HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.a. Minutes of June 19, 1990 Regular Meeting c . } ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING JUNE 19, 19 9 0 Pursuant to due call and a notice thereof a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held on Tuesday, June 19, 1994, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Acting Mayor Wippermann called the meeting to order with Council Members Oxborough and Klassen present. Mayor Napper and Council Member Willcox were absent. Acting Asayor Wippermann led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. The agenda was amended to include Item 3(c} Haunted Woods Event at Carrolls Woods; Item 3(d) Resource Recovery Project Discussion by Representative Dennis Ozment; and Item 9(c) Resource Recovery Project Update by Administrator Stephan Jilk. Joseph Wa1sh, Chairperson of the Halloween/Haunted Woods Committee, advised the committee is concerned about being able to use Carrolls Woods Park for the Haunted Woods event this year. Walsh advised that because of ongoing discussions between the Parks and �ecreation Committee and some of the residents adjacent to Carrolls Woods as to whether the usage of the park conforms with the conditions of the grant given to the City when the City purchased the park several years ago, the committee requested Council action to confirm their use of the park for this event. Parks & Recreation Director David Bechtold advised the Parks and Recreation Committee at their last meeting did not make a anotion to endorse continued use of the Park for the Halloween activity since it was the consensus of the Parks and Recreation Committee the Haunted Woods activity would take place in the park as in past years. Bechtold further advised discnssion on the development of Carrolls Woods would take place as part of the review of the pronosals for the parks and open space planning and design project. Ron Jacobson, 3647 - 143rd Street West, advised he was not opposed to the Haunted Woods activity in the park this yeaz and requested an update on the status of the permitted usa in the park. See Clerk' s File 1990-18, MOTION by Wippermann to approve the use of Carrolls Woods for the Rosemount Halloween Party and Haunted Woods activities. SECOND by Oxborough. Ayes: Wippermann, Oxborough, Klassen. P1ays: 0. State Representative Dennis Ozment provided an update to Council with regards to legislative activities concerning the Dakota County Resource Recovery project. The state representative advised several legislators requested the Metropolitan Council to take the position of coordinator in the metropolitan area with regards to waste flow since these legislators felt another waste to energy facil'ity was not needed in the metropolitan area at this time. Ozment advised the County Board of Commissioners selected on this date the University of Minnesota Rosemount Research Center property as the site for the Resource Recovery Project. Ozment inva.ted the Gity Councii to provide to him future input, comments or actions taken by the Council regarding this projec�. 1 � � , ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING JUNE 19, 1990 Steve Strese was recognized for his promotion to a i�aintenance TII position. Newly hired employees, Jim Koslowski, Building Trades II, and Grant Thorstad, Patrol Officer, were introduced to Council. Steve Strese was congratulated on his recent promotion, and Jim Koslowski and Grant Thorstad were welcomed as new staff inembers. Chairperson for the Leprechaun Days Committee Joseph Walsh reviewed the temporary street closing dates and times with Cauncil for Leprec�aun Days. It was noted formal action by Council for the temporary street olosings as outlined by Walsh would be considered under the Consent Agenda. Chairperson Saalsh announced several donations received by the Leprechaun Days Committee and subsequent purchases which would be shared with the City. Walsh presented to the Council a plaque signifying a certificate of appreczation in recognition of the City' s contributions and cooperation and efforts extended by city staff for Leprechaun Days. Chairperson :aalsh also invited the Council to actively participate in the Leprechaun Days events. Acting Mayor Wippermann, on behalf of the Council and City, thanked the Leprechaun Days Committee for their hard work, the certificate of appreciation and the gznerous donations. See Clerk' s File 1990-18. _Acting Mayor taipperrnann suspended the regular agenda to allow the Council to conduct a �ublic hearing scheduled at this time. Acting Mayor Wippermann opened the public hearing to consider the ap�lication received from Parker Communications for an interim use permit for an A.M, radi+� antennae facility. The city clerk presented for the recor3 the Affidavit of Publication and Affidavit of �osted and Mailed Hearing Notice. See Clerk' s File 1990-18. Community Development Director Dean Johnson reviewed the Interim Use Permit Agreement and Resolution which would a11ow the a�plicant, Parker Communications, to construct an A.M. radio antennae system which would consist of four A.M. radio antennae towers of approximately 356 feet. Th� towers would be located on pronerties situated north and east of State Trunk Highway 55. Johnson advised staff are in the final stages of discussion with the applicant and recommended that action on the Interim Use Permit Ap�lication be tabled until the final agreement can be subma.tted for approval. Representatives of Parker Communications advised Council they were in concurrence with city staff' s report and believed an agreement could be reached on the few remaining items of the praposed agreement. See Clerk' s File 1990-18. There were no eomments or concerns heard from the audience. MOTION by Oxborough to close the public hearing. SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes: Oxborough, Klassen, Wippermann. Nays: 0. Regul.ar agenda discussion continuzd at this time with discussion of the Consent Agenda. 