HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.n. Approve Change Order #1, West Ridge 3rd Addition ` � f�'EM # �+ N ***********************************MEMO***********************************� DATE: AUGUST 1� 1990 TO: MAYOR, COUNCILMEMBERS & CITY ADMINISTRATOR JIL FROM: CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORRS DIRECTOR HEFTI RE: ITEMS FOR THE AUGIIST 7, 1990 COUNCIL MEETING CONSENT AGENDA Approv� Change Order #1, West Ridge 3rd Addition City Contract 1989-2 This item consist of approving the Change Order #1 for West Ridge 3rd Addition project. This memo includes some background on the need for this change order and recommended action for Council to take. Change Order #1 includes payment to the Contractor for items that were non- contract work related. Items #1, 2 and 4 are related to extra work resulting from actual conditions being slightly different from the construction plans. Item #3 was added as an interim clean-out to allow the City access to flush this sanitary sewer line until the next phase is constructed then we have access to the next upstream manhole. Item #5 was necessary to improve the stability of the turnaround at the end of Diamond Path. The Public Works Department request turnarounds at all temporary dead-end streets to allow emergency vehicles and our Public Works snowplowing vehicles to turnaround rather than having to backup. Finally, Item #6 is an item that we added to mitigate the erosian from the boulevards on unbuilt property adjacent to the street. In the past we have not required boulevard restoration because the builder wi11 eventually end up sodding the entire front yard once the house is built. However, we have experienced erosion from the boulevard during the period between the final construction and when the subdivision is filled out. Therefore I feel that it is a necessary item to add to help mitigate the erosion of the boulevard topsoil onto the street and eventually into the storm sewers. The cost for restoration is very comparable to the cost that may have been received had this item been included on the original plans and specifications. A portion of the cost for Item #3, that is yet to be determined, will come from the sanitary sewer core facility fund because of the oversizing to a 10" pipe. The remaining cost will be assessed to the 41 lots in the West Ridge 3rd Addition. Recommended action for Council to consider is to approve Change Order #1 to Contract 1989-2, West Ridge 3rd Addition, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the change order. � CHANGE ORDER - - ENG(NEERS�ARCH/TECTS/PtANNERS 3535 UADNAIS CENTER DRIVE,ST.PAUL,MINNESOTR 55110 672 49p-2000 City of Rosemount 7-9-90 OWNER DATE 195 1 OWNERS PROJECT NO. CHANGE ORDER N0: tiiest Ridge 3rd Addition 89137 PRQJECT DESCR�PTION SEH FILE NO. The following changes sha11 be made to the contract documents oescriprion: � Add the following �tork items to the Contract. (See Attached Summary�) PurposeofChangeorder. payment for boulevard restoration and miscellaneous utility work, which was added to the proj ect. 8asisofCost: �Actual ❑fstimaCed Attachmentsitistsupportingdocumentsl 1 - Summary of Non-Contract Ulork Items 6 - Daily Records of Non-Contract Trlork 1 - Claim for Extension of Contract Tir_Ze CONTRACT STATUS Tme Cost origina�contract 65 Days/75 Days $ 316 , 025. 00 Ner Change Prior�O:s to - - - ChangerhisC.O. 17 Days/17 Days 10,994.81 Revised Conrract 82 Days/9?_ Days $ 327,019..81 Recommended for Approval: SHORT-ElLtOTT-HENDRICKSON,INC. By Steven D. Campbell Ag to by Co ractor. Approved for Owner. er eY -�V G� � T� ey D1srrlbuNon Cont2ctor 2 Owner t Project Represenrarive 1 SEH Office 1 SHORT EWOTT ST.PAUL, CHIPPEWA FALlS, NENDRICKSON WC. MINNESOTA WISCONSIN SUNIlKARY OF NON-CONTRACT WORK ITEMS CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 WEST RIDGE 3RD ADDITION CITY PROJECT NO. 195, CITY CONTRACT NO. 1989-2 ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA SEH FILE NO. 89137 ITEM DESCRIPTION COST 1• Realigning the existing sanitary sewer $ 1,377.OQ stub at Manhole No. l to match the pro- posed sewer alignment. 2. Lawering the existing drop section on 904.00 the north side of Manhole No. 1 to match the new sanitary sewer grade. 