HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.c. Order Plans & Spec's/Approve Plans & Spec's/Authorize Ad for Bid for Shannon Hills 2nd Addition �'�� � 6 C **********************,t************MEMO*****�t,t***,t*************�t�t��***�r*�** DATE: AUGUST 1, 1990 TO: MAYOR, COUNCILMEMBERS & CITY ADMINISTRATOR JIL � FROM: CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORRS DIRECTOR HEFT RE: ITEMS FOR T$E AUGIIST 7, 199Q COIINCIL MEETING NEW BUSINESS Receive Plans & Sbecifications for Contract 1990-3 Shannon Hills 2nd Addition Street and Utility Improvements This item consist of adopting the attached resolution receiving the plans and specifications and order the advertisement for bid opening to be held on September 7, 1990 at 10: 00 a.m. Plans and specifications will be available Monday afternoon for viewing at City Hall. Blake Crandall or Nick Polta can provide you with assistance. ITEM # 6 � ************�**********************MEMO*****,t**************************,t�** DATE: AUGIIST 1, 1990 TO: MAYOR, COUNCILMEMBERS & CITY ADMINISTRATOR ..--�' FROM: CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORRS DIRECTOR HEF RE: ITEMS FOR THE AUGUST 7, 1990 COUNCIL MEETING NEW BUSINESS Order Plans & Specifications for Contract 1990-3, Shannon Hills 2nd Addition Street and Utility Improvements This item consist of having Council adopt the attached resolution ordering the preparations of plans and specifications for this project. � ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAROTA COIINTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1990 - A RE30LIITION ORDERING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR SHANNON HILLS 2ND ADDITION STREET & IITILITY IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT #216 WHEREA3, the City Council of the City of Rosemount by a unanimous vote ordered a feasibility report for Shannon Hills 2nd Addition Street & Utility Zmprovements, City Project #216; and WHEREAS, the City Council has received and accepted the feasibility report on City Project #216. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount orders the plans and specifications for the improvements of the Shannon Hills 2nd Addition Street & Utility Improvements, City Project #216. ADOPTED this 7th day of August, 1990. Vernon J. Napper, Mayor � ATTEST: Susan M. Johnson, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded bys Voted in favor: Voted against• :� CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAROTA COIINTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1990 - A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING ADVERTISEMENT OF BIDS SHANNON HILLS 2ND ADDITION STREET & UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT #216 WHEREAs, the Consulting Engineers for the City have prepared final plans and specifications for Shannon Hills 2nd Addition Street & Utility Improvements, Project #216, and such plans and specifications have been presented to this Council for approval: NC?W, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota: 1. Such plans and specifications are hereby approved and ordered placed on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2 . The City Clerk shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official City newspaper and in the Construction Bulletin an advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvements under such approved plans and specifications for City Project #216. ' 3 . The advertisement shall be published in each of said publications at least once not less than three (3) weeks before the date set for opening bids, shall specify the work to be done, shall state that bids will be publicly opened on September 7, 1990 at 10: 00 o'clock a. m. at Rosemount City Hall in said City and that no bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the City Clerk and accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond or certified cheek payable to the City Clerk for five (5%) percent of the amount of such bid. ADOPTED this 7th day of August, 1990. Vernon J. Napper, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Johnson, City Clerk Motion by: Second by: Voted in favor: Voted against: CITY OF ROSEMOITNT ; DAROTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1990 - A RESOLUTION CALLING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING SFIANNON HILLS 2ND ADDITION STREET & UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT #216 WHEREAS, the City Council received the feasibility report and found the project feasible for Shannon Hills 2nd Addition Street & Utility '' Improvements, City Project #216, on the 7th day of August, 1990; and ' W�iEREAB, the statute provided that no such improvements shall be made until the Council has held a public hearing on such improvements ' following mailed notice and two publications thereof in the official newspaper stating time and place of the hearing, the general nature of the improvement, the estimated costs thereof, and the area proposed to be assessed, in accordance with the law; and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, as follows: 1. A public hearing will be held at the time and place set forth � in the Notice of Hearing attached hereto as Exhibit A to consider said proposed improvements. � -� 2 . The nature of the improvements, the estimated cost of each major portion thereof, and the areas proposed to be assessed therefor are described in the form of Notice of Hearing hereto attached. 3 . The notice of said public hearing shall be in substantially the form contained in the notice hereto attached. 4 . The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of said hearing to be given two publications in the official newspaper. Said publications shall be one week apart, and at least three days shall elapse between the last publication and the hearing. Not less than ten days before the hearing the Clerk shall mail notice of the hearing to the owner of each parcel of land within the area proposed to be assessed as described in the notice. For the purpose of giving such mailed notice, owners shall be those shown to be such on the records of the County Auditor or, if the tax statements in the County are mailed by the County Treasurer, on the records of the County Treasu rer. As to ro erties not listed on the records of the Count P P y Auditor or the County Treasurer, the Clerk shall ascertain such ownership by any practicable means and give mailed notice to such owners. ADOPTED this 7th day of August, 1990. Vernon J. Napper, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Johnson, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor• Voted against• . 3: � . . . . . . . . � . . � '�.�I. I i i i • �'EXHIBIT A�� CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAROTA COUNTY� MINNESOTA PIIBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON IMPROVEMENTS SHANNON HILLS 2ND ADDITION STREET & UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NO. 216 TO WFIOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the City Council af the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, will meet at 8 : 00 o'clock p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible, Tuesday, September 18, 1990, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, to consider the following improvements: Project #216 - Shannon Hills 2nd Addition Street & Utility Improvements The total estimated cost of said improvements is $564 , 600. The amount to be assessed is estimated to not exceed $564, 600. The area proposed to be assessed for the foregoing improvements would generally be all that area generally described as parts of SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 30, within Outlot A of Shannon Hills Addition. Such person as desires to be heard with reference to the proposed improvements will be heard at this meeting. Written or oral opinions will be considered. Dated this 7th day of August, 1990. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COIINCIL. Susan M. Johnson City Clerk City of Rosemount t Dakota County, Minnesota � Mailing List for Shannon Hills 2nd Addition Street & Utility Improvements - Public Hearing Set for September 18, 1990 34-67425-D10-00, Outlot A, Shannon Hills Addition Ground Development Corp. 1550 Utica Ave. So. #975 St. Louis Park, MN 55426