HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.c. Receive Feasibility Report, Valley Oak Pond Outlet, City Project #197 - � 1�'EM # 9C �****�**�r*************************�MEMO************�*�r********�*****�t�r�r***� DATE: JULY 12, 1990 TO: MAYOR & CQUNCILMEMBERS C/O CITY ADMINISTRATOR JILK FROM: CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR HEFT RE: ITEM FOR THE JULY 17, 1990 GOUNCIL MEETING NEW BUSINES3 I��' Receive Feasibility Re�ort, Valley Dak Pond Outlet, City Pro�ect #197 This item consist af Council receiving the attached feasibility xeport for the storm sewer outlet construction for Va11ey 0ak Pond in the Winds Crossing develapment. This memo provides some background on this project and recommended action for Council to consider along with the appropriate I resolutions. As you can see from the feasibility report this particular pond is located north of Cornell Trail, south of 156th Street, east of Shannon Parkway, and west of Claret Avenue. This particular pond was not designed to be the dead end pond that it is serving as right now. When its drainage area is fully developed, this pond was meant to be an intermediary pond with eventual flow out from this pond to the south to two other ponds and eventually into Empire Township. The project was initiated in May of 1989 as a result of a warm spring and a early rainfall while the ground was still frozen. However, as you can see from the report we require obtaining easements from the property located south of the Winds Crossing development. We have been in contact with the owner of this property along with the proposed purchaser of this property who had an option on this 40 acres. We �also are going to have to deal with Empire Township and had our City Attorney -research this matter. In the meantime, the developer has dropped his option so we can now deal solely with the property owners. Since the property owner has this land in production, we felt that if we constructed this project in the fall of 1990 we would then save the cost of crop damage because the property owner could harvest his crops before construction started. While we propose to assess these cost to properties in the watershed, we are in the process of analyzing our storm water connection fee and also aur storm water core fund. As a result, we are seriously looking inta how setting up a storm drainage utility for the City would help us in financing these utilities. The Utility Commission will be considering this in July and August. A recommendation is tentatively scheduled to Council for one of the September meetings. In the meantime, in order to get this project off the ground I would request that Council authorize the preparation of plans and � > specifications for this project. Then once we decide on the funding mechanism, whether it be special assessments or storm drainage utility, the plans and specifications would be done and ready to go out for bids. I would also like Council to authorize having an appraisal dane on this property so that we can start the process of acquiring the necessary easements. A representative from S.E.Ii. will be present to provide a brief overview of this project and answer any questions Council may have. Recommended action for Council to consider is to receive the feasibility report for Project #197, Valley Oak Pond Outlet, and authorize preparation for plans and specifications for this project. � I CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAROTA COIINTY, MINNESOTA RESOLIITION 1990 - A RESOLIITION RECEIVING THE FEASIBILITY REPORT VALLEY OAR POND OUTLET IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT �197 WHEREAS, the City Council deemed it necessary and expedient that the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, construct certain improvements, to-wits City Project #197, Valley Oak Pond 0utlet Improvements, in the City as described in and in accordance with the feasibility report prepared by Short-Elliott-Hendrickson, Inc.