HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.f. Workers Compensation/Rehabilitation Program for Employee • , T (�i� � 2875-145TH ST.WEST � P.O.BOX 510 �se'�/j/L�u'n� ROSEMOUNT,MINNESOTA 55068-4997 (612)423-4411 ���� � � � FAX:(612)423-5203 T0: Mayor Napper Council Members Klassen, �xborough, Willcox, Wippe�i City Administrator Jilk FROM: Don F. Darling, Fin Dir, Insurance Officer DATE: August 3, 1990 RE: Retraining of Long Term Injured F�nployee In 1984 Richard Lonnquist was severely and pern�anently injured in an accident while working for the City. For the many years since he has attempted a c�ne back froan these injuries but has not been successful in that come back. In his atterr�ts to remain in the Mainteriance Department of the City he has repeatedly reinjured himself due to his weakened physical abilities followinq the 1980 accident. Please be advised that I have been working wifh Rich for several years now atte9mpting to determine and convince all concerned that retraining is the best solutian in Rich's case. Until the most recent problem that started in April of 1989 and is still ongoing, EBA (IImployee Benefit Association - our Worl�z's Carcnp Administrative Campany) was not willing to consider retraining, but at this writing they are totally convinced that retraining is the best salution to this long term injury. Richard Lannquist has almast completed all of the steps required to return him ta the class rocem for retraining. Ae has returned to Rosemount High School where he casnpleted an aptitude test under the direction of Counselor Duncan. We had jointly considered many retraining opportunities but he kept stating that he would like to remain with the City if at all possible. Having enjayed considerable success in Drafting and Mechanical Drawing during his Middle School and High School years he felt that this would be his best chance ta remain with the City as a Draftsman or gigineering Technician. Of the four hundred class choices that Mr Duncan tested him for both of these subjects survived the cuts as they trimc�ed the listing to twenty four subjects of interest to Rich. An EBA Rehabilitation Caunselor has been assigned. to the case and is directing the further testing and entry into the St Paul Vocational College for enrollment into an eighteen �nth program. It has been determined that this is the school that is the closest to Rosemount tha.t provides the courses needed to successfully retrain Rich. EBA will pay all costs of the schooling and place Rich on what could be considered the same as absent due to injury status, thereby paying him a weekly amount. To add to this Rich has been working with PERA (Public �loyees Retirement Assaciation) to obtain the benefit that , , .:� Page Two - R Lonnquist Retraining Request August 3, 1990 they provide to long term injured members. All of these benefits do not add up to the amounts needed for Rich to comfortably maintain his fanuly and I am requesting you consider further assistance to Rich for ite�u not covered. '�'here are three benefits that I am requesting that we continue in force for Rich during his retraining and the first of those is the minimal cost life insurance policy that we carry on all of the Maintenance Union Staff at a cost of $2.80 per month, with the second being another life insurance policy through PERA at a cost of $9.00 per month and finally the major item is single coverage Basic Blue Crass Blue Shield that the City has been carrying on Rich throughout his eznployment at a current monthly cost of 5105.47. This would be a total monthly cost of $117.27 and a cost for the entire 18 month period of $2,110.86 or slightly higher should one or more of the benefits increase in cost to the City. 7.'he retraining program that Rich has sukxnitted to at this time will com�nence on September 4th and continue for 18 �nths. He will be on the City Maintenance Force iuztil that date and froHn that time on will be considered as off an Worl�.Z's C�rp retraininq.