HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.c. USPCI / Barrr Engineering , � � C�n2 P.O. BOX 510 ZG � 2875-145TH ST. W. (Q��n ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 Ov G'�"�0��� 612-423-4411 ITEM # 8 C T0: Mayor Napper Council Membe s K assen, Oxborough, Willcox, Wippermann FROM: Stephan Jil DATE: June 29, 1990 RE: USPCI Project/Barr Engineering Services Gouncil has approved the use of Barr Engineering as consultants to the city on various aspects of the USPCI project. -0ne aspect af that project was the review and determination of adequacy of the company' s financial assurances for contingencies, closu�e and past closure activities . Barr Engineering had indicated that this service wouid be provided as part of their review and comment responsibility during permit review'. I ,have had follow-up discussions with them' because I had concerns that the level of detail they were recommending would not be adequate to serve the city and this project, as we may need. The financial assurance issue may be one of the most important faetors regarding the operation of this facility as it would relate to the security of the city. Following a second meeting with Barr on June 19, 1990, I requested that they review their proposed involvement and insure that a complete service would be provided based upon our stated needs . They have done that and a proposal to complete those services is attached along with the proposed cost estimate to complete them. A portion of the $8,300 estimate wi11 be taken out of their overall program because the work they would have provided under the overall program is included here. I recommend that this proposal be accepted and that you consider A MOTION TO APPROVE THE PROPOSAL BY BARR ENGINEERING TO COMPLETE THE REVIEW AND PRESENT RECOMMENDATIONS ON THE FINANCIAL ASSURANCE PROPDSALS BY USPCI, INC. dw attachment . � . . � .T � �, � � Barr Engineering Company 7803 Glenroy Road Minneapo/is,MN 55439-3123 612/830-0555 612/835-0186(Facsimite) June 27, 1990 Mr. Stephan Jilk City Administrator City of Rosemount 2875 - 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Re: Engineering Services Related to the Proposed USPCI Industrial Waste Landfill Dear Mr. Jilk: Thank you for your time in meeting with us on June 19, 1990. During that meeting, you requested an estimate of costs for an expanded scope of work in reviewing the USPCI financial assurances. The expanded work scope would provide a considerably more detailed review of USPCI' s financial assurance. The attached table presents a scope of work and cost estimate to provide that serdice. This expanded scope of work supplements our proposal presented in letters dated April 17, 1990 and April 26, 1990. That earlier proposal did not include a comprehensive review of the USPCI cost estimates for closure, post-closure care, and contingency action. These USPCI cost estimates are the basis of the required financial assurance amounts and are reviewed by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (M1'CA) . However, as a result of our June 19 discussions, we feel it is also appropriate for the City to perform its own comprehensive review of the USPCI estimates. Our earlier proposal regarding financial assurances was targeted on the duration of the post- closure period and the possible need for longer term financial assurance. Our proposed review was postured this way because the State usually reviews the 4ctivities, cost estinates atid fin�ncial i-esources ror the required '[e�- year post-closure period, and the City' s concerns go well beyond that. You also requested that we outline an approach for presenting the City' s comments on the USPCI cost estimates and financial assurance. We feel it would be most effective to review the necessary information and documents at the draft permit application stage and forward comments and reeommendations to the permitting entities at that time. This would allow them to know the City' s concerns before regulatory comments are finalized. We believe the process of providing input into development of regulatory comments and positions is more effective than trying to alter them once established. We contacted Jeff Harthun of Dakota County to determine their position and role regarding financial assurance for the USPCI facility. We understand Mr. Stephan Jilk June 27, 1990 Page 2 that Dakota County is not looking to duplicate the State' s requirements. If the State requires financial assurance consistent with the rules for financial assurance, Dakota County may waive their requirements. However, in the preliminary stages, exact roles of Dakota County and the MPCA in implementation of financial assurance may be uncertain. Therefore, submitting the City' s comments to both the MPCA and Dakota County at the draft application stage will be in the Gity' s best interest. Thank you again for discussing this with us. If you have any questions, please contact �P. Sincer y, 1 :.