�, Consulting Engineers; and WHEREAS, the City Council has been advised by the Consulting Engineers that said storm sewer outlet improvements, City Project #197, is feasible, and should best be made as proposed, and the Consulting Engineers' report to this effect has heretofore been received by Council, and filed with the City Clerk on' July 17, 1990; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of - Rosemount accepts the feasibility report for C�ty Project #197 and places it on file. ADOPTED this 17th day of July, 1990. � Vernon J. Napper, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Johnson, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Vote in favor: � Vote against• CITY OF ROSEMOIINT DAKOTA COIINTY, MINNESOTA RESOLIITION 1990 - A RESOLIITION ORDERING PLANB AND gpECIFICATIONB FOR VALLEY OAR POND OIITLET IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT �197 AHEREAB, the City Council of the City of Rosemount by a unanimous vote ordered a feasibility report Valley Oak Pond 0utlet Improvements, City Project #197; and WHEREAS, the City Council has received and accepted the feasibility report on City Project #197; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount orders the plans and specifications for the improvements of the Valley Oak Pond Outlet Improvements, City Project #197. ADOPTED this 17th day of July, 1990. ', � �. � �. Vernon J. Napper, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Johnson, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor• Voted against• � � II � ,, � � � FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR � VALLEY OAK POND OUTLET ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA CITY PROJECT NO. 197 SEH FILE NO. 89245 �� July 17, 1990 � � � � � I hereby certify that this report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Re istered Profes 'onal Engineer under � the laws o he St e Mi esota. . . . � � DATE: July 17, 1990 REG. NO. 19699 REVIEWED BY: Public Works Department � DATE: � �` � � � � - ENGINEER51 ARCNITECTS�PLANNERS 3535 UADNAIS CENTER DRIVE,ST PAUL,MINNESOTA 55710 612 490-2000 � � � Jul 17 1990 RE: Rosemount Minnesota Y , , � Valley Oak Pond Outlet City Project No. 197 SEH File No. 89245 � � City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 ATTN: Rich Hefti, Director of Public Works � Gentlemen: In accordance with your authorization we have prepared the � attached feasibility report for the Valley Oak Pond Outlet. This report discusses storm sewer construction and pond grading improvements, and provides cost estimates for each. � We find these improvements to be feasible and recommend that they be constructed in general compliance with the provisions of this report. � We would be pleased to review this report with you in detail . � Sincerely, � Steve Campbell, P.E. SDC/me � Enclosure � � SHORT ELLIOTT SI PAUL, CHIPPEWA FALLS, � HENDRICKSON WC MINNESOTA WISCONSIN � � ' TAHLE OF CONTENTS � � TITLE PAGE CERTIFICATION LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL � TABLE OF CONTENTS � EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PART 1 - INTRODUCTION � 1. 1 _ AUTHORIZATION 1.2 SCOPE 1.3 - DATA AVAILABLE �� PART 2 - GENERAL BACKGROUND � 2. 1 - PROJECT LOCATION 2.2 - WATERSHED 2.3 - EXISTING FACILITIES � 2.3. 1 Storm Sewer 2.3.2 Ponding Areas j2.4 - LAND USE 2. 5 - SOILS � PART 3 - PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS � 3. 1 = DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS 3. 2 DESIGN CRITERIA 3.3 - PROPOSED FACILITIES � 3.3. 1 Storm Sewer 2.3.2 Ponding Areas � 3.4 _ EMPIRE TOWNSHIP EASEMENT 3. 5 DESIGN RESULTS � � � � � TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) � � PART 4 - FINANCING 4.1 - COST ESTIMATES � 4.2 _ WATERSHED DISTRICT AREA 4.3 COST RECOVERY � PART 5 - PROJECT SCHEDULE �: APPENDIX: ESTIMATE OF COST - STORM SEWER � ESTIMATE OF COST - POND EXCAVATION 1� DRAWINGS 1 - 4 � � � � � � � � �' � , � � EXECUTIVE SUNIIKARY � City Project No. 197 provides for storm sewer construction and � pond grading improvements for the Valley Oak Pond, Outlot B, and the two downstream ponding areas located immediately to the � south. The project is located in the southeast quarter of Section 31. � The project includes approximately 1,350 linear feet of storm sewer and 17,000 cubic yards of pond excavation. The totai � estimated project cost is $210,000, which is proposed to be recovered through special assessments. The project is scheduled for construction in late 1990. � � � � � I� � � � � � � � � PART 1 � INTRODUCTION 1. 