HomeMy WebLinkAbout2. Space Needs Study Preliminary Report r i P.O. BOX 510 ��Z�� � 2875-145TH ST: W. O���Ou�� ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 612-423-4411 ITEf� � � T0: Mayor Napper Council Members Klassen, Oxborough Willcox, Wippermann FROM: Stephan Jilk, City Administrator . DATE: August 16, T990 RE: Special Council Meeting/Workshop August 22, 1990 The purpose of the special meeting/workshop on August 22, 1990 is three fold: 1. To allow a presentation of the preliminarp report of the space needs study. This studq has been going on for several months now through the cooperative effort of a consulting architect, staff inembers and a citizen' s advisory committee. David Kroos, the architect from Boarman & Associates, will be presenting the preliminary report. Information on the process followed and detail on the xeport are attached here for your reference. -0n Wednesday, we would hope to go through the report and get pour initial reaction to it prior to completion. 2. To discuss the final goals for 1990 as set by Council & Staff at our goal setting session in Februarp. ' Discussion of the Facilities Needs Study was one of those goals. The other remaining two are: a. City Involvement Process. I believe the discussion at our goal setting session on this was centered around how we would continue and possibly broaden the communitp' s involvement in the governing process. Items such as increasing the scope and frequencp of our newsletter , televising our council meetings, having more "town meetings" , having more announced "public meetings" were some ideas discussed. To quantifp public involvement is difficult . outside the City Council chambers. What may be more important may be the publics' perception of how "accessible" their city officials are and how active the local officials are in educating the public. Sometimes "perception" and realitp are not the same , though thep should be. I feel we must work on making the people believe their government is accessible. We can discuss several methods to accomplish this. . t Special Council Meeting On August 22, 1990 Page 2 b. Taxes v.s. Needs. Our goals discussion on this item included : 1) Use budgeting and development review process to: A. Determine the proper balance to define and protect basic services. B. Consider upgrades. This is an ageless question governments face. How much do qour constituents want and how much are thep willing to pay for them. We held out on discussing this goal until we were entering into the discussion on the 1991 budget because we felt this would allow us more insight into the issue. As we discuss specific needs in the 1991 budget we felt it would help us define aur direction on how much/what cost we may feel comfortable with. ._ Preliminarp discussion on this concept will be good . It will be good to discuss general goals as to balancing the various areas of services such as streets, fire , police , parks, utilities and administration that we provide and how to prioritize them. We will refer to the citizen' s attitude survep for some guidelines here, as there were several questions in this regard asked in the survey. We must also realize that this "balancing act" is a dpnamic one. The present community , speaking through you as their elected officials may want certain things and be willing, or not willing, to pap for them. Two years from now this attitude may change and the priorities may change. I believe ttiat the best we can do is make a best effort at "reading" the communities needs, wants and attitudes and act accordingly using qour own best judgement. Understanding the ramifications of the budget as proposed and finally as adopted is key to that process. 3. 1991 Budget Review. Attached is a separate memo regarding the proposed 1991 Budget. Our effort on Wednesdap should be focused on understanding the process staff has followed in preparing this budget, the items which were considered, but not included, because of budget restraints and the preliminary and estimated effects this budget will have on local taxpayers. Detail discussion can take place at future meetings regarding the budget. � s Ba�CI�T S �aC:HCTEf:i1.�RE ���M # Etir � hEfRi�G � �\fERtC7�' �FSIC:�. AUgUst 17, 1990 Ciry of�ioserrtidurn 287514bth St�eet WBst Rosemourtt� MN 55b88 De�r Mayar and GounclL• , : C7n behalf of 8darman�Assaclates. l wouCd ilke ta�xpress our sppr�clatian for th�opportunity tv conduct the needs�sse�sme�t s�tttrly for the Ciry oi Rasemout�t. lt has be�n�pie�ssur�working with your excellent st�ff. �`helr input�nd dedlcatior�Eo this study proaess servas the community . wefL !would alsa tlke tv�xpress my appreciatlon to the C�ti�ens Advisory Ccrmmittse who att�nded peria9ic meetings ove�ths�past faur mvnths. �'heir valuabte input provid�d insight lrito the cammunEty and tt�ey served wei!as an Integral p�rt af the decis�on making prac�ss. 'Che interim report to tF�Councli ls intend�f to both keep th Cauncil Current on the progr�ss of the s#udy�nd to prwld e the CounGii th�opportur►iry for lnput pric�r to ita finalizatfvn. it(s aur intent that the Irr�'ormatloh c�nt�ined wiihin the report will�ssist the City cyf Rosemtiunt in m�ktng informed decisions regardi�g their need for impraved facfiities now and in the future. Sinoerely, , navld R, roos Vfca�restden# Boarman&Assocfates� inc .'. ;. ? ti u r t h 2 n d S t r ee t h1 i n n e � {s r71 i 5 M I n 1Y t! 50 t d S 5 � 0 1 6 1 w� - 3 3 9 - 3 � 5 3 .; s � � i ■ 1 �■ � � s/� n�,� � �I��i i�j1� I �" •� 1 li � ' ' s� ' . � . , ; • . � � 222 NORTH SECOND STREET MINNEAPOUS,MINNESOTA � 55401 (612)339-3752 � � ROSEM�UNT � MUNICIPAL FACILITIES . STUDY � � � . INTERIM REPORT � TO COUNCIL � � AUGUST 22, 1990 � � � � i � ! r INTRODUCTION Study Process The study procedure estabiishes the objective and subjective elements of a space needs program and brings order to the process of informed decision making. The conclusion of the study is a culmination of data, information, facts, assumptions, and design expertise which confirm the logical recommendations. The consultant began by interviewing department heads and key city staff through the use of specially designed questionnaires to arrive at a needs assessment. These initial interviews along with existing data on the facilities established an inventory of current conditions. The architect reviewed with staff current service demands and developed a definition of the scope of facility deficiencies. A Comparative City Analysis was conducted,which examined Rosemount's existing facilities with those of other cities of similar size and configuration. The spatial program represents the individual space needs for City Hall, Police, Public Works and Fire Station. The Summary Sheet for each facility type establishes the basis building size by defining the net spatial areas and assigning the general circulation and gross area requirements to fulfill the building size. The architect tested these spatial requirements against the existing municipal site and alternate sites. The site is judged by appropriateness in size accessibility to the public,)and uses, functional relationships to other services and uses, construction costs and parking needs. The architect developed for the City Hall, Police, Public Works;and Fire Station, block plan options which could be accommodated on the existing alternate sites. Finally, the consultant developed cost impacts of the alternative building options. All documentation developed through the needs assessment process is contained in the study report along with the consultant's recommendations and conclusions. ,, , � 1 � . � � z � � � � 1 9 � � r j � � � � � 1 . EXISTING FACILITY CONDITIONS � � � � � � � � � � � � � � : � � e � ClTY BACKGROUND Surrounded by"high growth"suburbs, Rosemount has retained its small rural town image. It is evident by the growing number of citizens moving into Rosemount from the cities of Eagan, Bumsville, and Apple Valley that Rosemount cauld easily evolve into a"outer ring" suburb. Rosemount seems to be in transit, with these booming suburbs to its North and its West while to its South and to its East there are the rural towns of Coates, Farmington, and Lakeville. Looking at the low density of people per area it is clear why Rosemount is thought of as a rural area; Rosemount has a population of 9,000 in its 36 square miles, while Eagan,with the same area, has five times the population. It is evident that this cozy image comes both from the private and public areas of the community. Most residents associate the downtown area of Rosemount with its rural image. These privately owned businesses develop Rosemount's sense of community and fellowship. This along with the awarded school system, outstanding city services,with regards to police and fire protection, and the availability and use of the parks and recreation areas keep Rosemount a highly refined rural town. CITY HALL EXISTING CONDITIONS ADMINISTRATION The Administration Department is responsible for coordinating and supervising the City staff. It is essential that this department be centrally located with access to all departments with the exception of the Fire Department. The Administrator and the Deputy Clerk,who handle personnel matters, have the need for more privacy to their offices which they now lack. With the increasing work load, there