HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.b. Receive Feasibility Report/Set Public Hearing, Shannon Hills 2nd Addition . , lTEM # � B ***********************************MEMO************************************ DATE: AUGUST l, 1990 TO: MAYOR, COUNCILMEMBERS & CITY ADMINISTRATOR JIL�C i1 FROM: CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORRS DIRECTOR HEF RE: ITEMS FOR THE AUGIIST ?, 1990 COUNCIL MEETING NEW BIISINESS I Receive Feasibility Report/Set Public Hearing, Shannon Hills 2nd I Addition. City Project #216 This item consist of Council receiving the feasibility report for street and utility improvements to Shannon Hills subdivision and setting a public hearing date to consider these improvements. This memo contains some background on this item and recommended action for Council to consider. The developer submitted a 100� petition for improvements to his property that Council approved on July 3, 1990. Our Consulting Engineer, Bud Osmundson from OSM, has completed the feasibility report for this project, a cop� of which is attached. Bud will also be available to provide a short presentation summarizing the feasibility report. In order to accommodate this project in this construction season so that at least all the utilities are installed this fall, we need to act on several resolutions. Although this does represent 100% petition thereby legally waiving the necessity to hold a public hearing, our Bonding Counsel recommends that we still hold the public hearing and follow the Chapter 429 process to cover ourselves. In doing so to accommodate the schedule, we need to adopt the attached resolutions receiving the feasibility reports and setting the public hearing for September 18. We also need to pass a resolution to order the preparations of plans and specifications. Because of the 100% petition, I authorized OSM to prepare the plans and specifications so that they could be ready for August 7th meeting. Therefore in addition to ordering plans and specifications, we need to adopt the resolution receiving the plans and specifications and order an advertisement for bids, which is covered in another item. This bid opening would take place September 7, 1990. This would give us adequate time to review the bid and bring it to Council for award on the 18th of September, which is the same date as the public hearing. Chapter 429 allows Council to go out for bids prior to the public hearing so that the bid information is available for the public hearing and can be used by Council in the determination of whether to continue with the project. This schedule, while somewhat unorthodox, does meet all the requirements of Chapter 429 and is necessary to meet the developers timeline of having all utilities installed this fall. This will allow the developer to begin housing construction in the spring of 1991. It also will be a future benefit to us because it will give the sewer and water trenches one freeze-thaw cycle to go through. As a result of this any potential settlement will show up in the spring and can be corrected at that time prior to plaeing the blacktop. Recommended action for Council to consider is to adopt the attached resolution receiving the feasibility report and setting the public hearing for September 18, 1990 at 8:00 p.m. � � � � � FEASIBILITY REPORT � FOR SHANNON HILLS SECOND ADDITION UTILITIES AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS r CITY PROJECT NO. 216 ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA iAugust 7, 1990 OSM Comm. No. 4653.00 � � � I hereby certify that this plan, specification or re ort was prepared by me or under my direct supervis on and � that I am a duly Registered Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. , c..: • V/O���c� G�ec•,�l enry C. Osmundson, P.E. � Date; August 7, 1990 Reg No. 19156 � ,�—� <� r � � � APProved by; ��� GZ . �ichard M. He '% �/ City Engineer/Public�Orks Director � Date: Au ust 7 1990 � - - _ _. :_-- r � � SHANNON HILLS SECOND ADDITION UTILITY AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS � CITY PROJECT NO. 216 ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA � TABLE OF CONTENTS ' TITLE PAGE � CERTIFICATION � TABLE OF CONTENTS LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL � PAGE NO. � EXECUTIVE SUIVIMARY 1 PART I - INTRODUCTION 2 � 1.1 A h ' ut onzation __ 2 1.2 Scope 2 � 1.3 Data Available 2 PART II - GENERAL BACKGROUND 3 � 2.1 Location 3 2.2 Project Area 3 � 2.3 Existing Conditions 3 � PART III - PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS _ _ 4 3.1 Sanitary Sewer 4 3.2 Watermain 4 � 3.3 Storm Drain 4 3.4 Street Construction 5 � 3.5 Trailway .. 