HomeMy WebLinkAbout7. 160th Street Watermain Alternate Route � � t . ���� # � ;,. � *��r********************************MEMO***********�r*****�*�r****�c**�*****�*�x DATE: JUNE 28, 1990 T0: MAYOR & COUNCILMEMBERS C/O CITY ADMINISTRATOR JILK FROM: CITY ENGINEER/PLTBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR HEFTI RE: ITEM FOR THE JULY 3, 1990 COUNCIL MEETING PUBLIC HEARING 160th Street Watermain Alternate Route, City Pro�iect #213B This item consist of conducting a public hearing to evaluate an alternats route that we are looking at to provide watermain to property ;east of Highway 3 and north of 160th Street. Council ordered this public hearing to be held after closing a public hearing on the original alignment which went right down 160th Street at their June 5, 1990 meeting. The major benefit to proceeding with this alternate route is that it will allow more benefit to greater amount of property and also reduce the amount of contribution from the watermain core facility fund. I have attached a comparison between the two projects that indicates what properties would be assessed and what portion of the cost the City would be picking up through core facilities. The assessable length column in the attachment consists of property on both sides of the proposed route. The assessment rate listed are determined by !dividing the full project cost by the assessable length. For commercial and industrially zoned properties we are proposing to assess 100� of the cost of the 12" watermain because they will need that to provide fire protection. In Project 213B the Englert and Geronime properties would be assessed based on a 6" equivalent with the core facility fund picking up the oversizing, which is estimated at about $5. 00 per front foot. our Consulting Engineer will be available to present this proposed project and I will follow up with highlighting the cost comparison sheet that I have attached. Recommended action for Council to consider is to adopt the appropriate resolutions based on the chosen alignment. AFFIDAVR OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA � SS County of Dakota ) NANCY l. GUSTAFSON,being duly sworn,on oath says that she is on authorised agent and . � PV B`�C N�T�CE employee of the publisher of the newspoper known as Dakota County 7ribune,and has full knowledge � arroFRos�our�r DAKOTACOUNTY,MINNESOTA i cf the facts whieh are stated below: N0710E OF PUlUC HEARING ON `IM►ROVEMENT5160TM STREET WATERMAIN ALTERNATEROUTE PROIERN0.219,oprwN e (A)The newspoper hos complied with all of the requirements constituting qualification as a legal , TO WHOM IT MAY CONQERN: NOTICE IS HEREsy GIVEN; that tfie newspaper,us provided by Minnesota Statute 331 A.02,331 A.07 and other appiicoble lows,us omended. City Council of the City of Rosemount,114in_ ;�esota,will meet at 8:00 o'clock p.m.oe.as �aoon thereafter as possible,Tuesday;Ju1y g, :t99o, in the Council Chambers of the:City (B)The printed e !.Hall,2875 145th Street West;to co�ider the !following improvements ��^ Project •213, Option B 160th Strcet z Watermain Altemate Route c, � :_ .'T6e total estimated cost of�sa�d �m� provements is$310,0(I0: '-yr�tl�r' ' The aMount to be assessed is esGmateii to not exceed i310,000. + . _;; p „�Y.:: �'The area proposed to be asses§ed for the �foregoing improvements would generally be all that area generally described as all real which is altached was eut from the columns of said newspaper,ond was priMed and pubiished onee ;property 1/2 mile north of 1fi0th Street,east �of Chippendale Avenue and west of Biscayne �Avenue,]acated in the south half of Section r s2,Towns6ip 118,Range i9,Dakota County, each week fw C�b suceessive weeks;it w� Minnesota. � ; ' Such person(s)as desires to be heard with I reference to the proposed improvements will �be Aeard at this meeting.Written or oral opi- � !�"�'" ����.�o�, !nions will be considered. first published on Thursday,the doy of , : Dated this 19th day of June,1990. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL: Susan bi.Johnson � CityCierk 19 �� , and was thereafter printed and published on every Thursday to and ineluding City of Rosemount Dakota County,Minnesota `� , n-is Y �day of �L�--��..