is a genuine need for meeting/conference room space. Presently, the City Hall has two conference rooms that are constantly in use. The administration department is also responsible for the coordination of putting together City Council packets, the community newspaper/newsletters, recording City and personnel files, and preparing for yearly elections. In the department, there is a lack of work space for putting together the packets and inadequate fiiing space. The present staff is too small to handle the incoming calls and visitors while maintaining their current work load. For example,the Annual Budget took three � times as long as usual to prepare due to the work load increases. FINANCE The Finance Department handles a!1 accounts for the City, revenue, accounts payable, and payrolL The department currently has changed software systems to foster a more efficient and re�iable way of accounting. Within the department there are 3 personal computers that are shared among the personnel. It is important to this department to have efficient lighting and climate control, which at present is inadequate. Currently, the Finance Director is serving as the Deputy Registrar. This adds public traffic to the area and a need for an upgrade in the security and privacy. All license tabs and license plates need to be locked up and secured. When printing payroll and payables, confidentiality needs to be followed with the added flow of traffic this is hard to accomplish. ; , , � � ! COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT I The Community Development Department plays a large role in Rosemount's future. The ; department is responsible for enforcing zoning codes>following any development, and � encouraging economic growth. Estimating the City's population to increase to 20,000 by the year 1995,and development to rise,this department wiil need to expand. Currently there is a need for , more space for review of plans and maps. Also the use of a shared conference room is a priority � since the existing conference room availability is tight. improving the deparkment's efficiency through the use of computers has been one of the tasks of this department,they have found while achieving this goal that the work space is limited. PARKS AND RECREATION This department has experienced an increase of activities due to the growing number of children in Rosemount. The department is in charge of the maintenance of the City parks,the programming of recreationai activities, and the planning of special events. The increased interest in worid ecology and saving the planet has prompted this department to increase the plantings throughout the City requiring more personnel for maintenance and indoor storage space for large equipment. The department would like to add staff for both buiiding trades for the parks maintenance and for � evening athletics. As the Athietic Director is putting in all of their summer evenings and weekends ; working. .� The Parks and Recreation Department has been working with other departments,the Enginee�ing .: and Commmunity Development Departments to maintain the City parks at their best. Engineers have programmed irrigation systems for the parks and the plan for multi-use shelters in the parks will be coordinated with the Community Development Depattment. � The department organizes community athletics. With the overwhelming increase in involvement they are having troubles coordinating space with the School District. There is need for a City � gymnasium where indoor sports and winter sports can be held without interfering with the School � athletics and troubles with cancellation of events. � PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING The Public Works Qepartment maintains the streets, roads, sewer system, and City utilities. �ike � other departments, the Public Works has had an increase in its work load. To accommodate, they � will need to hire more personnel,two additionaf office personnel and two to three maintenance personnel. The Public Works Building is beyond its maximum storage capacity. Some of the � departmenYs equipment is being stored in a rented University garage and the pole barn North of . , the Public Works building. Although the department does not have enough storage for their present equipment,they are in need of more equipment to keep up with the demands of their j services. � The Engineering Department consists of two full time personnel and one part time intern. In the close future, one more technician will need to be hired. This department has minimum working � space. Currently, all employees work within a partitioned office. Their work space could be made more efficient if more counter/layout space and more storage space for plans were added. r � � , t t , POLICE EXISTING CONDITIONS As Rosemount continues to grow, the demands on the service of the police officers is continuing to rise. There are a total of ten officers patroliing Rosemount with ten volunteer reserve officers to help with parades and special functions. The department occupies 3,116 square footage. The national average for police space requirement is 350 square feet per staff member(sworn and unsworn). This equation inciudes lockers, holding rooms, roll call, etc. Rosemount has 312 square feet per personneL Not only is the lack of space a probiem for the officers but, the lack of privacy when interrogating and interviewing. The Police Chief occupies a private office, all other personnel share work space. This is inadequate for both the visuaf and audio confidentiality. The Police Department is currently receiving 5,000 service calls per year;the Rosemount officers are averaging 500 calls annually. This has increased from the 390 calls per officer in 1988. The national average is 424 calls per sworn officer. Seeing the growing population as a potential problem, the department is instituting an additional patrol district. A minimum of five patrol officers make up a patrol district, the hiring of these officers will be complete in 1993. With the growing community it is important to prevent crimes from occurring. Many of the officers are trained with special skills to do just that. Officers have taken extra education and are serving the City on the following issues: South East Metro Drug Task, Child Abuse, School Liaison, Dakota County Mutual Aid Assistance Group, and one officer is certified as a Crime Prevention Specialist. There is no secure storage for large evidence. Cars and large evidence that is confiscated in now being stored in the garage along with the police cars. There is not enough security and the integrity of the evidence is jeopardized. Also,the lack of a sally port presents problems,the lack of appropriate security and the eventual waste of manpower. .! z � i � � ' i I i � � j j ¢ t � .� . _ . . . . . . . 2. STAFFING AND SPACE RROJECTIC�NS � � � � , � � � , , � 1 � .� � � City of Rosemount Preliminary Staffing Projections Report August 15, 1990 introduction The staff projection process is a logical procedural sequence that supports results based upon well founded assumptions. The following discussion focuses on staffing projections that, effectively, form the basis for future space requirements. The designation and confirguration of that space will be addressed in a future report. The City and Police Staff requirements were projected for the years 1995, 2000 ansd 2005. Projections were based on a variety of factors, including: population growth, comparative analysis, goals and objectives of the City of Rosemount and socio-economic impacts. 7 Factors Affecting Future Staffing Needs Population change is the underlying framework for determining future staffing needs, but other factors must also be considered. Service philosophy, tax base, infrastructure, projected land use, community priorities, etc., all impact on each department to differing degrees and must be applied as modifiers to the poputation baseline to arrive at final personnel projections. To augment the process, a comparison of Rosemount total staff and police staff was performed in relation to sixteen cities (Table 3). These cities fall into three groups. Group I, are cities with a population of 10,000 . or under, Group II are 15,000 and under and Group 111 are 22,000 and under. These three groups are ana{ogous to the current and anticipated population increase expected by Rosemount. In noting the current total staff to population ratio, Rosemount is slightly higher than other communities cited, while the police to population is a slightly lower ratio. A number of factors can be responsible for these differences. For example, level of service delivery, participation in special projects, available facility space, characteristics of population and commercial growih. Currently, for example in Rosemount, the Community Development Department is, in addition to the standard work tasks, responsible for 26 comprehensive special projects in 1990. � ( , Assumptions/Impacts as Modifiers to straight Population Ratios. Three main assumptions pertaining to the City's operational and service delivery philosophy are factored into the projected population based staff ratios. Assumption Impact The City will continue to support There will be an increased quality of life issues within the com- service demand in parks & Rec, munity. Public