HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.a. Minutes of July 17, 1990 Regular Meeting . * ROSEMOIINT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING JULY 17, 1990 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held on Tuesday, July 17, 1990, at 7:30 p.m, in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Mayor Napper called the meeting to order with all members present. Mayor Napper led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. The agenda was amended to include Item 3(c) Flower Garden Update by Deanna Simpson and Item 11 (c) Disciplinary Action Against a Probationary Employee. Deanna Simpson provided an update on the flower garden project which is located ad�acent to City Hall and Erickson Park. Simpsan thanked the City Council for their support and for approving the site. She also thanked the various volunteers who worked on the garden; residents and business owners � who donated money, flowers, bulbs and materials; and the city staff for their many hours of time spent on the garden. Simpson commented on the overall cooperative effort by those involved in the project. Council thanked Deanna Simpson for all her hard work in coordinating the successful project and the beautiful addition to the City. Alan Judd of the Blandin Foundation provided an overview of the Community Leadership Program which would allow eight persons from Rosemount, along with persons from Farmington and Northfield, to attend a six-day leadership retreat and two follow-up workshops. See Clerk' s File 1990-22. Mayor Napper opened the publie hearing to consider the 145th Street Reconstruction, Part A, Project which was continued from the hearing held on June 21 , 1990. City Engineer Rich Hefti noted a letter was sent to the affected residents advising them a recommendation would be made to continue the public hearing and also correcting the estimated cost of the project from $210,000 to $381 ,600, Council concurred this hearing should be continued until the proposed street reconstruction policy is adopted. See Clerk' s File 1990- 22. MOTION by Napper to continue the 145th Street Reconstruction Improvements, Part A Project to Tuesday, September 18, 1990, at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. SECOND by Klassen. Ayes: Willcox, Wippermann, Napper, dxborough, Klassen. Nays: 0. See Clerk' s File 1990-22. Mayor Napper opened the public hearing scheduled at this time to consider the Pine Bend Development 1st Addition Preliminary Plat. The city clerk gresented for the record the Affidavit of Publication and Affidavit of Mailed and Posted Hearing Notice. See Clerk' s File 1990-22. Comrnunity Development Director Dean Johnson reviewed the proposed preliminary plat which will consist af 38.6 acres for the Parker Communications A.M. Radio Communications Faaility Project, a 7.2 acre parcel on the south side of Highway 55 and a 136.5 acre parcel on the north side of Highway 55. Johnson advised the Planning �ommission found the preliminary plat meets all zoning and subdivision ordinance requirements and recommended Council a�pro�al subject to three reeommeridations by the city engineer. See Clerk' s File 1990-22. t � ROSEMOONT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING JtTLY 17, 1990 Members of the audience offered no comments or objections with regards to the proposed preliminary plat. MOTION by Wippermann to close the public hearing. SECOND by Oxborough. Ayes: Wippermann, Napper, Oxborough, Klassen, Willcox. Nays: 0. MOTION by Napper to ad�pt A RESOLUTION GIVING APPROVAL TO TFIE PINE BEND DEVELOPMENT CO. 1ST ADDITION PRELIMINARY PLAT AL�TD SETTING OUT CONDITIONS FOR FINAL PLAT APPROVAL. SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes: Napper, Oxborough, Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann. Nays: 0. Mayor Napper opened the public hearing to consider Project �214, Birchview Terrace Street and Utility Improvements. The city clerk presented for the record the Affidavit of Publication and Affidavit of Mailed and Posted Hearing Notice. See Clerk' s File 1990-22. City Engineer Rich Hefti provided a brief background of the project advising the City had received a petition for improvements from residents in the area representing more than 35g of the benefitted property. Hefti further reviewed two similar projects in Apple Valley and Eagan. Bath projects contained relatively large lots that had their own wells and septic system with gravel road access, and the property owners were assessed 100 percent of the cost to install sewer, water and streets. See Clerk' s File 1990-22. Consulting Engineer Bud Osmundson from OSM reviewed the scope of the project �y reviewing the proposed construction of sanitary sewer and water service to the area and bituminous surfaced streets with concrete curb and gutter and storm drain facilities on Danville Avenue, 135th Street and 136th Street. The total estimated cost if $639,200. Osmundson advised homeowners will have an additional $1 ,000 to $3,Oa0 per lot for extending sewer and water service into the homes from the property line. City Engineer Hefti reviewed the recommended assessment procedure ior this project. Hefti recommended assessing 34 units, which included 2 lots or 8 units in the LeForet Addition, at an estimated per lot cost of $18,000. City Engineer Hefti recommen�led approving the project based upon present and future septic systems and wells not meeting city requirements, and the ongoing maintenance and safety �roblerns caused by the erosion problems on Danville Avenue. City Building Official Ron Wasmund answered several questions from Council and the audience regarding individual private wells and septic systems. Engineers Hefti and Osmundson answered several questions from the audience. No one in the audience indicated he/she was in favor