--,�..�. _ ... �` "�� - _.�---j �1 � r� � . Klein P. . SMK/kml Enclosure � 0003090/SJ.LTR �; . � . .. � � � .�:s . . � �.;:r�i%i �S': � � . .. � .:�a � . . .°�:r`i �?y t . PROVIDE COMPREHENSIVE EVALUATION OF FINANCIAL ASSURANCES GOST FOR FACILITY CLOSURE, POST—CLOSURE CARE AND CONTINGENCY ESTIMATE ACTION A. Closure 1. Review closure plan in conjunction with the $ 1,400 design report and plans and specifications to determine proposed closure design, materials, procedures, and schedules. 2. Evaluate USPCI closure cost estimate based on 1,200 detailed facility design, materials, closure procedures, and schedule. - 3. Prepare letter presenting review comments and 600 participate in a meeting to discuss. $ 3,200 B. Post-Closure Care 1. Review post—closure plan to determine proposed $ 600 post—closure activities and schedules. 2. Evaluate USPCI post—closure cost estimates based 700 on post—closure plan and facility design and monitoring program. 3. Frepare letter presenting review comments and 600 participate in a meeting to discuss. $ 1,900 C. Contingencv Action 1. Review contingency action plan, in conjunction $ 1,400 with hydrogeologic reports, design report, operation plans, closure plan, and post—closure �are plan to identify possible contingent events and proposed contingency responses. 2. Evaluate USPCI contingency action cost estimates 1,200 based on proposed contingency responses and facility design, hydrogeologic setting, and operations. . 3. Prepare letter presenting review comments and 600 participate in meeting to discuss. $ 3,200 8 � 0003090/SJ.LTR/KML �:��rr E����c��y 7803 Glenroy Road Min�eapalrs,MN 55499�3123 672/83d-0555 612/835-018&(Facs�mile) �,pril 26, 2990 Mr. Stephen Ji11� City Administrgtar , City of Rosestount 2875 145rh SCreet West : Rosemount, MN 55058 &e: gngineering 5erwiaes Belated to the Proposed US�CI Industrisl Waste I,andf i l l Dear Mr. Jilk: � :..: .- , . • Thank yon far�cantacting me with your questior�s sbout my Apri1 17 Iette'r . w2iieh� lists an anticipazed scope ot work, time schedule�'and� �asty estimace .C4 ' • sid che Clty With the USPGI gTojecC. This leCier clarifies the five questians yau had and_ �lso �rc,vides you wich � more i'orsttal proposal �or � ' pertorming� the work: ' `The fo2loWil�g numbered p�ragraph& corresgond to the Qnestions you posed � in your ,recent transmittal to me. (1� "Item 1C: Does this mean far canstruetian activities �s part of the - stormwacer m&.s�agement portzon of the facility?" " Yes, Icem 1C was intended for construction revie� during the . �eonstruction as weil as operational review (once �ho construction activitits are completed but whi1� Che landfill w$s in opersti.on). � The statement "{See Item 4)" Was a miaprint, It should have read, "See Item 7." The cost far chis starmwater management work is � included ii� items 7a and 7b. Other worlc included in 7a end 7b is addxessed in the response ta your queszion 4 be14w. � . (2-� �:���t�m 5: In r�fererlce to closure aCtd post-clasure activ�ties and � financi�l assurances required, what method would Harr ttse to determitte chese as ta their adequacy, and is the cost reflect�.ve of all ot that • or is there add�cional co�c?" We envisioned reviewing the 'USPCI �losure bnd post-clo�ure plans with emphasis on ultimate 1.and use. This intormation would be compared ta City plane to dttermine compsCibility. With regard ta .. finanCi�l asaurBAce, Harr would review the post-C14sure assurarrCes and period that Would be coVcr�d by those financiel Xesources. U�0 ' 3Jtid �h! I J 33Fd I �hd 3 ��t1a W0�!