HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.e. Dakota County Highway CIP P �� ��t . . . . � . City of Rosemount '�� � �9 E M E M 0 TO: Mayor and Council Members c/o Administrator Jilk FROM: Public Works Director/City Engineer Hefti DATE: July 13, 1990 SUBJ: Aqenda Item for July 17, 1990 Meetinq NEW BUSINESS 9.e. Dakota County Hiqhway CIP Attached is a copy of a memo I sent the County Highway Engineer, Dave Everds, regarding Steve's, Dean's, and my comments on the CIP. Also attached is a copy of the 1990-1994 CIP. Projects located within Rosemount are noted. a• � City of Rosemount M E M O TO: Dave Everds, Dakota County Highway Engineer FROM: Public Works Director/City Engineer Heft' DATE: July 9, 1990 SUBJ: Comments on 5 Year Highway CIP This memo summarizes comments that Steve Jilk, Dean Johnson, and I have regarding the Highway 1991-1995 CIP that you submitted to us for our review. Our major concern with the proposed CIP is the timing of the segment of CR 46 between CSAH 31 and TH 3 being in 1994. This segment of roadway is in very poor condition because of all the truck traffic from the bituminous and concrete plants located outside our borders. We cannot afford to repair this roadway and fear we may have to install weight restrictions because of its current dilapidated condition. We would strongly urge this segment of roadway be considered separately from the CSAH 31 to TH 52 segment and moved up in the CIP as soon as possible. We feel that this segment of existing roadway that serves producers of construction materials and hundreds of existing residents should be more imgortant than the construction of a non-existant section of CR 64. Secondly, we are not eonvinced of the necessity of, nor do we have the funds for, reconstructing CR 73 in 1994 and CR 38 possibly in 1995. We feel very strongly there is a need to install traffic signals at Shannon Parkway and CSAH 42 in the very near future, perhaps as early as 1991. As far as we are concerned, CR 73 could wait until 1996 and CR 38 from TH 3 to CR 73 could wait until 1997. At this time we don't see a need for CR 38 from CR 73 to CSAH 71 until around the year 2000. In fact, we believe you should add Conemara Trail (140th St) and Diamond Path and Diamand Path and 145th Street West traffic signals for construction in I995. We will be making our comments known to our council at their July 17, 1990 meeting. We appreciate the opportunity to comment on the 1991-1995 CIP. cc: Steve Jilk, Administrator Dean Johnson, Com. Dev. Dir. Dave Bechtold, Park & Rec. Dir. Don Darling, Finance Dir. Lyle Knutson, Police Chief : ' • D/ 1 KOTA C N I Y DAVcou rEEERDSRP.E. OU HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT `' (612) 431-1150 „� 7300 WEST 147th STREET, SUITE ik402 APPLE VALLEY, MINNESOTA 55124 . ::�r �r"<.