Works, Police and Community Development Depts. The City will encourage commercial and Results in increased workload industrial development in designated land to Administration, Finance, use areas. Community Development and ` Engineering and Fire Depts. t � The City will maintain a comparable level of There would be a substantial � public safety services. Police and Fire Depts. � � � Specific Factors impacting Departmental Projections � � Several departments are categorized as having staff levels driven by one or more of : ihe following three factors. � 1. Policv: Staffing levels are anticipated to be set by City policy or guidelines and � are not directly impacted by changes in population. Policy affected = operations include: � City Administrator � Mayor Cabfe � Chief of Police � Community Development Park & Recreation i { , a 2. Internal Service: � Staffing levels are likely to be established in relation to overall growth ± in City Government. Intemal Service affected operations include: Administrative Services - Finance Support Services 3. Poqulation: Staffing levels are expected to increase in direct praportion to the growth in the City's resident and guest' population. Population affected operations include: Community Development Park & Recreation Public Works/Engineering Police Department Fire Department Table 1 Uverview Projected Household and Employment City of Rosemount Year Households Employment 1990 3000 4700 1995 3500 4800 2000 5000 5400 2005 5500 6150 2010 6900 Table 2 Projected Population City of Rosemount Year City Population 1990 9000 , 1995 12000 2000 15000 2005 20000 Source: Planning Dept. City of Rosemount " Guest Population: Non residents spending part of the day in Rosemount. .�� , � Tabie 3 . ; Comparative City Population Staff Ratios Total City Police Communiry Population Staff/Pop. Staff/Pop. ; Group I 1. Orono 72d0 1:185 1:450 2. Rosemount 9000 1:194 1:782 3. Mendota Heights 9050 1:205 1:532 4. Lino Lakes 9800 1:337 1:754 5. Mound 9950 1:284 1:765 � 6. Savage 10000 1:232 1:769 Average: 1:239 1:675 i � Group II � 7. Prior Lake 11000 1:250 1:785 � 8. Chaska 11300 1:246 1:869 9. Shakopee 12045 1:200 1:602 � 10. Ramsey 12717 1:282 1:1589 ; 11. Champlin 15000 1:202 1:833 12. Hastings 15000 1:188 1:750 � Average: 1:228 1:905 � Group III � � 13. Woodbury 19388 1:255 1:692 14. In�ergrove Heights 21850 1:273 1:728 � 15. Cottage Grove 21863 1270 1:643 . 16. Lakeville 22500 1:274 1:726 Average: 1:268 1:697 i � � � . . . � . . . � � 1 � r � 4 � Table 4 Staffing Projection Summary Department Pop. Pop. Pop. Pop. 9000 12000 15000 20000 1990 1995 2000 2005 Administration 4 g 7 7 Finance 4 5 6.5 7 Communiry Devefopment 7.5 9 11 12 Parks 8� Recreation 3.5 5 5.5 6 Public Works/Engineering 16 21 25.5 29 Police Department 11.5 16 18 24 Fire Department 1 2 Total 46.5 62 74.5 87 i Table 5 � Staff Projections City of Rosemount Number of Staff ; Department Present 1995 2000 2005 Administratian City Administrator 1 1 1 1 City Clerk/Council Sec. 1 1 1 1 Administrative Secretary 1 1 1 1 Receptionist 1 1 1 1 ' Future i Assistant City Administrator 1 1 1 ;� Clerical/Receptionist .5 1 1 � Management Analyst .5 1 1 � Subtotal 4 6 7 7 �. : Finance � e 3 Finance Director 1 1 1 1 Deputy Finance Director 1 1 1 1 � Asst. Deputy Registrar 1 1 1 1 Fianace Support Person 1 1 1 1 , � Future Accounting Clerk 1 1.5 2 � Computer AnalysUProgramming 1 1 r Subtotal 4 5 6.5 7 , � � Communitv Development � � Dir. of Community Dev. 1 1 1 1 City Planner 1 1 1 1 - Building Official 1 1 1 1 � Econ. Dev. Specialist 1 1 1 1 Building Insp. 1 1 1 1 � Fire Marshall .5 1 1 1 � Planning/Zoning Secretary 2 2 2 2 Future Assistant City Planner � 1 1 Econ. Dev. Coordinator � � Plumbing insp. 1 Clerical � 1 Subtotai 7.5 9 11 12 Parks 8� Recreation Park & Rec Director � � 1 1 Administrative Asst. � 1 � 1 Asst. Program Director 1 1 � � Sports Coordinator .5 1 t.5 1 Future Program Director 1 Secretary � � y Subtotal 3.5 5 5.5 6 Public Works/Enqineerinq Public Works Dir./City Engineer 1 1 1 1 Engineering Tech 2 3 3 4 Public Works Secretary 1 � 2 2 Public Works/Streets Supervisor 1 1 � � Parks Supervisor y � y y Street Maintenance 2 3 3.5 4 Utility Maintertance 2 3 3.5 4 Park Mair�tenance 2 3 3.5 4 Forester y 1 y 1 Mechanic 2 2 2.5 3 Custodian 1 1 1.5 2 Future Assistant Public Works Dir. y � � Utilities Supervisor � � � Subtotal 16 22 25.5 29 •# ' � i f Police t Chief of Police 1 1 1 1 ; Lieutenant 1 1 1 1 Administrative Asst. 1 1 1 1 Team Sergeants 2 2 2 2 PatrolOfficers 6 7 8 10 Cierical .5 1 1 2 Future Investigators 1 2 4 School �iason .5 .5 1 Community Service Officer 1 1 1 DARE Program .5 .5 1 Subtotal 11.5 16 18 24 � Fire Dept � � Fire Chief {Full-time) 1 1 : Secreatry/Receptionist 1 � Subtotal 1 2 � � � � 1 � € . 9 1 , � i � ; Ratio Summary Table 6 demonstrates the new ratio achieved with the addition of staff, meeting the service demands both based on population and community priorities. Table 6 Projected City Population and Staff Ratios Total Police Community Population Staff/Pop. Staff/Pop. Woodbury 19388 1:255 1:692 Invergrove Heights 21850 1:273 1:728 Cottage Grove 21863 1:270 1:643 Lakeville 22500 1:274 1:726 Rosemount 20000 1:229 1:833 Average: 1:260 1:724 ' ROSEMOUNT CITY HALL � COMMISSION #: 1166.01 i DATE: 5/03/90 ! < ;;. ;: , ,:. ., ,: - . i DEPARTMENT JOB TITLE POP. 9000 POP.9000 POP.12000 POP.15000 POP.20000 I EXISTING CURRENT 5-YEAR 10-YEAR 15-YEAR � : SQ.FT. NEED NEED NEED NEED 1990 1990 1995 2000 2005 ' ADMINISTRATION _ � _ _ JILK, STEPHAN City Administrator 191 234 234 234 234 ? JOHNSON, SUSAN City Clerk/Council Sec. 177 154 154 154 154 ; JENTINK, LINDA Administrative Sec. 64 80 80 80 80 WIDSTROM, DEBORAH ReceptionisUFront Counter 51 51 143 143 143 ' FUTURE Assistant City Administrator 126 126 126 ' Clerical/ReceptionisUFront Ctr. 143 143 143 Management Analyst 126 126 126 SUBTOTAL NET SQ.FT. 483 519 1006 1006 1006 ' FINANCE :, . : _ DARLING, DON Finance Director 148 154 154 154 154 MAY, JEFF Deputy Finance Director 70 138 138 138 138 ' WERNER, DENISE Asst. Deputy Register 70 80 _ 80 80 80 i KORPE�A, DIANA Finance Support Person 70 80 80 80 80 ; FRONT COUNTER 56 60 60 60 60 ; FUTURE Utility/Computer Clerk 80 80 80 160 ' - Accounting Clerk 80 80 ' SUBTOTAL NET SQ.FT. 414 592 592 672 752 COMMUNITY:DEVELOPMENI '; . : ;;; ;. . JOHNSON, DEAN Director 190 198 198 198 198 ; WOZNIAK, MICHAEL City Planner 64 ` 138 138 138 138 ' WASMUND, RONALD Building Official 159 138 138 138 138 PECHONICK, TRACIE Economic Dev. Specialist 64 126 726 126 126 ' HEIMKES, PAUL Building Inspector 64 64 64 64 64 ', LUNDY, GEORGE Fire Marshal 64 64 64 64 64 ! QUINTUS, DONNA Planning/Zoning Sec. 64 80 80 80 80 VACANT POSITION Public Wks/Comm. Dev. Sec. 64 64 64 64 64 ; ' STOFFEL, MARYANN PlanningJBuilding Sec. 64 80 80 $0 80 ' FRONT COUNTER (SHARED) 30 52 52 52 52 � PLAN ROOM 0 108 150 175 200 FUTURE Assistant City Planner 126 126 126 ' Economic Dev. Coordinator - 13g 13g � Plumbing Inspector 64 ; Secretary 64 64 � � SUBTOTAL NET SQ.FT. 827 1112 1280 1507 1596 ; PARKS 8� RECREATlON > ; � _: _ _ ... _ _ _ ,. BECHTOLD, DAVID Director 1 g1 1 gg 1 gg 1 gg 1 gg � JOST, LISA Administrative Asst 110 80 80 80 80 ; MOLLMAN, JANE Assistant Program Dir. 6Q 64 64 64 64 �; ' SCHUMANN, CINDY Assist. Programmer 110 64 64 64 64 ; EQUIPMENT STORAGE (OUTSIDE CITY HALL) 480 604 6�0 700 800 , ART SUPPLIES/ STORAGE 0 80 80 80 100 � FUTURE Program Direcior 126 ; Secretary 64 64 64 ' SUBTOTAL NET SQ.FT. 921 1086 1200 1250 1496 ' ROSEMOUNT CITY HALL COMMISSION #: 1166.01 ' DATE: 5/03/90 ; (CONTINUED) ' i ;. , i DEPARTMENT JOB TITLE POP.9000 POP.9000 POP.12000 POP.15000 POP.20000 ' EXISTING CURRENT 5-YEAR 1 Q-YEAR 15-YEAR � SQ.Ff. NEED NEED NEED NEED ; 1990 1990 1995 2000 2005 PUBLIC WORKSIENGINEERING:> _ ,, __ , _ HEFTI, RICHARD Public Wrks Dir./City Eng. 196 198 198 198 1 gg BAILEY, BOYD Engineering Technician I 50 110 110 . 110 110 � CRANDALL, BLAKE Engineering Technician I! 40 110 110 110 110 ' DORNIDEN, CINDY Public Works/Eng. Sec. 64 80 80 80 80 � POLTA, NiCK Engineering Intem 44 80 80 80 80 : JERDE, DONALD Maintenance I (Custodian) PW GAR PW GAR. PW GAR. PW GAR. PW GAR. CRTIP�OTTER STATION 35 56 56 56 56 ' PLAT ROOM/STORAGE 132 210 25D 300 350 ; FRONT COUNTER 30 SHARED SHARED SHARED SHARED � FUTURE Assistant Pubfic Works Dir. t26 126 126 ; Utilities Supervisor PW GAR. PW GAR. PW GAR. Engineering Technician 8D 80 80 Clerical PW GAR. PW GAR. : SUBTOTAL NET SQ.FT. 591 844 1090 1140 1190 i SHARED:'AREAS:AMONGST C.ITY HALL .. . " , ><. : ; _ ;.: COUNCIL LOUNGE/CONF. ROOM 263 378 378 378 378 i CONFERENCE ROOM I (CAPAC(TY 16) 202 378 378 378 378 ' CONFERENCE ROOM 11 (CAPACITY 8) 0 195 195 195 195 ' COMPUTER ROOM 86 168 168 168 18S STORAGE ELECTION EQUIPMENT 172 225 300 400 500 DEPUTY REG. STORAGE 300 300 300 300 ARCHIVAL STORAGE 112 150 200 250 300 GENERAL STORAGE 214 300 450 525 600 ' SUPPLY STORAGE 50 100 150 115 200 ! COPY/MAIL ROOM 108 192 192 250 250 � STAFF TOILETS 221 221 221 221 221 CENTRAL FILING 70 234 300 350 400 ; `EXERCISE ROOM 312 FIRE ST. FIRE ST. FIRE ST. F1RE ST, I "LOCKER ROOMS (SHARED BY CITY STAFF� 314 FIRE ST. FIRE ST FIRE ST. FIRE ST, i BREAK ROOM 419 419 624 624 750 � CUSTODIAN CLOSET (SEE DON JERDE-P.W.