1 AUTHORIZATION � On May 17, 1989, the Rosemount City Council authorized the preparation of an Engineering Feasibility Report for � drainage improvements in the southeast quarter of Section 31. This report discusses management of the storm runoff � contributory to the Valley Oak Pond, Outlot B, located in the Valley Oak Addition, and also the two downstream ponding � areas located immediately to the south. The pro�ect has been designated as City Project No. 197. ,� 1.2 SCOPE The purpose of this report is to determine the engineering � feasibility of the project based upon a review of the data available, and to make recommendations and provide cost estimates for storm sewer construction and pond grading � improvements in the drainage district. � 1.3 DATA AVAILABLE The information and materials used in the preparation of � this report include: 1. Utility Study for Section 31 (December, 1978) . � 2. Cit of Rosemount Draina e Plan West Draina e Area Y g . 9 � (May, 1989 ) . 3. Grading plans for Valley Oak Rddition (August, 1979; � August 1988) . � 4. O'Leary's Hills Residential Planned Unit Development (PUD) Information (March, 1987) . � 5. PUD Concept Plan for Rosemount West (January, 1986) . � � Part 1 - 1 � � 6. Topographic maps generated from a recent field survey � of the immediate area. 7. City of Rosemount topographic maps. � 8. City of Rosemount Construction Record Drawings. � 9. SCS Soil Survey of Dakota County, Minnesota. � � � � � � � � � � � � � � Part 1 - 2 � � PART 2 � GENERAL BACKGROUND � 2.1 PROJECT LOCATION The proposed storm water storage facilities for this watershed consist of three ponding areas as shown in Drawing � No. l. These ponding areas are located in the southeast quarter of Section 31 and include Outlot B of the previously � platted Valley Oak Addition, and also several parcels immediately to the south which are presently unplatted. � 2.2 WATERSHED The watershed which contributes storm water to the subject � ponding system is shown in Drawing No. 2. The watershed includes the westerly three-quarters of the Valley Oak � Addition, the O'Leary's Hills Second and Third Additions, and part of O'Leary's Hills Fourth Addition. The watershed � also includes portions of Wensman Third Addition, Jaycee Park, and Shannon Parkway. An unplatted tract of land � located between the Va11ey Oak Addition and 160th Street West is also included in the watershed. The total watershed includes approximately 145 acres of land. Of this total, � 110 acres contribute storm water to pond no. l, 10 acres contribute to pond no. 2, and 25 acres contribute to pond � no.. 3. � 2.3 EXISTING FACILITIES 2.3.1 Storm Sewer � Existing storm sewers within the watershed are shown in Drawing No. 3. Most of the watershed is served by a storm sewer system, except for the � undeveloped land iocated south of the Valley Oak Addition. All storm sewers that are located � within the watershed outlet to pond no. l. A 15 inch diameter outlet pipe connecting pond no. 1 and pond no. 2 has been installed under Cornell � � Part 2 - 1 � � Trail. This outlet pipe is currently sealed at � each end. 2.3.2 Ponding Areas � Ponding areas are shown in Drawing No. 3. The Utility Study for Section 31 (December, 1978) � contained a recommendation for the use of three naturally low areas which would serve as storm � water storage for the subject watershed. Of the three areas, only pond no. 1 has been dedicated as � a ponding area and is being used for storm water storage at this time. � 2.4 LAND USE Existing land uses within the watershed can be divided into � 2 types: 1 ) single family detached and attached residential and 2) parks and open space. Single family detached � residential is the predominant land use. Valley Oak Addition contains some single family attached multiple � residential. Jaycee Park consists of park land and open space. The undeveloped land south of Valley Oak Addition is currently used as agricultural land. The proposed land use � for this undeveloped area is residential. � 2.5 SOILS The predominant soil types that are found in the drainage � district included the Estherville, Waukegan, and Dakota loams and sandy loams. These types of soils generally consist of sandy, moderately dark-colored loamy