HomeMy WebLinkAbout3. 1991 Budget Discussion �. � 7 CnVj P.O. BOX 510 ✓Zl� � 2875-145TH ST. W. O���OuM� ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 1 6 612-423-4411 � � ��� � � '� T0: Mayor Napper Council Members Rlassen, Oxbozough, Willcox, Wippermann FROM: Stephan Jilk, Citp Administrator DATE: August 24, 1990 , RE : 1991 General Operating Budget ` 1991 - 1995 CIP Budget On Tuesdap, August 28th we wi11 take up continued discussion on the 1991 Operating Budgets and the 1991 - 1995 CIP Budget. We hope to take this opportunity to do an overview of the budgets and allow department heads to review their departmental budgets. Also, as required by the "Truth in Taxation" laws we must adopt a preliminary budget and preliminary levy prior to September lst. We should do that on Tuesday. Adopting this levq and budget restricts us in only one way, The final budget and levy cannot be in excess of this preliminary levp and budget. Having discussions over the next two months, prior to our hearing in December wi11 allow us to further determine which areas of the budget should be revised or cut. I have attached a copp af the "Truth in Taxation" information fram the League which outlines our requirements. Because we' ve only begun to discuss the budgets I' m sure pou' re feeling a bit uneasy about setting the "Preliminarq Budget and Levy" but, this does not restrict you from revising the budgets at a later time up to the end of the hearing in December. But, we must set the "preliminary" now bp lawl I have also attached the proposed resolution which outlines : 1 . The Budget and Levp amounts 2. The setting of the first and continuation dates for the hearing in December. We picked the 11th and 13th based upon dates available to us. The County and School Districts have first choice, Then cities get what' s ieft. Staff looks forward to the budget discus.sion on Tuesday. f CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAROTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1990 — A RESOLUTION SETTING THE PRELTMINARY 1991 OPERATING BUDGET, THE 1991 — 1995 CIP BIIDGET AND , THE 1991 LEVY REQUIRED BY THE CITY OF ROSEMOIINT WHEREAS, the Citp Council of the CYty of Rosemount has determined that Budgets and 5pecial Needs for the year 1991 will be in the amount of $4, 108,754; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that Special Levies for , Bonded General Obligation debt, Fire Relief Fund and Armory Fund total $448 , 817 ; and WHExEAS, the City Council has determined that actual incomes, , fund transfers and anticipated aids will total $1 ,610,469; and WHERSAS, the City Council has determined that Special Levies for Bonded Indebtedne:ss, Fire Relief Association and Armory Bonds of $448,817 are outside the Levp Limit; and WHEREAS, the City Gouncil has been advised that the Levp Limit for 1991 for the Citp of Rosemount is $2,049,468. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the total Preliminary Levy certified to the Dakota County Auditor shall be $2,498,285; and ' BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that $2,049,468 of this levy is subject ' to the levy limit; and ' BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount will conduct a Public Hearing for the purposes of presenting the proposed budget and levp to the general public and to compiy with Truth and Taxation laws as set by the Minnesota State Legislature and that hearing will take place on December llth, 1990 beginning at 6:30 P.M. in the Rosemount Citp Gounci� ' Chambers. If a continuation of that hearing is necessary it will take place on December 13, 1990 at 6:30 P.M. At that public hearing the final operating budget and levp will be adopted by the Rosemount City Council. ADOPTED this 28th dap of August, 1990. ; � Vernon J. Napper , Mapor , ATTEST: � Susan M. Johnson, City Clerk — ____ _ . _ _ _. _ . _ - �roposed amount, but may not exceed the initial certification. 'Exceptions to this restriction are listed under discussion of �Final �evy Certification.�) Proposed budgets are not restr�ctebu�nthelamount ' � final budget must be adopted at the public hearing( ) � Qsed in ' �ay be increased or decreased from the original amount prop ' ;eptember. ,ounty auditors, rather than the Department of Revenue, will now be -esponsible for coordinating the actual implementation of truth in ' .axation. Local governments will be required to work 'with their county �uditor to schedule two hearings--an initial hearing and a date on which � second hearing could be held. Al1 local governments affected by the :zvth in taxation requirements are required to hold their hearing(s) �etween November 15 and December 20. ' 3y August 1, caunty auditors will notify school districts of the dates rhich have been chosen for county budget hearings. By August 15, school iistricts are required to salect their hearing dates. (If school iistricts have not chosen their dates by this time, the county auditor �ill assign dates to the school for their hearing(s) :) 3y August 20, county auditors will notify city managers/clerks of the iates between November 15 and December 2O which` have been selected by .he county and school districts, and which are not available for city �earings. Between August 20 and Septeinber 1, cities must select �earing dates and times which are not being used by the county o� school =or their hearings. The dates for the initial and a second continuation learings for the city must be chosen by September 1 (the same date by ahich they will have to certify their proposed levy and budget) . �election of a date for a second hearing is required for all local �overnments in case public discussion or budget decisians are not :oncluded during the first hearing. There can be no overlap of iearings. lEWSPAPER ADVERTISEMENT REQUIREMENT MODIFIED � newspaper advertisement of a local gavernment's proposed levy and �udget, and public hearing times had been required in 1989 , but was `_ntended to be replaced by the use of a mailed natice beginning this �ear. The 1990 tax bill, however, includes a requirement that local �overnments also publish a newspaper advertisement of their intent to idopt a proposed levy and budget. The legislative interest in this ' �rovision was to better inform voters who pay property taxes ''indirectlyy -- ie. , renters. The requirement of the newspaper idvertisement is in addition to the notice af proposed budget and �roperty tax levy which will be prepared and mailed by the counties to ' �11 property owners. 'he newspaper advertisement must appear in "an afficial newspaper of �eneral circulation in the taxing authority , . . of general interest and -eadership . . . published at least once per week . . . [and] must not be �laced in the part of the newspaper where legal notices and classified �ds appear. " (Minn. Stat. 275. 065) - _ , The advertisement must be at least one-eighth page in size of a standard-size or tabloid-size newspaper. The headlines must be in type of at least 24 paint, with a text of• at least 18 point type, except that the property tax amounts and percentages may be in 14-point type. The notice must be published not less than two days nor more than six days before the hearing, - The public hearing{s) must take place after 5: 00 p.m. Monday through Friday, or anytime on Saturday, and cannot take place on Sunday. The law prescribes the following form for the advertisement: � "'NOTICE OF PROPOSED PROPERTY TAXES City of . . . . . . . . . The goyerning body of . . . . . . . . . will soon hold budget hearincrs and vote on the_ property taxes for city services that will be rovided in 199-. The property tax amounts below compare current city property taxes and the property taxes that would be collected in 199- if the budget now being considered is approved. 199- Proposed 199- 199- Increase or Property Taxes Pro erty Taxes Decrease S• • $• . $. . . . . . . . . NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: All concerned citizens are invited to attend a public hearing and express their opinions on the roposed citv budget and ro ertv taxes The hear�ng will be held on (ManthJDay/Year) at (Time) at (Location, Address) . - A continuation of the hearin , if necessarv, will be held on (Month/Day/Year) at (Time) at (Locatian, Address) . Written comments mav be directed to (Address) . iAILED NOTICES OF PROPOSED LEVIES AND BUDGETS 3y November 10, counties are required to prepare and send by first class �ail generic property tax notices to each property owner shown on :urrent assessment rolls. The notice will contain the proposed budget znd proposed levy information submitted by the city or town, county, � �chool district, and special districts, and the time and location of the �ublic budget hearings which will be held by each local government. 'he commissioner of revenue will prescribe the form of the notice. It ,�? ai 11 shaw: �� �,�, A�3 7 ��, 1�����`Q �) the total amount of property taxes e� city, county, and school �lans to levy, after reduction for state aids. (Towns are required to ,ertify their final levy certified in March) , �) the percent increase or decrease from the actual property tax levy :or taxes payable in the current year, �) for cities, towns, and counties -- �the increase or decrease in �opulation comparing the second previous year to the immediately prior :alendar year (population statistics for 1988 to be used in 1990) ; �chools will make the calculations using average daily school �embership, and i) t2ie date, time, and location of each local government's public iearings and an address for written comments. 'ARCEL SPECIFIC NOTICES 3eginning in calendar year I991, taxes payable 1992, parcel specific �roposed property tax notices are required for property owners in iennepin, Ramsey, and St. Louis Counties. One year Iater (1992, taxes �ayable 1993) , current law requires that the remaining 84 counties must �end parcel specific notices. Parcel speeific notices will provide the �roperty ewner with the impact of proposed changes on their specific �arcel of property, rather than the gross totals of each local iovernment's budget and property tax 2evy. The League strongly supports ;tatewide implementation of parcel specific notices as a means of :ccurately informing citizens of local government budgets and levies, �nd as a replacement for state-imposed levy limits. :n order to provide information necessary for the parcel specific rotices, the Department of Revenue must notify county auditors of the :alculated amounts of� HACA and disparity reduction aid by september 1. 'his requirement will apply to Hennepin, Ramsey, and St. Louis Counties �or taxes levied in 1991, and for all other counties €or taxes levied in 992. COSTS OF IMPLEMENTATIQN OF TRUTH IN TAXATION The Legislature appropriated $1,840, 000 during the 1989 Special Session to reimburse counties for the costs of complying with the truth in taxation requiremants for Pay 1991. If the county costs for the . � preparation and mailing of the truth in taxation notices exceed this ', distribution from the state, the excess costs will be shared among all ', of the participating local governments. BUDGET HEARINGS AND FINAL LEVY CERTIFICATION Setween November 15 and December 20, when cities hold their budget hearing(s) , they are required to adopt a final budget and progerty tax 1evy. At the hearing(sj , the city may accept or lower the levy amount which was certified as "'proposed" on September l. Tf an increase in levy, over the previous year is proposed, the city must discuss the percent increase during the budget hearing(s) . The specific purposes for the tax increase must also be discussed. Public comment and questions on the budget and levy must be allowed. After all local governments have held public hearings on their proposed levies and budgets, they are required to certify their final property tax levies to their county auditor by a deadline of "'five working days after December 20. " Far calendar year 1990, this deadline is Friday, December 28. The final levy certified to the county on this date may not exceed the amount initially certified on September 1 except in the following cases: 1) the amount of additional city levy approved by the majority of the voters voting on the question, approved after the proposed levy was certified (September 1) , (Minn. Stat. 275.58) , 2) the principal and interest on bonds issued or approved after the proposed levy was certified (September 1) (Minn. Stat. 475.58) , 3) the amaunt af levy to pay costs due to a natural disaster occurring after the proposed ievy was certified (cities must appeal for approval by the commissioner of revenue) , 4) the amount of levy to pay tort judgments that become final after the proposed levy was certified (cities must appeal for approval by the commissioner of revenue) , and 5) If there is an increase in a city�s Ievy limit when final 1989 papulation and household estimates become available. (In calendar year 1990, finai population and household estimates for cities outside the seven county metropolitan area may not be avai7.able until after the August 1 deadline for the Department of Revenue certification of levy limits. In the event that final population amd household figures are higher than the preliminary estimates made before _ugust 1, an increase in the allowable certified levy can be added to :he amount of the proposed levy used for the truth in taxation �earing{s) . This provision acknowledges that preliminary estimates used :o calculate the initial proposed levy will be used for the newspaper .dvertisement and the mailed notice. In the event the final population _nd household estimates are lower than preliminary estimates, cities �ill not be forced to reduce their originally certified levies. The ' �rospect of delayed estimates from the state demographer would be caused :his year by their involvement with the national census, and would not >e expected to occur in successive years. ) :OMPLIANCE WITH TRUTH ZN TAXATION REQUIREMENTS 'o certify their campliance with the truth in taxation requirements, :ach city must mail a copy of its newspaper advertisement to the :ommissioner of revenue. The Department of Revenue has not yet ietermined the full requirements for certifying compliance. �ocal govern�ents which are judged to be "out of compliancey with the xuth in taxation requirements by the commissioner of revenue will be 3enalized by being limited to the previous year's levy. _ . _ _ _ _ _. __ _. _.__ _. _ _ __ __ „2�� _ _ � _ _ _ ----- __ _ _ __.— __ _ .___. _- - _ _ _ __ __ .. _ . _ ------ ��2'r __ _ _ _ O� _ _ _- - -- 2�= lsa� �.�cr� �� �,,� ' _ . _ .-- _ _ _- -- , ��� � - __ - o� _ _ _ _ __ _ _. � - _ _ _ . __ _ _ _ - Og.9 G _ _ c�� _ _ --- ----- _ _ _. ._ - --- - - - . _ : _ __-- . __-- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ . __ __ �.,. _ __432-��� -- __ _ _ 0� --- _ __ _ __ . _ __ _. __ _. _ ---_ --- - , � __ __ . . _ ___ __ __ __ ____ :� _. __ . . _ _ _ - .� _�- � _ _ _4�6--- -- .---- -_ - - - � . _.- -- --- - _ _- ------ -- --- _ .___ -- ---- ------ - — _�a�l oo� _ _ __ _:_ .. _ ._ ___ _ . _ _ . _ ____-- -r.--.._ _ ____ __ ___ _ _ _ - �...T13V'QS�S� _ _ -- _ �� __ . _ _ _ _ - -. _ _ _. _ _.:_ ����1��1� .��l�t� jC� �vQ ��� ^ _ _ _ -- - �- ___ --- . _ _ . __ _ _ _. _ _ _ _ .. _ _� ________.___ __._______ _-- ---___.__-- _ ___ __ �----���� _ .___ . __ _�. _ . --- - _ _:_ _ ____�-------_._. _. -------_.____ . ____-__.._--- Ot�P 'o� oQo'o�- _ --- _ O� '�O�.�I al o� . � � .. _ _ ._r- - -- � _. _ . _ __ _. _._____.._ _ ____.._.__._ _.._____ _. _ _. ----- - -____._ _. -_Q�Q� __ _ - --°Oo c�o� - ---- -__ _ °�'Q-°o�-1--- 42 0�_ ___ �00�0�1_ -- - �a� '�� ----- --- o00'oo2�T-- --- - ._ - --- --_ - __._--- --- -------- - _ ._-- --- -- Q� _ _. . _ _ -- - --- _- ____ _ _ - ____ __ _ _ __ _- --_ oc�o'o�z cavQ�aoQ'1 _ opo 'oa0'j Qs o� o04J� oQalo - � --- _-- Q�, - - __ __ _._ _ ___ __-- -- — - _ ; �._ . _ .---- ----�� �- _ _-- -- _ � -- ----- - --- ���- -- --- °�'- __ . � __- -__ _ _o00'0�2_ �'��1 '�Qb'1 - 000,09� - -- _- -- ----- -- o� - -- _ �� ___ ______ _ _ _ _ . . , _ � , _-- _---_ � _ _ _ _ _ _ - - __ _ __- 000�02� _ oQo �`� / Qoo C�Q� o$ 02 , __. _ _ __ _ --- --- ' _ _-------------_---- ----__-------�____ _____ . �,� , __ -- -- ------ _.__----------- . __� � ��� .___ 1� ��� __ _' ---.