} 20 20 30 40 40 i SUBTOTAL NET SQ.Ff. 2341 3280 3886 4194 4680 i PUBLIC AREAS . ,. , : ,, > ; . . ; _ _, . >; _; ,; PUBLIC L08BY {UPPER & LOWER LEVELS) 1343 1158 1158 7158 1158 � COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1845 1845 1845 1845 1845 ; PUBLIC TOILETS 315 315 400 400 400 � VESTIBULE (UPPER & LOWER LEVELS) 210 210 210 210 210 ' SUBTOTAL NET SC�.F7. 3713 3528 3613 3613 3613 ! ; 'NOTE: AS AVAILABLE SPACE AT CITY HALL LIMITED, THE EXERCISE RODM AND LOCKER FACILITIES CURRENTLY USED BY CITY EMPLOYEES WfLL BECOME A SHARED FUNCTION AT AN EXPANDED FIRE STATION FACILITY OR A NEW NATIONAL GUARD ARMnRv FAr.ii iTv ROSEMOUNT CITY HALL COMMISSION #: 1166.01 DATE: 5/03/90 � (CONTINUED) ,:. ,_ ,. ,.:. ,:. - :.. , . . __ DEPARTMENT JOB TITLE POP.9000 POP.9000 POP.12000 POP.15000 POP.20000 � EXiSTING CURRENT 5-YEAR 10-YEAR 15-YEAR ` SQ.F1'. NEED NEED NEED NEED 1990 1990 1995 2000 2005 ' BUILDING:SUPPORT:�AREAS ,:; .. . ...: ' ` ' ' i MECHANICAL ROOM 390 390 390 390 390 ' � ELECTRICAL&TELEPHONE 275 275 275 275 275 � EMERGENCY GENERATOR ROOM POLICE 100 100 1 QO 100 i SUBTOTAL NET SQ. F�. 665 765 765 76� 765 i I CITY HALL TOTAL N,ET SQ FT 9,955 71,726 13,432 14,147 15;Q98 � <: ; GROSS 35% SQ FT' : . .., _ ; ' 3,793 4,104 '4,701 <� 4,951 5;284 CITY HALL TOTA�.GROSS SQ:Ff ;: <: 13;910 ;15,830 18,133 19;098 20,3$2 � � s � , , i ' � � � � , £ � � � # ROSEMOUNT POLICE DEPARTMENT ' ' COMMISSION #: 1166.01 DATE: 5/03/90 .:, ,.. _:.. ,:: ,,: _. . DEPARTMENT JOB TITLE POP. 9000 POP. 9000 POP.12000 POP.15000 POP.20000 EXISTING CURRENT 5—YEAR 10—YEAR 15—YEAR SQ.Fi'. NEED NEED NEED NEED 1990 1990 1995 2000 2005 ADMINISTRATIVE AREAS: ' ' _ _ . , STAATS,JAMES Potice Chief 201 t98 198 198 198 KNUTSON, ELLIEL Police Lieutenant 100 126 126 126 126 KUHNS,DWAYNE Team Sergeant 50 126 126 126 126 O'LEARY,JAMES D. Team Sergeant 50 126 126 126 126 MARTHALER, DEBRA Administrative Asst. 42 113 113 113 113 BURKHALTER, BRYAN Patrol Officer SQUAD RM. SQUAD RM. S�UAD RM. S�UAD RM. SQUAD RM. ERICSON,JEWELL Patrol Officer SQUAD RM. S�UAD RM. SQUAD RM. SCIUAD RM. SQUAD RM. KELLY, KAREN Police Secretary-PT 25 FRNT CNTR FRNT CNTR FRNT CNTR FRNT CNTR O'DONNELL,WILLIAM Patrol Officer S�UAD RM. SQUAD RM. SQUAD AM. SQUAD RM. SQUAD RM. ROBIDEAU,MARK Patroi OfFicer S�UAD RM. SQUAD RM. SQUAD RM. SQUAD RM. SQUAD RM. SOMMERS,JOHN Patrol Officer SDUAD RM. S�UAD RM. S�UAD RM. SQUAD RM. SQUAD RM. WEATHERFORD, BRYAN Patrol Officer SQUAD RM. S�UAD RM. S�UAD RM. SQUAD RM. SQUAD RM. FUTURE INVESTIGATIORS 62 124 248 FUTURE SCHOOL LIASON OFFICERS 31 31 62 DARE PROGRAM 31 31 62 FUTURE PATROL OFFICERS (1)SQD.RM.) (2)SQD.RM. (4)S�D.RM. FUTURE CLERICAL 72 72 144 FUTURE COMMUNIN SERVICES OFFiCERS 40 40 40 SUBTOTAL 468 689 854 987 1245 PUBLIC AREAS . > ;: >; , ; . ; >;. . ; COUNTER/RECEPTION 772 �72 2�� 2�� 2�7 QUIET"ROOM 0 120 120 120 120 SOFT INTERVIEW ROOM(FUTUR� 0 0 120 120 120 PUBUC TOILEi'S SHARED G. 320 320 320 320 SUBTOTAL 112 552 777 777 777 SEMI=SECURED`AREA ;: , ' <: ,;; _. > ;: _ _ _. _ ,.; :: . .. ;: . .:; FRONT COUNTER CLERICAL 139 224 224 224 294 CENTRAL FI�tNG 30 105 150 200 200 CONFERENCE RM./EOC 0 0 320 320 320 MEN'S LOCKER RM. 0 198 300 320 350 WOMEN'S LOCKER RM. 0 1C�4 104 200 200 GENERAL STORAGE AREA 38 99 150 150 150 ARCHIVAL STORAGE 160 160 200 200 COMPUTER ROOM/STORAGE 0 90 90 90 90 VIDEO VIEWING ROOM 0 81 81 g1 g� TRAINING ROOM/ROLL CALL(FUTURE� 0 0 0 585 585 SQUAD ROM 292 315 315 315 315 COPY ROOM 45 90 90 90 90 EXERCISE ROOM{SHARED W/C.H,) SHARED SHARED SHARED SHARED SHARED LUNCH RM.(SHARED W/C.H.) SHARED SHARED SHARED SHARED SHARED SUBTOTAL 544 1466 1984 2775 2875 .' . � ROSEMOUNT POLICE DEPARTMENT COMMISSION #: 1166.01 DATE: 5/03/90 � (CONTINUED) , _ _. '. DEPARTMENT JOB TITLE POP. 9000 POP. 9000 POP.12000 POP.15000 POP.20000 EXISTING CURRENT 5—YEAR 10—YEAR 15—YEAR SQ.FT. NEED NEED NEED NEED 1990 1990 1995 2000 2005 SECURED;AREA':>. » ;; . ... :`,: < ;; ' SALLY PORT GARAGE 470 480 480 480 480 � VEHICLE EVIDENCE GARAGE 400 400 400 400 400 PROCESStNG AREA 98 t 17 117 117 117 INTERROGATION/INTERVIEW RMS(72 S.F. EA.) 0 144 144 144 144 HOLDING ROOM(2)(72 S.F. EA.) 0 144 144 144 144 INTOXILIZER ROOM 0 72 72 72 72 TOILEf 25 45 45 45 45 j EVIDENCE STORAGE 112 120 150 150 150 � •PROPERTY STORAGE(Separate Bldg.) 250 256 300 350 400 .� 'SQUAD STORAGE(Separate Bldg.) 1200 1200 1440 14a0 1920 � , � SUBTOTAL 2555 2978 3292 ' 3342 3872 � � BUILDING<SUPPQRT:AREAS ::i ` ' : - ,. _. .. _ , _ ' MECHANICAL ROOM 100 200 200 200 200 ELECTRICAL ROOM 100 96 96 96 96 � EMERGENCY GENERATOR ROOM 85 100 100 700 100 � — — — — — SUBTOTAL 285 396 396 396 396 i � TOTAL NET S.F. 3964 6081 7303 8277 9165 � GROSS 35% S.F. 334 2,128 2,556 2,897 3,208 � TOTAL S.F. 5 671 8 20 1 174 , , 9 9,8 5 9 1 , 1 2,3 7 3 � ' "NOTE: PROPERTY STORAGE AND SQUAD CAR STORAGE ARE CURRENTLY IN ANOTHER BUILDING � {MNDOT BUILDING) ON THE MUNICIPAL SITE. THESE AREAS ARE INDICATED AS AN INTEGRAL INTEGRAL PART OF THE POLICE FACILITY IN THE PROJECTED SPACE NEEDS. � � � $ � � � p . . . . . . .. . �OSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS 'OMMISSION #: 1166.01 �ATE: OS/03/90 ,, .. . . ..,,.. ,: _,. . .:.. . ._ .. , . _ EPARTMENT POP.9000 POP.9000 POP.12000 POP.15000 POP.20000 EXISTING CURRENT 5—YEAR 10—YEAR 15-YEAR SQ. FT. NEED NEED NEED NEED 1990 1990 1995 2000 2005 i �MINISTRATION AREAS _ � _ . 'UBLIC WORKS SUPERVISOR 110 130 130 130 130 ! �ARKS SUPERVISOR 136 134 130 130 13� � :ONFERENCE ROOM(FUTURE� NONE 247 247 247 �ENERAL OFFICE(CLERICAL) NONE 169 336 :OPY/FILES/SUPPLY ROOM 84 100 100 168 336 3ECEPTION/LOBBY NONE 170 170 170 170 �ESTIBULE 57 70 70 70 70 'UBLtC TOILEfS NONE 96 96 96 96 :OATS NONE 20 20 20 'LAN &FILE ROOM(FUTURE� NONE 540 540 540 i JTILITIES SUPERVISOR(FUTURE� NONE 130 130 130 i i UBTOTAL 387 696 1633 1870 2205i HOP AREAS . <:: ` - ;: ;> , , , _ , , >. ; ,.:: , ; _ :. ,,,, : :.. ; IEHICLE MAINTENANCE&REPAIR 1920 1920 3100 37 QO 3100 I /EHICLE WASH BAY NONE 800 800 800 800 � !EHIC�E MAINTENANCE SHOP OFFICE NONE 120 120 120 120 =ORESTER/IRRIGATION SHOP OFFICE NONE 17g 17g 17g 17g � NOOD SHOP(FUTUR� NONE 1500 1500 75d0 I =QUIPMENT/WELDING REPAIR SHOP NONE 1500 1500 1500 1500 i AACHINE SHOP(FUTUR� NONE 320 320 � AETER REPAIR SHOP(FUTtJR� NONE 320 320 320 ; AEZZANINE STORAGE 480 550 700 850 1000 I i UBTOTAL 2400 5068 8218 8688 8838 i � ENTRAL'RECEIVING:B�'STORAGE ;:; ; ; > .>:. , , _:, , ,:;. �TAGING AREA NONE 400 400 400 400 'OOL CR(B NONE 100 200 320 I �IL STORAGE 138 144 144 144 144 =QUIPMENT ROOM NONE 84 84 84 $4 �AfNT STORAGE NONE 7 pp 7 g2 7 g2 �g2 I �HEMICAL STORAGE NONE 1D0 150 150 150 �ARTS STORAGE 336 560 700 850 10Q0 AtSCELLANEOUS BW STORAGE NONE 100 150 200 400 U BTOTAL 474 1488 1920 2220 2690 =HICLE 8�"EQUIPMENT'STORAGE : ;:: , ; , ,> . , :>: >;. ;<. �EATED STORAGE 4t80 18000 22500 22500 22500 I JBTOTAL 4180 18000 22500 22540 22500 ;ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS ICOMMTSSION#: 1�66.01 ;DATE: 05I03I90 ' '(CONTINUED) � I � ; >; : , ,; ; _ , <. . _ _ , _ ,; ,, ,<,. .:. _ ,,, : .. :. _ _. . IDEPARTMENT POP.9000 POP.9000 POP.12000 POP.1500Q POP.20000 � EXISTING CURRENT 5-YEAR 10-YEAR 15-YEAR ; SQ. FT. NEED NEED NEED NEED , i 1990 1990 1995 2000 2005 � .STAFF>St1PPORT AREAS ;: ` `` ' ( LUNCH ROOM 400 400 500 ' 600 720 '; •KITCHENNENDING 95 95 150 280 280 � •MEN'S TOILETS&LOCKERS 128 368 540 ' 620 700 i 'WOMEN'S TOILETS&LOCKERS 128 176 220 310 350 � I'BUILDING MAINTENANCE ROOM NONE 100 200 200 200 ! 'GENERAL STORAGE NONE 150 300 400 500 � +SUBTOTAL 751 1289 1910 2410 2750 � , � >;. , : i .GENERAL':AREAS . ,: '< :. .;,. ... . . ;: , ____ __. _ _. .., :... . : ;.. ;>: � _ _ .. ._ ._ . __ . . .. 'JANITOR'S ROOM NONE 25 50 50 50 � 'ELECTRICAL ROOM NONE 150 150 150 150 j � 'MECHANICAL ROOM NONE 350 350 350 350 ; SUBTOTAL 0 525 550 550 55Q � i TOTAL HEATED AREA NET 8192 27,066 36,731 ' 38,238 39,533 ; + 15% GROSS 532 4,060 5,510 ' 5,736 5,930 i. ; TOTAL 8724 `; ,: 31;126 42,24t . ; 43,974 > 45,463 + �UNHEATED;STORAGE ': 20Q0 : . ' 'S000 10000: 15Q00 20Q00 � . SAND &SALT.:STORAGE > OPEN YARD > >' '6000 >'6040 <6000 "` 6000 ' � Note: The assumption is that as the City increases � its unheated storage capacity to 20,000 s.f., the need for heated vehicle storage wiii level { out at about 22,500 s.f. over the next 15 years. ; i ROSEMOUNT FIRE STATION CONIIVIISSION�: 1166.01 DATE: 5/03/90 EXISTIlVG PROPOSED SQ. FT. SQ. FT. 1:::ADMINISTRATION AREAS : _ __ _ , . __ , .. _ 'FIRE CHIEF 120 131 'ASSISTANT FIRE CH1EF 120 126 'ASSISTANT FIRE MARSHALL 85 126 'TRAINING OFFICE 85 126 'OFFICER WORK AREA NONE 240 SUBTOTAL 410 'SECRETARIAL COMPUTER ROOM NONE 126 'CONFERENCE ROOM/FUTURE DORMITORY 297 360 'FILING AND SUPPLY ROOM NONE 181 SUBTOTAL 707 1416 2 ;::GENERAL AREAS ;:: ,,: ' ' ,< -.: >: , >: . ,..;:. _,.: «., ; ,,.:. „ _ _ 'LOBBYNESTIBULE/STAIR 137 621 'PUBLIC TOILETS NONE 516 'EXIT STAIR NONE 158 'ELEVATOR NONE 4$ "ELEVATOR EQUiPMENT ROOM NONE 95 'JANITOR ROOM 25 25 'ELECTRICAL ROOM NONE 150 'MECHANICAL ROOM 135 336 SUBTOTAL 2g7 1 g4g 3 >TRAINING/SUPPORT.:AREAS '' ' '' , _ ,: _ . __.::.. ,,.... >. ; _ 'TRAINING ROOM 980 2688 'PROPERTY ROOM NONE 96 'AUDIO VISUAL STORAGE 40 140 'DAYROOMlLOUNGE NONE 756 'KITCH EN 80 324 'MEN'S LOCKER ROOM 130 462 'WOMEN'S LOCKER ROOM 32 162 'EXERGISE ROOM NONE 782 SUBTOTAL 1262 5370 4. APPARATUS AREAS ' > ` - : ,;:... ...>: _ : __ 'DISPATCH 175 240 'APPARATUS ROOM 5056 12600 'HOSE TOWER �25 �2 'BREATHING E�UIPMENT/LAUNDRY ROOM NONE 736 'HOSE REPAIR/MAINTENANCE ROOM NONE 100 'STORAGE ROOM 100 544 SU BTOTAL 5456 14292 __ _ _,. _ __. _ _ ._ ; NET SQ. FT. TOTAL 7,722 23,027 GROSS SQ. FT. 10% 869 5,757 TOTAL SQ. Ff. 8,591 28,784 __ _ � _ _ _ _ _ . � � O � � a 0 � � _ � _ � a � . � .