3• Installing a 10" DIP clean-out on T, 220.29 Darling Path. 4. Extra excavation on the storm sewer 1, 545.50 from Manhole No. 124 to the stub an Darling Path. 5• Furnishing and installing 10�� crush- 338.02 ed limestone for the turnaround at the end of Darling Path. 6• Boulevard restoration, which was add- 5, 610.00 ed to the plan. TOTAL: $10,994.81 DAILY RECORD OF NON-CONTRACT. WORK' Owner City of Rosemount Pro�ect No. 195 Pro�ect Westridqe 3rd Addition SEH �File 89137 Contractor Nodland Construction Date 8/30/89 Description of Work Realigning sanitary sewer stub from NII�i # 1 to match up to plans. Direct .� LABOR Time Labor Name Classification Start S,to Hour Rate Cost � Labor 4.5 w33.00 $14�.50 L�-�bor 4.5 �33.00 �148.50 Total direct labor $297.00 MATERI�LS Payroll costs @ � Included Total labor � $297.00 Item Quantit Unit Unit cost Cost EQUIPMENT Subtotal NA ( Include Operator Time Under Labor) Sales tax Total materials NA Time Unit Start Sto Hours Rate Cost u�„a+-Gt, p� annr.� h��-khna���_ 4_5 $110_00 �495.00 I -�.1C}�U�1�,1.'l,u-]S._W f Fnraman 4_5 �50_00 J�225_00 _Tr�r7r�r f_ irv�ratnr 4_S �HO_OO $360_00 Total equipment $1080.00 � SUN�SARY Approved: Total labor $2q�_pp Total materials NA �i , �.t,� ' ��,�,r��w�_ �;/g`/ �� Total equipment ��1 Of�O_00 Contractor Date Overhead & �� Profit @ $ -rncl„d� 7�i���'�— 9/8/89 R sident � Project Date Representative Total Cost _.�1377.00 DAILY RECORD OF NON-CONTRACT. WORK` Owner Citv of Rosemount Pro�ect No. 195 Pro�ect Westridae 3rd SEH File 89137 Contractor _N�land Construction Date 9/13/89 Description of Work I,o�,,,erina e�isting drop section on north side of MH # 1 to matrh new �ani tar�,v w r crrade on p�an . Direct •i LABOR Time ' Labor Name Classification Start S:to Hour Rate Cost I'ab°r 4.� 33.00 132.00 _ Lab°r 4.0�= 33.00 132.00 Total direct labor MATERI�LS Payroll costs @ $ Total labor � ��h4_nn Item Quantit Unit Unit cost Cost EQUIPMENT SubtotaZ Q (Include Operator Time Under Labor) Sales tax Total materials � Time Unit Start Sto Hours Rate Cost Foreman w/ uickun 4.0' ; 50.00 2QQ.00 -�aek� wf ox�ator 4.0 110.00 440.00 Total equipment $640.00 � SUNINiARY Approved: Total labor $264.00 Total materials p /��� Total equipment $6gp,00 Contractor Date Overhead & Profit @ � _Included in quotes . ., �/ .,.r=�� g�28�gg Re dent �� Pro�ect Date Representative Total Cost �904.00 DAILY RECORD OF NON-CONTRACT. WORK' Owner City�:of Rosemount Pro�ect No. 195 Project Westric,�cLe 3rd SEH File 89137 Contractor N�land nst�n� tion Date 9/11 /89 Description of Work Tn al 1;nc� a 10" DTp clean ot�t on Darlina Path whi_ch s�ac ar�clar� i-n r�l an � Direct � •,R LABOR Time Labor Name Classification Start S.to Hour Rate Cost Labor , 82.50 Labor 2.5 33.00 $2.50 Total direct labor 165_00 MATERIALS Payroll costs @ $ Total labor �1ti5_n� Item Quantit Unit Unit cost Cost �n�� T�TP "�� T.F �n �� ��R �� 111"—L1IP 1�8 l�.nd� 2 �,.- 97 4A ��a.$!1_ 10" L�P-�.un 1 --EA.- �12 �� �2 21 s. • �a�_ EQUIPMENT Su otal ��� ( Include Operator Time Under Laborj Sales tax - Total materials �655.29 Time Unit Start Sto Hours Rate Cost FQreman w/ picku�p 2,5 50.00 125.00 Ba.ckhoe wi operator 2.5 110.00 275.00 Total equipment ��00.00 � SUI�SARY Appro ed: Tota1 labor $165.00 ' Total materials $655.29 .�i�,�yv� Total equipment $400.00 Contractor Date Overhead & - �� �� Profit $ Included in / -� �` ,...--��— 9/28/89 @ quotes ,i'!�^ � __ R ident �� ro�ect Date Representative Total Cost �1220.29 llHILY RECORD Or NON-CONTRACT WORK Owner City of Rosemount Pro�ect No. 195 Project Westrid�e 3rd SEH File 89137 Contractor Nodland Construction Date 9/25189 Description of Work Extra excavation on storm sewer svstem from manhole ��124 to stub on Dar�in� Path due to revision from ori�inal plans . Direct LABOR Time Labor Name Classification Start Sto Hour Rate Cost Total direct labor MATERIALS Payroll costs @ $ Total labor Item Quantit Unit Unit cost Cost MH ,��129 to MH �r131 t. eeper MH ��131 to MH ��132 �5 ft. eeper �— � ��- MH ��132 to stub (7. 5 ft dee er� �— L. F. �'�Z.,' S�j- EQUIPMENT Subtotal ( Include Operator Time Under Labor) Sa1es tax Total materials 1 , 545 . 50 Time Unit Start Sto Hours Rate Cost Total equipment —�- St3I�IARY Approve : /i Total labor NC v"v;� �,�d C�nS��v, .ti� L�il�� / Total materials -�.i� �!