HomeMy WebLinkAbout2. Armory Committee Recommendations � I C�2 P:O. BOX 510 ZI � 2875-145TH ST. W. ( ��n ROSEMpUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 Ov�/�"`���� 612-423-4411 TO: Ma or Na er '��� � � Y PP Council Members Klassen Oxborough Wi cox i rmann FROM: Stephan Jilk ' DATE: August 24, 990 RE; Armory/Community Facility Cost Estimates/Funding On Tuesday we will have an opportunity to again discuss the proposed Armory and possible additions/enhancements. It would seem to me that there are four 'main questions before us in regards to the enhancements and additions being considered and they are: I. What enhancements/additions are there to eonsider? II. How much will they cost? III. How can we pay for them? IV. Which ones do we want if we can afford them? Please allow me to review the information I have regarding these questions and to suggest' some scenarios for consideration. You have had information regarding cost before but the following information is updated from meetings held with the school district and National Guard in the last few days. Needless to say, this type of project allows for what seems to be an ever changing set of decisions to make. This makes our task extremely difficult to say the least, It is vital that we come to some conelusion very quickly on some of these items because of design considerations and the time frame that the guard has to deal with. : I. I would like ta start out by listing, again, the items presented for cansideration by the Armory Committee. Z. Basic Armory - the basic facility would provide all needs of the National Guard and provide for the city; a. A 7500 sq. ft. gym area without air conditioning, basketball, volleyball equipment, sport floor, sufficient height for playing sports or city storage area. . b. Locker and shower areas sufficient for guard and city use. ' c. A kitchen off the gym area for guard and city, uses in the gym area. d. Classroom space of 6, 0QO sq. ft which would be sufficient for guard and city uses. e. Parking sufficient for guard and city use unless major city addition, such as multi-purpose arena is added. f. Rifle range with 5 lane - 50 ft. lanes, adequate for guard and city use. Estimated City cost - $877,500. 2 . Gymnasium upgrade - the following items would be done to enlarge and enhance the gymnasium to make it useable and efficient for sport and social activities by the commun ity: a. Sport floor - placing a composite floor over the cement floor and all striping. b. Volley ball, basketball equipment/standards. c. Raise ceiling height 6' for adequate playing area. d. Increase lighting quality. e. Add air conditioning. f. Acoustical and safety panels/pads. g. Size increase to 9,200 sq. ft. to provide area sufficient for regulation size BB court, 2 junior high courts and 3 volleyball courts. Estimated City -cost - $262,210. 3. Park and Recreation of£ices/storage - the following would provide sufficient space to house Parks & Recreation offices for existing and planned full-time staff and storage for programs and athletic events at the gymnasium: a. Offices of up to 1,400 sq. ft. b. Storage of up to 1,000 sq. ft. Estimated City cost - $120, 000. 4. Auditorium/Theater - the foZlowing wouZd provide a bare bones facility for presentation of theater productians, stage events, lectures, etc. These costs do nat include a high quality lighting or sound system, moveable scenery (fly� system or orchestra pit. a. 4,000 sq. ft of room space. b. Sloped floor (movie theatre type) c. Padded seating for 300. d. Basic 1,000 sq. ft. stage. e. Adequate lighting and sound for lectures f. Acoustical treatment on walls/ceilings. This could be accomplished by using 2,500 of the 6, 000 sq. ft of classroom in the basic armory. Estimated City cost - $202,000. 5. Banquet Facility - the following would provide a "stand alone° banquet facility with an opportunity to lease this facility out for private dinners, parties, receptions, business events, lectures and dances. a. Seating for 300 b. Separate lobby, coatroom and restrooms. c. Separate kitchen facilities. Estimated City cast - $431,200. 6. Multi-Purpose Arena - this facility would provide the ability to have hockey, general ice skating, indoor tennis, dry land events such as horse shows, dag shows, . flea markets, etc. Estimated City cost - $2,960, 000. II. Cost - to summarize the items and estimated cost: 1. Basic armory $ 877,500 2. Gymnasium upgrade 262, 210 3. Park & Recreation offices 120, 000 4. Auditorium/Theatre 202,000 5. Banquet Facility 431,200 6. Multi-Purpose Arena 2 .960.000 Total $4,852,910 III. What can we afford? The answer to this question is a bit ambiguous. What we can afford depends a bit on what we want and how we prioritize those wants. 1. It is accurate to say that without going to the general public, through the referendum process, the City cannot afford all of the items 1-6 above. 