�._ _ ___ ._____ _ ____ _ _. .... .., _ _.., �_. ,. , � .__. , ,. ,�.rw+ee�l G;tl�L1Na���q� R1KlW+..1 a:n�a�..ar. (u,«ww�:.�:�. .,,.w,�..«y. .T . .. ....p .���:.....:�.,.� .. , , . FACiLiTY OPTIONS To test the projected 20 year space needs against the existing municipal buildings and site,four block plan site optons (A, B, C, and D) were presented to the Citizens Advisory Committee. The options are as follows: - OPTION A * Fire Station expands to existing facility. *Public Works expands to existing facility. Sand and salt storage, on alternate site. * Police moves into new addition. * City Hall expands into Police. OPTION B * Fire Station moves to new facility on alternate site. * Public Works expands on existing site and includes existing Fire Station. Sand and salt storage , and boneyard on altemate site. * Police Department expands into a new addition. * City Hall expands into Police. OPTION C * Fire Station moves to a new facility on alternate site. * Public Works moves to new facility on alternate site. * Police Department moves to remodeled existing Fire Station. * City Hall expands into Police space and into existing Public Works garage (Engineering,Parks and Recreation). OPTION D * Public Works moves to new facility on alternate site. * Fire Station expands to existing facility. * Police moves to remodeled existing Public Works facility. * City hall expands into Police space. The enclosed diagrams illustrate options A, B, C, and D which include alternative sites for both the Fire Department and the Public Works Department. A preliminary cost estimate was also prepared as an important part of the criteria to be considered in discussing the pros and cons of each option. (See Table 1) 4. �PT PHASING � . � � � . i: ���;' Rink ;�� Rink . . � I'• �__T� �; �' ' ' . . � . � _y _� �' I . ��. -----------==============:a.�--�-= �;� � N I: ----- -- -_,,.--- __ ---__ ____ _________ _ �; .i-- ..es-�• :,a.- -Fri'in-- _..-,.:�'!__.. ---' 'n'-- - •.�%` — ii .��� . � � _ i """"""' ""' .R" "? _ "`' ' ,i . i .. f i! �`. . �•' _ _ 'r•e . � . . ` . . • ''asY ' • 1 ' . � � .Sca,e . .er . � ��1�i ��,� . �; 't •3� ..�a I � i . �I��� �j�� � K ' .� , � 'f, 4�_'' . . � I�'� �f. � .. + . `�'� - __ .. . � I� '• { ` ' i _ �v . ^ ' `_��d� � _'_ -_"__' �. �b�. '"O� . � �` •.n" '_� _ . i :\� � � � � �`; tto-"" "' - ��_' ""__ _"' -- �• � � �� . '. •�„� � 1 . � ���sa:_. ._ --."'__"_ , -' __""- • • ♦ . . ,� � i y "__ 'r.-- =i--' -i= ' I_- --�_�. `"'- '-` . i �• ` �I • , �_��. �,`v. -y`_ '�t�Sf . _-- � � . .:.... _ ��'. • �� ::::::.. _ � � . ... ::.::•:1'.... ` _ � --- � .. . • �. �•f::::....:.:ll:•:} . . .. .. . .. . . .. �_ . .. . . ; '.�; t::: ............... _- pOLICE .;__ _, ",�- .- _ _ -_ ' • ► /y�/u-,1 ' Sn � '"_" " . ••N 1�•fll�Li•• _.9 , .. � � .. ... � w�1 ' �t. - _��r' _ --- - . ._ .� _ .. lWLJ�,M. '__�_-- K�' ' - ----•- _'i.r__ �1 .. - _ .�Z_ _ _ - _ _ -- � � - ' -- - - :+w RTH ONDSTREET�� 'i ' 222 NO SEC 1{� � r — , ia - - . _. •-�'_ ' . Q . i• '""' ' •.�� "" '` � MINNEAPOLIS MINNESOTA r ���� ,/�� _ _u• _ - --'-' "- , -_"' "-"'-' '_ "�_'� ` •�� � _ ' ,4 '�,. � ' -"' :.i� .-. _.--- - -- ---- i ..____ _ --'-- '-�- —�'_ Y:��r . 55407 (61213393752 ��; -- - � �r . -'�--- ;,__y--_-- �— ,i� U.,� * - y , , '. :••:.:::........... _ _ . �(—n'-. �... �EXISTNG GARAGE ----- � -- . • K -----��---- `'"� � ROSEMOUNT L9 �`_ '�>'• �t•' _ __ • � _ . -'� ---- �-' _.A-o-- '--�sr�' . -•y' - `� MUNICIPAL FACILITII _. , -- - -+se--_ � .._ ��c w�o�cs �' - ---_ - _ STUDY . � , . • �acPanisioN _ i i . � � . � � ,: • APTION A . � i ; �/ _ � y°9_-.._ /S.. ...•.�.... . • . _ � . ' . � ' - _ � . •"�'��''°'"�4•"�'" . City Hali expands into Police � ' � '•���.� �space end indutles new addition . ; . .. . . . - ; ' .' ".. .:., . 1 . .,:. _ •.. . ..."__ . � � � -"'�7 '•u--"� ` ;F��A�: Police moves'ntonew addition. . � � . � `j � . � " Pubiic Works expands to existing . F��AT�N }acility. Sand and salt storage, � --- ' EXPANSION � o".u°`"e`e�`°. Flre station expands to ezisting - �q{.�,`� � �� ••�i•.. �8��ury. ~� � i � _ �../ � � OPTION A � � . . . . +i;i.•' Rink � Rink � � � . � . . + . '-t,•.�,� . . . � � . . . _ � � I�, � � `------'--::..�s--..p-i� ��: � . . � � . . -----__-__=-_=__---=._�,;.--�.=;';.�, � N ` ���.�1f�_�� �� �_���__��__���_�'. . i. 11�' . � _ �__ __ "HS SI"".--Rf�yt��_�_��� 'f!t-.' � . . �— _ . ( ' '' .. � -_'___—___-__- -_ _ _� , � . ' I', . ... '- _- '/L. 'w' 1 ._ I .'..___.�_____ ..-. __.qh' � _ ..._� ,+, . 1 ' .. �I� . :'I � ' . , . +, . . C.�`. . . .. � . __���' � ; �'. � � •�• •1� y t fi � , � . SC��e �ee f ����� ����� " 'rn- � ' f O ��♦ :' s �,,�.� ` �� '�, ��� rA i.�, �f '" ' .,,, -- '.; ` .. ,,.•. � �� '��, _:'— � ,�•�, � u� �, � � �'i . -�Jo:"_ •-----i� - -------- ---- " ---- i� ' ' �. I � '- . . ., � ��'r:r_ _ --' , " - � __� _ - `` . • • • . � � t. �'�'._ •rr' �*i_ _ ' �' _t• � "_ i• �� .s�__ ��t : `r-, �_• � _ J,J�-H�, !f_..� , _ . _ r _ , f. {�jLJ� I. _�'' � ��-.)iY� �fa '�"�__ �'"_' �� � ' i' _ , _ _- �+ . ................. _. _ _ _ . , - :�-- - --- ��� -'.: �/u-', -- - - C `�, - Se"' ___'.-� _' :;:fl/�1Li•• r •••N�� V/ /� -t �� " _"___ . � . .<,.�_ � -- ��r" .. - -- -- - _ ;1 �•. - . - �--- ,,.- " -- '- � " "" L - '�" ' . �' - .r _ . I •�a, _ :r' - . 1f� ` - . - --_r.�� - � . � . - _ _ '. .;�'_ . . i - _ f. - 222 NORTH SECOND STREET i Q i` - - _ ' - - . . . 1� . _ _ - r �.� • �'� • . . -�-- �'-- - --' - = i •'��___ .. ...'-' -—'-9 _ _ - , _ - - � F . ��•, - _ -s= . M�NNEAPOUS,MINNESOTA ..- '--- ' '' -'-- - -' --- i •'�.•�-" " _ - � - � 55401 (612)339�7752 . � /R�',�r . ' � -4r_.. '"" - . ' '�+. . _ ' �-- -�-- �`�;����� ----� . _. - : � ,� Y��� ; �_-=` ---= ___E:�:�=� ROSEMOUNT � _w" � -- •" __._ ._, _ '-`y'" '• . � . ':s .� _9_0• _� ..�: -'"� � MUNICIPAL FACILITI� " . • � .-rae-- � . ';� � . --- , :,.. 3' . -- _ _ STUDY ; ' . - ' �ic w�cs - � ! . �" 9�e'_'- � � OPTION B . .. � _ � � . � . � �^S., � � � � . � � . ,V ',.l -_ _ _` . , t . � � _ City Hall expands into Police i , � � � � �' --'�"� � • space aod includes new additioi� Po�ice Dept.ezpantls inlo a new - � � . . ..��`� _ . addition. . � � �/ . � Public Works expands on existin�.� / site and includes existing Fire � Station.Sand and salt storage a�� . � . - �'Q / � ' � boneyaed on a8emate site. � � � � � . . . � � � . �� � • Fre Slaqon�moves to new iacilif�� . i on alternate sile. . oPTioN B . . � . i:,i;�..� Rink Rink � . . . . . . I•• � � �s�"• __�� i�� . � � . . _ � I'' -----'-_= r- n-==r•."" '�'�- �•' '� . \��_ N . --"'" "' ---'_' '-" -- '. rra - -' --'-"'-'-' . . I• . ""_'" _ .Hf"� ��5�-'.��Kl��y�'__'�..:�"t3l'_�l.�': ■� . �1 yy.���� ( . �__�������.�.� �.�. __�.�� - �� ��� �__�� ___ •li`� — I11 ;II � }. ' �/!h� ; i ___� � , I 1 '', ���.,•.. '�., • , '. , `�r,•` ��, . . , ' ./. ♦• � .1St�• 1 � i 3G],! et ����� ���♦+ _ � 't . . •;' ,l � ❑. ���1 '��� -/f. � '��` .�4` ��.. 11� K p``� __ l�j; �{ . i . �� ., .� �"- . _ . . � �.I� � � .ee. • J . e_____ ' _`.;p,•. _.�s•" �� � ^ �`. . _:.. _— __------ i � � ��,� � �•i • •�,o- ------ � '- ----- ---= ' "' -- i� ' ' �` � � � `�.,�_, • - ' ------- -- ' --- • � • .. � � '. �'1� � _ � .y "-_ �SI__.___- -...� --'- -- -_ -^_=�_ _ _ _ ` ` , � ,� �`� 1.., h �I �� ` • "t' . .. I ' •,.:.::�:��:� . , . . . .. . . �• . �.�.� •_�� � . . . ... . r,�. ��� —' .�" �,J`•��,� ,tf� __ " tr. �� � . � .. .... ...... . � `' h.' _` �� ' -���i- _ ` . .I' • �CITY HAL.1_ �' '- +5"" . . � .t... _�er" -_ .. i1� _' r•. . ' . '_' 'se' . .""' . ,�_' . . i :r' - � '�t, - . :�i � ' "'-+�O , - � . 222 NORTH SECOND STREET � : - - - - . . .- _ ""_ .r.� -}�}" . - ' ' . � •`f' _._._ '��� " - -s1_ _' _r.:- MINNE14POUS MINNESOTA r . ' -at•. _' ' ' '_' _" '- . '""__" _- . _ "s" � �� .u= - - . _..--- �-'-'"- � � . . ' -' - . . 7. ' - - - . �r 1 812 339-3 52 ���,, -- --�'"- - . . . 5540 l 1 _ �+.. "" " _"_ "' "'_' � ''�s _,_ _ . � t� � - - -- - � � .�r_ ' -"'" � -- " ' �a'.� . . ., .. � .: /�., _ . . _-w �' �+ _ � . , . ��: �� , -.. . ���� . , __ - --- -,x� . ----`-- -- . T ROSEMOUNT ,.. . :: - -•, . � �, �-- : �„�� :: �--�----; " � . . � � - ---- _ ,,:, • .J• _w" . - .:t,t �. "'" ._a _S�-O". '-�` . � ' � -•�'" � � � MUNICIPAL FACILtTU � � '- -- --°6a--- .i+ ._ ; � --- -.. STUDY , :,.. 3 � _ _ , . � . . . ' -- _.. - � OPTION C . � i . `' "' �&e, .'- ' � , ' . . b ,., , _ _ rl 'f• .. .......... . Gty hail expands inta Police sp.��. � . 4^� _ �� "��E"� � and into ezisting Public Works g.�. . � . . ` '- '� ' .��_�� (Eng.Park&Rec.) � ,``'� Police Dept.moves to remodelea - � �'� ` � Fire Station. . � � ' .- , / •. . " Pubiic Works moves to new tacil���, � .� alternate site. Fire Station moves to naw facilify � . �q�`„ � / � /. altemate site. .. � . . � . •11� �/ / i � / - OPTION C i,, � �� � � -�-�"��!'i.�� Rink �Rink � . .. . . . . . ' I•. �_"__"'_ '�� '_�-� • � __. _�. ���. ------------ :u,�..�.� ii � � I� "" "' " -�st.res•"'.�s�-"=�iri::y "_"' 'ss"'�. - �i�' ��' _I, ..I ,.• . . ' ,. . . _ --' - _-- i � � . . . . ___' ""; : ; . � • - --"=�-'-. � -. rv. ....i,. .._. • ' �"'-"-":__',-. .. •""""-'-'--•-'-'-"""'z-' --'---'_- ` � .;, ,1 --'�" ' ---- �J,'; ' �'1 e�` _ '�. �r . �� � � � s�o.� ..� ��i�: :�i�1 i . � --'''�. .� a � 1��• .��� i� K � � ' `�4� f� �� I��;: i� ;. , �i . � ,���, L �: !' , •. .ss-. ' � r '+v_ � '- �;I t ,p.