�. � � . . � . . . . . . rMy4� S�x��Y� . � . . . �y ''�R.�,�i4�"�~� . . � � ��'�,j��� . � . � � f � _c� '��N ��- �J 19v�J �in'n,;���w�� Jtme 22, 1990 ^+�..� Mr. Richard Hefti Public Works Director City of Rosemolmt 2875 - 145th Street East Rosemount, MN 55068 � Dear Mr. Hef t i: Dakota County is beginning the preparation of the 1991-1995 Capital Improvement Program (CIP). We are interested in your input in the review of the previously planned projects from 1991 through 1994 (see attached) and in addition, we are soliciting suggestions for 1995 projects. A number of 1995 projects will no doubt come from the previous list of "other projects for possible consideration" anci you may wish to suggest changes in the previously planned 1991 to 1994 projects. Your initial response must be returned to us by July 9, 1990. This information can be faxed to us at 431-1158. We are sorry for the short notice and realize that time constraints will probably limit your review to staff irnrolvement at this time. The loss of our Transportatian Engineer, David Robley, has interrupted our normal process. ilpon receipt of your various suggestions, our County staff will prepare an initial draft of a 5-year CIP. This proposed draf t is scheduled to be submitted to the Fhysical Development Committee meeting of July 31, 1990. A more formal 5-year CIP will then be presented to the Pubiic Works Director/City Er�ineers and public officials for final review and comments prior to sut�nitting ta the fu11 County Board. We appreciate your prompt xesponse and again apologize for the short time frame. I also am pleased to announce the appointment of Lezlie Anderson to -the Transportation Engineer position. Very truly yours, ���� �� David L. Everds, P.E. Dakota County Highway Engineer D��Pb Attachmen ts AN E61UAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ,L.:�ct.� 1 lIC1YAT Ut I!!0 • 1fl1 JAt011i li. 3!!1 � Ifll ltOJ[Cf l�AD SiGI(tIT(tt01f/T0) ttOJ[R TOTA1 CITi lLDIUL/ STLit AID SS1fI lID GUP[L i12 'ULtYAi COOITi 10. -0iSCIItTI01 COfT SBIit! fTlil fT. I10L l�fTti6S l01 GO�iT. f01Df COf! BJILAIfCfS DtCLltE�t 1, 1 , 0 � � , 1lf0 ALLOTI(i/TS AID TAI 1fVi � j2,if0,A00 j0 :150,600 ��,IOO,A00 'l990 11-12 CSIle 11 CSJIH ]3 - TH� �-WI OiDI7 i SI61IlL �117,000. �219,000 j0 �t61,000 �0 j0 j0 �0 �1) 1!!0 13-Oi CSIH ll I-191 - CSA! 11 1•T.J11i OiDI7IDt0 j131,000 j32f,000 j0 j�63,5A0 ZO j0 j71,500 j0 (1) 1l90 S•19 CSIH S DOTOf' 19I. -I-759 1-L1Td DIPIDID j300,000 j135,000 j0 j0 j165,000 �A �0 j0 1fl0 2i-1! CSAH 2f Ct 43 - TH SS 1-LA�[DIVIDLD f1,450,OQ0 s653,000 . �0 j165,000 :A j0 j32,000 jA IflO 2f-20 C5118 2i CSAfl 13 - C51D ]S !