� t b �E i 05 t 9� �IdH April 26, 1990 page Z Mr. Stephen Ji�k , Since a Standard post-c2osuze financ�al assuranct psr�ad is now 20 years, Lhe review would identify if th�rE are possible 2°�g�T tThe needs that should be planned for aC the outset of the pr4j cosL e3film$tes we provided are believed to be 8deq�$te to provid� these services. (3) "Item b: 'Y'imeline for EIS reviet�t and commznts. Can this be adjusted to fit USPCI's S�hedule?" �o a certain extent, rhe time schedule chat is shown for the items in Ztem 6 can be adjusted .to USpCI's sohedule. However, some of the3e scheduleg Will likel�� be affected by the various regulatory review3. Based on our experienCe with the Minnesota Pollution • Contr�l Agency and the U.S. EPA, some of th�ir reviews may take , � � four to six anonchs which in turn may affec[ USPCI's abili�y to , prepare various documents. What ia important' in the aur time � � • achedule is nat sa much the actual monchs that are involv�d. but che bracket of tisa� �Zlgt is intended for each item. If t�e . doeument� are provided f�ster, we will �$sily shift our schedule. �4� �•I��m 7: Expand an services supplied for $4,SU0 versus $3,800 and how this may I�e adjusted if the City hir�s permanent Staff to also monitor this project." • . Item 7a involves the phyaical activities in zeviewing the facility's construo=ion, ongoing operations, closure operations, and post-�lOsure care far �ompliance with the various permits that wil7. be i.ssued. Wt anticipate a rsite visit on th� av�ra�e ance a , manth during construction, 2and�iiling operat3ons, and closure accivities. At ericical times, the number and duration of reviews may need ta be more than or►ae a month. In those casea, t�te number and 2engLh Of site visits wauld likely depend on how the �ont`Cactor is per�orming the work and the si$ni.ficance of the wor� relative to Ciry cancerns. Item 7b was i�c;.uded for documenting review activizies and providing Che City with updat�s after each review. 'rhe specific acciviCies and cost3 inCluded ir. Ittm 7 Sr� our besz guess ac thi�s point �f what may likely be needed by r,he City. Thzs , will depefl� grea=ly an the respon�ive�eess of th erson td parform whether or not che City hires a permanent staff p somt of th�-S work. At this poinC, we feai that an individuai could be tx'ained ta perform varicus review pracedures. Therefore, m�inY of �he �rork tasks anricipated in Itam 7 could ba shifted to City sCaff. Some of this wQrk wi21 involve special prooedures �ahere the individual wauld have to be dressed in various safecy gear which mighz i.x�clude apecial respirators and safety clothing. Monitaring Qqu�ipment may also be nec�ssary. Ag a result, you may find �rom an overail toat it may be mor� cost effec�ive to utilize Barr's services, xowever, we wili be happy to work with the City in any �.t�G • 'a�lH�-I JhJ I rl33hd I Jh�l3 ��k1$ l��ltUcl� t t� �^G I 0Ei � 5G �CIdH . , � , Mr. Sztpher► Jilk April 26; 1990 Page 3 fashi4n it �eele appropriate. if tihe Gity retains a permanent st�ff individusi, we will be happy to asaist in hisJher tra�ning and work closely with that individuel. Certainly, i� that per�on can perform meny of the Cesks anticipated in Item 7, the costs included Wauld also be appropriately reduced. (5) "Pleas� lisr items whiah $�rx c•onsiders 'normal3.y ,aovered' by State and pther a�encies and which Barr would normally noc haVe to do separate reviews on." , . ' We fee2 that zha State wiZl. closely scrutini2e the specifiC d�sign � components of the laTidfi.Il. They �,rill also review o�her documents for compliar►ce with their regulaCa.ons. However, there axe many iLEmS that Lh� StHte Will likely not consider that $re very importattt to the City such Ss traffic, naise, dust, an�d odors. A�$o� the $ratz and Federal agencies have � limited purob�r of psrsonnel wh4 are sprasd over many projects throughouc the state. The atuount of tia►e that Lhey eould spend reviewing �he phy8ic$1 construction and oAgoing opera�ions wi11 lti.kely be very miili�l and �y noc provide adequate ,assurance that City concerns are heing mec, especially in cases where the CiCy co3'�cert�s are different tihan State or Federal concerns. Contrecx Proposgl Barr Engineering has been involved with all aspeczs af design construcLion and operatioa of variaus landPills throughaut the stace. With . the great variety af professionai �taff at Barr, we feei that Barr can , provide zhe C2ty comp2ete ser�rices for their needs in dealing with this iand�ill. We �re also aware that the Gity needs to closely cor►tro2 its expenditures. Therefore, Z propcse to perform all work on a time an8 exp�nse basis rather than a lump sum amount. This wiil allow the C�tq �he ability zo see sgecifically whac is being done on a x'�gular basis, and the City wauld oniy ba bilied for the speci€ic work performed. Under a lutnp sum conCract, bec�use of the gre�t amaunz ot uncertiainty, costs for urcertainty would be built inLo the lump sum amount, �nd the contract may be unnecess�rily infl�ted to coVer thaz unterta�.nty. Therefore, a [im�e arid expense