`1 ^�"'"� __"`' / 'C �.,i� � `'Jo'°--•------,'- "� ---��---- �. i� ' • �` � • '�^'`' ' . ` , ,'r ---- ,--' =_- �_--_- -_=_-�_ :--�-_ ;� • � ' �. '�� e,'"--,�._ �J'- ., �'�` -�-. �••, � --- � � '" _.ae__ _ _ :� � I ' •` ... � . • � 111 J `J 'N�� ` ` �Tl--� '=�_- _ . . ��_ •�f�. � . I� _A� ��, y �/f�-' __._ _ , '-— . �i - ................ . 1 , _ . _ -, • � � — . � �"_syJ' _ "_ ,s��_ _ .(' ' � 5°'� "" - , " 7 - - � :$Mi N.'HA�L•• _ � . -- - --- I -t..._ '----'sv'" " _, - _ ---- - �1� _. • -- ..•' - - - �� _ ---- - _ .,_ �«_ :;.- _ _. . :� _ _ -- ,,, _ ..J. • ^ , - 't' ' � N RTH N TR r' — 222 O ECO D S EE7 . �• S i• ' � _ . r •,• ""' -se•. '�•�_ -- - -- ' ' '��__ . - "•'-' - _ . -u MINNEAPOLIS�MINNESOTA _ ..� ,�� . . . ""'';"� ' _"" " "_' i •,cs.__ "__" """- , - _�-_ �." � ~ r �2 . 55401 (612�3393752 � _. /� � . _... ....._.::�� -- 4�_ __ r _. !�� ' -,t.•i ' `v . • ,• ',� ' �, ::•::•?::t:. _ .... ...... ,. . ......... .:::::.�::. . �; �- � -�--- � _ ..x � -- --- --== -- R4SEMOUNT .� _w" . • ."' �Y�a' t, --«.s �. """ " 'P_O• '�, , �"'�� � MUNICIPAL FACILITIE .. � . . � � '- " .-asa-'_- � � ., , � . _ .. .. . .._ , . � �>>. _ ----- � STUDY , - _.__ � . i � . ` " 'cB^_._4� .'f. OPTION D � . _ ......... . S �� -- _ ' •+�. ' � ' •..F�.. ' City Hall expands into Police spaa . . .,` ._,-_ ' __. � ' � --��:� �'+u-+' �� � • Pofice moves to remotleled existin� 4) � � ' �AT�J �� Public Works facility. --_ _ . " Fire Station expands to existing � . / � . �facility. � . � � . . • Public Works moves to new faciliP; q� . j alternata site. / ' . . . . . . . Yr, / . . . / / OPTION D �III .�_�� - - - � \ ,.. .. . .• , � �,;: .:;;� •. .. A � __-.`. ��SF � , �'"•�, p C/TY \ PROPOSED . . . W ST,qF�T \ RESIDENTIAL •• • v w \ DEVELAPMENT • • � ( 27 PAPoCING SPACES ' \ � � � .. . .�. .�. . .. . `'. . \ .. . . . . . . .. . ... . . � � . . . . r I � � N � ,` \ � � 222 NORTH SECOND STREET � � ���"""' � MINNEAPOUS,MINNESOTA � . . � . 55401 (612)3393752 ::::;pry � � :;:;` IictlC:; 2 � � ROSEMOUNT . ( � , \ . ):�f�:�?:��?::�:::�??Y: 25 PAflKNlG \ . . . , ��'.'�PROPOSED�.��•�::: �� , .� MUNICIPAL FACILITIE I :� FIRE STATION ':; STUDY . I \ ALTERNATIVE SITE II FOR NEW FIRE STATION � 1.75 ACRES � PHASE 2 � . ( � . � � I � � PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT � NEW FIRE STATION OPTION �`� �/ � t �� � �'-_,--'"� ( (.• �. . - _ .. _ _ — {/,� �.�� ������� � ' _�� r �1��. .���1 j� -�� 7 '�'-�� � ' ^,�-.�-�. ,.. »,. � r�,r ,,.. f:1�t:.�,�--.�`.-r�' y f ��l – 3 �; UNHEATED STORAGE SAND&SALT �� • • �. - � t STORAGE YARD • � ' �` STORAGE I `�l . � �ws (� � � � � 222 NORTH SECONO STREET � MINNEAPOLIS,MINNESOTA .. . _ � . . 55401 (612)339-3752 � �\• II I ( � ROSEMOUNT ! I I I I 1 I I I ; � MUNICIPAL FACILITIE� ' � STUDY .�.�.•,. ,.:.�.�� � �..., VEHICCE STORAGE � jr.�` ;i ^ ,�� 1`t-�� � SHOPS& .`\'iV \ ,��—�.��� ADMINISTRATION ��� ��•. ./��`� � . `' � ,> 'C;y;"�"=;'•�� \.'�. I'. '�1� . �i�"'�,'''`.f`, _ ,�'��`�.•.�^�;;���l.i �� ,t .� \I!� i � �i•i _ / � � .. . . � � . �,�--�- ���c S��S \��1"�* �' _��`�/ _c_` r • � �� �.: � t�r��,ii ; .� �. . ., , :, �.G'�:rr ,. .• '�"-- -�;i l\��•V .� < i,� }/i\ � �� .�.. i � . �y�'1e-) �/` �r � ,�_ - . . . . . . . . � � . ' �.+-.�.�.��...��� ��- ----------.�.� - . . . . � NEW PUBLIC WORK� SCALE �.,.o , o OPTION . TABLE 1 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT OPTION A OPTION B OPTION C OPTION D . MUNICIPAL FACIUTIES STUDY . 'City Hal1 expands iMo Police 'Ciry Hall expands into the 'Ciry hall expands into Police 'City Hall expantls into Police Dept. � FACILITY COST OPTIONS and includes new addition. Police space and includes new space antl into existiap Public 'Police moves to remotleled exfsting 10-15 YEAR SPACE NEEDS PROJECTION •Police moves to new addition, addition:� . Works garage(Eng.,Park,8 Rec) Public works facility. � � 'Public Works expands lo existing 'Public Works expands on exisling 'Police dept.moves to remo0eled 'Fire Station expantls�o existing �� Iaciliry. Santl antl salt storage. � �site and includes existing Fire existing Fire Station. laciliry. _ � boneyard,and unheated storage on Stalion.Sand and salt stwage and 'Public Works moves to new lacility 'Public Works moves ro new facility . � alternate sire. . boneyard on alternate site. on alternata site. on alternate site. 'Fire Station expantls to existing •Fire StaUon moves to new facitity 'Fire Station moves to new faGlity . �faciliry. on allernate site. on altemate site. � �;�a;4; . _;{a s ����;' r .:;:?E:."��SMY-'&�'.i�Y��s>.,.��.�'�"..�.3 2sa,�" � Y . . . . .. . .�. .. . .. . .... . . . � . 7. CI7Y HALL/POUCE � � � . � � .NEVJ CONSTRUCTIONlEXPANSION 575-585 S.F 57,327,700 � � 51,327,700 � . 3321,470 5630,700 � .REMODEL El(ISTING FACIUTY�1520-550 S.F. 5100,000 I � 5100,000 5799,450 5592.000 � � . .S�TE DEVELOPMENT � . 325.000 j . 525,000� 530,000 530,000 � � .FURNISHINGS 8 EQUIPMENT � 5124,000 . � 5124,000 � S/24,000 � .5724,000 . . - .CONTINGENCY @ 70% 3157,670 5157,670 5127.500 5137,6�0 .PROFESSIONAI FEES 5126,100 5126,100 5102,000 5110,730 .LAND COSTS NONE NONE NONE NONE SUBTOTAL: � 37.860,470 57,860,470 31,504.420 St,624,500 � . �2. PUBLIC WORKS . � � �.NEW CONSTRUCTIONlEXPANSION @ 550 S.F. 51,863J50 57,843,150 52,273,/50 82,273,150 .. - : .REMODEL EXiSTING FACILITY @ 530 S.F. 5100.000 � 5175,000 (F.S.8 P.WJ NONE . NONE .SITE DEVELOPMENT 360.000 � �360,000 5120,000 5120,000 � .VEHICLE AND SHOP EQUIPMENT � 5750.000 � S15D.000� � 5150,000 5150,000 . .SAND AND SALT STORAGE ENCLOSURE 390,000 590.000 590,000 590,000 � � � ��� .UNHEATED STORAGE @ 528 S.F. � � 3560,000 � 5336,000 (12.000 S.F.) 5560,000 5560,000 .CONTWGENGY @ 10% 3282,300 5265,400 5319,300 . . 5379,300 _. .PROFESSIONAL FEES 327t.700 5199,000 5239,500 5239,50Q .LAND COSTS 530,000 (3 ACRES) 520,000 (2 ACRES) 5150,000 (70-15 ACRES) 5750,000 (70-75 ACRES) SUBTOTAL: 53,347,150 53,138,550 33,90t,950 33.907,950 . . 3. FIRE STATION - � .NEW CONSTRUCT910N/EXPANSION @ 585 S.P. 51,775.640 32,446,640 52,446,640 � 57,715,640 . .REMODEI EXISTING FACILIN @ 335 S.f. 5126.000 . NONE NONE . � 3126,000 � .SITE DEVELOPMENT 525,000 565.000 365.000 525,000 � � � � .FURNISHINGS AND EOUIPMENT E75.000 � 375,000 E75,000 $75,000 . � .CONTINGENCY�1 10^h � 5194,200 3258.600 � 5258,600 5794,200 - �� � � .PROFESSIONAL FEES � 5145,600 5194,000 5794,000 5745.600 . -� ..�AND COSTS NONE � 560,000 (3 ACFES) � 360,000 (3 ACRES) NONE � � SUBTOTAL: 52,287,aa0 � 53,099.2a0 53,099.2a0 52,287,aa0 � � � . .._... _....... .__._. . .._.. .. ._. . . .._.... _._._....... ., .: �. ��.. - , . . , .. � -. � :: :: .� ., .. . ; . .: ,.. . .: .., .��; . ...>.. � .,.. � . : .. . � TOTAL: . S7,a89.060 � I � � 58,098,260 � 58.505,610 57.807,890 ' � INf�AT10N FACTOR: A00 3%PER YEAR FOR� � � EVERY YEAR BEYOND t99t TABLE 3 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PHASE 1 CURRENT NEED PHASE II 5-10 YEAR NEED PHASE ill 10-15 YEAR NEED PHASE IV 15-20 YEAR NEED MUNICIPAL FACILITIES STUDY 'Fire DepL: New faciiiry�on altamate 'Fire OepL: Pu�chase land lor •Fire DepL: Review NeeO 'Fire DepL: Review Neetl . PHASING CONCEPT FOR OPTION C site potential satenite Iire station Options�o expand to main based on city growth& � � 'Public Works: Acquires the existing 'Pubiic Works: New laciliry 35,000 s.f. staUon or builtl satellite � evaluate options Fire Station and remains at existing 'Police: Potential OpUons station � 'Public Works: 3,500 s:L � � -- � _ � Public Works garage � � a.remodel existing lire statbn 'Pubiic Works: 2,000 s.f. addition to facility . 'Police: Acquires lower level exercise ti.remodel existing P.W.bltlg. addition to tacility 70,000 a.f.unheated storage room 8 Ixker rooms,SgLs office& � c.new addilion lo Ciry Hall � . 10,000 s.f.unheatetl storage 'Police: 1.200 s.f.expansion � � quiet room re-assignetl ro DepL 'City Hall: Potential Options 'Poiice: 1,315 s:f.expansion . 'City Hall: 831 s.f.expansion 'Ciry Hall: Public Works AdmiNEng. a.expand imo area vacated 'Ciry Hall: 843 s.l.expansion . � . . � moves ro Pubflc Works facllity .by Police DepL � � , Availbale sDace is recontigured b.new addition to City Hall 7. FIRE STATION � NEED:22,684 S.F. PROPOSED:22,684 S.F. � OPTIONS: � AN EXPANDED MAIN FIRE STATION .NEW CONSTRUCTION/EXPANSION @ 585 S.F 51,928.740 PURCHASE LAND A.EXPAND 6J00 S.F.TO MAIN STATION �OR THE TWO STATION OPTION SHOULD . - .SITE DEVELOPMENT � �� 545.000 FOR POTENTIAL � � 3625,000 IMEETTHE FIRE SERVICE.NEEDS .FURNISHINGS AND EOUIPMENT � $60.000 . SATELUTE � B.BUILD SATE�LITE � �OF FOSEMOUNT FOR THE NEXT 20 YEARS .CONTINGENCV @ 10% 5203,300 FIRE STATION STATION(7,500 S.F.) . � .PfiOfESS10NAL FEES St52,500 SB50.000 � .LAND COSTS(3 ACRE SIT� 560,000 335,000 (2 ACR SIT� � SUBTOTAL: 32,a48,940 535,000 �� . 2. PUBLIC WORKS NEED:31,726 S.F. PROPOSED:15,040 S.F. � NEED:42,241 . ROP SED:35,000 S.F. NEED:43,974 S.F. PROPOSED:42,000 S.F.� NEED:95,463 S.F. PROPOSED:45,500 S.F. .NEW CONSTRUCTION/EXPANSION @ S50 S.F � NONE $1.75Q � 5350,000 3775,000. - .REMODEL EXISTING FACIUTY @ 530 S.F. 525.000 NO - N/n N!A .SITE DEVELOPMENT . NONE 37 ,000 570,000 35,000 . .VEHICLE AND SHOP EDUIPMENT NONE � 00,000 _ 350,000 510.000 . .SANO AND SALT STORAGE ENCLOSURE �NONE 592,000 OMPLETED COMPLEfED .UNHEATED STORAGE @ 528 S.F. (RETAIN OFF SIT� (PUBLIC WORKS GAflAGE� $280,000 $280,000 . .CONTINGENCY @ 10�h 52,500 5206,200 569,000 $47,000 .PROFESSIONAL FEES (CIN STAF� $144,3a0 548,300 532,900 � .LAND COSTS 5150,000 (10-75 ACRE SITE) ; N/A . � N/A N/A SUBTOTAL: $177.500 i 52,412,540 5807,300 5549,900 . � 3. POUCE DEPARTMENT NEED:8,209 S.F. PROPOSED:6,970 S.F. NEED:9,859 S.F. NEED:77,774 S.F. NEED:12,373 S.F. .NEW CONSTRUCTION/EXPANSION NONE IA•REMODEL EXiSTING FIRE STATION . 