-LAIz DI4IDED =1,i09,000 �6]l,000 j0 {79l,000 :0 �0 , j�2,000 j0 �- ��!0 31-26 CS1D 31 CSAH 33�Rt8tCC� LI. 1-lut DIY i P1lL Dt �2,6i6,000 t1,0iS,000 j700,001 j0 :1,253,OA0 ;0 j41,000 j0 4 33�OJV CS�3� _11il8 5l.�I33SH'f!_��-�_tiR�D3"YIDLD--�`^~�3j�,bb�-�7f � 0 • 0 1i 001 ifl0 31-0! C! 3i dOHItT CaLi C3iE�I 4-LAIt[DIiID/D j2,S00,000 j1,125,000 =1 j0 :0 =1SO,Q00 j12,001 =1,1l�,010 1!!0 62-01 C1 62 0.75 HI. I. OT Td il t{CG1Si./BlIDCt j1T0,000 �A j111,001 j0 :0 j0 :0 jt0,100 � 1�l0 11-05 C2 !1 S0. BtJUCe YIRN. RIP[t BtIBW tit015T. jilS,000 j0 :N0,001 :0 s0 j0 j0 :45,A00 1990 11-05 C2 91 7H 316 • CS11H SI I-L�IE tECOdST. 41,300,690 R160,OG0 �120,006 �0 j0 j0 j0 :120,000 1l90 5-20 CSAfl 5 AT SOOTHCt055 D!. T1At[IC SI6Y11L sl0,000 j15,000 =0 j0 j0 �0 f0 �4S,OA0 19l0 23-t7 CSAB 13 17 1l5TH ST. S111TlIC SI6I1tL j100,000 j50,000 �0 =0 �0 j0 j0 �50,800 1990 23-35 CSAH 23 lli 140TH ST. TUttLltJfi i SIGI1►L ;200,000 j150,000 f0 j0 j0 :0 �0 ;50,0@0 1990 31-N CSIlH 31 Il! U Oifl ST. TLJR. SI6i11 �S6,OD0 j2S,000 :0 j0 �0 j0 �0 j25,000 1�90 32-21 CSAB i2 Ai SLIli[PS tD. ilAIIIC SIGIAL �90,000 s15,000 j0 j0 j0 ;Q =0 j15,000 1l�0 32-29 CSIiB 32 1T BEJiC01 HILL iD. T1J11lIC SIGY7IL j60,OD0 �AO,ODO j0 j0 ;0 =0 RO �0 19l0 38-16 CSAH 31 AT POtTLN1D Aii. Tp1ilIC SIGIAL �80,D00 j10,OQQ j0 j0 j0 j0 ;0 j{0,000 . 1990 12-51 CS11H !2 1T 611Y1?S JIPl. StIlILIC SI&1fIlL j32,000 j0 EO �0 �0 j6 j0 j31,OD0 (2� 1990 OP6I11IS 1lID lfISC. PYOJiCTS YJIIIOUS LOGt:015 j100,000 :0 j0 =0 j0 :0 :Q �10Q,000 19l0 TOtA911C(S PltI0D5 LOGlIOYS j100,000 j0 :1 j0 j0 j0 j0 j100,000 19l0 YIGflT-Ot-YIlT ACQOIS:TI01 V1tI0DS L�GTIOMS j1,3Q0,000 j5l5,000 . j0 j0 :0 jQ :0 j11S,000 (S} 1950 TOTAL COIST2DClIOi j15,110,000 j5,113,000 j1,310,OD0 j2,19l,SOU j1,92�.00D j150,000 1li,500 j3,5t0,000 BAL1UtCd5 DEC�l�Q 31, 1!!0 :Si5,S00 j11f,100 j0 j701,100 19l1 IlL10Y1QI75 U1D 111� LI7t :1,i60,000 j0 j1SD,000 =3,i11,00D 1l91 5-21 CSi1H S i6 13 Itlfi. tD. • DOPCIT�YI. 1-LIII �IVID[D =1,�50,000 jllf,000 j0 jl62,000 j0 jA j0 j0 1!!1 1•iC ft ! 20TH 3Pt. - 15lH IR. 2-LAtf ttCO1tST. j410,000 j115,000 ' j0 �0 j0 j0 f0 =125,100 ' 1!!1 21-11 Ct 21 CS1H 7� - ELAII[114t. /icS-tlli D1DI9I0[D �Ii�,000 =110,000 f0 j0 �0 �0 j0 j2S6,000 (3) lfli 2l-16 C! 1! ELAIIE 1R. - CSl! )S 1[S-L�tYt OiDIVIDtD j655,000' jtl5,000 j0 j0 j0 j0 j0 j3i0,000 INS 31-25 [SAH 31 IIEtDOTA HtICRiS !D • Td 1� 4-Llllf�DTYIDID =�50,000 j33l,OOA ' {0 . :{12,@00 �0 :0 f0 f0 (3) 1!!1 36-Ot C571H 31 Ct ii • iH 77 �-LiII[DioIDtD j2,5D0,000 j1,125,006 :0 f1,375,000 � =0 j0 j0 j0 1991 IS•62 CQ 15 1lT TH 17/I-3St !