soils formed � chiefly on glacial drift. Historically, the soils in this area have been observed to be relatively sandy with a high � infiltration capacity. Because of the high infiltration capabilities ot the underlying soils, the ponding areas have � generally remained dry. It is antiaipated that storm runoff will be present in the ponds for approximately 24 hours � after a storm occurrence. � Part 2 - 2 � � PART 3 � PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS � 3.1 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS The purpose for installing a storm sewer ponding system is to provide 100-year flood protection to property within the � watershed. A 100-year flood is the result of a storm that has a one percent chance of occurring in any year. During � the spring of 1989, several days of above average temperature resulted in a rapid snow melt. This snow melt, � combined with frozen soil, heavy rain, and no pond outlet, resulted in flooding of the Valley Oak Pond onto adjacent property. The purpose for construction of the proposed � drainage improvements is to minimize the chances of this type of occurrence. � Minimizing the overall system cost should also be considered � during the preliminary design phass. Drainage systems that combine more storage and smaller connecting pipes are � generally less expensive than systems with few basins and large pipes. The cost of easement acquisition for ponding areas versus larger pipes for increased flow is an important � consideration. � In addition to cost savings, the aesthetic nature of ponding areas and the improved water quality of runoff due to soil � and nutrient sedimentation are also important. Another issue that must be considered is the need for an � outlet from the watershed into Empire Township. This outlet is recommended in the City of Rosemount Drainage P1an, West � Drainage area (May, 1989 ) . This proposed storm sewer discharge will be approximately 25 feet deep beneath 160th � Street West. The proposed storm sewer could either be jacked or trenched across 160th Street West. This should � occur prior to the County upgrading of 160th Street. � Part 3 - 1 � � � For the purpose of this report, the outlet discharge to Empire Township ( 12 CFS) given in the West Drainage Area Plan (May, 1989 ) has been used as a design parameter for the � storage calculations. � 3.2 DESIGN CRITERIA Peak flow determination and flood routing for this report is � based on the Soil Conservation Service' s Technical Release No. 20 (SCS-TR-20) entitled "Computer Program for Project � Formulation - Hydrology" . The drainage district was analyzed under present and future conditions and with various combinations of 100-year storms, pond volumes, land � uses, floodwater-retarding structures, and storm sewer sizes. � The recommended difference in elevation ( freeboard) between � the predicted 100-year flood level and the low floor elevations of permanent buildings varies depending on the type of basin. A two foot freeboard is recommended for � basins with outlets in order to minimize the risk of flooding due to unusual storm events or plugging "of the � storm sewer system. A five foot freeboard is recommended for landlocked basins (basins without outlets) . � 3.3 PR OPOSED FACILITIES � The sub watershed contributin to g pond no. 1 is the largest of the three subwatersheds, and it is essentially completely developed. Therefore, pond no. 1 and its outlet pipe � "control" the system. If the land south of Valley 0ak Addition were developed, the additional runoff would not � substantially affect the routing computations because pond no. 1 and its outlet pipe receive most (77$) of the runOff. � As a result, the flood routing computations indicate that in � order to provide 100-year flood protection to the lots � Part 3 - 2 � , � around pond no. 1, the two downstream ponds and their � connecting pipes should be constructed at this time. The outlet to Empire Township should also be constructed at this time. � 3.3.1 Storm Sewers � Proposed storm sewer facilities are shown in Drawing No. 4. An additional storm sewer overflow � from pond no. 1 is proposed which will increase the flow to pond no. 2 during a 100-year event. � The proposed overflow will consist of a 