-_ ___ --...` �_-. ___ —,----__., . - __ _ � �-—�--- ------- - __�'�3� � � Q3S5sSS _ -- ---_ ' ' �'19�1fvN'¢ ---- ---- - - -- - _�� ._. --- -- -- ---- - . _ _ _ 'V` - -- ----_ _ _--- ---_ _ _- --- ---- --�--- ---- ---- -- -— --- �___ ---------- - -=----- - -�-S53s'�1---��--��5 -�-� �-- _ __ _ _--- ---- __ ---- - --- --- — ---- -- ---- --- —�1 1- ---- --_ -- ----- --------------- _. _--- --�- --- - --- � --- ________ : __ __ __ _ -- ----`�-� _ - - -- - _QQO_'Q�Q'�� -'- - --� �1 - - -�'S- �._ � -- --- - -- _ _ _ _ . l�'` G-- 1�- -I.� � -� --1��:3�,.�--� _ _-- - ----- . _ . ._ _ _ ._ �_ _�_-- -- _-- - �1,S- - 1.��- -z'°�- ---�-----�--�"�- C�-- �'��,,��-�S3 . _ _. .___--_. __. � _ . c�b��-z) g . . _ ___. . __ _ _ _ TABIILATION OF STREET ASSESSMENT3 Assess- ment % City Policy Method Assessed Balance Plymouth Yes Act/FF 30 IRF � Maple Grove No PDRz/FF ? Gen. Fund Burnsville Yes PDR/FF 40-50 Gen. , Enter- prise,MSA Blaine No ? ? Unknown Brooklyn Park No PDR/Lot ? ? Richfield No Act/FF ? ? St. Louis Park Yes PDR/FF 60 Gen. Fund West St. Paul Yes PDR/FF 30 Gen. Fund Brooklyn Center Yes PDR/? 28 Gen. Fund Minnetonka No ? ? Asses't Fund Surplus Bloomington Yes Act/Unit 100 None Lakeville No Act/FF 100 None Inver Grove Hgts No ? ? ? Eagan Yes Act/FF 50-100 Major Street Fund Farmington Yes Act/FF 30-50 ? � IRF = Infrastructure Replacement Fund 2 PDR = Pre-Determined Rate , , ` �'ir �. .. �� f P.O. BOX 510 �� \���� � 2875-145TH ST. W. ~ � �}A 't ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 O��'r�'�w�� 612-423-4411 � �� ITEM # 1� ��:. :. TO: � Mayor Napper � � �� � Council Members Klassen, Oxborough, Willcox, Wippermann _„ FROM: Stephan Jilk, City Administrator f�, ,�i,� � DATE: August 17, 1990 :L,1 RE: 1991 General Operating Budget 1991 - 1995 CIP Budget \ Attached please find for your review copies of: 1) The 1991 General Fund Operating Budget 2) The 1991 - 1995 Capital Improvement Program Budget 3) Comparison of 1990 to 1991 Budget Expenditure Portion (numerical & graphic) 4) Breakdown of estimated revenues for 1991 5) Copy of the (280) form that we need to file with the State of Minnesota to certify for our levy 6) Breakdown of the levies required for our debt service needs for 1991 I am pleased to present these documents for your consideration in preparation for discussion and the setting of levies for 1991. Since April city staff has been involved in preparing this budget. It has been an interesting process to say the least. As we continue to grow and demands are placed on city services such as police, fire, parks, building inspection, street and utilities we continue to experience the need to add personnel, equipment and supplies to keep up in maintenance of our infrastructure systems, parks and public safety services. At the same time we experience the limiting factors of levy limits, cuts in state aids and state imposed mandates such as comparable worth and binding arbitration which don't allow us to control our own destiny locally. The budget that you have presented here is an austere one in the sense that: 1) It includes, what staff believes to be bare bones maintenance and operating expenditures. s �2) The CIP budget includes almost entirely "replacement" �� items to support ongoing operations and services with � the exception of some park development funds. 3) Though additional staffing is needed the proposed budget includes only one additional engineering technician and two police officers starting in September. These are the only new positions for 1991 over 1992 . h .�. � � � � � . � �. �. v 1991 Budqet Revisw Paqe 2 Staff and I have worked very hard to bring you a balanced budget in the sense that revenue eguals expenditures. But with the growth we continue to experience and still having to deal with levy limits we have found it impossible to present, what we feel is a xesponsible operating and CIP Budget without drawing upon other sources. The revenue side of this budget allows for transfer from two sources: l. The bonds paid up account which provides a source of funds left over after project construction costs are all paid and the bonds (or debt service) is all paid on a project. Proposed transfer of $57,921. 2 . CIP Reserve. Because of using a liberal (125%) funding approach in the past for this program reserves have built up. At the end of 1990 it's estimated that this fund will have approximately $625, OD0 in unallocated/unreserved funds. We are recommending that $100, 000 be transferred from that reserve for 1991. The debt service levy we are recommending also takes advantage of the reserves available in different bond accounts so that we do not have to levy the maximum for these purposes but only that which is necessary to adequately fund the payment schedule. These levies are outside our levy limits so we could increase these levies to their maximum to build up further reserves. We have not chosen that approach. This is a more conservative method and maintains a lower levy overall. This budget includes funds for salary adjustments for 1991 and both union contracts and non-union salary adjustments are yet to be discussed. Depending on the outcome of our review of the effects of the latest comparable worth legislation further adjustments may be necessary because of it. The budget, as presented to you is based upon a levy of $2, 498,285. This is a 16. 10 increase over last year or $402, 641 in dollars. The 1990 levy was $2,095,644. The 1991 levy includes the special armory levy of $95, 000 or 4 . 5% of the total 16. 1% increase. There is� also an increase in the amount of debt service funds over 1990. That increase amounts to $80,338 or 3.8% of the total 16. 1%. This results in a levy for operating and CIP increase over 1990 of $227, 303 or 10.8%. Based upon the city's share of the totaZ tax bill being about 25% this should reflect an increase to taxpayers of about a 4� increase in tax bills. 'r . 1991 Budqet Review Paqe 3 But, based upon estimated increases in taxable value in the city for 1991 I would suggest that this levy may not cause an increase and if it does it would be slight, possibly 1�. Total Levy increase $402,641 16.1� General Operating & CIP 227,303 10.8� Debt Service 80,338 3 .8� Armory 95, 000 4.5� Estimated effect on average home $9 . 00 or 1°s On Wednesday I would hope to review the general scope of the budget, the process followed to get to this point and set direction for future meetings as we discuss the document. I don't believe we have an opportunity to address, in detail, any specific items but can do so on the 28th at the next workshop. I would be pleased to answer any questions you would have on this matter prior to the council meeting and of course at the work session. Staff will be prepared to discuss generally the budget but will be planning on presenting individual departmental budgets on the 28th of August. lj . August 22, 1990 1991 BUDGETS EXPENDITURES RECEIPTS , Council Budget $115,900 Administration Budget 5124,662 City Clerk $54,531 Election Budget $5,090 Finance Budget ffi148,132 General Government $96,150 Community Development $288,362 Government Buildings $69,420 Police Budgets $678,825 Fire Department Budgets 5154,033 Public Works Operating Budget $511,098 Paved Streets Budget 583,400 Unpaved Streets Budget $33,600 Ice & Snow Budget $12,980 Street Lights 8udget $44,440 Signal Lights Budget �5,100 Parks & Recreation Sudget $552,809 Insurance Budget $140,000 TOTAI OPERATING BUDGETS �3,078,492 Five (5) Year CIP Requirement $540,880 Retirement/Severance Fund #204 $35,000 Bonded Indebtedness $304,946 Fire Relief ffi32,802 �27,237 Rrmory Anticipatory Levy ffi116,634 *�**INCOMES***� Local Goverment Aid $405,311 Internal Revenue Generated $1,188,558 Anticipated MSA Maintenance Funds '40 figure $16,600 $4,108,754 $1,610,469 TOTALS TO LEVY 52,498,285 j��o�����������-�-�$�Ws�������������������������������N�o������������������������P��ti���������wHs� ��a�_wN �������s�g ���$��s�sss � �xRR���€����6��������`� A���a����a�,.,r�,���3�'P, >��°�'.�,�� �o �g����p�m��F�.Y�YC F � ��".'} m�.-: e-�.r �� e� e: ,�3 � �N~ �'�".-.e�w ��71{ssi �a•-..�`>•--•�..e��.CC'"'-. � �.'2�S��Q��1� '� �`"'_'�RR'•��-�-r �^K'� �.� y�i."�"18��'-.q3 .g,�i-.I4o y�. a. w^.'"'S'c-� �'�,""^� �:-.✓o-.� R�e aiy �'',•-•_�.-�.�-.��7 ^y~2�+ '}2-.-.-. ,�'C sio e- �g�$m�. ��K�f°^5���-�°,�Tp- � ti"' "� 26-•-�."mg�� 6�.-..�'��l�-..�r��•--• ,.���s.m-. � yq 76�~ ��.. � 76�.�y 2Ss 1�' pa w,+�oa �-.��k:�ts�+�ov� ot+-� p &&�� g ��" oa w� {1 7a� � s m '�$ I�..���& f'+ �� w � Uf-n.�-.�c��� � �� £�8�� �g ��o.i m���...!` �� C. p ■"'�'$� � �g'X'�-.�� a3 w` m�r.a v�� :_": ���n .+o' ws�$ �. ��-��e -� '�+... ��.-. �"'� S � .a�f�/N� �} (/� 1c p �Q �-�w�C� tr �'O�b�N W 9�p W A.�-•0- M�e+ $ S( b�W�M�H��1 9 ��7 N�N��~T r.�T T R ����a^•~•��~ d ;~ �-�f0��y � b'i r�i6 A A N�"'� � ,� r�-. 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(.� (� Ny yV � O~o NODAf 'r+OV WtJ . � � .~Or+ {l�ODh+� `+M�+r �i�-��� 4��+ NV ON lI�O�ONA rNN (J�InW�VTrOD.CrPr+NV(JPaP �V� V�OtJOD�+N Y41WVV NOV � �i���oo.������o°o�000$�0000���o��s�����$�o�s���s�s�ss�s�o���s$a�$�ssss�$�.�s$��������o��o��s���oss�ss��'si��� �^ P.O. BOX 510 Z�� � 2875-145TH ST. W. � GQ'j/�/j� ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 O`�G" "0��� 672-423-4411 August 22, 1990 T0: City Council City Administrator Department Heads FROM: Finance Director Subject: Budget Comparison '90 to '91 Comparison '91 Minus x increase . Department 1990 1991 '90 90I91 � 1 41110 Council $103,221 $115,900 $12,679 12.282 2 41320 Administration , $183,733 $124,662 ($59,071) -2.47e 3 41404 City Clerk $0 $54,531 $54,531 in above 4 41410 Election � $7,600 $5,890 ($2,510) -33.03: 5 41520 Finance $144,016 $148,132 $4,116 2.86% 6 41810 General Government ' $100,640 $96,150 ($4,450) -4.42: 7 41910 Community Development $288,212 $288,362 �154 0.05% 8 41940 General Government Buildings �59,820 $69,420 ffi9,600 ib.05% � 9 42114 Police $594,359 $b78,825 $84,46b 14.21% 10 42210 Fire Departmer+t $124,734 $154,433 �29,299 23.49y 11 43100 Public Works $453,407 $511,098 $57,691 12.72'c 12 43121 Paved Streets $140,400 $83,400 ($57,040) -16.67x 13 43122 Unpaved Streets $0 $33,600 $33,600 in above 14 43125 Ice & Snow $12,600 $12,980 $380 3.02: 15 43160 Street Lights ' $38,900 $44,400 ffi5,500 14.14% 16 43170 Signal Lights $4,400 �5,100 $700 15.91y 17 45104 Park & Rec $428,541 $552,809 $124,2b8 24.00% 18 49240 Insurance $100,000 $100,040 $0 0.00. $2,784,543 $3,078,492 $293,949 10.56: $293,949 . . � ��� 8c .� ���. ��11��1�..�IS�l�Ts C7P��A��N� 1��.T��-�`�'� ��� . �6� . 1 t i99o) ��J�� 2 �1991) � Department Legend p ��O 1 - Cauncil � � 2 - Administration � 3 - City Clerk �3�� 4 - Elections � 5 - Finance 6 - General Government �200 7 - Community Development 8 - Government Buildings 9 - Police 10 - Fire �1 OO 11 - Public Works 12 - Paved Streets 13 - Unpaved Streets 14 - Ice & Snow � , 15 - Street Lights 16 - Signal Lights 1 3 5 7 9 1 1 1 3 1 5 � 7 17 - Parks & Recreation 2 4 6 8 1 � 12 14 16 18 1s - tnsurance DEPAR-RvIET1T � + I 1440 ESTIMATEO INCOlES ' Au9�st 22� 1990 , FUND! ACCT i DEStRIPTION (�yE►� 101 31010 Ct�ft AD YALOREM 5382,215 101 31020 DELINOUENT AD VALOREM 510,5�d 101 31030 lIOBILE HOME TAX 516,568 ' 101 31440 fISCAI DISPARITIES �p 101 31450 TAX INCREMENTS �p 101 (x) TOTAL TAXES 5409,419 101 31710 fiRAVEI TAX S10,916 101 31610 FkANCNISE FEES t38,257 l01 32110 ALCOHOLIC BEV LIC sg,09b 101 32160 LICENSE TO DO BUSINESS SI0,000 101 32161 LICENSE TO DO BUS-KE!l�EL5 101 32180 CIf�1RETTE LICEltSE 101 32189 TREE DUMP PERHITS-CONTRACTORS s�50�0 101 32210 BUILDING PERI{ITS ;1(,�,ppp 101 32211 COATES BLD�OFFICIAL REIMBURSEHENT 5200 � 101 32220 EIECTRICAI PERHITS t7,9Q0 101 32230 PLBo t�BVECiION PERMITS 513,000 101 32240 ANIHAI.LICENSE 52,100 SOl 32250 SEYER(�1F�CTION PERMITS S6,lpp 101 32255 COUNTY RECOROING fEE-CITY SfWRE 5204 , 101 322601NAC PERKIIS 515,000 , 101 32289 TREE DIMo PERHIiS-RESIDENTS 5250 � 101 (�OT�TOTAL�LICd15F.iPERMIT S278s2519 101 33401 LOCAL 60VEftN�NT AID S4pp,ppp 101 33402 NOlESTEAD CREDIT 5139,966 101 33403 MOBILE HOME HOMESTEAD t�EDIT s14,393 101 33418 lSSA MAINiEI�AI�i�Fl)PrpS 515,000 101 (Y�5 OT OTALTIGA�TD��IDS 5569,359 101 3341b POLICE TRN6 REItBU2SEMENT S3b,ppp 101 33422 FISCf�' DISPARITIES �pp,ppp 101 33423 A�PRESERYES CREDIT 525,400 101 33424 EAUALIZATION AID Sgp,ppp 101 33425 OThEH STATE 6RANT5 ArD AIDS S1,000 101 (S} TOTAL INTER604 REY 5342,000 101 34103 ZOiuN6� SUBD FEES 53,500 101 3410d PLAN CNECKIN6 fEES S38,000 101 34105 SALE Of K4P5 5 PUB S5.5p 101 34106 DEPUiY RE6ISTRAR fEES 530,000 SOl 34101 ASSESSl�Ni SEpRC}�5 51,500 101 34109 OTtiER 6EN GOV ChRG fOR SVC 514,000 101 34110 SERYICE CHAR6E RETURNED CHECKS S20p _ 101 34201 SPECIAL POLICE SERVICES 101 34202 SPEC FIRE PROiECTION SVC 55,000 101 34203 ACCIOENT REPORTS S575 101 3420b OTf�R PUB SRFETY REV 101 34201 OTf�ER FIRE PROTECTIOti SVC 510,004 101 34301 ST,SIDENALK�CURB REPAIR 52,50p 101 343Q3 OThIER PUB I�pRJ(5 REV, I�ON NEE05, ETC 53,000 101 35344 CULVERTS�ACCESSORIES 51,540 101 3430b OtHER NIGNWAY E STS REV Sgpp 101 34401 CITY SFIARE OF IgTRO SAC 51,000 101 (S) TOTAI,CHAR(�5 FOR SERVICES 3112,125 101 34721 SOFTBpLL REVENUES FALL PROGRAM 51,9)0 I 101 34721 5�'TBAII REVENUES St�4�ER PROGRF�I S25,000 I 1D1 34�22 VOLLEYBALL REVENUES S9,ppp 101 34724 TEMtIS REVEMIES ;l,ppp 101 34725 TINY TOT REVENlkS Sg,ppp 101 34726 POM POH REVENUES 51,500 10� 34727 FIELD TRIP REVEMF_S i5,000 101 34728 8ROOMBALL REVEFAJES �l,ppp 101 34729 SKATINo LESSON REYENUES 5500 101 34723 PLAY6ROlA�D RE4ENJE5 5500 101 34730 TRAfK h FIELD REVElAJES 51,500 101 34731 SOCCER REYENUES =lpp 101 34732 SPECIpI PROf�tAhtS REVENUES 51,000 101 34733 OTtfR PARTICIPATIN6 PROGRAMS REVENU ;15p 101 34J90 OTl�R q1LTURE-RECREATION ioi (s) iOTAI PARICS PR06RAM RE4Etp1E5 s�,22o 101 35101 COIIRT FIt�S S�S,ppp 101 35102 PARKIN'ri FINES 101 (S) TOTAL FI�S 555,000 101 36101 SPEC ASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL 512,000 101 36210 INTEREST EARNIN65 INVESTI�NTS 575,000 101 36215 INTEREST EARNINGS OTFIER 54,000 101 36220 RENTS� ROYALTIES Sl,ppp 101 36230 CONTRIBUTIOHS/DONpTI0N5 5500 101 36260 OTf�R REVENI�C 514,513 101 (S) TOTAL MISC INCO� 5101,013 101 39101 SALE OF FIXED kSS,.�TS EO 101 (S) TOtAI OTfiER REVEMJES Sp 1�1 39203 TRANSFER fROM PR4JECT ADNIN S80,OOp 141 39203 TRAMSFER FROM BONDS PAID UP FtA� S57,921 101 39203 iRARSFER FROH CIP RESERVES S100,000 ; 101 (S) TOiAL TRAHSfERRED 5231,921 �ID TOTALS 51,485,912 TOTAL AVAILRBIE TO REOUCE LEVY 51,188,559 ��2�� � 2875-145TH ST.WEST P.O.BOX 510 OSe�YLOZGYL� ROSEMOUNT,MINNESOTA 55068-4997 (612)423-4411 FAX:(612)423-5203 1990/i991 SPECIAL LEVIES SCHEDULE B: Cost of Principal and Interest on Bonded Indebtedness Certified to the County Auditor Fund DESCRIPTI4N OF BOND 1991 Authorized 1991 Levy 301 $210,000 GO Park Bonds of '76 $22,187 -0-(�`�� 302 $90,000 GO Bonds of '$1 $12,965 -0-����� ��� "z-' ��.tu''V' 303 $1,200,000 GO City Ha11 Bonds of '8b $149,919 $149,919 ��'��"'`��� _ __ � 325 $4,995,Op0 GO Improvement '87A $298,077 -0- ���� 326 $2,750,000 GO Improvement '88B $69,864 $69,864 �� i��� Ao 'S�j 327 $2,575,000 GO Improvement '89B $85,163 $85,163 �e.e..c.,-,v. TOTAL GO PUNDS REQUIRED FOR 1991 �'" $638,175 l�. � TOTAL OF BONDS REQUIRING ZERO LEVY $333,229 / TOTAL LEVY POR BONDED INDEBTEDNESS $304,946 � �`��-- �`�,lz��� d�c�cr-x.-��(/ ���scy�'�� % � .� ,e��:ur'� �Sf 38>��� ,�� r. ��-�co�G�� (�2c.�.c.[t-- _ ���✓ � �%�-�-�-� � 1991 BUDGET WORKSHEETS First Run Council ADMINISTRATOR 41320 Page One Rugust 22, 1990 • Object Requested Fund Account # Obj # Description Amount Total Comments -----------------------------------------------------------=--------------------------------------- 101 41320 101.0 Salaries $119,862 . 