5 3.6 Street Lighting 5 3.7 Alternate "A" 5 ' 3.8 Pemuts ( 3.9 Right-of-Way and Easements b � . _ _ � � iPART IV - FINANCING � � 4.1 Cost Estimate � 4.2 Assessment Area � 4.3 Cost Recovery g � 4.3.1 Assessment 8 4.3.2 Pending Assessments 9 � PAPT V - PROJECT SCHEDULE � � DRAWINGS NO'S 1 THROUGH 5, AND "A" APPENDIX A � Cost Estimate � � � � � , � � � _ � 1 . _ _ .____� � � � Orr � Schelen Mayeron& � �� , .,, Associates,Inc. 2021 East Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis,MN 55413 � 612-331-8660 FAX 331-3806 Engineers AU st 7 1990 surveyors � � Planners � � Honorable Mayor and Council City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West � Rosemount, MN 55068 Re: Shannon Hills Second Addition � Project No. 216 OSM Comm. No. 4653.00 ' Dear Mayor and Council: Enclosed is the Feasibility Report for Shannon Hills Second Addition Utility and Street � Improvements, Project No. 216. This report addresses the sanitary sewer,watermain, storm drain and street necessary for the area. � We would be happy to discuss this report with you at your convenience. Please call if you have any questions. _ � Respectfully, ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON ! & ASSOCIATES, INC. �. d � H enry C. Osmundson, P.E. � Project Manager _ HCO/cmw � 08/90 Enclosure � � � � � � EXECUTIVE SUMMARY � City Project No. 216 provides for the installation of City Utilities and Streets in the Second Phase of the Shannon Hills Planned Unit Development in western Rosemount. The project � includes the installation of sanitary sewer, watermain, storm drain, and street lighting facilities plus the construction of the streets and a trail within the Second Addition. The � grading of the area will be completed by the Developer under a private contract. The impetus for the project was a petition from the Developer, Ground Development. � The project is feasible from an engineering standpoint with two altemative platting concepts tdetailed within this report. The basic plan which provides street and utility services to dedicated park property includes the construction of approximately 2,440 lineal feet of ' sanitary sewer, 2,430 feet of watermain, 2,290 feet of storm drain, and 2,400 feet of street construction. The total estimated project cost is $564,600. The Alternate "A"Plan provides � for the platting of the park property, but does not provide street access and utility services to the park property. Alternate "A" includes the construction of approaumately 2,OSO lineal � feet of sanitary sewer, 2,040 feet of watermain, 1,880 feet of storm drain, and 2,040 feet of street construction. This alternative has an estimated project cost of $477,000. Either � alternative can best be accomplished under one contract. The funding for the project will come from assessments to the benefitted property and the Storm Sewer Core Fund. � The project can be initiated in September with construction substantially complete in the � fall of 1990. Some restoration work and the bituminous installation will be complete by , June, 199 L � � � � 1 - _ - � � � I. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Authorization - On July 3, 1990, the Rosemount City Council authorized the jpreparation of an Engineering Feasibility Report for Public Utilities and Street Construction for the Shannon Hills Second Addition. This project has � been designated as City Project No. 216. The Developer submitted a petition for these improvements, which constituted 100% of the benefitted property. � � 1.2 Scope-This project provides for the construction of utilities and streets in the Shannon Hills Second Addition in western Rosemount. Sanitary sewer,water, � storm drain, street, sidewalk, and street light facilities will be provided to the Second Addition. The Developer, Ground Development, is responsible for � the site grading in the Second Addition, which will be completed prior to the construction of the utilities and street examined in this report. � 1.3 Data Available - Information and materials used in the preparation of this � report include: � A. City of Rosemount Record Plans. B. Comprehensive Water System Plan, October, 1988. � C. Comprehensive Storm Water drainage Plan, West