- ,19_i �': Thursdo ,the and printed below is a eopy of the lower ease alphobet from A to Z,both inelusive,whieh is herebp aeknowledged as being tfie size and kind of type used in fhe composition and publicotion of the notiee: a bedefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz BY: � � 11TLE:Secretary isher Subscribed and swom to befwe me this�c���day of v �Y'1G ,14 �� . ` Notary Public ,r,�.:..,, CAROLd HAVERIAND f I�TARYPUBl.1C-�ESOTA :��' �AKOTa C4UNN ��p�s oea 8.t�s C�n P Q: BdX 51� i�2� � 2875-145TH ST. W. pc�MAOu�? ROSEMOUNT, MWNESd7A 55fl68 J •I'!. � 612-423-4411 AFFIDAVIT OF MAILED AND PtJiSTED HEARIN(3 NOTICE 160TH STItEET WATERMA�N ALTERNATE ROUTL PROJECT 213, OPTION B ' STATE OF MINNESOTA ) � COUNTY OF DAROTA 1ss. � CTTY OF R08EMOUNT ) Susan M. Jo��son, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: , I am a United States Citizen and the duly qualified Clerk of the Gity_o� Rosemount, Minnesota. ' On June Z1," 1990, acting on behalf of the said City, I posted at the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, and deposited in the United States Fost Office of Rosemount, Minnesota, capies of the attached notiee of public hearing regarding 160th 5treet Watermain Alternate Route, Project #213, Option B, enclosed in sealed envelopes, with postage thereon fully prepaid, ' addressed to the persons listed on the attached listings at the addresses: listed with their names. i There is delivery service by United States Mail between the place � of mailing and the places so addressed. I ,�:,���--�? S san M. J h on City Clerk . City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota Subscribed and sworn to be£ore me this lSr day of June, 1990. � _ .I � � . . F . . . . .. . . . . �. � Notar blic ` y r . . � i CINDY DORNIDEN" � !-' NQiAR'l PUBIiCr-M�NNESOTA : � DAKOTA COUNTY ' , , ` My C�omm.��4 2b,1995� � y Y ' i � } E � . � ., __ 1 P.O BOX 510 C�j� � 2875-145TH ST. W. � q��f� RdSEMOUNT%MINNESOTA 55068 �SG/I��,0��� 612-423-4411 � I' 1 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT - I DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA � 1 . PUBLIC NOTICE • , NOTZCE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON IMPROVEMENTS. . ' � � 16dTH STREET WATERMAIN ALTERNATE ROUTE � � • ' �, PRQJECT NO. 2�.3� OPTION B '�O WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesata, will meet at 8: 00 o'clock p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible, Tuesday, July 3 , 1990, in the Council ' Chambers of the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, to consider the following improvements: l iProject #213, Option B - 160th Street Watermain Alternate Route The tatal estimated cost of said improvements is $310,000. The amount to be assessed is estimated to not exceed $310, 000. The area proposed to be assessed for the foregoing improvements would generally be all that area generally described as all real property lj2 mile north of 160th Street, east of Chippendale Avenue and west of Biseayne Avenue, located in the south half o� Secti4n 32, Tr�wnship li�, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota. � Such person(s) as desires to be heard with ` reference ta ' the proposed improvements will be heard at this meeting. Written or � oral opinions will be considered. Dated this 19th day of June, 1990. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL. , � , , �...��� usan M. '�o son City Cl�rk ! City of Rosemount , Dakota County, Minn�sota � , , i .� � � � MAILING LIST ~ E1�H���T /, ' NAME: 160th ST. �IRTER MRIN PROJECT H ' PROJEC7 �t: 213 ` PARCEL # CC PLAt LT 8L LRST MRME FIkST NAt4E A�DRESS CITY ST. ZIP 34 Q3210 10 50 ENG�HERT RUTM ISS68 CHIFPEt�IDRLE RGISEMCIUtJT Mh� S5t�6 34 Q3210 TO 65 STERN ' PHILIF J. LORING GREEN �410, 1235 YRLE PL. Mt��P�5 Mt{ .::?•tQ3 3d 0�21�8 1I 55 GITY �F ROSEMC7Ut�IT 28?5 145th ST W ROSEtlOUNT Mt� 5��16 34 03210 11 HS RCO f�ERL ESThITE 17058 FRflZ I ER PATN • F'RRM It�GTON MtJ 55D2 34 032i0 12 8� HNOERSON 6ERAL0 & JFlt•1E5 2295 BONRIRE PRTH W,. ' ROSEMQUNT MN 55�6 34 03220- 13 ?5 WATCHER ODNRLCi & CAROL L5247 BISCfiYtaE AUE W R�SEMDUNT r�rr 55U6 34 032.I17 13 85 CONCORO [ND. RRR RUTO SALVFiGE 2955 160th 5T W � RDSEfi•101JNT MN 5506 34 �3210 14 70 MURGIC MIY,E tk MICHERL 15b35 SOUTH RaBERT TRRIL RQSEt4QUNT MtJ 5506 34 �321Q 1� 70 GA5 SUPPLY IhiC. 2238 EOGEWOOD R4�E S MPl.S Mt�l 5542�n 34 03210 20 70 GERQNIt•tE LOUIS 15872 CNIPPEhIDALE AVE. W R�SEt10UtJT Mhl . 