101 41320 -02- 101.1 Adroinistrator Jilk $69,923 101 41320 -04- 101.3 Secretary Jentink �25,657 101 41320 -05- 101.4 Receptionist Widstrom $24,282 101 41320 -00- 101.5 $0 101 41320 -00- 101.6 $0 101 41320 103.0 Overtime $500 101 41320 -04- 103.1 Secretary $500 101 41320 -00- 103.2 101 41320 103.3 101 41320 -01- 207.0 Training & Instruction SO 101 41320 -01- 207.1 101 41320 -01- 207.2 101 41320 -01- 207.3 101 41320 -01- 221.0 Equipment Parts $0 101 41320 -Ol- 221.1 101 41320 -01- 221.2 101 41320 -01- 221.3 101 41320 -01- 242.0 Minor fquiproent $0 - 101 41320 -01- 242.1 101 41320 -01- 242.2 101 41320 -01- 242.3 101 41320 -01- 307.0 Management Fees $1,000 101 41320 -OL- 307.1 �i,000 Labor Consultant 101 41320 -01- 307.2 $0 101 41320 -01- 307.3 101 41320 -01- 309.0 EDP, Software & Design $0 101 41320 -01- 309.1 �0 101 41320 -01- 309.2 101 41320 -01- 309.3 101 41320 -01- 309.4 101 41320 -01- 309.5 101 41320 -01- 309.6 l0i 41320 -01- 331.0 Travel Expense $750 101 41320 -01- 331.1 $750 Airline & Auto Travel 101 41320 -01- 331.2 $0 101 41320 -01- 331.3 101 41320 -01- 331.4 PAGE TOTALS $122,112 $122,112 � 1991 BUDGET WORKSHEETS First Run Council ADMINISTRRTOR Page Two r August 22, 1990 Object Requested Fund Account # Obj # Description Amount Total Comments -------------=------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 41320 -01- 339.0 Other Transporation Expense $300 101 41320 -01- 339.1 Meals, etc, for 101 41320 -01- 339.2 non-conference Mtgs $300 101 41320 -01- 339.3 � 101 41320 -01- 392.0 PC Accessories & Supplies $500 101 41320 -01- 392.1 g500 modem 101 41320 -01- 392.2 101 41320 -01- 392.3 101 41320 -01- 433.0 Dues & Subscriptions $600 101 41320 -01- 433.1 MCMR $100 101 41320 -01- 433.2 ICMA 101 41320 -01- 433.3 ICMA News Service $500 local exchange 101 41320 -Ol- 437.0 Conferences/Seminars �1,150 101 41320 -01- 437.1 National Conf $500 101 41320 -01- 437.2 MCMA Conf $450 101 41320 -01- 437.3 Other 101 41320 -01- 437.4 Staff $200 101 41320 -Ol- 437.5 101 41320 -01- 101 41320 -01- 101 41320 -01- PAGE TOTRLS $2,550 �2,550 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $124,662 ffi124,662 1991 BUDGET WORKSHEETS First Run Council CITY CLERK 41400 Page Qne August 22, 1990 Object Requested Fund Account # Obj # Description Amount Total Comments --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 41400 101.0 Salaries $42,831 101 41400 -02- 101.1 City Clerk Johnson $42,831 101 41400 -03- 101.2 101 41400 142.0 Overtime $2,200 101 41400 -02- 102.1 City Clerk ffi2,200 101 41400 -03- 102.2 101 41400 -01- 203.0 Printed Forms $500 101 41400 -01- 203.1 $500 101 41400 -Ol- 203.2 101 41400 -01- 204.0 Envelopes & Letter Head $500 141 41400 -01- 204.1 $500 101 41400 -01- 204.2 101 41400 -01- 209.0 Supplies - Other $7�p 101 41400 -01- 209.1 . $750 101 41400 -01- 209.2 .�� 101 41400 -01- 304.0 Legal � ` ;'' �2,000 101 41400 -01- 304.1 'f $2;D00 : `! 101 41400 -Ol- 304.2 4 101 41400 -01- 352.0 General Notices $5,000 101 41400 -Ol- 352.1 �5,000 101 41400 -01- 352.2 101 41400 -01- 352.3 101 41400 -01- 331.0 Travel Expense �0 101 41400 -01- 331.1 101 41400 -01- 331.2 gp 101 41400 -01- 331.3 101 41400 -Ol- 331.4 101 41400 -01- 433.0 Dues & Subscriptions $0 141 41400 -01- 433.1 MCFOA 101 41400 -01- 433.2 101 41400 -01- 433.3 101 41400 -Ol- 437.0 Conferences/Seminars $750 101 41400 -01- 437.1 MCFOA Conference $750 101 41400 -01- 437.2 101 41400 -01- 437.3 Other 101 41400 -01- 101 41400 -Oi- 101 41400 -01- 101 41400 -01- DEPARTMENT TOTALS �54,531 $54,531 _ First Run Council 1991 BUDGET WORKSHEETS August 22, 1990 ELECTIONS/CITY CLERK Page One A1410 ` Object Requested Fund Account # Obj # Description Amount Total Comments --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 41410 -01- 103.0 Part Time Salaries $2,140 101 41410 -01- 103.1 Judges �1,600 101 41410 -01- 103.2 Payroll Overhead-all $80 101 41410 -01- 103.3 Staff $460 101 41410 -Ol- 203.0 Printed Forms & Paper $1,400 101 41410 -G1- 203.1 Ballots $1,000 101 41410 -01- 203.2 Programming System $400 101 41410 -01- 203.3 101 41410 -01- 208.0 Miscellaneous Supplies $0 101 41410 -01- 208.1 Maintenance Agreement 101 41410 -01- 208.2 101 41410 -01- 208.3 101 41410 -01- 219.0 Other 5600 101 41410 -01- 214.1 Meals �300 101 41410 -01- 219.2 Cleanup $100 101 41410 -01- 219.3 Misc Supplies $200 101 41410 -01- 321.0 Telephone $250 101 41410 -01- 321.1 Precinct Phones $250 101 41410 -01- 321.2 - 101 41410 -01- 321.3 101 41410 -01- 351.0 l.eaal Notices $200 101 41410 -Ol- 351.1 Election Notices $200 101 41410 -01- 351.2 101 41410 -01- 351.3 101 41410 -01- 359.0 Other Printing � Binding $300 101 41410 -01- 359.1 Misc Forms $300 101 41410 -01- 359.2 101 41410 -01- 359.3 101 41410 -01- 409.0 Other Repair � Maintenance �200 101 41410 -01- 409.1 Misc Repair $200 101 41410 -01- 409.2 101 41410 -01- 101 41410 -01- 101 41410 -01- 101 41410 -01- 101 41410 -01- PAGE TOTALS �5,090 �5,090 DEPARTMENT TOTAL $5,090 $5,090 First Run Council 1991 BUDGET WORKSHEETS � August 22, 1990 FINANCE 41520 Page One - Object Requested Fund Account # Obj # Description Amount Total Comments ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 41520 101.0 Salaries $135,617 101 41520 -02- 101.0 Finance Director ffi46,873 101 41520 -03- 101.0 Deputy Finance Director $32,143 101 41520 -04- 101.0 Finance/Deputy Registrarffi31,120 101 41520 -05- 101.0 Deputy Registrar $25,481 �-. -- ��� 101 41520 101.0 New Position in 90 To Utility 641 & 602���;'�`���C�; 101 41520 102.0 Full Time Overtime $750 101 41520 102.1 ffi750 101 41520 -01- 308.0 Instructor's fee $300 l0i 41520 -01- 308.1 Deputy Schooling $100 101 41520 -01- 308.2 Finance Seminars �200 101 41520 -01- 308.3 101 41520 -01- 331.0 Travel $450 101 41520 -01- 331.1 Director $200 101 41520 -01- 331.2 Deputy Director $150 101 41520 -01- 331.3 Staff �100 101 41520 -01- 391.0 Computer Maintenance $7,000 _.,�� 101 41520 -01- 391.1 Micro System Maint $1,500 101 41520 -01- 391.2 Micro Software License $1,500 101 41520 -01- 391.3 Micro Replace Program $4,000 101 41520 -01- 392.0 PC Accessories & Supplies $700 101 41520 -01- 392.1 Miscellaneous 5700 101 41520 -01- 392.2 101 41520 -01- 393.0 PC Hardware Purchase �0 101 41520 -01- 393.1 � 101 41520 -Ol- 393.2 141 41520 -01- 394.0 PC Software Purchase $700 101 41520 -01- 344.1 Miscellaneous $700 101 41520 -01- 394.2 101 41520 -01- 395.0 PC Maintenance $0 101 41520 -01- 395.1 Micro Maint Contract $0 101 41520 -01- 395.2 Printer Maint Contrac �0 101 41520 -01- 433.0 Dues & Subscriptions $230 101 41520 -01- 433.1 MDRA Annual �100 101 41520 -01- 433.2 MGFOA �50 101 41520 -01- 433.3 GFOA �80 101 41520 -01- 433.4 101 41520 -01- 437.0 Conferences/Seminars �2,000 101 41520 -01- 437.1 MDRA in Sept for 3 $200 101 41520 -01- 437.2 Computer Symposiums �200 101 41520 -01- 437.3 Chance Opportunity �200 101 41520 -01- 437.4 National Conv $1,400 101 41520 -01- 439.0 Miscellaneous Other �385 101 41520 -01- 439.1 Not covered by other �200 101 41520 -Oi- 439.2 Maint Contr Cash Reg �185 101 41520 -01- 439.3 101 41520 -01- 580.0 Other Equipment �0 101 41520 -01- 580.1 $0 101 41520 -01- 580.2 $p PAGE/DEPARTMENT TOTALS�148,132 ffi148,132 _ First Run Council 1991 BUDGET WORKSHEETS August 22, 1990 GENERAL GOVERNMENT Page One 41810 Object Requested Fund Account # Obj # Description Amount Total Comments ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 41810 -01- 201.0 Office Supp & Acces $0 101 41810 -01- 201.1 101 41810 -01- 201.2 �0 101 418i0 -01- 201.3 101 41810 -01- 201.4 101 41810 -01- 201.5 101 41810 -01- 202.0 Duplicating & Copy $7,000 101 41810 -01- 202.1 $7,000 101 41810 -01- 202.2 101 41810 -01- 202.3 101 41810 -01- 203.0 Printed Forms $4,500 101 41810 -01- 203.1 $4,500 $500.00 to City Clerk 101 41810 -01- 203.2 101 41810 -01- 203.3 ���� 101 41810 -01- 204.0 Envelopes & Ltr Head $2,500 a`'� 101 41810 -01- 204.1 $2,500 $500.00 to City Clerk ��' 141 41810 -01- 204.2 101 41810 -01- 204.3 ��of�� 101 41810 -01- 208.0 Supplies - Other �0 -{�C'���/ 101 41810 -Ol- 208.1 Supplies-Don J. ���• 101 41810 -01- 209.0 Supplies - Other $9,250 101 41810 -01- 209.1 Office Supplies-Cindy ffi9,250 $750.00 to City Clerk 101 41810 -01- 209.2 101 41810 -01- 211.0 Cleaning Supplies 101 41810 -01- 211.1 Cleanser,Mops,etc 101 41810 -01- 211.2 101 41810 -01- 212.0 Motor Fuels �0 101 41810 -01- 212.1 101 41810 -Oi- 219.0 Operating Supplies-Other $0 101 41810 -01- 219.1 101 41810 -Oi- 221.0 Equipment Parts/Repair �1,000 101 41810 -Oi- 221.1 g1,000 101 41810 -01- 221.2 101 41810 -01- 223.0 Building Repair & Supply $0 101 41810 -01- 22�.1 101 4181G -Ol- 223.2 101 41810 -01- 223.3 101 41810 -01- 223.4 101 41810 -01- 225.0 Landscape Materials �0 10? 41810 -41- 225.1 101 41810 -01- 226.0 Sign Repair Materials $0 101 41810 -01- 226.1 101 41810 -01- 241.0 Small Tools $0 101 41810 -01- 241.1 101 41810 -01- 242.0 Minor Equipment $900 101 41810 -01- 242.1 VCR & N $600 101 41810 -01- 242.2 Tape Recorder for $300 101 41810 -01- 242.3 Council Lounge PAGE TOTALS $25,150 525,150 e First Run Council 1991 BUDGET WORKSHEETS August 22, 1490 GENERAL GOVERNMENT Page Two 41810 - Object Requested Fund Account # Obj # �escription Amount Total Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 101 41810 -01- 301.0 Audit & Accounting $11,004 101 41810 -01- 301.1 Annual Audit $11,000 101 41810 -01- 301.2 101 41810 -01- 301.3 101 41810 -01- 302.0 Architect's Fees $3,000 101 41810 -01- 302.1 $3,000 101 41810 -01- 302.2 ' 101 41810 -01- 302.3 101 41810 -01- 303.0 Engineering ffi5,000 101 41810 -Ol- 303.1 55,000 101 41810 -01- 303.2 101 41810 -01- 304.0 Lega1 �10,000 101 41810 -01- 304.1 $10,000 52,000.00 to City Clerk 101 41810 -01- 304.2 101 41810 -01- 319.0 Other Prof Services $12,000 101 41810 -01- 319.1 Senior Center $6,000- 101 41810 -01- 319.2 Vermillien Watershe� $b,000� 101 41810 -01- 319.3 � 101 41810 -01- 319.4 ._ 101 41810 -01- 321.0 Telephone $19,000 101 41810 -01- 321.1 ffi19,000 101 41810 -01- 321.2 101 41810 -01- 322.0 Postage $l0,OQ0 101 41810 -01- 322.1 $10,000 101 41810 -01- 339.0 Other Transportation Expense $1,000 101 41810 -01- 339.1 �1,000 101 41810 -01- 352.0 General Notices �p 101 41810 -Ol- 352.1 All to City Clerk 101 41810 -01- 352.2 101 41810 -01- 413.0 Office Equip Rental $0 101 41810 -01- 413.1 101 41810 -01- 413.2 I01 41810 -01- 414.0 Data Processing Rental $0 101 41810 -01- 414.1 101 41810 -01- 414.2 101 41810 -01- 415.0 -0ther Equip Rental $p 101 41810 -01- 415.1 101 41810 -01- 415.2 101 41810 -01- 415.3 101 41810 -01- 439,0 Other Miscellaneous $p 101 41810 -01- 439.1 101 41810 -01- 560.0 Capital Outlay Furniture $0 101 41810 -01- 560.1 $p 101 41810 -01- 560.2 gp � 101 41810 -Ol- 5b0.3 $p PRGE TOTALS $�1,000 $71,004 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $96,154 $96,150 � First Run Council 1991 BUDGET WORKSNEETS August 22, 1990 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Page One 41910 - Object Requested Fund Account # Obj # Description Amount Total Comments --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 41910 101.0 Salaries $251,242 101 41910 -02- 101.0 Com Dev Dir Johnson $61,472 101 41910 -06- 101.0 EDS Pechonick 101 41910 -08- 101.0 Secretary Stoffel $25,629 101 41910 -04- 101.0 Planner Wozniak $43,081 101 41910 -07- 101.0 Secretary Quintus $34,820 101 41910 -43- 101.0 81dg Off Wasmund $47,489 101 41910 -05- 101.0 Bldg Insp Heimkes $38,751 101 41910 102.0 Full Time Overtime $7,600 1Q1 41910 -03- 102.0 $7,600 101 41910 -04- 102.0 101 41910 -07- 102.0 101 41910 -99- 103.0 Part Time Salaries $3,200 101 41910 -99- 143.1 Planning Commission $1,400 101 41910 -99- 103.2 Intern Position $1,800 - 101 41910 -99- 103.3 101 41910 -01- 203.0 Printed Forms & Paper $600 101 41910 -Ol- 203.1 $b00 101 41910 -01- 203.2 101 41410 -01- 203.3 101 41910 -41- 212.0 Motor Fuel �1,300 101 41910 -01- 212.1 Inspection $1,300 101 41910 -01- 212.2 101 419I0 -01- 212.3 101 41910 -01- 221.0 Equipment Parts $800 101 41910 -01- 221.1 Repairs $800 101 41910 -01- 221.2 101 41910 -01- 221.3 101 41910 -01- 229_0 Other Maintenance Supplies �200 141 41910 -01- 229.1 �200 101 41910 -01- 241.0 Small Tools � Equip $200 101 41910 -01- 241.1 g200 101 41910 -01- 304.0 �e9a1 Fees �1,600 101 41910 -01- 304.1 $1,600 101 41910 -01- 304.2 101 41910 -01- 312.0 Contract Inspections $11,370 101 41410 -01- 312.1 $11,370 Will evaluate as we go 101 41910 -01- 312.2 101 41910 -01- 313.0 Temporary Service Fees $0 101 41910 -01- 313.1 $0 101 41910 -01- 319.0 Other Prof Services �0 101 41910 -01- 319.1 $0 101 41910 -01- 319.2 101 41910 -01- 319.3 101 41910 -01- 329.0 Radio Units $650 101 41910 -01- 329.1 Mobile Mnthly&Air Time $650 101 41910 -01- 331.0 Travel Expense $3,800 101 41910 -01- 331.1 $3,840 l0I 41910 -01- 341.0 Employment Advertising �0 101 41910 -Ol- 341.1 Ads $0 101 41910 -01- 341.2 PAGE TOTALS ffi282,562 $282,562 � First Run Council 1991 BUDGET WORKSHEETS August 22, 1990 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Page Two 41910 - Object Requested Fund Account # Obj # Description Amount Total Comments ------------------------------------ 101 41910 -01- 349.0 Other Advertising $0 101 41910 -01- 349.1 gp 101 41910 -01- 349.2 101 41910 -01- 349.3 101 41910 -01- 351.0 Legal Notice Publishing �900 101 41910 -Ol- 351.1 �900 101 41910 -01- 351.2 101 41410 -01- 351.3 101 41910 -01- 352.0 Gen Notices & Pub Info $200 101 41910 -01- 352.1 $200 101 41910 -01- 352.2 101 41910 -01- 352.3 101 41910 -01- 394.0 PC Software Purchases $0 � 101 41410 -01- 394.1 gp 101 419I0 -01- 394.2 101 41910 -01- 394.3 101 41910 -01- 395.0 PC Maintenance $p 101 41910 -01- 395.1 101 41910 -01- 395.2 101 41410 -01- 395.3 � 101 41910 -01- 433.0 Dues & Subscriptions $700 141 41910 -Ol- 433.1 $700 101 41910 -Ol- 433.2 101 41910 -01- 433.3 101 41910 -01- 437.0 Conferences/Seminars �2,850 101 4�910 -01- 437.1 $2,850 101 41910 -Ol- 437.2 101 41910 -01- 437.3 101 41910 -01- 435.0 Books & Pamphlets $850 101 41910 -01- 435.1 $850 101 41910 -01- 435.2 101 41910 -01- 435.3 101 41910 -01- 439.0 Miscellaneous Other $306 101 41910 -01- 439.1 $300 101 41910 -Ol- 439.2 101 41910 -Ol- 101 41910 -01- PAGE TOTALS $5,800 $5,800 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $288,362 ffi288,362 . First Run Council 1991 BUDGET WORKSHEETS August 22, 1990 GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS Page One 41940 - Object Requested Fund Account # Obj # Description Amount Total Comments --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 41940 -01- 211.0 Cleaning Supplies $1,080 cleansers,mops,brooms,etc 101 41940 -01- 2i1.1 51,080 101 41940 -01- 211.2 101 41940 -01- 211.3 101 41940 -01- 221.0 Equipment Parts $0 101 41940 -01- 221.1 101 41940 -01- 221.2 101 41440 -01- 223.0 Building Repair & Maint $17,300 101 41940 -01- 223.1 complete downspouts $5,000 city hall 141 41940 -01- 223.2 street numbers $300 city hall Y01 41940 -01- 223.4 floor mats $1,200 city hall/fire hall/garase 101 41940 -01- 223.5 rekey locks-PW Gar $500 garage 101 41940 -01- 223.6 garage doors �1,000 city hall/fire hall/garage 101 41940 -01- 223.7 fire hall roof �5,000 fire ha11 101 41940 -01- 223.8 misc $1,000 101 41940 -01- 223.9 PW lunchroom vent �800 garage 101 41940 -01- 223.9 repair front step $500 city hall 101 41940 -01- 223.9 lockers �2,000 garase 101 41940 -01- 225.0 Landscape Materials �500 101 41940 -Ol- 225.1 $500 101 41940 -01- 225.3 101 41940 -01- 229.0 Other Maintenance Supplies $0 101 41940 -01- 229.1 101 41940 -OL- 229.3 101 41940 -01- 241.0 Small Tools $100 101 41940 -01- 241.1 $100 101 41940 -01- 241.3 101 41940 -01- 242.0 Minor Equipment $100 101 41940 -01- 242.1 $100 101 41940 -01- 242.3 101 41940 -01- 319.0 Misc Other Prof Svcs �3,840 101 41940 -01- 319.1 elevator $840 101 41940 -01- 319.2 heat/cool maint $3,000 101 41940 -01- 319.3 sirens $0 101 41940 -01- 381.0 Electric Utility $18,000 101 41944 -01- 383.0 Gas Utility $21,000 101 41940 -01- 384.0 Refuse $0 101 41940 -01- 384.1 101 41940 -Ol- 384.2 101 41940 -01- 415.0 Other Equipment Rental $7,000 101 41940 -01- 415.1 U of M storage $5,800 101 41940 -01- 415.2 misc $1,200 misc cleaning & special equip 101 41940 -01- 415.3 101 41940 -01- 439.0 Miscellaneous Other $500 DEPARTMENT TOTALS 569,420 First Run Council 1991 BUDGET WORKSHEETS " August 22, 1440 POLICE 42110 Page One . Object Requested Fund Account # Obj # Description Amount Total Comments ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 42110 101.0 Salaries $551,344 101 42110 -02- 101.0 Police Chief Knutsen $60,041 101 42110 -03- 101.0 Police Lt Kuhn 550,401 101 42110 -20- 101.0 Pol Secy/Disp Marthaler $35,970 101 42110 -04- 101.0 Police Sargeant Ericson $46,011 101 42110 -05- 101.0 Police Sargeant 0'Leary $47,289 101 42110 -09- 101.0 Police Patrol Robideau $48,190 101 42110 -06- 101.0 Patrol Brian Burkhalter �44,613 101 42110 -07- 101.0 Patrol Grant Thorstad $34,882 101 42110 -08- 101.0 Patrol Bill 0'Donnell 541,270 101 42110 -10- 101.0 Patrol John 5ommers ffi46,680 101 42110 -11- 101.0 Patrol Brian Weatherford$41,270 101 42110 -12- 101.0 New