/i[6513 j200,OQ0 j0 =0 j0 j0 j0 j0 j100,000 (�) 2!!1 1E•0� Ct �6 IIIfYIC[ 11Yi. - CSJId 23 1-4UE DIVIDID {!,l05,000 j2,1b2,000 jp j0 �D �i5Q,000 =0 j1,1l3,000 ��iiiI--�"�eis�oecc escocut ci�e =ti�d ct�iic`- ���i3�;b�� ��----���� o o aso,000 �6-j�7.��T C.,.N,,_'"T__._.._ - -- , _ 1491 2l-11 tt 2I lt t03C�[11t tD. ltIlTIIC SIG7aL j90,000 �45,000 �0 j0 =0 j0 j0 j15,000 I9l1 31-21 CSR6 31 AT COYPOGlI CUTit Ot. l4ttiIt SIRAL j90,00A j1S,004 fe j0 s0 j0 j0 f45,000 1l91 32-19 CSIB 31 1T BUCOI HILL !D. lUf1IC SI6�L j0 j0 �0 jQ �0 ;0 40 j10,060 (2J ' 1!!1 09tIUlIS AJD KISC. ftOJLCT3 T112I0Q5 IOUSIOfE j100,000 j0 :0 �0 �0 =0 �0 �100,OQ0 i�s� tocrexccs P1tI065 LOU!IOn ��oo,000 �o �o �o so =o jo fioo,000 1fl1 t2GBT-Ot-YAT ACQOISISIO[ �1tI�S LOGTIQ(5 j0 ►0 f0 �0 j0 f0 j0 j0 �S) Y!!1 TQT1L [0157tORI0T 11,6�f,000 j5,19J,D00 j0 j2,N ,000 j0 158,000 0 1,1t�,100 D1W;.t5 Dt:tKDR D1, 1!!i j15i,S00 jl)i,000 jQ �� �jt3l,004) , » ) . 1 dICBYAT CIt 1!!0 - 1!!� ' . JAf01llT li, IlfO - ) Tt�t l20JLC7 tOID SI61[I/T�t20K/f0) ftOJiC! ?0l16 CIT1 IiDttxL/ STRTI JIID 5iaT2 3ID CpPlt T12 'BI[LYa! t001Tt �4. DtSCtI[SIOI • tOSI S6At1 lTttt 51. t101 S�STIIGS t0! COISt. [QIDi COST ' ) tALAYCIS DLCiNBiI 31, 1l91 jl �, 00 j1 4,006 �0 ��131,009► lff2 ALLOTNfMiS 11ID S1lI LIPT j2,if0,000 �0 t150,010 j3,lif,000 ti 1!!2 5-?2 CS1lH S tt If - 1.2 II. 1. 1-1JIiL DIYIDiD j1,6lD,000 =t51,800 j0 =!l5,t09 =0 :0 j13,200 �0 11l2 !-0! Ct 1 TH 7 - 20Tf 11t. 2-W11E LLCOIISI. j12S,000 jll1,000 :A =0 j0 jA j0 5231,OOD i!!2 U-OS CSllH 11 iB 110 - CS11 13 1-Lalt DIDIQIDID i1,1l0,000 jroc,060 f0 jfil,000 j0 �0 j0 �0 ► ili2 2i-22 CSAH 2i T8 S5 - CSIH i� 1-L71/i DIVIDID s1,3i2,000 j1,063,000 j0 �I,Of1,000 �11i,000 =0 �f4,OQ0 s0 1!!1 3t-21 CS1tB 32 i tIYtl AI1t5 Ot - ILIIL6T tD �•Wi DIV i SIGtxLf j910,000 {l10,000 j0 j500,o0o j0 �Q j0 �0 (3) 1!!2 �6-65 Gt 1i CSAB S - LEitIR 1Pj. tiC0I5i./BtID61 fJ,61A,000 j1,iS6,000 =0 l0 j@ f1i0,000 j0 �1,lN,OQO ► «��'iT3�"'__ usoo�ct ucovccT cc�ne �--__ _��-�viic_.-___..���.�_`�-��___� , 1!!2 11-Of Ct U I!TI 13 . StAtlTC SIGIIIL �50,000 ;25,000 =0 j0 j0 f0 =Q =25,000 (�) � 1l92 11-10 Ct 11 3i t. JQ. CS1I 31 lWTIC SI6TAL j?Q,000 :lS,000 j0 :0 j0 f0 :0 j45,080 1fl2 23•31 CSlt9 2l AT GSIH 12 lQFIWI E SIGIlU� i250,000 :115,000 :0 f0 f0 f0 i0 {125,080 ,1!!2 26-1! CS11H 26 11! L11GJ�DliI D69D. 70lYLllii i SIGIIL ;150,DD0 j75,D00 f0 jD =0 j0 j0 j75,000 � ccv�-�1�i�"��=39� MCSiI( !2 11!