�x�rn � �Y�/q o Total equipment NC Contractor Date , Overhead & f Profit @ $ �'�y �'� �'��.� Res"ident Project Date Representative Total Cost $1 , 545 . 50 DAILY RECORll OF NON-CONTRACT WORK Owner City of Rosemount Project No. 195 Project Westridge 3rd SEH File 89137 Contractor Nodland Construction Date 11/21/89 Description of Work Furnishing and installin� 100% crushed limestone for turn aroun d on Darlin� Path as requested bv Citv. Direct LAHOR Time Labor Name Classification Start Sto Hour Rate Cost Total direct labar MATERIALS Payroll costs @ � Total labor Item Quantit Unit Unit cost Cost Class ��5 100tr/, Crushed 35 . S Ton 6. 50 $228. 02 EQUIPMENT Subtotal (Include Operator Time Under Labor) Sales tax _ Total materials 228. 02 Time Unit Start Sto Hours Rate Cost S i oa er w operator • • Total equipment ���— SUMMARY A rove • Total labor NC PP ����u � ����s(�' ���y J Total materials 228. 02 �,t,r ..�s-✓'�! Total equipment 110. 00 Contractor Date Overhead & j /��' �r � Profit @ � �<��_f i ���--- /��>> R sident Project Date Representative Total Cost 338. Q2 %�Price as quoted by Contractor DAILY RECORD OF NON-CONTRACT WORK Ownar �; t� �f RoSPmni�nt PrO�ACt No. 195 Pro�ect WP�tr; ��P 3rd A��; t; �n SEH File 89137 Contractor Nodland Construction Date 7-9-90 Description of Work Boulevard restoration which was added to the plan Direct LABOR Time Labor Name Classification Start Sto Hour Rate Cost Total direct labor MATERIALS Payroll Costs @ $ Total labor Item Quantit Unit Unit cost Cost Salvaaed Topsoil 966 .Y. 2 . 50 $2, 415 . 00 Roadside Seedina 1. 8 cre 750 . 00 1,350 . 00 Seed, Mixture 700 77 . 5 lbs 2 . 00 155 . 00 _Mulch Material, Tvpe 1 3 . 5 ton 260 . 00 910 . 00 _Disc Anchoring 1. 8 cre 100 . 00 180 . 00 TnpSnil RnrrncT $Q ,Y, 7..50 ���.�� EQUIPMENT Subtotal ( Include Operator Time Under Labor) Sales tax • Total materialsY5, 610. 00 � Time Unit Start Sto Hours Rate Cost Total equipment , SUNIIKARY APProp�ed:( /'� Total labor d/ori wwd t-7�nb�-� Total materials � ����o.� �`Q- Qfl Total equipment Contractor Date Overhead & �'" Profit @ $ /r/^C�;�=. C�a�fc�e' {A.r'c� �- � ��� Resident Pro�ect Date Representative Total COst _� 5 , 610. 00 �'Sr37 - . CLAIM FOR ERTENSION OF CONTRACT TIME PR(3JECT OWNER: City of Rosemount, MN DATE: January 29,199� PROJECT: Westridge 3rd Addn; Sts & Utility Constr PROJECT NO. 195 CONTRACT N0. SEH FILE NO: 89137 CONTRACTOR: NODLAND CONSTRUCTION �OMP�TY,INC.: Alexandria, MN 56308 * * * * * * * * * * * * � * AN EXTENSION OF THE CONTRACT TIME IS HEREBY REQUESTED FOR: ( x ) SUBSTANTIAL ( X ) FINAL COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT. SUBSTANTIAL FINAL PRESENT CONTRACT TIME: WORKING DAYS 65 75 FIXED DATE EXTENSION REQUESTED: WORKING DAYS 7-7 17 CALENDAR DAYS REASON(S) FOR CLAIM: Changes in Sa.nitary & Storm Sewer Construct?on THIS CLAIM REPRESENTS THE ENTIRE ADJUSTMENT TO WHICH THE CONTRACTOR IS ENTITLED BASED ON THE STATED REASON(S) AND OCCURRENCES TO DATE. S IGNATURE: `�k.�•� .�is%✓t'`1�rt% TITLE: Treasurer COMPANY: Nodland Construction Co,Inc. ., i ��1 P.O. BOX 510 Zl� � 2875-145TH ST. W. Q�e'I�l.�u�2 ROSEMQUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 t 6 Y2-423-4411 August 7, 1990 TO: Mayor Napper Council Members: Klassen Oxborough Willcox Wippermann FROM: Stephan Jilk, City Administrator RE: Carroll ' s Woods - Future Use Plannin For several months there has taken place much discussion on the existing and future use of Carroll 's Woods. There is concern, as raised by a committee representing 'the neighborhood abutting Carrall 's Woods, that no "Master Plan" or "Mission Statement" exists for the "Woods" . There is consensus among many staff and P & R Committee members that in a liberal sense this ,process had its start in 1975 and has continued ever since through ongoing planning, development and maintenance of the Woods. There is also consensus that Carroll 's Waods today is a result of that process. There are concerns, however, voiced by several citizens that this process needs to be better defined and clarified. It should guarantee that the planning and development process would insure community input, staff input and the use of an unbiased "expert" ! opinion on creating the long term use of the Woods, enhance