HomeMy WebLinkAbout2. 1991 Budget Discussion � 1498 Estiwted Iirco�es ` lil +Put of lrry USEU i0 BIOGET Nove�ber Z6� l99! 1991 FUDI ACCf 1 OESCqIDTIOi IF4p►E j I81 311IB CUAR M V{iDaEM t lAl 31B2B DELIIIOIIENT FD Yf10Aq tll,516 161 310.38 IOBILE HDE TN4 t 1B1 31618 FISfAL pISFARlT16 S! 1B1 3IBSB TNT INCRf1D1fS SB 1AI l{) TQiAL T(�XXES ifB,576 IBl 317t1 6WiVE1 TtIT ��g�� IAl 3�818 FRA1Ui15E FEfS �{�,� iei �zue a.caa,c e�u�tc ie,eee iei �zi�e uc�m no eusr�ss n,eee 1B1 32I61 LICD6E TO�0 BUS-NDlELS IB1 32188 CI6AAEiiE LI�LSE 42BB 1BI 32189 TREE pUp pERN1T5-CUIT�CT(M5 I IBI ,iQiB BiI1lDi16 Cce�11T5 f16B,8BB . IBt 3?2t1 COATES BLD6 aFICIAL RFII�l1RSElIFNT i1,BB8 lAl 3�28 ELECiR](YL PERIIIiS 47,808 18! 32238 D1.86 CalE(,Tldl PEAMITS 112,BBB 1A1 7248 fWINAI.LICFIff f2,BB8 IBI 32258 SEifR COHFl,TIRI DERIIITS t8,8Bd IBI 322�CaNTY pFC0�i16 Fff�tiY 91ARE f2B8 IB1 3pb1 M1AC DERNITS t19,BBA 1Bl 32289 Tf�E➢UD pEt01ITS-AESIOEIffS IAl 3229i OTlfk L1�E{DEf01ITS 161 If) TOTp.11�lPEIbIIT f249,4BB lYl 3?Wl I�CAL�ERlQlf pID NA5,311 lBi 33�82 Ifl1E5TEAp pEpIT + \ IBl 33iB3 II�ILE H�E l�IFSTEAU CRFDIT t 1A1 33F1B 16R ININfENrlCE FIt�S 516,688 111 1+) TOTAL LfiR t fibTD CR f421,911 181 33�16 P0.IfF TiU16 AEII�IDlf NS,BBB 181 33422 FISCAL UISPpRIT1E5 + 181 33123 A6 PNESERVES CAEpIT IB1 33121 FpYLI1AT1R1 pI0 + 1B1 33425 OTIER STpTE 6PA7fS Atm AIDS 11,5AB 181 lt) TOT{L[IfiEIi60V AEV f46�5BA I81 31183 2RlI16 i St�D FfES S6�8B8 IBl 34181 DL{W C}EfXtlG FEES NS,BBA 181 34185 SALE OF MipS{qg f1,8B8 181 3l1B6 DFPlJ1Y fE6ISTRPA Fff5 f25,AB8 1@I 3f187 0.SSESSIEIlT SFARfJfS 5158 181 34189 OT}fA fiEN fiW 6Yi6 f0A SVC f2B6 IBl 3f11B SERUILF CIqR6E RETUfdEp pECKS t2B8 1Bi 31291 SPFiIAL D�ICE SERUI(ES 1!! 3/2d2 SPEC FIfE PAUTECT101 SVC l3BB i IA1 35283 fCCIDENT REPDRTS fl,BBB �ei a+ze�on�x a�a sr+�rv t�u 1B1 342Q7 OTffR FIAE P(IOiECTIUN SVC ii5,BB8 181 343t1 Sf,5t0E111K i Q�fEPAIR S3BB !Bl 31383 OTlfk PlIB MORf5(EY,!qi IFFDS,ETC f2,BBA 1B1 31394 SiEID STNEET t1�BB9 CLL4EAT5 t A�IES lAt 3f3B6 OtifA HI9ipY i STS REV f1,89A lA1 3MB7 CITY 91A�ff lETAD SAC t2,BBB IA1 (3) 1pTpL Qqk�$FIXI SEAYlCES SIAB,158 181 3l721 SfffBALL IEV�IFS FAI.L pR06�111 f4,2BB 1A1 34721 SffTBAII AEVFMES S1MEN PAfl6A4M f36,8BB 19t 31722 YRI.EYBp1 tEVplE6 f11,5BB �n �r�aarsNam r�u�s ssee iet �n4 mNrs�u� s�,zse �ei xrts rt�r rur a�uo�s �9,sae iei �r�a aa va�uou� s2,zse WI 34]27 FIELD TRIP t€VF1lFS- ._ ._.._ . fb�5pp IB1 34728 BR70!@ALL AEVpIES 12,iBB 181 34729 9WT116 LESSaH AEV01F5 yyBB 1Bt 34Tdi TRAdI t FIaD REVF)IES {3�BBp 181 34131 SOC�R AEVDIES 181 31732 SPELIIL PAOC,k11S REUEN,E$ 181 3/733 pT1ER PARTICIPIITIt6 Pfd16f�7lS fE4pU S3�8BB IB1 34798 O1}fA Q1.TURE-AE�AEATIaN IB1 IU iDTFL PAAI(5 GREI6RAl1 f�UEM£5 {g�{� ! 1B1 3518t COURT FIIES f55,AB8 � 181 35(02 ppfAlIiG FINES 181 (t) TOTAL FIlES SSS,6AA 181 36181 SoEC ASSE59pli DAINCIPAL 412,ABB � 1B1 36218 INfERESt EAi�iIN�INVEStlElffS i15,8B8 IBI 36215 INTEREST FJtlMit�OTffA f6,BBB tBl "3oC'Bc fENfS i ROYALTIES {2�569 181 36238 CONTRiBUi1(NS/D01liT10lS 41,BBB 181 36268 OT}fA PEVEHE S��B88 18i lfl iOTAI MISC INCOE fllB,SAB 181 39181 SfILE ff FIl(ED(5SET5 f8 181 Iil TO1AL OT}fA f1EVQqFS t8 1B1 392A3 i(tlY6FER FRDI p�JiCT HDXIN t88�BB8 iBl 39283 T�YISFEp FR]II BQ�S PAID IP FJ� 557,921 IBl 39283 TRAI6FER FROM CiP RESEAV6 f1B8,8Bi 181 Iil TOTAL TR715fEpfED t237,g21 6MMA TOip.S f1,322,359 tOTAL AV�IILABLE TO FEOUCF i.EVY S9A8,H7 Noverber 26� 1998 1991 BUDGEI9 EXPENDI7URES RECEIPTS � i�,� Council Budge! 1105,540 �"�� 3125 662 Rd�inistration Budget , ��. City Clerk SS4,331 i; �;�; Election Budget f5,090 �_, Finance Budget 1147,632 6eneral 6overn�ent f125,800 �; Conunity Develop�ent f281,642 6overnrent Buildings Ib1,i20 Palice Budg�ts 5658,713 � � Fire Depart�ent 8udgets f154,833 � Pu61i� Works Operating Budget f486,890 , R � Pavnd 5treets Budget f83,400 €. � Unpaved Streets 6udget f33,b08 ��� f12 990 � lre E 5noN Budget + s Strnet Lights Budget, , t44,406 � ; Signal Lights Budget i5��� � � Parks � Recreation Budget l554,889 r lnsurance 6udget i140,000 � � TOTRI. OPERRTING BUDGEtS ---13�880�822 } � ; Five 151 Year CIP�Requirerent f540,880 � Retire�ent/Severance Fund t284 f35,000 € 3 � � Bondcd Indebtedness t304,946 � Fire Retief f32,802 � Rr�nry Anticipatory Levy i116,634 1 ����IP�OMESf�� ! Local 6over�ent pid t405,311 ; R � Internal Revenue Generated f9B0,447 ( Rnticipated MSp Maintenance Funds '90 figure f16,600 � ------------------------------ � t4�111�@84 f1,322,358 � TOTALS TD LEVY f2,498,285 i ------------------------------ � f4�111�884 f3,B20,643 ------------------------------ DEFICIT TD 8E MADE UP tf290,441) .. . .._ y�.i'LV 1��11LT�i .. . . t t . f � 1 ) Sa?arie.s dl C. �C1.l'���%a2� - ali 11�5 l.Pd �t 4io 1I1�.'1 Cia�t� for 91 __ _._._._.,.,_.:_-�___�_ , 2; ?.`�`-�l fiud�e� - ;3,07£,49� Salaries - $2,04',:,27 -- Salaries are 66ro of Totai-�1i�ci�zt i9II:� Sta;e Auditors Gomparisor.s on Like & �eighboring _Cities S er `�c'.tjl'_r8 If1iG RE!V RE.'V COSt COSt ` ' ,�;t�= To�, T��«�s Spec Assrs !, Gen Gor �nterest `vi��io �37^x lEiG.:i 38,i1 I 9`J.Oii :i9.9=► Las= i:e�;,cl i7t,J �i,.�F 36.G9 � 27 .$ 36.CS , � ^.43 i13.37 rose:�,vu�tt �30i4 2�'� .69 li;.57 I 11.:. . i V.^'�JJ .I.��H .Gf� �.�IZ.9a�7. I� UJ.<.7.J �'•U.V7 �� . . . :.:lO Ld1iE S S� F.nehot�3, E334 17b.i� 7.64 i 5�.8`� �2.E5 . � lC'7�;'f::?lol.�7�1 � -lV�i ±a�4%. /U 12�.VV � � � V7. /1 li�.� . . _a_Ppie �'aile�- 327.C� 16;;,45 1.04.8 45.03 �0.3 �.��.��; �.�+O�t� 1G9.;$ 21�.37 -� :�04.::4 a8.79 Lake�•ii�F 22707 1i2.46 143.88 58.i2 83.62 Hastiiigs .;4t�S' i£Sb. ,'6 73.17 G�.91 43.71 l i� �________ �i�ar.eville has 2.5 Fuil Time Employees per 1000 Fopuiation ^,c�5emou2�t has 5.88 ruii Time nm�loyees per lOQO Population � �'S� Fund �anr,�t �e Considered as Income. 4 ;�.� Pay Inci•e�se ±or �?ept tlds uiitil Fina*�cial Si�ua:ior. is Corr�eted. � ' ;, ^� �j,�.�.s. Uucument Car �'s�1„�s_Di:,if�ce. � sine"s�. �iing & Johnsor. LDA Fa,� Differenial to be e1i inaten. 7 �qualization of Fu'•1 Tir.ie Employees to Population - mo�-e to no r;�ore �han �.S`�p�i lOGO populatiol�. ----�.___--- cDA G�mment �, _ ,. �,� i � _.o iund =aybacr. LroLf �:nA is possit+Ie et ti�is �in�e t�zcause EDn ;s -�-- � .__�__._ iacii,g a $300,��� Liat�lity on the Cor�dos. ,'.�f;7��1,ut�4,2UU �ese��?s. '�o Bil�s aw`Ec - Fos�i�t3ti�e Budget B�l o'r $�,31� ,'�i ErciDio�ees - City Burg�i. vf $i,8b0,90:i�Salaries $1,027,5�6 ar 550 O� lO�ixi �JLtCs�t?t �5 Sd�&1"�QS - ACtllc'�1 R�..'4@ii;2@5 ltSeCl fb?' b''tld�@t �'LiY'j>OSE' 1988 $i,i2�,�£� Ruserves. Bii�.s Owed $291,I5�Ac�ual Res�rve $i,�32,323 3� E;ni,�c,,=Les - Gi�� cuh.ger_ �f $i,884 ,129, Salaries $1,i8G,3S� or 630 of To�a� Buaget is Sa:iaries - Accual Revenuzs use� far bu�get ?ur�ose i989 4i ,2F,.3,4�9 Rese:-ves. L.: =is Otarci $:,3a,S'�1�= �,�:ttiai Resir`�� ;:,��,�•:� �.0 � J�+�•S - n .._ oY�. �� 4�.=1�.1�._� �G_2r '=�i w'� VJ: O: �/1�c i:n,p�c�- o� lO�n+' SSll4gC: 1� . _..."'1E5 - PI�(:�t�C�ed Re:s7u�s i;�ec :o� i���Lr: Purpos� v0ii Iitiv4zli $�ii:::> OYit•,U :ii-:3�-'�v $6i'L,49� 12-� �d '%el $'L60,000 GIF BaI ("v�'�5,'LOi) � �Jec Ta�;es $60�,'97 i�-� LvA $3=�,;^7 Hawk Pnd �1U6,0U4�''�` . , ----------- -----------StrM Core $i49,flpt;'� P ' $i,218,2�i� �60�,757 Pay :';isc $349,884�=` ' CIF tio�. Spnttfi?�=,2G1.� ------- ----------- $349,683 $`�t��,OoG jiisc :�P ;�49,L�83 ' '�:1 G� :.il C(�.l;i ��..^ � -� ' ' '1_ �S uepenc_ii,� n ��tie 1 li.@1Tj5 tl��si. C:2ve ��CFIl �..'� . . . -��-. .c i - ��i1:� 1T).� Ji:-i'v + �� TiltiCil ZZu . v . o � � ___ . _. _..:. .... _ ... .. .... ...... . .. ... ... ._ .__. .... . .__ : . . .. . . . _ ._� ►' � �� ► firs: fcun Council 1991 B;iD�.c.T NDRF;S�'�i'S hovecoer 20, 1756 CiiY CCkJN�iL 4i116 F�age Dne Oa3ect keauested Fund Rccount # Obj � Des�ription Asount �otai Coe�er,ts 12? 4111N ld3.e Council 5aiaries f��,030 lPl 4111N -0�- 1Q�3.0 P`�ayor Napp?r f5,400 i�l 41110 -03- 1P,3.0 Councilieeber Klassen S4,9Ae 161 41110 -@4- I83.0 Council�e�ber Oxborough Sk,9A0 1F`1 4:110 -0.`,- 103.0 Councilee�ber Willcox 54,9@0 101 41210 -06- i@3.0 Gout►cil�e�ber 4�ipper�ann f4,98P, ;01 41116 �1- s0i.6 Fianage�ent Fees 541,086 101 41110 -�1- 307.1 Rewsle.ter i�O,Q�AO To go to Montt�ly NeNsietter 1C1 41110 -01- 307.2 iraining Ss',800 ieai Building Proora� 101 41120 -01- 307.3 Spring Ciean Up f1�,060 Increase due to popuiatian 101 41118 -01- 307.4 FireNarks Sb,800 i@1 41118 -OY- �7.5 191 41110 -01- 319.0 Other �^of 5ervices iQl ti1110 -01- 's19.1 20; 41116 -Q�?- 319.2 101 411IB -01- 319,s 1�1 4ii10 -01- s��9.0 Ocher Co�iunicaiion Cos: S0 181 kfi10 -01- 3�9.! 161 41210 -01- s?9.2 161 41110 -81- s�'�.9.3 101 42118 -81- �5.4 101 41110 -01- 331.0 7ravel txpense i508 l�Z 41110 �1- s'sl.i Mileaae/Rir Fare i500 �isc for Mtgs outside 101 4111P -01- 3's1.2 of City-not in �37 101 411:0 -61- s31.s 101 41110 -G1- s31.4 161 41110 -0i- �37.0 Conterences/Seainars 5�,60P, 101 41110 -81- k37,1 Twa to t�atianal �onf f880 1e1 41110 -6I- 4si.2 3 to State � Regioaal 51,20� � 101 41118 -BY- 4"s7.3 101 41110 -01- 437.4 1@1 41118 -01- 439.0 Misreiianeous Oiher S0 2@1 4i1i0 -01- 439.1 SQ:1 41110 -0}- 434.� 101 41218 -$1- 4?�.s 101 4111e -$i- 54E.0 i.agitrl uu'tia�� D:her S3i,844� lel 411�0 -�1- 598.1 �oucation iseieburseeni fS.BBt3 181 41110 -01- 598.P Llt;. AM�'1. ND"u". Dues f5.686 101 41118 -81- 598.3 Adoitn'1 5ai/Benefits f4,540 INI 41110 -0E- 598.4 Contingencies i2�,500 PA"uE TOit�S S I PS,548 S i@;,548 I►�GAR7MaIT TOTR�S S l�i,548 S iBS,540 (�, . ! 19y1 BiJ�r:�t W�R'r.5ii:s�i5 -:,,' First Run Council ADMINISiRr1TDR 4l�28 Page One Nove�ber 26, 1°98 Object Rrauested r"und Account M Obj �k Description k�ount To:al Couents 1Q1 41;�0 1�1.6 Salaries 5119.602 101 41s�0 -t'�- 101.1 Ad�inistrator Jilk s69,923 101 41320 -04- 101.3 Secretary 3entink fP5,657 i@1 41s'C0 -E'+5- 181.4 Receptionist Widstro� i24,C82 i02 413�0 -00- 101.5 !0 il�l 41"�'0 -6Q�- 181.6 t0 101 41320 iO3.0 Qverti�e i560 161 41�A -H4- 163.1 Secretary l500 101 4I:�0 -0a- 103.P lE�! 41�0 103.3 �01 4Is"20 -01- 20i.0 Training & Instruction fe 101 42 cQ -01- 287.1 101 42320 -6l- 207.[ 1@1 41320 -83- c^87.3 181 41320 -01- 221.0 Equiprent Rarts 10 1N1 41�0 -01- �21.1 lQ�i 4I:�'0 -QI- 2L''1.2 lel 4S.i�'Q -01- �1.3 lai 41�0 -01- 242.8 P;inor Equip�ent S0 ' 181 41320 -01- P42.1 101 41s'P0 -01- 242.Z 181 41�L0 -01- �42.3 102 41s�'0 -02- �7.8 Mananesent Fees 53,880 101 41320 -01- 307.1 51,�8 La6or Consultant lel �41's88 -01- 307.2 Rddtnl labor relations 52,080 iQl 4I�0 -01- 387.3 18! 41320 -0i- s@9.8 EDF, Software b Uesinn S0 101 4f cA -$1- s'89.1 S8 1Q1 4132� -Bl- 325.� 101 41��0 -81- 309.3 101 41 c@ -01- 309.4 i@1 41'sZ8 -02- 399.5 1B1 42s''..6 -01- �9.6 i@1 413P0 -01- 3's1.Q Travel Expense 5750 161 41320 -81- ca'1.1 5756 Airline � Auto '+ravel i�! 41s..'Q� �1- :�1.2 i0 1�: 41;k�Q -Ci- s31.s' 1[1 41's?("• -t31- 'ss2.4 P►� T�TRLS Si'c4,ll� S1'cg,li: � 1 l S 1 1491 BUD�T F10RKSHccTS Firs: Run Council ADMINISTRA70R Page T«o hove�ser �6, 3490 Object Requested r"und Account # pbj � Descrip;ion R�ount Total Co��ents I01 41;�8 -61- a39.6 Other Transporation Expense f300 101 41320 -01- "s39.1 Meals, etc, for 101 41x0 -81- :�,39.2 non-conference M.os f300 101 41sP0 -01- 3s9.3 ` �01 4i�0 -01- 392.8 �C Accessories 8 Suoplies S0 101 41s'��.0 -81- s52.1 iodei l01 41a20 -Q+1- 392.2 1@1 41s,.°0 -0l- 39�.3 101 413..'0 -01- 433.8 Dues & 5ubscriptions f100 101 4Is20 -01- 4;u.1 M(� f180 101 41's'P0 -01- 43's.2 101 ki320 -02- 433.3 iocal exchanqe 181 41,k8 -01- 437.8 Conferences/Se�inars 51,150 i@1 4132@ -01- 4's7.i National Conf f;HO 101 41s'28 -01- 4's7.2 Mii.MA Conf 5450 lel 4?��0 -61- 437.3 Dther 181 4i�0 -01- 437.4 Staff S'c60 181 4i�x0 -81- 4s7.5 1Z1 43a"'.0 -01- 101 413�8 -@1- iBl 413'�.0 -01- .` Pr�isc' i"uTA�5 S 1,S�0 S 1,.`,50 DF.Gr�r�TM�NT T�7Ai.5 iS25,6n2 51�,6e� , , ; �, 1491 BllD6ET WaRKSh�t'TS First Run Council CTTY Cl.ERK 4�488 Page One Nove�ber 26, 1490 Dbject Requested Eund Account # Obj # Description A�ount 7ota1 Conents 101 41400 101.0 Salaries f42,831 l01 414N0 -Qw- 101.1 City Clerk Johnson f42,831 10l 41480 -03- I0I.2 101 414N0 20�.0 Overti�e f�,Q+OB 1@1 41480 -0:- 16?.1 City Elerk 52,000 101 41480 �03- 10c.2 101 414� -01- �0i.0 Printed For�s f5� . 101 41480 -01- 23�.1 5500 16i 41400 -01- 203.2 181 414@@ -02- 204.@ Envelopes � Letter Head f588 ', 101 41400 -01- 204.1 i500 1Q�1' 41400 �1- P@4.2 101 41408 -81- 209.8 SuQplies - Qther f758 1@1 �1480 -01- 2@4.1 f75@ 101 41400 -21- 209.2 101 414@0 -01- 304.@ Leaal i2,000 1B1 41408 -61- 304.1 tZ,@a0 101 4148Q� -01- 3L'�44.2 � 101 41400 -0i- 35F.0 Geaeral Notices 55,0@0 101 41400 -01- 35P.1 i5,0Qi0 101 41400 -01- 35P.2 101 4140@ -Qil- sSP.s 10i 41400 -@1- 331.8 iravel Expense S0 101 41400 -01- ;�1.I . 1B1 41408 -01- 3s1.2 t0 101 41406 -Nl- 331.3 101 42k00 -01- 33�.4 181 41400 -01- 4:u.$ Dues & Sucscriptions f0 101 41400 -01- 43's.l MCrOa 101 4I402 -81- 433.2 101 414@0 -01- 433.3 1Q�2 41460 -01- 4's7.0 Conferences/Se�inars i750 101 41400 -01- 437.1 MCrOA Conference 5750 1�1 4140E� -01- �37.2 101 41480 -@i- 437.3 Other 1Q+1 41480 -Ql- 2e1 �;1408 -0f- 161 411►80 -01- 181 41480 -0?- D-�PRRTMCNT TDtA,.S S a4,s'31 f54,331 , ;irst Run Council :992 EJD�"�T WORKSFLc'TS ', Noveeber 2c, 1990 ELECTJDkS/CITY C�.ERK Page Cme 41410 Object Requested rund faccount # Obj # Description Arount 7ota1 Go�eents 101 41410 -8:- 103.0 F'art Ti�e 5alaries 32,140 -- 101 41410 -01- 1P�.1 Judges ii,600 101 41410 -@1- T03.2 Payroll Overhead-ail t80 iQl 41410 -02- 1C�3.3 5taff 5460 191 41410 -01- 203.0 Printed For�s b Gaper fI,400 �Q1 41410 -0i- 2@s.l Ballots 51,000 101 4141@ -01- 20"s.2 F�rograuing Syste� 5480 101 424i0 -01- 20"s.3 101 41418 -01- �0�.8 Miscellaneous Supplies f0 102 41410 -0i- 208.1 M�aintenance Roree�ent 101 41410 -01- Z08.2 101 41410 -81- c'88.s" 101 41410 �1- 219.8 Other f600 iQ+I 41416 -01- 219.1 Meals S3'80 101 41410 -02- 219.2 Cleanup 5100 iNl 41410 -Q+1- 219.3 Misc Supplies f200 10i 41410 -01- s'�1.8 Telephone SP50 1BI 4f410 -62- 3�1.1 Precinct Phones t2�@ 101 41410 -OI- s'7.1.2 10f 414I0 -0l- 321.3 181 41410 -01- 35L 0 Legal Notices S200 183 4141@ -61- �i.l EIection No:ices f208 101 41418 -�1- 351.2 101 41410 -81- 3,`,2.3 I01 41410 -01- �9.0 O.her Frinting &Binding t�0 1@1 414i0 -R1- 359,1 Misc Forrs S3Q�0 101 41410 -01- 359.� 101 41��0 -01- 359.3 � 1�1 41410 -f11- 409.� Other Repair & Maintenance fZ00 1Q+1 41410 -01- 4@9.1 Misc Repair 52�0 181 41410 -01- 409.2 101 41410 -01- 101 41410 -{91- 1@1 41410 -01- 101 41410 -01- 1Q1 41410 -01- PAS= TOTA�� S5.G36 f5,@9Q i�.:FARTI�M i TGTfi:. f�,@98 t5,@9@ r First Run Co��cil t491 EU�J�i ��RKS�i:.�TS ' .; Nove�ter �c� 1590 �INFlK z 41520 Gace Qne Dbject Requested rund Account # Obj # Deseription A�ount 7ota1 Co��ents 181 415P0 121.0 Salaries f1�5,617 IQl 415:8 -0:- 101.0 Finance Direetor f46,87's 161 415�0 -03- 101.@ Deputy Finance Director Ss'�,143 161 41520 -04- 10 L 0 Finance/Deputy Registrarf31,i20 101 415:'0 -�5- 201.0 Deputy Reoistrar 5�5,481 101 415�0 1(�1.0 New Gosition in 90 To Utility 6Q1 6 60: 101 41`.x'0 12�.0 Full Tiee Overti�e 5750 1@1 415�0 10i.1 57;0 lt�i 41.`,2e -C1- �8.0 Instrnctar's Fee 530� 101 41520 -01- 309.1 Deputy Schooling 5180 181 415?0 -01- 386.2 Finance Se�inars 5200 101 415�8 -Qil- 308.s' � 101 41��8 -01- 331.� Travel Sk5@ �' 10i 41520 -01- 's31.1 Director SPQ►� 1�1 415c^0 -01- "s31.2 Leputy Qirector f150 101 415�@ -Q+1- 's31.3 5taff f1NQ 101 41520 -01- 391.0 Go�puter Maintenance 57,0�2u 101 41�� -flf- 35L1 Micro Systee Maint i1,560 10I 41520 -01- 39I.'c Micro 5�ftware License f1,5@0 1Qd 415�8 -01- 391.3 Micro Replace Frogra� 54,000 iCl 41�'Q -01- 352.8 RC Accessaries & Supp2ies f7@6 161 415�0 -01- 39E.1 Miscellaneous S7B8 101 41�,?0 -01- 342.2 Y02 41`,�0 -21- 39's.0 RC i{aror+are Purrhase SQ+ 101 41520 -01- 393.1 101 415P0 -01- 393.2 101 41�'8 -Zl- 35�.@ PC Software Gurchase 5700 101 41520 -01- 394.1 P�iscellaneous f706 101 41520 �i- 394.2 101 41520 -01- 345.@ PG Maintenance f@ 181 41�°B -01- 395.1 Micro Maint Contract S0 1Q�1 41�P@ -01- 395.� Nrinter Maint Contrar S0 101 42�.'0 -@1- 433.0 Dues & 5ubscriptions fP3B lEi 415�0 -01- 43.,'.1 N�DRA annual fiQ� 101 41528 -01- 4.i's.2 Mur'OA i5N 102 415�0 -01- 43a.3 fx=Dr1 S80 161 41.`k'4� -@i- 4:�3.4 161 4.�:'@ -0i- 43i.? Conferea_esi5eeinars 5:,50� 161 �1520 -01- 43i,1 MDRi; in 5ep� for 3 5200 181 41�.'0 -82- 4's7.� Co�pu:er Syeaosiuis i200 181 4:526 -82- q3i,3 Ci�ance Gpoortunity S2� 101 41�'0 -61- 4"s7.4 Natianal Conv 5988 101 4:5�'0 -01- ti35.0 M,:scellaneous Other 5385 101 415z0 -Hl- 439.1 Nat covered by other f20@ 1�1 41��8 -@1- 4s5.c Maint Contr Cash Reg 51�5 IQ�1 41520 -01- 439.3 101 415P0 -01- 58(9.0 Qther cquip�ent S0 10i 4f5� -B!- 580.1 S0 lEl 41,`x?Q -Ni- .`r86.2 Se GRn"E/D��ai�7N�ct�"t i D i aLSf 147,6.i� S 147,632 r 1 . . .-.1, . . First Run Councii 1941 B:1DcicT WJ�KSH�F7S Noveeber 20, 199Q� Gth:�1L 6�JVcRNM�hT Gage Dne 41810 Object kecuested Fund kecoant # Obj # Description Riount Total Ca�ents 101 41816 -a2- 201,8 Office Supp d Acces S0 1�1 41610 -01- 2N1.1 101 418i0 -01- �id1,2 f0 101 41810 -tri- 281.3 101 41$10 -01- �'.01.4 161 41810 -61- 201.5 101 41&10 -01- 28�.0 Duplica#ing d Copy S9,Q�00 101 41810 -0]- 20,'_.1 f9,00@ iei 4iaiQ -ei- �e�.� 201 41816 -01- c'��.3 101 4181e -61- 2@3.0 Grinted For�s i4,50@ lel 4181H -81- c''0.�.