_TH3�� � TtAliIC SIGIfbL__ _�50,000 ` �2'S,000 �0 f0 �0 j0 �0 2S 00@ 1!!2 -�l3-1S Ct 13 17 YiSCOTi !D. iLJIlt2: SIG�1L =9A,000 j�5,000 j0 i0 j0 f0 j0 s15,000 ' 1!!2 09EiLAiS 11ID NISC. PlOJtCTS 7IlAIOIIS LOGTIOIS i760,000 j0 :0 j0 �0 j0 f0 j700,000 1!!2 tIGBi-Ot-illt 3CQOISIlICI PIltI00S LDGlIOiS j0 =0 j0 j0 :0 j0 �A j0 (i) 19l2 i0T711 COYSltOCiI01 i12,6i7,000 j5,317,OD0 j0 ;3,518,/00 ¢116,000 j150,000 {91,200 j3,398,000 B1IA11C[S DdCEI�Et 31, 1992 (=432,300) �0 =0 j130,000 1793 �LLdSffiH!S IlrD ill� tEVI ;1,fi0,000 �0 {150,000 jl,283,OOA 1!!3 �-0! Ci 1 C5116 63 • TB 52 t•L6Ii tEC01S7. f2,050,000 ;�73,000 �0 �0 10 =0 j0 j517,000 1!!3 ]4-11 CS1H 14 tH 3 • 21D ST. i. 1-LkIE DiDI9IDtD j690,000 {270,Q00 j0 ;330,000 =o jo ;o jo 1!!3 2�-I5 Ct 21 TH U9 - T� 55 C015T. 2-L111I 4i50,000 jI9�,000 :0 =0 j6 i0 =0 ;35],000 � I!!3 30-Oi C511H 30 0.5 MI. i. 02 Cf1H 31 - TB 3 4-1115 DI9I➢ID j�,250,000 jl,l13,000 �C j2,337,00D j0 :0 j0 ;0 1!!1 32-26 CSAH 32 TH T7 - I•3SI 1-t11It DI9IDtD j900,000 j10S,00@ j0 =0 :0 �0 j0 �l95,000 1l43 4f-06 C! 16 CS11H 23 - CSIfl 71 1-LAIt DIVIDfD j3,310,00D ji,Sl),D00 s0 j0 j9 f0 j0 j1,Ei3,@00 1!!D 6l-06 CR 61 CS1H 31 -T8 3 COIS1. 2-L11I6 j6�A,000 s2!l,000 j0 j0 s0 j150,000 j0 f102,000 1!!3 OTSPtCI?IiD SI6[J►L l20JttT5 P11lI005 LOC1iI0i5 j320,000 J160,000 i� s1i0,C00 �0 j0 j0 fQ i!!3 OVti1A1S 1!D�ISC. �R07IRi Y12IOII5 LOGIIOIS jl00,000 j0 =0 j9 j0 f0 j0 =lOR,100 1!!3 tIGBl-Oi-YJ11 ICQOI5IiI0i P111I005 LOCATIOiS j0 j0 �0 j0 j0 �0 �0 j0 (5� ' 1!!3 lOTl1 CO1fST1DCiI0Y j12,5lO,OGO j5,319,000 j0 j2,tt1,000 j0 i150,00� j0 i1,2l1,000 6AUICIS D6LEdH(! �i, 1l93 (jSlf,300) :0 t0 �I29,000 1991 1L10TIQIR: IlYD TII 1I9i ' j2,K0,000 ZO jlS0,000 j4,625,000 I!!1 2f•26 CSAB 2i TB 13 - CSIi 31 1-LAIt QIDIYIDiD j1,OG0,000 5450,000 j6 j550,000 �0 :0 j0 =0 Ifl1 2i-21 CS11H 2f CS� �3 - tfla 13 1-Lxtt DI9IDiD {1,655,000 jl,ll5,000 �D j1,2S0,A00 �0 �ISO,OPO �i0,000 j0 19l4 21 12 U 2! Ct 13 TI iq 1 W�Ii DIYIDED j1,555,000 j1,150,000 �0 :0 j0 �0 j0 =I,IOS,OOQ � 1!!1�{F 01 C! �6 CS�H 31 T8 S2 '� C015! s L11R ;1,439,000__ ;15D,000 !0 -j0 j0 j6 0 1 9! 00 -- cc�- 1 !4._ 73_01__�Ct 13�C5�12iC3�1!D2 _____2_LAII_tIC015T____ �illi4,000 iji23,000 �0 40 j0 =0 j0 :7i1.000 1!!4 7;-O! CSaH 11 CBI fY tt - !1 3 2-Ll1fI L3�Or5l. j750,0�0 j371,000 j0 jtl2,G00 j0 �Q j0 j0 ' 1!!1 OiSPtCI[I[D SI67A1 ft07lCii i�tIOII� LOCATIOIS j101,00Q t200,000 j0 j100,000 jl 10 j9 �0 . a . . � lICHYAi U? IffO -7!!1 . JUU�l1 lf, 1!!1 ) Tilt TIOJICZ tOAD iiCKTlTf1t0Y/TO) 2tOJtCT TOT11 CITI IIDfU1/ EfAT! lID fTAtt lID 6taYLL !12 'DIItU! C001'ft , r0. D[iC2IKI0� tOJi =�tL J2AT1 3T. lkOL UlfI1GQ IO! CAIfT. i91Di G03! 1 1!!/ OYtlLATi 1tD M15C. PtOJtCTS YAlIOOS LOGSIOti j100.00i jl j0 p ji �0 0 R110,110 1lf1 [ICH7-0?-Yli ACQOISITIOf YAII005 LOGfIDIi jl j0 f0 :1 =6 :0 jl j6 (S) ► l!!t lOiAL COMStlOLTI0/ 11,979,000 ji,�Of,OG6 j0 ;2,IIt,001 0 1 0,00 {i0,000 � ,! 