5506 " � . � PROJECT #213 & 213B COST COMPARISON PROJECT #213 PROJECT #213B ASSESSIBLE ASSESSIBLE PID # OWNER LENGTFI COSTS (1) LENGTH COSTS (2) 010-50 Englert, Ruth 0 $0 570 $11,469 020-70 Geronime, Louis 0 $0 570 $11,469 011-55 City of Rosemount 0 $0 110 $2,763 014-70 Murgics, Mike & Michael 0 $0 340 $8,541 018-70 Gas Supply, Inc. 0 $0 0 $0 011-73 Gas Supply, Inc. 1, 020 $27,770 0 $0 017-70 Gas Supply, Inc. 1,320 $35,937 1, 320 $33, 160 010-65 Stern, Philip 0 $0 1, 6b0 $41,702 013-85 AAA Auto Salvage 660 $17,969 0 $0 012-85 Anderson, Gerald & James 0 $0 660 $16,580 011-85 RCD Real Estate 1,940 $52,817 3,840 $96,467 013-75 Wachter, Don & Carol 0 $0 990 $24,870 000-00 Core Facilities 4,610 $125,508 2,280 $62,977 TOTAL 9,550 $260,000 12, 340 $310, 000 ASSESSMENT RATE (1) _ $27.23 / front foot far 12" equivalent (2) _ $25. 12 / front foot for 12" equivalent * _ $20.12 / front foot for 6" equivalent STERN 8. GLIRSTEL ATTORNEYS AT LAW 600 BAKER BUIIDiNG • 706 2ND AVENUE SOUTH • MINNEAPQLIS, MINNESOTA 5540� • (612) 339-4627 • FAX (612) 349-6224 REC� IV�D June 25, 199�1 JU� 2 � I��� CERTIFIED CLERK"� OFFICE RETURN RECEIPT REQIIESTED City of Rosemount CITYOFROSEM�UNT N~ � P. O. Box 51Q 2875-145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 IN RE: Public Hearing on Improvements 16�th Street Watermain Alternate Route Project No. 213, Option B Please be advised that the undersigned submits the following objections as owner of the following described property, to-wit; All that part of the North 1/2 of the SW 1/4 of Sec . 32, Twshp. 115N, Range 1.9W, Dakota County, P�Iinnesota lying easterly of the right of way line of Minnesota T.H. No. 3, as now established . Dakota County Property ID No . 39-�321�-�1�-65 The ilotice of the July 3 , 1990 meeting , scheduled for 8: 0Q p.m. on that date , in respect to the above-identified proposed water improvement project has 'aeen received . The undersigned , as owner of adjoining property, hereby objects to said proposed water main alternate route and any speeial assessments proposed to be assessed in respect thereof for the following reasons : 1) That the June 19, 199� Notice does not constitute an appropriate assessment notice and fails to conform in substance to the requirements of t�linnesota Statutes for 199g, Section 429. 061 , in such case made and provided . 2) That the proposed special assessments identified in said June 19 , 1990 public notice above-identified will cause the property of the owner , as herein also identified , to pay assessments for the proposed local improvement which will exceed the benefits to the property of the owner herein and which will cause a sum higher than the special benefit conferred on the owner ' s land ta be imposed without compensation to the extent of such excess. ' City of Rosemount June 25, 1990 Page Two 3 ) That said proposed special assessment confers no needed nor actual benefits upon said land of the owner in respect of its present and reasonably foreseeable use as agricultural land , nor does it create any benefit resulting in an off setting increase in market value . 4 ) That said proposed assessment in respect of said land of the owners is unfair , inequitahle and unjust under all of the facts and circumstances relating to the ownership or use of said land . The within objections are filed without waiver of the contention of the owner in respect of the deficiency of said public notice to constitute appropriate compliance with the assessment procedures otherwise prescribed in the Minnesota Statute above designated . ery truly yours, , Phi�ip J Stern PJSseh , . � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAROTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1990 - A RESOLUTION FOR APPROVAL OF 160T�i STREET WATERMAIN CITY PROJECT #213 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount by a unanimous vote ordered a feasibility report for 160th Street Watermain Extension, City Project #213 ; and WHEREAS, the City Council has received and accepted the feasibility report on May l, 1990 on City Project #213 ; and WHEREAS, the City Council ordered and held a public hearing to receive input on the project. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council af the City of Rosemount hereby orders the extension of 160th Street Watermain, City Project #213. ADOPTED this 3rd day of July, 1990. Vernon J. Napper, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Johnson, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favar• Voted against• ,: . r I , ' CITY OF R03EMOIINT - DAROTA COUNTY� MINNESOTA RESOLDTION 1990 - A RESOLIITION ORDERING PLANS AND SPECIFZCATI�NS FOR 160TH STREET WATERMAIN CITY PROJECT #213 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount by a unanimous vote ordered a feasibility report 160th Street Watermain Extension, City Project #213 ; and WHEREAS, the City Council has received and accepted the feasibility report on City Project #213 ; and WHEREAS, the City Council ordered and held a public hearing to receive input on the Project. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount orders the plans and specifications for the improvements of the 160th Street Watermain Extension, City Project #213 . ADOPTED this 3rd day of July, 1990. Vernon J. Napper, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Johnson, City Clerk Motion by: S$conded by: ° Voted in favor• � � � Voted against• • , . _., .� � CITY OF R03EMOUNT' DAROTA COIINTY� MINNESOTA RESULUTION 1990 - A RESOLUTION FOR APPROVAL OF 160TH STREET WATERMAIN ALTERNATE ROUTE CITY PROJECT #213B AHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount by a unanimous vote ordered a feasibility report for 160th Street Watermain Alternate Route, City Project #213B; and WHEREAS, the City Council has received and accepted the feasibility report on June 19, 1990 on City Project #213B; and WHEREAS, the City Council ordered and held a public hearing to receive input on the project. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby orders the extension of 160th Street Watermain Alternate Route, City Project #213B. ADOPTED this 3rd day of July, 1990. Vernon J. Napper, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Johnson, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against• . i . . � I ! CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAROTA COUNTY� MINNESOTA RESOLIITION 1990 - A RESOLIITION ORDERING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR 160TH STREET WATERMAIN ALTERNATE ROIITE CITY PROJECT #213B WIiEREA3, the City Council of the City of Rosemount by a unanimous vote ordered a feasibility report 160th Street Watermain Alternate Route, City Project #213B; and WHEREAS, the City Council has received and accepted the feasibility report on City Project #213B; and WHEREAS, the City Council ordered and held a public hearing to receive input on the Project. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount orders the plans and specifications for the improvements of the 160th Street Watermain Alternate Route, City Project #213B. ADOPTED this 3rd day of July, 1990. Vernon J. Napper, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Johnson, City Clerk Motian by: Seconded bys Voted in favor• Voted against• ; � I �.I�fi� , e :n (io� i�`='I.Ipl.l I:iv� `C��1acTH ST�,c�,-�� ;;��Yk:. 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WEST � , � r #213 ' EMPIRE TOWNSHIP � ,� FILE N0. � ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 90294 � 160TH STREET WATERMAfN DRG. N0. � ENCINEERS t ARCHI7ECT5/PLANNERS � � °I x> •�a �fa I �:`��� �2�'I �s�ul u Ii44 TM ST �o�s 1 •i�f4�N G`���r . � KGNE ST V �i,Vm 1 // 1 STHEET � �� - 2 a .n // Z � ° s q "' �����s���u ��je� j� ' �^ --� m:i u w �/ 1 L� �_LJ.I�JJJ � C0. Rp�a2 . � q�91 ����' � x � •`x a • ^ � �ri y �* r i___�___ � . o. � ��`r,F F� c � 5 � I �E a i� � � � /���y •� � � � �• +146 TH STREET'.:; W O�I 5rc� 7�� ,m � o � � ���,) W Q O � r� „� W Y I . •_ e � �Pr ��: p�:I' .,; �i1� d� r j� 4 . � � . ='� a 'r 5T'v °:;� _ � ��10 E -�w7 7N ' ' � � B�SCarvE � � :. 'f� R :w�TH• STm 1 ,�.i, ,,_,;' �I• � 'Y zl=.•:c � s -;.I, � �, � �'._ ,� $,L.w' � � ia7 TM�' STREET W..s • ° �' p ..65 � . '�' r , . �I�.. '�' �f<p/ �/y� ( �/� � �°I I '� x,. a �ol+ 3� ���-'. : � i . � �n - (VWi �S I,.� i f .M.ST oBP.RR. ' I/ � ; i UPP�R 147�TH ST '�V.� ��o�' . �. xx I� -• . . IF sT W b.�� . " . 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