�.1 54,500 358@.Q►0 to City Cierk 101 41810 -01- �03.2 101 41810 -81- 203.3 101 4181@ -01- 2R4.8 Envelopes E Ltr Fiead Ss,O@0 1H3 4181Q -01- 2Q�4.1 53,002 f50Q�.0�� to City Clerk lwl 41810 -62- PO4.� 161 k1810 -01- 2f�4.3 101 41810 -Ol- c''�8.0 5upplies - Other t0 101 418]0 -�I- 206.1 5upplies-Dort J. 181 418a0 -01- c09.0 5upplies - Other f15,000 181 4l820 -R1- 289.1 Office 5upplies-Cindy f15,600 i75P+.Q0#o Gity Clerk 161 41810 -01- 209.2 161 -'�41818 -01- 211.0 Cleaninq 5upplies 101 41810 -Qtl- 211.1 Cleanser,Mops,etc I@i 41810 -@1- 211.'c _ 101 41810 -01- 212.0 FSator Fuels S0 181 418f@ -8i- P12.1 181 4181� -01- 219.0 Operating 5upplies-Jthgr S8 161 4181N -01- 219.1 101 41810 �1- �'1,0 Equipeent Parts/Repair fl,800 102 41810 -01- �1.1 f 1,Q�0@ 101 4181P -QI- ?.21.2 101 41816 -[�l- ��.6 fiuilding ReFair & Supply f0 iHi 41810 -Q�1- G.'3.1 1P1 41810 -Q�1- 2c�.: 161 4181@ -t3i- cc's.3 1@1 4181e -N:- c3.4 181 41810 -01- �a5.0 Lanoscape I�a�eria2s S8 181 4l810 -01- c 5.1 101 41810 -02- 2�a.0 Sign Aepair Materials S0 1H1 4181N -81- ?.2�.1 181 41810 -Q�i- 2k1.0 S�a12 Toois S0 101 41$1@ -H1- 241.1 101 41&18 -02- 24c.0 Minor Equip�ent fs'00 101 41810 -01- P42.1 101 41&18 -02- 24L.2 Tape Recorder fcr 5300 101 ki810 -01- �4?.3 Council Lounge GauE TOTAi.S f�,:,880 532,800 1 � f -1 r'irst Fun Councii i?41 RUD'ucZ i�'�r'tn"a4F."cTS Hove�ber 26� 199@ G..t�kGL 6RUcRNM�tZT G'age Two 41810 Dbject keouested Fund A_count # Dbj # Descriptian R�ount Total Co��ents 191 41810 -01- 301.0 Audit d Accaunting f1I,000 101 41810 -Q�1- 3Ni.1 Annual Rudit S11,R80 101 4181� -01- 301.2 161 41810 -@1- 30L 3 181 41810 =01- 30�.8 Architec#'s Fees S0 101 4i81@ -01- s"0�.1 lel 41810 -81- 302.2 101 4181Q� -01- 302.3 101 41810 -01- 3@U.0 Enoineering f0 { 181 4181Q -01- s,63.T ' 101 41810 -01- 343.2 �' 181 41810 -Qrl- 3N4.Q Leaal 515,000 101 41810 -01- 3@4.1 ti5,000 52,086.80 ta City Cierk 101 %�1&10 -0f- 384.2 101 4i810 -01- 314.0 Other Prof ServicEs 534,00t3 : 1@1 4181@ -01- s'l9.1 Senior Center S6,Q+00 101 41810 -0:- s19.� Ver�iliion Watershed f6,8a0 101 41810 -02- 319.3 - Master Farks Plan S18,B00 101 41810 -61- 319.4 Hueane Society 54,00a 1a1 41810 -42- s21.0 Telephone Sl9,@88 101 41810 -01- s'�'.1.1 f 19,Qi00 !01 4181@ -02- �1.P 18i 41810 -01- ��2.0 Gostage 511,800 101 �41820 -01- �C'.2 511,0@0 101 41816 �1- 339.0 Other Transportation Expense i1,0�D iBl 41810 -Q�1- 3s'9.1 S1,Q�+0 1@1 41810 -01- 352.8 General Notices i� 1@1 4181@ -Q�l- s.,2.1 R21 'to City Clerk 1@i k1810 -@1- 352.2 181 41B10 -Q�1- 413.0 Office Equip Rental f0 101 41810 -OI- 413.1 i@i 4181Q� -01- 413.Z 101 41&10 -Qi- 41w.0 Daia f}roces3inn kental f0 101 42810 -Q+1- 414.1 r 101 41818 -�1- 414.2 !�1 41B10 -[�i- 4�5.@ Other cquip Rer��al f@ , lel 418i0 -01- ki5.1 1@i 4181Q� -Q1- 415.� 10i 41820 -01- 415.3 181 41818 -81- 439.0 Other Mis�ellaneous S0 101 41810 -01- 43°.1 101 41810 -81- 5b0.0 Capital Outlay Furniture 5�:000 101 41818 -01- Sb0.1 Furniture in shop 5�,�0 101 4181Q -@1- 5a8.2 f8 181 41810 -01- 5�0.3 40 PR"uc TOTF�S 593,000 443,00� Dr.'PF1RTMr�17 TOTt�.S S 1�5,8130 5125,800 ,Firs: kun Coun:ii :4S1 Btniu:T ��RK,�ctTS -i Nove�Der �o, :998 C.CM�MUNI7Y D"cVEiOPMENT Raoe One 41918 ` Object r�equested rund Account � Dbj # Description Aioant Total Cos�ents 101 41910 lU'l.e SalariEs f251,242 101 4191Q -Q��- 101.0 Co� Dev Dir Johnson 561,472 1Q�1 41910 -86- 161.0 EDS Pechonick �N1 4191Q -08- 101.@ Secretary Stoffel f�5,629 1e2 41910 -04- 101.L Planner uozniak i4's,Q81 101 4241@ -6i- 1@1.� Secretary Quintus f34,820 18i 41410 -63- 101.8 Bldg Off Was�und 547,489 18! 41920 -�5- 101.0 B1dg Insp Hei�kes : fs8,751 101 41910 16a.0 Full Ti�e Oyertise 5�.6� 1@i 41910 -0i- 102.0 Sb,c08 161 41910 -04- l02.0 101 41920 -07- i&?.8 101 4i91Q� -99- 103.0 (�art Ti�e Salaries 53,315 101 41910 -94- i@3.1 Planning Couission 51,400 101 ki910 -95- 10s'.E Intern Position 51,915 101 4191@ -49- 103.s 101 41?10 -01- 203.2 �rinted For�s b Gaper fn80 1Q1 4141P -01- 2�i.i SbQ�B 101 41510 -02- 2�"s.2 l01 414T0 -01- c'0.i.s I01 41910 -61- �12.6 �iotor Fuel f1,360 2Qi 4151@ -0�- 21�.1 Inspection Si,�O i 101 41910 -01- 212.2 ' IQ�1 h1918 -02- 21C."s 101 #1y10 -01- 2�1.0 Equipeent Farts S8� 181 4l510 -01- �21.1 Repairs Su80 101 41910 -01- �1.2 10! 41yi0 -Qil- ^c21.3 161 41510 -�1- �'4.0 Clther Maintenance Suaplies 520� 1@i 4591@ �2- 2�-'5.1 i�Q�B 101 419iQ -01- 241.0 Siall ioois & Equip 5200 i@1 4i91@ �i- �41.1 S�0 101 �t516 -Q�?- 3a4.0 Leaai Fees 52,030 101 4141Q -01- 3d4.1 i2,QiB0 18i 4i510 -01- s"�ik.2 � �R1 4191Q� -Q�1- s'12.0 Contract Inspe:tions ;0 iri f1S1U -0.- 3ic^,1 kili evaluatk as we o0 l�: 4?91Q� -Qi- 3i2.2 _ lei 4!910 -6i- 313.8 ie�aorary� 5ervice Fees f0 101 41910 -0!- 313,T f0 1S1 41910 -Bl- 315.0 Other Frof 5ervices 55,580 101 41910 -01- 319.1 6uide Plan 55,508 181 4i910 -81- s19.2 101 41910 -Qsi- 319.3 101 41°10 -01- �.0 Radio Units S$00 161 41910 -01- ��9.1 Mobile l4nthly&Air Tiee t88� 1@1 41910 -01- 331.0 Travel£xpense 53,285 1N1 41910 -01- 331.1 53.285 IQ1 41910 -01- s'41.0 Eepioy�ent Roveriising S0 101 42518 -01- s41.1 Rds S0 1e1 41510 -(',1- s41,2 GRnc 7GTA:.S S�7J�B't� f�7J�A42 � , . •� First Run Council 1991 B;tD"uc� WORKS -i�'.LTS hioveroer Cc, 2950 CDMMUhiITY D�VEL0;�14=h"f Page 7�0 41918 Obiect Requested Fund Rccount t Obj # Description A�ount Total Couents 161 41910 -01- 349.0 Qther Advertising S0 18i 41910 -�l- "s45.1 sQ T01 41918 -81- 349.� iQ�l 419�0 -AI- 34?.3 1�1 41910 -61- �`,1.8 Legal Notice Publisning 5900 ; 101 42910 -01- 351.1 f900 ' 101 42910 -61- "s51.2 101 41910 -01- 351.3 101 41410 -01- �P.O Gen Notices d Pub Info t200 1@1 4191Q� -01- 35c.1 f�0@ 182 4192e -01- 35�.Z 101 4191Q -81- 3`,�.3 101 41910 -01- s94.0 PC Soft�are Purchases S0 101 4I91� -01- 394.1 f0 101 4191Q -01- 394.2 101 4191H -01- 394.s 1�1 4191Q -@i- 3?5.@ PC Maintenaoce S8 102 419Y0 -P1- 395.1 101 41910 -01- 355.� 1Q1 41912 -02- s°5.3 101 41910 -0i- 4:�.0 Uues d 5ubscriptions 5750 101 414I8 -01- 4a3.1 47� 181 41910 -k�1- 433.2 181 4i910 -01- 43's,3 161 41416 -Pi- %+37.8 ConferenceslSeeinars S?,850 161 4i910 -Nl- 4�7.1 fc,8:�@ 101 41910 -H1- 4si.2 101 4191Q+ -02- 43i.3 101 419ie -01- 435.0 Baoks � Ra�phiets iBAO 2N1 41918 -01- 4s5.1 f$Q+@ 182 41910 -01- 4�5.2 101 419�0 -Qri- 4�.,.3 101 4I91e -01- 435.0 Misrellaneous Other 5300 iZl 41910 -01- 435.1 f300 101 41910 -01- 439.2 1("1 4191N -02- 10: 4:51� -01- PA6� 70TF�.S f5,808 S5,8A8 DEPARTMENi TOTALS f281,642 f'c81,64P a -; , - . -, First Run Council 1991 BW6ET ht'JRKSNtETS Nove�ber 26, 1490 60VtRt�iT BUFLDINGS Fage One 41940 Qbject Requested Fund A:count � Obj � Description A�ount Total Co��ents f01 41940 -@1- �11.8 Cleaning Supplies f1,080 cleansers,�nps,brooes,etc 201 4194@ -01- �1i.1 f1,08@ 101 41540 -6i- �11.� 101 41540 -Bl- 211.3 1@1 41940 -01- �1.0 Equip�ent �'arts S0 181 4i940 -@1- 221.1 181 41940 -01- 221.2 101 41940 -01- 223.@ Buiiding Repair & Maint 57,08@ 1�1 41946 -01- 2'�s'.1 purnc �arpet cieaner i�60 city hall 181 4l440 -0I- 223.� street nu�bers f300 city hail 101 4144� -01- C23.4 floor �ats ti,200 city hall/fire halllgarage 101 4i940 -@1- 223.5 rekey Ineks-pW 6ar f580 garage 101 41940 -01- 223.6 uarage doors 31,0�d0 city halllfire hall/garage 101 41540 -01- �3.7 fisc f1,09� fire hall 101 4i940 -�1- 223.8 � lunchroa� vent t$00 101 41940 -@1- 223.9 Lackers t2,0Q� garage 1@1 41940 -01- 223.9 181 41940 -81- c'23.9 101 41940 -0I- 225.0 Landscape Materials f500 - 101 41940 -@1- 225.1 S;OQ� 101 41540 -01- 225.3 i@1 41940 -0f- 229.0 Qther Maintenance 5upplies ;8 101 4I948 -�i- '�'9.1 101 4194@ -01- 229.3 101 41940 -el- 241.0 S�a11 Too2s ii00 i01 41940 -01- 241.1 S1H0 i61 41440 -@1- 241.3 101 41940 -OI- 242.0 Minnr Equipient i1@0 101 41948 -61- 242.1 4100 1@1 41940 -01- 242.3 101 4194@ -01- s1�.0 Misc Other Prof 5vcs S3,&48 102 4I948 -81- 's19.1 elevator t840 101 41940 -01- 319.2 heat/cool saint is',00@ 101 41940 -01- 314.3 sirens f0 10: 4I940 -�11- 38L6 Eleciric Utiiity L^c2,000 10! 4i948 -83- 383.8 6as Utility 513.00Q� 101 41946 -0i- 384.e Refuse Yb�@e� 101 41946 -81- 384.1 f6,000 181 41940 -01- 384.2 181 41940 -01- 415.0 Other Equip�ent Rental 57,00@ 181 41940 �1- 415.1 U of M storage 55,800 101 41540 -01- 425.2 �isc fl,c'� �isc cleaning � special equip 18! 4194@ -01- 415.3 101 41948 -01- 434.0 Miscellaneous Dther 5506 DEPARTMENT TOTAL5 ib1,120 � First Run Gouncil :991 BUD"uE7 �DRKSHEETS -� Nove��er P6, 1596 PtII.ICE 4�1i0 Gage One Dbject Requested Fund Account # Qbj # Description A�ount Total Co�eents 181 42118 1@i.0 Salaries f�29,432 1@l 42110 -0�- 10 L 0 Rolice Cnief Knutsen f68,0k1 101 4Pi10 -03- 101.0 Folice Lt Kuhn f50,401 181 4�110 -c0- 181.0 Pol 5ecy/Disp Marthaler i35,570 iQi 42110 �4- 101.0 Aalice 5argeant Er�icson f4b,eii 101 42110 -05- 102.0 Police Sargeant 0'Leary f47,289 101 4�110 -N4- 101.0 Rolice Patral �Cobidea� 34E,190 1@i 4�I10 -@6- 101.8 Fatrol Brian Burkhaiter f44,613 1�1 42110 -07- 101.0 Patrol &rant ittorstad fs4,832 10i 4E110 -08- 101.0 Patrol Bill 0'Donnell 541,270 181 4P110 -10- 1�31.Q Ratrol John 5of�ers f4b,68@ 101 4�110 -11- 101.0 Patrol Brian Neaiherfordi41,270 101 42110 -i�- 101.0 New Ratrol Position f32,815 replace DflRE pla�e�ent 101 42118 -1's- 161.0 101 4�11@ -14- 181.@ , 18f 4211@ 163.0 Part Ti�e 5alaries f9,721 ' lel 42110 -2f- 103.1 5ecretary Karen Kelly f4,7�i ll�l 4�110 -01- �67.0 Training & Instructian 55,650 11 nfficers � 40�6.80 per offic 101 42110 -01- 2�7.1 Training 54,400 1P1 42110 -01- 207.2 Special classes & A�o 51,2�0 101 4�110 -01- 2k�7.3 !01 42116 -Bl- �C09.0 Dther 4ffice Supplies f1,580 Special forts 161 42110 -01- �09.1 Foris f1,500 101 4�110 -81- 289.� 2 HandHeld Tape Recorder t0 101 421I0 -01- 209.3 1 7ranscriber Machine f0 101 4�118 -01- 2t�4.4 161 42110 -01- 212.0 Motor Fuels ii4,� 101 a�li0 -81- �iz.i i14,Q�+0 181 4ZI10 -�1- 2iP.2 101 42118 -01- 21�.3 1@i 4�110 -01- 212.4 101 �110 -@i- 2I2.5 1@i 42110 -al- 223.0 Lubs & Addi�ives t200 101 4�11@ -01- 21s,1 SF00 F01 42110 -01- 213.2 f01 4�11@ -Q1- 213.3 iR�l 42110 -911- 21�.4 12i 42110 -Q!- 214.0 Other Operatin0 Supplies i22� iHi k2110 -@i- 219.1 5uppiies for Auto fc''80 i@1 42116 -01- 219.� 1�1 4�120 -01- 214.3 101 42110 -01- 22L @ Equipeent Aarts t4s0� i81 42118 -@1- �i.l Car Repairs S4,@00 181 4211@ -6I- 221.2 101 421i0 -01- ?.�1.3 10! 4�110-01- 2�1.4 101 4Plf0 -01- 222.0 Tires 51,5� i@1 42110 -@Z- c'c^�'.1 f1,50@ 101 42110 -01- �2.2 1R1 4211H -01- 2�2.3 101 4�110 -01- �41.0 Seail TooL SI50 i0f 4�I10 -6i- 241.1 Sf50 101 4PifB -�1- 241.� FFtuE T[!T�!S f556,3.`,s t5E6,35's ; . . , First Run Council 1491 £+UD"uET WORKSHEEiS Noveeber 2b, 1998 POIICE 42110 Page Two Dbject Requested Fund Rccount � Dbj # Description Aoount Total Co�ients 101 42110 -01- 304.0 Legal Fees i35,000 101 42110 -01- �@4.1 6rannis � Har�eyer 535,0Q�0 101 42110 -41- 304.2 101 4�110 -01- 384.3 101 42118 -01- 's04.4 1@i 42110 -01- 3@5.@ Medicai & Dental Fees f1,000 1@1 4�110 -01- 305.1 t1,B00 iH! 42110 -Q�1- 365.2 101 42110 -01- 306.0 Personnel Testing S0 101 4�11@ -OI- 30b.1 F�hysicals 101 42110 -@i- ;s@5.� Phycological 1N1 42110 -01- 38b.3 M.P.R.5. Place�ent 101 4zi10 -02- 3I9.0 Other Grof 5ervices Sc0,200 2Q�1 4�110 -01- 319.1 Dispatch Rolice � Firefl8,'s00 iPi 42110 -01- 319.P Fil�, Pu►^c��ase/Develao f480 ! 101 4�110 -01- 319.3 Rlaod � Sreath Test 31,500 ' 101 4�i16 -@1- �3.0 Radio Units 35,600 ' IRT 421i@ -�1- 3?.3.1 101 4Z110 -01- 3�s.2 r�ecert & Repair Radar 5500 181 4�110 -01- 3C3.'s Repair 5irens 8� Radios :4,5@0 181 42110 -�1- s'31.8 Travel cxpense f8� 181 4z118 -01- 331.1 Chief's State i150 • 101 42ll0 -01- ?,s1.2 National Convention S65@ 1�1 42110 -01- s31.3 Cri�e Prevent/� Offcrs f0 101 42210 -01- 391.6 P.C. N+aintenance iP50 16f 42110 -01- s91.1 SP�O 101 42110 -01- 392.0 P.C. Accessories � Supplies i0 101 4P110 -�1- 392.1 101 4P11@ -01- 393.0 P.C. Hardware Gurchase f@ 1Q1 42118 -01- 393.1 161 4C110 -01- 394.0 P.C. Software Purchase S0 I01 4�110 -02- 394.1 101 4�110 -01- 396.0 Co�puter Maiotenance 58,8@0 IBi 42110 -02- s96.1 EP�ORS 5oftware Main. t�,20@ 221 42110 -01- s9b.� ENrORS Turnkey Main. f5,9�0 101 42110 -01- 396.s CJDN conr�ect charnes S7Q�0 101 4211@ �f- 397.Q Caeputer �iccessories 55,3�0 101 4c^118 -01- 397.1 5uper Searrh f1.B06 Super Search 101 42116 -61- 397.� 5tate Upoate f2,48a State Uodate 181 42110 -0f- 397.3 Corputer paper f500 181 4P110 -01- 397.4 Gack cleaning t600 181 42110 -01- 484.8 Elther Contracted R b M fi,9b0 1�1 4�i1� -01- 409.1 t14)Sirens Maintenance 51,260 1Q�1 4P11@ -01- 409,P Siren Repairs i7@0 181 4P110 -01- 415.0 Other Equip�ent Rentai f11,9�0 181 42110 -01- 415.1 Rni�al Control 56,7� tBl 4t110 -01- 415.2 Wages t500 i@1 42110 -�1- 415.3 Insurance 513200 101 4�11� -01- 415.4 Vet Clinic 3's,5�0 pRGE TDiAL5 t90,Pi0 i50,210 . , -i I First Run Cauncil 1991 BUDGET NDf�{SI�ETS '� Nove�ber 26, i940 P�.ICE 42118 Page Three �I Object Requested I�' rund Ac�ount # Obj # Description Aiount Total Con ents 101 4E110 —61— 433.0 Dues b Subsciptions SP00 101 42110 —01— 433.1 5200 101 4Z110 -81— 4s3.2 101 42110 —Q1— 43.`,.6 Buoks � Parphlets i1,000 101 4211@ —01— 435.1 Bike Safety i0 1@1 42110 —01— 435.2 Other Progra�5 S@ 101 4'ci10 —Q�1- 435.3 D.A.R.E. 51,0@0 101 42110 —01- 436.0 ToMing Charges f200 101 42110 —01- 436.1 5200 101 4?110 —01— 4's6.2 10i 4C210 —01— 436.3 101 k211� —01- 437.0 Conferences / 5e�inars 5758 101 4Pi10 —OI— 437.1 State Ghf's b Disaster f2i�b 101 4Cl10 -01— 437.2 Chief's Nat'1 Conv. 5550 101 42116 —01— 4's7.3 Cri�e Natch/2 Officers S0 101 4�11@ —02— 437.4 Cri�e WatchlDare Grg� f0 101 42ll0 —�1— 439.0 Other Misc Charges f0 101 42110 —81— 439.! Tax Transfer 101 42110 —BI— 439.2 Setup 5quads 101 42118 —01— 551.0 Capital Dutlay Ruto S0 1@1 42I10 —01— 551.1 f81 42118 —81— 551.2 101 42110 —01— iei a�iie -ei- 101 4'ci10 -02- 181 42l1@ -01- 101 4211@ -01- 1@1 4�11@ -81- PAGE TOTA1.5 f�,150 i�,150 DEF+ARTMENT TDTALS tb58,7i3 3659,713 , First kun Coun_ii :991 BJD"u�T id�R;{�icrTS Nove�aer �b, 1990 r'Ift�"- Dc'PA�TM'cbii F�aaE One � 4?.�10 Objeet Requested Fund A:count � Dbj # Description R�ount 7otai Co��ents f01 4�c^18 103.Q.Salar;ies Fart Ti�e fiO4,483 lQl 4�'10 ��- 1Rs.1 Salaries S1's,550 1@i 4�18 -0�- 103.P Fire Fighter Pay 550,84� 1Q1 4�I@ -6L 1Q�'s.3 fldvance Credit 53,808 101 42210 -0:- 10"s.4 Rensions f2,7@0 1Q1 4��1Q -Q�- 1Q3.5 Traiaing i1E,800 101 4P210 -0�- les".b Medicare ii,P00 101 42z1Q+ -P,�- 18,3.7 Fire Marshall Salary f15,4's3 181 42�10 -61- 201.0 Office 5upp b Access f10B 101 4221A -t�i- P01.1 Dept Supplies S1Qa� 101 42210 -01- Z01.� ' 2@1 4P�10 �1- 2Q1.3 101 4u'10 -01- 20�.0 Duplita:ing d Copy S10a 101 4c"218 -01- �8?.1 Gopier Supplies f108 1�1 4�2f@ -(t�l- ��2.2 181 4�10 -02- �+4.N envelopes d Letterhead fiAO 101 4�216 -@f- 204.1 Dept Supplies f1N0 101 4P?10 -01- P64,� i@1 42210 -61- 267.0 Training & Instruction S0 lAl 4�210 -01- 2Q�7.1 1R1 4�''c10 -01- 207.2 1@1 4�218 -01- 287.3 161 42228 -01- 207.4 181 4�10 -Q�i- 287.5 101 �4'..210 -?i- �09.0 Qther Office Supplies f'�00 102 4221@ -61- 2@9.1 Misc Supplies S�Q+O 102 4�10 -01- 211.@ Cleaning Supplies S3R0 �61 4�10 -01- 2Q�9.� Dept Supplies fs0e 101 4�iQ -C�1- �l'c.P Motor �uels 52,800 181 4c�1@ -Q�i- P12.1 7ruck �uels t2,0A0 161 4r'�10 -01- 212.2 161 42'ciQ -01- 212.3 101 4'�210 -@1- 212.4 101 4�10 �i- Pi3.0 Lubs & Rdditives i�00 101 4�210 -(�1- 21's.l Oil Cnanoes - Lubs t100 1@1 4c"210 -Q1- 213.Z koutine Maintenanre s40Q - 101 4�iC -22- P:3.3 1P1 4�1H -E�1- �le.e Fire Dep: Clothing fS,NBQ� 1�1 42'c28 -0i- Z16.1 Coats f2,b00 1@1 42�10 -02- P16.2 Pants 51,688 10i 42218 -01- 21&.3 Heirets ib� 181 42P10 -81- 21&.4 Accessories Sc'�0 181 42210 �-81- 219.0 Qther Operating Supplies is80 101 4?.210 -01- 229.1 Medical 5388 101 4u?T0 -01- �2.0 Eouip�fnt �'arts � 54,8�0 181 4�18 -01- :c2L1 Farts fi,5@0 181 4�10 -(�1- F21.2 Reoairs 5�,500 181 42210 -01- 2P1.s 1@1 4�.'i[� �i- c"?.0 Tires f50l� iQl 4�220 -l'1- �2.1 Repiace�ent 7ires S`�0 iei 44;:ie -e:- �::.� R�o"� TOTRLS f117,5� f117,SB3 , . � .� first i:un iounril 1991 BUD�� id�RHSii:ETS Nove�ber c'b', 1950 FIR� Ik�+RR'iM�NT Page TNo k2?1Q Objert Requested Fund Rccount � Obj � Description A�oant Total Co��ents 101 4^c210 -01- 2'c9.0 Other M�aintenance Supplies f1,800 �81 4�10 -61- c�4.1 Mechanic - autside S1,N00 101 4221� �i- 229.2 2t�1 4�1� -01- �9.3 iel 4�2?8 �2- 2a�.0 Equip Repair Materiais S1,II�a SBi 42�10 �1- c�.l Equip Rep--Non-Vehicle f1,N0@ 101 4P210 -01- 241.0 5�a11 Tools f700 101 42P16 -fll- 241.1 Fittings b Rdaptors f8 201 42210 -01- 241.2 Meehine Tools f100 lt�l 4c 10 -81- 241.3 6arden Hose t�'Q0 101 4.'.210 -01- 241.4 Rescue iools f200 101 4',.�'18 -N1- P41.5 Axes - 5hovels f260 12�1 4�21@ -01- �5.0 Medical b Dental Fees t1,600 101 42P1@ -81- 305.1 Health Testina i1,500 161 42'c10 -0i- s05.c Health Equip�ent 5160 1Q�1 42P10 -01- 3Q►a.6 Personnel Testing 52,�00 101 4L�10 -�1- a�o.l Ner; Fire Fiohters f1�800 161 4�210 -01- 's0b.2 E�eroency Checkups f200 10I 42�10 �1- 30c.'s 10i 4L210 -P�1- �8.8 Instruc�ors' Fees S3,0t�0 161 42210 -01- 306.1 Sectional & State 51,80@ 101 4?�10 -61- 3�8.2 Hazardous Materials 101 4'310 -81- 308.3 r'irst icesponder f900 1@1 4221@ -01- 308.4 Dfficer ibQ►� 101 k?210 -01- 30E.5 FFI f500 IQ1 42�10 -81- 310.0 7esting Services 51,0�0 :01 42P10 --0f- 31H.1 Various Testing 51,080 lE'i 4�210 -0.