Patrol Position �32,815 replace DARE placement 101 42110 -13- 101.0 New Patrol Position $10,956 Start 9/91 101 42110 -14- 501.0 New Patrol Position $10,956 Start 9/91 101 42110 103.0 Part Time Salaries . � $9,721 101 42110 -21- 103.1 Secretary Karen Kelly�n`�$9,721 101 42110 -01- 207.0 Training & Instruction ffi5,b50 13 officers @ 450.00 per offic 101 42110 -01- 207.1 Training gq,qp� 101 42110 -01- 207.2 Special classes � Amo $1,250 101 42110 -01- 207.3 101 42110 -01- 209.0 Other Affice Supplies ffi1,500 Special Forms 101 42110 -01- 209.1 Forms $1,500 101 42110 -01- 209.2 2 HandHeld Tape Recorder $0 101 42110 -01- 209.3 1 Transcriber Machine �0 101 42110 -01- 209.4 101 42110 -01- 212.0 Motor Fuels $12,000 101 42110 -Ol- 212.1 �12,000 101 42110 -01- 212.2 101 42110 -01- 212.3 101 42110 -Ol- 212.4 101 42110 -Ol- 212.5 101 42110 -01- 213.0 Lubs & Additives $200 101 42110 -Oi- 213.1 $200 101 42110 -01- 213.2 101 42110 -Ol- 213.3 101 42110 -01- 213.4 101 42110 -Oi- 219.0 Other Operating Supplies �200 101 42110 -01- 219.1 Supplies for Auto $200 101 42110 -01- 219.2 101 42110 -01- 219.3 101 42110 -01- 221.0 Equipment Parts ffi4,000 101 42110 -01- 221.1 Car Repairs 54,000 101 42110 -01- 221.2 101 42110 -01- 221.3 101 42110 -01- 221.4 101 42110 -01- 222.0 Tires $1,500 101 42110 -Ol- 222.1 $1,500 101 42110 -01- 222.2 101 42110 -Ol- 222.3 101 42110 -01- 241.0 Small Tools �150 101 42110 -01- 241.1 �150 101 42110 -01- 241.2 PAGE TOTALS $586,265 $586,265 . First Run Council 1991 BUDGET WORKSHEETS August 22, 1990 POLICE 42110 Page Two - Object Requested Fund Account # Obj # Description Amount Total Comments ---------------'----------------------------------- 101 42110 -01- 304.0 Legal Fees $30 000 101 42110 -01- 304.1 Grannis & Grannis $30,000 101 42110 -01- 304.2 101 42110 -01- 304.3 101 42110 -01- 304.4 101 42110 -01- 305.0 Medical & Dental Fees $1,000 141 42110 -Ol- 305.1 ffi1,000 101 42110 -01- 305.2 101 42110 -01- 306.0 Personnel Testing $3,000 101 42110 -01- 30b.1 Physicals $900 101 42110 -01- 306.2 Phycological $600 101 42110 -01- 306.3 M.P.R.S. Placement $1,500 141 42110 -01- 319.0 Other Prof Services 520,200 101 42110 -01- 319.1 Dispatch Police & Fire�18,300 101 42110 -01- 319.2 Film, Purchase/Develop $400 101 42110 -01- 319.3 Blood & Breath Test $1,500 101 42110 -01- 323.0 Radio Units $6,000 101 42110 -01- 323.1 Radio Purchase �3,500 101 42110 -01- 323.2 Recert & Repair Radar $500 101 42110 -01- 323.3 Repair Sirens & Radios $2,000 101 42110 -01- 331.0 Travel Expense $800 101 42110 -01- 331.1 Chief's State $150 101 42110 -01- 331.2 National Convention $650 101 42110 -01- 331.3 Crime Preventl2 Offcrs $0 101 42110 -01- 391.0 P.C. Maintenance $250 101 42110 -01- 391.1 g2�p 101 42110 -01- 392.0 P.C. Accessories & Supplies $0 101 42110 -01- 392.1 101 42110 -01- 393.0 P.C. Hardware Purchase $0 101 42110 -01- 393.1 101 42110 -01- 394.0 P.C. Software Purchase $p 101 42110 -Ol- 394.1 101 42110 -01- 395.0 Computer Maintenance $8,800 101 42110 -01- 396.1 ENFORS Software Main. ffi2,200 101 42110 -01- 396.2 ENFORS Turnkey Main. $5,900 101 42110 -01- 396.3 CJDN connect charges �704 101 42110 -01- 397.0 Computer Accessories $5,304 101 42110 -01- 397.1 Super Search ffi1,800 Super Search 101 42110 -01- 397.2 State Update �2,400 State Update 101 42110 -01- 397.3 Computer paper $500 101 42110 -01- 397.4 Pack cleaning $600 101 42110 -01- 409.0 Other Contracted R & M �1,9b0 101 42110 -01- 409.1 (14}Sirens Maintenance $1,260 101 42110 -01- 409.2 Siren Repairs $700 101 42110 -01- 415.0 Other Equipment Rental $11,900 101 42110 -01- 415.1 Animal Control $6,700 101 42110 -01- 415.2 Wages 5500 101 42110 -01- 415.3 Insurance $1,200 101 42110 -01- 415.4 Vet Clinic $3,500 PAGE TOTALS $89;210 $89,210 • First Run Council 1991 BUDGET WORKSHEETS August 22, 1990 POLICE 42110 Page Three � Object Requested Fund Account # Obj # Description Amount Total Comments --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 42110 -01- 433.0 Dues & Subsciptions $200 101 42110 -01- 433.1 $200 101 42110 -01- 433.2 101 42110 -01- 435.0 Books & Pamphlets �1,000 101 42110 -01- 435,1 Bike Safety $0 101 42110 -01- 435.2 Other Programs $0 141 42110 -01- 435.3 D.A.R.E. $1,000 101 42110 -01- 436.0 Towing Charges $200 101 42110 -01- 436.1 $200 101 42110 -01- 43b.2 101 42110 -01- 436.3 101 42110 -01- 437.0 Conferences / Seminars $750 101 42110 -01- 437.1 State Chf's & Disaster $200 101 42110 -Ol- 437.2 Chief's Nat'1 Conv. $550 101 42110 -01- 43�.3 Crime Watch/2 Officers �0 101 42110 -01- 437.4 Crime Watch/Dare Prgm �0 101 42110 -01- 439.0 Other Misc Charges $1,200 101 42110 -Ol- 439.1 Taz Transfer 101 42110 -01- 439.2 Setup Squads $1,200 101 42110 -01- 551.0 Capital Outlay Auto �0 101 42110 -01- 551.1 101 42110 -01- 551.2 101 42110 -01- 101 42110 -01- 101 42110 -01- 101 42110 -01- 101 42110 -Ol- 101 42110 -01- PRGE TOTALS �3,350 $3,350 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $678,825 �678,825 ^ First Run Council 1991 BUDGET WORKSHEETS August 22, 1990 FIRE DEPAR7MENT Page One 42210 . Object Requested Fund Account # Obj # Description Amount Total Comments --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 42210 103.0 Salaries Part Time $104,483 101 42210 -02- 103.1 Salaries $13,550 101 42210 -02- 103.2 Fire Fighter Pay $50,800 101 42210 -02- 103.3 Advance Credit $3,000 101 42210 -02- 103.4 Pensions $1,700 101 422I0 -02- 103.5 Training $18,800 101 42210 -02- 103.6 Medicare $1,200 101 42210 -03- 103.7 Fire Marshall Salary $15,433 101 42210 -Ol- 201.0 Office Supp & Access $100 101 42210 -01- 201.1 Dept Supplies �100 101 42210 -01- 201.2 101 42210 -Ol- 201.3 101 42210 -01- 202.0 Duplicating & Copy $100 101 42210 -01- 202.1 Copier Supplies $100 101 42210 -41- 202.2 101 42210 -01- 204.0 Envelopes & Letterhead $100 101 42210 -01- 204.1 Dept Supplies $100 101 42210 -01- 204.2 101 42210 -01- 207.0 Training & Instruction $0 101 42210 -01- 207.1 101 42210 -01- 207.2 101 42210 -01- 207.3 101 42210 -Ol- 207.4 101 42210 -01- 207.5 101 42210 -01- 209.0 Other Office Supplies ffi200 101 42210 -01- 209.1 Misc Supplies ffi200 101 42210 -01- 211.0 Cleaning Supplies $300 101 42210 -01- 209.2 Dept Supplies $300 101 42210 -Oi- 212.0 Motor Fuels �2,000 101 42210 -01- 212.1 Truck Fuels g2,000 101 42210 -01- 212.2 101 42210 -01- 212.3 101 42210 -01- 212.4 101 42210 -01- 213,0 Lubs & Additives $500 101 42210 -01- 213.1 Oil Changes - Lubs �100 101 42210 -01- 213.2 Routine Maintenance $400 101 42210 -01- 213.3 101 42210 -01- 218.0 Fire Dept Clothing $5,000 101 42210 -01- 218.1 Coats $2,600 101 42210 -01- 218.2 Pants $1,600 101 42210 -�1- 218.3 Helmets $600 101 42210 -01- 218.4 Rccessories $200 101 42210 -01- 219.0 Other Operating Supplies $300 101 42210 -01- 219.1 Medical $300 101 42210 -01- 221.0 Equipment Parts $4,000 101 42210 -01- 221.1 Parts $1,500 101 42210 -01- 221.2 Repairs $2,500 141 42210 -01- 221.3 101 42210 -01- 222.0 Tires $500 101 42210 -01- 222.1 Replacement Tires $500 101 42210 -Ol- 222.2 . PAGE TOTALS $117,583 $117,583 First Run Council 1991 SUDGET WORKSHEETS ' August 22, 1490 FIRE DEPARTMENT Page Two 42210 , Object Requested Fund Account # Obj # Description Amount Total Comments --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 42210 -01- 229.0 Other Maintenance Supplies $1,000 101 42210 -01- 229.1 Mechanic - outside $1,000 101 42210 -01- 229.2 101 42210 -Ol- 229.3 101 42210 -01- 230.0 Equip Repair Materials $1,000 101 42210 -01- 230.1 Equip Rep--Non-Vehicle $1,040 101 42210 -01- 241.0 Small Tools $700 101 42210 -01- 241.1 Fittings & Adaptors $0 101 42210 -01- 241.2 Mechine 7ools $100 101 42210 -41- 241.3 Garden Hose 5200 101 42210 -01- 241.4 Rescue Tools $200 101 42210 -01- 2d1.5 Axes - Shovels $200 101 42210 -01- 305.0 Medical � Dental Fees $1,600 101 42210 -01- 305.1 Health Testing $1,500 101 42210 -01- 305.2 Health Equipment $100 �O1 42210 -01- 306.0 Personnel Testing 52,000 101 42210 -01- 306.1 New Fire Fighters $1,800 101 42210 -01- 306.2 Emergency Checkups $200 101 42210 -01- 306.3 101 42210 -01- 308.0 Instructors' Fees $3,000 101 42210 -01- 308.1 Sectional & State $1,000 101 42210 -41- 308.2 Hazardous Materials 101 42210 -01- 308.3 First Responder $900 101 42210 -01- 308.4 Officer $600 101 42210 -Ol- 308.5 FFI $500 101 42210 -01- 310.0 Testing Services $1,000 101 42210 -41- 310.1 Various Testing $1,000 101 42210 -01- 313.0 Temporary Service Fees $300 101 42210 -01- 313.1 Air Compressor $304 101 42210 -01- 319.0 Other Prof Services $4,300 101 42210 -01- 319.1 Haz Mat ffi2,300 101 42210 -01- 319.2 Haz Mat Training $2,000 101 42210 -01- 319.3 101 42210 -01- 321.0 Telephone Costs �200 � 101 42210 -01- 321.1 Cellular Phone $200 101 42210 -01- 322.0 Postage $100 141 42210 -01- 322.1 Misc Mailings $100 101 42210 -41- 322.2 101 42210 -01- 323.0 Radio 54,500 101 42210 -01- 323.1 Mobiles $3,140 ' 101 42210 -01- 323.2 Hand Held �150 101 42214 -01- 323.3 Pagers $1,250 101 42210 -01- 329.0 Other Gommunications Cost $1,200 101 42210 -01- 329.1 Hand Held Repair $300 101 42210 -01- 329.2 Mobile Repair ffi300 101 42210 -01- 329.3 Pager Repair $100 141 42210 -01- 324.4 Base Repair $500 101 d2210 -01- 331.0 Travel $2,200 101 42210 -01- 331.1 Chiefs Confr $500 101 42210 -01- 331.2 State $1,000 101 42210 -01- 331.3 Schools $700 101 42210 -01- 382.0 Water Utility $550 101 42210 -01- 382.1 Contribute to Utility $550 PRGE TOTAL $23,650 $23,650 First Run Council 1991 BUDGET WORKSHEE7S � August 22, 1990 FIRE DEPARTMENT Page Three 42210 . Object Requested Fund Account # Obj # Description Amount Total Comments 101 42210 -01- 391.0 PC Maintenance �0 I01 42210 -01- 391.1 Maintain Existing PCs $0 101 42210 -01- 391.2 101 42214 -01- 394.4 PC Hard/Soft ware $0 101 42210 -01- 394.1 Hardware $0 ' 101 42210 -01- 394.2 Software $0 101 42210 -01- 394.3 Accessories 101 42210 -01- 394.4 101 42214 -41- 433.0 Dues & Subscriptions $400 101 42210 -01- 433.1 Magazines $50 101 42210 -01- 433.2 Dues $240 101 42210 -01- 433.3 Insurance $150 101 42210 -01- 437.0 Conferences/Seminars $800 101 42210 -Ol- 437.1 Chiefs $200 101 42210 -01- 437.2 State $500 101 42210 -01- 437.3 Other �100 101 42210 -41- 439,0 Other Miscellaneous Charges $3,000 101 42210 -01- 439.1 Food �100 101 42210 -01- 439.2 Oxygen-Plaques-Emblems $600 101 42210 -01- 439.3 Painting $1,600 101 42210 -01- 439.4 Extinquisher $300 101 42210 -01- 439.5 Patches + ID 5440 101 42210 -01- 560.0 Capital Outlay Furniture $0 101 42210 -01- 560.1 Furniture $0 101 42210 -01- 560.2 101 42210 -01- 570.0 Office Equipment �600 101 42210 -01- 570.1 Xerox $600 101 42210 -01- 570.2 101 42210 -01- 580.0 Other Equipment $8,000 101 42210 -01- 580.1 Light Bars & Sirens $1,900 101 42210 -01- 584.2 Hose �4,000 101 42214 -01- 580.3 SCBA $0 101 42210 -01- 580.4 Nozzles 51,000 101 42210 -01- 580.5 Generator/Misc �1,100 PAGE TOTALS $12,800 �12,800 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $154,033 $154,033 � First Run Council 1991 BUDGET WORKSHEETS August 22, 1990 PUBLIC WORKS 43100 Page One Object Requested Fund Account # Obj # Description Amount Total Comments 101 43100 101.0 Salaries �384,290 101 43100 -02- 101.0 Public Works Director $29,519 101 43100 -04- 101.0 Engineering Tech Crandall$35,453 101 43100 -11- 101.0 Building Custodian Jerde $26,441 101 43100 -05- 141.0 Enginesring Tech Bailey $33,868 101 43100 -03- 101.0 Foreman Widstrom $49,103 101 43100 -10- 101.0 Maintenance I Barfknecht �27,871 101 43100 -13- 101.� Maintenance II Lonnquist $35,709 101 43100 -15- 101.4 Mechanic III Sandstrom �36,108 101 43100 -16- 101.0 Maintenance III �38,516 101 43100 -17- 101.0 Mechanic I 521,417 $12.50/hr x 2080 t $8,000(benefits) 101 43100 -12- 101.0 Maintenance I $21,417 $12.31 * 2080 + �8,040(benefits) 101 43100 -18- 102.0 Engineering Tech $28,868 same as Job 05 101 43100 101.0 Clerical 1/2 Time $0 $8.00 * 1040 + �4,000(benefits) 101 43100 -�2- 102.0 Full Time Overtime $21,600 120 hrs x 10 x $18/hr 101 43140 -02- 102.1 $21,600 101 43100 -99- 103.0 Part Time Employees $17,808 101 43100 -99- 103.1 Engineering intern $8,160 6 mo. @ $8.5 101 43100 -99- 103.2 Public Works $9,648 4 temps @ �6/hr for 67 days 101 43100 -99- 103.3 101 43100 -01- 202.0 Copy/Duplicating $0 in general 141 43100 -01- 203.0 Printed Forms & PaRer $0 in general 101 43140 -01- 205.0 Drafting Supplies �1,200 101 43100 -01- 205.1 blueline, mylar, etc $800 101 43100 -01- 205.2 misc $400 101 43100 -01- 205.3 101 43100 -01- 209.0 Offiee Supp-ather $1,000 101 43100 -01- 211.0 Cleaning Supp �200 shop,vehicle,equip 101 43100 -01- 212.0 Motor Fuels $12,000 101 43100 -01- 213.0 Lube & Add $3,000 oil,grease,anti-freeze 101 43100 -01- 219.0 Operating Supp-other $6,000 nails,bolts,steel,const. stakes,etc 101 43100 -01- 221.0 Equipt Parts/Repair $18,000 101 43100 -01- 222.0 Tires $2,000 101 43100 -01- 222.1 loader/grader replace $800 101 43100 -01- 222.2 truck replace $800 101 43100 -01- 222.3 pickup,auto �200 101 43100 -01- 222.4 repairs $200 101 43100 -01- 241.0 Small Tools �2,000 rakes,shovels,wrenches,hammers,etc 101 43100 -01- 242.0 Minor Equip �J,400 101 43100 -01- 242.1 traffic counters-2 $0 101 43100 -01- 242.2 mechanic tools $1,500 101 43100 -01- 242.3 start tester $1,000 101 43104 -01- 242.4 wheel caddie $500 101 43100 -01- 242.5 misc survey equip $700 101 43100 -01- 242.6 misc �1,200 101 43100 -01- 242.7 plan size copier $2,500 to copy 22x34 blueline prints 101 43100 -01- 242.9 PAGE TOTAL $476,498 . First Run Council 1991 BUDGET WORKSHEETS August 22, 1990 PUBLTC WORKS 43100 Page Two ' Object Requested Fund Account # Obj # Description Amount Total Comments 101 43100 -01- 303.0 Engineering Fees ffi9,500 101 43100 -01- 303.1 misc �9,500 101 43100 -01- 304.0 Legal Fees $2,000 101 43100 -01- 304.1 non-project related �2,000 101 43100 -01- 305.0 Medical Fees ffi500 101 43100 -01- 305.1 employment physicals $500 101 43100 -01- 321.0 7elephone $0 101 43100 -01- 322.0 Postage SO 101 43100 -Ol- 323.0 Radio Units ffi2,800 101 43100 -01- 323.1 replaeements-2 $1,500 101 43100 -01- 323.2 naw portables-2 �800 101 43100 -OS- 323.3 repair $500 101 43100 -01- 324.0 Messenger Service $50 101 43100 -01- 324.0 Comm - other $1,000 101 43100 -01- 329.1 newsletters $1,000 101 43100 -01- 331.0 Travel Exp �2,000 APWA & misc seminars-air,room&brd 101 43104 -01- 333.0 Freight & Express $100 101 43100 -01- 339.0 Transportation $50 mileage for personal vehicle use 101 43100 -01- 341.0 Employment $500 101 43100 -01- 349.0 Advertising $500 misc legals,equip ads for bids,posi 101 43100 -01- 391.0 PC Maint $800 101 43100 -01- 391.1 � 101 43100 -01- 392.0 PC Accessories/supl $0 101 43100 -01- 392.1 20 Meg tape backup $0 101 43104 -01- 392.2 misc $0 101 43100 -01- 392.3 101 43100 -01- 394.0 PC Hard & software $1,000 101 43100 -01- 394.1 misc upgrades & new $1,000 101 43100 -01- 403.0 Contracted Rep & Maint $0 101 43100 -01- 403.1 101 43100 -01- 404.0 Machinery & Equip R & M $1,500 small machinery not covered in CIP 141 43100 -Ol- 404.1 101 43100 -01- 409.0 Contracted Rep & Maint $8,000 repairs sent out 101 43100 -01- 409.1 101 43100 -01- 415.0 Other Equipment Rental �1,000 misc other equipment rentals 101 43100 -01- 415.1 101 43100 -01- 433.0 Dues & Subscrp ffi500 MSPE,APWA,ITE,misc 101 43100 -01- 437.0 Conferences/Seminars $2,000 reg fees & misc training 101 43100 -01- 435.0 Books & Pamphlets $300 101 43100 -Ol- 439.0 Miscellaneous $500 101 43100 -01- 570.0 Office Furniture SO 101 43100 -01- 570.1 desk chairs - 2 $0 101 43100 -01- 570.2 GIS station $0 PR�E TOTAL �34,600 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $511,098 , First Run Council 1991 BUDGET WORKSHEETS August 22, 1990 PAVED STREETS 43121 Object Requested Fund Account Obj # Description Amount Total Comments ----------------------- 101 43121 -0]- 224.0 Street Maint Matl �30,604 101 43121 -01- 224.1 crack sealant �4,000 8,000 lbs 101 43121 -01- 224.2 bit patching $24,000 1,200 tn 101 43121 -01- 224.3 striping $600 paint for crosswalks,park spaces 101 43121 -01- 224.4 storm sewer $1,000 culverts,castings,riQrap 101 43121 -01- 224.5 gravel shouldering $1,OOQ 101 43121 -01- 224.6 101 43121 -01- 225.0 Landscaping Material $1,500 timbers,shrubs,sod,etc 101 43121 -01- 225.1 blvds & ditches $1,500 101 43121 -01- 226.0 Sign Repair Materials $0 101 43121 -01- 226.1 101 43121 -01- 226.2 101 43121 -01- 303.0 Engineering Fees $1,000 101 43121 -01- 303.1 pavement mgmt fees $1,000 pave't mgmt study update 101 Q3121 -01- 310.0 Testing Services $1,000 101 43121 -01- 310.1 pavement testing fees $1,000 pave't mgmt study update 101 4312i -01- 319.