5124,930 Si 14,000 .REMODEL EXISTING fACIUTY � 550.000 � � $933,520 NONE NONE � .$ITE DEVELOPMENT � NONE 8.�REMODEL EXISTING P.W.BUILDING 56,000 36.000 .FURNISHINGS AND EOUIPMENT 56.000 � 31.013290 313,150 . $72,000 .CONTINGENCY @ 10% 55,600 . C.NEW POLICE ADDITION TO CIN HALL � 514,400 $13,200 - .PROFESSIONAL FEES 55,600 '�� � S1,237,940 �314,400 513,200 � � RANGE:5933.520-31,237,9a0 SUBTOTAL: . � � 567,200 ��SEEBREAKDOWNTABLE4 St72.880 5158,400. � . � � 4. C�7Y HALL � � NEED:16,800 S.F. PROPOSED:14,000 S.F. � �NEED:18,764 S.F. � NEED:79.607 S.F. NEED:20,438 S.F. � .NEW CONSTRUCT�ON/EXPANSION � � NONE I 383,100 563,230 $62,325 � .REMODEL EXISTINCa FACIUTY . � 325,000 � � � �5764.520 (UNKNOWN) (UNKNOWN) � � � .SiTE DEVELOPMENT . NONE . j� NONE 55.000 � 55.000 . .FURNISHINGS ANDEQUIPMENT 36,500 � 545.000 $8,000 58,000 .CONTINGENCY @ 10% 33.�50 ' S29,260 37,620 57,530 . .PROfESSIONALPEES � $3.t50 � 323.400 57,000 36.020 � SUBTOTAL• E37,800 5345.280 590,850 588.875 TOTAL: 52,737,a40 ,RANGE:53,726,3a0-34,030,760 Si,07i,030 5797,775 . INFLATION FACTOR: 53,147,756 IRANGE:Sa,844,242-35,239,988. 51.552,994 51,275,480 .. n���. rrnvr•ncnq � � . . � I . i . � � �. � . � � � . . . . . . . . . .. . . � . . . . . � . . � . . � . . . I . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . : . . � � . .. �. � . � . .. . . �. . . � . . :� . . . � �. �. . . . . . . . ' • � . � . . . . w . � . . . . . . . . . �• � � � � � .. . . .. � : � � � � � . . :. . � . . . . � � � ' � . . �. . 4. OPTION PHASING , , � ; .i � .� . � � � . ; OPTION PHASING Taking into account future City growth, long range planning, land use, and cost, the Citizens " Advisory Committee reached a concensus in favor of Option C as the most appropriate solution#or � Rosemount's long term goais and objectives. ; OPTION C-LONG TERM MASTER PLAN � 1. FIRE STATION MOVES TO A NEW FACILtTY ON A 3 ACRE RLTERNATE SITE. * Rosemount's fire protection needs can best be served by building a new facility in a centralized site. A new station located in the West of Rosemount where residential development is concentrated wiii be able to meet the City's needs more effectively and efficiently. * In this new location the Fire Department wili yield a larger number of volunteers who live in the immediate area of the station, therefore, improving the Fire ; Department's response time. " * A new facility wouid adequately house the City's existing vehicies as weU as provide space for future fire apparatus. A new facility woufd also be able to � accommodate the expanded and expanding administrative, training, and - operational needs. k * The Phasel construction of a new Fire Station wiil maintain excelient short-term � coverage to urban residential areas of Rosemount while keeping options open for future expansion when there would be a need of an additional satellite station. fi * The present fire station location does not and will not fit well into the City growth � trends. The current use of land surrounding the existing station is not conducive to the recruiting of volunteers. Overtime this lack of volunteer personnel will have { an increasingly negative effect on the Fire DepartmenYs response time. ( � 2. PUBLIC WORKS MOVES TO A NEW FACILITY ON A 10 ACRE ALTERNATE SITE. � * The relocation of the Public Works facility would be consistent with the City's long range land use plan to maintain a"greenway" connection from City Hall to � adjacent leisure and recreational areas of the City. � � � � � * The relocation of the Public Works Department wilt allow for the potential expansion and future redevelopment of other municipal facilities on the existing � municipal site. * Moving the Public Works facility away from the City Hall omits the visual and ' functional conflicts that exist with the Public Works Department's outside storage, z fueling, and heavy vehieular traffic from the City Hall site. * Relocation would allow the Public Works Department to consolidate its facilities in one location to maximize efficiency and minimize duplication. * A 10 acre site would allow for future expansion. * A new facility would provide service, security, and protection for the City's significant vehicle and equipment investments as well as provide a functional environment for its Pubiic Works employees. 3. CITY HALL/POLICE EXPANDS ON EXISTING MUNICIPAL SITE * This a8ows the City staff to expand and augment its recent investment in a new City Hall to its fullest. * The existing location of City Hall and Police Facility enforces and serves as a catalyst to the historic downtown area. * The relocating of the Public Works Department and the Fire Department allows for future expansion of City offices and Police either at the existing City Hall or into other vacated buildings on the site. PHASE 1 1-5 YEARS 1. In the first five years of implementation, the building of a new 25,OOQ s.f.fire station on an alternate 3 acre site takes place. (145th Street West and Shannan Parkway area). 2. As an interim measure, the Public Works Department acquiresthe existing fire station to alleviate a portion of their space needs. No remodeling of the existing fire station is recommended for this phase. In addition to the existing fire station, the Public Works department continues to use the existing Public Works buildings as well as the leased space from the University. 3. City Hall reallocates space as follows: * Public Works administration and engineering moves to the previously remodeled portion of the existing Public Works facility. An additional bay of the facility would be remodeled for a plan and file room and map area. * Park and Recreation on the lower level relocates back to the upper level of City Hall. Community Development and the copy and file area expands into available space. * The front counter area expands into the upper lobby along with licensing. * On the lower level, thePolice Department re-acquires the Sergeant's office and quiet room. The exercise room converts to an emergency operations center and the locker rooms reconfigure to al(ow for access from the squad room. 4. A 10 acre site zoned "commercial/industrial" is purchased for the future Public Works Facility. a��+ e f{ 3 I PHASE II 5-10 YEARS � ! 1. (n the second five year period,the purchasing af a 1.5 acre site for a potential future � sateilite fire station occurs. 2. Relocate ali Public Works maintenance and fieid operations to a new 35,000 s.f.facility on the City owned 10 acre parcel of land purchased during the first five year period. Also, the Public Works administration and engineering have ihe option of moving to the new#acility. 3. City Hall/Police Building has the option of expanding in the following ways: * The Police Department can either expand with an addition to City Hall, or with an addition and remodeling to the existing fire station, or with an addition and remodeling to the existing Public Works building. , * The city offices have the options of expanding by expanding into the lower level , police area, adding and addition to the existing Ciry Hall, or expanding into the iexisting public works facility and introducing a physically enclosed connection to t City HaIL � * The Parks and Recreation Department has the option of potential relocation to the new community center/armory. ' � _ � 4. The other buildings on the municipal site need to be dealt with. The pole barn and the Minnesota Department of Transportation buildings can be demolished. Pending the Police Department's selection of facility options,the existing fire station could be converted to a � recreational faci(ity or a community meeting center. The Parks and Recreation department has the option of remodeling the existing Public Works facility for administration, registration, and storage. !f there is no suitable need far this building, it should be � demolished. � Table 3 (enclosed) indicates the potential work scope and cost impacts for the phasing of Option C over a period of 20 years. It is important to note that this phasing plan serves only as a guide and should be flexible depending on actual City development, population growth, and service � policy. � � , 4 1 : i � � � � _ . TABIE 3 CiTY OF iiOSEMOUNT PHASE I CURRENT NEED PHASE 11 5-10 YEAR NEEQ PHASE NI 10-15 YEAq NEED PHASE IV t 5-20 YEAA NEED MUNiCIPAL FACIUTIES STUDY .� � � � � �'Fue D�1.'�New taciliry on alternate. � . •fi�e Dept.: Purchaze�aaO Iw.. .. -Fire Oept.: Review Neetl . � � 'Fire Dept.:Review Neetl � .. . PHASING CONCEPT FOR OPTION C site oote'uial satenite�ire sfation Opswns�o e�roaeuf to mnin • baseC on c�ty prowm 3 . . . . . � 'Public WO�kS: ACQui795 IhB axtsiinp: . . 'PUbNC WOrkS: Nbw�tOCiiity 35.000 S.L � ffiatian W bUiW Sat811ite . . . 9valu2te OptiOns � . � . � � . � . . � � frca Su�ion an0 remains ai existing .. �. 'PWice:Polential Optiorts staiion � .. . 'PuC7ic Waks: 3.500 s.L � � � � � � Pub1iC WMkS pdnge a.remafei 8xi5tinq!ire stati0n � . .. � 'Pub1iC Works: 2.000�s.f. . � . atlCifion lo taCiliry. . . . � � � �� � � . �.� � � � . 'Pdice: ACAuiresJower ieve!exercise . � � D.remo0el existing.P.W.bltl9• � � . aCtlition to faCiiity � � : . .. � 10.000 a.l,unheatea storaqe� . . . .