- sl's.0 3eEporary 5ervice Fees 5340 16i 4P216 -01- 313.1 Rir Co�pressor 5300 lPl 42�i0 -fl:- 315.0 Dther Prof Services S4,s00 iQ+l 4�20 -01- 's19.i Ha� p��at f2,39£� SQ1 42218 -Q�i- 319.2 Haz �`�at Training f2,@@H l0i 4�?i0 -01- s15,3 Yei 42210 -01- .i�1,Q� Telep!�one Costs i'c@0 101 4�10 �1- .xl.l Cellular Phone 4200 1Q1 4�10 -Q41- 3�.0 F'ostaoe fl� 161 4L:1� �z- o�.l Misc M�ailings 5180 101 4?�le -01- 3W:.� IBl 42?36 -0i- �s.0 kadio 54,5� 1H1 42�18 -6]- 3�3.1 Iqabiles S3,1Qr8 101 4c�i0 -01- :w3.2 Hand Held f150 161 4�'10 -Al- 's�3.3 Gaoers f1,Z50 101 ��10 -01- 3�5.6 Other Go�eunications Cost fi,P00 101 4�1H -Q�1- �.1 Hand Neld Repair f'sQ�O 1B1 4'�10 -01- sx.2 Mobile Repair 5;�0 � 1P1 4a.318 -01- �29.3 Paoer Repair S18Q� , 1@1 4?210 -01- �9.4 Barse Repair 5500 101 4�'21Q -01- 331.0 Travel 5�,200 � 101 4�10 -01- ss'1.1 Chiefs Confr 5560 101 4�F0 -Hl- 331,� State f 1,Q+OQ� 121 4�20 -0i- ;�sL3 �chools i700 101 4'31� �1- 38�.4� kater Utility S55Q 101 4�c,0 �i- 35�.i Cortribute to Utility 5550 F'HGc 7D i�it 5�,;,65� S�s,650 , . . ; .� First Run Counril 1491 BU►'�7 iJORK5r1EtiS Nove�ber 26, I990 FIRE DEAARTlENT Page Three 42�T0 Object Requested rund Account # Obj # Description Aiount Total Coirents 101 4'cZ10 -Ql- 391.0 PC Maintenance f0 101 4�PlQ+ -0�- 391.1 Maintain Existing PCs f0 101 42c"10 -Q�1- 391.2 1R1 42c10 �1- 394.t� F'C Hard/5nft ware S0 101 4�'z^10 -01- 344.1 Hardware f0 101 4�10 -01- 394.2 5oftware f8 � 101 42210 -01- 394.3 Rccessories I 101 4�:1Q+ -01- 344.4 �'� 121 42210 -01- 43s'.0 Dues & Su6scriptions f40a , 1Q1 42P10 -01- 43's.l Magazines S5N , 181 4c 10 -81- 433.2 t�ues i280 iQ1 4^c10 -01- 43.i.'s Insurance f150 101 4�218 -01- 437.0 Conferencesl5e�inars l88a 101 4�2Q -01- 437.1 Chiefs i2Q� 161 4;.�10 -01- 437.2 State S5@0 161 4LP10 -01- 4's7.3 Other ii08 101 4�Z18 -01- 43?.� Other Miscellaneous t�arges f3,000 101 4;.21Q� -01- 439.1 Food fi08 101 42210 -01- 439.2 Oxyq_en-Plaques-E�bless to80 I0I k2P10 -01- 439.3 Fainting f1,tiQ�0 191 422i8 -01- 439.4 Extinquisher S3Q�8 iBl 4�c'10 -01- 439.5 Fatches + ID f400 101 4z210 -0i- 56�.0 Caoital Outlay Furniture SP 101 k�'c10 -Q+l- 5b0.1 Furniture i0 101 4�210 -0�- 5�6.2 101 4�iN -01- 570.Q� Office Equipaent t600 101 4�218 -61- 57@.1 Xerox 36NQ+ 1Q�1 �r�10 -81- 570.2 381 4�10 -01- 580.0 D:her Eauio�ent 56,080 1@1 4'c210 -f��- 580.1 Liqfit Bars 6 Sirens S1,9Q+Q+ 101 4,'�''.�YB -01- 580.� Hose S4,0a0 101 4�c1@ -0i- �.3 5�RA f0 161 4�10 -61- ;80.4 Nozzles f1.000 1B1 4�21Q -Q+1- 58E�.5 6eneratorlMisc Si,1HA F'Au� TO i►'�;_S i 12,800 S?2,$00 D�PRRTMCNi' 7DTA:.S S 154,�:;3 i 1`,�,0.i3 ' ' First Run Council 1991 BUD�ET WORKSHEETS ; Nnve�ber 26, 1990 PUBLIC NORKS 43180 Page One Qbject Requested Fund Account # Obj � Description A�ount Total Con ents 101 4s'100 101.0 Salaries t's55,4�� 101 4's100 -�- 181.0 Peblic Works Director f29,519 181 43100 -�k- 101.0 Engineering iech f35,453 101 4318� -fi- 101.0 Building Custodian 3erde 5�6,442 1Z1 43180 -05- 101.0 Engineering Tech Bailey i33,6b$ 101 4310@ -03- 101.8 Fore�an 4lidstro� 549,103 101 43100 -10- 101.0 Maintenance I flarfknecht 527,871 101 431� -13- i@1.0 Maintenanre II Lonnquist 5�,;,709 i@1 431� -15- 101.0 Mechanic III Sandstro� f35,188 ', 101 4siN0 -16- 10L� Maintenance III fs8,51b ' 101 43100 -17- 101.0 Mechanic I iL1,417 S1^c.5t�/hr x c680 + S$,00@{beeefits) , 101 43f@0 -12- 181.@ Maintenance I i�i,417 i12.31 � P030 + 58,0@0(benefits) 102 43100 -1$- 181.0 Engineering Tech f0 sa�e as Job 05 101 433@0 101.@ Clerical 1/2 Ti�e f0 f8.@0 � 1648 + i4,Q�0{benefitsl lal 43100 -0�- 162.0 Full Ti�e Overti�e t�i,b00 120 hrs x 10 x 9T8/hr 101 4310A -@�- 16�.1 i2I,60@ 101 43200 -99- 103.0 Part Ti�e E�ployees 525,968 101 43100 -99- 103.1 Engineering Intern i8,i60 6 �o. @ 38.5 101 4310� -49- 103.2 Public Works t9,64B 3 teops � fb/hr for 67 day5 1@1 43108 -99- 183.3 Engineering Intern-6I5 f8,160 6 eanths @ f8.50/hr 101 43i00 -01- �.8 Copy/Duplicating f0 in general lei 43100 -01- 2@3.0 Printed For�s b Paper S0 in generel 101 431�d -01- 205.0 Drafting 5upplies Si,c'�00: 181 43100 -0f- 205.1 blueline, Eylar, etc i880 101 �43180 -01- 20�.2 •isc f480 101 43100 -01- �0`.3 101 431@0 -01- 289.0 Office Supp-other f1,000 101 431� -01- c11.0 Cleaning 5upp fc00 shop,vehicle,equip 101 43f00 -0I- 212.0 Motor Fuels f12,0B0 101 k3100 -01- 213.0 Lube � Add 53,0� oiI,grease,anti-freeze 181 43100 -01- 229.0 Operating Supp-other i6,00a nails,bolts,steel,const. stakes,etc 101 43100 -01- ^c�'1.0 Equipt Parts/Repair i18,000 1ai 4's100 -01- 2��.0 Tires S2,Q�@0 iQ�l 431@0 -61- 22^c.l loaderiorader replace 480� 101 431� -01- 222.2 truck replace f800 101 43100 -01- 2�.3 pickup,auto S2Q+0 i61 43100 -61- 222.4 repairs S2@0 10i 431NN -0�- �4 L 0 S�all iools i�,000 rake�,shoveis,wrenches,haifers,e'tc 101 431@� -@2- 24�?.0 Minor Eouip i4s900 141 43f88 -@1- �42.f traffic counters-2 S0 161 4si� -01- �42.2 �echanic tools Sir500 1N1 4310@ -81- 242.3 start tester fi,00@ I81 4310Q -01- 242.4 wheel caddie S�0 1�1 431@0 -0f- 242.5 eisc survey equip 57�8 i81 4310(d -01- 242.b �isc f1,200 i01 43f00 -01- 242.7 plan size copier to copy �xs4 blueline prints 181 43180 -01- Z42.9 . f�� 70TRL f453,290 . r 1 "f First Run Councii 199i Bi1DGET MlORK5F1EET5 Nove�ber 26, 199@ PiJBLIC WDRKS 4310i8 Page TNo Q6ject Requested =und Rccount # Obj � Description A�ount Total Co�eents - 101 431@0 -01- 303,@ Engineering Fees 59,500 10I 4310Q -01- 303.1 �isc t9,5N0 i01 43180 -81- s'04.8 Legal Fees 52,�0 101 431@@ =01- 304.1 non-project related S2,�AQ0 161 431Q�@ -61- 365.6 Medicai r"ees 5500 101 43100 -01- �05.I e�ploy�ent physicals 5500 101 4s'100 -01- 3'c1.0 Telephone i0 1�1 4310� -02- 322.0 Postage f0 101 4's160 -01- �s.0 Radio Units tP,B@0 101 4310@ -01- 3Z3.1 replaceients-� fi,5�0 101 43106 -01- 323.2 naw portables-P t800 101 4si00 -0!- ��3.3 repair i508 ' iBi 431Q0 -01- �#.0 Messenoer 5ervice 150 I 101 4s100 -01- �4.0 Cou -�other f1,0(N0 ' 101 43100 -01- 3�°4.1 newsletters fi,000 ` i@1 4s1@@ -01- 331.8 'iravel Exp SP,@00 RPfiA � aisc se�inars-air,rooi�brd � 101 43100 -01- 333.0 Freight & Express 5100 S0i 43100 -@1- ss'9.0 T�^ansportation �50 tileage for personai vehicle use 181 43100 -01- 341,0 fiployoent 5500 101 43100 -02- 349.0 Advertising i5�0 oisc legals,equip ad5 for bids,posi 101 43100 -01- 341.0 PC Maint f880 101 431@@ -@1- 391.1 101 43100 -01- 39C.0 PC Rccessorieslsupl S8 101 4310@ -01- 39P.1 20 Meg tape backup f0 101 �`43100 -01- 39�.2 eisc 30 101 43100 -01- 39�.3 i@1 43100 -01- �94.@ PC Nard b software 51,800 101 431@0 -01- �34.1 �isc upgrades & new Si,@Q�@ i01 43100 -01- 403.0 Contracted Rep � Maint t0 iQ�l 431N0 -01- 48's.l 1@1 43100 -01- 404.0 Machinery & Equip R � M 51,500 s�all �achinery not covered in CIP 1@1 431�0 -P1- 4Q+4.1 101 431@0 -@1- 4@9.6 Contracted Rep & Maint 58,00� repairs sent oat 101 43100 �1- k09.1 101 43108 -01- 415.0 Other Equip�ent Rental t1,0Q�0 �isc other equip�ent rentals 101 431Q�4� -@2- 415.1 1�3t 431@@ -01- �+s3.� Dues & Subscr f5Q�0 M�': �P4tA ITE eisr P � a e idi 4s'iB0 -OI- 4s"7.Q� ConferenceslSeeinars i1,6� reg fiees 8 �zsc traieing 101 43i6U� -t�1- 4Fw.6 boo'scs � Pacphiets S3@0 101 4's100 -@1- 439.fl Miscellaneous f500 T01 43100 -01- 570.0 Office Furniture f0 101 43100 -82- 570.1 desk chairs - 2 f0 101 4s'100 -01- 570.2 6I5 statian f0 PA6E 'tOTRI #33,600 DERARTMa1T TOTRLS f48b,890 � •rirst Run Council :°91 B;JJ"n�7 WO�.�;�i�i5 ', Noveiber �c, 149@ i+�ucD STnu�5 4"sI21 Object Requested Fund Account �bj # Description C+eount 7ota1 Goi�ents 101 431�1 -01- c�k.0 Street M,aint Matl 53�,600 1@y 431c1 -01- 224.1 crack sealant S4,R00 8,000 ibs 1P,1 431�1 -0I- c 4.P bit patching S24,000 1,�00 tn 1@1 43�P1 -Q1- �4.3 striping 560� paint for crosswalks,park spaces 201 431�1 -01- 2Z4.4 stor� sewer 51,� rulverts,castinos,riprap 141 431�1 -01- ^c�4.5 gravel shauldering i1,N�a 101 43121 -01- 224,6 10i 4�1�1 -01- �'S.0 Landscaping Material 51,500 ti�bers,shrubs,sod,etc 101 431�1 -01- �.'S.1 blvds E ditches i1,5d� 181 43121 -01- �n.0 Sign Repair P�ateriais S0 101 43121 -01- ��6.1 181 431�1 -Q1- ^c?b.Z 101 43I21 -61- ;si3:;.0 Engineering Fees S1,0N0 201 431�1 -@1- 3Q3.1 pave�ent �o�t fees fl,@00 pave't �g�t study update 101 k3121 -01- .i10.0 Testing 5ervices fi,080 1Q1 431�1 �1- 310.1 pave�ent testinn fees f1,AQ+0 pave't io�t study update 101 43:�1 -01- 31?.0 prof 5erv - other S46,P00 contracied repairs/iaint 101 43121 -01- 319.1 sealcoating S',u`,^c00 sealcoat for 4 �i 101 431�1 -01- 'si9.2 aach placed bit S0 1C1 43I�1 -@i- 315.s traffic �arking S1,Qt00 78Q� nal 1�1 4s'i�l -01- 329.4 c�q_ replace S?,0�a 2� ft 161 431�1 -@1- �i9.5 s/w repair/replace SP,Q80 city's 50x share to replare Sk sf i�i k3121 -81- 's15.6 f0 sealcoat for 4 ei streets lel 43121 -01- 384.0 RefuSe Disposal i6@t� 161 �431�1 -01- 384.1 roadside garba�e fnE►3 101 431�1 -01- s84.2 101 43121 -01- 415.0 Rentals - ather S;:,Q�00 Y6i 4's2�1 -0l- k15.1 s�ecialized eouip f^c,��0 cilling �achine,wood chipper,Eisc 161 43121 -Qi- 4s9.0 M�iec 5500 181 43121 -01- 439.1 SSN� TOTA� GAVtD STR�i S S6s,40a 58,:,,400 ` " First kun Counci: 1991 RUDGET WDRKSHEETS -;; Nove�ber 2b, 1990 UNPRVED 5TREEtS 431� Dbject Requested Fund Rccount Obj # Description A�ount Total Go�Eents 181 43122 -01- �24.0 5treet Maint Matl 531,@80 10! 431'�' -01- �24.1 gravel i16,0� gravel for 5 oiles 101 43122 -01- E24.2 chloride 514,880 dust control for 3 ii �x/yr 101 43122 -01- 224.3 stnr� sewer fi,@00 101 4"si22 -01- 224.4 101 431z2 -01- 224.5 101 43t�2 -01- 2�4.6 101 4312'2 -01- 22�.@ Landscaping Material 5500 ti�bers,shrubs,sod,etc 101 43122 -01- 225.1 blvds & ditches f51�8 101 4s122 -01- °�'6.0 Sign Repair Materials f0 101 431�2 -01- 2Z6.1 101 43122 -01- 226.0 101 431'�2 -01- 303.0 Engineering Fees f0 101 4�122 -01- s'@3.i pav't ig�t � testing S0 1@1 4's1E2 -{31- 318.0 Engineerino Fees f0 1@1 4'si22 -61- 310.1 pav't �g�t � testing i@ 101 4s1�2 -01- 319.0 Rrof Serv - other t0 lel 43122 -@1- 319.1 i0 101 4312z -01- 394.0 Refuse Disposal i600 101 431� -81- 3B4.1 roadside garbane fb@0 201 431u -81- 394.Z 101 431'�t -01- 425.0 Rentais - other 51,� 101 43122 -01- 415.1 specialized equip S1,0t�a waod chipper,�isc 10I 4312� -01- 439.8 Misc 5500 101� 4'si22 -01- 439.1 S500 . TOTF� UN;+pVEU Si fi�ET5 S3s,600 f33,600 � First Run Cauncil 1491 &lDGcT WQR�SHEETS -;' Nove�ber 26, 1990 ICE b SN�! R'cMOJAL -4s'i� Qbject Requested Fund Account � Qbj # Descriptian R�ount Total Gonents 101 43105 -61- 216.0 �he�icals b Che�ical Rrod 57,800 181 431�5 -01- 216.1 5alt, 380 tn 57,80Q� 101 43125 -01- 216.3 101 431�5 -@1- 224.0 5treet Mair�t Matl 51,808 121 4s'I25 -0l- �4.i sand, 900 tn i1,8n0 161 431�5 -@2- �4.2 101 43125 -01- 224.3 101 43125 -01- 415.8 Dther Equipcent Rentais f�,880 101 43125 -01- 415.1 trucks for hauling f2,880 2 trucks x 6 hrs x S40/hr x 6 181 43125 -ei- 415.2 add'1 snawplow S0 101 43125 -01- 4i5.3 101 431�5 -01- 439.8 Dther t�iscellaneous Chrgs f�0 1�1 431P5 -01- 439.1 �isr f5A0 101 43125 -@1- 4's9.2 101 43125 -01- 434.3 TOTAL ICE � SPlOW REM 512,980 t12,�i8B � �=irst Run Goun:ii 1�i91 EUusc7 'ri�Rl;SI�,.�TS �t tvove�aer 2c, 1998 5TR"cc�t LI6HTIN6 - 4's160 � Object Requested r Fanc� A:count # Obj # Description a�ount Total Co��ents 181 4s160 -01- 22b.8 Sign Repair Materials S0 �oved to 43170 l01 4.i160 -01- �?26.1 101 431b0 -01- :.�6.� 161 43160 -�1- ^cP6.s 101 431b0 -Q+1- �27.0 Uti1 Sys Maint Sup 5800 iQl 43160 -01- �7.1 bulbs S8�4i 101 4?,160 -01- c�7.2 181 431oe -6f- �7.3 101 43160 -01- 'sE1.0 Electric Util 540,0Q+0 1�1 4316� -01- s81.i elertricity 540,000 �ore liuhts,rate inc? 101 431b0 -0i- 361.2 !61 43160 -01- 381.3 101 43160 -01- 409.� Other Contraeted Rep & Maint SZ,000 101 431b0 -01- 409.1 risc r S � f�,@8Q� !01 431c0 -Q�1- 4@9.2 101 431c0 -01- 439.0 Misc f1Q�0 161 4's160 -0�- 439�1 f1(�8 lel 4316Q� -01- 439.� 101 4�160 -QI- Ss0,0 Other I�proveeents 51,5@0 install st'lights @ �ajor inte lEl 43160 -82- 53B.I T1fN streetlights 51,�00 101 431b0 -01- 530.� 101 43160 TOTRL STREcT LIGF(fING t44,4B8 544,400 � • First Run Council ?491 RUD"u`T MDRK,St?�c?S '� Nove�ber 'c'o, 1490 5I� LI6riTS, Si6NS k31�0 Object kequested r" Fund Account # Obj # Description A�ount Total Caesents 101 43i70 —�81— �26.0 Sign Repair Matls --� f�,000 101 43170 —@1— �[6.1 traffic control S1,Q+00 101 4s'17@ —02— c�b.2 street id Y1,000 1H1 43170 -01— w7.0 Util Sys Maint Sup 5500 bulbs,traific signs,etc I01 4s"176 —01— 2?7.1 5500 1Q1 4�170 —01— �'.27.2 101 4s'i70 —NI— 2�7.'s 101 43I7@ —62— 2�7.4 101 43170 —01- 381.0 Electric Util 5�,008 lE�i 43170 —01— 391.1 f2,0@0 101 4�i70 —01— 4t�9.0 Contracted R � M Y�00 1Q1 43170 —01— 4Q+9.0 5500 101 %r317P, �1- 439.8 Misc t100 101 4s170 -81— 439.1 f100 101 43110 —QEI— 435.2 1Q�1 4"s170 -01— 4s4.3 101 4s'170 —�:— 435.4 161 43l70 TOTi�. SIGN� L7S b SIGAIS 55,100 55,100 `First Run Council 1991 Bi1DGEi' WDRKSHEEiS ,� Nove�ber ?.6, 1990 PARK5 � RECREATID►d Fage Dne 45100 Object Requested r"und Account � Dbj # Description A�ount Total Co�aents 101 45180 16L 0 Salaries i�92,539 101 451N0 -Q�C- 101.0 P6R Dir Bechtoid 554,237 1@1 451@0 -N4- 1@1.@ Ad�in Asst Jost S�F,,862 101 k5100 -0�- 101.@ Prograe Director 524,29� lal 45i86 10L0 5ecretarial F�ided 201 45f80 -03- 101.0 Fore�an Cook S5Q4,916 101 45100 -10- 12L @ Maintenance I Dahnke SPS,&d5 i�i 451@0 -1�- 1@1.0 Maintenanre IIi Strese f37,448 10i 45100 -il- 101.0 Forester II Joosten i31,842 101 4510@ -is- 28 L@ Maint\Bldg Trd Koslo►+skiS29,197 1�1 45100 1P,2.0 full Tize Overtiee f5,000 161 45�80 i0�.0 Parks 53,00a (f750 each-staff) 101 45180 1@�.0 Maintenance 101 45100 102.0 Recreation f�,000 tfl,�@0 each-Lisa b Jane? 101 451�0 183.0 Aart Ti�e E�ploqees 544;800 201 45I@0 -97- 163.1 flsst Prog Dir f6,@d►0 161 45100 -8�- 103.2 Playground 521,0@0 iQ�l 451�@ -94- 1@3.3 War�ing House 57,000 101 45180 -97- 103.4 General Recreation i5,080 181 k51@0 -98- 103.5 Parks Maintenance i15,800 , 101 451� -01- 20Z.0 Duplicating & Copying f7B0 ', 10l 45108 -i�l- c�8Z.1 6eneral Prngra�ing S45Q+ 101 45100 -01- 2�.2 Brochares S25fb 101 451@0 -�1- 'c85.0 Drafting 5upplies f2,�50 101 ��45180 -01- 205.1 Drafting Supplie5 3�,PSQ� 1@1 45100 -01- 207.0 Training & Instruction 51,500 1�1 45180 -01- 287.1 Videos S50@ 1aI 45f80 -01- �07.� Machine Dperator Guide f250 101 45100 -01- PfD7.3 Maintenanee 6uioe5 5250 101 45I� -01- 207.4 School Tuition 15�0 lEl 4�l88 -01- 2@9.0 Other Offire 5upalies f0 iQ�l 45100 -01- 209.1 i� 101 45108 �1- 209.2 101 45l00 -01- 2@9.s 231 451� -01- �12.0 Motor r"uels f2,000 101 45100 -01- ^c12.1 Lawn 8 Turf Equip, i50H 161 45100 -01- �12.2 Trucks, Cars, etc 5��0 10I �;5180 -0i- 2:i.0 5nop pia:/Gark Supplies S1&,Q�B@ i�i 45106 -0l- 2;5.1 Herbicide f3,80� 101 45180 -01- �15.� Fertilizer f7,@� 101 45100 -01- 215.3 Seed f3,B�8 181 45100 -6!- 215.4 Red Rock 54,500 181 45100 -01- 215.5 Soi1 Tests, Etc t500 101 45100 -01- �15.b 161 45100 -01- 219.0 Qperating Supplies-Other f3,500 10! 451@0 -61- 219.1 Rrts � Crafts/5upplies f2,800 101 45100 -@1- 2i9.2 Brushes, Broo�S, Etc 5500 101 451Q�0 -81- �19.3 Tape Recorders/Radio's fi,Q►�@ f'r1GE T�TR!S S3b8,489 f368,457 . , �; 1 First Run Council 1991 BUDGET WORY.SHEETS Noveiber "c6, 1990 PARKS � RcCREATI�I Page Two Object Requested rund Account � Obj � Description p�ount Total Coe�ents 101 45100 -0i- 221.0 Equipoet�t Parts 58�500 IQ►1 45100 -01- 221.1 Fence Repairllandsrape f2,0R@ 101 45100 -ai- 221.Z Lighting Repair 52,560 1Q1 4510N -01- cc^1.3 Irrigation Repair SZ,0�0 101 45100 -01- 2�1.4 Misc.Split RailiRepair Y�,@00 101 451Q+0 -01- 222.0 Tires S50@ 102 4�100 -01- 2�''2.1 Replace�ent Tires #500 1@1 4510N -01- 223.0 5tructurai RepairslSupplies f8,5@0 101 45100 -01- 223.1 Gaint- Brushes,Rollers fi,000 1@i 45iQ+0 -@1- �2s".2 5hingles, Aoards, Etc i6,06@ 101 451@0 �1- 223.3 Miscelianeous 51,500 1@1 45i00 -01- 2�5.0 Landscape Materials 514,`,60 101 45100 -0i- c25.1 Trees, Shrubs, etc i5,@00 101 4510@ -01- 2�5.2 Ti�bers, Fences{landsc �4,500 i81 45100 -01- 2'25.3 5ealcoating S5,0Ln0 101 45100 -01- 2P9.0 Dther Maintenance 5upplies �:,,Q�OQ� l8f 451Q6 -01- 229.1 Nets, �oles, flases,etc 53,500 201 45f0@ -@1- 229.2 Miscellaneous 51,560 101 45100 -01- 241.0 S�all 7ools f�,500 101 45100 -01- 241.1 Wrenches, Ha�eers, etc fP,750 i01 451@0 -01- �41.2 Larger Tools & 5awa 52,750 101 45f00 -0i- 3Q4?.0 Architects' Fees S0 101 45100 -01- 302.i 101 �451@0 -@1- 303.0 Engineering Fees f2,250 101 451Q�0 -01- 303.1 Dept Gosts 52,250 1@1 45100 -01- ;s04.0 Lega1 Fees f5@0 101 45100 -01- 304.1 Dept Costs f500 181 451@0 -Q1- s�5.6 lM1edical � Dental rees i@ 101 45100 -thi- 3�.1 E�ploy�ent Physicals iQ+l 45100 -01- 315.0 5pecial Prograes i4,5� 101 45100 -01- s'15.1 Sunday 5pecials f�,5@0 101 45100 -QI- 315.2 Leprechaun Days #SQ�Q� 101 45100 -�1- 3Y5.s Halloween 350� 1@1 45l00 -01- s15.4 Speciai Events/RunS t500 101 45100 -01- 315.5 Nature RrograistRrbor) f506 101 451@0 -�1- 3I9.Q� F�rofessior+al Srvs Dther f3,7�0 10I k510e� -�i- siS.i �uildino Archiiect fi,c^56 iQi 4�1@R -01- 314.2 LandsCaQe Rrchitect ii,?5Q 1Q�1 45100 -01- 319.3 Naturalist f1,256 10! 