HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.g. Change and Approve Staff Attendance at National Conference CITY OF ROSEMOIINT ERECIITIVE StirMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 16, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: Change and Approve Attendance AGENDA SECTION: at a National Seminar CONSENT PREPARED BY: David J. Bechtold AGEND��� � Director of Parks & Recreation ATTACHMENTSs Copy of Informational Brochure APPR D Y• � 1'' At the last city council meeting authorization was give�f for me to attend the national seminar on parks maintenance. although this was a highly educational and motivational seminar last season, and would have proven to be again this season, the timing has changed on the job where I feel it inappropriate far me to attend a seminar at this time. The attendance at a seminar in Duluth on October 4th and 5th and the ground work on the Comprehensive Park Plan are two major reasons for requesting this change. _ _ _ _ _ . _ - _ - - __ _ _ _ - _ _ Instead of the parks and grounds management seminar listed I am requesting that authorization be given to attend a national seminar being conducted by the National Recreation and Parks Association referred to as the "National Executive Development School" . A copy of the seminar information is attached for your information. RECOMMENDED ACTION: To authorize the Parks & Recreation Director to attend the seminar being presented as the "National Executive Development School" on the dates of December 4 - 9, 1990 in Albuquerque, New Mexico, COIINCIL ACTION: Approved r � S . �C:t� e �:V � �� Q�1 00 � . . . . � - . - . . � � � . / • i • � � • � ii � I�bout the School: The National Recreation and Pazk Association is �a�t Albuquerque: pleased to offer its lst National Executive A beautiful city of 500,000 residents Iocated at the - Development Schaol,that ws�1 bring together- aossroads of I-25 and I-40;is,just 6�miles south experts and practitioners from throughout the of Santa Fe and 223 miles north of Las Cruces. Country. The school is designed for upper and ��erque offers the visitor some of the middie management personnel, and will be an cauntry's outstanding attractions: OId Town buitt intensive five days of advanced education for � 1706 with its Piaza where Indians se11 their executive development. Je�,�,, �e Mo11y?rolley takes visitors from fhe Tfiis sehool wi11 be a two-yeaz educational Hote1 to OId Town just a few bTocks away. program consisting of two annual one-week you can also ride the warld's Iongest aerial sesstons of study and Iectures. Those complet- tramway to the top of Sandia Peak. The Sandia in�the two-year course wiII receive a graduation peak Ski Basin offers 23 traits. ct�loma The Rio Grande Zoological Pazk with over 1,000 W�to Sbtotsld Attmd: animaLs in their natural habitats, and the South Whether you are on your way up the Iadder to U�'��'Go1�r Course rated among the top f�fty in success or have seached the top and wish to the nation;these are only a few of the many rema'rn there or move on to a more chaIIenging attractians awaiting you in Atbuquerque. pos�t� :., this school is a must for you. The� "s wil:be a decade of tough decisions and Cos:IReg�strat�oa: com�;e:x issues. Success ws11 reqture ssong Tuito�is $250.00 per person. Pre-re¢istration� Ieadership and management s�a11s in order to —�4`��� Complete the Registration Form in this become a catalyst for organizational renewal. brochure and return it with your check made payable to N.R.P.A.by November 20, 1990. TFie National Executive Development School will help to develop both analytical and'snterpersonal payment• skills, with an opportunity to meet and exc':ange Foreign registration fees must be paid by an ideas and experiences with professionaT co1- o���b��eck or money order payable in Ieagues from across the nation. U.S. doffars, no personal checks on foreign banks Ia ApgredattOa: will be accepted. The National Recreation and Park Rssociation Refuads: extends its sincere thanks and appreciation to Fu11 refunds wi11 be made if a written request for Dr. Craig Kelsey and to those numerous profes- cancellation is postmarked by Nov. 20, 1990. No sionals from aaoss the nation who helped to r�� of registration fees after this date. develop the curric�tum, and to the University of New Me�cico for its assistance in making this Coat�.t�a Edtteatfoa IIntts E" school possible. S A spedal thanks is also extended to Mr. Mike National Recreation and Pazk Association w�t Walker, DirecEo*of Pazks and Recreat'ron f�:the awazd 2J Continuing Education Urats to those City of Rlbuqu:°~�ue an�: ;us st�.