Drainage Area, May, 1989 � D. Shannon Hills PUD Preliminary Plat and Preliminary Grading Plan. E. Construction Plans from the Shannon Hills First Addition, City Project No. 190. � �. j � 2 _ � � � II. GENERAL BACKGROUND 2.1 Location - The project is located in the southwest quarter of the northeast � quarter of Section 30, adjacent to and west of the Carrollton Addition, and adjacent to and north of 145th Street Wes� The project location is shown on � the Location Map, Drawing No. 1, at the end of this report. ,� Z.Z Project Area -The Shannon Hills Second Addition consists of 40 0�43 single family residential lots, plus dedicated street right-of.way and park property, � depending on the platti.ng alternative. The park will provide city access to Carrolls Woods Park. The Shannon Hills Planned Unit Development consists � of 75 acres of single family residential lots. The Shannon Hills First Addition is immediately west of the Second Addition and adjacent to Shannon Parkway. � The First Addition was constructed in 1989 and 1990 and provides utility access for the Second Additian. The proJect area is cunently zoned R-1. � 2.3 Existing Conditions - The project area is currently used for agricultural � purposes. The tenain is prim.arily rolling grassland with a knoll near the center of the project area with an elevation of 958. The area generally slopes � and drains north and northeast to a 938 elevation or westerl to a wooded Y ponding area at a 932 elevation. • � � Stormwater eunently flows from the south side of 145th Street northerly through a 3b" culvert, then overland along a natural channel through the � Shannon Hills 2nd Addition east side, near the west property line of the Carrollton Addition. Eventually, this stormwater reaches Schwarz Pond. � � � 3 - _ - _ _-=-- � � � � III. PR4POSED IMPROVEMENTS 3.1 Sanitary Sewer - The proposed project will provide sanitary sewer service to � the Shannon Hills Second Addition, plus extensions to the future Shannon Hills Additions to the north and west. 'The proposed 8"PVC gravity lines will � generally flow from the northeast to the southwest to the existing extension provided in the Shannon Hills First Addition. The majority of the sanitary � sewer will be located within the street, except for the connection to the existing sanitary sewer elctended from the First Addition,which is along a lot � line in the southeast corner of the Second Addition. Four inch services will be provided to the lots within the Second Addition. The proposed sanitary �' sewer facilities are shown on Drawing No. 2. � 3.2 Watermain -The ro osed watermain facilities are shown on Drawin No. 3 P P g � and will provide water service to the Seeond Addition, plus extensions to the � future Shannon Hills Additions to the north and west. An 8" watermain will be extended east and then north from an existing extension in the First � Addition within 144th Street. A 6" watermain will be rovided around the P "Circle" Street in the central part of this plat. The proposed facilities include � 1" services to each of the lots and or the ark ro e . H drants will be / P P PrtY Y spaced accordingly for a residential area. . � � 3.3 Storm Drain-The proposed storm drain facilities are shown on Drawing No. 4. The proposed storm drain facilities will generally drain the proposed � subdivision from east to west to a detention pond near Shannon Parkway. The proposed system includes the extension of a 36" luie from 145th Street � through the Second Addition to the same detention pond. This 36"extension is in lieu of allowing the stormwater runoff to flow along the common � property line between the Carrollton Addition and the Shannon Hills Second Addition as is cunently the case. The proposed piping ranges in size from 12" � to 36" diameter. The outlet for the detention pond was constructed in the 4 - - _ :.___.