1,60 DAtJUtCIS DtCINBLt 31, 1l91 (j3Si,�A1) j0 jl (jll1.100) � fIY[ IIJ►t TOSAL j65,112,000 2i,01/,000 j1,370,OD0 �13,�31,300 �1,100,000 j7S0,000 �35 � 00 j20,l�I,OOQ s::z::-a:e:_axaaax:::zr_zsems=--------:=ex:=ze--:=szse--::s-ese----::z:--:::zz=--ez:earse-s:z:-s:zs:zz:zze-- � , �it�.�r r�a� �re se�i�aee i• cet eit�a� ctr. (l! T11t proieet i� curied oru Ere� 1!1!. (1) ?lls uooat ic reftD�rteu�t te tit�fot pretioul�Cit� fuaed siq��l. " 1�1 '�ls ptojeet ic Leladed i� t n/DOT pcoject. (�) t300,000 of tdic pioject it t ?ut ud Opea Sp�u Crut. (S) tettre �eu eocttrattiot Pto�eet eo�t esti�rtes lne not bee� redaeed for riq6twf-r��botqh[ in prior Teus. Thie �ou� redaction of fotnre coett rill be uted for fatare Tar riq6i-of-r�r pdrel�se�. OTHit PtOJItTS IOt POSSIlLZ CO�SIDIlASI01 10t 1l90 TO 1!!1 1/D Bn01D. lOIlD LOC1lTI01 DESClIlTIOX CObT lIQQESTED HI LOGTfD II -------------•----•--------------------------•---•------------------------------•-------------••-.._..._•--•--------------------•---•- Q 311 CSIl6 31 - 1500' �. 2-L116 I�9IIC j12S,000 COOITI HIlDOlA HiICBiS ' CSIIH 31 CS11H �2 - CSIH 33 !-Lllli DIFIDZD j1,150,000 CDORT IlPi1t V1Lidf CSaH 31 �I4t2 YIDGt - I•l5f 4-141i liCOISl. j1.f00.001 DORiSVILLi BDYISPILLL-�OOIC. i/3Si C51H 31 GHLS Iflt Dt. - !H 7 �-Ia1t DDIDID j3,lt0,010 t16A1 IaG�1 � r . C001fI OSIYO CS1H �2 tt t7•- S! il ttCOtSTtDCTIO� �,0 , �i�'� CSIB 41 tLIAS1UR - TH il �-LA1R ttCGIST. j1,707,000 ODIIItf HASSIIGS CS18 70 i.LIlf.- [Slfl 5 �K tICOiSS./BLIDCi j750,000 COGIfI L�IR9IL1t Ct 11 CSIH 23 -�i 6tlIDIIC j621,900 COIIM?/ tOt[Ll Ct I1 i8 50 - LSllH i6 itJlDt lim 6t1PtL j100,000 COQ17I 9ItIIItLIO� Ct 11 �i Ct 3� (t11L0�2i0 Ot.) T�1lTiIC iICi�L j1f,000 OD01Tf 6IIIUSYILLt/1ttLi fILLLT CW 23 1! iS7lI ST. TWTIC iIC�t :t0.010 II111 P�LLTT IUTLi YIL4ti R 1t 1! Y1lSEI�ClO/Dt. TlIIIIC fIf71L j10,110 COD1ii � tiC1� Cf1D 31 �! DtIt100D Dt. lLJIIC SICOL jl0,101 L1G1I I3C11 CSIH �1 3! lOIRt9IIY Dt. TtitfIC iIAil p0,000 COII17T• i11611 Cf1B 31 11 llLDtICd T117IIC tI&I�L j10,000 EIIIYSVILLZ BOtISYILIS � C3AH {2 �S tLil(ODf6 IlYt. St1lYTIt SI6illt j9Q,000 EORISVILLL BOtiSVILtt �" t05 0 CS�E 12 �7 IRST JOIC. SOOTBCtOSS StAfIIC SI6�li :lO,OOQ DIIRISPILL� BUlISVILLi CI 13 li iH 110 MitStRIDI ffi. j150,000 Mit. HLICHIS HtIDOiI H[I6tif t�lld 71 17 S! 3 IfiItSICTIQI ffi. j1S0.000 COQ�TI IlPtl CR04i�iIClf3 Ct Id 1T BL7IIII lP[. !IIt/Llli i SICLiL j150,@00 L C. B. IIPLt Ct09i IIICQiS CS1s 1S Af Ct il rourr�uc� aic� siso,Q00 L 6. B. I/Vtt CtOV[Itl�ff CS1H ]5 IlT C2 21 lOtIL1R E SIGaL j1S0,010 COQ11i I�Yit G109I QIpRS CSAB 15 1T f5lB ST. TGtI1�IL i i101L j150.000 I. 6. H. IIY[t GtOVI IIIGBTi . lOTl1 07Hit tt07.s iU,410,000 • zs::e:z::::n.:: 0 i . . . �. .. � . . � . . . . . r