45300 -0�- �3.0 Radios/Phone Si,c^50 101 45100 -@1- 323.1 101 45108 -01- s23.2 Radios 51,250 102 45100 -�i- 331.0 Travel Expense f�50 101 45100 -81- 331.1 5e�inars � Workshops f150 101 45100 -@1- "s31.2 Conventions S0 101 45180 -01- 331.3 6eneral Misc i100 I01 45160 -01- 33s',0 Freight & Express S0 101 4510@ -@f- :,33.1 Materiais Shipping i@1 45100 -01- 341.0 c�oloy�ent Advertising i1,500 lAi 452A0 -@1- 34L 1 Eepioy�ent Rds f1,5Q�t� 101 45200 -01- s49.0 Advertising-tither l7,0(3� 101 451�0 -0i- 349.1 Arachures SE,O@� f6i k5100 -01- 349.2 Flyers{Schools, etc) 550� 101 451Q0 -0l- 's49.3 Miscelianeous 550� FA6� T�TAlS 5;;3,��a s;%.5aa� , 1 .', first Run Council i991 9UDGcT WORKSHEETS Nove�ber 26, 1990 P�RKS b RECREATION Page Three Object Requested Fund Account # Dbj # Description A�ount Total Carents 161 4�1� -�1- 381,6 Electric Utility S14,t'►�0 iQi k51@0 -01- s81.i 5kating Rinks 55,�00 101 45100 -01- s81.2 SoftbaIl Fields f6,@0� 101 451@8 -01- 381.'s IrrigatiQn f�,N00 101 45160 -01- 381.4 Miscellaneous i500 1@1 45100 -01- 38�.0 13ater Utility S0 101 4510@ -01- 3&?.1 field Irrigation 101 k5100 -H1- 391.0 PC Maintenance S0 10I 4510i� -01- s'91.1 PC Maintenaace f0 101 45100 -01- 391.2 Printer Maintenance i0 1@I 45100 -01- 391.3 Misc. Maintenance f� 101 451Q�0 -6I- 393.0 FC Printer Purchases S8 101 45160 -Q�1- 393.1 Equip�ent f0 101 4528Q+ -01- �9�.2 PC Saftware f0 101 45I00 -01- s'9s,3 Misceilaneaus t0 101 451@8 -01- 404.0 Other Repair Contracted f6,5@0 101 45100 -@1- 409.! Irrigation Equip S2i5A@ 14�1 45100 -B1- 4Q�9.� Electrical Equip 52,0� 101 45180 -01- 409.3 Miscellaneoua 52,� 101 45100 -�i- 415.0 Dther Rental iiB4O0@ 161 �`45100 -@1- 415.1 Porta6le Toilets ib,5�0 101 k51@8 -01- 415.� 5t John's & 6yes, et� 5�,�@ 101 45100 -01- 415.3 Equip, Machines, etc 51,5�0 181 45100 -01- 433.0 Dues 6 5ubscriptians f1,0@@ 161 4�100 -t�l--4s3.1 Subsoriptions Si50 lfll 451@0 -01- 433.� Me�berships i500 i01 45200 -01- 433.3 Dues i350 1Q�1 451@0 �1- 435.0 Books & Faaphlets f1,500 101 45180 -01- 435.1 Recreation #500 101 4516t� -01- 435.2 Parks t5@0 i@i 451e@ -02- 4�.3 tnnineering t5(�0 1@1 k51� -81- 4s'7.N Conferences / 5e�inars i3,`,�8 10I 45160 -01- 437.1 5eeinars/Workshops 53,�50 101 4�1t�P, -2i- �r37.� Siaff Meetinns i�� f01 45100 -01- 437,3 r 1Q1 451N0 -81- 439.0 Miscellaneous Dther i2,H@0 101 45100 -$i- 439.1 Various d�,000 1@1 451N0 -01- 439.2 101 451� -01- 570.0 Capital Outlay Furniture 52,0�d0 10I 451N0 -01- 57@.i �eneral S2,BQEQ� 101 k5180 -@i- 570.2 101 451Q�0 -71- 103.@ Fart Ti�e 5alaries f680 !01 45100 -71- 103.1 Fall Softball fb00 101 45188 -71- 219.0 Other Dperating 5upp i1,60@ 101 #510t� -71- 219.1 Rragrao Sapplies fi�EOtd 1Q1 45fQ�0 -71- 311.Q� Ofiiciating Fees S1,6S0 101 45100 -71- 311.1 �all Softball fi,650 iQ+l 45100 -71- 319.Q� Other Prof Services S3`0 1�1 4510Qt -71- 324.1 rall Softball fs'56 �A6� iOTRLS 344,7@@ i44,700 � • 1 First Run Council 1491 BW6ET 4ll1f�(SNEETS Nove�ber 26, 1990 RARKS b RECREATI�I Gage �our Qbject ` Requested Fund Account # Obj # ➢escription A�ount Total Couents I -------------��__� ��------- -------- ------- N 101 k510@ -81- 103.0 Part Tiee Salaries 510,000 �, I@1 451Q� -81- I03.1 Softball t16,Ne8 101 45lQ�0 -81- 219.0 Other Qperating Supp i8,000 � 1�1 k52@a=8i- 219.1 �'ronra� SuppFies fos0�0 , 10i 451Q�0 -82- 219.2 101 45100 -8l- �30.0 Equip�ent Repair Matrl S0 101 45100 -81- 2s0.i 10! 45100 -81- 311.@ Officiating Fees f13,Q�00 1t�i 45100 -81- 311.1 #13,000 101 45100 -BI- 319.0 Dther Prof Srvs 54,50Q 101 45l00 -BI- 319.1 Sk,500 IQtf 45100 -$1- 439.0 Dther Ptisc Charges i5@Q� 101 45100 -81- 439.1 5500 i@1 451@0 -82- 103.0 F'art Ti�e Salaries f's,A@0 101 45100 -8P- 10's.i Volleyball f3,000 1Q�1 45100 -8�- �29.@ Dther Dperating Supp i1,000 101 4�10@ -82- 219.1 Rrogras 5upplies 51,�00 161 45100 -8�- C19.2 162 45100 -82- P30.0 EquipEent Repair Matrl S0 101 45180 -8�- �30.1 101 4518� -82- 'siL 0 Officiating Fees 37,000 l�l 4510@ -82- 31 L 1 E7,Qi00 101 451@t� -82- 319.0 Other Prof Srvs f5@0 101 ��45180 -$2- 319.1 S`�0 10� 45100 -82- 439.@ Other Misc Charges S0 T01 451�@ -82- 439.1 101 45100 -&i- 10's.0 Part Tiee 5alaries 30 101 4�iQ+0 -8s- 103.1 Flaygrounds 101 45100 -83- 219.0 Other Dperating Supp #�50 1Q�! 4�1Q+@ -8a- 229.1 Rrogra� Supp2ies f�50 - 101 451@0 -63- 434.@ Other Misc Charges 5250 i@i 45i@� -�i- 439.1 Misc expenses f250 101 45100 -84- 10s.0 Part Ti�e Salaries 32,00Q� 101 451Q�0 -84- 103.1 Tennis i2,000 181 45180 -$4- 2l9.@ Other Dperating Suoo iF5@ lei 45100 -84- P14.1 F�^ogra� Supplies 5250 101 4510� -84- 439.0 Other N;isc Charges f;,@0e 1�1 4510Q+ -84- 435.1 Misc exoenses 32,080 101 k510� -85- 103.0 Part Ti�e Salaries 58,000 101 4510t� -8�- 1�3.1 Tiny Tots fB,N@@ 101 45100 -85- 219.0 Other Operating Supp t1,0@0 101 45100 -85- 229.1 Progra� 5upplies f1,000 181 45100 -85- 339.0-0ther Transportation Exp f0 i@1 45100 -85- 339.1 161 45100 -&5- 439.0 Other Misc Gharges f5H0 101 45100 -85- 434.1 Misc expenses i50@ 101 45180 -86- 1@3.0 Part Ti�e Salaries 51,500 101 45100 -86- 103.1 Fo� Po�'s f1,500 101 45100 -86- �19.0 Other Operating 5upp i750 fQ+f 4518Q+ -86- 219.1 Prograo Supplies f75Q 161 45100 -&5- 439.0 Other Misc Charges i0 161 4510fl -86- 439.1 PAGE iOTaLB f63,01L0 x63,000 � I , First Run Counril i991 BU�J6ET WORKSHEETS . � Nove�ber 26, 1498 GARK5 � RECREATI�i Page Five ' Object Requested Fund Account # Obj # Qescription Asount tntal Coaeents I01 451@0 -87- 103.0 Rart Ti�e Salaries 38 102 45100 -87- 10"s.l Field Trips 101 45100 -87- �i9.0 Other Qperating Supp 5500 1a1 452@N -87- 219.1 Prograf Supplies S5�@ 101 45100 -87- Zi9.2 1@1 451@0 -87- 339.0 Other Transpart-Buses 56,000 101 45100 -87- 339.1 f�,000 i@1 451�8 -87- 439.0 Dther Misr Charges S0 101 45100 -87- 439.1 101 451Q+0 -B8- i0s'.B Rart Ti�e 5alaries 40 I01 k5100 -86- 1�3.1 Broo�ball 101 45180 -65- 219.0 Other Operating 5upp S9Q�0 101 4510@ -88- 219.1 Progra� Supplies 5960 101 45100 -88- ^c19.2 101 45100 -68- P30,6 Equip Repair Matrls S0 1@1 4�108 -88- 2's�.l 101 45100 -88- 311.� Officiating Fees t70� 1Y1 4510@ -88- 311.1 f7t�0 101 45108 -88- 319.0 Other Professional 5vc i500 102 451@0 -88- s19.1 f5�0 101 45106 -88- 439.0 Other M�isc Charaes SQ+ 1@1 451@0 -88- 439.1 1@i 45100 -E9- 1@3.0 Rart Ti�e 5alaries f5(�Q� 101 ��45100 -89- 1@3.1 5kating Lessans f500 101 45106 -99- 219.0 Other Operating Supp ii00 101 45100 -&9- 219.1 Prngra� 5upplies Si00 101 45106 -89- �14.2 101 45100 -89- 4s9.0 Other Misc Charges S0 161 45100 -89- 439.1 181 45f00 -9H- 103.0 Part Tiee Salaries 30 101 4;,1@0 -44- f03.1 7rack & Field 1@1 451@8 -90- 219.0 Dther Dperating 5up¢ ��,500 1P1 45100 -90- 219.1 Prograi �upplies f2,500 i@1 451@0 -90- 2l9.2 101 451Q� -96- 4s9.0 �iher Misc Charges 1500 1N1 451R0 -90- 439.1 6round Ruunders f`,�0 101 451@a -?3- l�s.@ �'art 7ise Saiaries 52,0@6 101 4510N -93- iQ�3.1 Other Garticicating f2,A0Q� iQ'1 451@0 -93- 215.� Other Dperating Supp fi,000 f01 451@� -93- C19.1 Rrogra� Supplies f1,00Q� 1@1 451@0 -93- 219.2 101 4518Q� -9"s- 439.0 Dther Misc Charges f0 101 45100 -53- 4s'9.1 101 4510(� -94- 103.@ Part Ti�e 5alaries S@ 101 45100 -94- iO3.1 War�ing House 1Q+1 451Q+� -97- 103.0 F'art Ti�e Salaries f� 10i 4510� -47- 1A3.1 6enerai Clerical RRrs'E T�7ipLS 415,ci�0 tii}'�'id0 DEPARTM�NT TOTALS f554,889 5554,889 ' +First Run Council 1991 BtJDGET 410RK5HEETS "� Novr�ber 26� 1998 1M5URRNCE 49248 Page One Ubject Requested Fuod Account t Obj 1 Description, A�ovnt Total Go��ents iPl 4924Q! -81- 365.8 Work�ans�Co�p Iosurance i70,800 121 49240 -N1- 3b5.1 Annual Prr�iu� 570,0@0 101 49240 -01- 3b5.2 101 4924@ -0i- 365.3 1A1 49240 -01- 365.4 1Q1 49240 -01- 3b9,0 Other Insurance f7N,Q@0 1N1 �9249 -0t- 369.i 6eneral Liab 6 Auto f1N,000 181 492ti0 -81- 369.2 181 y9248 -01- 369.3 10! 49240 -Q1- 369.4 10t 49240 -Q�1- !01 49248 -N1- 1@1 4924N -01- 101 49240 -81- PF�E TOTALS 5148,0Q+0 5140,0a� w '�� ' . � . . � . . � . . ' > > / P O. BOX 510 [�Z�-� � 2875-145TH ST W � y�� y� ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA 55068 �Se{/'���!G� 612-423-4411 SO: Mayor Napper Council Members Klassen, Oxborough, Willcox, Wippermann FROM: Stephan Jilk, City Administrator �� . DATE: November 19, 1990 , � RE: Financial Issues This memo will provide you with information on several issues relating to: - The City' s financial situation presently - Issues relating to the 1991 budgeting process - Potential shortfalls of revenue(near term/long term) - Long term financial management issues Current Financial Status On August 15, of this year City staff concluded the discussion on the Preliminary 1991 General Fund Operating Budget -and the 1991- 94 CIP Budget. In preparing these budgets the staff was diligent � in putting together budgets that would provide the same level of services as we had in 1990 and attempt to develop staffing (in the areas of poliee and maintenance) toward the end of 1991 which would carry us into 1992 so that the services would be providing for the additional population, streets and parks. The proposed budget would have used the maximum levy available for General Fund Operating, less than the maximum for Debt Service and a balancing amount of internal revenue generated from building permits, recreation fees, interest earnings, etc. Beginning in late September, staff again begin reviewing 1990 actual expenses, actual revenue and other issues which would recuire funding in 1Q9-0 and Z991 which had nat been �reviously addressed, i.e, Naster Parks Plan, Comp Guide P1an, CR 42 BiKe Trail, 3aycee Park. P.s actual expenditures could be reviewed for 10 months (through October� rather than 7 months (through JLly) a more accurate picture could be presented on needs in 1991. Also, when addressing the funding needs for priority items such as the Master Parks Plan, it would be necessary to prioritize these issues in the 1991 Operating and CIP Budgets causing other items to be dropped or reduced. It was during this same period (beginning early October) that staff was advised by the Finance Director that there could be a severe cash availability problem late in 1990 and again mid-year 1991. 1 Financial Issues November 19, 1990 An explanation of the issues addressed are as follows: 1. Our operating (General) budget for 1990 is set at $2,784, 343. 2. As of Sept. 30, 1990 the last time a year to date budget report was run, the City had about 30� (26% actual) left to spend of that budget. Since we had Oct. , Nov. , and Dec. left to complete, 30% is about right on. 3. The City of Rosemount, like other cities, receives about 50%-600 of its revenue in payments from taxes and state aid. We receive those monies, half in July and half in early December each year. 4. Cash flow can become critical in late November and late June of each year if you don't have sufficient reserves to carry you through until these major revenue payments come in. The remainder of our revenue tends to come in consistently over the 12 month period because it is made up of such things as building permits, interest earned, recreation user fees, fire contracts, cable franchise fees, court fines, construction administration fees, etc: In 1991 this will amount to about $85,000 per month if projectians are accurate. 5. What this means is that in between payments of taxes and state aid we must have enough cash on hand and other revenue to support our operations. 6. Each year we talk about "What is a good amoun� to hold in reserve?" I think I 've said many times that an amount equal to six months operating would be great but we can get by with less. If we consider 199I's proposed budget of $3, 000, 000 (rounded off) and divide it by 12 (3, 000, 000/12=$250, 000) we get a monthly need. If we consider that we'll take in $85, 000 a month in "other revenues" we'11 fall short about $165, 000 a month without taxes and state aid. With six months between payrnents of taxes and State Aid a figure that should be about 6 X $165, 000 = $990, 000 in reserve at the beginning of any one six month period. Of course, as the budget increases, this amount shQuld increase along with it. 2 Financial Issues November 19, 1990 7. Based upon numbers that Don Darling put together on September 30th, 1990 it appeared that this "reserve" was about $761,483 .88, not the $990, 000 we wauld need to get us through to July, 1991. 8. The concern was further stated that we may not have enough funds in the General Fund Reserve to get us through to December 1990 when our next major payments would be coming in. Please see attached sheets # 's 1, 2, 3 and 4. These were numbers Don put together without any input from me. I wasn't asked. The reason we had the meeting was the letter from Don (see attached) dated 10-2-90 advising me of two items he was concerned about - Workmen's Comp. Insurance a�d a staff position. Neither one had anything to do with the shortfall in 1990 or the General Fund Reserve issue. 9. General Fund Reserve Balance - before I go any farther to discuss the range of issues regarding unsettled issues, let me say that if we would not have transferred . . . . . $150,000 to HRA $175, 000 to Shannon Park Project • $126,000 to Armory Project Total $451, 000 . . . . . we would have these additional funds in reserve. These transfers were all done with council approval and full knowledge of everyone. There is no record of any advice by, or was there any given, by Don or the city auditors not to do any of the above. This amount i's almost four months operating budget. 10. Back to the information discussed in Don's memo of Oct. 15, 1990. Department Heads met on Oct. 15, 1990 to discuss the "problems" . In addition to the items Don had listed that we needed to review, I_ added several which S knew we had to address for funding because they were coming up. They were: A. Master Parks Plan $64, 000 B. Repair Fire Dept. Roof C. Comprehensive Guide Plan $27, 000 D. Armory Project, Design Fees 1990-91 E. Jaycee Park, Potential added funds needed up to $46, 000 F. Humane Society, $,50 per capita request, $4000 G. County Road 42 Bike Trail South Side H. P & R carpenter shop remodeling I. Completion of Shannon Park Praject 3 � Financial Issues November 19, 1990 11. Staff discussed a11 the items on Don's list and agreed to the following recommendations: a. Birchview Terrace engineering costs - to be paid by General Fund, Project #402 since this project did not proceed b. Lift Station #4 - to be paid by Sanitary Sewer Core, Project #405 c. American Legion - split cost between General Fund & EDA as agreed by City Council & EDA Board previously d. Hawkins Pond - Don was to check with Springsted to see if this overrun could be added to another bond issue to be recouped. e. We delegated to each Dept. Head responsibility to put together cost estimates to complete items A. to I. in #10 on the previous pa�ge. Don was directed to also check to see which CIP items in 1991 could be funded with 5 year Certificates of Indebtedness. This would free up CIP funds for other expenditures if needed. Don was also suppose to put together a cash flow statement, by the month, for the next 8 - 12 months to see if we would �xperience a short fall for the General � Fund. I also advised him that I thought his revenue projections were off for 1990 because his estimated tax and state aid payments were iow. He was to review that information. 12. Everyone was to get their information to Don by 10-23-90 so we could review it on 10-25-90. Without accurate numbers we it would be foolish to proceed. 13 . We met on 10-25-90 at 1: 00 p.m. Don presented an updated information packet. See sheet # 's 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. 14 . As you can see by comparing #1 to #5, we get a different picture of where we are. I'm not going to explain every number to you, but please look at #5 and see changes with some new dates, old dates, revised income estimate, and most significantly the "obligation outside of budgets" of $647,828. 15. This $674,828 is made up of items A, B, and C on page #6. 16. If we added $674,828 to $353 ,796.35 we get $1, 028,624 .35 which would be sufficient to get us through to Jul.y 1991 and- is about what the auditors had recommended in their 1989 audit report. _ 4 Financial Issues November 19, 1990 17. During our discussion we decided that recommendations would be made as follows on these items: Comp. Guide Plan $27, 000 was covered by 1990 Comm. Dev. Budget & 1991 Operating Budget Arm4ry Funds $40, 000 may need temp. transfer of $10,000 in 1991 not $40, 000 Jaycee Park $96, 000 m� need $46,000 in 1991, not $96,000 Shannon Park $82,806 already in transfer for this project, no more needed to transfer from 101 Total $245,806 The total, $245,806, could be eliminated or funded in other ways. These should never have listed part of the "101 Fund Needs". 18. We also discussed the possibility of having as much as $68,000 available in Public Works accounts in the 199-0 budget to be used for other things. That budget would have to be reviewed in detail to determine if those funds would be available. a. We agreed that if that is available we would use it as follows: b. Take $25, 000 caut of Park Dedication Funds and $39, 000 out of Public Works to complete the Master Park Flan. This $64, 000 is not needed now, but about $8,000 per month over the next eight months. c. Take the approximately $18, 000 remaining in Shannon Park Fund to help complete the ball fields for use in 1991 and an additional $7, 000 out of Park Dedication Funds. (needed in 1991 is about $25, OQ4 - $26,A00) d. Fire Hal1 Roof Repair - estimated at $26, 000. (This was put off until the Facility Study was completed but needs repair. ) Take out of Public Works excess or CIP if needed. e. Shop Improvement, if priority, take out of CIP Reserve - will discuss this more. f. Humane Society - not a priority if funds aren't available. 