HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.m. Approve Change Order #1, Pine Bend Trail Improvements, Project � _� � ITEM # �. � *�x***�r**�r************�*********�r***MEMO********�****************�r***�****** DATE: JUNE 28, 1990 TO: MAYOR & COUNCILMEMBERS C/O CTTY ADMINISTRATOR JILK FROM: CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR HEF RE: ITEM FOR THE JULY 3, 1990 COUNCIL MEETING CUN3ENT AGENDA Approve Chanae Order #1 to Contract 1990-1, Pine Bend Trail Street Recanstruction This item consist of Council approving the attached change order and authorizing the Mayor and City C1erk to sign it. This memo provides the background information as to the necessity for the change order and a recommended action for Council to take. As Council may recall, we discussed this matter when we had the public hearing on Pine Bend Trail Street Reconstructian on June 5, 1990. The original change order we were talking about would reduce the amount of patching and craek sealing to bring the contract amount from $275, 000 to about $183, 000. Since that time we have met with the Contractor, Ace Blacktop, Inc. , and he has proposed that we grind up the existing pavement in place and cover it with 2" of blacktop and then a 2" blacktop surface coarse. We have just received a price from the Contractor that is a little over $199, 000. The price for grinding up the pavement in place and overlaying it with 4" of blacktop is about $16,000 more than patching, crack sealing and overlaying the existing roadway. Actually, the grinding option will give us a better roadway than had we gone with the original contract and cut out most if not all of the bad pavement. Therefore we actually are saving almost $76,000 under this option and, in my opinion, not sacrificing the intent of the praject at all. Although the original proposal reduces the amount of patching and crack sealing would have given a satisfactory result, we undoubtedly would have been out crack sealing much sooner and sealing many more cracks than we would be if we grind up the pavement in place and place the 4" of new blacktop on top of it. Grinding pavement is not new as it has been used for recycling purposes for several years. However this procedure of grinding the materials in place, compacting then overlaying it with new blacktop is rather unique. It is- started to become more prevalent recently and Ace Blacktop, Inc. has done some work around the Metro area regarding this option. Most of the work has been more related to parking lot reconstruction, but both our consulting . ,�� , engineers and myself feel that it would be a good application for this project. The additional $16, 000 will not pose any problems because we advertised that the project cost at the public hearing would be $330, OOD. That was based on the original bid of $275, 000 plus some contingencies. Under the 1989 plan, the City's share would have been about $39, . 000. We estimate it would be about $20,000 for the Citys' share under this scenario. Recommended action for Council to consider is to approve the Change Order #1 to Contract 1990-1, Pine Bend Trail Street Reconstruction resulting in a revised contract price of $199,479. 88. :y � -��� � � . . � . =� CHANGE DRDER �� ENCINEERS�ARCHlTECTS�PLANNERS 3535�ADNAISCENTERORN�Sf.PAU4 MlNNF.5f7fA55110 612 490-2000 City of Rosemount June 22 , 1990 OWNER L14TE 199 1 OWNERS PROJECT NO. CHANGE ORDER NO. Pine Bend Trail Street Reconstructi�n � 89273 PRCtlEC70�5CRlPT10N SEH F0.E N0. The foliowing changes shalt be made ro the cont2ct documents Description: Revise the contract unit price schedule as follows : (See attached sheet) Purpose of Change Order. 