of the project as proposed. Several residents objected to the project, a*�d suggestions were made to Council to allow the residents to meet among themselves in an attem�t to re�ch a solution on how to handle the erosion and sewer 2 ' i ROSEMOIINT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING JULY 17, 1990 problems. Some residents indicated they were in favor of paving the streets. MOTION by Oxborough to close the public hearing. SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes: Oxborough, Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann, Napper. Nays: 0. Following discussion, Council concurred the residents should meet with themselves and with city staft to determine what improvements they would include in an improvements project to resolve the sewer and erosion problems in this area. MOTION by Napper to not order City Project 214 as presented at the public hearing. SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes: Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann, Napper, Oxborough. Nays: -0. , A recess was called at 10: 15 p.m. with the meeting continuing at 10:30 p.m. Comrnunity Development Director Dean Johnson requested approval to submit an Application for Funds for a Neighborhood Preservation Home Improvement Loan to the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency {MHFA) . Johnson advised the City would contribute at least 25 percent of the amount of each loan committed by MHFA, and the funds would come from previously approved projects from the Dakota County HRA' s Housing Tax Increment Financing District. See Clerk' s File 1990-22. MOTION by Napper to a3opt A RESOLUTION AIITHORIZING SUBMISSION OF AN APPLIGATI4N FOR FUNDS FOR A NEIGHBORHOOD PRESERVATION HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN PROGRAM THROUGH TAE MINNESOTA HOUSING FINANCE AGENTCY. SECOND by Willcox. Ayesc Willcox, WippPrmann, Napper, Oxborough, Klassen. Nays: 0. MOTION by Napper to approve �he Conseni Agenda subject �o Item 4(j ) Adopt Resolution of Support for Home Improvement Program discussed and approved under Department Heads Reports/Business Item 3(b) . SECOND by Willcox. Ayes: Wippermann, Napper, Oxborough, Klassen, Willcox. Nays; O. See Clerk' s File 1990-22. MOTION by Willcox to approve the Rosemount Star City "One and Five Year Plans" and direct the Rosemount Star City Commit�ee to forward this document to the Department of Trade and Economic Development, Star City Program officials for review and approval. SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes: Napper, Oxborough, Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann. Nays: 0. See Clerk' s File 1990-22. Council concurred with the draft letter, which will have attached a copy of the sign provisions adopted by Council on July 3, 1990, that will be sent to communit� businesses and further concurred with the draft permit application for temporary signs. Community Development Director Johnson recommended adopting the schedule of fees established by the State Building Code. Johnson noted there are no fees for temporary signs. See Clerk' s File 1990-22. Motion by Napper to ad�pt A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING SIGN PERMIT FEES. SECOND by Willcox. Ayes: Oxborough, Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann, Napper. Nays: 0. 3 ROSEMOONT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING JULY 17, 1990 Council reviewed the three bids received for the demolition of structures on properties acquired for the purpose of slum and blight clearance by the City and the Economic Development Authority. The low bid was received from Carl Bolander & Sons Co. in the amount of $19,820 for the three properties, See Clerk' s File 1990-22. MOTION by Napper to adopt A RESOLIITION RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR THE DEMOLITION OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES IN THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT. SECOND` by Wippermann. Ayes: Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann, Napper, Oxborough. Nays: 0. City Engineer Rich Hefti presented the bids received for Shannon Parkway/Dodd Boulevard Bituminous Walkway, City Contract 1990-2 and recommended awarding the bid to the lowest responsible bidder, Bituminous Consulting and Contracting, Inc. , in the amount of $35,864.50. City Engineer Hefti informed Council the City will be reimbursed 100 percent by State Aid for the construction costs. Council also reviewed the request from city staff to authorize the expenditure of $4,450 for acquisition of an easement for the Dodd Boulevard bike trail. See Clerk' s File 1990-22. MOTION by Wippermann to adopt A RESOLIITION RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR SHANNON PARRWAY/DODD BOIILSYARD BITUMINOUS WALKWAY, CITY PROJECT �215. SECOND by Klassen. Ayes: Willcox, Wippermann, Napper, Oxborough, Klassen. Nays: 0. MOTION by Wippermann to authoriza the city attorney to complete the required negotiations on the easement acquisition for podd Boulevard bike trail in the amount of $4,450 and to authorize the necessary signatures on the easement agreement. SECOND by Klassen. Ayes: Wippermann, Napper, Oxborough, Klassen, Willcox. Naysr 0. Consulting Engineer Steve Campbell of SEH reviewed the feasibility report for Valley Oak Pond Outlet, City Project #197, regarding the management of the storm runoff contributing to the Valley Oak Pond, Outlot B, located in the Valley Oaks Addition and also the two downstream ponding areas located immediatsly to the south. The estimated cost for storm sewer construction and pond grading improvements is $210,000. See Clerk' s File 1990-22. MOTION by Willcox to adopt A RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE FEASIBILITY REPORT, YALLEY OAR POND OIITLET IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT �197. SECOND by Klassen. Ayes: Napper, Oxborough, Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann. Nays: 0. MOTION by Klassen to adopt A RESOLUTION ORDERING PLANS AND SPECIFIGATIONS FOR VALLEY OAR POND OIITLET IMPROVEMLNTS, CITY PROJECT �i97. SECOND by Napper. Ayes: Oxborough, Klassen, Will.cox, Wippermann, Napper. Nays: 0. MUTION by Klassen to authorize an appraisal for determining costs for acquiring easements for Project tt197. SECOND by Willcox. Ayes: Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann, Napper, Oxborough. Nays: 0. MOTION by Willcox to support the additional staffing at the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities (AMM) for 1991 as outlined in President Larry Bakken' s memorandum dated July 2, 1990. SECOND by Klassen. Ayes: 4 ' ' � ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING JULY 17, 1990 Willcox, Wippermann, Napper, Oxborough, Rlassen. Nays: 0. See Clerk' s File 1990-22. The Council reviewed the Dakota County 1991 -1995 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) received by the City, and City Engineer Hefti' s comments regarding certain improvament projects scheduled within the City during this time period. The Council unanimausly concurred with Hefti' s comments. See Clerk' s File 1990-22. ' City Engineer Hefti informe3 Council that Bob Barfknecht, a Mechanic I, ap�lied for the Maintenance I position recently posted. Hefti requested approval of Barfknecht filling the Maintenance I position and advertising for a Mechanic I. See Clerk' s File 1990-22. MOTION by Oxborough to approve Bob Barfknecht filling the Maintenance I oosition and to authorize advertisement for the Mechanic I position. SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes: Wippermann, Napper, Oxborough, Klassen, Willcox. Nays: 0. City Administrator Stephan Jilk commented on the vacancy on the Rosemount �conomic Development Authority (EDA) and recommended a council member consider filling this position. Council Member Harry Willcox indicated his desire to fill this vacancy. See C1erk' s File 1990-22. MOTION by Napper to apDrove the appointment ot Harry Willcox to the Rosemount Economic Development Authority to fill the position vacated by Rollan Hoke. SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes: Napper, Oxborough, Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann. Nays: 0. MOTION by Nappar to authorize staif to thank the residents who had applied and to relay the vacancy has been filled by a eouncil member. SECOND by Willcox. Ayes: Oxborough, Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann, Napper. Nays: 0. Mayor Napper proclaimed JULY 20 TO JULY 29, 1990 LEPRECHAUN DAYS TENTH ANNIVERSARY WEER AND LEPRECI3AUN DAYS VOLUNTEERS' WEER. Council concurred taith I�Zayor Napper' s suggestion to have staff investiga�e the concent of the City having an annual recognition for all city volunteers. See Clerk' s File 1990-22. City Administrator Jilk reviewed with Council a revised meeting sche3ule for special workshop sessi�ns. Council concurred iaith the schedule and agreed to a 6: 30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. time schedule for the special meetings listed. See Clerk' s File 1990-22. City Administrator Jilk provided an update with re�ards to the Chamber of ComFnerce fund raising program for the downtown Christmas decorations and stree'tscape banner project. Jilk presented one of the new banners which wi11 be hung in the downtown area. Jilk advised the estimated cost to complete the entire project is set at $30,000 which includes an es�imated cost of $4,500 for lights and a large Christmas wreath at City Hall. Jilk requested an expenditure of an amount not to exceed $3,000 for the lights and electrical work necessary to decorate the large pine trees at City Hall. Jilk advised the lights would then be utilized for an annual 5 . w' [ � ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING JULY 17� 1990 Christmas tree lighting event for the community. See Clerk' s File 1990- 22. MOTION by Willcox to authorize up to $3,000 for Christmas tree lights and electrical work. SECOND by Oxborough. Ayes: Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann, Napper, Oxborough. Nays: 0. City Administrator Stephan Jilk presented for Cauncil action the dismissal of a probationary employee. Jilk advised Robert Raddatz was hired as Public Works Foreman under a six month probationary �eriod; but based upon performance evaluations, his probationary period had been extended. Jilk noted Raddatz ' one year anniversary date is August 1 , 1990. Jilk stated that based upon a recommendation received from Raddatz' immediate supervisor, Rich Hefti, ,and performance evaluations conducted by Hefti, it is recommended that Counc,il discontinue the employment of Raddatz effective July 31 , 1 990. City Administrator Jilk further recommend2d the promotion of Michael `r�idstrom �o the position of Public Works Foreman, effective July 18, 1990, with a six month probationary period. Jilk noted Widstrom is currently employed with the City as a Maintenance ITZ. MOTION by Oxborough to approve the dismissal of Rober� Raddatz as public works foreman for the City of Rosemount. SECOND by Napper. Ayes: Willcox, 4Vippermann, Napper, Oxborough, Klassen. Nays: 0. MOTION by Oxborough to promote tdichael taidstrom to the position of Public Works �'oreman effective July 18, 1990, under a six month probationary period. SECOND by Willcox. Ayes: Wippermann, Napper, Oxborough, Rlassen, Willcox. Nays: 0. MOTION by Napper to adjourn. SECOND by Klassen. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. itespectfully sub�nitted, Susan P+I. Johnson, City Clerk ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, City Administrator Published this day of , 1990 in Dakota Countv Tribune. 6