5 } ° Financial Issues November 19, 1990 g. Diamond Path Bike Trail - not a priority - will budget in CIP in future years. h. Jeff May was directed to do a "budget" cash flow analysis to see what we will actually have left to use in 1990 to see where we are at for late 199d. 19. These were my suggestions based on my memo. (see sheets # 's 11, 12 and 13) 20. By going through steps 17 and 18 we eliminated or potentially eliminated about $350,000 of the "estimated year end need". We had already eliminated about $SO,OOO which should not have shown up in page #6: 405, 417, ' 420, So, the $674,828 was actually probably closer to $275, 000 at this point which, using Don's figures means we would have about $625,000 available on January l, 1991. 21. Hawkins Pond - because of many project adds, change orders, overruns and because of assessing so little of the project we realized a $105,903 . 05 shortfall on the project. Also, because $148,480.89 was suppose to be transferred from Storm Sewer Core, but that fund is short due to having such low connection charges and lacking a long term financing `plan, there is no money there to transfer at this time. 22. We do need to get that (#21. ) $105,903 + $148,480 = $254, 383 from somewhere. I can't assume it will come from the General Fund. I believe there are other methods. Establishing a Storm Sewer Utility, which is being developed by Rich and the Utility Commission right now, is one way to borrow the money and pay off these debts long term. Some funds m� come out of General Fund but to say now that all, or even part of it should, is very presumptuous and without agreement by Dept. Heads and I. Staff inet again on November 7th as a regular staff ineeting and to discuss budget issues. The Cash Flow Analysis was put together by Jeff May in Finance, Don Darling was not at the meeting. The Cash Flow Analysis reflected a cash shortage in June of 1991, one month prior to receiving our first major state aid payments and tax collections in 1991 for the same reason. This cash flow was put together reflecting the funding of some $178,500 in expenditures listed as #19-#24 of the Cash Flow Analysis of the General Fund. The cash flow shortfall issues was one that had to be addressed. Jeff May indicated that he was not totally comfortable with the revenue projections used in the Cash Flow Analysis and he and I deeided that we needed to meet to go over them. 6 Financial Issues November 19, 1990 In the next few days following that meeting I spent time going over the 1990 budgets to review revenue and expenditures in detail and the 1991 proposed budgets to see where cuts could be made in the 1991 budgets to offset some of the shortfall expected and other sources of revenue for some of the additional items needing funding (items #19-#22) on the Cash Flow Analysis. I also met with department heads to "finalize" the 1991 operating budgets by making final adjustments to needed expenditures and make any additional cuts that we could. One problem that arose was the new estimate for 1991 of our Worinnan's Compensation Insurance. Don Darling estimated that this would increase from $100, 000 to $140,000; a major unexpected change. In making all adjustments, both cuts and increases due to new estimates (such as $40, 000 increase in insurance artd 1991 portions of the Master Parks Plan, and Comp Guide Plan, the Fire Station' roof, etc. ) we were able to still provide the proposed budget under the same funding needs as developed before. This was due to the cut in all new personnel and lowering all estimates for maintenance and up keep to a bare minimum to maintain our present �services. I also prepared recommendation to fund items #19-#24 by either including them in the 1991 operating budget or the 1991-95 CIP. Thus improving th� cash 'flow situation and eliminating the cash shortage in June and November af 1991. This was done using Don Darling's estimates for revenue for 1991. On Monday, November 11, I met briefly with Jeff May to discuss the cash flow analysis he had done for the General Fund. He indicated again his concern for the revenue projections completed by Don and I agreed to review the revenue projections before we considered the cash flow "accurate". During my review of the 1991 revenue projections I adjusted several items considered "internal revenue items" such as building permits, interest earnings, recreation fees to actually increase estimated revenues by some $30, 000. These adjustments were based on my review of Actual Revenue Received in 1990 to date. But, what I also found was that the projections Don has used in�luded the majority of the state credits to tax payers (Homestead Credit & Equalization Aid) was included twice - not only in our tax levy but also as "internal revenue" thereby overstating our 1991 revenue projection by some $305,000. After finding this overstatement, I also went back to 1990 estimates and believe that this same case was true for 1990 and possibly previous years. I do not have the detail available for those two years to say for sure if this is true. 7 Financial Issues November 19, 1990 What we are faced with however is a $300,000 difference in revenue to deal with in 1991 and unless some other funding source is made available or major cuts are made, we must determine how we can "phase in" this lack of revenue o�er a period of time so that our levy and other revenue can catch up to our needs. Besides the need to determine the answer to our immediate problem I believe it essential to determine a long range "Financial Management Plan" for the City which will' assist us in making decisions on financing all of our operating budgets, equipment needs, building program, street reconstruction, parks development and also, maintaining a strong financial position to retain our Bond Rating which is critical in our growth. In the last two weeks I have had several discussions with our financial advisors from Springsted and their understanding of fihe issues and problems have brought about the following recommendations and ideas to put us into a financial position to: - Fund current operations - Fund long term equipment and building needs - Fund park development � - Fund street- reconstruction & stormwater projects - Build General Fund Reserves - Maintain Bond Rating These recommendations will be provided briefly here and will be presented in full detail in the next few days to allow you to make decisions on their value and to determine the direction we should take. 1. Short Term - Alternatives a. Cut operating Budget by $300,000 for 1991 and use that new level of need to prepare future budgets. I feel that is not feasible. To cut that amount (about 10% of the budget) from our current staffing and service level would be impossible without severe service cuts. This would equate to about 50� of the police budget alone. Based on our staff's last review of the operating budget for 1991 S think is unrealistic. b. Draw on Bonds paid up. In review of certain Bond issues sold se�eral years ago and due to be retired in the next few years we have found approximately $400, 000 would be available for use for financing other areas such as General Fund, CIP or others. 8 Financial Issues November 19, 1990 A portion of this $400,000 could be used in 1991 and a portion in 1992 to help in the "phased in" approach. Or it could all be transferred into the General Fund in 1991 to offset the shortfall and build up reserves. Please see Exhibit "A" for a list of those accounts " with estimated funds available. Determination of other Bond issues should be made in the future to see if other funds will become available. c. Equipment Certificates. Cities can issue what are called "Equipment Certificates° for the purchase of equipment and other assets with a life greater than five years. Most of the items in our CIP Budget would meet the standards set by Minnesota State Statute for which to finance using these equipment certificates. Please refer to Exhibit "B" for further information on the use and benefit of using these debt issues. There is a negative to the use of these and that is that they are above the levy limit and would cause an increase in taxes if used. But, as noted in E�ibit 'B", our City levy is 8th lowest in the Metro area now and the use of these could be the offset to the $330,000 in Debt Service Levy we chose not to levy in 1991 which we could have. The effect of issuing these to help fund CIP items is to free up about $175,000 to $200,000 in every year ta make it available to the General Fund for operating or reserue build up. It could be used, as set out in Dan ' O'Neils letter, to recoup money spent in 1990 for CSP items - some $500,000. d. CIP Fund. Use of unencumbered reserves. Based on the analysis of the CIP Fund there will be approximately $670, 000 unencumbered funds available in the CIP account. Please see Exhibit "C° for further detail on this. In order to provide funds on a short term basis for providing positive cash flow, a temporary transfer could be made from the CIP Fund to the General Eund and many items in the 1991 CIP Budget could be delayed until after June to free up those funds. On a permanent basis a transfer of at least one-half of the CIP unencumbered reserve could be done. 9 Financial Issues November 19, 1990 e, Future Debt Service Levies. Consider future tax levies for Debt Service and levy closer or at the maximum to provide future excess revenue to build General Fund Reserves. In 1991 the difference between what we could have levied and what we did levy was $330, 000 +. f. EDA Fund. The EDA Fund has received, in just the one year of 1988, $150, 000 in a transfer. Not to say this - was not a good decision, but some consideration should be given" to a "repay" of these funds to the General Fund either through direct transfer or use of those fund to accomplish other financial needs for the General Fund. 2. Long Term. We need to address a long term Financial Management Plan for the City to include: a. A total Capital Improvement Plan which provide guidelines for funding all capital projects including: - Street Reconstruction - Stormwater Management Projects _ - Water/Sewer Utilities - City Facilities (Fire Sta. , Police, etc. ) - Parks Development - Equipment Additions/Replacements b. Debt Management Plan. This plan would provide information and guidance to incur future debt at the lowest interest rates without endangering the City's ability to finance essential services. It would provide ongoing monitoring of acceptable debt levels and the ability to make sound judgement on prioritization of projects to fund while maintaining acceptable debt levels. c. Investment Palicy. Wa currently carry about 11 million dollars of funGs to invest. Tnese funds cover all city cash that is not needed for current obligations. A fiscally responsibls, long term investment policy setting out a program for gaining the most return on these funds should be established. At the present time most monies are placed in 30-90 Certificates of Deposit at local banks. This may provide an adequate seturn but a more in depth analysis should be done to initially determine and provide an ongoing policy which can be used to constantly determine the best mix of the type of investments and the term for these investments. With approximately 11 million dollars to invest a one percent saving in the return can amount to $110, 000. We should develop the best approach we can to our investment program. 10 Financial Issues November 19, 1990 d. Project Funding. Currently there is no one single format to use in taking a project or major expenditure through from the time it is propased until the time it is completed and funded. This has caused a lack of control in determining the funding sources and controlling the liability of the sourees for those fund. Management documents should be provided to accomplish this with a complete accounting of all sources and uses of funds but also, a complete "trail" of approval from department heads, to finance, to administration, to City Council so that for each project and major purchase everyone knows where all funds will come from, what all co$ts will be and what approvals would be granted. Elimination of any doubt or uncertainty is needed in controlling cost and unknowns. e. Financial Management. Items #2 a. through #2 d. above are parts of an overall financial management program which should be addressed. Through the assistance of our financial consultants, city auditor and city attorney these items can be addressed and provided for your consideration to begin to implement an overall program. What is just as essential and possibly even more important is the ongoing implementation of such a program. To accomplish this, I would recommend the establishment of a financial management committee. This committee could be made up of the City Administrator, the City Finance Director, the City's Financial Consultant and one or two council members. This committee could meet on a monthly or quarterly basis and review and make recomrnendations and provide guidance on such issues as: ].. Bond Sales 2. Capital Improvement Plans 3 . Investment Program 4. Debt Limit 5. Purchasing Policies 6. Accounting practices which support the financial operation of the City. This would eliminate the Liaison to Finance we now have in place. 11 Finaneial Issues November 19, 1990 With so many issues that the City is dealing with including: a. Regular operations b. Growth (project funding) c. University Property a. EDA e. Armory f. Large amount of Investment. We need to take a broader and more management oriented approach to our financial picture. This "Financial Management Committee" could be formed immediately to be involved with the issues we now face and the development of our financial management program. To summarize then, we have discussed and recommended the following: A. Current projected shortfall - estimated to be about . $300,000 in 1991. B. Use of: Bonds paid up funds Equipment Certificates CIP Funds Cutting Operating Budgets Future Debt Service Levies EDA Payback to boost the General Fund Operating and Reserve balances. C. Long Term. The establishment of a broad CIP Plan, a Debt Management Plan, and investment policy, project funding/approval mechanism and a Financial Management Committee. Some of these items need to be addressed very quickly to determine our budgeting goal for 1991. In the next few weeks deaisions on which alternatives are acceptable should be implemented to address the $300, OAO revenue shortfall in 1991 because of the overstatement of revenue. Other items such as the CIP, debt management plan, and investment policy are not items which can be established so quickly, but the process should be started so that minimally they are in place prior to the 1992 budgeting process. 12 Financial Issues November 19, 1990 Major items which will be intec�ral to the overall management program for the City are now being completed such as the Master Parks Plan, the Stormwater Utility, the Comprehensive Guide Plan and the recently completed Facilities Study. Upcoming will be the University Property Project and the County's Resource Recovery Project. All of which will have major impacts on our financing program both for expending and providing funds. I would ask your consideration for these xecommendatians and I would be pleased to provide assistance through all matters presented here. 13 Financial Issues November 19, 1990 EXHIBIT nA�� Subiect: Funds Available in Bond Accounts for Call Feature or Liberation Acct Description Issued Mature Need Have Available 301 Parks 5-76 3-93 $ 60,000 $100,890 $ 40, 000 302 Warning Sys 2-51 2-91 $ 30,000 $ 54,000 $ 24, 000 321 Comb Impror 5-75 2-96 $295,000 $466,648 $171,000 322 Valley Oak 7-80 2-92 $162, 000 $299, 000 $137,000 323 Chippendale 10-80 2-92 $ 78, 000 $124, 000 $ 46,000 � SUB - TOTAL $418 ,000 610 Water Imprv 11-71 5-92 $ 50, 000 $ 94, 000 $ 44, 000 611 Well #7 5.76 2-92 $ 35,000 $ 72,800 $ 37, 000 SUB - TOTAL $ 81, 000 381 Tax Inc. 8-81 2-91 $ 45,000 $ 50, 000 - TOTAL 5499,000 14 C I T Y 0 F R O S E M O U N T , C A 5 N O N H A N D R E P O R T October 31 . 1994 # Fur�D Co�i INVE57MENTs TOTAL N FUND COH INVES000Noo 148 848.03 ,' 1 101 196,204.71 416,265.68 612,490.39 5 401 8,848.03 1A0, 4 102 4,840.64 55.00Q.00..._... 59.840.6q4-....5 . 4q0p23-... (107,673.24) ------.__ O.�c) ( 107.673.7p9) 1 20}� �9.23 gp ppR �j 9p �y $ 7�j � 404 60.ao8-�g 8:8�3 bo.40g:36 � �1a:t "1Q,;9b�:�6 580,00 : 6 • O.