-- � � � � Shannon Hills First Addition Project. In accordance with the City policy, all storm drain facilities are sized to transport runoff from a 10 year storm event � and all ponding azeas and outlet sewers are sized for a 100 year storm event. � 3.4 Street Construction-The proposed streets are shown on Drawing No.5. The proposed streets will be constructed to City standards which call for a 32'wide � street. The street section will consist of 3" of bituminous courses and 6" of Class 5 based on the soils information known at this time. The street will be � flanked by surmountable concrete curb and gutter. The street section design and cost estimate are based on the assumption that an acceptable subgrade � is provided by the grading operation, for which the Developer is responsible. A sma11 amount of sodding and seeding blanket are provided in this project � for erosion controL � 3.5 il ' . r d to e constructed within Tra way - An 8 vv�de bitumuious trail �s p opose b the Shannon Hills Second Addition along the south and east side of 144th � Street and the north/south street for appro�nately 1,250 L.F. This trail will ultimately connect Carrolis Woods Park with the Shannon Parkway Trai1. � � 3.6 Street Lighting-The proposed lighting units are the Type"A"units which are . 15 feet lugh poles with post top mounted fixtures. The feed points and � connector runs will also be installed. The local electric utility in this project axea �s Northem States Power Company. � � � 3.7 Alternate A - 'The park property dedication discussed in this report is � required according to the Shannon Hilis PUD:Agreement. As an aiternate to the previously discussed platting concept and resulting facilities, the � Developer could plat the Second Addition as shown on Drawing No. 6: This would result in the park property being dedicated, but without street and � utility access. The street and utilities would be terminated immediately north _ � _ _ ,. ,-- i 1 � � of the "Circle" Street with provisions made for future extensions. Alternative "A" is shown on Drawing A. � 3.8 Permits - Permits will be required for this project from the Minnesota � Department of Health for watermain extensions and the Minnesota.Pollution Control Agency for sanitary sewer extensions. Approval of the sanitary sewer � plans is also required by the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission. � 3.9 Ri t-of-Wa and Easements - The 60' ri t-of-wa and all necess � Y � Y az'Y � easements are anticipated to be dedicated by the Developer on the final plat. The ma�onty of the facilit�es are located vv�th the nght-of-way except the storm drai.n facilities north of 145th Street and the sanitary sewer line � connection. These facilities will re uire 20' wide easements alon the 9 g proposed,but yet un-numbered lot lines. In addition, a ponding and drainage � utility easement will be required in the rear yard areas at the western ed e of g the plat. � � � , • � � � _ � � ` . 6 _ - _. . -=-- � � � � IV. FINANCING 4.1 Cost Estimate-A detailed Cost Estimate can be found in the Appendix. The � following estimates are based on 1989 and 1990 construction costs and include a 10% contingency factor and all related administrative costs. The � administrative costs are estimated at 30% and include legal, engineering, interest, and other administration. A summary of these costs are as follows: � Includes Services Altemate � To Park "A° Sanitary Sewer $ 86,700 $ 76,700 � Sanitary Sewer Services 33,900 30,9(� Watermain 92,400 76,700 � Water Services 32,400 29,500 Storm Drain 167,200 133,400 � Street Construction 124,900 106,500 Trailway 8,100 6,900 � tr et Li t 1 1 4 � � TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 564,600 $ 477,000 ' � These costs do not reflect the cost of land acquisition for easements. • � 4.2 Assessment Area-The following parcels of land are located within the project and assessment area: � Outlot A of Shannon Hills Addition. � Outlot A is proposed to be platted as: Shannon Hills Second Addition � Block 1, Lots 1 through 15 Block 2, Lots 1 through 20 � Block 3, Lots 1 through 8 - 7 _ ,_.:-- � � � � Outlot - Park Dedication Outlot • (Future Shannon Hills Additions) � (TOTAL OF 43 LOTS) � Altemative "A" would be platted as: Block 1, Lots 1 through 13 � Block 2, Lots 1 through 19 Block 3, Lots 1 through 8 � Outlot - Park Dedication Outlot - Two Future Lots � Outlot - (Future Shannon Hills Addition) (TOTAL OF 40 LOTS) � � 4.3 Cost Recovery 4.3.1 ASSESSMENT-The sanitary sewer,watermain, street light, trail, and � street construction proposed for the Shannon Hills Second Addition is regarded as residential equivalent sizing and therefore will be 100% � assessable toward the benefitted lots included in the Second Addition. � The proposed storm drain facilities include the installation of the 36" • line north of 145th Street. This is necessary to control the stormwater � runoff coming under 145th Street from the south. Without this additional drainage, a 27" would be the largest pipe necessary to � control this development's drainage. Therefore, the cost of oversizing the pipe from a 27" to a 36"pipe should come out of the storm sewer � core fund. This is estimated to be $35,750. . � Using these estimated assessments, the funding for the 2 altemative projects would be as shown on the two charts on the follawing page. � The park services altemative has a total assessable cost of $528,850, . 