24 inch pi pe connected to the existin g low point catch basin on the south side of Cornell Trail. The � proposed overflow will be installed between Lots 19 and 20 of Block 10, Valley Oak Addition. The � construction of this overflow pipe should not require street removal or restoration. A swale � will also be graded along this lot line to serve as an emergency overflow to pond no. 2. Other proposed facilities include a 30 inch storm sewer � between ponds 2 and 3, and a 21 inch discharge pipe to Empire Township. � A 10 foot wide drainage and utility easement � currently exists between Lots 19 and 20. An additional 5 feet of easement will be required � from each lot. Easements will also be required for installation of the proposed 30 and 21 inch storm sewer mains. � The exact location of the proposed storm sewer � facilities will coincide with future lot lines and will be determined during final design. � � � Part 3 - 3 � � 3.3.2 Ponding Areas � Proposed ponding improvements are shown in Drawing • No. 4. These improvements include some grading in � ponds 1 and 3, and minor grading in pond 2. The exact amount of grading in ponds 2 and 3 depends upon the final location of the pond easements and � the future street rights-of-way. � A temparary construction easement may be required to provide equipment access to pond no. l. � Easements will also be required for ponds 2 and 3. Pond 2 will require a total of 1.9 acres of surface area and pond 3 will require a total of � 4.2 acres of surface area. � The exact location of the proposed ponding areas will coincide with future lot lines and will be � determined during final design. 3.4 EMPIRE TOWNSHIP EASEMENT � Obtaining an easement in Empire Township will required coordination with the Vermillion River Water Management � Commission, the Empire Town Board, and the Dakota County Planning Commission. � Empire Township may not have a finalized management plan or � permit procedures prior to the proposed construction. However, the Township has requested that the WMC review the pro�ect to determine if the concept is consistent with their � policies. Intercommunity projects can only be reviewed by the WMC upon request from an impacted local WMC member. � After review by the WMC, the project will come before the Empire Town Board and the Dakota County Planning Commission � for approval. � � Part 3 - 4 , � The required easement in Empire Township varies in width � from approximately 25 to 50 feet and is approximately 500 feet in length. The parcel in question is presently owned � by Empire Aggregate Company (a partnership) . Based on research done by the City Attorney, the City does � have the right to acquire property within or outside its corporate limits by condemnation for public purposes. The � provisions in Minnesota Statutes Chapter 117 control the procedure for eminent domain proceedings. � 3. 5 DESIGN RESULTS � The table below summarizes predicted 100-year storm elevations, volumes, and flows from each ponding area based on a 24 hour, Type I storm with dry soils. � Pond No. 1 Pond No. 2 Pond No. 3 � Normal Elevation 921.4 920.3 919.3 Peak Elevation 927.7 925.0 925.0 � Surface Area at Peak Elev. (acres) 2.7 1.9 4.2 Storage Volume at � Peak Elev. (ac. -ft. ) 13.8 4.8 16.5 _ Peak Discharge (CFS) 16.0 16.0 12.0 � Existing Low Floor Elevation 929.1 927.9 N/A � Recommended Minimum Floor Elevation 930.6 927.0 927.0 � The recommended low flow elevations are based on the higher of either the 100-year, 24-hour, Type II storm with wet � soiis, or 2' above the predicted flood level of the Type I storm. The Type II storm is a more severe storm than the � TYPe I storm. � � Part 3 - 5 � � Two of the existing homes located on the north side of � Cornell Trail have been built lower than the recommended law floor elevations. There is 1.4 feet of freeboard instead of 2 feet. These are walkout style houses and they are located � on Lots 1 and 2, Block 4, Valley Oak Addition. � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � Part 3 - 6 � t PART 4 � FINANCING 4. 