2 , , , ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING JUNE 19, 1990 Council concurred the minutes of the June 5, 1990 Regular Council Meeting should be amended to reflect that paragraph 9, page 1 , should read . . . sale of the old Armory building in Minneapolis. See Clerk' s File 1990-18. MOTION by Wippermann to approve the Consent Agenda as amended. SECOND by Klassen. Ayes: Klassen, Wippermann, Oxborough. Naysc 0. Council reviewed a work program developed by city staff and a proposal from Hoisington Group, Inc. for the complete reviszon to the Comprehensive Guide Plan. See Clerk' s File 1990-18. MOTION by Wippermann to approve the proposal from Hoisington Group, Inc. to assist the City in the complete revision of the �omprehensive Guide Plan. SECOND by Klassen. Ayes: Wippermann, Oxborough, Klassen. Nays: 0. Lieutenant Lyle Knutsen r2viewed the format utilized for filling the Lieutenant vacancy as the result of Knutsen being promoted to the position of Police Chief. Lieutenant Knutsen recommended the promotion of Dwayne K. Kuhns to the position of Lieutenant effective June 24, 1990 and outlined the basis for this reeommendation, See Clerk' s Fiie 1990-18. MOTION by Wippermann to appoint Dwayne K. Kuhns as Lieutenant effective June 24, 1990 for the Rosemoun� Police Department. SECOND by Kl�ssen. Ayes: Oxborough, Klassen, Wipp�rmann. Nays: 0. Administrator Stephan Jilk conducted the swearing in of Lieutenant Dwayne K, Kuhns and gave Lieutenant Kuhns his insignia ior the rank of Lieutenant. Council congratulated Lieutenant Kuhns on his promotion. Lieutenant Lyle Knu�sen recommended that Jewe1 Chester Ericson, Jr. fill the position of Patrol Sergeant. Knutsen outlined Ericson' s favorable background and experience as a �atrol officer which Knutsen advised provided the support for his recommendation. See Glerk' s File 1990-18. MOTION by Oxborough to approve the promotion of Jewel Chester Erieson, Jr. to the position of Patrol Sergeant effectiv2 June 24, 1990. SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes: Klassen, Wip�ermann, Oxborough. Nays: 0. Adrninistrator Stephan Jilk conducted the swearing in of Patrol Sergeant Ericson and gave Patrol Sergeant Ericson the insignia for the rank of Sergeant. Consulting Engineer Steve Campbell of SEH reviewed the feasibility report for 16O�h Street Watermain Alternate Route which would provide ior the installation of approximatel.y 6,300� linear feet of 12 inch trunk watermain and appurtenances between Chippendale Avenue and Biscayne Avenue. Campbell reviewed the costs of the project. City Engineer Rich Hef ti recommended that Council set a public hearing to consider Option B of City Project 213 for Tuesday, July 3, 1990, at 8:00 p.m. at City Hall. See Clerk's File 1990-18. 3 , , ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING JUNE 19, lggp MOTION by Wippermann to adopt A RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE FEASIBILITY REpp OF CITY PROJECT �213, OPTION B, 160TH STR,EET WATERMAIN ALTERNATE ROUTE� RT SECOND by Klassen. Ayes: Wippermann, Oxborough, Klassen. Nays: 0. MOT�flN by Oxborough to adopt A RESOLUTION CALLING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING 16OTH ST.REET WATERMAIN AI,TE�iJATE ROUTE, CITY PROJECT #213, ppTION B. � SECOND by Klassen. Ayes; Oxborougll, Klassen, Wippermann, Nays: 0. City Engineer Rich Hefti reviewed with Council the P1ans and Specifications for Shannon Parlcway and Dodd Boulevard Bituminous Walkways and requested authorization to advertise for bids with a bid opening on July 11 , 19g0 a 11 :00 a.m. The projects will include the extension of the Shannon Parkw t Trail from Jaycee Park to 1 &Oth Street on the west side of Shannon Parkway and on the east side of Shannon Parlcway from 156th Street West to Cornelly Trail. The plans and specifications also provided �or the construction of trail on the south side of Dodd Boulevard from Carrollton Additions to Chrome Avenue. Discussion ensued by Council regarding the � instal.li_ng pedestrian crossing signs an Dodd Boul�evard in the�vicinityyofl the Tom Thumb Store. Council reqaested tnat staff notify the affected � residents before the projects begin. See Clerk' s File 1990-18. , MOTTON by Wippermann to approve the Plans and Speciiications for Cit Contract 1990-2, Shannon Parkway & Dodd Boulevard Bituminous Walkways. SECOND by F:lassen. Ayes: Klassen, �Vippermann, Oxborouglz. Nays: 0. MOTION by Wippermann to authorize advertisement of bids for City Contract 1990-2 caith a bid opening on July 11 , 1990, at 11 :00 a.m. at Cit Hall SECOND by Klassen. Ayes: Wippermann, Oxborough, �:lassen. N�ysy D. � City Administrator Stephan Jilk advised. in the near futur� he will �rovide suggested dates for special council meeting worksho� sessions for the purPose of discussing Goal No. 5 and the probosed 1991 Operating Budget. City Administrator Stephan Jilk advised the Blandin Foundation presentation taill be given at the July 17, lggp Council '�eeting. City Administrator Stephan Jilk reviewed with Council the ac}ion taken b the Dakota County Board of Commissions with regards to selec�ing the y University of Minnesota Research Center property as the site for the Dakota County Resource Recovery Facility. The administrator handed out co ies the �equest for Board Action and Resolution adopted by the County Board of Commissioners. The administrator suggested that a Council work session be scheduled in the very near future for the involvement as a result of the County Boardudeterminingsthesfacilit Cwills be located in Rosemount. See Cl�rk' s File 1990-18. y 4 . ,, ,, ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING JUNE 19, 1990 MOTION by Wippermann to adjourn. SECOND by Klassen. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Respectfully submitted, Susan M. Johnson, City Clerk ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, City Administrator Published this day of , 1990 in the Dakota County Tribune, 5