8 - - , _,:-- � � � � which, if spread over the 43 lots, produces an estimated assessment rate of $12,299 per lot. � The Alternative "A", wluch dedicates the park property but does not � provide services,has a total assessable cost of$441,250 wluch,if spread over 40 lots, produces a estimated assessment rate of$11,031 per lot. � 4.3.2 PENDING ASSESSMENTS - There are no pending assessments � against the project area at this time. � � � � � � ' � � � - � � _ 9 - _ _ _ ,_:__ � � � � � � � � �, � � � � � � � � � � � � ALTERNATIVE WHICH PROVIDES STREET ACCESS AND UTILITY SERVICES TO THE PARK PROPERTY STORM WATER/ WATER/ FIVE ESTIMATED SEWER MAIN SEWER YEAR TOTAL ITEM COST ASSESSMENT CORE �QRE �;.I.P. C.I.P. REVENUES A. Sanitary Sewer $ 86,700 $ 86,700 0 0 0 0 � 86,700 B. Sanitary Sewer $ 33,900 $ 33,900 0 0 0 0 $ 33,900 Services C. Watermain $ 92,400 $ 9z,400 0 0 0 0 � 92,4� D. ' Water Services $ 32,400 $ 32,400 0 0 0 0 � 32,400 E. Storm Drain $167,200 $131,450 $35,750 0 0 0 $167,200 F. Street $124,900 $124,900 0 0 0 0 $124,90Q G. � Trailway �$ $,100 $ 8,100 0 0 0 0 � 8,104 H. Street Lights �12,Q�' ��9.000 � � �_ � � 19.000 TOTAL $564,600 $528,850 $35,750 0 0 0 $564,600 10 ; ; � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ALTERNATIVE "A" - PARK DEDICATION BUT NO SERVICES PROVIDED STORM WATER/ WATER/ FIVE ESTIMATED SEWER MAIN SEWER YEAR TOTAL ITEM COST ASSESSMENT CORE CORE C.I.P. �.I.P. REVENUES A. Sanitary Sewer $ 76,700 $ 76,700 0 0 4 0 $ 76,700 B. Sanitary Sewer $ 30,900 $ 30,900 0 0 0 0 $ 30,900 Services C. Watermain $ 76,700 $ 76,7� 0 0 0 0 $ 76,700 D. Water Services $ 29,500 $ 29,5(� 0 0 0 0 � 29,504 E. Storm Drain $133,400 $ 97,650 $35,750 0 0 0 �133,400 F. Street $106,500 $106,500 0 0 0 0 $106,500 G. Trailway $ 6,900 $ b,900 0 0 0 0 � 6,900 H. Street Lights � 1fi.4�0 �� �_ .2._ �_ �_ �..45� TOTAL $477,000 $441,250 $35,750 0 0 0 $477,000 11 � � � V. �'RO.TECT SCHEDULE The proposed schedule for this improvement is as follows: � Receive Feasibility Report/Order Plans and Spec's � Preparation/Receive Plans and Spec's JOrder Ad for Bid August 7, 1990 Bid Opening September 7, 1990 � Public Hearing/Award Contract Se tember 18 1990 P � � Begin Construction October, 1990 Completion of Construction June, 1991 � Assessment Hearing Fa11 1991 � � First Payment with Rea1 Estate Taxes May, 1992 � � � � � � . - - 1 � _ � _ _ - 12 __ � � � qq ; g3g3g3qI,..��_. �`� -� .I -���,. � .. � � � 1 �� ' , c . � ' + • ' . . � r t ; < C� ..�„ ,�+• s (�'�irs c �� � _ : �aa��. �L10 \' � � e � ��� e �; . -�� � � . . _ N � � C • - ) q� , ; _ c_i+ � : , �� �= � �-- �_� .� = _.— ___ . � w, � • 17os�, t� � 1 � ��ow • ��� .� . � . . � �, . � �G� �_: . . � . . . 1 7��� f� ���, �..� . � � , 'r ` � T • � � � % : ^ � Z f� ����.7� . . . � � t_.�_.-� . � . � 1 � � '�����_ � . � � . � . .. . � • .. . . � �'-- • '_ ... . . • VVl17\t11 3t� . 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No,:-- � R.B.C. $o�ielen LOCAT I ON MAP 4653 � Date� Asaocia�es Inc, SNANNON HILLS 2ND ADD. � � , C I TY PROJECT NQ. 216 Sheet no. � � En ln��r��9ur�� ora�Pl�nn�r� � 8-7-90 �,a.�x.�,.p,, �...a.� �nawyolp,ItN 6M/7�0/t-�1-N00 C I TY OF ROSEMOUNT 1 � � .. � . : __ � I � NS -- -- � �----- 14 i i i � i � . 01� � i � � � ' " �� p,0 ` � i i i i � � `.` � v.�vR� � ���� `` � i � � i �` F ` �� � ; � i � � `�� � � v � i ' ` � ti � � � � i � � � . i , � - - � � � , � � <-< _ `. i i � P� `O � ��`- � + �` � � c� � ► ` � " y � + v � - � a ; i �� � �ti � 3 1 � � '� Y 1 � � � O• v —� � � � f / v � � --��_. � � 2 a SH�►NNOt� HILLS i� � ' ` i � , � -- ___!. � � � � � <----<---� � � ' ' � _ � � 144TH�''�. � � ----�--- -- ST, . � � � z � •� �E $„ P V.C — �--- z Z i /� .` ` ; �i � � � i - a ---�-- �4r� � � � � ^ � ' ' I ' ------- = V � r � N i \ 1 I � b i i . . � _ �...�.