertheless does benefit from having sewer, water and streets located adjacent to it. The feasibility report does indicate that there would be 34 equivalent units that could potentially receive the benefit from this project. Using this number of units yields an estimated per ot cost of $18, 000, which appears to be comparable to the other � � examples. Even though the property in LeForet Addition may not be ready to make full use of this benefit at this time, there are some possibilities that can be considered at the time of the assessment hearing. For instance it is my understanding that Apple Valley did defer some of the utility assessments until actual hook-up and also allowed a 15 year pay back period. Eagan spread their assessments over a 20 year period. What the CQuncil has to determine as a result of this public hearing is whether this project makes sense to go ahead with or not. I would recommend that Council consider going ahead with this project for two reasons. First, it would benefit the public health and safety over the long run because it would be eliminating individual septic systems and private wells. Several of these systems and wells must be 20 years old or more. In the last 20 years there has been much improvements in those types of wells and septic systems. While private systems do work, they do need an adequate amount of space in order to separate the septic system from the well to avoid potential contamination. Rosemount now requires a minimum of 2 .5 acres. None of these lots, with the exception of the LeForet lots, meets this requirement. The old septic systems that would have to be replaced would have to be built in accordance with the new standards. This could potentially require the loss of trees in some of the lots because of having to add on or replace drain fields. The trees in this area are probably one of the most valuable assets to these lots. The other reason is regarding the road situation. Danville Avenue poses a problem because of its steep grade. Whenever it rains run-off erodes the sides af the road thereby raising havoc with driveways. From a maintenance and safety standpoint it would be beneficial to have these roads paved with concrete curb and gutter to eliminate the erosion problem. However, it doesn't make sense to pave these raads without placing utilities underneath them because sooner or latter this area will need utilities. As long as utilities are right next to this development, it doesn't make sens� to pave a road and have to dig it all up in a few years to install utilities. It seems to make the most sense to install everything at this time. In summary, I certainly can understand the position of the property owners in the LeForet Addition who are not ready to develope at this time. Assessing these lots for 4 units would definitely be a burden. However, deferring a portion of that benefit until development would be an option the Council could consider. I also realize there will be some newer homes in this area that just recently installed septic systems and private welZs. Again, a combination of extending the term of the assessment and possibly deferring assessments until hook up could be consi.dered. Of course any deferments will require that the City general levy pick up these cost until we are eventually reimbursed. This is a difficult situation as I went through this with the South Oaks development in Eagan in 1983 . I might point out that in 1983 the residents did not want to go ahead with this project at an estimated cost of $15, 000 per 1ot. In 1988 when they did decide to go ahead with this project the estimated cost had risen to $17, 000 per lat. Unfortunately, these cost seem ta only go in one direction, and that is up. Mr. Bud Osmundson, of OSM, will be present to assist me in presenting this project and answering questions. I also hope to have our chief building official, Mr. Ron Wasmund, present to answer any questions regarding individual private septic systems or wells. Upon closing the public hearing, recommended action for Council to consider is to adopt the attached resolutions ordering in the project and authorizing the preparations of plans and specifications. r. � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COU'NTY, MINNESOTA RESOLOTION 1990 - A RESOLIITION FOR APPROVAL OF BIRCHVIEW TERRI4CE STREET & UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT #214 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount by a unanimous vote ordered a feasibility report for Birchview Terrace Street & Utility Improvements, City