� Prof Serv - other �46,200 contracted repairs/maint 101 43121 -01- 319.1 sealcoating $35,200 sealcoat for 4 mi 101 43121 -01- 319.2 mach placed bit $0 101 4312� -01- 319.3 traffic marking �7,000 700 gal 101 43121 -01- 319.4 c&g replace �2,000 200 ft 101 43121 -Ol- 319.5 s/w repair/replace $2,000 city's 50% share to replace 5k sf 101 43121 -01- 319.6 �0 sealcoat for 4 mi streets 101 43121 -Ol- 384.0 Refuse Disposal $600 101 43121 -01- 384.1 roadside garbage �600 101 43121 -Ol- 384.2 101 43121 -01- 415.0 Rentals - other $2,000 101 43121 -01- 415.1 specialized equip $2,000 milling machine,wood chipper,misc 101 43121 -Ol- 439.0 Misc $500 101 43121 -01- 439.1 $500 TOTAL PAVED STREETS �83,400 $83,400 • First Run Council 1991 BUDGET WORKSHEETS August 22, 1940 UNPAVED STREETS 43122 ' Object Requested Fund Account Obj # Description Amount Total Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 43122 -01- 224.0 Street Maint Matl $31,000 101 43122 -Oi- 224.1 gravel $16,000 gravel for 5 miles 101 43122 -01- 224.2 chloride $14,000 dust control for 3 mi 2x/yr 101 43122 -01- 224.3 storm sewer $1,000 101 43122 -01- 224.4 culverts,castings,riprap 101 43122 -01- 224.5 101 43122 -01- 224.6 101 43122 -01- 225.0 Landscaping Material $500 timbers,shrubs,sod,etc 101 43122 -01- 225.1 blvds & ditches �500 101 43122 -Ol- 226.0 Sign Repair Materials $0 101 43122 -01- 226.1 101 43122 -01- 226.2 101 43122 -01- 303.0 Engineering Fees �0 101 43122 -01- 303.1 pav't mgmt & testing $0 pave't mgmt study update 101 43122 -01- 310.0 Engineering Fees $0 101 43122 -01- 310.1 pav't mgmt & testing $0 pave't mgmt study update 101 43122 -01- 319.0 Prof Serv - other $0 contracted repairs/maint 101 43122 -41- 319.1 $0 sealcoat for 4 mi streets 101 43122 -01- 384.0 Refuse Disposal $600 101 43122 -01- 384.1 roadside garbage $600 101 43122 -01- 384.2 101 43122 -01- 415.0 Rentals - other $1,000 101 43122 -01- 415.1 specialized equip �1,000 wood chipper,misc 101 43122 -01- 439.0 Misc $500 101 43122 -01- 439.1 $500 TOTAL PAVED STREETS $33,600 �33,600 . First Run Council 1991 BUDGET WORKSHcETS August 22, 1990 ICE & SNOW REMOVAL -43125 " Object Requested Fund Account # Obj # Description Amount Total Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 43125 -01- 216.0 Chemicals & Chemical Prod $7,800 101 43125 -01- 216.1 salt, 300 tn $7,800 101 43125 -01- 216.3 101 43125 -01- 224.0 Street Maint Matl $1,800 101 43125 �O1- 224.1 sand, 900 tn $1,800 SO1 43125 �O1- 224.2 101 43125 -01- 224.3 SO1 43125 -01- 415.0 Other Equipment Rentals �2,880 101 43125 -01- 415.1 trucks for hauling ffi2,880 2 trucks x 6 hrs x $40/hr x 6 101 43125 -01- 415.2 add'1 snowplow $0 100 hrs @ �70/hr 101 43125 -01- 415.3 SO1 43125 -01- 439.0 Other Miscellaneous Chrgs $500 101 43125 -01- 439.1 misc �500 101 43125 -01- 439.2 101 43125 -01- 439.3 TOTAL ICE & SNOW REM $12,980 $12,980 , First Run Council 1991 BUDGET WORKSHEETS August 22, 1990 STREET LIGHTIN6 - 43160 � Object Requested F Fund Account # Obj # Description Rmount Total Comments 101 43160 -01- 226.0 Sign Repair Materials $0 moved to 43170 101 43160 -01- 226.1 101 43160 -01- 226.2 101 43160 -01- 226.3 101 43160 -01- 227.0 Util Sys Maint Sup $800 101 43160 -01- 227.1 bulbs �800 101 43160 -01- 227.2 101 43160 -01- 227.3 101 43160 -01- 381.0 Electric Util �40,000 101 43160 -01- 381.1 electricity $40,000 more lights,rate inc? 101 43160 -01- 381.2 101 43160 -Ol- 381.3 101 43160 -01- 409.0 Other Contracted Rep & Maint $2,000 101 43150 -01- 409.1 misc r & m $2,000 101 43160 -01- 409.2 101 43160 -01- 439.0 Misc �100 l0i 43160 -01- 439.1 $100 , 101 43160 -01- 439.2 101 43160 -01- 530.0 Other Im�rovements $1,500 install st'lights @ major inte 101 43160 -01- 530.1 new streetlights $1,500 101 43160 -01- 530.2 101 43160 _ TOTAL STREET LIGHTING $44,400 ffi44,400 First Run Council 1991 SUDGET WORKSHEETS August 22, 1990 SIGNAL LIGHTS, SIGNS ' 43170 Object Requested F Fund Account � Obj # Description Amount Total Comments 101 43170 -01- 226.0 Sign Repair Matls $2,000 101 43170 -41- 226.1 traffic control $1.000 101 43ll0 -01- 226.2 street id $1,004 101 43170 -01- 227.0 Util Sys Maint Sup $500 bulbs,traffic signs,etc 101 431�0 -01- 227.1 �500 101 43170 -01- 227.2 101 43170 -01- 227.3 101 43170 -Ol- 227.4 101 43170 -Ol- 381.0 Electric Util $2,000 101 43170 -01- 381.1 g2.000 101 43170 -01- 409.0 Contracted R & M $500 141 43170 -01- 409.0 $500 101 43170 -01- 439.0 Misc $100 101 43170 -01- 439.1 s100 101 43170 -01- 439.2 101 43170 -01- 439.3 101 43170 -01- 439.4 101 43170 TOTAL SIGNAL LTS & SIGt�S $5,100 �5,100 ' First Run Council 1991 BUDGET WORKSHEETS August 22, 1990 PARKS & RECREATION Page One . 45100 Object Requested Fund A�count # Obj # Description Amount Total Comments ---------------------------- 101 45100 101.0 Salaries �292,539 101 �5100 -02- 101.0 P&R Dir Bechtold $54,237 101 45100 -04- 101.0 Admin Asst Jost $38,802 101 45100 -�5- 101.0 Program Director $24,292 101 45100 101.0 Secretarial Added 141 4510� -03- 101.0 Foreman Cook $50,916 101 45100 -10- 101.0 Maintenance I Dahnke �25,805 141 45100 -12- 101.0 Maintenance III Strese �37,448 101 45100 -11- 101.0 Forester II Joosten $31,842 101 45100 -13- 101.0 Maint�Bldg Trd Koslowski$29,197 101 45100 102.0 Full Time Overtime �8,000 101 45100 102.0 Parks $5,000 ($1,560 each-foreman & staff) 101 45100 102.0 Maintenance 101 45100 102.0 Recreation $3,000 ($1,500 each-Lisa & Jane) 141 45100 103.0 Part Time Employees $38,000 101 45100 -97- 103.1 Asst Prog Dir Schuman �0 101 45100 -83- 103.2 Playground �11,000 101 45100 -94- 103.3 Warming Nouse $7,000 101 45100 -97- 103.4 General Recreation $5,000 101 45100 -98- 103.5 Parks Maintenance �15,000 101 45100 -01- 202.0 Duplicating & Copying �700 141 45100 -01- 202.1 General Programing $450 101 45100 -01- 202.2 Srocfiures �250 101 45100 -01- 205.0 Drafting Suppliss 52,250 101 45100 -01- 205.1 Drafting Supplies $2,250 101 45100 -01- 207.0 Training & Instruction $1,500 101 45100 -01- 207.1 Videos 5500 101 45100 -Oi- 207.2 Machine Operator Guide �250 101 45100 -01- 207.3, Maintenance Guides �250 101 45100 -Oi- 207.4 School Tuition 5500 101 45100 -01- 209.0 Other Office Supplies $0 101 45100 -01- 209.1 $p 101 45100 -Oi- 209.2 lAl 45100 -01- 209.3 101 45100 -01- 212.0 Motor Fuels �1,000 101 45100 -01- 212.1 Lawn & Turf Equip, $500 101 45100 -01- 212.2 Trucks, Cars, etc �500 101 45100 -01- 215.0 Shop Mat/Park Supplies $19,500 101 45100 -01- 215.1 Herbicide $3,000 101 45100 -01- 215.2 Fertilizer �7,000 101 45100 -01- 215.3 Seed $3,000 101 45T00 -01- 215.4 Red Rock �6,000 10� 45100 -Ol- 215.5 Soil Tests, Etc $500 101 45100 -01- 219.0 Operating Supplies-Other �3,500 101 45100 -01- 219.1 Arts & Crafts/Supplies $2,000 101 45100 -01- 219.2 Brushes, Brooms, Etc $500 101 45100 -01- 219.3 Tape RecordersJRadio's �1,OOC PAGE TOTALS �366,984 $366,989 First Run Council 1991 BUDGET W4RKSHEETS r August 22, 1990 PARKS & RECREATION Page Two . Object Requested Fund Account # Obj # Description Amount Total Comments - ---------------- 101 45100 -01- 221.0 Equipment Parts $8,500 101 45100 -01- 221.1 Fence Repair/landscape $2,000 101 45100 -01- 221.2 Lighting Repair �2,500 101 45100 -01- 221.3 Irrigation Repair $2,000 101 45100 -01- 221.4 Misc.Split Rail/Repair �2,000 101 45104 -01- 222.4 Tires $500 101 45100 -01- 222.1 Replacement Tires ffi500 101 45100 -01- 223.0 Structural Repairs/Supplies $9,000 101 45100 -01- 223.1 Paint- 8rushes,Rollers $1,000 141 45100 -01- 223.2 Shingles, Boards, Etc $6,000 101 45100 -01- 223.3 Miscellaneous $2,000 101 45100 -01- 225.0 Landscape Materials $14,500 101 45100 -01- 225.1 Trees, Shrubs, etc ffi5,000 101 45100 -01- 225.2 Timers, Fences(landsc) $4,500 101 45100 -01- 225.3 Sealcoating $5,000 101 45100 -01- 229.0 Other Maintenance Supplies $5,000 101 45100 -01- 229.1 Nets, Poles, Sases,etc �3,500 101 45100 -01- 229.2 - Miscellaneous $1,500 101 45100 -01- 241.0 Small Tools $6,000 101 45100 -01- 241.1 Wrenches, Hammers, etc $3,000 101 4510� -01- 241.2 Larger Tools & Saws $3,000 101 45100 -01- 302.0 Architects' Fees $3,750 101 45100 -01- 302.1 Building Architect $1,250 101 45100 -41- 302.2 Landscape Architect $1,250 101 d5100 -01- 302.3 Naturalist $1,250 101 45100 -01- 303.0 Engineering Fees $2,250 101 45100 -01- 303.1 Dept Costs �2,250 101 45100 -01- 304.0 Legal Fees $500 101 45100 -01- 304.1 Dept Costs $500 101 45100 -01- 305.0 Medical & Dental Fees �0 101 45100 -Ol- 305.1 Employment Physicals 101 45100 -01- 315.0 Special Programs �4,500 101 45100 -01- 315.1 SundaY Specials $2,500 101 45100 -01- 315.2 Leprechaun Days �500 SO1 45100 -01- 315.3 Halloween $500 101 45100 -01- 315.4 Special Events/Runs �500 101 45100 -01- 315.5 Nature Programs(Rrbor} �500 101 45100 -01- 319.0 Professional Srvs Other �0 101 45100 -01- 323.0 Radios/Phone �2,000 101 45100 -01- 323.1 Cellular Phone $75Q 101 45100 -01- 323.2 Radios $1,250 101 45100 -01- 331.0 Travel Expense �250 101 45100 -01- 331.1 Seminars & Workshops �150 101 45100 -01- 331.2 Conventions $0 101 45100 -01- 331.3 General Misc $100 101 45100 -01- 333.0 Freight & Express $p 101 45100 -01- 333.1 Materials Shipping 101 45100 -01- 341.0 Employment Advertising �1,500 101 45100 -Oi- 341.1 Employment Ads $1,500 101 45100 -01- 349.0 Advertising-Other $7,000 101 45100 -01- 349.1 Brochures $6,000 101 45100 -01- 349.2 Flyers(Schools, etc) $500 101 45100 -01- 349.3 Miscellaneous $500 PAGE TOTALS $65,250 $65,250 - First Run Council 1991 BUDGET WORKSHEETS August 22, 1940 PARKS & RECRERTION Page Three � Object Requested Fund Aecount # Obj # Description Amount Total Comments 101 45100 -01- 381.0 Electric Utility $14,000 101 45100 -01- 381.1 Skating Rinks $5,500 101 45100 -01- 38i.2 Softball Fields $6,000 101 45100 -01- 381.3 Irrigation $2,000 101 45100 -01- 381.4 Miscellaneous �500 101 45100 -01- 382.0 Water Utility $0 101 45140 -01- 382.1 Field Irrigation 101 45100 -01- 391.0 PC Maintenance $0 101 45100 -01- 39i.1 PC Maintenance $0 101 45100 -41- 391.2 Printer Maintenance $0 101 45100 -01- 391.3 Misc. Maintenance $0 101 45100 -01- 393.0 PC Printer Purchases $0 101 45100 -01- 393.1 Equipment $0 101 45100 -01- 393.2 PC Software $0 S01 45100 -01- 393.3 Miscellaneous �0 101 45100 -01- 409.0 Other Repair Contracted $6,500 101 45100 -01- 409.1 Irrigation Equip $2,500 101 45100 -01- 409.2 Electrical Equip $2,000 101 45100 -01- 409.3 Miscellaneous ffi2,000 101 45100 -01- 415.0 Other Rental $10,000 101 45100 -01- 415.1 Portable Toilets $6,500 101 45100 -01- 415:2 St John's & Gyms, etc $2,000 101 45100 -01- 415.3 Equip, Machines, etc $1,500 101 45100 -01- 433.0 Dues & Subscriptions $1,000 101 45100 -01- 433.1 Subscriptions �150 101 45100 -01- 433.2 MEmberships $500 101 45100 -01- 433.3 Dues �350 101 45100 -01- 435.0 Books & Pamphlets $1,500 101 45100 -01- 435.1 Recreation � $500 101 45100 -01- 435.2 Parks $500 101 45100 -01- 435.3 Engineering $500 101 45100 -01- 437.0 Conferences / Seminars $3,500 101 45100 -01- 437.1 Seminars/Workshops $3,250 101 45100 -Ol- 437.2 Staff Meetings �250 10? 45100 -01- 437.3 101 45100 -Ol- 439.0 Miscellaneous Other �2,000 101 45100 -01- 439.1 Various $2,000 101 45100 -01- 439.2 101 45100 -01- 570.0 Capital Outlay Furniture $2,000 101 45100 -01- 570.1 General $2,000 101 45100 -01- 570.2 101 45100 -71- 219.0 Other Operating Supp $500 101 45100 -71- 219.1 Program Supplies �500 101 45100 -71- 311.0 Officiating Fees $1,400 101 45100 -71- 311.1 Fall Softball $1,400 101 45100 -71- 319.0 Other Prof Services $70 101 45100 -71- 319.1 Fall Softball $70 PAGE TOTALS $42,470 $42,470 . First Run Council 1991 BUDGET WORKSHEETS August 22, 1990 PARKS & RECREATION Page Four Object Requested Fund Account # Obj # Description Amount Total Comments ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 45100 -81- 103.0 Rart Time Salaries $10,000 101 45100 -81- 103.1 Softball �10,004 101 45100 -81- 219.0 Other Operating Supp $8,000 101 45100 -81- 219.1 Program Supplies $8,000 101 45100 -81- 219.2 101 45100 -81- 230.0 Equipment Repair Matrl �0 101 45100 -81- 230.1 101 45100 -81- 311.0 Officiating Fees $13,000 101 45100 -81- 311.1 $13,000 101 45100 -81- 319.0 Other Prof Srvs $4,540 101 45100 -81- 319.1 $4,500 101 45100 -81- 439.0 Other Misc Charges $500 101 45100 -81- 439.1 $500 101 45100 -82- 103.0 Part Time Salaries $3,000 101 45100 -82- 103.1 Volleyball $3,000 101 45100 -82- 219.0 Other Operating Supp $1,000 101 45100 -82- 219.1 Program Supplies ffi1,000 101 45100 -82- 219.2 101 45100 -82- 230.0 EquiGment Repair Matrl $0 101 45100 -82- 230.1 101 45100 -82- 311.0 Officiating Fees $7,000 101 45100 -82- 31L.1 $7,000 101 45100 -82- 319.0 Other Prof Srvs $500 101 45100 -82- 319.1 ffi500 101 45100 -82- 439.0 Other Misc Charges ffi0 101 45100 -82- 439.1 101 45100 -83- 103.0 Part Time Salaries $0 101 45100 -83- 103.1 Playgrounds 101 45100 -83- 219.0 Other Operating Supp $0 101 45100 -83- 219.1 Program Supplies 101 45100 -83- 439.0 Other Misc Charges $0 101 45100 -83- 439.1 101 45100 -84- 103.0 Part Time 5alaries $2,000 101 45100 -84- 103.1 Tennis $2,000 101 45100 -84- 219,0 Other Operating Supp �250 101 45100 -84- 219.1 Program Supplies $250 101 45100 -84- 439.0 Other Misc Charges $0 101 45100 -84- 439.1 101 45100 -85- 103.0 Part Time Salaries $8,000 101 45100 -85- 103.1 Tiny Tots $8,000 101 45100 -85- 219.0 Other Operating Supp ffi1,000 101 45100 -85- 219.1 Program Supplies $1,000 � 101 45100 -85- 339.0 Other Transportation Exp �0 101 45100 -85- 339.1 101 45100 -85- 439.0 Other Misc Charges $0 141 45100 -85- 439.1 101 45100 -86- 103.0 Part Time Salaries $1,500 101 45100 -86- 103.1 Pom Pom's $1,500 101 45100 -86- 219.0 Other Operating Supp $750 101 45100 -86- 219.1 Program Supplies $750 101 45100 -86- 439.0 Other Misc Charges $0 101 45100 -86- 439.i PAGE T07ALS 561,000 $61,000 . First Run Council 1991 BUDGET WORKSHEETS August 22, 1990 PARKS & RECRERTION Page Five • Object Requested Fund Account # Obj # Description Amount Total Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 45100 -87- 103.0 Part Time 5alaries $0 101 45100 -87- 103.1 Field Trips 101 45100 -87- 219.0 Other Operating Supp �500 101 45100 -8�- 219.1 Program Supplies $504 101 45100 -87- 219.2 101 45100 -87- 339.0 Other Transport-Buses $6,000 101 45104 -87- 339.1 $6,000 101 45100 -87- 439.0 Other Misc Charges $0 101 45100 -87- 439.1 101 45100 -88- 103.0 Part Time Salaries $p 101 45100 -88- 103.1 Broomball 101 45100 -88- 219.0 Other Operating Supp $900 101 45100 -88- 219.1 Program Supplies $900 101 45100 -88- 219.2 101 45100 -88- 230.0 Equip Repair Matrls $0 101 45100 -88- 230.1 101 45100 -88- 311.0 Officiating Fees �700 101 45100 -88- 311.1 g7pp 101 45100 -88- 319.0 Other Professional Svc $5G0 101 45100 -88- 319.1 �500 101 45100 -88- 439.0 Other Misc Charges $0 101 45100 -88- 439.1 101 45100 -84- 103.0 Part Time Salaries $400 101 45100 -89- 103,1 Skating Lessons $400 101 45100 -89- 219.0 Other Operating Supp $100 101 45100 -89- 219.1 Program Supplies $100 101 45100 -89- 219.2 101 45100 -89- 439.0 Other Misc Charges $p 101 45100 -89- 439.1 101 45100 -90- 103.0 Part Time Salaries $p 101 45100 -90- 103.1 Track & Field 101 45100 -94- 219.0 Other Operating Supp �2,500 101 45100 -90- 219.1 Program Supplies �2,500 101 45100 -90- 219.2 101 45100 -90- 439.0 Other Misc Charges $500 101 45?00 -90- 439.1 Ground Pounders $500 101 45100 -93- 103.0 Part Time Salaries $2,500 101 45100 -93- 103.1 Other Participating �2,500 101 45100 -93- 2?9.0 Other Operating Supp $2,500 101 45100 -93- 219.1 Program Supplies g2,500 101 45100 -93- 219.2 101 45100 -93- 439.0-0ther Misc Charges $0 101 45140 -93- 439.1 101 4510G -94- 103.0 Part Time Salaries $p 101 45100 -94- 103.1 Warming House 101 45100 -97- 103.0 Part Time Salaries gp 10: 45100 -97- 103.1 General Clerical PAGE TOTALS $17,100 $17,100 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $552,809 ��52,809 M First Run Council 1991 BUDGET WORKSHEETS August 22, 1990 INSURANCE 49240 Page One Object Requested Fund Account # Obj # Description Amount Total Comments ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 49240 -01- 365.0 Workmans Comp Insurance $50,000 101 49240 -01- 365.1 Annual Premium $50,000 101 49240 -Ol- 365.2 101 44240 -Ol- 365.3 101 49240 -01- 365.4 101 49240 -01- 369.0 Other Insurance $50,000 101 49240 -01- 364.1 General Liab & Auto �50,400 101 49240 -01- 369.2 101 49240 -01- 369.3 101 49240 -Oi- 369.4 101 49240 -01- 101 49240 -01- 101 49240 -01- 101 49240 -Ol- PAGE TOTALS $100,000 �100,000 August 22, 1990 20� 5 Year 1991 CIP BUDGET LEVY SHEET 1991 CIP Budget Presented for Council & Staff Discussion ------ITEM ------r------------ ----COST ----- ----- — FUNDING NEEDS ---------- ------------------- 8-------------- 8--------------- 8---------------- RECAP SHEET . . • ------------------------------1p--------------10---------------1p---------------- ------------------------------12--------------12---------------1�---------------- 1991 TOTALS 502,100 207� ' 100,420 ------------------------------14--------------14---------------14---------------- ------------------------------16--------------16---------------16---------------- 1992 TOTALS ' S03,000 • 20� • 100,600 ------------------------ -----18--------------18---------------18---------------- . . . ------------------------------20--------------20---------------2p---------------- 1993 TOTALS 566,300 20� ' 113,260 ------------------------------22--------------22---------------22---------------- ------------------------------24--------------24---------------24---------------- 1994 TOTALS 623,000 ' 209� ' 124,600 ------------------------------26--------------26---------------26---------------- ------------------------------28--------------28---------------28---------------- T995 TOTALS 510,000 209� ' 102,000 . . . ------------------------------3p--------------30---------------30---------------- ------------------------------32--------------32------------ --32---------------- . . . ------------------------------34--------------34---------------34---------------- ____TOTAL : 2,704,400 : ; 540,88d ------ -----------------36--------------36---------------36---------------- DEPARTME1v'T BREAKDOWN TOTAL 5 YEARS 1991 NEEDS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Administration . 