Contract would defiAltely be Ltte most respons�.ve and cost effecCivt for the C2ty. The work tasks included in my Agril 17 letter were provided. for the City's consideration in che types of work thati will be necessery. This does not necessarily mean that Barr Engine�ring wauld have �o do aIl of thati work. Certainiy if the City Wishes to perfoz'm somQ of these Casks, we crould be hapAy to assisC the Gizy with t�e casks the Cizy needs assistenc�. In that case, the C�.ty would only be billed fpr the sp�cific rime and expenses &hat Barz performs, - b�ii_� ' 3�,Hd ��t•d I ��3�h1 I r�N3 ���Ha tx10t�� �b ��j �E : �? �dH Mr. $tephen Jilk April 26, 1990 Page 4 If � time and expense contract is acceptable to the City, I will set up in ouX budget program �pecific items for eaCh of the seven majar work tasks idencified in my April 17 letter. Our monthly billing statements will provide the City wiCh a t$bular update showing specificelly amounta billed to each task and compare them w�th che escim�ted costs, That way, Berr and ' Lhe Ci.Cy. will be eble c4 monitor each task. Also, if sqmet��ng -should erise . . Which would require additional cime expanditures, we wouid pravide the G�ty � � s l�tter summarixing the s�ticipxted expenditures aad we would nor perform any of those taBks until given approval to do so by the City, We are exciCed abqut working with the City a� this praject and we truly appreCiate you� con.sideration of 8arr Eng�neering tor performing these tasks, It you have anp questions et all cancerning the April 17 letter ar this 3ette�, pleese teel Pret to oall me any cime. ely, , . n H. ein, P.E. SMK/kml OL10309�1SJ1.LT& ��=1�� ' 3�it1� �iflI ��3��dIrlt.J� ��;�t-+s3 l�.lr'�c!-1 �'h : �� t i��=: . o� ,_i_iN � ��arr Engin.eering Company 7803 Glenroy Road Minneapolis,MN 55439-3123 612/830-0555 612/835-0I86(Facsimile) April 17, 1990 Mr. 8tephen .Tilk City Administrator City of Rosemaunt 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 RE: Engineering Serviees Related to the Proposed USPCI Industrial Waste Landfill Dear Mr. Jilk: Enclosed is a table which summarizes work tasks, time schedule, and costs anticipated for aiding the City in permitting the landfill operation. • The table has been divided into seven anticipated work groups. Below the heading of each work group is a list of itemized tasks and their associated costs. In developing this table, we tried to identify the various tasks and issues that would need more scrutinization (for the City's concerns) than is normally provided by the various state and federal agency's reviews and permitting procedures. Items that we felt, from the City's perspective, would be sufficiently handled by the various state and federal agencies were not included in these work tasks. We would really like to aid the City in the review and operations process for this permit. Please let me know if you have any questions. Since ely, r" , ,, en M. Klein, P.E. SMK/ymh Enclosure 0003090/SJ.LTR • ft �C� l Y �� APR 1 : ���� CLE1=�t�C'� C3�-t=1�E CITY OF ROSEMOUNT Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan feb Mar Apr May '90 �90 '90 '90 �90 '90 '90 '90 '90 '91 '91 '91 '91 '91 F t. storm Nater Management • . . . . . , , , . E S T. a.'Review Conceptual Plan • • • • • • • • . . . . C 0 S T - Read conceptuat plan �---� . . . . . . . . . . 280 - Determine if analysis • • • • • • • • • • • • provided in plan is ........................................ ...................... .............. ........... ....................... appropriate .� . . . . . . . . . 280 - List comnents, • • � • • • • • • • concerns and issues •F--� � • • � • • • • • 140 - Prepare letter • • • • • • • • • • • surtmarizing our ............................................................ ......... ,... ............ ................... ..... revieu . . H . . . . . . . . . . 280 b. Review Final Plan • • • • • • • • • • • • • - Read final plan • • • • •f------{ • • • • • - Scrutinize it for • • • • • • • • • • • required City changes • .............. ...... .. .........��....................... ...... ................... .... . . 140 - Prepare letter • • • • • • • • • • • • • summarizing our • . . • . . . . . . review. . . . . . f-{ . . . . . 280 c. Review Construction • • • • • • • • • • • • 51,700 Activities end ........................................................................... ......................... ........... Operations for • • • � • • • • • • • - �ompliance See Item #4) . . . . . . . . . . . 