Project #214 ; and WHEREAB, the City Council has received and accepted th� feasibility report on June 5, 1990 on City Project #214 ; and WHEREAS, the City Council ordered and held a public hearing to receive input on the project. NOA THEREFORE BE IT RE30L�tED, that the City Council of the Gity of Rosemaunt hereby orders the improvements of Birchview Terrace Street & Utility Improvements, City Project #214. ADOPTED this 17th day of July, 1990. Vernon J. Napper, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Johnson, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by; Voted in favor• Voted against• . _, � , , CITY OF ROSEMOIINT DAROTA COIINTY, MINNESOTA � RESOLUTION 1990 - A RESOLUTION ORDERING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR BIRCIiVIEW TERRACE STREET & IITILITY IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT #214 WHEREA3, the City Council of the City of Rosemount by a unanimous vote ordered a feasibility report for Birchview Terrace Street & Utility Improvements, City Project #214 ; and WHEREA3, the City Council has received and accepted the feasibility report on City Project #214; and WHEREAS, the City Council ordered and held a public hearing to receive input on the Project. NOIe1 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount orders the plans and specifications for the improvements of the Birchview Terrace Street & Utility Improvements, City � Project #214 . . � � � � � � . ADOPTED this 17th day of July, 1990. Vernon J. Napper, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Johnson, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: - Voted in favor• Voted against• AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA � SS County of Dakota ) NANCY l. GUSTAFSON,being duly sworn, on oatb says that sl+e is an outhorixed agent and ���C'^ �O�'�r empl°yee of the publisherof the newspoper known os Dokota County Tribune,and has full knowledge b G : �p�Rp�µpp� - of the focts which are stated below: DAICOTAOOUNTY.MINNESOTA • l70TICE OP PUEUC MGRlN60N ' " IMPROVEMENTSlIRCMVIEWTERRA� '� ,,, tT�tEEta uTiuTY u�MtOv�EN'rS,.,� (A)The newspapen c�s eomplied with oll of the requirements constituting qualifieation cs a legal � neaEcr No.su, , �`'TO WIiOM Pf 11�AY CONCERN --�r ` newspuper,as provided by Minnesota Stotute 331 A.02,331 A.07 ond other applicable laws,asnmended. ; NOTI(� IS HEREBY�.GiVEN, tliet the. � .tSf.y Council ot L6e City of Ro�em�nt,Min- {nesota,.will meet at 8.OPo'ciock p.m.or as � psomthereafterasPossible�7Yiesday.July17� (B)The printed �1990.ia the Couxil Chamt�aE fhe,(�ry j Hall,2875145th Street.West,to consider the foRowing fmprnvements - -, . - � P1+DjeM+'214-B�[ChVteW TeitaCe S4'eet dc i;:Util{tylmpro9ements _ . : '. .,. �.�R'hpe�y�t�o�t�ayt e�st�ipmyayt�ed coat. of said.im- 47'�`��"......"'19�r/.n^�• i.p�{"' - . . j.• ���BIIIdlO�t0 bR 888CS8�38��8��O � � � � � . . . . i LOL EZCeCd�9rZ00. - .��,..�,.. . . . . � c The ere8 pra�posed tA be assessed fot the .fa+egoiog iinpmvem�►b waSd genersqy be whieh is attached was cut from the columns of said rrewspaper,ond was printed ond published once `all that area generally-descrfbed as all o� �$irchview Tetrace Istand2ndAdditioo,Lots 7'snQ l0,Biock 1, IxForet Addition and � Parcei 34-01900410-60 ad Sectioa 19,Dakota �.,J�-�0 successive weeics;if was ';County,Mionesota. each week,for '. blu6 per�on(s)as desires to be heard+wiW �teEerence to the propased improvetnents will r'' be 6eard at this meeting.Wri�en or orai�i- u�� � ��_ , ���y��d� first published on Thursday,the dar Dated this 19th day of June,1990, BY ORDER OF TFIE CITY COUNCIL. Susan M.Johnson �p CityC�sk 19 , and wos thereofter printed ond published on every Thursday to und ineluding C'ity of Iiosemount. Dakota County,Minoesota -, ('� G 114 19-�D � .X ,19 �r � ; _ ___ Thursday,t� �� �Y� und prioted below is c eopy of the lower case clpFwbet from A to Z.both inclusive,which is hereby acknowledged os being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of the notiee: a bcdefghijkimnopqrstuvwxyz BY: �� 77TLE:Secretary blisher Subseribed cnd sworn to befo►e me o this ��� i^ dar of_�� •19 �� . Notory Public �,,.»,,y CAROLJ.HAVERLAND _� NpT'/►RY p{�BLIC—MINNESOTA DAKOTA COUNTY �p�bp E�w aa s.tsas �n(J 1 P.O. BOX 510 ✓26� � 2875-145TH ST. W. O���AO't�a ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 /I'l. v� L 612-423-4411 AFFIDAVIT OF MAILED AND POSTED HEARING NOTICE BIRCHVIEW TERRACE STREET & UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT 214 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF DAROTA )ss. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ) Stephan Jilk, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: I am a United States Citizen and the duly qualified Clerk of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. On July 5, 1990, acting on behalf of the said City, I posted at the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, and deposited in the United States Post Office of Rosemount, Minnesota, copies of the attached notice of public hearing regarding Birchview Terrace Street & Utility Improvements, Project #214, enclosed in sealed envelopes, with postage thereon fully prepaid, addressed to the persons listed on the attached listings at the addresses listed with their names. Ther� is delivery service by United States Mail between the place of mailing and the places so addressed. � .�.- , Susan M. J n n City Clerk City of Rosemount t Dakota County, Minnesota Subscribed and sworn to before me this ��• day of July, 1990. � �� Notary P blic . . „ . CINDY DORNIQfN NQTARY PtlBL(C--MINNESOTA DAKOTA COUWTY � My CorTtm.E�ires Au9.25.1995 Y t (�1 P.O. BOX 510 11� � 2875-145TH ST. W. OSes�'l.OZLYL� ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 612-423-4411 CITY OF ROSEMOIINT DAROTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON IMPROVEMENTS BIRCIiVIEW TERRACE STREET & IITILITY IMPROPEMENTS PROJECT NO. 214 TO WFiOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, will meet at 8: 00 o'clock p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible, Tuesday, July 17, 1990, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, to consider the following improvements: Project #214 - Birchview Terrace Street & Utility Improvements �� The total estimated cost of said improvements is $639 , 200. ' The amount to be assessed is estimated to not exceed $639, 200. The area proposed to be assessed for the foregoing improvements would generally be all that area generally described as all of Birchview Terrace 1st and 2nd Addition, Lots 7 and 10, Block 1, LeForet Addition and Parcel 34-01900-010-50 of Section 19, Dakota County, Minnesota. Such person(s) as desires to be heard with reference to the proposed improvements will be heard at this meeting. Written or oral opinions will be considered. Dated this 19th day of June, 1990. , BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL. �� �� S an M. Jdh sorf�n City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota MRILItJr, LIST EXHIBIT A � NRt•1E: B I RCHV I E4J TEP...RfICE FRtJ:TECT #:21�1 f�NRCEL u CC F'LAT EiL LT LFI�T NFItiE F I RST haRh1E F�f�ClRF5S C I T'•�' ST Z I F' '�� 1410i] �J�O O1 CLRRk;E Dt��.�T.G �: RRf•1EL.R Fi�Jr�l d483 I_IF'F'FF? 13St1-� ST W RO5Eh101_It�IT h1�•1 S5Ci6g 34 1�41 DO GJO O1 SK I MNER h1FIf?l�I N �+: El_1'SE 4455 UPFER 135tt, ST W E?�SEPI�UNT h1t�� 55��68 34 14100 0•1U O1 SP1I7H tJILLIFlt•1 8; t•1IT'CHELLE ��t�3 UPPER 1�5t}•� 51' W �!OSEr•tOLItdT t•tht 55L�68 34 1410�J Ci50 O1 HRRPER �!UB�RT R: t•iFiP..Y' ���y3 UPF'-'ER 135th ST W RfJ5EFi0lINT t•1t•� 55058 34 141 UD 06f1 O 1 S�HL I TZ W I LL I At1 & ..Jfit�lE 1t353 UPPER 135tfi ST W RdSEh10Ut�T t1P� 5SC158 .�4 14100 l�?0 O 1 5HL I T� L•J I Ll.I f�t•1 & .JRt�IE ��'_16�� LJf�PER 135tt�� ST W �'fJSEMC1LIt�IT t•1N 5SCi6t3 34 141U�� 010 02 �EWt�E JFP..G?�r' 3: KATNL.EF_t� <i430 LIPPER 1:75t1-� ST W ��SEh10UtJT ��t�a 55C�F�3 ��4 141 t�0 0�0 02 �REJ�JRR4a5K THOt•tt�5 � t•1NR'r' 4400 UPF�ER 1.�5th ST W F!OSEt�1��UtJT hiN 55C�6B �4 14100 03�J 02 HOF�STRQht JfihaET r�3rq UPPE�R 1�5th ST W ROSEt•tOLIt�T h1t•� 55G68 3d 14101] 040 02 NOI,�AK CNFIRLES E; t•iR�!'7' �4344 UPPER 135th ST t•a F�OSEt•101.�t�IT Mhl 55068 3� 1 d 101 Q 10 O 1 JOHtJSOtJ OERf� ?: FRAMCE:S �295 LJRPER 135th ST' 4J P..OSEt•10UtJT t�it�l 55C�68 3� 141 C11 C120 fJ l t•10t•a1;� r��rar�i_a a 2�i5 IJFPER 135th ST W ROSEt�10LItdT t�it•� 55C�t��3 .�d 14101 0�0 O 1 TP,bG Rf�EE�?T � F1UU�!E'r' 13552 UF�t�ll�I LLE R�1E P.OSEF10l�NT hit� 55CiF 8 �4 1��1 C►1 Od0 O 1 DRtJ I ELSOt� TEPR1' �: JERt�1 1�588 t?RNI�I LLF R4�E ROSEt•tOIINT r�it•a S5Ci68 34 141 CJ 1 050 01 HRT7ERMRN DL�NRLD & HELE:N 1�61� ORN4�I Ll_F Fl4�E R05EP1C)t It�T r�1N 55068 34 1 d 101 01 t� 02 BORSTH R I CNaF�CI Px LFE At•atJ 1�55'3 DAMV I LLE R«E F:'OSEh1�Lit�IT r�iP� 55068 ��4 14101 Oc0 0� REt•aSGH �1R�!ti' At•atJ ��315 136�h 57 tJ R�SEt•10Ut^IT t•tt•� 55069 ��4 14101 0'l0 02 CF?EPEFiU M I CFIEF�L & t•1RR��' �#��i3 136th �T bJ P.OSEt�10Ut�T MN 55068 .�4 1 d 101 04t] 02 f 1haDERSOtJ DALE £Y F!OSEt�1FIR1' 4.��1 196th ST �•1 F�OSEt•tOUt�T t•1t•� 55068 �4 141D1 OSO 02 4JARD JER�]ME F. 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