�� ��� w; � � �� / � / / �� �-- (�"'O ����r( � V � /' � � ' �_ � � % j 1 �� � ♦ � / � 1 � �ti�`r. noptrtor� ;% �' ; � � � � �� ' •' ' ' ------- 145TH ST. WEST 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ' IEGEND : i � O—>— PROPOSED SaNITARY SEwER 200 100 0 200 � SCALE IN FEET Drawn By� Drawing Title Cornm. No. � R.B.C. Sc�ielen SAN I TARY SEWER CONSTRUCT I ON 4653 Yayeron & SHANNON H I L L S 2N 0 A D D. Da te� A s s o c i a t e s, I n c. C I TY PROJ ECT N 0 216 Sheet no. �nslnseri�Sur���ors�Plana�n . 8-7-90 �b.aaD�, A��na�� YlsawpN4.rN ee�u�as-sar-�eeo C I TY OF ROSEMOUNT 2 � � � . � , � -- -1 I� , O�S t i -- � � � __ ��----- 0���1 � � i i i i � �`� � � �'' . � � � � � � � � � � J.� 4� � .� � � � � � � � � •� �C v ` ' : `. : � ' �� � i � �� ��. `� h ' � i � ` ti - � � ` �. i � � ` � � � .� � �, � �C� /--�_t_-1—!�--I---I—»1 — \ �� � � � � �,4' 1� � ' �' i � � - � n � � I � ' � � , - >- i � i ��1 O�' I�, -�.___ 3 i � � � "' r'" Y � � i ; O• � -a � � � r � � � � � i` i ������ a SH�►NNOt� H 1�LS % l � ' � ' Z i � �� �� ` �—I`1-1�6 I'-1�� — v � -- , ; _ � _ o 144TH �. � � ------- . � � __ ST� , � � � � z � �i i i --� — i � Z Zj � Z �����`�r' � ' � � + � _ "_'--'--- V� i /� ! 1 I � � ' ' ' ------- N ♦ / 1 1 ` �,/ • � �� � � � �� ___.-- Q" ' - � .. �.. - ",, � / /—� .� ..� � �� . 1— G I f — . � i . i I 1 � Ca �,� � 8 � � �- � � i � i � ___ -_ ,� � � � r � � � �.�T. ADQITIOI�( �; ` Ex. ;8" D; I.Pi �, � `\ i E � � � —__---- , 145TH ST. WEST '' � ---------------------------------�--------------------------_-- -- � LEGEND : � —I---I— PROPOSED WATERMA I N 204 100 0 204 � SCALE IN FEET Drown By� Drowing Title Comm. No. � R.B.C. �o�eien WATERMA 1 N CONSTRUCT I ON ' 4653 ` ` -� ltayeron & SHANNON H I LLS 2ND ADD. Date� Associates, Inc. C I TY PROJECT NO 216 Sheet no. Ea�lwen�Sur���ors�Pl�nners • � 8-7-90 �s..c a.no.�. �.,aw• r�o:..voi+..r� ea�a�aa-a�-�eeo C I TY �F fZ0$EM�UNT 3 � � . . � i� � i � ---- ' � 1�1QNGJ � � '_i�—'-.�--- �\ + � i , � � P � � ' ' ' v `� vR 0 .; ` � i i i i � ' i �` v� � � � � i i v .\ (C ` � � ` � ` v ` � 1 , `` `\ ` �� ( � � ; \ � � u I � � � �`� v 1 � � � - _ � � ` � � � � � v ��� 1 � \ � �� EX I ST I --� i � �� �.Q' -- � �� � ��, , OUTLET PON NG = � a � �. c� � AR 36" ' 0�,� NI � Q Q i i � —R_ 3 v � 1 � v � � j � ' � � �� � � � , 1 / �'y ,� a �SH�NN01�1 H IL�LS i � �� ' `' --Z � � -___. � _ __ � � i, �' , �--«----«,36-«--«-{�� p < 144TH ., � % 1Q o . .. --�•---- __ ST� ; , � � ' o i : �' I o i � , �� z .. Z � � ,_ �. �� � i � ��,I , ------- ' Q ___ -.-.. �/ � / I 1 M N �� % , I j ^ ------ ���' � � ._ � -"----- �,i i /V� .\`�i � �` ' -- � ' ' -- ' � � i � ��, � ♦ � / j � I _-- ti�1'. ADQ I T I Oiy �% i � i � � � : � ' � i � ` � � ; � h 145TH ST. WEST ------- � --------------------------------------------------� ------------- I LEGEND : �Ex. 36" R.C.P. � O�«--« PROPOSED STORM SEWER 200 1OQ 0 200 ,� � SCAIE N I FEET Drawn By� _ Drawin Title - - � . _ 9 Comm. No. .- R.B.C. gc�ielen STORM SEWER GONSTRUCT I ON 4653 ltayeron & SHANNON H ILLS 2ND ADD. Date� Assooiates, [nc. Sheet no. zn�+a..r..sur..,o�:�Pl�na�n C I T Y P R OJ E C T N 0. 216 � 8-7-90 T081 i�t H�an�pla tr�a��i Yfaw�yolL.YN p641a�ais-ax.eeeo C I TY OF ROSEMOUNT 4 ' � ' PARK � DEDICATION ' . i :.�.� .-----___ � � S -- FUTURE STREET f-==�`r'<: ------ � _�____ "���,fli .�10 � � i � i � � _� �� Q,O�� � � i i i ; :.:_ �` , ` ` ` ' � I \ �v�(vR� � `� ; � + + � i ' �= ' �•� . �� �� � � i_. � � =<=: � � � � -a•; � � � � � � ;rr � � ` � TRE i„ � � ` � � :,._• i i ` � `�` - _ - t � fi; �\\ � \ \ � � r��,r'��•{'i:`'':f rzr r:y�;rc:::`": '"iA'A��rr'�+'fi�'.;�s:1�'r . . . �� � . �� '•'r. 'S'•_'-_ '-,l,.'.� - . � . ' ` ; ��� ti� `-'�r'�s�;' � +. , r � ��s'} 1. \�• . �� {� � i ;Yf; � � '_?s: . . � . ��� � 1 ' . � . . � �='?- Q� ��:r: . � 3 � / % , � �. �(''�'` .. � j ! / i:e j O• ;f� -r..� � d- SH/�NNQ 1 / / w- � � i 1 _ Z � I� H IL�LS �i � __ ----- -.� f.f: , :;r_ _ �..•:: � ' � � . t �'" ?s:'s'+✓f��'l�' r� �rr,..•�+dr� ,r; ..!��;.}�� . . .. � � . �� � � � \ - ..='�•� }>,:r"•'°vr:.S:q'ti�.�, �''+�r": .���. � � �fr' � �� ' / I T� ��.�' Z .���,,'��� • / �� ' ����� O � O + �/ � ;';:s?- t �,Z.��� � � � �` ` � � ' ' � � 1 i �'�' � , t �Q --- --_ y� ' � � ; ; :b;;i , � t/) __ __ ;'" .._._.__—_ ��� , � � �— I _f. (,) '�. `'� ♦ -- i;;J;: V �� � � �� - >:� �r� _�!;��' � I - - - .,v�._ s_:i�.}fi,r:,`'•,•. � � / / - � / � � /� � �\\ \ l � � I �.�T. ADQ I T I ON( �,� ; ; i 60' R.o. . � � , , � , � , , � � � � ------- 145TH ST. WEST � ----------------------------------------------------------- ---- LEGEND : � ,�'"`��—__-___� � PROPOSED STREET PAVING (32 ) 200 100 0 200 W/DESIGN D918 CONCRETE C d. G � SCALE IN FEET Drown By� Drawing Title Comm. No. IR.B.C. $o�ielen STREET- �ONSTRUCT ION 4653 llayeron � SHANNON H ILLS 2ND ADD. Date� Associetes. Inc. Sheet no. ana�a.a=�.sur..,or,�Pl�nn�r� C I TY PROJECT N0. 