2. Llaste Screening and � • • • • • • • � • • • • Acceptance Process ....................................................................................................................... a. Revieu Dreft Criteria • • • • • • • • • • • • and Process • • • • • • • • • • • • - Read draft criteria • • • • • • • • • • • • • and process to be • • • • • • • • • • • • used for determining ....................................................................................... ........... ............... . acceptance or • � • • • • • • • • • • • rejection of uaste • • • • • • • • • • • • • at facitity. �--i . . . . . . . • • • S 280 - Determine if program • � • • • • • • • • • • • isadequate and ........ ................ ........................ .... ...... .......................,........... ............ $PPropriate �----{ • • • • • . . . . . . 280 - list comments, . . . . . . . . . . . concerns and issues �--i • • • • � • • • • • • • 140 - Prepare tetter • • . • • • • • • • • • • • summarizing our ............................................................ .......... .. ... ... ....... ............... ... 2 0 review . � . . . . . . . . . . 8 b. Revieu Final Criteria • • • • • • • • • • • • • � and Process • � • - • • • • • • • • • • - Read final criteria • • • • • • • • • • • • • nnd process plon ........... ................. ..�......�.�.�.......................................... ......... ........ 280 - Scrutinize it for • • • • • • • • • • • • required City , . . . . . . . . . . : changes . . . .�� . . . . . . . 140 - prepare letter . . • . . . . • • . • . . sumnarizingour ................... ............... .......................................................... ............ ... revieu . . . . . H . . . . . � . 280 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51,700 3. impact on Area Aesthetics • • • • • • • • • • • • Note: Uould lnclude Examin- � • • • • • • • • • ingFactors Such as Visual . .... .. ..................... ................... .......... ............ .......... .... ......... Impacts, Noise, Dust, • • • • • • • • • � • Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Msr Apr Mey '90 �90 '90 '90� '90 '90 '90 �90 �90 �91 '91 '91 '91 '91 E S T. Traffic, Hour of Operation. C 0 S T a. RevieW Oraft Material • • • • • • • • • • • • - Read draft reports • • • • • • • • • • • • • and plans .....�.�............ ............. ................................... ... ................................. 280 Determine if analysis � • • • • • • • • • . . and p�oposed . . . . . . . . . . . . . mitigative measures • • • • • • • • • • • • are complete end • • • • • • • • • • • . . adequate ........��...........................................................I............ .............................. 280 - L i st corrments, • • • • • • • • � • • • concerns and issues �---� • • • • • • • • • • • 140 - Prepare tetter • • • • • • • • • • • • surtmarizing our . . . . . . . . . . . . revieu ............��........................................................... .............. . ..................... 2gp b. RevieN Finei DocumeMs • • • • • • • • • • • • � - Read final documents • • • •�--i • • • • • • • • 280 - Scrutinize them for • � • • • • • • • . • . required City changes • • • • •�---� • • • • • • • • 140 - Prepare letter ....................................................................................................................... sunmarizing our . . . . . . . • . . • . . revieu . • . . . �--�. • • . . • 280 4. Impact on City Services • • • • • • • • • • • • • and Facilities .. ..................... . ......................................................................................... 51,700 a. RevieW Draft Materials • • • • • • • • • . . . . - Read draft reports • • • • • • • • • • • . and ptans �--� . . . . . . . . . , • S 140 - Determine if anatyses • • • • • � • • • • • • • arxl proposed mitiga- ............................................................... . . . ..... .... ... ........................ tive measures are • • • • • • • • • • • • • comptete and edequate f---{ ' ' ' ' ' ' - ' ' ' ' ' ' 140 - list comnents, . . . . . . . • . . . . • concerns, arxl issues �—{ • • � • • • • • • • 140 - Prepare letter sum- ................................................................ . ................................... .... ........ marizing our reviea • �---, • • • • • • • . . . . 280 b. Revie� Final Documents • • • • • • • • • • • • • 140 - Read f i na t docunents • • •�----+ • • • • . . . - Scrutinize them fo� � • • • • • • • • • • . • • 140 required City changes ............................................