0 . 20� . 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finance . 25,000 . 20� . 5,000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Co�nmunity Development . 25,000 . 20� . 5,000 -------------------------------.------86 000---.------20�-------- General Government , 17,200 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Police . 220,500 . 207 . 44,100 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fire . 8b4,000 . 20� . 172,800 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Works 493,000 . 20� 98,600 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parks . 990,900 . 209� . 198,180 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Totals . 2,704,400 . . 54d,880 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- August 22, 1990 Page One 95 CIP ` 1995 CIP BUDGET 1991 CIP Budget Presented for Council & Staff Discussian August 22, 1990 ALL DBPARTMBNTS ------ITEb--------------------- ----COST--- ----------------------------------------------------------- DEPARTMBNT---- New Vehicle ' 11,000 ' Admin/Staff Additional Unit � -- ----------------------- 8---------- 8----------------------------------------------------------- General------- $- 3 Police Squads ' 42,000 ' Update Squads : Police . . ------------------------------iQ----------1p------------------------------ -----------------------------10--------------- Computer Upgrade ' 45,000 ' Periodic Upgrade - Bquipment ia use since 1982 ; Police . . ---------------------------I2----------12-----------------------------------------------------------i2--------------- Aerial Unit ' 140,OQ0 ' Final Payment for Unit : Fire . , ------------------------------14----------14-----------------------------------------------------------14--------------- Pum er : 100,000 : lst Pay�ent - Replace i182 : Fire --P------------------------16----------16-----------------------------------------------------------16--------------- New 4 X 4 Pickup • 22,000 ' Grass Rig - Rotation • g • � . ire ------------------------------18----------I8-----------------------------------------------------------IB--------------- 5ingle Aale Dum Truck : 100,000 : Replace �208, Plow, Ning & Sander : Pub �rks -----------------P------------20----------20-----------------------------------------------------------20--------------- Replace Pickup �243 ' 17,000 ' Replaeenent : Fub Xrks --Lawn Mower Replacement------22-'12 000 -22-----------------------------------------------------------22--------------- � � � : Parks ------------------------------24----------24-----------------------------------------------------------24--------------- Shannon Park : 55,000 : Sliding Hill $10,000 - Shelter $45,060 : Parks ------------------------------26----------26-----------------------------------------------------------26--------------- ------------------------------28----------28-----------------------------------------------------------28--------------- . • � . ----------------=-------------3d----------30-----------------------------------------------------------3p--------------- . � � . ------------------------------32----------32-----------------------------------------------------------32--------------- , . , , ------------------------------34----------34-----------------------------------------------------------34--------------- ------------------------------36----------36-----------------------------------------------------------36--------------- , , , , ------------------------------3g----------38-----------------------------------------------------------38--------------- . . , , ------------------------------4Q----------4Q-----------------------------------------------------------4p--------------- , , . --------------------- ' ---------42----------42-----------------------------------------------------------42--------------- ------------------------------44----------4i,-----------------------------------------------------------44--------------- ------------------------------46----------46-----------------------------------------------------------46--------- --- . . . , ------------------------------4g----------48-----------------------------------------------------------48--------------- ------------------------------5p----------50-----------------------------------------------------------SO--------------- . . , . ------------------------------52----------52-----------------------------------------------------------52--------------- . . . . ------------------------------54----------5t,-----------------------------------------------------------54--------------- ------------------------------56----------56-----------------------------------------------------------56--------------- , . . , ------------------------------5$----------58-----------------------------------------------------------58--------------- . . . , ------------------------------6p----------6p-----------------------------------------------------------60--------------- . . . , ------------------------------62----------62-----------------------------------------------------------62--------------- TOTAL : 510,000 : � . ------------------------------64----------64-----------------------------------------------------------64--------------- Administration(Finance Fire 222,000 Conmunity Development Public F'orks 117,000 General Government : 11,000 Parks 61,000 Police . 87,000 . TOTAL . S10,0Q0 August 22, 1990 Page One 94 CIP 1994 CIP BUDGET 1991 CIP Budget Presented for Council & Staion ALL DEPARTHENTS ---------------�-----------�------------------------------------------------------------�--------------- . . , ITEM _: C�ST : : DEPARTMBNT ----------------- �-----------�------------------------------------------------------------�- • � -------------- . omputer Upgrad?s : 25,000 : Periodic Upgrading Requirements : Finance ------------------------------ 8---------- 8----------------------------------------------------------- 8--------------- __3 Police Squad Cars • 42,000 : Update Squads and add to Fleet : Police . ---------------------------1p----------10-----------------------------------------------------------10--------------- __Aerial Ladder Truck : 200,600 : Replacenent : Fire --------------------------12----------12------------------'----------------------------------------12--------------- _Front End Loader : 115,000 : Replace 1474 Unit Plow & �ing : Pub �rks - ----------------------------14----------14-----------------------------------------------------------14--------------- __Pulverizer : 3,00� : Replacement : Pub �rks ---------------------------16----------16-----------------------------------------------------------I6--------------- __Sander ' 3,000 : Replacement : Pub �r�s . ---------------------------18--------- 18-----------------------------------------------------------18--------------- Sign Board : 5,000 : For construction zone safety ' Pub �trks ----------------------------- 20----------20-----------------------------------------------------------20--------------- Skid Steer Loader ' 20,000 : Additional Equipment : Pub Krks . ---------------------------- 22----------22-----------------------------------------------------------22--------------- Park Benchs and Tables : 10,000 : Continuing Park Improvements ' Parks ------------------------------ --------- 24----------------- . - ------------------------------------------24--------------- Ridder Park Shelter ' 30,000 : General Shelter and Slab for Park Area : Parks . ------------------------------26----------26--------------- --------------------------------------------26--------------- __5ection 28 Area Park ' SO,Q00 : Aid in Park Develope�ent : Parks . ------------------------- Zg--------- 28-------------------- ' - ---------------------------------------2g--------- ------ Erickson Park Equipment : 15,000 : Play equipment for park areas • Parks ------------------------------3p----------30----------------- . ------------------------------------------3p--------------- Schwarz Shelter ' 75,000 : Add to Northwest Corner of Park neat to Kell Pro ert ' Y p p : Parks ------------------------------32----------32------------------------------------------- 32--------------- ---------------- Howard Mower Replacement 3Q,000 : Replacement Program for Maintenance Equia : Parks . ------------------------------34----------34-----------------------------------------=----------- 34--------------- ------------------------------36----------36-----------------------------------------------------------36--------------- ------------------------------38----------38-----------------------------------------------------------38--------------- , . . . ------------------------------40----------40-----------------------------------------------------------4p--------------- . ------------------------------42----------42-----------------------------------------------------------42--------------- ------------------------------44----------44-----------------------------------------------------------44--------------- ------------------------------46----------46-----------------------------------------------------------46--------------- . ' • . ------------------------------48----------48------------------------------------------- ----------------48--------------- . ' � . ------------------------------5p----------5p---------------------------------- -------------------------5p--------------- ------------------------=-----52----------52-----------------------------------------------------------52- ------------- . , , ------------------------------54----------54---------------------- -------------------------------------54--------------- ------------------------------56----------5fi-----------------------------------------------------------56--------------- ------------------------------58----------58-----------------------------------------------------------58--------------- ------------------------------60----------6p-----------------------------------------------------------60--------------- . , , ------------------------------b2----------62------------------------------- ----------------------------62--------------- TOTAL ' 623,000 . • � . ------------------------------64----------64------------------ -----------------------------------------64--------------- Administration/Finance : 25,000 Fire 200,000 Coa�s,unity Development Public iiorks 146,OOa General Government Parks 210,Q00 Police . 42,000 . TOTAL . 623,000 August 22, I990 Page One 93CIP ' 1993 CIP BUDGET 1441 CIP Budget Presented for Council & Staff Discussion August 22nd, 1940 ALL DEPARTMENTS ITEM ---------------- ----COST--- ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ----------------------------:-----------�------------------------------------------------------------•--------------- . , Replace '81 Tea�po : 15,000 : Replace Inspection Vehicle acquired spring of '81 : Comm Dev ------------------------------ 8---------- 8----------------------------------------------------------- 8--------------- New Vehicle ' 1�,OD0 ' Replace Vehicle in Motor Pool(Plymouth Van) : Gen Gav --2 Police Squad Cars---------10--26,50Q _10 Update Squads---------------------------------------------14-Police-------- . . . , ------------------------------12----------12-----------------------------------------------------------12--------------- Aerial Truck ' 200,000 ' Replace 20 Year O1d Truck : Pire . , ------------------------------I4----------14-----------------------------------------------------------14--------------- __4 X 4 Pickup • 22 000 : Replace Grass Rig Unit-shift oId unit to Pub F�rks ' Fire • � . ---------------------------i6----------16-----------------------------------------------------------16--------------- Roadside lfower : 3,400 : Replacement Program : Pub Krks ------------------------------i8----------i8-----------------------------------------------------------18--------------- Electronic Distance Measure : 1d,000 : Continuing Equipment Upgrades for Efficiency ; Pub iirks ------------------------------20----------2Q-----------------------------------------------------------20--------------- __Skid-Steer Loader : 30,000 : Replace '86 Model : Pub 4�rks ---------------------------22----------22-----------------------------------------------------------22--------------- New Pickup : 14 400 : Replace '81 Ford Pickup �231 : Pub krks � ------------------------------24----------24-----------------------------------------------------------24--------------- Single Aale Truck : 90,000 : New Multi-Purpose Truck for Hauling & Plowing : Pub Wrks ------------------------------26----------26-----------------------------------------------------------26--------------- Shannon Park North : 40,000 : Lighting of Athletic Fields : Parks ------------------------------28----------28----------- ---- -28--------------- ------------------------------- ------------ City Hall Shelter : 60,000 : Add on to shelter near City Hall for General Improvement ; Farks ------------------------------30----------3p-----------------------------------------------------------3Q--------------- Seeder : 3,000 : : Parks ------------------------------32----------32-----------------------------------------------------------32--------------- Erickson Park Parking Lot ' 35,000 ' Add to curb & gutter bp paving parking lot and drives ; Parks . . ------------------------------34----------34-----------------------------------------------------------34--------------- . . . , ------------------------------36----------36------------------------------- ----------------------------36--------------- ------------------------------38----------38-----------------------------------------------------------38--------------- ------------------------------40----------40-----------------------------------------------------------40--------------- ------------------------------42----------42-----------------------------------------------------------42--------------- ------------------------------44----------4i,-----------------------------------------------------------44--------------- . . . , ------------------------------46----------46-----------------------------------------------------------46--------------- ------------------------------4$----------4$-----------------------------------------------------------48--------------- ------------------------------5p----------50-----------------------------------------------------------5p--------------- . . . . , ------------------------------52----------52-----------------------------------------------------------52--------------- . . . . ------------------------------54----------54-----------------------------------------------------------54--------------- ------------------------------56----------56-----------------------------------------------------------56--------------- ------------------------------58----------58-----------------------------------------------------------58--------------- . � . , ------------------------------60----------6Q-----------------------------------------------------------60--------------- . . , . ------------------------------62----------62-----------------------------------------------------------b2--------------- TOTAL : 566,300 : � . ------------------------------64----------64------=----------------------------------------------------64--------------- Ads�inistration/Finance Fire 222,000 Com�unity Developa�ent � 15,000 Public Works 43,400 General Government : 55,000 Parks 244,4Q0 Police : 26,540 . TOTAL . 