� � . . . . .. raom 3 Jacxer rooms.S9�.s oflice 3 �� � c.naw atltlition ro City Halt. � � � 10.00o sJ.unnea�etl staaQe . � � •Police: t.200 s.t.exaansion . � . . . � � � � . �pwet tOOm r9-a55ignetl to Oept. 'City Hell: POtenlial Op1iOn3� � 'POlice: 1.315�s.1.exP�nsiOn � 'City H211: 831 S.L BxDan5i0n � .. � � . � � . � . . . . � � : . •f,'i1y Hall: PuC1iC WQtks AtlmiMEng.� a.e�sQd(W into area�v3Cat80 ��.� � . � 'City Hall: 80.3 s.t.expansion ��� � .� .. . . . , � � . .. � . . . . � � � . mpves to Pub1iC WOtks f3C�Iity� � . .. by Police Dept. � . � � .. � . � � � � . . � . . . � . � �� �. .. . � . � � . � .. Avaiibale space is reconffgured � b.new aaCition to Ciry Hall� � � . . . � . . . . . . � . ' . . � t. FIRE STATION � � � NEEO:22.68s S.f. PROPOSED:22,68a S.F. � � � �� � � OPTIONS: � � � . � IAN EXPANDED�.MAIN FIRE STATION� � � � . � � � .MEW CONSTFUCTIONIEXPANSION @ 585 S.F � 57.928.to0 � �PURCNASE LANO � � . � A.EXPAND 6,700 S.F.TO MAIN STATION �OR THE TWO S7ATION OPTION SHOULD�. � .$ITE DEVELOPfdENT Sa5.000 POA POTENTIAL 5625.000 IMEET THE PIRE SERVICE NEEOS .FURNISHINGS AND EOUIPMENT S60.OD0 SATELLITE 8.BU110 SATELUTE �OF AOSEMOUNT FOfl THE NEXT 20 YEARS .CONTINGENCY @ t0% 5203:300 F1RE STATION STATION(7.500 S.F.) � � .PROFESStONAI FEES . � . . St 52..500�.. . .�� � � . . � � � �. � .�. � � � 5850.000� . . . . . . .LAND COSTS{3 ACRE SITE� 560.000 535.000 (2 ACAE SITEj � . . � .� SUBTOTAI:� �. � . . � 52.�8.9a0 � . � .� �. .� �� 535.000 �� � . � .. � . . � � . . �. �� � : � � �. . � � �. � � . � � 2. PUBLIC wOqKS � � NEcO:31,726 S.f.�PAOPOSEO:t5.0a0 S.F � 'NEED:a2.247 S.P. PROP4SED:35.Dfl0�S.F. NEED:a3.97a S.f. PqOPOSED:a2,000 S.F. � NEED:95.s63 S:F. PAOPOSED:a5,500 S.F. � . . . . . �.NEYJCOtdSTRUCT10N1EXPANSJON(�?ESO�S.F. . . ....NOtdE.. . �. . . . .�. .. St.7S0.000. � .. . . .. . . .. .5350.000 . ..,. . .. .� � .. . �. .. E175,Q00. . . . � . � . . .REMOOEI EXISTING fACIt17Y @ 530 S.F. 525.000 NONE N/A I N!A . . � .$�TE OEVEtOPMENT.� � NONE . . . i . St20.000 � . � � � St0,000 � �. . . . 55.000 � . . . � .VEHICLE AND.SHOP E�UIPMENT � � NONE � �I. � S100,000 550.000� . . 570.000� � � � � � � � ,SAND AND SALT STORAGE ENCLOSUAE � � NONE � � � � I 592.000 .� � COMP�EtED � COMPLETED � � � . .UNHEATEO STORAGE @ 528 S:F. � (REfAW�OFF Sit� � I � (PUBI.�C WORKS GARAGE} . �� � 2280,000 � � � � � . 3280.000 : � � . � .CONTWGENCY @ 10% � 52.SW.�.� . � 5206.200 . � . � � � S$9.000 . � � � . .� � �Sa7.000 . . � � � � � .PFOFESSIONAL FEES . . � � (CITY STaF� . . S1aa.340 . . � � . � . � S<8.3W � . � . .� 532.900 . � .. �. . � . .LANO COSTS � . � . 5750.000 (10-75 ACRE SITE� �; . . . N!A � . � . N!A . . � N!A � . . . . . . � � SUBTOTAL. � . . � � � 5177.500 � .� . . _� � � 52.4t2.5a0 . . � � � �.5807.300 . � . . . � � � S5a9.900 . � � . . � � � . � . � � . . . � . � � � . � .. � . 3. POUCE DEPaR7MENT NEED:8.209 S.F. PRpPOSED:6.9t0 S.F. NEEO:9.859 S.F. NEED:tt.77a S.F. `NEEO:t2,373 S.F. .:NELV CONSTRUCTIONlE%PANSION . NONE � � � IA.RpdODEL EXISTiNG FIflE STATION 5124.930 . . � St ta,000 � . � .HE►.�OOEL£XiSTwG FaCIUTY t50.D00 � 5933,520 NONE NONE .3�TE DEV£LOPMENT NONE 8.flE0.f00E1 EXtSTING P.W.BUIlD1NG 56.000 56.000 .FURNiSHiriGS aN0 EOUIPnnENT 56,000 57.Ot3.290 513.150 5�2,000 � .�CONTiNGENCY @ t0ak . � � 55.600 � . � C.NEW POUCE ADDITION TO CiTY HALL � 514,400 � �� � � � f73.200 � � ' . .PROFESSIONAI FEES � � . � � 55.660 . . . S7.237.940 . . � � S1a.400 � � St3.2Q0 � . � . .. � � .� � � � . � � . � � �:RANGE:5933.520-51.237.9a0 � . � . . � � � . �. � � � .� � � . � SUBTOiAI: - � � . � �. .561.200.. � � ��SEE BREAKDOWN TABIE a � � . �St�2,880 � �� � . . � fi58.d00 � � � �. � � � � � a. CITY HALL� NEED:76,800 S.F. PROPOSED:ta,000 S.F. ��NEED:18.)6a S.F. � NEEQi t9.607 S.F.� . - � NEEO:20.a38 S.F. � � � � . � � . � � � .NEW CONSTRUGTIONlEXPANSiON � . � .� NONE � . . ! . � � 583.100 � . � . � 563.230� ' �� � . . 562.325 � � . � � � .REMODEL EXISTINf,FACiUTY . � . 525,000 � � . .�5164,520 � � NNKNOWN) � � . (UNKNOWN) � � . .91TE DEVELOPMEMT NONE i NONE 55.000 t5.000 � � .fUHNi$HINGS AND EQUIPMENT � � . 56.500 � � � � 5+�5.000 . . � . �� . SB.000 � I � � �58.000 � � � . . .. . � . :CONTINGENCv c�D i0',u � � . � . . 53.�50 � � � � � �.� 529,260 . . . � � 57.620 � . .. I � 57.530 � . . . . .PNO�ESSIONaIfEES . . . � 53.t50 � � � S2a.app .. � � � � 57.000 � . . � . 56.020 . . SUBTOTAL: 597.840 5345.280 590.850 I 588.875 � ". � � ��T07A1: . .� � � . . E2.73t,aa0 � . � AANGE:�S3.726.3a0-54.030.760� � � � St.07t.030 , � . . I 5797.175� � � � . � . � . . . �. INPI.A7�ON F.4C70A: . . . S3.�at.�56� � ;RAMGE:ba.9aa.2a2-.55.239.989. St.552.994 � . . � St.275�.a80 �� � � . . . . . ��� ��� . . . �1��` .��•� ��� ��� _ . . I(� . . . . . � . ��� . --- ENTRANCE � � � �:;:�>:� C� DEPUTY � LIf�HSMlG' . ...�. :::.:: :•:.: ..... _ . .;:w.:•::•;:::.; . • � - ' CXTY ; . �' PARK BUILDWG FNANCE PNANCE t�BLLS ' j.� • • V �' PlAltER :; � &REC. OFFICAL DWEC70R DIREC'fOR :?: ♦ • ♦ �� DIHECTOR . . ... � ;:i�ci�t;t STAFF STOR. . TOILETS ...;.; . . �. :::.:::• . COMP _. .. . . . . . . RM. . . F/tANQE. .,, LABBY .. . .. . . . . . .. .. . . � � . . � CENTRAL FILES�_ . . �G � . � pqq�( �PAHK � PLAN 4 REC i HEC � � � :� . . &�. ���.�RECEPTIOMST � . 222 NOHTH SECOND STREEf � I p�q�.�, I . � MINNEAPOIiS,MINNESOTA � MpR B�� . . � � 55101 �612)339•3752 ' SEC. � :;.COPY.,:jt;i; PLAN glpG, I E�E�A,�R � ROSEMOUNT _ ::: ,� :::: Z�� �. .::: ��. , CONF. .. '1' RDOM����' COh1. RM. � . . � DEV. SEC SEG . . � . :..;'•��:<;::: �o�� MUNICIPAL FACILITIES � � CHAMBERS I � � '�� 0E1•����� STUDY � � � ':�;SPEG�;;c . � BEIAW � � � � LDWER � . ... �Y CITY COM+I MAYOFi/ � L088Y � . � ADMNSTRA70R CLERK DEV. COl�. � . . . ��� � * Public Works Admin/Eng.move to exisi Public WorksfacilHy. * Park&Rec moves to upper IeveL * Re-configuration of City Hall space as si CiTY HALL : SPACE REALLOCATED UPPER LEVEL . � OPTION C CS.� N �� PHASE 1 - o s , ' ��� _ , — .•• •� . .. �i•�: :%':� . �� .. ....:::....... *•. ..� . BOOKING . :i•`.LACK R RM.I;t;t�:�t;�:2�::t�::;::i . SUPPLY ELECTIONS . . . . � • Si�RAGE STORAGE � _ . SOUAD . . •EO.CJ:::. MECHANICAL� ELECT.& � . . . � � • • • � �� •::. .•::::::. RM.� •:•:i'•::•::. .w::::. . . . � .'� COtF.RM. RM. TELEPHONE .q . . � . • . . � NT. SALLYPORT � •i: p ••:j.�sv..�,...;,.:;:;;'r,:;:;;:�:? � � . . _ ER RM.:�::<'+.;:5>:::�:::;�; . . . . lL � :`•t�i$ARGEANIS�t[;{i t:;:;t t;.':;:i'?'::t . . OFFICE �EVID. < OFFICE ; EOUP. BLIC TOIL .S � • , �R.� ;::.::�:::.:::::::::::;;::::.;.,::.,:.... ItII I � � 222 NOFTH SECOND STREET � � I . � . � � MINNEAPOLIS,MINNESOTA :�::�:�$ ELEVAiOR 55401 (6t2)339�3752 �i:'t�OUET�i;;.;:t�' . . ... DISPATCH TCHEN .','.`':AOOM.;t` . � . . � . � � ROSEMOUNT - CLERICAL � COUNCIL ' . � � . CHAMBERS LABBY � . . . ........ ( ' MUNICIPAL FACILITI! LUNCM � . � � � � � . �oM �«�. STUDY �� CHIEP � . � . . . * Paek&Rec moves to upper IeveL * Lounge area becomes quiet room (or Poiice Dept. ENTRnt�cE * Exercise Room would be the tuture Emergency Operations Center. L'�TY HALL " Police Dept.re-configuration as show LOWER LEVEL ��:; SPACE REALLOCATED � OPTION C ........, C� �'�J ��� PHASE 1 o s , . ;`,. � _ ���. .�+� ���•'. :���� •�■ ■,� � � � � �. _ . � . , •:::::.�:::. •:: o �rs�:�:i:�5:<�:•�hEi'r�:;?:'. :o:c::�::::. •.; . ' .. ••I T014 .. i�ti;+'��•::'tjfO1LET : . . ._... . . � . . P.W. y .. . . .. . .. . . . . . .. . . � . . :y;;. ' �� STORAGE � PARTS Sf6RAGE � . . �.OHECTOR�:t �.�.::j:$ t . � • � ._ . � �if:�i}i.t.}::}:•.C;I{t;t2j}t;t};t;it;�ti:;t::•}:•:j�;t;:.'{;:y;i:,;";, . ��:?:�:�:;�:�:��'��:�:::�''.:':.'":`.''.':.�'..;r:�:;;:;i:::;:;:;:j; MEZZAwNE STORaGE . . ..P.W.�'.'.'.;�:t�:;;?::.�::::c :t��PIAN���tjtj;t . � ABOVE � . � . . .; ...:..: .. :. �:•: .... . ,,:;.;;;;;.; . .;: . 222 NORTH SECOND STREET . . SEC. :•i ?i�EpIS;i ;:•(FiEYEW:;:y;`. � VEHCLE SNRAGE . . . . MINNFI�POUS,MINNESOTA. .... � � � 55401 (612I339-3752 ,.�. . '. f100M>[�t�fit'.tf;tj;j?j�:;.;.•;; c? . � VEHICLE SfORAGE � . ._ . �:s:Ij;t;:�itl�'i�';r:�.v::.;;.;.;1:.•.:<: :;;,:�•MAP...:.';::.y � . :.:� .:::..�::::::<:: ���. ROSEMOUN�I i2LECT�:?:' . . 4.F�PAIR � . MUNICIPAL FACILITi - STUDY ' Public Works Admin/Eng.moves iru City Hall to existing Public Works bu'� Vehide areas remain unchanged. �:: SPACE REALLOCATED OPTION C .......... 4 16 � . ......... c� . ��� N� l � o a '� : PHASE 1 _ i _ ,.. "',+ _ �1 .• •.� �;�i�::iE�i'�:: ����� ����� �::3;:�i:�::�x ��� ��� ;:i:j'�::;����t:t� f �:: ;...::::•.' . . :;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.: ..::•:. , .....:::....::...::: �� � �� ' ■ —a,,.—,,,,.—,_.�::: _ . . � •>:;•:�:•:.:; .;;.;� .>:^:IINCtI l ::TRAMJC ROOM?:�t�`��'<:;� :�t�[f;t>SC:�i:��t�:::Sc:�c?:�i':'+.';�i�?iY;i:;:%S:;';`:�:S:?;2�::;>,`;'%::::,�:�`c:t;:�+>`'::':y.'•i • r N TH E ND ST REET 222 OR S CO � P I MINNESO TA MINNEA OL 5 -7 2 1 93 S 5540 1 6 2 33 '�'�R�i ( 1 � �'�E.j�5:�'. ��::�:ORAG . :{{N��� :�.5T . . ��TCHE E 1 . ::VEHCLE•: . .. cr:':i:`v':SIORPC.E•`•?tt�::;;;::;?:;?:t:yyiol�5i:�i:�t:�t?::r:� � � . .::.:::::.:.......:............ ..:.::.....................................:......:...... ROS EMO U NT N'S�:::• • . T : ��::�::::T,..ETt:::::•'�t;�r`::t�:�:?::�i:�t?`�i•:'•S?t2�t�t�:Yf:'t$:tG:.'•:;'�tic�;t:�:i>:?�t�>:S::r�:�:�:�5>t:�:�t�:�:�: ;c::c: N5 M NICIPAL FAC IUTI E ::"'NIC'::' U �����CHA A7E STUD :t•F•::•:i>:t•Y..t�c . 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