��............................. .................................... - Prepare letter sum- • • • • • • • . . . . . . 280 marizing our revieW • • • • • �.---�• • . . . . • f1,300 5. Detaited Revieu ot Specific • . . . . . . . . . . . Components of Permit • • • • • • . . . . . . . Applicotion Note: Specific ...................................................... ......... . ................ . ................................ Cuuq,unantu cu l,c Cxa�nlneJ • • • • • . . . . . . . Would inctude Emergency • • • • . • . . . . . Preparedness and Preven- • • • • • • • . . . . tion Plan, Inspection Pro- • • • • • • • • . . . . . cedures and Schedute, .......................................................................................... .......................... Personnel Training, Security • • • • • • • • • • • • , Post-Closure Ptan end Post- • • • • • • • • . . . Closure Use of Property, and • • • • • • • • • • . • • Financiat Assurance. • • • • • • • • • • . . . � e. RevieW Drntt Application ................ .......... ..... ............................................... .......... ................... ' - Revieu specific com- • • • • • • • • � . . . . - ponents in detait to • � • • • • • • • • . . . . . determine . . . . . . . . . . . . • completeness and . . . . . . . . . . . adequacy ..... .....................�—�. ...................................................................... � - list comnents, . . . . . . . . . . . • . E1,680 , � � ' . Apr May Jun Jut Aug Sep Oct Nov Oec Jan Feb Har Apr• May E$T. r '90 �90 �90 �90 '90 �90 �90 �90 �90 �91 �91 �91 �91 �91 COST y concerns and issues • • • • • • • • • • 420 - Prepare letter sum- . . • . . . . . . . . . marizing our revieN • • • • •f--� • • • • • • • 420 ... . . ....... ............................ . . ................. .... ... b. Review Final Application • • • • • • • • • • • - Revieu specific com- • • • . . . . . . . • . panents in detail for • • • • • • • • • • incorporation of • • • • • • . . . . required City changes ................................................................ ........... ..................................... arx! other changes • • • • • • • • • • • . • ��680 made. . . . . . . .�� . . . . . - Prepare letter sum- • • • • • • • • • • • • 400 marizing our revieW • • • • • �—{ • • • • 54,600 . .. ................................... • ...................... ......... ..... .. ......... .. .. . 6. Overvieu of fIS, Complete • • • • • • • • • • • Permit Application and • • • • • • • • • . . . Proposed Permits • • • • • • • • • • • • • a. Summa�y Revieu of Draft • • • • • • • • • • • Documents ................................................... .......................................... ........ ...... - Read draft documents • • • • • � • • • • • • end supporting • • • information �-----� • • . . . • . . .��. . E3,360 - Determine if there • • • • • • • • • • • are any major .......................................................................... ................ .......... ............. discrepancies•in the • • • • • • • • • • • • findings, proposats, . . . . . . . . . . . . . or conditions in • • • • • • • • . • . . . relaxion to City • • • • • • • • • • • • interests or previous ............................................................... ...... ....................�................ .. ... Barr experiences. • �---� • • �--i • • • • • .�--.�. . 1,400 - List comments. . . . . . . . . . .. . . concerns, and issues • � • • �--i • � • • . . H. . 420 - Prepare letter • • • • • • . . . . . presenting our ..................................................................... ............................................... sunmery revi eu . . f----�. . . H . . . . . H. . 560 b. Sunmary Review of Final • • • • • • • • • • Docunents • • � • • • • • • . . . . - Read final documents • • • • • • • • • . . . for incorporation of .................................................�................... ............... ............................. required City changes • • • • • • • • • • • • . and other changes • • • • • • • • • • • . made . . . . .F�. .� . . . . H 3,360 - Prepare letter • • • • • • • . . . . . presenting our ...... .......... ..... ............ ....... . .................. ............................... ........... s�arrnary revieu • . . . .H . .H . . . 500 59,600 7. Facility Construction and Operation a. Revieu facitity con- • st�uction, operation, S4,SOOfy� closure, and post- closure care for comp l i ance 51',800ty� b. Prepare periodic letters surtmarizing our fi�ings