�O �5;7�7.5b 5 405 0.00 O.OU 0.00 3 204 15,024.66 0.00 15,024.66 5 406 11 ,3%7.33 0.00 11 ,377.33 3 205 5,781 .32 180,000.00 185,761.32 5 407 113,645.96 300,0OO.On 413,E,45.96 206 O.00 0.00 0.00 5 408 58,247.90 290.000.04 3a8,247.90 3 220 t18,9a4.57) 40,000.00 -- 21 .055.43 �'S 409" ' 48,088.93 � � 150,0OO.OU 198,088.y3 5 22i i5,427.17 lOO,00U.00 115,427.I7 5„ 1Q� 1.376.A4 84,000.00 81 ,37b.44 5 '122 0.00 0.00 O_�00 �(��j°d11 35,2's5.43 O.oU 35,235.43 234 20.175.ti6 U.00 8 '� 5 4�L"� (21,23U.53) O.04 ( 21 .230.53) 30 5,d90.06 95.000.00 100 H90 ���g�4Z3 (213,663.72) 0,00 (�13,663.72) 4 307 4,090.38 50,000.00 � 54,090.3 � 5 414 0.00 0.00 0.04 4 303 661 .22 35,000.00 " `3'S;�b1.22 5 ' 415 � � 10,477.£s5) 0.00 ( 10,477.t35) 304 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 416 (32,513.57) O.OU ( 32,513.57) "s05 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 41�q��Rif� 0.00 0.00 U.00 3 U.UO 0.00 41 ( 122,640.38} 0.00 ( 122,640.3�3) _ 32 • i ,E.A8.46 465,000.00 5 419 ( 12,637.y4) 0.00 ( 12,637.94) ' 4 22 4,225.15 295,000.00 9 225.15 5 420 0.00 0.40 .. 0.00 4 4,045.A5 120,000.00 124 ,0 .45 5 421 � ( 19,350.38) � 0.00 ( 19,350.38) . 4 3" 2,04%.'i3 125,000.00 127.047.93 422 0.00 c).OQ 0.00 J 4 325 21 ,630.20 3,595,000.00 �3,E.16,830.20 1 601 109,14] .67 290,OOO.U(? 3�i9,l A 1 .67 V 4 326 72,b3�.43 820,000.00 I 892,636.A3 1 602 (45,84Q.U1) 40,000.00 (5,840.01 )'�'--- 4 327 20,A41 .10 365,000.00 j 3Es5,A41 .10 3 603 5,785.20 280.000_OU 265,785,20 �� 328 0.00 0.00 � 0.00 6 605 32,b52.fi7 790.040.00 f322,�52.87 "��+_� 329 O.00 O,00 � , 0:00 6 606 �39,760.94 ) 540,000.00 , "�00,"L39.OE.�- 4 381 4,491 .28 45,0OO.OU ; 49,491 .28 6 60% (2,11U.60) 30,OOU.OU 27.889.40 4 382 l0,000.49 90,000.60 � 100,000.49 608 0.04 O.Of) � 0.00 �� 363 0.00 0.00 0.00 4 610 4,38d.45 9U,OOU.pU 91 ,388.45 O.00 0.00 4 611 2,76i..50 70.000.O<7 72,766.50 /"'�� 0.00 O.QO 4 612 21.974•82 O•00 ', 21 .97A.82 0.00 613 0.00 O.C�O 0.00 0.00 � 0.00 2 801. C180.36) 4.00 _ ( 180.36) ' 2 802 0.00 0.00 . 0.00 2 803 153.29 O.QU 153.29 _.. . .. .. ._ ._._..... . .......... _ TOTAL 361 ,594.29 10,612 ,285.E.E� 10,972.879.97 TOTAL WORTH 10,972,879.9i ttl Operatinc� Budgets H4 Debt Serviccs Funds • N2 Self 5uf�porting Fro�rams N5 Cohstructian Funds N3 Special Dedicated Funds "-� ""� N6 Core FaciLlky Funds ' . _ .. _ � , I lrur� Lttte ltu_� 1•-L i�J 1:t1� 1•.�1� 1:.�-:11-�i� 1'!�U 1`tJU C�Iillt.�li..Ilir{PI(N I�I15 Itgz�ici-tt. 19k3�B 6.1Q-6.E'A ?-09 2-01 ' $ •- $ 2,575,000 $ - $ 2,575,000 $ - $ 179,f3�38 Tax Insam rt, 19E� 8.�-9.60 6-fi8 2-99 1,LQ(1,000 - - 1,100,000 �S,GU�D 97,5�5 In�cart, 19t3�3 5.90-6.90 ]A-8E3 2-99 2,75t),ODO - _ 2,75p,qpp 300,OD0 166,550 In�cc'��ti�, 19E�'!A 4.'1S -6.'a0 Z�7 2-i39 4,99ti,Q00 - '7C),OCn 4,925,000 500,�CJO 27�,375 c2��t�irr�ticr� Li�xr�m7rs . . . . . .� 5.90-6.40 5-75 2-89 25,(� - 25,000 • - - In�n����ts RRcirn-,c� . 4.75`-6.50 5-76 2-�36 375,OOD - h0,Q00 335,G(b — �O,OOD 19,6� �{,�y� 5.00-5.65 12�6 3-93 90,000 - 15,OE)0 75,000..- 15,000 3,762 I�criL'9�1i'sv3n • 7.�5 -8.60 2-81 2-�1�` 50,000 - l0,00l) 90,000 -�' l0,00D 2,966 T�,x Irrst��t 8.25 -8.90 S-£il 2-91� L''5,0[10 - �10,00C� �S,OOtJ 40,OQQ 6,'150 Ocy Eg11, 5.90 -6.i0 4t36 8�-()2 1,:JO�,OOD - 55,Q00 1,245,OOD E0,000 77,3i� lbipcz-ary In�i�:tr,t 5.90 d-86 a-fl9 2,1�,()OD - 2,1A,0[)0 - - - .�L $12.960.(�00 $ 2,575.000 $ 2,�k15.000 $13,130,000 $ 1,410.000 $ 828.5cb :�'B3AL A�fNP ET2i� gx,a,�E�� 6.50 - �.co �� 2-a� $ a,�oo � - S a,�r� $ - $ - $ - i�+tn'S 8th A�titia� 6.50- 7.00 3-80 2-£39 1,•`AO - 1,�t70 - - - ���� 5.25- 5.£i0 7-80 2--92� 3v,(Y�6 - ti1,256 243,7A S1,25Ei 13,22� Qli��le 7.50 1�30 2-�32� 159,974 - 3Ei,7h1 ll6,230 3B,7•'l4 6,306 WZite Idke l+cs-�s - 19Ei5 6.00 -B.aU 6-85 2-'�6 if�,C100 - ?!),00� 1ffl,00Q 2p,OC�D ll,510 �� $ 67iD,000 $ $ 150,(l�]0 $ 52D.00D $ 1�10.000 $ 31.4�0 [�'fAlE f�I�I� F�tes - 198� 7.00 - 7.25 4�-f39 2�-LLS $ - $ 1.3A,QD0 $ - $ 1,320.Q00 $ - 5 �5,�3 Ligr.r - G:ilciing 7.50 -8.75 ll-8� 11-89 2D,000 - 3),OQD - - - - N6t� InF.zv�n�t 4.50- 5.40 ll-71 5-�32� 'L10,aG0 - 30.OU� 80,000 30,t700 3,450 � ht�t� -V,k11 �7 4.%5 -6,10 5-% 2-92/ �7,C00 15,OOD 50.C�00 15,t�C0 2.`�63 �' �� � $ 195,U0� $ 1.3�.000 $ 65,()OD $ 1,450,CXJC) $ 45,OCI� $ 131,E�6 -'�.. 't�[,eC2I� IDI�3IFIr�SS . $13.8'L5,G0[) $ 3.fi96.(Xp $ 2,6�),(� $15,1(D,(J00 $ 1,?25,000 $ `J91,4f31 -y h : ..: _.. -- -- = - -- — . . � !. •'ti z. . .. r�- .+a . ._ .. • :: .. :f � � : s,a�{i�:r,.�i `+�c ,i�� t a,r��,,�`� ,��'{ � � s � '.i` . � .t ... 'r'i, s i;:.i{ : +;� � E.� � � � .�?� i'r•;'l�:r:��r���'�ri'ty'�}���, '._,u���jl���t �+,.`���$•�.�' ,;. t , � • .� �:� "rr. �. ',5" t, i��r .1.��.. �1�..j�-��y a.��^riN� �t� >'�'�. S. �.i.��. ;:1`�}�. .74r!•:. p � r yt 's �• .`.e r�.«,��;1� r. „�.a }y ai;� .t• ,Nr.. ,4 f. • �F.��' p1 +� ],.. � a; �r�'!?i � b :t: ` e f� . e. �i s pll,� �. . v" r. t ; •F� y,;; 1' �ut�' �i .�,} �ro :� .1� �}h��: .JfstFi3y. �.i�l 'J��._�• .4� k,: M.s� .,N} i �� �.i1� .tti%`t d. = i �',1.�•ii. ...:y.�,1 t F, sv ,e t� ��i•. '6rt`..'+.».•;, t;: � t j� � y p } �I' r•• } y . •. q t � F�. tv. .1.' .v �A'.�$�ii�� „I� 3��i,t ..$•��`��i:�j:�i. '+� e �!r•.i> �� R:�.:1 ,� ��. .�:i k�`St �- ; � i: ,.��7'. 6.1 ,s w '"" ' 4 .�t � .Ytl�,�.'!'>.�: .�.�y'v_„ . ��? S..T,� f. ��• �,. ��.i�• :Sw��;9t•t 4i f .�rt�.> �L r! > 4 .�.�� ..� _..� 3•S e j ,!<.`6.5,,{ .�{' ��(� wF!:�esr .Na. . ��R.. Y�. •:G.. �i ei.,r' :�� '{:.i ...4" �n� �� �i.�,,r -.r;� .e.� �� ,� ���.•'�J'� '1'r�",';�. ��'i i.�: :.r ..�,. .�y'.,. .(: .T .f� �.$. '�X i 'i ,�' .d�-_ �1. 3� .wl ,�� t ,i":�:� [ � -� 'qt+ � y . �c �'� t .i,i ��� �{ te� �AS- ..r.'i:t i. �'a. F.,. :i y 'tPe.. •..�.., �v .L� ,il .rF.,�..;7.y ,1 �: La�.V. f ,.1...l;��. �7�. F t s:f �� !" 't:':K 7 1�. �. �!_�i�h.. .` �1 .t�.. 'fM1�f � �:t f ..�.. .�. ,,.. C. . i: r.. .. ..� '�,•:'• in. �i . !:•��x .:�j� � .��.A. �rl� 1�:`'.1.,,;. � t.�1 �( "�F'1r� �ti-:rt: l� �)� 1' -�; . , . t. . -',. . •! � i , ? .'v 3 t r �' i ��� , 3�., �r�`a '�:,."�. ����� R S i�� 'f., ��.i.;�,lr�� M�i�.�� {���.,,. ,Fr�,�� ..,�;; .� �'; .;r^• aa.•z3:�, �. �., ,i. ,.G�1�..,��. ,.i�:.. �.`� �'(,� �. ��E`�ai f �r �sa t�n;: � y t� ••y- '�5'i�� ��A� .� �C•. bi� -t ;�., "vi'••r 1�:�..J. "t z�i.� i. ��:�6 .�1�•� ,r�r ...r. ,�:,. ir.j, Ii t .y�.f: e� r• �i � ��c}aP.�n�•� ��D `�",.�f. �.�,��:� .r.. 3�: e�, ��.�7 )�f; .!� ��� y'1 ��c.��„1. �ii .� � �: �� i .�� .'1.� 5.� ���j �;1 � ti� ��� f 5 � .��ti tv. F r "�i-1, �F r. 1:, �' 1 ,.[ k� r iio •�c vSr, vKy,�q.u�t:�'{u*t�,��.:�.,�����..Y,^,�.,,)�!�'l� . , . '� , i��f� °�t . . ,���VL-r � .�•.i .f � -t r �>�7 i � .! �{,. •� 'S�.� F t�r.,�. �`!.. � 1� .�! ./��•}- Stk�`,•+�(s�ti tT:�.t� ..Nr,�,n rr�.�..�.�rz;,+.n(ti�r .�. , , . . t. •ii. . , r T ;f" �1. �y �d t. � , . �S, :�' 'S ;�,:,�:.,,.� :tit,;. �.�i .:� y,ti•l.. o . . ,� . . . . Financial Issues November 19, 1990 CIP FIIND EXHIBIT ��g�� Equipment Certificates Concepts - Cities can issue "Equipment Certificates" which is 5 year debt for the purchase of fixed assets equipment. They mature exactly five years from date of issue. - Total debt under 410.32 and 412.301 is not capped but is regulated under total debt eapacity to City. - Issues of greater value than .25� of the City's market value are subject to a reverse referendum. - The city's 1990 Market Value = $271,510,900 - Based on this value a issue of $678,777.25 is open. - To fund this amount a Levy of $206,970 is needed each of 4 years. - This 206,970 is equal to 3.014% of our tax rate - Rosemount's Tax Rate for 1990 is .88221, this is 8th lowest out of 93 cities in Metro Area or in lowest 9% - By adding .3014 to it = .91235 , bringing it to 17 lowest out of 93 or in lowest 18% - We have not levied - in 1991 $333,229 in Debt Service Levy which we could have. 15 � ; . 4dnerel Obtigailon EqulpmeM Ceritficetes urchaso Cilles may Issu� pflnera{ obligailon eqv�pment certificaies withovt � fefltntenance equlpment, • pubilo satety equlpment, ambutance equlpment, road cvnstruct�on or m . nd other ca itai equ�pment pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Seci�on �/0.32 and �112•3��• a P 'ficales are limited lo fve years fn length and the expoclod uselul Nte ot the equlpmen4 °T'he cert� financed by the certiflcales m�st be at leasl ss lo�g as the term o! lhe certificatec:-:.Eac.-_�_}__� uei to 0.25% ot the � equipment certiC�cate issued by the Ctty may not exceed an amount eq, ei value ai taxable property ln the City withoui pubtication oi a resoluiion`delermining lo..._---�'� mark �•�'1 r�� issue them, and wlihovt being subf ec110 a revenve reterondum. tf the issue si2e were to excesd thai smount, then a reterendum rnay be required tt petitioned by e qualliled number o( voiers ln the City. EqulprneM certificates are secured sotely ���m �he . general ob{igation piedge oi ihe City to lavy ta�ces. � _ � � r ��� . � � . � � �� J � .�---- . �......-� ,� j � I;' � . 1 J ,.,;.1;? �c .��fy!��,,,;�,�- ✓� �'k►�'� J� ' � /' � � �� �./. � �' -� ' ./ I { �� 4'r�. _ / :; r ,-1, ,,.� -� , .. � .,..�J`:�-�=��--�--: ' � �'�j����1�✓j" � �-='� 'r � ;,�..�� ,! ► . , �,��v .�i.� / ,r r. �t �,i .=:T j�t'�--�'^�"�'"/� 1 f J �;r r• ' " �. `.�-�"':�'�"1� � i� !' .: .r l.i�.�- ^ j J� ;1.�1J �; I � , - .. � `'' �,! ; ✓ j , v ....r��'' �� , ....r-' J ' J �� — :,��--;._.l.-✓ -=--�� � F ' ` ,✓��'�./�-J�`-�' u„' � l .J�f�'�' �`.�`�`' --� �� ,, :� ��� ! _ / `. [� �....� �./"�"'��.�-.�I..� ✓� � �� . / r � . / 't.� . '-�r, �C-'� � V,,,�..�,J.E'a , � '� �� � . . ;� � f�. ,..��,�� ��i�T�'` ,� � i i '� .. •. ' � '✓..lJ ���✓• f� �� �G�-_.. ����--� � << �.._-- , ��; J �.nr^�� 1 . �. .� ✓..�`�-� ��: " � � �'�'1 �-e�� ' ' � ``�-�.�.� �,,, , �• � , l �� 0.. --------------------- --- ----'�-,� an --1�^4----�+_�` 2�� ���i�;�---- -----�,T'F�lt�"`.���� 1�,r---- �c3i�?.�tu;? • , , � . . . . . . � � • __ , _. . ..� : .: �,: ..... .,,.>>,..._,......�...a.....�- - . . ,.� .: �: ��!! 1 f) 2875-1451"N ST WESf � { F�o �ax 5�u �����j��t{n� HOSEMOUNT,MINNESO'fA 55Uot3•4997 (612)423•a411 FAX:(612)423•52U3 November 2, 1990 T0: Administrator Department Heads FROM: Finance Subject: CIP Equipment Certificates � Having discussed briefly in Staff Meetings the opportunity to use Equipment Certificates for purchase of Fixed Asset Equipment, the following brief information outline was received from Springsted. To eliminate the possibility of a Reverse Referendum we must keep the Issue Amount below .25� of the City's Market Value. The current Market Value for Che City stands at $271,510,900. Bringing the .25� to play a�ainst Chis value the City could at this tin►e i�ssue $678,777.25 in Equipment Certificates without fear of a Rsverse Referendum. Certificates issued in 1991 would be ha"sed ' on the 1991 Market Value of the City. ' These Certificates mature exactly Five (5) Years from �oJV] �� �� the date of issue, yt5r,1GG. �r � �,, Cr �� Unless the issue is timed to best serve the City�s l.4S�"" �'��`i•-' ' � ,y � -• Y repayment schedule, we may have less than four years to p�,.��� ��T t:` ; �„ :y � Levy the funding for Debt Redemption. The advise from �� � Springsted indicates that December lst of any year is ` '? ttie best time to issue these CertificaCes as it provides Four Levy Periods in.which to recover the monies to ': ! �J � retire the debt. ,; v ,�, �� 2��,�-u I J��� � �.`_..'... -.^ ` _.. � .�/ � r_ _ � 1� � �� �... '� -''� .�y � '�`O �`�`�j /�" ,. . -�`' � J���� / , -�--��r l/,f/.,r, /�lih��i-.- , t'�, City of Rosemount, Minnesota Prepared November 6, 1990 General Obligation Equipment Certifiicates, By SPRINGSTED Incorporated Series i9906 Dated: 12- 1 -1990 hlature: 2- 1 Total Year of Year of Principal 105� Levy Mat. Principal Rates Interest & Interest ofi Total (1 ) �2) �3) �4) �5) t6) (�) 1990 1992 150,000 5.95� 47,798 197,798 207,fi88 1991 1993 165,000 6.00� 32,045 197,045 206,897_, 1992 1994 175,000 6.10� 22,145 197,145 207,002 1993 1995. � 185,000 6.20�a 11 ,470 1'96,470 206,294 TOTALS: .: 675,000 1 113,458 788,458 827,881 ; Bond Years: 1 ,857.50 Annual Interest: 113,458 Avg. Maturity: 2.75 Plus Discount: 6,750 Avg. Annual Rate: 6.108� Net Interest: 120,208 N.I.C. Rate: 6.471� Tax Capacity Rate fi989 Net Tax Capacity: S 6,865,898 - Total Levy (Average of Levy Years: 1990-1993) S 24fi,970 3.014� Interest rates are estimates; changes may cause significant alterations of this schedule. The actuaT underwriter's discount bid may also vary. �� C . ' ,�::;� SPRINGSTED PUBLIC FINANCE ADVISORS 500 Elm Grove Road 85 East 5eventh Place 135 North Pennsylvania Street Suite 701,P.O.Box 37 Suite 100 Suite 2015 Eim Grove,Wi 53122-0037 Saint Paul,MN 55101-2143 Indianapolis;IN 46204-2498 (414)782-8222 (612)223-3000 (31�684-6000 Fax:(414)7$2-2904 Fax:{612)223-3002 Fax:(317)&84-6004 2739 Second Avenue S.E. 512 Nicoilet Mall 6800 Coliege Boulevard Cedar Rapids,IA 52403-1434 Suite 550 Suite 600 (319)363•2221 Minneapolis,MN b5402-1017 Overland Park,KS 6621t Fax:(319)363-6999 (612}333-9177 (913)345-8062 Faz:(612)333-2363 Fax:(913)345-1770 November 12, 1990 � �. �� ���� �a Mr. Stephan Jiik, City Administrator ,;�, Mr. Don Darling, City Treasurer f``� J 1'..- ,=.- � City Haii C�..�.F:�`::; ��=�.=;�,.x�" 2875- 145th Street West �''TY� �^��., ��;,��� Rosemount, MN 55068 �° �`�r " : RE: Equipment Certificates Authority: The City of Rosemount may issue equipment certificates without referendum, to purchase public safety, ambulance, road construction, maintenance and certain other capital equipment having a usefui life equal to the term of the bonds. Minnesota Statutes 410.32 and 412.301 require the certificates to be limited in term to five years. Each equipment certificate public offering may not exceed an arnount equal to A25% of the market value of taxable property in the City without publication of a resolution determining to issue them and without being subject to referendum. Use: The City may choose to employ equipment certi�cates in one of several ways: 1. A method of funding certain elements of the City's capital equipment program and amortizing the cost over time. 2. A method of recovering manies expended in a prior fiscal year for capital equipment and replenishing the general fund and rebuilding cash balances. Bond caunse! will 2llow cit9�s and counties te "claw back° a,u�!ified equi�ment �xpenditures provided they occurred in tMe prior fiscal year and that consideration had been given to such a process. 3. A method to soften the pressure of State levy timits on the City's budget. Debt service on equipment certificates is outside state levy limits. 1 � �. City of Rosemount, Minnesota November 12, 1990 Page 2 Analysis: We have enclosed an exhibit that restates the planned 1990-1994 capital expenditures, identifies the qualified equipment that would be acquired in each of fhose fisca! years, indicates the maximum amount of equipment certificates that could be issued in any given year based upon certain assumptions and lastly, provides an estimate of debt service costs on the qualified equipment cost alone if financed at 7°�and amortized aver five years. 1990 1991 t992 1993 1994 1. Capital Expenditures* $663,000 $517,540 $373,000 $442,500 $634,000 2. Qualified Equipment Costs** 477,500 340,000 245,000 307,000 469,000 3. Statutory Issue Auth�rit��*** 675,Q00 71 Q,O�J 74�,�J0� 785,000 82QOOQ 4. Average Annual Debt - Svc. ****(5 yr. amort.) 116,500 82,900 59,700 75,000 114,400 * Capi#al Expenditures: Those expenditures as they appear on the 1990 budget adopted December 7, 1989 ** Qualified Equipment Costs: Those equipment costs which could probably be funded with equipment certificates. *** Statutory Issuance Authoritv: The estimated amount of equipment certificates that could be issued by the city under MS.410 and MS.412. (Market value x 0.25%x 1.05%0:) **** Averaqe Annuat Debt Service: The average annual debt service on the qualified equipment cost when those costs are authorized over five years at 7°�. Summary: In the past several years the cities of Burnsville, Eagan and Apple Valley, and Dakota County have issued equipment certificates for the various purposes mentioned above. The City may wish to consider a debt management policy in the future that would cover general debt management matters and frame issues of this nature as well. I would be willing to draft an out(ine of reasonab�e debt management objectives that staff anci courcil cauid consid�r. If you wish to discuss these issues further, please don't hesitate to phone. Sincerely, � 1/ ,� :�.� ' Daniel T. O'Neill Senior Vice President mli �5 � . Financial Issues November 19, 1990 CIP Reserve EXHIBIT ��C�� Cash on Hand 10-31-90 $698,987 To be Received in 1990 $248,000 Sub-Total $946,987 A1located to be spent in '90 ($280,000) TOTAL $666,987 Unallocated 1-1-91 Notes: CIP Fund is an account of the General Fund. As needed you can transfer from CIP to General - either on a temporary or permanent basis. This is not the intent on setting up this account, but the funds can be used if necessary. It is a fund that can be drawn on if necessary. The way we budget for CIP Expenditures is acceptable as long as we don't spend those funds which are allocated or encumbered for previous years items not already purchased. CIP FUND Balances Dec 31 - 1986 $365, 006 - 19$7 $423,$92 - 1988 $659, 672 - 1989 $T64,883 - 1990 $666,987 16 Financial Issues November 19, 1990 CIP FUND USAGE Concept for Consideration Cash on Hand Unallocated 1-1-90 $666,987 Proposed Draw for 1991 (100, 000) (already in proposed budget) SUB-TOTAL $566.987 Proposed Additional Items in 1991 l. CR 42 Bike Trail $ 26, 000 2. Jaycee Park 46, 000 3. Fire Station Roof 26, 000 4. Park Master Plan 21,000 Total 5119,004 (119,000) , SUB-TOTAL $44?.957 Estimated Interest to Receive in 1991 7% on Average Balance of $600, 000 $ 42,000 NEW BALANCE 12-31-91 . $489,987 (without use of Equipment Certificates) 17 � ��T` 0 28?5-uSTH ST.V,'cST � P:G B�>:�i�, � �OSe rn Q I/�YI.