�'far arranging meeting the attendence requirement,the cost is � •_.... .. .. . . • , Iftf�VfJ2('T t� tho�rod'tstr�tinn foo . . � � � � � � � �t / � � • • � � � F � Meth ,_ �, - . -_ _ ___ et e ,. - /" � . � ': .� `;'`���N � Cha11e n �: � - ► a � �. ges -� � � �� , =.- . , � ., .�,. ,. of the 90 s ��- .��� � , . Persoanel: �L � * Maaagemeat aad Mot�vat�oa of Personael �le �ur�Culum How to get the most out of your employees by creating attitudes and behaviors of cornmitment to your mission. Niaaagement: Profess�onal Im.age Creating employee and department images to C�ty Maaagers of the Future increase the value of professionalism. 'The types of unique competence, charaaeristics, persoaael Ess¢at�als for Maaagement and attributes needed to meet the organizational Essentiat things managers must know to prevent demands of the future w�1 be disarssed. and resolve petsonnel problems in an organization. Professioaal Eti�cs _ - _ Development of an ethicai philosophy while worl�ng _ _ _ _ �__ _ � - -- in a professional world of conflicts of interest, privacy �ommt��catsos�s: and confrdenttality. Customer Excellente Rebuild�ag and Reorgan�ng the Departmeat How to hetp your employees make your customers Tech.niques for successfully restructuring a depart- feel as if the customers aze VIP's. mer:t where, bow and when the time is right. Writ$ug astd D¢I�ver'st�g Pub1�C Sp¢eChes Executtve Decision-Malc�ag Advanced techniques to busld your confidence and How to make the most effective decisions; given ability to prepaze and present public speeches. pressures of time,information and severity of the Maaagement It�formation Systems issue. The latest technology is presented to control and StrategiC Plasairlg increase effectiveness of department information How to develop an organization p1an that places flow. your department on the pathway to successfully D¢�g wf#h the M¢dia meeting its mission. Tec.�niques and policies on how to positively prepare Working �t tbe Po1�#ical Arena for, control and interact with the media. How to work with Boards, Councils, Legislatures and how to develop Iobbyist efforts. ���,�e���� IIpdattag Masterplans Ihe newest#rends and thin�ang regarding Market�ng Le�,sure S¢rc�C¢s frve and ten year master p1ans. The Iatest research is presented on marketing pazk Maaagem¢at $tyIes and recreation services to your various user and An analysis of tfie theory and application of the non-user groups. different management styles and how to selea the Pub13c�i'istb�ty style that's appropriate. Leam how to utitize market reseazch to get and keep Coafl�ct Maaagemeat your agency in the most positive public image . _- _ How to work with employees, the public and possible. decision-makers through the dif�cult process of conflict identifrcation and resolution. ����5� �itl2EiLC�: Computer Reg�strat4on/Ut�zat�on TFie latest technology in how to use computers for Tax Is�tiat�ves aad Boad�sg Strategies registration and other patron and agency effort5. Development of techniques to strategically orches- Needs Assesssaeats < trate the passing of important funding irutiatives. The Iatest trends and technology for detemiining R¢venne Restructurtttg atizen attitudes, program excellence and evatuate An analysis of how to create new funding metfzods needs. with existing and new programs. Tottrtsm - Econoa�c Developmeat Cost Cutt�g Measures Wfzat aze the Iatest uses of tourism as an economic How to prepaze for and deal with the need to reduce development tool and how does pazk and recreation or eliminate personnel, programs or resources. �t�• ��� � ����7 ' • • • � •� , � Traasporta�ion: � N1ZpA's l st National ! Aibuquerque is a major transportation hub for � Executive Development School � the Southwest; at the intersectipn of two of � December 4-9, 1990 •Albuqscerqne, New Mex�co America's most scenic highways--I-25 and I-40 � � --on the Amtrak Train Iine and served bY��i � Name..........................................Tit1e .......................... � airlines;De1ta.TWA,America West. Southwest, .................................. � Address .................................... � United,USAIR Rmerican and Continental. � State p 1 � � ................ � .......... � .................................. The Doubletree Hote1 is Just 3 miles from the � Phone( ) .............................. ( � airport. Upon arrival at the baggage azea, go to � ?oisrs oa?ssesday Dec.4:c�as�a��,a���N��a� � the Albuquerque hotel phones and request a van. There wi11 be no chazge for this service. If � Mo�g� •••••••••••••••� ��ber attending# � arriving by caz via l-25 or I-40,get off at the � ❑(A)n�Gallegos ................;...............