2. It is accurate to say that without a referendum, the City has to make some decisions if we want to do some of the enhancements/additions. 3 . The following data gives us an idea as to what funds are available for financing consideration without a referendum: a. $200, 00 in National Guard additional funding on this project. b. $262, 000 available by using the special levy and the original levy for armory construction from 1990, 1991 and 1992. This is available because we won't pay any debt service until at least 1993, possibly 1994. c. $1,210, 000 is available through long term financing estimated at a 8 percent rate and a 20- year payback term. d. $ 200, 000 262, 000 1,210, 000 - the effects of this levy are set out page 4 of 8-15 memo, attached. $1, 672, 000 - construct financing available without adding further levy availability by referendum e. Looking at various options on what this would buy: Cumulative #1 - Basic Armory $877,500 $ 877,500 Gymnasium 262, 210 1, 139,710 Park & Rec 120, 000 1,259,71fl Theatre 202, 000 1,461,710 #2 - Basic Armory $877,500 $ 877,500 Gymnasium 262,210 1, 139,710 Park & Rec 120, 0�0 1, 259,710 Banquet 431,200 1, 690,910 � , . . #3 - Basic Armory $877,500 $ 877,500 Park & Rec 120, 000 997, 504 Banquet 431,200 1, 428,700 Theatre 202 ,000 1, 630, 000 #4 - Basic Armory $877,500 $ 877, 540 Theatre 202, 000 1, 079,500 Banquet 431,200 1, 440,700 Gymnasium 120,000 1, 640,000 Note �1 - These are options available to us without additionally approved levies through referendum. Note #2 - The school district is considering a plan to add several classrooms and support facilities such as teacher's lounge, etc. It has been determined that these additions, as now being considered, will not interfere with the City adding a multi-purpose arena in the future or depredate the planning and design of other City options now. Note #3 - Cities in Dakota County along with Dakota County and Dakota County Technical Callege are still considering the enlargement and upgrading of the firing range in the armory. This can be designed without effecting other issues on this project. Note #4 - Decisions on - the gymnasium size - the Park & Rec offices - the theatre should be made now to allow design work to progress. Designing in other additions such as the banquet facility and the multi-purpose arena can be done now with their removal at bid time or before causing little if any problems. IV. What do we want to build? I cannat answer that and shouldn't. Determination of what should be built and the priorities the community sets must be made by you. I think it comes down to whether you can prioritize certain uses/enhancements and how much you want to insure their completion by spending available financing and which ones you feel are appropriate to ask the general public for. In a sense, you've already received approval to spend dollars by getting the special levy through. i � , , I would suggest that as we look to the future as to space/function/program needs for the community and how best some of these enhancements provide for that. We may see certain items surface as more important than others. We realize that if the basic armory is going to be built, the basic gym is going to be there. Enlargement and enhancement of that seems to be the most logical. We also know that we are currently reviewing space needs for City staff/equipment. Building a Parks & Recreation office and locating them in an area that their staff would logically be involved anyway, and at a potential cost savings, would also seem logical. Development of a "mini-conference center" by utilization of the theatre, classrooms and banquet room could provide a facility that is currently unavailable south of the Minnesota River. Besides being a potential profit center, this type of facility could help establish pasitive identity for the community unlike anything else we have. To obtain this with the estimated expenditures we have reviewed seems reasanable, also. I hope that the infarmation provided, will help you come to some conclusion on Tuesday. I wi11 be pleased to answer any questions on this matter. dw attachment i :t . . 1 Armory Project Ideas for Discussion August 15 , 1990 Page 4 TAZ EFFECTS ON CITY TA% PAYER — AVERA6E HOME (�40,000) Single Family Homestead l0� Increase per year in Taz Base This Pro �ect Accumulative A . $121a �fl�/Yr• �Armorp) Year 1 $ 11 . 89 $ 11 .89 Year 10 5.04 5 .04 Year 20 1 . 94 � 1 .94 B . $182, 000/pr. (Streets) Year 1 17 . 8$ 29 .77 Year 10 7 . 58 12 . 62 Year 20 2 . 92 4. 86 C. $281 , 000/yr. (City Facilities) Year 1 27 . 61 57 .3$ Year 10 , 12. 55 24, 33 Year 20 4. 51 9.37 D. $3,000 ,-000/pr. (Override Levy) Citp Year Year 1 29 . 58 $6 . 96 Year 10 12. 55 36 .88 Year 20 4. $4 14. 21 E. $2, 000 , 000 (School Bldgs. ) City Year Year 1 19 . 22 1Q6 . 68 Year 10 8, 36 45 . 24 Year 20 3. 22 17 .43