566,300 August 22, 1990 Page One 92CIF 1992 CIP BUDGET 1991 CIP Budget Presented for Council & Staion ALL DEPARTMENTS ------ITBM-------------------- ---COST--- ------------------------------- ------------------------- DEPARTMBNT---- Election Bquipmeat ' 9,d00 ' T Add Additional Precincts : Gen Gov . . ------------------------------ 8---------- 8----------------------------------------------------------- 8--------------- 2 Police Squads ' 26,000 • Upgrade Squads : Police . . ------------------------------10----------10-----------------------------------------------------------10--------------- __Aerial Truck : I00,000 : $100,000 1942, 200,000 1993, $200,000 1994, $I00,000 1995 : Fire --------------------------12----------i2-----------------------------------------------------------12--------------- 1 Ton Truck & Reel ' 40,400 ' Aose Truck & Reel - moved from `91 to SCBA in '91 : Fire . . -------P---p------------------14----------14-----------------------------------------------------------14--------------- Picku Re lacement ' 14,000 ' Replace '86 Chevy �I01 : Pub Wrks . . ------------------------------16----------16-----------------------------------------------------------16--------------- __4 X 4 Pickup ' 18 000 : Replace '86 Unit 221 in Fire Dept • Pub �rks � , . ---------------------------i8----------18-----------------------------------------------------------18--------------- _ Additional Pickup : 15,000 : Replace `75 Dodge that came fro� Fire Depart�ent ; Pub �rks --------------------2Q----------20-----------------------------------------------------------2p--------------- Benches & Small Shelters ' S,000 ' Erickson Park Ball Fields t Parks . , ------------------------------22----------22-----------------------------------------------------------22--------------- JC Par� General Improvements ' 60,000 ' Additional Landscaping, Picnic areas, etc : Parks . . ------------------------------24----------24-----------------------------------------------------------24--------------- Score Boards ' 12,000 ' Erickson Park Ball Fields : Parks . . ------------------------------26----------26-----------------------------------------------------------26--------------- Lawn Mower : 12,040 : Replace John Deere riding mower : Parks � ------------------------------28----------28-----------------------------------------------------------28--------------- Shelter & General Improvemts ' S0,000 ' Continus Park Improvements : Parks . . ------------------------------30----------3p--------------------------------- ---30--------------- ----------------------- _Replace '85 Dodge Car : 17,000 : Replace car with Passenger Van for Park&Rec and Fleet : Parks - ----------------------------32----------32-----------------------------------------------------------32--------------- JC Park Shelter ' 100,000 ' Ongoing Park Improvements *Matching JC Punding� : Par�s . . ------------------------------3�----------34-----------------------------------------------------------34--------------- JC Rink & Lighting ; 25,d00 : Ongoing Park I�prove�ents ' Parks , ------------------------------36----------36-----------------------------------------------------------36--------------- , , . , ------------------------------38----------38-----------------------------------------------------------36--------------- . . . , ------------------------------40----------4p-----------------------------------------------------------40--------------- , . , , ------------------------------42----------42-----------------------------------------------------------42--------------- ------------------------------44----------44-----------------------------------------------------------44--------------- . , . , ------------------------------46----------46----------------------------- ------------------------------46--------------- . . , , ------------------------------4g----------48-----------------------------------------------------------48--------------- . • . , ------------------------------50----------Sp------------------------------------ -----------------------50--------------- . • • . ------------------------------52----------52-----------------------------------------------------------52--------------- . . . . ------------------------------54----------54-----------------------------------------------------------54--------------- ------------------------------56----------56-----------------------------------------------------------56--------------- , • � . ------------------------------58----------58---------------------------- -------------------------------58--------------- ------------------------------60----------60-----------------------------------------------------------60--------------- . . , , ------------------------------62----------62-----------------------------------------------------------62--------------- TOTAL : 503,000 : • . ------------------------------6t,----------64-----------------------------------------------------------64--------------- Administration/Pinance Fire I40,000 Coe�munity Development Public works 47,040 General Government 9,000 Farks 281,U00 Police : 26,000 . TOTAL . 503,000 August 22, I990 Page One 91CIP � 1991 CIP BUDGET 1991 CIP Budget Presented for Staff Discussion ALL DEPARTHBNTS ITEM ------- ----COST-- ----------------------------------------------------------- -DEPARTMBNT --- ----------- .---------- ----------------------------------------------------------- �--------------- Computer Program Update ' 10,000 ' Fleet Addition - �oved from '92 : Coa� Dev . . ------------------------------ 8---------- 8----------------------------------------------------------- 8--------------- Furniture ' S,000 ' Replacement/Addition Gity Hall ; Gen Gov . . --------------------------10----------10-----------------------------------------------------------IO--------------- 3 Police Squads ' 39,000 ' Update Squads : Police . . ------------------------------12----------12-----------------------------------------------------------I2--------------- 4 X 4 Pickup ' 20,000 ' Rotation of Trucks ' Fire � . , ------------------------------14----------14-----------------------------------------------------------14--------------- . • 1 2 Ton Pickup : 20,000 : Rplace Car/Swap with Public �orks . Fue ------------------------------I6----------16-----------------------------------------------------------16--------------- SCBA ' 40,000 • 30 Unit Replacenent : Fire . . ------------------------------I8----------18------------------- ----------------------------------------i a--------------- Tanden Dump Truck ' IO2,000 ' Additional Tanden Truck for Fleet : Pub f�rks . . ------------------------------20----------20-----------------------------------------------------------20--------------- New Pickup ' 13 000 : Replace I983 Ford Pickup/4201 8 years old : Pub Rrgs � , --------------------------22----------22-----------------------------------------------------------22--------------- New Pickup ' 12 3�0 : Replace 1919 Dodge/Unit �102 ' Pub �rks � f . ------------------------------24----------24-----------------------------------------------------------24--------------- __New Pickup ' 12 300 : Replace I970 ChevyJUnit �92 • Pub Krks . , , --------------------------26----------26-----------------------------------------------------------26--------------- Multi-Purpose Tractor • 65,000 ' Multi Purpase Tractar for Trail & Park Maintenance : Parks . , ------------------------------2$----------2$-----------------------------------------------------------2$--------------- Dodd Road Bike Trail ' 45,000 ' Shannon Parkway to Diamond Path : Parks . . ------------------------------3p----------30-----------------------------------------------------------30--------------- Playground Bquip�ent ' 10,000 ' i�inds Xing & Kidder Park : Parks . , ------------------------------32----------32-----------------------------------------------------------32--------------- JC Park Baseball Field Lites • 35,000 ' Ongoing Park Improvements : Parks . , ------------------------------34----------34-----------------------------------------------------------34---------------. Park Shelter ' 30,000 • Twin Puddles Park : Parks . . ------------------------------36----------36-----------------------------------------------------------36--------------- Aeriator ' 3,500 ' Replacement : Parks . . --Dra-------------------------3$----------38-----------------------------------------------------------38--------------- B ' 3,5Q0 • Added for Ballfield Maintenance : Parks . . ------------------------------40----------40-----------------------------------------------------------40--------------- Park Benches ' 2,500 ' Ongoing Park Improvements : Parks . . ------------------------------42----------42-----------------------------------------------------------42--------------- New Piekup ' 11,000 : Replace Car in Pleet with Fickup : Parks . ------------------------------44----------44-----------------------------------------------------------44--------------- New Equip Van ' 17,000 ' Replace Car in Fleet with Buildings Trade Van ' Parks . . , ------------------------------46----------46-----------------------------------------------------------46--------------- . . . , ------------------------------48----------48-----------------------------------------------------------48--------------- ------------------------------5p----------50-----------------------------------------------------------50--------------- ------------------------------52----------52-----------------------------------------------------------52--------------- ------------------------------5t,----------54-----------------------------------------------------------54--------------- ------------------------------56----------56-----------------------------------------------------------§6--------------- . • . , ------------------------------58----------58--------------------------------------- --------------------58--------------- . . . , ------------------------------60----------60-----------------------------------------------------------60--------------- . . . , ------------------------------62----------62-----------------------------------------------------------62--------------- TOTAL • 502,100 . • • . ------------------------------64----------64-----------------------------------------------------------64--------------- Admininstration/Finance Fire 80,000 Comnunity Develop�ent 10,004 Public fiorks I39,600 General Government 5,000 Parks 228,500 Police , 39,000 . TOTAL . 502,100 a First Run Council 1991 BUDGET WORKSHEETS Rugust 22, 1990 CITY COUNCIL 41110 Page One Object Requested Fund Account # Obj # Description Rmount Total Comments --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 41110 103.0 Council Salaries $29,700 101 41110 -02- 103.0 Mayor Napper �6,500 ' 101 41110 -Q3- 103.0 Councilmember Klassen $5,800 �� 101 41110 -04- 103.0 Councilmember Oxborough �5,800 101 41110 -05- 103.0 Councilmember Willcox $5,800 101 41110 -06- 103.0 Councilmember Wippermann $5,800 - 101 41110 -01- 307.0 Management Fees $50,000 141 41110 -01- 307.1 Newsletter �20,000 y�,��� 101 41110 -Ol- 307.2 Training $12,000 Team Building Program-�.�i-i.e.E �T��r'�. 101 41110 -01- 307.3 Spring Clean Up �12,000 Increase due to population 101 41110 -01- 307.4 Fireworks 56,000 101 41110 -01- 307.5 101 41110 -01- 314.0 Other Prof Services 101 41110 -01- 319.1 101 41110 -01- 319.2 101 41110 -01- 319.3 101 41110 -01- 329.0 Other Communication Cost $0 101 41110 -01- 329.1 101 41110 -01- 329.2 101 41110 -01- 329.3 101 41110 -01- 329.4 101 41110 -01- 331.0 Travel Expense $500 101 41110 -0i- 331.1 Mileage/Air Fare $504 Mise.-�- �.� outside 101 41110 -01- 331.2 of City-not in #437 101 41116 -01- 331.3 101 41110 -01- 331.4 101 41110 -01- 437.4 Conferences/Seminars $3,200 101 41110 -01- 437.1 Two to National Conf $2,000 101 41110 -01- 437.2 3 to State & Regional �1,200 101 41110 -01- 437.3 101 41110 -01- 437.4 101 41110 -01- 439.0 Miseellaneous Other $0 101 41110 -01- 439.1 101 41110 -01- 439.2 101 41110 -01- 439.3 141 41110 -01- 598.0 Capital Outlay Other 532,504 101 41110 -01- 598.1 Education Reimbursemnt $5,000 101 41110 -01- 598.2 LMC, AMM, NDCC Dues $5,000 101 41110 -01- 598.3 101 41110 -01- 598.4 Contingencies ffi22,500`/� GG����• PAGE TOTALS $115,90� $115,96+��f1 � � , DEPARTMENT T�TACS �115,90A $115,909 �.� ��� � '� .:::::::.�.::v:v::�t.�:...�. :. . ........: �- .�... ......... �......{... �.. .ih.ii:..ii:^i::;i:::.........:..:.n...:.....�:..,-�:::.iii:iiii:{h;�: . . .. ....::::::i::iiii;.......s:::yi::::::::n::•:i:::i:::::::.:nv:::.:::.::.::�i:':':n:_:?::iii}.:::.�::::n:.::::..�::wi}:i::♦: :::.�:::::::::\w::::::••:.�:n......... :.:Z:ivi::i:'.':!:::'.:. ?i�Y�"��:.::::.:........ 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""'�' ...::�:::.:'..:...:::::::::.�.:::.::.:::;::.::::::<::i:':v{�,�"���.��..... . ..::'::'v:��:::.�:. .... . ........ .......... ..::::%�....................... ..:•:::::w:: ..n..r.:e:i:n... .:'•L.�•.:{:�•w.::. ..... � ::c;::.;:�.;.:::.�:::::.:.��::.:::.:::.�........: ..:.::•::.�:...:,.::�...�:..:.�::::.:::.�±:.�•::::::.....:..:.....:::•.�::•.::;.;..;......'•r::::..,>•.:,;,r.{:: � .. .:: i: :?::::' :: �'.. :. ':i �. :i':: ::::': y,..::,.,.i:'�::i;::.'::i..:... ....:: .... . �'i:��:i¢::,..i....,t...vri:;+:>{:Y.'::.::i::.>::ri::.::::9::; ....... .. ��� . '::::;::[%::[:i::i::::i::;::::Y:;;:;:::::>:>�:i:::iii::i•`::::C;::?:>;:::::::::::::::;: . �� > . ....:. . .. , ; . :.......:...:.::.:.:....,...)........................::::::<`� _ ::..::..::::::::::.:::::� ...:...::::::. .. F:�� . .P: . : � ��� .. �:::::::�:::::::::::: . . . �� . . : ::.. : � . :.. ;:.: ::..::::.::::..:: �,8�. :. :::: . . . : :; �::: .::: �: ::.:..:�:......:.::. . .. .... :��.`�:,:::L , ..:: ..... ..::.::::.::::.:::::::. :.. . .. :.:.::::::.:....:... ......:. ::. :..:....:..:. ...:. .. .... :: .::::.. � ���:.::`:�:��:::.:':::::::::::�:�::::;::::�:::�:.:�:::��::�:::���:`::::::::::::.�: COMPLETE AND Department of Revenue-Locat Govemment Services Division RETURN T0: Mail Station 3340 St. Paui, Minnesota 55146-3340 . Tetephone: (612} 296-5145 a ot Governmentaf Unit . Name of Person Filling out Form � Stephan Jilk, City Administrator ailing Address Telephone St W P.O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minn 55068 � 612) 423-4411 1. Total Levy Certified to County Auditor. (Do NC�T Inciude Local Government Aid or Taconite Aids in this Amount.) . . . . . . . . , � 2,498,285 2. Total Specia! Levies (from bottom of page 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 448���� 3. Levy Subject to Levy Limitation (1 minus 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 2,049.468 4. 1990/1991 Levy Limitation (see page 1 of the instructions) . . . . . . . . . . � _ ,2. �-�Q,�,l��'/ >: ; : : _ C ED. >::>�:>::>:.>:<:;:;>:; ;: H ;>::;.::;::::>:;;::>:.::::.;:».:::;::::;:.;:.;»:;:: �I..�;� . : _ :::::;>:<:>:<:>:;:.:.. �P,.E . _: ,.. ; :::.:..:.::::;.. _ :::::: :;:.:..,. _ ..;..::.;:�:>::;::-::>::>:;:>;;::;::.:. ... CIAL..L . . ::. ... _ :>::>::>:::»:<::::::::>;::»»::>:�:»>::::<::::«:::»::<>��>::.:;::;..>..:::;::>::>:::;:<::::::»>:::....... .': P�''.......::.:.::::::.............:.::::::,.... .....:.:::::,::::::.:.:::___:.. . :...:.: . . EUIES::.:::::::.:..::::.:::::::.::::::.