# Free ( Grand Exit and go west 3 blocks. The hotel is on � ❑(B)P�ro�YP�Monument....................# Free � the comer of Mazquette and Second. � �(C)Rio Grande Nature Center................# Free � � Afternoon: ..................Number attending# � �OttrS- r�aeaday, December 4, 1990 I ❑(A)Acoma Pueblo # $4ea+$2/camera=$ l Tours both in the moming and aftemoon wi11 be � ❑(B) Sandia Peak Tram ........# @$l0ea= � conducted by the Albuquerque Parks and � T���.�,��n $2gp,pp 250.00 � Recreation Depaftment, Mr. Mike Watker, � TotaL• S � Director. Tours aze available to delegates and ( � fam�ly m�mbers. ( Mora�ag ?ours: � "� � � � � ( _ ___- - - --(A)Eieaa Galtegos-R 640 aae Mountain � . . . . . . , Pazk Iocatesi at the base of Sandia Moun- � ' � � • • • ' � � � tains, and tbe Tramway Bike trail. 1 . . . . . . � . • f (B) Petro�typhs Moaumeat-Tfie Iatest � : � � � � National Monument dedicated by the • • E � � • . .� �� • . . • �� . ;. � � Natiflnal Pazk Seivice. For thousands of F���,,,,o�.�o..�s.e���..�.���.���•( years hvnting parties camped at the base of f • � � � . . , . � • • . ( the Iava fIow chipping an estimated 10,000 ' petroglyphs into the rocks. � N�A�S l,St �BtiOt1� { (C)Itlo Graade Natme Ceater-A State � � Pazk Iocated on the Rio Grande River on the t Executive Deve1opment Sc1ioo1 Bosque Marsh; and a visit to the Zoologica1 � December 4-9, 1990 •Albuqsserqste, N¢w Me�dtco� Park and the site of the new Botanical ( Gazdens and Aquarium. � Spec�al Room Rate Reservat�oa Deadlisie: � Afternooa ?ours: November 20, 1990 � (A)Acoma Pcsebio- Situated atop a forbid- � ! ding mesa and rising above the valley tloor, [� Name ............................................................................ has been inhabited since the 12th Century � Address ........................................ . .................. ............ [ by the Pueblo Indians, ma�dng ii the oldest � City .................................. State ..........,.......Zip............ `, continuously inhabited city in America. This � "Phone( ).............................. E Sky City is also the site of the mission � I w31i arrive 12/ /1990@.............. a.m. ......... . p.m. � church of San Estevan deI Rey. Acoma is and depart 12/ /1990@ ............. a.m. ...... ......... p.m. Iocated 40 miles west of Albuquerque. Ad- � Type of Accommodat�oas.(check one,price includes taxes and � mission is $4.00 per person, $2.00 per � daily continental breakfast buffet and a daity cocktail coupon.) 6 camera. � ❑Single ODot;�Ie OTriple OQuadruple (B) Saad�a Peak Tram -The Iongest aerial � $44.20 $55.25 $66.30 $77.35 � tram in the U.S., extending 2.7 rrules along � E Sandia Peak. Cost is $10.00 per person. � Reservattoas w111 be caace2led at 6:OOp.m. � �Lt4Sf1�L'LS�j�.OfY�FPC�: � s:aless gaaraatecd. � DI wtab to.guaraatee my room reservat3oa: � Frank D. Cosgrove,.Westem Regional Uirector � Credtt Card .......... ........... � ........ (719) 632-7031 or write: � Card# .................. .................... � National Recreation & . � Park Association � � � � � � , • e . . • t • � . . • P.O. Box 6900 � � . , . � ,r � Colorado Springs, CO � � . + . � . , • � „ , , �.• • � 80934 � ' � r. � � _ _ � °'� L!�� �- � � � u C�: -�`� ' � � t '�' �' % � �►` �� � i � r q,",� ' � � K�*`�>' -.'-� -- •� \ ��'� . . ��/`� cr r �..� ' �� �_ �...�-• ����t�6n��►.�: �M'��''/' +"�% #�` �'�x ) +r' t � -'�'�``�� 4�.���� � � � �� • -__; ` -`��� ��4..�'�'�.. . .,;�` °s. ,�- • � � ,.!_.` ..�-��,' t ° ' ����,� � .. �� , "'�"�'.�,.�",��,'' � �� 2 ��, -'�/F � • � • F `�A cy i� � .'� ��-. s r 4� (�/� • rN/-.� • 3R � � �v�"","`' ^��='�fi,t�,r., '1!:> . * � � l • 4�..� ; �� 'r} ��'.T��4 � i�=,� � i � - .�� � ' `fr:\�'� ,,, �y�,�,_. ;�g ,g : w � • t � � �� �`�Lm � �;� � �����,V,�'�� •��- ' , � -- � p��;. -...� � j i� �?�K�;� . .�!t' d. ��� + �� � � � ���. ,��,: -� � !��� ;� � � �i r�- '� e�aea����K�"�..�'""�..„,�e .._ �q • a �s� "� F�' �' �.,, ��� � #�' L � � " � ,�, �.-�. � �r ' V : .,! � zx ��� - "� ��.� �"� ,� �� '� _ a?� � ' � °�F ��� � � ,�m,� �\ ��i�,�%� 3�; r +t e -- s� ��� .�-. - . ,� ��".`���``� �. �,.: � f w� � s _:�- ` '�4�i�.. � �ii� .01�- • �v:.t ��� - � ,� +_ � ' ' • � ' ' � � J ' • : • .•i1 ' � ' � = ., . . .. . . _ • :1• • . �. • • �� • • : ii ' � . . . ! . . f . . � , i � , aaR-�.�M*� .A$i1k, ..�' �a#-.� � .......�,y«.,„..�' ��� �, �,x"`� � „q�.� .,� �j - �z '�-.'�. � �'_� � '�'�`, � c�.--a�.:. 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