216 8-7-90 �..��.�,.D,a Ar�ew. �,na..��..�N �.,,..,:-,,,-� C I TY OF ROSEMOUNT' 5 i ' � UTILITIES AND STREET OUTLOT A � END HERE PARK DEDICATION __ � _� � S FUTURE STREET ______ 1���N � � � --�i i -- •�• � 0 � �� �v�� p,0 .``, �� � i i ; ; � �•` �v ; ��� �`� �� � OUTLOT`B ' � � � �� � � ► � � i � ` �� `Z` i � � � _ - . � � ' � , � �'{A =?�s'!ij-��''.:t ' '�'�f`�' \\ �'�?.�:l�-'.i _•V'$::_ __�:i'irf�d' O�tiv�-s: sf �` ' _ .�Y:�f��,���_:��'�r'�'�� , � a ����� f� �.�� . � , � �Q• - '�::`: , •, i ; � � - A � � � 32' STREET ���f� �,'� {I< � >- i � i if_ � ,jr _`�- i ' � � . ,r?;: . . r,.• r . �� . Y � � � � • �t+.r ,�,� � a ' � % � -:, ' a° _ � a. SH�►NN01� H I�LS i ;�;:;� �' ' ;:' � - Z --- . � I I / / � ` Y i�f.' f�:'i..�' ,}'r'j:''.:�, 4'f � ' �+� . �..� ., . . �� � ' ' . r'+�t Pd4' ��ir {J���r.�r����i�I'Ii?i�J�f, � ' � .;;i� � / � r; 0 �� � / ;,�t --+�+-.�—. �� / '/ :;ri � � • l, ~ � / '==i Z � / % � p � i � �'�'si 2 i .=:=: � Q "--�-- �412 `` �� � � 1 � {: � ------- � _ ' C, ; � � i :�;.: � N � i 1 1 ;s: --�---- Q'�� �i i I _.._ i �:• ------- V�j `'��� �i � �. =r�s_ �tr•:•!v'�;; `r r'•��lJ�, , Y , _ _ _:;�;:�-- _ _ _ � � � i �' i i � � � ��` �` �� � i � �� ! �.8'`f. ADQ I T I Oty ; � , � 60 R.0. � � � � `� � � ' + ------- 145TH ST. WEST � ----------------------------------------------------=----------- LEGEND : ' 'r'�-=�==":`===�='�'i�- PROPOSED STREET PAVING t 32' ) 200 100 0 204 � wiDESIGN D4�8 COrvCRETE C b G � SCALE IN FEET Drawn By� Drawing Titie _ _ Cornm. No. p . _-- R.B.C. 3c�ielen AL TERNATE "A" 4653 Yayeron E� SHANNON H I LLS 2ND ADD. Date� Assoaiates. tnc. C I TY PROJECT N0 216 Sheet no. � En�la�en�Sur.qor��Pl�na�n . 8-7-90 �Iias�H�aa�ytn a��aw. ,���..��..�,� �.,,.,,:-�-� CITY OF ROSEMOUNT A � � � , � � �I � � � APPENDIX ( COST ESTIMATE ) � � � � � ,' i 1 1 1 _ - _ : �._: � � APPENDIX A � PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE � SHANNON HILLS 2ND ADDITION STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA CITY PROJECT NO. 216 , OSM COMM. NO. 4653A0 � TOTAL UNIT ITEM QUANTITIES IJNITS PRICE TA ' A. - SANITARY SEWER 8" PVC SDR 35 2,030 L.F. $ 1 A $,�QL4.S0.00 � �� 8 PVC SDR 26 410 I»F. $ 24.00 $ OA 9,84 0 Connect to Existing 1 Each $ 500.00 $ 500.00 , Manhale 12 Each $1,000.00 $ 12.000.00 F,�ccess Manhole Depth 51 L.F. $ 90•00 $ 4,590•00 � 8" x 4" PVC Sewer Wyes 44 Each $ 5(�.00 $ 2�00.00 Rock Stabilization 100 Ton $ 1 L00 $ 1,100.00 � TOTAL $ 0 p 10% Contingency 6,020•QQ � $ 6s,7�.00 Total Sanitary Sewer Construction Cost � ' Plus 30% Legal, Engineering, Administration 28,000.00 ' and Financing TOTAL SANITARY SEWER PROJECT COST $ 6 700. , � , �'� � - -._-- ' � ' Appendix A - Preliminary �ost Estimate - Continued � � TOTAL UNIT ITEM �UANTITIES UNITS PRICE TA I B - Y E R R ` � 4" PVC Service Pipe 1,980 L.F. $ 12.00 $ 23_16O.00 ' TOTAL $ 2�,760.00 14%O Contingency 2 40.� , � �6�s44_ Tatal Water Services Construction Cost ' Plus 30% Legal, Engineering, Administration 7,$40•00 _ and Finance � TOTAL WATER SERVICES PRQJECT COST $ 33.900.00 � � � ' � , , � � - - _ . _:_: ' i ' Annendix A - Preliminarv Cos� Estimate - Continued � TOTAL ITNIT ' ITEM �UANTITIES ITNITS pRICE TOTAL C. - WATERMAIN � 8" DIP Class 52 1,350 L.F. $ 20•00 $��Q(�QQ � 6° DIP Class 52 1,080 L.F. $ 1g•00 $ 19.440.00 8" DIP Gate Valve & Box 4 Each $ �OO.OQ $ OO,QQ 6" DIP Gate Valve & Box 2 Each $ 400•00 $ 800.00 ' Hydrants 5 Each $1.100.00 $ 5,..Q9 UQ 6" DIP Hydrant Leads 50 L.F. $ 25•00 $__�,�25,�Q�QQ � Fittings 4,860 LB. $ 1.35' $�L�44 Connect to Existing 1 Ea,ch $1.500.00 $ 1.500.00 ' Rock Stabiliza.tion 50 Ton $ 11.00 $ 550.00 � TOTAL $ 64,601•00 10% Contingency 6 49� $ 1 .0 � Total Watermain Canstruction Cost , Plus 30% Legal, Engineering, Administration $ 21,300.00 , and Finance � TOTAL WATERMAIN PR OJECT COST $ 29 ,400.0O ' ' , _ � _ � _ _ - _. : _..