�::::.:�..�::::::. ..:..::::...................:.....:.::..:::::::::::::::.:,........ . .:,::::::.�"4�' .L�»:::»::::>::>:>::<:<»<:::>:: ..:.: .:..:.:.>,>:::;<::::::..::.::.;.:>;>_<:::::::::::::.:::::::.::::::.�::::::,:::::::::.�:::::.:;:;>:::.:::: ::::::::::..::;::.;>:.;;:::::::::::::::::::::.�:::::.:::::::::::;:;;;::.::.::.;>;:::::::.:::::::::::::..::::::::::::::::.. . .1� _...�...........::::::::::............:,. .::..:::::................. _..::::::::::::,.,..::... ...... A Social Services and "Not Taken Over" lncome Maintenance Program Costs* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ B Bonded Indebtedness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304,946 C Certificates of Indebtedness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � Principal and Interest on Armory Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . 116,634 E Payments for Bonds of Another Governmental Unit . . . . . F Auditar's Error of Omission -. . , . . . . . . . . . . . . G Clerk's Error of Omission** . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � H Unfunded Accrued Liability of Public Pension Funds . . . . �7 ��� > � Reimburse State Costs of Commissioner of Revenue Ordered Reassessment* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J Debt Service on Tax Increment Financing Revenue Bonds to Cover Shortage of Revenue . . . . . . . . . . . . K Hospitalization of Indigents* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � Judgments and Out of Court Settlements on Tort Actions (By Appeal Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ::..>;,. ..>: >:. <., .. .::. ,;.,,: . ..........�....,..x .: . ..::. . . ...:�.w..v.:....�...:" . .. .v�.}..vh.. . .:»:✓ ..�!^'. .Y.�.. . . '{'}.�T'.... ..'N+y.vn'?�».::::OF.t. Av�\!;Y,.,!4.w:S�r��4Y.�::::r�,N.t^::i,�{:i��i::'�: C� HFDi�L��4 S4C�� SERVtCES AND "�+t�3"�'"�'AK�EN �'311�RA�N�flhdL�,��I'�+t�.Al�� `` ; . : : :: .:...:..:....::::.;;:<,., _ .:::::::..�:::::::::..;::.:::<:::::;::::.:::;:::::::.:�.:::::::,::>..:.:::::-:.::.:. .:: :....:::. ....... .:...,....................................... ...:...... .....:::....... . .............. .........................,......�.,....;>::::::.::::::.:::.::::.:::::>:::...»:,:::::.�::::....::::.:::::.r.:>;;:>.;.::;.:�,::.:.:::>.>:.>;;>.:::<:-:::. ...<.:......................,...............,..:::::::.::.,.::..<...::.::<.::::::.,..�:.:.... ..:.. .........::..�,.�....::::.:::.:.:::::.: . .........................._.:................ ..... :.:;>;;>:::::::::::.:: ...................::..:......:...:.:...... : :.:�:::::..:::.�::.::�::::::::::::::::::<:.�:.�.:::.�:::.:.::..:«.:>:._::,::;:;:..:,:::.:::;::.:,.:.:::::............................... :.R ::.;>;:.:.:.:;>::.>::.;:;>:>;:.;:>.>.<.�::.::::;..::>:.::.::»:;;.>:.;:..:.::.;>;>::::.:;:::>:>::>.r:::><:>::>:::::::»>::.>:<><::::»:::»::>:::;«:::::>�;<:>:::::>::>::::<:»>:�;:::.................. .<::<:<::>:>::>::<�>:::::;<..�;:;;;>;:;;;:;:;:<.::<..» OG�3AM,. _........... ................. ... �COSTS;:::::<>::<::;:<;;::»>:;<:»»::>:::<:.............................::.:.....:.:.:.:::::.::::::.:..................,.....,....................................................................,:..:.: .............�::�::>.::�>:::::>:>�:::>:>:<::: ::..:::.:»:.:�:.::;:::�.;:.;;:<.;:::::.;;:�:;.;;;;;:..:>::::. .:.:.......... __.. ........ ::::.:::::.::::::::::::>::.::.::;:.:..:.. ..:.:::....::..:.:::::::: .....,........ ..................... .:...:.::::.�:: .... ::>:.:::.:::>::»;::;:<.;:<:,;;::.:.:;;::.;:;.:>:;:.;:.;>::<;:::::;:;::.;;:>;:.;:;.:;:;::::::::�...............::.:..:.�:::::::::._..:..� . ..........,::.:;::::::::.�:.::;:.>:::;<::;;::»::>::.<,:>:��:;.,::;:» . . .................. . .......�.........,.........................................�...........,....�.. ........................,.... .........r..�::z:>:rv:::n<:«:�x>�<:>:<:>�:n�;>.:<;:::<;;�:�:�<n;w:N>;:>:«v<�<;<y:w>::««:»..:�.::.��::::.:�:,;:«v�M�w:�;..:r..::<::::«<:;:::>:. (1) Social Services Levy from Line 1 g of Schedule U of the 1989/1990 Form280 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� (2} Payable 1990 Levy for Residuai "Not Taken Over° income Maintenance Program Costs (Program Costs Not included in Definition of Human Services Programs under M.S. 273.1398, Subd. 1, Paragraph (k)) (List the Names of the Program Costs and the Payabie 1990 Levies for Those that were Inciuded on Line 2e of Schedule U of the 1989/�990 Form 280) Name of PrqQram o t (a) fndigent Burials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� (b) University Hospital Papers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ (c) Client Transportation (Bus Tokens} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� (d) AFDC AI{-County Funds* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� (e) EmergencyShelter** . . . . . . , . , , „ , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,� (fj Other (List Name) , , , , , ,� (g) Payabie �i990 Total Special Levy for "Not Taken Over" Income Maintenance Program Costs (2a + 2b + 2c + 2d + 2e + 2� . . . . .� * For persons who have used EA. ** For families who have used EA. (3} Payable 1990 Levy for Income Maintenance Program Benefits in Excess of State Mandated Standards (List the Programs and the Payable 1990 Amounts Levied for Benefits in Excess of State Mandated Standards that were lnciuded on Line 2e of Schedule U of the 1989/1990 Form 280) Program �a� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� �b� . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ ��� . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� �d� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ (e) Payable 1990 Totai Speciai Levy for income Maintenance Program Beneftts in Excess of State Mandated Standards (3a + 3b + 3c + 3d) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ (4) Total of Items Subject to 12% or 15%o Maximum Increase (1 + 2g + 3e) . . .� (5) Maximum Payable 1991 Levy Under the 12% or 15% Cap (Line 4 Times 1.12 for the Seven Metropolitan Counties and St. Louis County, 1.15 for All Other Counties) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� 3 � r,•%h;{.�:^:i?jC\;},ST,],OS:O:w:SCM;C:{^!!;Y,.NNe.}..;;n}}v;.}.,M1{,{•:;:{:ri:{{.%{n}}i:?;,v,l.v.nli:':�>:::in�y;r•u,.;+ni{.��.:%{a:};.�:4:�'f.{p�• � . .. $: '• . . .... ....:.. u,�.. ...;..... ::$.'}`io��fiY'`;l].WS'•�Y•�}d:F,.rv,.r;:;:,?T+}yl,.`?T:✓•}CY�.Y' L.?'.}.:5��.�M'O'+?'^'�;Y: �'.�f�:;`�v��v:�' . ?7Wh'^.X+.��+•M�y,b:;Y:: F�] � f(� I �Y�`,:.{: 4:.>.:i::r:.::::�'.��'.�,���,�.},{�.,-w:f..:.>,ti.�e.'..�°''..'.:;>.<ri:.,�,�,.,,,'•i?'.�w+?�.a:•tl;�'�:�n,•T5>.tl:+.,.:4::�.i: :: C� L��:;D.>::::P. <� : :: v :: . � �t�. ......�:.�IIrCi�� �''i%� � � .<i ` ii �. ;:i x ` � �: :; �::� ....F:h., ;,@'t{r..+y•�::.,yt..,.r;:,r;.,�,y,..y,..Y„.. !�. �ID 1hfiTERES'�'.. :;..<.::.:: . . .......:..; +'.{+>nti'>�'4::;:�i:L+.rii:}:.1•..;y.._?t;i::�i:^i:�:..: lS'.v}�.{+.��� ,.y,�.Y.;rii:i�{;i:•i.'•:;?:i.� .�_.._._.......:.... ... ... .. . �'?�..��t��JR�(.�8{)�iL?5:.;:::.,•..�....,..............,:.,.:,,>:�. ....... «.... ...� • � �;.: 4ifi+. ..: v::::::»:.:::.:>::;:.:�;:<. .. ..::.;:... . .. _ ��...nx...r:.i:'::...........v........ n.. 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A>:.,<::;..v<;.<;<.>:.:;.:«<:ri.�:::;:;<.;r:.::::::���>��::::::,:<::::::<:.;.;::<::.:;:::..v.::...�::::::,:....................... . ,.�.::.� :<.�:::;.... . :....;.....::.:.:,.:..:::::...:..:.:...�..::::::.>::;.;.�;:.;:::.::;,.;::,;.:;:;>::<:.;:<:,, :.;:,.:>:;;:«.:;;;;;::.:..:.::.::;<:.;�.:;::«.::.>:;:;<,.:::: /�., _ ...: :. .,. .,.. .;...,•:.;;...::.:..;>;:.;:>>:<:::»>::>«::>.;;.:;<:>:,x::::>::�;::>::>v<;;::<:::::::»»::<:::�::::»>{:;:z>.;>s<::........................................... :.� . :.. :i} /� . . . ,.; .. .. .,� .,.,.. . .[..:_.� : . .j .i: Aiii: .. }. . }�.' :: v; .. ..; ....v:r.n......::n............:n � v.v................. ..::tiCLti:;:j;::}y'j;:;Y,.;:.3,jw:G M!!{{iiii'x;t.+v{ry}i{..;S:i: �. :.: , V ' . :. .,:�.:.[.. y .. . ::. : . . ..:i:.ii'.iii:}i?iiiiii:^i:iiii::S::iL:::::ii::::i:::::i::vi::^ii::^i:vii:Liii}:iii::ii:i:::::::: � .....................:::µ:>::f�f:Ci:::: . .......::�.: � ����iL�..�.\':::.y� �� . >: � . :: ..... . 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However, documentation shouid be provided. See the instructions for more information. ::,...::<:,....,vr::.v�.;..:r....,�....�:.:..;,:.:.......::.::.::::..::::::::::..::.:............. .:<.�...<;.�:.,,::.:.::.:.::.:.:....:::::::.::::;::.:::::<>.:::<:::.::::::.:::::.�::::.::::..._:.:.::;.r,:::;.:.�:...::,.::..:::.::::::..:.. ............................ :....:...:::..::.....�:,,..:,.,,.:::,:....:,:. . . ... .:.:.:. ........ ..:::.:::..... ............................::::::::::::::::::::;.�.;.:::.>:v:;.:::.::.::.;:.;�.>:.:::.;:.:.<:.:::;.<>:.:::�«:;<:::�:>:>::;:::>�:>:::�:;;::::>::<::>:::>::<:.;�::::«:...;:;{;:«.:«<>::;<>::>:::::<::.:<.::,.>: , _.,... ..:::. ;:,....:::..: :....<> ., ,;..:;::....,.:...;::.:..<....:;:..::. ,..,..:::..:..,. ... .::::::::>::<.K:::�,>:,:<:::�<»>��.,::>,::::r:::<:::<;�:::: ����£.������f<<':>�NF1)ND . . .:::..; ,. . . ,: ..:;;:;.:>;;:;:>;;:»:::<<;� ;;.: _ .:.:::..:..:.:..:::._.:.. :�D::>�IC�:Rl1ED<..LI. . : :>, ::: . .. .. . ...:.::::::.:::.:.:::............ 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The amount claimed as a speciai levy cannot exceed the amount approved by �the Commissioner. See the instructions for more information. <>, ;:; :: .. .. _ : . -., :>� .. ;: �SCHEDt3L� �1 LOSS O� RECEIP'TS Di3E TtJ T,47��18�`f�(�fE�i�S �3.R�Ot�RT:�CTI,�NS � This spe�ial {evy may be claimed only if your city appealed to the Commissioner of Revenue for the authorization to claim this special levy and your city received the CommissioneCs approval. The amount cfaimed as a special levy cannot exceed the amount approved by the Commissi�ner. This special levy is not available to counties or towns. See the instructions for more information. .��:: <:: : _ .<; :. ;: .<: . ;: ; . :. �.> ;� : _ :>�<:;::>«::::<:><:::»:;:<:::>;<>;<:::::::<»::::::>:::<:<::>..:>:.>::;�<::�::<�::>..:: ��t�ED1�L�� O"PER���IG'�COS3'S �F.RE�G��3NAt����A���E��C� . ..::.::.: ,. :. ..:.;::::;. :. ..:..::.. ..::::.:.�:::::;;>;:;;:;;:.::::..::::::: ...:..:..::::;::::.:;:.;;;: ::;.::.::::::;, x. (1) Payable 1991 Total Levy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � (2) Maximum Special Levy (See Certification) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � -0 �"" (3) Total Special Levy 0 (Lesser of 1 or 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � N TE: I� the minimum required levy for your governmental subdivision certified by the Department of Education is greater than the amount on iine 3, you may claim a special levy for the amount of the minimum required levy. Attach a copy of the certification from the Department of Education showing the minimum required Ievy if it is greater than the amount on (ine 3. If your regional public library system board has assurned the responsibility for alfocating the re�ional library system levy throuphout the regian, an amount may not have been pre-entered on line 2 above. In this case you must enter on line 2 above your governmental subdivision's allocated share of the regional library system levy that has been certified to you by your regional public library system board. >.:, ,::. ,. ..: ,. :..; ,:... ::: <::�:::::::;:<;:::::: ,: ��311�'P C�?�3N�Y.BUILDIN.G �U:HD (�) Payable 1991 Total Levy Under Capital Improvement Plan . . . . . . . . S (2) Payable 1991 Total Taxable Market Value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � (3) Ratio: 0.�5455 Ramsey County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O.a�06455 0.05367°�o All Other Counties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.000�367 (4) Percent of Market Value Limit (2 x 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � (5) Levy for Principal and Interest on Bonds lssued to Finance Projects Under Capital Fmprovement Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . � (6) Maximum Levy for Building Fund Under M.S. 373.40, Subd. 6 (4 - 5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � (7) Total Special Levy P (Lesser of 1 or 6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 7 � �.:::. _.. ,,;.:. ... . .', _ . . . ._._,. . .. � _ ��:;:;:::;:;:.».:::R:.,.:,sx:;:?.�:.,�:;.o::g»:.M>::.,.,..::.v,::..r.q.y�.. , -.. SCHEDi�L��C' �JAERATING L3R'.�llA1t3TE�lAN�C��t3S'�'S �F�L C�C}1JhIT�'.iA���3R��RRE�'�`#ON ; ...:. : �`: : ' > _; � F :::.:.::.::�::.......:.:. .:<........:::, A � ::>::::.....:.�::::: .;:.;::;;:: � <..:.:::..:::::. C. . ::..::;:.:;:::.>::::.;:. ..... , .::::.::::.:�... ::;;:;::>:;::::.;;;:�;:..:.::;;:;::.;:.;:<:::::::>:::<:.>::>:::.:::r«- wr .......::::: .:.....:::.:::.::::::...::::::::.:::::.:::::::.:::.::.:::.:::.::<::.:.>.:.::<.;:;;;:<:::::>>>::::>::<:;:::�>:::::::';:::>;<::::<,::>::::>::<::;:::<.'::::>:<:>::>>;: ..,.............::::::::::>:.::::::. ....,..:�,:. ...,:..:::.......................,......... . ....::.................. ..:::.::::.::::.::::::::::::.:<..::::::::,,: ,...............,....................................................................,,..�.........�..............,......,,.....,.......,.........,........K.....,.........,........,:.,r..,.....,....,.....r..,..r..,,..,....,......:z;:::;::<:�>s«»>:z<::.»»::::>: This speciai levy may be claimed oniy by a county for those operating or maintenance costs of a county jaii or correctional facility that are a direct resutt of a rule, minimum requirement, minimum standard, or directive of the Department of Corrections. The amount for this schedule is entered only on page 2. However, documentation should be provided. Also, a Ievy limit base adjustment may be required for a county claimimg this special levy. See #he instructions for more information. <: :: � ::: , : . >: ,. : ��HE�3 <. .. _ -:: : :.. . .: ; ;.,.r,..<.>,:;,,,>.<.....:>.:�.:::;.;.._ .... �L��' ��3STS DF �RASSHOPPE�? �C3NTROL �A�D ��l '��B9�1,?5tI31�0 Only the unreimbursed costs paid by a county in calendar yE3rs 1989 and/or 1990 for grasshopper control may be claimed as a special levy for the ta:xes payable year 1991. The amount for this schedule �s entered only on page 2. However, documentatio� should be provided. See the instructions for more information. , ,,,, . SC�HED � - .. :. _ _ ..... .�{,.� �;{}I'ViP�?EHENS]VE L4CAL�+1t�i7�RIN(P�Etdi��JTAT1i�N,�C'�'#�1�T1�S ............................................................... (1) Payable 1991 County Levy for Budgeted Cost of Implementing Approved Local Water Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � {2) Maximum Payable 1991 Special Levy Based on Statewide Water Implementa- tion Local Tax Rate (See Table Titled "Determination of Maximum Payable 1991 County Special Levies Under Clause Z") . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � (3) TotalSpecialLevyZ (Lesserczlor2) , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; , , , , , , , , � : ... . .: : : .: . � � ��L� � �C�3URT ORDERED �AMtL1'.:BAS�D S��1��C�S.AND ��URT'-�?R�ERED �?i3� C3� -� : � �>:>::::::�>::;:::�>:>::>::::>>::<:H < , ;: .... 4 . �> h�E.. . . _ ::::.:.>:..:::::.;::;:..�:;.;:::;.;::::; :.;.::.;;.;::.;::.::.::.;;:.»;<:»::;::�.>::>:;::::;.»:::>:::<:»:>::�::: PLA : .:::.... .......::::.:.. ... ........ _ CE _. .. , >::::.;:>:;>::;.:::;.;>;:;:.:::::::<....::..:...:::;:::::»::::>.::«::>:<>.;::.<:.>::::;>::>:<;>:;::::::;>:>::>;::::;:;::.�>;�:......... : ::.:.:::.::.:::.�._:.::.:::. :.:<::::;,:...::...., _ .. _ : NfEhIT �O�:C�1I�..��Et�:.::.:::.;:..,:::.:.::.:::.,..:::::.;;;::�::.:.::.::::..:::.:::.. .:::::::::;:.;.;:.;�:.::::..:::.::::.:.:::::,;:.::.:.:.:::.:: .... .:.:, ................... (1) Unreimbursed Costs of Services Provided by County Pursuant to Court Orders Relating to Out-of-Home Placement of Children . . . . . . . . . . . .$ (2) Unreimbursed Costs of Services Provided by County Pursuant to Court Orders Relating to Family-Based Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� (3) Total Special Levy AA (1 + 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� NOTE: Documentation should be provided in support of this special levy ciaim. Also, a levy limit base adjustment, or a levy base adjustment for the Schedule A special levy, may be required for a county claiming this special levy. See the instructions for more information. 0 v