� ROSEA+IOUNT.MINN=SOiA 5�4ob 4o9i (612)<23-»»t1 FAa:�612j<23•5233 Fund 101 Thru 9/30/90 . � . Cash Balance $14,287.91 � Investment Balance $945,000.00 TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS ' $959,287.91 Less: 1) Unexpended '90 Budgets . $731,6$6.82 2) �ater Recov Grant(Pd10/11) $150,000.00 3) Knutson Rubbish Grant $132,061.00 4) Bldg Per Surcharge-3rd 1/4 $3,049.08 5) Metro SAC - September $9,600.00 6) Elec Per Surcharge-3rd 1/4 $66.00 7) Plbg Per Surcharge-3rd 1/4 $71.00 8) Swr Per Surcharge-3rd 1/4 $28.00 9) HVAC .Per Surcharge-3rd 1/4 $202.48 _ 10) Swr �Cty Recordg Fee-3rd 1/4 _ $50.00 . _ . _ 11) Elec Inspect Fees-thru 9f30 $15,3b0.52 Total Liabilities Against Fund $1,042,174.90 � TOT�L BEFORE PROJECTED REVEiv'UES ($82,88b.99) Add: 1) Balance of Budgeted Incomes $844,370.87 (Budget Revs Not Rcd Yet) ?????????? RESERVES RESER�'E5 ????? $761,4$3.88 NOTE: Probabl�- 900 of the Projected Revenues will not be received until sometime in December (in 1989 County Apportionment -2nd Half received 12/1/89 and State Aid - 2nd half :eceived 12f1$/89) Oi t'r,e remaining lincollected Zncomes, $S��,OOO is tnat pertian tnat prooably won�t be i�ere be=ore �iecembe:. T:�at leaves $18°,D00 tc run tnree months budget, k*nich could amount to $480,000. To further complicate this scenerio, we have several issues that c�ill require a funding source that most certainl3• will be Fund 101. Until all of these issues are under control, �urther development of the 1991 budget may have to be put on hold. ' ' ' �I�j� O 2E?b-�4bTH ST.INES' � •� PC BOY.5�v � ��5�/I't-0 u��� RC`SEF,!�Utv?.P,•",�NhESOTA 55056•4997 (6t2!�23- .. rAX 1o12j»?.3-52C3 Various Funds Reviec, Thru 9/30/90 Fund �� Description Balance Praject 4k � 402 Hawkins Pond ($105,903.0�) � 176 � 405 Lift Station 4�4 Swr Eaten ($16,530.38) 181 417 American Legion Project ($59,015.38) 247 420 Birchview Terrace Imprav ($5,884.66) ?14 Total Unfunded Projects ($187,333.47) Storm Sewer Core Due Fund 32b ($148;480.89) Est of 10� Obligation ($33�,814.36) . - -- ._ _ . .. .. .. 607 ????? Storm Sewer Core???? 203 ???�� MSA �??�? � 612 ???Debt Serv G0 Water Bonds '89A - 601 and Surcharge cannot keep up with payments - Can 605 (Water Core) be expected to caver for these other funding shortages???? To Be Bonded for: w12 Valley Oak Pond Outlet ($i3,075.0�) 197 413 Pine Bend Trail ($209,72?.71) 199 415 Limerick h'ay Phase II ($10,477.85j 201 416 145th St W Reconstruction ($32,496.80} 20b 418 160th St 4�atermain ($10°,900.40) 213 4].9 Diamond Path Improvements ($12,505.32) 212 421 Snannon Iiills 2nn Addn ($1',b35.41) �16 Estimate of 101 Obligation ($40�,813.�1) TOTAL 101 Estimated Obligation ($741,627.87) For the lack of any other rationale, we must assume that General Fund , 101 will be obligated to pick up the above demonstrated deficit. �1�j� � 28.'S-145TH ST,�1�EST /^ RJ.'�0�:a�0 ` _ Ose���u n-� ROSEW�UtJ`.t�1IhWES0��+55�o6-ao97 � {c�2}<23-_ �t FAX:(b�2i��3•S.�G:; Fund 201 Thru 9/30/90 ; Cash Balance $19,1d4.47 � � , Investment Balance $50,000.00 ' TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMEA'TS $69,104.47 � Less: 1) Unexpencied �90 Budgets $325,416.89 � 2) American Legion Praject $70,000.00 ' Total Liabilities Against Fund $395,416.89 , ' TOTAL BEFORE PROJ$CTED REVENUES (5326,312.42) I Add: 1) Projected 2nd Half Aid $81,678.29 ?????????? RESBRVES RESER�'ES ????? ($244,634.13} , NOTE: 1) Unspent Budget Balance Questionable '' 2) American Legion Project Amount Could be $10,000 eit�►er wa3•. ', .�L ��j�j,[ Q 2E.'S-1CSTH Si.YJFST /^ � P.0 60X 510 � � OS�Yj�OLI y�I� R0:5�t✓�OUNT.�,41NN�SOTA 55068-4°9,' (6�2r 2o•G�7� C I T Y 0 F R 0 S E M, 0 U N T rrx.�,ot2���� 5203 CASH 0h HAND REPORT September 30, I990 �f FUND COH INVESTN,ENTS TOTAL lE FUhD COI; INVESTMERIS TOTdL I 101 14,2E1.91 456,17).59 470,465.50 5 401 8,848.03 i40,000.00 14E,$48.03 4 102 4,013.19 55,000.00 59,OI3.19 5 402 (105,903.05) 0,00 (105,403.05) : 1 201 19,I04.41 50,000.00 69,104.47 5 4a3 0.40 0.00 0.00 3 202 118,981.65 530,OOG.00 �48,98�,fi5 5 404 10,4�6.36 50,000.00 60,406.36 3 203 15,751.11 0.00 15,751.11 5 405 (16,530.3$) O.QO (16,534.3$) 3 204 14,990.60 0.00 14,990.60 5 406 11,377.33 D.O� 11,377.33 3 205 7,851.13 I75,400.00 182,851.13 5 401 43,645.96 370,000.04 413,645.46 206 0.00 O.DO 0.00 5 408 428.19 35Q,OA0.00 35U,428,I9 ? 220 305.95 40,000.00 40,305.95 S 409 I1,311.15 2ID,000.00 221,s11.15 5 221 15,392.20 100,000,0U 115,392.20 5 410 17,360.56 9q,400.00 107,360.Sb 5 222 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 411 5,235.43 30,000.00 35,235.43 230 16,139.I) 0.00 lu,i39,17 5 412 (13,G?5.02) 0.00 (i3,G15.02) 4 301 4,328.95 95,000.�0 99,328.95 5 4'_3 (20°,122.11) e.00 (209,72?.11) 4 302 4,08i.i1 50,060.40 54,OSi.i1 5 414 O.OG 0.00 0,00 4 303 {31.30} 35,000.00 34,965.10 5 4?5 (10,477.85) 0.00 (10,471,$5) 304 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 4I6 (32,496.80) 0.00 (32,446.50} _ 305 _ 0.00.. � A.00 G.00 5 .417 . (59,015.38) . 0:.00 (5�,015.36) 3U6 0.00 0.00 0.00 418 (109,900.40) 0.00 (I09,900.40) 4 321 5,738.21 455,000.00 46C,i�8,2; 419 (12,505.32) 0.00 (12,505.32) 4 322 11,1]"s.41 2$0,000.00 29),I13.41 424 (5,864.b6) 0.00 (5,884.66} 4 323 4,03b.26 120,000.00 I24,03b.28 42; (?i,635.41) 0.00 (ii,635.G1) � 4 324 4]9.E3 125,0OO.OG 125,414.83 422 0.00 G.00 C.�O 4 325 399,36'.49 3,18'�,000.00 3,554,362.49 I 6G1 49,$?I.86 330,DOQ.QQ 379,�ii.�6 4 326 44,984.J4 175,000.00 8.9,9$4.79 1 602 36,391,1i 40,000.00 76,39i.J1 4 327 14,196.I$ 265,600.00 219,1�6.16 3 6Q"s �,i0�.5� 25�,000.00 2£2,id3.58 328 0.00 0.00 D.OD 6 605 I18,943.32 68G,000.00 79E,J4J.32 329 0.00 0.00 -0.00 6 606 51,945.41 520,D00.60 �11,948.41 4 38I 3,842.72 45,000.00 48,84?.;2 6 6G7 (32E.0.) 4C,OUQ.00 39,6i1.49 4 382 15,561.�4 7�,000.00 90,56I.14 608 C.GO 0,00 0.00 383 0.00 0.04 Q.00 4 b10 k,37E.50 90,OOC.00 54,3I8.50 O.aO O.UO 4 oil I,398.67 70,OOQ.00 Ji,398.67 O.GO Q.OG 4 612 8,321.13 1D,OOO.OG 1fi,3�1,13 C.GG 6i3 C.00 0.00 0.40 Q.40 C.OG c�0i 49�.�1 L.DG 49`.Si � BQ: u.�0 C�.DG 0.04 ? BC:i is-.94 C.OG ?5�.94 TOTAL 524,7�2.10 10,7i1,177.59 i1,24G,89°.69 TOTbL h'ORTH 11,240,899.69 til Operating Budgets lt4 Debt Service Funes 1;2 Self 5upporcing Programs 4r`5 Construction Funds �i3 Special Dedicatee Punds 1f6 Core Pacility Funes October 29, 1990 Fund 101 Thru 10/23/90 � 5 Cash Balance 10/23/90 $265,202.73 Investment Balance 10/23/90 $416,285.68 TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS $681,488�.41 Less: 1) Unexpended '90 Budgets $531,198.67 2) Material Recov Grant(Pd10/11) $150,000.00 Paid 3) Knutson Rubbish Grant $132,061.00 � 4) Bldg Per Surcharge-3rd 1/4 $3,751.66 5) N�etro SAC - September $1b,200,00 6) Elec Per Surcharge-3rd 1/4 $79.50 7) Plbg Per Surcharge-3rd 1/4 $99.50 8) Swr Per Surcharge-3rd 1/4 $38.00 9) H4'AC Per Surcharge-3rd 1/4 $244.01 10) Swr Cty Recordg Fee-3rd 1/4 $125.00 11) Elec Inspect Fees-thru 9f30 $16,687.72 12) RTB Opt Out Nonies $17,479.84 _ _:_. 13) Wensmann Easement Deposit - $2,923.37 - - -. . 14) Chelsea Estates Easement Deposit $8,362.31 15) Limerick Way Easement Deposit $21,628.10 Total Liabilities Against Pund $700,485.Ob TOTAL BEFORE PR03ECTED REVENUES {$18,996.65) Add: 1) Balance of CENd Budgeted Incomes $1,047,621.00 CREATED NEW EST (Budget Revs Not Rcd I'et) ���?'????? RESERVES RESERVES ????? $1,028,624.35 ----OBLIGATI4NS OUTSIDE BUDGETS---- $397,884.00 FROM PAGE TW0 1/////////%QPER4TING FUI3DS\\\\\\\\\\\ . $630,740.3� AT END OF '90 � . ' � October 24, 1990 � Various Punds Review Thru 10/23/90 Fund {� DescriQtion Balance Project �1 Clearing Funds-Per S 7ilk 4C? Hawkins Pond �I05,903.C5 1]6 Una�le to Bond-Reassessment Required 4G5 Lift Station U4 Swr Esten (S16,530) 1S1 Charge Sani Core 606 - DONE 417 Rmerican Legion Project $29,507.'69 241 lf'L 101 & 1/2 201 BDh - DONE 420 nirchview Terrace Improv $5,884.66 214 101-4:810-OI-303-Tfr DONE Total (Jnfunded Projects $105,903.05 Storm Sewer Core Due Fund 326 SI48,48C.89 Est of 101 Obligation $254,383.94 607 ????? Storm Sewer Core???? 2Q3 ��??? MSA ?a�?� 612 ???Debt Serv GO Water Bonds �891: - 601 and Surcharge cannot keep up with papments - Can 60S {Water Core) be egpected to cover for tnese otner runding shortages???? To Be Eonded for: 4I2 Valley Oab Pond Outiet ($13,015.02 i41 1990 Bond Issue 413 Pine Bend Trail ($209,12?.11 199 1940 Bond Issue 4I5 Limerick k'ay Fhase II $10,47�.85 201 I990 Bend Issue 41b 145th St W. Reconstruction �$32,446.80 206 1991 Bond Issue 418 160th St x'atermain ($109,900.40 2I3 1490 Bond Issue 419 Diamond Path Improvements $12,505.32 i12 1991 Bond Issue 421 Shaauon Hills 2nd Addn �S17,635.4i 516 199Q Bond Issue Tnis total will be Bo�ded For ($405,8I3.5?) �dded at Staff Nreeting by S Jilk Fi:e Station Roof $26,000 Park N'i�ster Pian �64,U0(1 Part may have to be 1991 Budget vOIDD:'?Il?�S1VE vL'1QE P1GL' ��DG2LF .�`.�I��v�� Cli: 1D 199: �50dPEi Armor� fieeds Funai�� 7Cf Gngei3g Wo:�: �4C',OUi; :Lnbing no: �eeaea until zen 9a J� Fu�: �and AcnuisitioL-�.3 kcres S46.UOU S�C=.000 oi the Sy6,00G airea4y nere Snsnnon �ark Scnooi bii:ings :E�.64b Govered 'os� rund 2ii Snoc i�arovemen; IG- Const: i:ade Si,5G0 numane Societ}-5G cents per capita S�,500 T',oved to 1?91 Diamond Path Bike Trail $2b,000 Moved to 199? Diamond Path Bike Trail-Easements ?????????? N,oved to 1992 , County Rd 42 Eike Trai; City Share $26,000 Investigate Assessment $143,500 ESTIM�TED END OF YEI�k NEED $397,884 TO PP,OhT P�GE • , ' � � Period Ending September 30, 1940 MONTflLY REVIE4I AUDIT OF CIP CODING AMOUNTS 1990 CIP BUDGET 1990 CIP Budget--Departments to Use Fo1loNing Encodiog-202-49002-OI-(XXX) : ------------ ,--------------- ,--------------- --------------- ITEM C05T :OBJECT CODE : SPENT T4 DATE : BALANCE : DEPARTMENT �202 Truc� (replace)--------- '--)8,000-- ,---540------ ---$5),931,32-- ---$20,068.68-- -Pub Wrks------ ---- ------------------- 8---------- 8------- g--------------- 8--------------- 8----------- --- ----- - U202a Plow (replace) :io above : for above ; : $0.00 : Pub Wrks ------------------------------10----------lp------------10---------------lp---------------ip--------------- �202b Wing (replace) :in above : for above $0.00 : Pub Wrks . . ------------------------------12----------12------------12----------- 12---------------12--------------- Chippendale Trail 8,500 530 $6,475.00 $2,425.00 : Parks ------------------------------14----------14------------14---------------i4---------------14------ - ------ North & South Aockey Rinks ' 22,004 531 $O.iS $21,999.25 : Parks� . , . . --------------------------16----------16------------16---------------I6---------------I6--------------- Replace '84 LTD ' 14,000 ' S50 ' $14,Q00.00 ' $0.00 ; Planning ------------------------------18----------i8------------18---------------1B---------------i8--------------- 3 Police Squads : 25,500 551 $25,324.40 $I76.00 : Folice ------------------------------2p----------2p------------20---------------20---------------20------------- Dodd Road 6ike Trail ' 25,000 532 $12,8$6.29 $12,I13.1i : Parks ------------------------------22----------22------------22---------------22---------------22---------- ---- City 8all Area ' 85,000 521 $12,460.6J $72,539.33 : Ceneral � . . . . ------------------------------24----------24------------24---------------24---------------24--------------- Sweepster Broom ' 3,000 580 $0.00 $3,000.00 : Pub Ftrks , , , , ------------------------------26----------26------------26---------------26---------------26--------------- Camfield Park ' 10,000 533 $2,567.00 $J,433.Q0 : General ------------------------------28----------28------------28---------------28---------------28---- ---------- Copy Machine : 11 000 : 570 : $II,000.00 ; $0.00 : Geaeral _ , _ --------_-- ------30=-----=-==3D----=--=--=-30---------------30------------=--30-------------- City Hall Lat ' I5,000 534 $I4,492.42 $507.58 : General , . . . ------------------------------32----------32------------32---------------32---------------32--------------- Radios/Pagers ' 3,000 572 $1,019.90 $1,420.I0 : Gomm Dev . . . , ------------------------------34----------34------------34---------------34---------------34--------------- �Park Benches & Trail Shelter : 5,000 535 $2,088.38 $2,911.62 : Par�s . . . ------------------------------3b------=---3b------------36---------------36-------------�-36--------------- GIS System ' 60,000 586 $I5,000.00 $45,000:00 : Gen/ComDev . . , . ------------------------------38--------=-38------------38---------------38---------------38--------------- Ford 402 TractorfMower ' 31,000 581 $�7.90 $30,922.10 : Public 4iorks . . . , ------------------------------40----------40------------40---------------40---------------40--------------- Playground Equipment-Dallara • 10,000 536 $10,391.00 ($397.00) : Parks . . . , ------------------------------42----------42------------42---------------42---------------42--------------- Rescue Van 95,000 552 $95,000.00 $0.00 : Fire . . . . ------------------------------44----------44------------44---------------44---------------44---------=----- Erickson Pk Hockey Rnk Lites 15,OQ0 531 $152.93 $14,841.117 : Parks , , . . ------------------------------46----------46------------46---------------46---------------46--------------- Front End Loader 60,OU0 54I $60,OQO.dO $0.00 ; Public k'orks . . . . ------------------------------4g----------48------------48---------------4E---------------46--------------- Paint Striper 5,000 582 $5,000.00 $0.00 : Public Works . . . , ------------------------------50----------50------------SO---------------50---------------50--------------- Curb & Gutter Erickson Park ' 15,000 53S $9,079.30 $5,920.1Q : Public 4torks , . . . ---------------�--------------52----------52------------;2---------------52---------------52--------------- Crack Filling Equipment : 20,000 5E3 $19,946.20 $53.80 : Public Works . . . ------------------------------54----------54------------54---------------54---------------54--------------- Lawn Mower Replacement 12,000 584 $6,990.00 $5,Q10.00 : Public Works . . . . ------------------------------56----------56------------56---------------56---------------56--------------- -e Soccer Lighting JC Park : 35,000 539 $0.00 $35,000.00 : Parks . . . ----------- ---------58----------5g------------58---------------58--- --- ---58----- ----- ------ Item not In '90 CIP ' ' S42 : $1,200 00 ; ($1,2Q0 00) ' . . . . ------------------------------6p----------60------------6p---------------60---------------6Q--------------- 5s� (S�oo.00) : Ssoo.00 . . . , ------------------------------62----------62------------62---------------62---------------62--------------- TOTAL : 663,000 : $3E2,649.06 : $280,350.44 . , ------------------------------64----------64------------64---------------64---------------64--------------- TOTAL COH 9/30/90 $64&,987.65 RESERVES $365,636.11 ' , • � . . . � � � . � � . . .. rr' . OCTOBER 24, 1990 Fund 221 - Shannon Park School/Park Improvement Fund This fund was created by transferring from General Fund 101 to create the new fund 221. Funding to be used to participate in the Shannon Park School project with the School District. The School District Managed the Construction through their contracts and the City portion was built by them and billed to the City. This project is almost completed and has the following funding and obligations to complete. Funds on Hand 9/30/90 $115,392.20 Project Costs Due the School District $82;808.d0 Funding Required to Complete Park Portion of the Project - to be completed by City $25,530.00 ------------ �Z�� Balance of Fund 221 $7,056.20 �� c-c�J _--�-���`�A' - - _ _ _ _ _ _„�. - � . _ ..��,� �d _ O +fThis repork is derived fro� esti�ated figures, sa�e of Nhich are attached+# EST1lWTED CRStI FLONGtWRT +t RS MDNTIIS ANE GOFiFIETED ESTIlWTED FI6URE5 WIIL 8E REPLACfD NITH RCTUFI-FIGUAES tt � fUND 382 -T1 DEBT SERV 1988 1S�lE ^ ` Beginning BatlCasA i lnvest�entsl 16A�808.49 108y206,�9 116,�08.49 124�60&19 ! 5�268.49 13,36B.ti9 �P1�568 49 29�768�9 ; 37�968 49 lt23,122.@t) t159�362.81) U51�162.8!). :t142�962.011 1131�762.811 wtCurrent •onth is utual ,. , : • , � 4 �, � > ` ; � ?�� � i,; x ; t i ,: .. � .��___�- �-... _..----------.�._.__._.._ ....__. ___.___..._��_,_ _._._...____ ---..-- --_....--- ----•---•------_. _._-•--- ----.� _ .. . ... ... ...._ ___ _� t , previous N/E halanct�t NOVE118ER 90 DEGEMBER 96 JANUARV FEBRURRY NRRGH NPRIL MRY JUDE ,IULY (X16UST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NDVEMBER DECEI�ER ..--.__--____--------------__----�..___------_-_-.__.�_.._ _�_.`..._._.,.__..._-• --- --- -------- - _ ._ _... _._ -- -. - - - i �- v` _ Revenues: �'-- 1) Loch Mortgagt Py�ts ti,00A.00 4,808.00 y�008.00 i�800.8A �,000.00 4�88@.08 i�000.68 " ��808.80� ti,808.08 ; ��808.80 ;4�808.00 `'4�80A 88` 1,8N.918 I�B0A.88 2! Blake Mortgage Py�ts 4�200.00 h�200.80 ��208.00 y,200.00 4�280 8O ��208.00 y�200.80 4�200.00 ��200.08 ��280.80 1�288.80 4�^c80�80 ��'c00.N ' 4�20A.8� � - _...