1. Mill and overlay existing surface in. lieu of patching and crack sealing. 2. Minimize clearing and grubbing at Station 54+00, Rt. BasisofCosC� ❑Actuai �Estimared Attachments flist supporting documents) CONTRACT STATUS Time Cost originalcontract 25 Days/30 Days $275,341 .63 Nei Change Prior C.O:s to - Change this C.O. - $ 75 , 461 . 7S Revised Conrract 25 Days/30 Days $199 ,479 . 88 , Recommended forApprovai.• SHORT-EW07T-HENDRICKSON,INC. By Agreed to by Conrractor.� . Approved for Owner.� ��.,� . �� Q � B,. � s,. �lsrrrbuclon Contracror 2 Owner 1 Projeci Represeniarive 1 SEH Office 1 SHORT ElJJ017 Sf.PAUL, CHIPPEWA FALLS, HENDRICK50N INC. MINNESOTA WISCONSIN . UNIT PRICE SCHEDULE - REVISED ' �� � EST. UNIT TOTAL ITEM UNIT QTY. PRICE EST. PRICE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 021.501 MOBILIZATION L.S. 1 10000.00 10000.00 101.501 CLEARING ACRE 0.25 675.00 168.75 101.506 GRUBBING ACRE 0 675.00 0.00 104.501 REMOVE CULVERTS L.F. 40 6.00 24�.00 104.509 REMOVE RAILROAD CROSSING EACH 1 200.00 200.00 105.501 COMMON EXCAVATION C.Y. 60 10.30 b18.00 105.507 SUBGRADE EXCAVATION � C.Y. 1125 4.45 5006.25 105. 521 GRANULAR BORROW (CV) C.Y. 590 4.95 2920.50 105.535 SALVAGED TOPSOIL C.Y. 10 3.50 35.00 118.501 AGGREGATE SURFACING, CLASS 2 TON 50 10.50 525.00 211.502 AGGREGATE BASE, CLASS 5 C.Y. 1600 6.30 10080.00 331. 501 BITUMINOUS PATCHING MIXTURE TON 0 23.80 0.00 231.606 BIT. SURFACE JOINT & CRACK REPAIR L.F. � 1.27 O.QO 331.50$ TYPE 4I WEARING COURSE MIXTURE TON 3460 17.?0 61242.00 331.512 TYPE 31 LEVELING COURSE MIXTURE TON 0 19.10 0.00 3'57.502 BIT. MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GAL. 1215 1.00 1215.00 501. 511 35" X 24" CS PIPE CULVERT L.F. 38 31.00 1178.00 501.515 35" X 24" CS PIPE APRON EACH 2 150.00 300.00 '506.517 CAST. , TYPE R-2560-EB (GRATE ONLY) EACH 1 150.D0 150.OQ 563. 601 TRAFFIC CONTROL L.S. 1 7950.00 7950.00 564. 531 F & I SIGN PANEL, TYPE C S.F. 110 16.75 1842. 50 1564.532 F & I SPECIAL SIGN, "K" EACH 11 35.00 385.00 564. 532 F & I SPECIAL SIGN, "L" EACH 1 35.00 35.00 564. 602 F & I STREET NAME SIGN EACH 1 200.00 200.00 580. 503 4" SOLID YELLOW LINE - PAINT L.F. 8865 0. 18 1595.70 580. 507 4" BROKEN LINE YELLOW - PAINT L.F. 226 0.18 40.68 573. 501 BALE CHECK EACH 4 6.25 25.00 UNIT PRICE SCHEDUL� REVISED . ,., - EST. UNIT TOTAL � ITEM UNIT QTY. PRICE EST. PRICE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2575.502 SEED, MIXTURE 700 LB. 5 6.00 30.00 2575.523 WOOD FIBER BLANKETS, TYPE HV S.Y. 50 2.75 137.50 *MILL BIT. SURFACE, FIRST COVERAGE S.Y. 21500 0.74 15910.00 *MILL BIT. SURFACE, SECOND COVERAGE S.Y. 21500 0.39 8385.OQ *BASE PREPARATION AND COMPACTION S.Y. 21500 0.41 8815.00 *TYPE 31 BINDER C�URSE MIXTURE TON 3100 17.50 54250.00 *SHOULDER PREPARATION R.S. 80 75.00 6000.00 TOTAL: $199,479.88 *DENOTES REVISION ��� Scott Aker-Fire Chief 7/2/90 Rosemount Vol . Fire Dept. 1367 145th St. E. Rosemount, Mn. 5506$ Dear Chief Aker: Ref : your 6/27/9Q memo to Steve Jilk Review of pertinent documents, i .e. , by-laws , etc. , by legal counsul indicates the record should reflect that I served a full 11 years and 4 days on the Rosemount Volunteer Fire Dept. Also, you note indicates resignation, This is not factual . As my letter indicates, . th�is' is a retirement. Your records and communications with various city staff and council should reflect the above. S ' cerely,� G�� ���Y'd-"E. S z c z `s a k