HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.a. Minutes of January 16, 1990 Reguar Meeting � ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR NEETING JANUARY 16, 1990 Pursuant to due ca�.l and notice thereof a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held on Tuesday, January 16, 1990, at 7 :30 p.m. , in the Council Chambers vE the. Citp Hall . Mayor Napper called the meeting to order with Council Members Willcox, Oxborough and Klassen present. Council Member Wippermann was absent . Mayor Napper 1ed the group in �he Pledge of A1�.egiance. The agenda was amended to include Item 6(b) Meeting Notice-L�nd Use/Retail Market Study Presentation. Community Development Director Dean Johnson provided a brief summary of events involving the six cities af Apple Va11eq, Burnsville, Fagan, Prior Lalce, Savage and Rosemount, who collectively submitted an applicatton to the Regional Transit Boarci to opt out from the Metropolitan Transit System. Johnson advised Council wi11 be requested at the next regular council meeting to consider a Joint Powers Agreement which would establish a transit authority among the six cities. See Clerk' s File 1990-2 . MOTION by Oxborough to approve the Consent Agenda as presented . SECOND by Willcox. Apes : Willcox, Napper , Oxborough, Rlassen. Nays: Q. Motion carried. See Clerk' s File 1990-2. Community Development Director ?J�an Johnson recommended that Council consider rescinding Resolution 1989-115, adopted on December 5, 1989, which approved a refund program of Service Availability Charge (S .A.C. ) fees collected by the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission from 1973 to 19$7. Johnson advised there was a misunderstanding of the optians available to the city through the Metropolitan Waste Control Cammissian' s refund policy. Johnson learned the citj� does not have to refund anq of the S.A.C. fees, and the current owner of proper�y where S.A.C. have been paid would receive a fu11 credit when that property is hooked up ta the city' s san3tary sewer system. Council expressed concerns that property owners would noz have the aption to choose whether they would wRnt a refund nvw ar a full credit when they hooked up to the system. A£ter further discussion� it was the general consensus of the council that not refunding the S. A.C. fees w�uld be the maximum benef.it to the a£fect�ed property owners sinee the possibility existed for future municipal service to certain areas, and the value of the S .A.C, fee credit would inflate over the years. See C1erk' s File 1990-2 . MOTION by Napper to adopt A RESOLUTION RESCINDING CITY OF ROSEMOUNT R�SOLUTION 1989-115, REGARDING SERVICE AVAILABILITY CHARGE (SAC) REFQNDS. SECOND by Willcox. Ayes: Napper, Oxborough, Willc4x, Nays: Rlass�n. Motion carried . Council reviewed a tentative site plan of a 36-unit multiple family housing development to be located Uetween 145th Street and Dadd Boulevard. The City Council at the January 2, 1990 Council meeting had reserved comment on the dev�lopers' application to the Dakota C�unty Hausing and Redevelopment Authority for financial assistanee since the city staff. had received lirnited information at that time about the project. Community Development Direetor Dean Johnson advised that after meeting with the developers and , ROSEMOUNT CIT� PRUCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING • JANUARY 16, 1990 furtlier review of the project, he supported the pro�ect at this time. See Clerk' s File 1990-2. Michael Conlan, one of the partners of Rosemount Townhouses Partnership, presented a �endering of the pro�ec� and answered questians from council regarding different aspects o£ the prQject. MOTION by Napper to endorse the townhouse project and to encourage the developers to pursue their application for financial assistance from the Dakota County Housing and Redevelopment Authority . SECOND by Klassen. Ayes : Oxborough, Rlassen, W�llcox, Napper. Nays: 0. Motion carried . Administrator Stephan Jilk presented the current lists o£ co�nmittee members for the Armory Committee and the Town Green Committee and requested that Council consid�r re-appointment of all the currer�t memb�rs as directed by Council 3t the January 2, 1990 Reguiar Council MP?ting. The administrator reeammended that Parks & Recreation Director David BechtoZd be appointed to serve on the Town Green Committee. Jilk advised this appointment would allow the Parks & Recreation Director to coordinate a11 activities and information regarding the committee' s research, discussion and deeision- making process for citq staff . eouncil Member Willcox indicated his interest in serving on the Armorp Committee. See Clerk' s File 1990-2. MOTZON vy Napp�r to agprove the current list vf Town Green Commlttee member� a� suhmitted end tn �ppo�nt �arks � Recreat�nn "Director David Bechtold to the Town Green Committee. SECOND by Willcox, Ayes : Klassen, W�11cox, Napper , Oxborough. Naqs; 0. Motion earried . MOTZON by Napper to approve the cursen� list o� Armorp Committee members �s presented and to appoint Harry Wi�tcox to the Armorp Committee. SBCONU by Oxborough. Ayes: Willcox, Napper, Oxbarough, �lassen. Nays: Q. Motion carried. Administrator Stephan Jilk reviewed with Council ths second �raft of legisl�tive position papers prepared bq the Aakats Co«nty Administrator4 for presentation to area legislators at a breakfast meeting on February 2, 1990. Ji1k specifically reviewed the revisions made to the legislat3ve packet when the various administrators met to provide input and feedback from their individual city councj.ls and sta£f inembers. See Clerk' s File 1990-2. �OTION by Wi�lcox to adopt the lenislative position s�atements as presented wtth the revisions. SECOND by Rlassen. Ayes : Napper , Oxborough, K�assen, Willeox. Nays; 4. City �ngin�er Rich Hefti presented for Council cansideration the plans and specifications for the construction of Pumphouse �$. He£ti advised the Uti�ities Cornmission approved the plans �ub�ect to minor revis�ons . Heft� recommended setting a bid opening date of Februarq 16, 1990, at 10:00 a .m. See Clerk' s File 1990-2 . 2 . x ROS�MOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR ME�TING JANU�RY 16, 1990 MOTION by Napper to adopt A BFSQLUTIQ� APPRUVING THE PLANS AND SPBCIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING ADVBRTISEMBNT OF BIDS, FUMPHQUSB #8, PROJBCT 182. 1, SECOND .by Rlassen. Apes: Qxborough, Rlassen, Wi�lcox, Napper. Nays : 0. Motion carried. MOTION by Napper to ad�ourn. SECOND bp Rlasse.ri. �yes: 4. Nays: 0. Respectfully submitted , Susan M. Johnson, Citp Clerk ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, City Administrator Published this day of , 1990 in Dakota Count� Tribune. 3