__.. .....---.�_. ..---.....__._...._..._.____.--------_-.-..___.._--.____..._-•_------ ...__-----•-•_-_--� .� _ .. ._ .. 31 interest Earnings �) Other???? 5) Other???? .... _ . . _._.__ Exptnditures: ::, s > �. ' s +92 BONU PYMt 85 800.08 { i � � � !) eond Principa! Py�ts 88,80A.80 + ._ .__._._:__�--.-----___.___`___�______ . . . _. �_.__.._..--. - �-- ,92 BONU PYMT"83 982:50''_43 810.80----.._ ..__ .-- 2) Bood Interest Py�ts _ , _..ti7�240.08---�.' __ � � 31 8ond Gaying Rgnt Fees 380.80 '42 BOND�YMT 600.00 360.80 h) Share of Audit fees 180.00 ��» _ ._.,_..._._,_ ._..-----_.,�._._._...___.__.__-_-__...-------_____.____._�._�T�_�.__ � , , Sl OtAer.... -------- --------- --------- -_ -- --------- - - - Month-End BallCash L lnvest�erttsl 108�200.49 116�100.19 124�b00.49 S�P68.�9 13,368 19 21,56A.�9 29�768 i9 37�968 49' U23�122.011 1159�362 6U (lSI�l62 811 1M2�962 BU U34�762.8U t126�562.811 _... _............. ....._....__._____..__._.._..__._.--._...._�_...._....._... THIS TOTAL IS fAWT IS PEEOED fAOM FIND 281 -EDR f 1{�#f 11 f f i#if f f t f f!i I f�f f#i t##f f{f}�{i t F f 4f f f#1#1 f{1 Ff#t f I I!i f f�i#i tt 4 Ff 1i I#i!f f i f Ii1 FiitH f f f i{!i kl l#f i H F#If if 4 i#f f i ii t##f 1i 1#ii I I#f ff!#i#f Ii i#If iff 14 i t f I I I�i 1!f I f i#f(#i1t4Hf f iif f ifff tti f I iiF11 f ii Ef Ii#If f ifliilfli�f#f i#ii- ' . . s . . .. f ;s . .. : ' . . �, " �. - � . - : : • . , "� ' . �. . . , .; , . � ; " .. , . � �: � . �.�. FlJND 20l EDA } , . , J ::, � Beginning BaflCash t lmest�ents) 69�231.91 58,620.23 194,�5.55 141�552.8� 135�358.19 129�IM7.51 122�944.83 It6�142.15 110�539.47 92,7N.79 66�57E.tt 80,369.13 71�166.75 61�484.87 __�._- --�------ -- .. ._..__.__.... - --�------•--------..�...�_,___._._....._-----__- ,, • "__� ;tCurrent ■onth is acluai 3 s 4 `; s �: previous M!E balance;f ' NOVEMBER 96 DECEMBER 90 JAMJNRY . ,FEBqIKIRY MRRCH RPRIL !WY JI�E JU.Y Al1GUST SEPTEI�ER OCTDBER : NDVENBER x� DECfJ�EA . _ .:.. _ _ __,..._ .......�... .._. _..--..._..---� ---�-._._. _.._...... ..._---•--•---__..___. ._.__.. Cash lnflows: 11 Loch S!T loan 223.18 223.18 223.18 223.10 223.10 223.18 223 !8 223.10 223.10 223.18 223.18 223.18 223.11 223.18 2! Blake S/T Loan 2ti2.22 2i2.22 242.22 2ti2.22 2ti2.22 2�2.22 242 22 2l2.22 242.22 212.22 242.22 242.22 242.22 242.22 ........__-----•-----._.�.... -- ------.._.__.__._.... .___--�-- _._-------------__-----115�6�:t9- 1) County Apportion�ent U6,800.88 . ' --- 113�808:08-______. _.. � 41 lnvest�ent Earnings Inco�e 118.00 178.80 178.80 l78.08 170.88 170.00 170.00 178.00 1�8.08 170.6Y 170.00 178.60 170.H6 t70.8v 51 Other Inco�e??? ; ;. : ,' Cash Qutflows. ll Tracie's Salary 6,�8.08 6,250.80 3,333.08 3,333.0@ 3�333.00 3�333.80 3�333.00 3�333.00 3�333.00 3,333.08 3,333.80 3�333.80 3�333.8@ 3,337.08 2) Professianal 5ervices 5,008.80 5,888.08� 2,925.00"-"-2�928.88 -;-2,928:08_:_`2�928:88 '�;"'2�928:88. _ 2�928.N.---2�928:08T'-2,928.60�-�2;928.8@ "-2,42g.A0�"-2�980.80-"-"�'�Bi-- 31 Expmses L Misc 585.0� ' SB5.08 SBS.� . 585.88 5A5.88 SB5 N:;: 585.08 385.BO % 585.60 585 10 . , 585.8A t� .:565.IM 4l TransFer tc cover , . _- , : �.. : i.#� F � Sf., 3,, xs , 1s3 � _ _ . _- ----------�------------_�.__ ....._._ .�__._......_ _._:_... ...:_.---_. ;� . . _ `.---- ------._.�_____._...�...._._.. ' : �: . . ---_. _ 1992 Bond Ry�ts _ _ � 126�56�.0e . 51 Bat of Schneider Prap ���•� 61 8a1 R/L R�I1 I�pr 18,80@.08 . • -- - �_.-------.------__.T_ ___�_..___,_......_.._..._.._..__.�______ �__....__.__._�.__ �__.. 7)-0ther??� __ _ . __.�_ . � ° � _ _�� ,; �_w� ----------- -----_-_ --------- --------- --------- --- """ Month-End BailCash � lnvest�ents) 58,626.23 l9ti�005.55 141�552.87 135,350.19 129�147.St t22,941.83' 116�7i2 15 11g,539 +17' : 92��74.79 Ab,5�2 !I 88,369.43 74�166.75 67�981 07 176,817.39 : ' � . .. . -_._ ... ..............'- .-�---- - __ ._- -'-- - ; - .tY �{- - ---, � . � �.. ._ . + _•:�'� 1 � �I/�� /�/ .���� � _. i r . • . r� .� ;/'��C.� �' �- .� ..� ��J`9 �i-�<-�' ,� . - ��� � . 10/12/90 � '1990 - 1991 EDA Financiat Summary x�v���s . � � 14b,040 2nd Half 1990 Tax Increment �' 230,000 1991 Tax Increment '�'+,000 1991 Uncommitted Mort�age/Loan income 2.000 Investment Income � 422,Od0 � . An�icipated Reveaue through 12C31I91 EXPE?�TDITURES � 10,000 1990 Professionzl Serc�ices ` L,�OJ 199Q R��a.inin� Salaries � 3b,2�0 Baia.nce Scnneider Acouisitio� � 4J,0�0 A�erica.n Lp�ion RO�' Iru�:ove�eats =+�,O�J 199i S21Zries 3�,000 1991 Pro�essional Servi�es J,OOO 1991 ExUeL5�5 2,000 1991 Miscellaneous _?9Q.04J Debt Service Transfer � 370,7�0 Anticipated Expenditures throu�h L?/31/91 . _ � ` � i October 25, 1990 1990 � 1991 BUDGET DISCUSSIONS 1. Master Parks Plan - need $64,000 to complete this plan aver a period of approximately 7 month. - Allocate $39, 000 out of 43000 account (transferred to General Fund Reserve) - Allocate $25, 000 out of Park Dedication Fund. 2. Shannon Park School Site - Following the current development of the site and after the liability to the school district is paid off, there will remain about $18, 000 in the fund. There still remains, based on Dave's cost estimates, a need for some $80, 000 to $90,000 of improvements left to make at the park to complete it. Although to make the ballfields useable it wi11 take about $25,D00 in 1991. - Allocate the $18, 000 remaining in the Shannon Park Fund to complete the $25, 000 worth of work and take $7, 000 out of Park Dedication funds to get park "useable". . - Other funds necessary to complete the park take out of budgeted CIP. May have to move .the sequence up. - Close out Shannon Park Project fund at end of 199Q. 3. Fire Hall Roof - Estimate to complete is $26, 000. This needs to be done because of leaking. - Take the funds out of 43000 account. 4 . Comprehensive Guide P1an Update - Based upon Dean's estimate of sources and uses there will be sufficient funds available to complete this by dedicating funds from 1990 Community Development Operating Budget to 1991. 5. Armorv - Expenditures: November 1990 $13, 0�0 December 1990 $ 7, 000 January 1991 $10, 000 February '91 $ 8, 000 Mar.-July '91 -0- July-Dec. '91 $10,000 All expenditures projected are for architectural fees. Revenue: Available 10-31-90 $27, 000 December 1990 $11, 000 Jan. - June 1991 -0- July 1991 $60, 500 Aug. - Nov. 1991 -0- December 1991 $60,500 All revenues projected are from tax levy. . , ,�' �� �� October 25, 1990 Page 2 It looks as though we'll need a transfer of about $10, 000 in January, 1991 until July, 1991 from CIP to Armory Fund. The transfer could then take place in July to pay the CIP fund back. 6. Humane Societv - $4, 000 could be taken out of 43000 account. This is not a priority issue from my standpoint. 7. Shop Imp=ovement - $7,500 could be taken out of CIP if priority. 8. Jaycee Park Improvement -Estimated cost of $45, 000 additional funds. Need to address. If need is there - take out of CIP, transfer back from Park Dedication Funds that develop. 9. Project Short€all - Open for consideration. May have to come out of General Fund. 10. CR 42 / Bike Trail - Recommend assessment process. 11. 1991 - Budcxets - Revise to show: - Expenditures in numbers 1 through 4 above. - Carryover in revenue if necessary. . - Other budget adjustments for 1991 without 1. thru 4 . above. - CIP: Determine which items can be put off until after July 15th, 1991. - To cover temporary cash flow problem in General Fund (if necessary) make transfer from CIP to General - to be paid back after revenue is received in 1991. 12 . Require each project (i.e. parks, Master Plan, Comp. Guide Plan, Armory) to have a expenditure/revenue projection or "Project Financing Plan" in place before w� start the project or before long term financing is allocated (CIP) . These "Project Financing Plans" to be approved by: Z. Dept. Head (Proposed Funding) ' 2 . Finance Director (Accuracy Agreement) 3 . Administrator (overall) 4. Council (final to proceed) This also includes all assessment projects. � , .� Jr � � J October 25, 1990 Page 3 ADDITIONAL COMMENT ON BUDGET 1990 - 1991 A. Finance Dept. to prepare month by month cash flow analysis for: General Fund Park Dedication Fund CIP Fund Utility Funds MSA Fund EDA These CFA's (Cash Flow Analysis) to be updated monthly and cover a 12 month period. These CFA's will be prepared and reviewed at one staff meeting each month. (copy to council, EDA, Utility Comm. ) B. Finance to prepare a "project financing" form to be utilized by all departments for all projects starting now. This form will be used to collect and summarize all sources and uses of funds for all projects, major purchases and consultant proj ects. C. CIP Fund - We need to have a breakdown of "encumbered" and "unencumbered" CIP funds along with Cash Flow Analysis so we � don't error in underestimating our "allocated" funds and over estimate our actual reserve. D. CIP Items in 1991 - Determine which items we can use C of indebt for and can finance through 5 year program. Develop that 5 year program, cost and cash flow needed: r 2 t+ihis repart is derived hor tski�ated figures, so�e af�hicA are attached+t ESiI►WIEtl CASH FLON QYIRT #t fG lpNTHS AAE Lp4tE1E6 ACfIIAI F16Uf�S AEttFlf�ESTIMATES+� 6ElEAq.FI�ID-f1t1U IBI Beginning SaltGsh i lnvest�ents! 612�y90.39 155,769.39 1�153�61L23 911,IE3.23 732�789.2J 576�A75.23 l20�961.23 242�21A.23 98�559.23 933�197.42 7&5,216.12 541,195.�2 397�741.12 221�893.42 f�Current Month is Pctuai t�mese figurep do oot include the liabilitr atounts fro�below-ihey represent khe 'iatal'_a�ouot of Gsh t [avest�mts on handl�s.erojectionslti___T.,_.�.___�___.�_ tl�evious M/E BalancNF " -.._ ._ _.. _ .. ._. NOVEI�EA 90 DECf118ER 9A JAMIARY FEBAUARY MARCN APRIL !WY JtRE JLLY AUQ15T SEPTEM6FA OCIOBER IqVEl�ER DEfE�Ep CasR Inflows: . ....,_ _._�:.----�_ .._.:..._ ...__..__ .......... __.._.. ... . ...:__�...._---_--_;--.. ._..__---------. _..:._.._._. I! Loc�l 6evera�mt Aid 478,278.8A ��6�.� �,6�.� ._...�__...--.---._.._�_... 21 Ad 4atore� 398,596.81 , '167�833.19 161�833.19 • 31 laternal Revenues 66,A00.8B 66,00A.A8 99�811.0A 99�817.8A.... 99,A17.88--• 99�041.BA_. .99�841.88_... 99�Ai7.8A.--_-99�647.88,� 99�617__8A 99,011.Y0__ .99,617.8A� 99�841 BA.---99�811.8A._ _._. _-- - .. __ -------�----- --- {1 MSA Mainten�nce funds 8,36A.86 B,38A.8A 51 6l , . _ _... ...._.__.._. .-- -- ...- -.. . __ ......._ _. - -- ..._ ._. _.....__._.. ....--.__...______. ` ._._._._.._-•-------------------� 71 --- � � �--_. _ ___.. � �......�� �� c� Cash Outflows: . -- --....: : .__......_ ....._._._._...._ _ ...---_ . ._._ ..:._..--•--- -------__ ____._ ____ _....__.._. ..- -------�--------- -- U Counril (1111A1 8,774.88 a774.NA 9,658.88 9,658.8A 9,658.� 9�658.88 4�658.@A 9�65B.iA 4�658.00 9,658.8Y 9,65B.W 9�658.80 9�658.1A 9,662.M �1 Nd�iniatr�tion t4132B) l5�b17.88 15,61).B8 10�3B9.8A 18,389.6A 1A,389.80 1A�389.BA 1Y�389.8A 18�389.80 1�36l.60 1Y,384.88 1A,389.i8 11�3A9.IA 1A,389.80 1i�383.80 31 Clerk t4HAA) &BA &6A y�511.8A . 4�541.68 ._ 4,544.80.__..1�541.08... ....��SIM.BA._......4�511.88.... .1,544 80......._1,514.0A___1�54i.ti _ _.4�SII.AA....__��541.8A,_ 1�517.8A_.._.:__. _....___._____�---.-. 41 Etectir lIIhIA1 1�34b.06 616.6iD 263.8A 263.80 263.BA 263.80 263.80 Pb3.80 263.6A 263.88 2E3.tlA 261.YA 2,28A.B6 268.68 5)F� 1�t526) 12�242.88 12�242.88 12�344.flA 12,341.80 12�31�.8A 12�341.88 12�344.80 12�31�.0A 12�31�.69 12�3i4.BY l2�331.�A 12,311.8A 12�3i4.8A l2�3iB.B9 61 ern�ent NIBIA! 8�551.08 8�551.N8 8,YI3.AA 8�613.68 _ 8�6(3.A8_ , 8�i13.AA 8�A13.8A_.__ 8�AI3.B8_ @ 613.8A_. . 8�BI3.8A_ &$13.� _ 8�4f3.�A $it�60_: : 8��6� -- - -- _. __._ . _ . ----' - ..____.__-._ Develop�mt t1191812M,498.88 P�,498.60 2��63E.8A 24�83A.80 2��83A.80 2�i838.8A 2��B30.BA 24�838.88 24�63A.6B 2ti,138.AB �24,6Ja.60 21�i3&80 2��&16.iA Z1�832.81-�---^- Buildings i1t9181 5�8B5.8B S�BBS.BO 5�185.8A 5�785.BA 5�785.@0 5�785.88 5�7&5.80 5�785.60 5�785.A8 5�185.BA 5�785.i0 S�IBS.BA 5�1A5.08 5�785.80 I f�21181 5A�521.8/ 5N�521:88 Sb�5b9.8A 56�Sb9.BA 56�569.8A.. 56�569.1A._ 56�569.8@.--- 56�569.88. 56�569.BA ..._56�569.BA,_ 56 569.0� _ 56�569.A8--SE�569.Ai Sb�566.8A_ _ . _ __ _ . __.:._._.__.___.._.. M22t01 1,152.00 4,152.88 8�669.86 8,�69.A8 8,669.88 8,669.88 33,669.89 8,66�.80 8,669.88 8,669.88 6,669.Y0 A,669.iA 13�669.68 A,67ti.88 1131N8! 38,518.80 38,54A.88 M2,592.8d 42,592.BA 42,592.8A 12�592.BA �2�592.BA y2�592.80 �2,592.88 • 42,592.8A 42,592.AA 42,592.86 �2,592.88 42,58b.M N312U lt,4ll.B0 11,911.8A 6,950.88 6�958.AB 6�958.AA....6�958.80 __.6�956.88 6�95A.B0._. .6,95B.A8_- 6,958.00_�6�95B.AA 6�95B.B0 6,95A.68 6�95A.BA __ _ . 1�31221 8.8F1 B.AA 2�8NA.8A 2�8N8.B8 P�808.88 2�888.6A c^�8AA.88 2�BAB.BA 2�BOA.8A 2�800.8A 2�88A.di 2�808.88 2�888.AA.._.2�880.BA---------.. ----------- 1431251 I,@71.08 I,A71.B6 2,163.AA 2,163.88 2�163.8A 2�163.8A i.N O.AA B.BA 6.8A Y.60 i.6B 2�163.86 2,165.86 � N31681 3,3A7.00 3,3W.BA 3,788.8A 3�788.8A 3�780 A8 ___3�188.AA 3�788.86 3�100.80, ._ 3�108.8A_ 3�788:8B 3 700.8A - - 3�700.AA__.3�7@A.0A 3,1A8.e8 _. . .. _ . . . ..- ._ � . ..... ..-- - �- ---------�____�__. 161 S�gnal lights� Signs f131761 371.00 3I1.B0 425,8� 125.88 425.A8 �25.88 1c'S.80 . M25.80 k5.0B ._ . 425.BA 125.YA 425.80 125.88 425.88 17)Park l Nec (151881 36��Y6.00 36�126.8@ h6,N6).88 �6�867.8@ 16�067.60 46�867.08 16�067.80 �6�961.08 �6�867.�1 ti6,067.8A �6�867.06 46�867.80 46�B61.AA 46�872.8A IBI insurance f19246) B.BB 6.8A &80 A.�B 8.80 9.80 0.0A B.ee . e.ee-- --e.ee---:iea,w�e.6v.____6.88__�B.BB---.____8_�_-----------� fulte�s not in'91 Budget 'YEi'itt , 191 Fire St�tion Roof N,��@p.p ` ... _...._....---_.______.__. _.. ...__.....--�--._. ____..---•--._..... ___._...._. _. ._.__ ___-- ---------- -.. ...__..._. :. . .___ .. ._-----------_ 2A1 Parks Master Pian 15y00B.68 18�008.88 18�808.88 18�600.88 IY�IBB.N 18�00A.B0 2U Co�prehensive Guide Rlan Update 21,BBA,86 , ��5 221 Ar�ary Needs for Funding 18,B08.A8 ..._.._... .___............... _...., .__....... ..._____... _ _. _ ..__.., ---- ____.___..__. . _. --._.._ _ ..__... . _. . _.._ _ ----.__-_.----.._ 1 JC Puk Land Acquisition 46,B08.AB � � ��f '- 21i Hu�me Society-i.SA per c�pita �,�.� �' .._._._ __... _..___ _..._....__. ......_.... .._. _.. __._ __.._ _......__.. ........ _ __ . .__. _._...._ .._..._..____.._. _ _ ._ ._ ._._.. ..------�-----.-_ LiaGilities oF 6ea'1 not av�ila6te tar spe�inylactual awunts fra�previaus�onthi; ' I) 8uiiding R�t Surchargt 4�311.56 y,31ti.5b 1�3I1.56 �,31�.56 1,311.56 1,315.56 4,31t.56 y�311.56 4,314.56 1,3N.56 1,3N.56 1,31�.56 4�314.56 1,311.56 21 Metro SAC 16�808.08 16�880.86 l6�B@8.A0 16�888.60 16 880.�A-- 16 808.8A ._ 16�B0B.88,. 16�808.88 I6�A0B.B8_. ..16�B08.B0 __ ,16,80�3.88._ 16�888.68__ 16,888.80 16�8A8.88--- __ � ._.._,� . . . . _ . _ _- --- ----..._...-------- - 3! Elec P�t SurcAarge 83.58 83.5@ 83.58 83.58 B3.SA 83.SA 83.50 83.58 83.56 83.SA - . 83.SA 83.56 83.:,A 83.51 Il Plu�bing P�t Surcharge 1@A.50 18A.50 IF8.58 100.58 18A.SA 168.SB 1�.58 168.50 10D.58. 186.58 lBA.Si 18d.5A 160.5A 188.58 51 SaerF�t Surchargt 47.� �7.6A 17.08 �7.AA_--.... ._17.AA 11.88............. 47.88_....... �1.88.__ ..._:�7.88....___ 47.88.....__. �7.YA._.._..._. 41.8A____. �7.@8..._._._.47.l8 ___._._... ._._,_.._.. . .--------...._.._. 6►HVAC P�t Surch�rge 2�5.51 245.51 215.51 215.5! 215.5i 215.51 245.5! 215.51 215.5t 2ti5.51 P15.51 215.51 245.St 2i5.5t 71 Sewer Cly Recording fets t25.88 125.0d 125.0A 125.eA 125.A8 125.BA 125.80 125.0A 1'fiBA 125.BA 12S.�J l25.BB 125.@A 125.P8 8! Elrctrical Inspector fees 11,135.12 14,135.12 11��35J2 14�135.12 1ti��35.12 IS,135.12_, 11�135.12 ._7f�i35.12... Iti��35.12.... ll�435.t2.. . t1�135.i2 11,135.12 , .I1,135.t2--- 11,13S.t2 . ..... .... .......-___.. ___ 9) Wrns�aan E�se�ent Deposit 2,923.37 2�923.3I 2�923.37 2�923.37 2�923.31 2�923.31 2�923.31 2,923.37 2�923.31 2,923.37 2�923.3T 2,923.3] 2,923.37 2�923.37 18) Chtlsea Est Ease�mt Uepst A,3b2.31 8�362.31 8�362.31 8�362.31 8�362.31 8�362.31 8�362.3! 8�3b2.31 8�362.31 8�362.3I 8�362.31 8�362.3! 8�36z.31 8�362.31 111 Rnutson RuGbish 6rent 36�739:� 36�)39.86 36�J39.8A 36�139.8A 36�739.BB 36�739.8A . 36�739.8A 36�7d9.8A 36�739.80 36�139.8A 36�)39.Bi 36�739.68 3fi�739.08 36�739.M..__. .. .. _ . ...._.. ... ...._.___ 121 RI@ Opt-Out Study 15�,711.31 151,711.31 l51�711.34 15#,114.31 t54,1i1.31 l54,111.31 154�711.3i 154�T1i.3ti 154,7t4.34 154�1t{.34 l54,]11.31 151,)11.3� 154�711.31 151,114.3M ` 131 Aecycling Drograi 391.08 391.80 391.88 391.0A . 391.M 391.@A 391.0A 391.00 391.9A 391.@B 391.0�1 391.88 391.08 341.N0 ����► A.80 B4OB 8.� B.BB 8.08 0.80 A.80 8.68 6.98 8.60 /.66 `A.88 1.80 ....__._. . .... .... _. ...__.._ . _ ___.__._.... .____ ..___ ...._.--- � � a.ee e:ee e.ea _ e.ee e.ee . e.ee e.ee_ . e.ee e.ee .._._ . .e.ea__ __- �.eA___. �.ee- � e.ee ------------ - _---- ____ ._-_ __�_ MontA-End Balance qvailable tor 216�488.18 91i�336.82 I&5,122.d2 ;�3,508.@2 337,591.82 181�68A.82 2�929 82. U40 821.98) 694 216.�1 515 965 21 382 214.21, 150�163.21_ U4�38�.791 A18��88.�0 _. ._ _ _,. . i. i .... ._i _,.._... � _ ,._.... ..............__.. ... _------- __. ...__.. &cn') flnaraHnn f�ollnrinn Manth � . � . . � � . . � . .. - . ... � - .