the habitat of the Woods and to protect the Woods from any degradation or departing from what the community wants. There is concern that the original "plan" for the Woods has not been followed and that the existing use is not the best use. The neighborhood group has had several discussions with the Park and Recreation Committee regarding these issues. The Parks and Recreation Board has already utilized several other sources of input in discussing these issues, including the neighborhood committee, two naturalists who were hired and representatives from the state agency which provided grant funds to the City to acquire the property. The Parks & Recreation Committee had discussed the possibility of utilizing a consultant, po�sibly the same one hired to do the Parks & Open Space planning to work with the Parks & Recreation Committee in inventorying Carroll ' s Woods for environmental and natural assets such as �� �x-e�s-, woodland and floral habitat. � ��/`�+'►'1r� s f � Carroll ' s Woods Planning Page 2 It was intended that the consultant would assist in determining what habitat and wildlife were there and how the Woods should be developed to best enhance, protect and allow enjoyment of these assets and still allow the best accessibility to the community for this enjoyment. As parks are one system of a City's total service infrastructure it is important to provide such an overall Master Plan for the entire system. Though many components now exist for such a Master Plan, as developed by in-house staff, there does not exist such a completed Master Plan for the entire system. It might be well to consider the completion of such a plan at this time. As the community continues to grow and the Parks & Recreation Department brings on line additional parks and further develop existing parks and trail systems it will be �.xtremely important to be able to rely upon a Master Plan and a Mission Statement for all city parks for direction on future development planning and budge�ing as well as program development for recreational programs. Funding for major park acquisition and development will be essential in the upcoming years. Funding for ongoing programs will also be essential as priorities need to be set for the types and quantities of certain programs. The P & R system/program may not be all things to all people. Making decisions for future P & R boards and staff to utilize in the development maintenance and programming for recreational facilities is important now so that a direction can be set and followed as we continue to grow. Nothing is static. Developments change, ideas change, funding changes, elected officials change. What cities want now, may not be what they want 20 years from now. Master Plans are not documents which are set once and forever stay the same. They should be living documents. Being able to, if you would, take their life from the community they serve. But we must have a beginning. A point at which the first over all plan is conceived. This seems to be an appropriate time to do this. There will be many dollars spent over the next several years on our parks system. it is important to have that "living" plan in place now. It is also appropriate to be completing this at the time the Comprehensive Guide Plan is being updated. I would recommend that staff take the next month to draft an RFP for this Master Parks Planning Process; and then offer it for P & R approval and City Council approval. •. 4 Carroll 's Woods Planning Page 3 At that point we could either negotiate with the Parks & Open Space planning consultant or go out for receipt of proposals depending on our success with the negotiations. This Master Plan development process would include the input from all areas of the community including, neighborhoods, general public, business sector, city staff, P & R committee and all necessary "experts" as would be determined necessary such as a naturalist in the case of Carroll 's Woods. Further "development" of Carroll 's Woods would not take place until this "Master Plan" is completed as this would be one specific component to be reviewed in the over all plan. Your approval to proceed with this concept and the drafting of the RFP for the Parks Master Plan is requested. lj