1 COST ESTIMATES � Detailed cost estimates for all improvements proposed herein are included in the Appendix of this report. These � estimates are based on 1990 bid prices and include allowances for contingencies (5�) and anticipated overhead � costs (35�) . These estimates do not include any costs for easement acquisition. � A summar of these costs is as follows: Y Storm Sewer $120,000 '� Pond Excavation 90,000 Total $210,000 � 4.2 WATERSHED DISTRICT AREA � The following pareels of land are located within the watershed district. If more than 50� of a parcel is located within the watershed, then the entire parcel is included in � the watershed district area. If less than 50$ of a parcel is located within the watershed, it will be part of the � adjacent district. � Valley Oak Addition Units Block l, Lots 21-60 40 � Block 2, Lots 1-35 35 Block 3, Lots 1-3 3 Block 4, Lots 1-33 33 � B1ock 5, Lots 1-37, 42, 43 39 Block 6, Lots 7-34 28 � Block 8, Lots 1-8 8 Block 9, Lots 1-20 20 � Block 10, Lots 1-15 15 � � Part 4 - 1 � � Wensman 2nd Addition � Block 5, Lots 1-20 20 � Wensman 3rd Addition Block 3, Lots 1-3 3 � O'Leary's Hills 2nd Addition Block 1, Lots 1-13 13 � Block 2, Lots 1-5 5 Block 3, Lots 1-7 7 � O'Lear 's Hill r y s 3 d Addition Block 1, Lots 1-9 9 � Block 2, Lots 1-7 7 Block 3, Lots 1-7 7 � O'Leary's Hil1s 4th Addition � Block 1, Lots 1-6 6 Block 2, Lots 1-7 7 � Block 3, Lots 1-9 9 Section 31, Tax Parcel No. 34-03100-010-91 98 � Total Units 412 � 4.3 COST RECOVERY The entire project cost is proposed to be assessed to all � property within the watershed district as included under paragraph 4.2. � � � � � Part 4 - 2 � ' PART 5 � PROJECT SCHEDULE The proposed schedule for this improvement is listed below. It � is based on the provisions of Chapter 429 of the Minnesota Statutes. This schedule assumes that all elements of the , improvement, including easement acquisition proceed in a timely manner. � Receive Feasibility Report July 17, 1990 � Hold Public Hearing September 4, 1990 Approve Plans and Specifications October 2, 1990 Receive Bids October 26, 1990 � Award Contract November 6, 1990 Begin Construction November 1990 � Complete Construction May 1991 Hold Assessment Hearing Fall, 1991 � First Payment Due with Taxes Spring, 1992 � � � � � � � � � Part 5 - 1 � � ESTIMATE OF COST , STORM SEWER VALLEY OAK POND OUTLET CITY PROJECT NO. 197 � ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA ITEM UNIT � NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 0258.421 21" RCP STORM SEWER (EXTRA DEPTH) L.F. 800 $ 50.00 $ 40,000 , 0258.427 24" RCP STORM SEWER L.F. 150 35.00 5,250 0258.430 30" RCP STORM SEWER L.F. 400 43.00 17,200 � 0258.515 15" APRON W/TRASH GUARD EACH 2 600.00 1;200 � 0258. 521 21" APRON W/TRASH GUARD EACH 2 700.00 1,400 0258. 524 24" APRON W/TRASH , GUARD EACH 1 800.00 800 0258. 530 30" APRON W/TRASH � GUARD EACH 2 950.00 1,900 0258. 603 MANHOLE, TYPE B L.F. 60 125.00 7, 500 � 0258.801 R1733 MH CASTING EACH 4 190.00 760 0258.930 CONNECT TO EXISTING � STORM SEWER EACH 3 200.00 600 0258.920 GROUTED RIPRAP, ' CL. III C.Y. 60 72.00 4,320 0258.921 GRANULAR FILTER MATERIAL � C.Y. 30 32.00 960 � 2573. 501 STRAW BALES EACH 30 7.00 210 � 2211.503 AGG. BASE, CL. 5 C.Y. 72 12.00 864 2341.518 BITUMINOUS MIXTURE FOR PATCH TON 54 42.00 2,268 , SUBTOTAL $ 85 232 +5$ CONTINGENCIES 4,768 � ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $ 90,000 +35$ OVERHEAD AND ENGINEERING 30,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $120,000 � � � � , ESTIMATE OF COST � POND EXCAVATION VALLEY OAK POND OUTLET � CITY PROJECT NO. 197 ROSEI�IOUNT, MINNESOTA � ITEM UNIT NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT � 2105. 501 COMMON EXCAVATION C.Y. 12,000 $ 2.50 $3a,000 2105. 535 SALVAGED TOPSOIL C.Y. 4,$00 3.00 14,400 � 2575. 502 SEEDING LB. 1,350 7.00 9,450 2575.511 MULCH MATERIAL, � TYPE 1 TON 18 400.00 7,200 2575. 519 DISC ANCHORING ACRE 9 50.00 450 � 2575.505 SODDING S.Y. 500 2.50 1,250 2575. 523 WOOD FIBER HLANKET S.Y. 200 2.00 400 � SUBTOTAL $63, 150 +5$ CONTINGENCIES 1, 850 � ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $65,000 +35$ OVERHEAD AND ENGINEERING 25,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $90,000 � � � � , , � � , � �. .._�,_�...�...._w_.:�..._.._�..�._..M..�.._..�.a..,..._. ..w.,:�.. , t �, � i �I��;�.4= � : . . . � . . � . � - V � ��� �143 RD�SIREET W -� �. t. . . V . , � ,� I 'I i' i , .. . 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