__ � � _ , ' An��ndix A - Preliminarv CoS� Estimate - Continued , ' TOTAL IJNIT ITEM QUANTITIES IT R E TOTAL ' - W T R ER �. A 'E S VICES � 1" Corp Cocks 44 Ea.ch $ 55•00 $ 2,420•00 1" Curb Stop & Box 44 Each $ 100.00 S 4�400�0 � 1" Copper Service Pipe 1,980 L.F. $ g•OQ $ 15.840.U0 � TOTAL $_Z2,660.p�( 10% Contingency Z 4Q, $ 24 00.00 ' Total Water Services Construction Cost � Plus 30% Legal, Engineering, Administration $�SOO.OQ and Finance � TOTAL WATER SERVICES PRO E J CT COST $ 32,400•00 , � ' ' , ' _ - ' ' � _ _ : -_-- , ' Apnendix A - Preliminary CoSt EStimate - Continued , , TOTAL IJNIT ITEM QUANTITiES �tITS PRI E TOTAL � E. - STORM DRA1N , 12" R.C.P. C.B. Leads 214 L.F. $ 21•00 $ 4,494.00 15" R.C.P. G.B. L.eads 115 L.F. $ 22.00 $_2,530•QQ ' 18" R.C.P. 280 L.F. $ 23•00 $ 44 21" R.C.P. 100 L.F. $ 2b•00 $ 2•600•00 24" R.C.P. 295 L.F. $ 28.00 $ 8,Zso.00 ' 36" R.C.P. 1,285 L.F. $ 4 A $ 57•$25•00 36" FES w/Trash Guard 1 Each $�.400.00 $ 1.4Q0.00 , Standard 4' Dia. MH 4 Each $ 900•Q0 $ 600 00 (0 - 8') , ' Excess 4' Dia. MH 4 L.F. $ 100.00 $ 400.00 Depth > 8' 5' Dia. MH (0-8') 7 Each $�.,��� $�,_4_Q�.QQ , E�ccess 5' Dia. MH 15 L.F. $ 1 0 $_2.250.00 Depth > 8' ' 6' Dia MH (0 - 8') 2 Each $�00.00 $ 2,600.OQ Catch Basin Type A 12 Each $ 800,00 $ 9 0 .00 , Catch Basin Type B 5 Each $�f S�.OQ $ 4.250.00 Grauted Rip Rap 20 - C.Y. $ 60•00 $ 1.2�.d0 Rock Stabilization 100 Ton $ 11•00 $ 1,100.00 ' TOTAL $116 4•9 9•40 ' 10% Contingency - ' i 1.0 $128,600.Ot1 �I ' Total Storm Drain Construction Cost ' Plus 30% Legal, Engineering, Administration 3 00. and Finance � TOTAL STORM DRAIN PROJECT COST $�00.00 � _ _ _ ' ' Preliminary Cost Estim�,te - Continued , ' TOTAL iTNIT ITEM QUANTITIES IJNITS PRIC� TOTAL I F. - S'TREET .� iSubgrade Preparation 24 R.S. $ 1(�.00 $ 2.40U.� Aggregate Base C1.5 3,150 Ton $_ 5.� $_15,7_SO„UQ ' 2331 Bituminous Base Course 715 Ton $ 1g•00 $ 12 870.QQ 2341 Bituminous Wear Course 715 Ton $ 20.00 $ 14 3t)�QQ Bituminous Material for 390 Ga1. $ 1.20 $ 468•� ' Tack Coat Concrete Curb & Gutter D418 4,800 L.F. $ 5.00 $_24,OOQ.(�Q , Seed w/Mulch & Fertilizer 2 Acre $1 0 0 $ 3,OOO.QO Sodding 5,850 S.Y. $ 2.00 $ 11•744�4 I , Furnish & Install Signs 4 Each $ 150•00 $ 600•00 Fiber Blanket 1,5� S.Y. $ 1.50 $ 2.250.00 I TOTAL $ g7,338•� 10% Contingency �,7G1.t)p ' $��Q Total Street Construction Cost , Plus 30% Legal, Engineering, Administration �8,800.� ' and Finance TOTAL STREET PROJECT COST $124,900.00 ' _ _ ' ' I , - , , ' Preliminarv Cost Estimate - Continued ' TOTAL �T ' �M OUANTITIES T�'�� PRICE TOTAL G. - TRAii�WAY r Aggregate Base Class 5 450 Ton $ 5.00 ��,�QQ I , 2341 Bituminous Wear Course 140 Ton $ 24.00 $ 3.36�Qp ' TOTAL � 10 10% Contingency Sq0•QO ' ��.6��� Total Trailway Construction Cost ' Plus 30% Legal, Engineering,Administration 1„94t1.00 and Finance � TOTAL TRAILWAY CONSTRUCTION COST $_�;�LO�QQ , � H. - LIGHTING ' Street Lights - Type A 7 Each $1.900.00 $ 13,3U0•00 Wired, Comp�ete Inplace I TOTAL 1 $ 3 00•04 10°IoContingency 1, OO.OQ � _ _ $ 14,G00.00 Total Lighting Construction Cost � Plus 30% Legal, En�ineering, Administration 4,400.OQ ' and Finance TOTAL LIGHTING CONSTRUCTION COST $_1_9,000.00 , � _ _ , ' Preliminary Cost Estimate - Continued ' ' PROJECT COST A. Sanitary Sewer $ 86.700.00 ' B. Sanitary Sewer Services $�,�� C. Watermain � 92.40Q�2 , D. Water Services $ 32"400•00 E. Storm Drain $�fi7.200(�Q , F. Street $124,9U0•q0 G. Trailway �� H. Street Lights $ 19.000•00 � TOTAL PROJECT $564,600.00 ' , . ' ' ' ' ' _ _ � ' ' ' _ _ _ _ ' - CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAROTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1990 - A RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE FEASIBILITY REPORT SHANNON HILLS 2ND ADDITION STREET & UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT #216 WHEREAS, the City Council deemed it necessary and expedient that the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, construct certain improvements, to-wit: City Project #216, Shannon Hills 2nd Addition Street & Utility Improvements, in the City as described in and in accordance with the feasibility report prepared by Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Associates, Inc. , Consulting Engineers; and WHEREAS, the City Council has been advised by the Consulting Engineers that said utility and street improvements, City Project #216, is feasible, and should best be made as proposed, and the Consulting Engineers' report to this effect has heretofore been received by Council, and filed with the City Clerk on August 7, 1990; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of - Rosemount accepts the feasibility report for City Project #216 and places it on file. ADOPTED this 7th day of August, 1990. Vernon ,7. Napper, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Johnson, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Vote in favor• Vote against•