HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.a. Approval of Rosemount Fire Department By-Laws � � CITY OF ROSEMOLTNT EXECIITIVE SIIMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 16, 1990 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: Approval of Rosemount Fire Department Bylaws PREPARED BY: AGEN Scott Aker, Fire Chief ��� # �� �� ATTACHMENTS: APP E B . Proposed Rosemount Fire Department Bylaws /� , : � The fire department has gone through many operational changes in the last few years. Some of these changes were at our own choosing and others in response to mandates set forth by various outside agencies. For that reason it was necessary to rewrite the bylaws of the Rosemount Fire Department or amend several sections. We chose to rewrite the bylaws as it appeared to be a much cleaner, more straight forward and easier to understand approach. _ Attaehed is the copy- of the--revised -bylaws.- -They have been-presented to- - the membership by the bylaw committee, we have observed the required waiting period and on September 25, 1990, at a regular monthly meeting, they were approved. City ordinance requires the city council to approve the fire department bylaws, also. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the bylaws of the Rosemount Fire Department which were approved by the fire department membership on September 25, 1990. COUNCIL ACTION: Approved , , � � � � SYLAAB OF THE ROSEMOIINT VOLIINTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT ARTICLE 1 MEMBERS Section 1. All members of the present organization as it now exists and all officers thereof shall hold their membership in this organization. - Section 2 . New members may be addad to the department until the number of inembers reaches that number allowed by city council action. Anyone applying for membership, or desiring to retain membership, must live within a 4. 0 minute *response time of the fire station, or be a resident of Rosemount. Section 3 . Application for membership may be accepted by any member of the department and turned over to the Chief. The Chief will turn_ the agglication over to- the Membership/Grievance - -- - -- - - - - Committee (M/G Committee) . They will interview the applicant, arrange for a doctor's examination, schedule the applicant to undergo an agility test, and oversee any other requirement the department may deem necessary. Having evaluated the applicant on these requirements, the M/G Committee will present their recommendation to the department at a regular meeting. If the applicant receives a majority vote of the members present at the meeting, the applicant may be accepted on a two years probation, or placed on a waiting list. Acceptance of inembers is subject to approval of the City Administrator and the city council. ARTICLE 2 OFFICERS Section 1. The department officers shall include Chief, Assistant Chief and Secretary. Section 2 . The Chief shall be elected at the annual meeting of an even numbered year. The Assistant Chief and Secretary shall be elected on the fourth Tuesday in February each year. The Assistant Chief and Secretary who are elected shall assume their duties following the meeting and shall hold their respective offices for one year. The Chief who is elected shall assume his/her duties following the annual meeting and shall hold office for two years. The election of officers is subject to confirmation by the cauncil. Should any officer not be able to complete his/her term of office, the membership will make temporary provisions to fill the office with a special election. * "response time" shall be that time required to go from the applicant's/member's driveway/home to the fire station parking lot. All driving laws must be obeyed. Section 3 . Any non-probationary member of the department shall be eligible for any of the offices mentioned above. The process will be as follows: (a) The position of Chief, Assistant Chief and Secretary of the fire department are to be elected through a process which allows input from members of the city council, City Administrator, and the fire department. The terms of these offices will be as follows: Chief - 2 years Asst. Chief - 1 year Secretary - 1 year (b) Because these three positions carry responsibilities which cause interaction between the fire department and other city departments and is ultimately responsible to the city council, it is best thought that input to this election process be braad based and thorough. _ - - (c)_: _Therefore, the following process -�aill be -fo�lowed: - - - 1. Job descriptions will be used to determine "qualifications" for positions open. 2 . Fire department members will be notified which positions are open, that applications can be picked up, when applications are due, and when interviews and elections will be held. Annually, specific dates will be set to allow an open application and interview process and elections to be held by the fire department on the dates indicated in Article 2 Section 2 . 3 . Once applications are received for the open positions, the following screening committees will hold interviews of the applicants and determine which applicants are, based upon experience, qualifications, personality traits, and the interview, qualified to be considered for election to the office which they are seeking. Chief - City Administrator - City Police Chief - City Council Member - The two senior members of the fire - degartment' s M/G Committee excluding its chairman. 2 Asst. Chief - Fire Chief - City Administrator - City Police Chief - The two senior members of the fire department's M/G Committee excluding its chairman. Secretary - Fire Chief - City Administrator - The two senior members of the fire department's M/G Committee excluding its chairman. A slate of qualified applicants will be formed and presented by these screening committees to the membership of the Rosemount Fire Department. Officers will be elected from this slate of candidates. The choices for each office will be based on that applicant receiving the most votes for the office. The persons elected by the department's membership will _ _ __ _ _ ___ _ be sent to the city- council for their-consideration for - approval at the next segular city council meeting immediately following the election. ARTICLE 3 DUTIES OF OFFICERS Section 1. It shall be the duty of the Chief to have full control of the department and apparatus at all times. He/she shall make such rules as he/she may deem necessary to maintain the efficiency of all the fire fighters. He/she may appoint or remove assistant fire marshals, training coordinators, battalion chiefs, captains, safety officers and lieutenants as he/she may deem necessary. These appointments shall be subject to approval by the membership. He/she sha11 preside over a11 meetings of the department and perform all other necessary duties usual to the office of Chief. Section 2 . It shall be the duty of the Assistant Chief to assist the Chief in his/her work and to perform such duties as may be assigned to him/her by the Chief. In the absence of the Chief, the Assistant Chief shall perform all the duties of the Chief. Section 3 . It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep accurate and correct minutes of all meetings of the department. He/she shall maintain a complete list of all members of the department and call the roll of the membership at every meeting; noting those present and absent. He/she shall perform all duties usual to a secretary' s office and such other duties as may be required or assigned to him/her. 3 ARTICLE 4 DUTIES OF FIRE FIGHTERS Section 1. It shall be the duty of a fire fighter to protect life and property in case of a fire or other disaster or emergency the department is called for. Fire fighters shall respond to the station for all alarms or as designated by the Chief or Assistant Chief. Fire fighters shall participate in meetings, drills, and other department training activities and shall keep the apparatus, tools and equipment in good condition. Fire fighters shall have a valid first responder card and shall hold at least Fire Fighter I Minnesota State Fire Chief' s certification. After each alarm or training session, fire fighters shall be sure all equipment and vehicles are properly serviced, housed and ready for service before leaving the station. They shall keep the station and premises neat, clean, and in good order. A fire fighter shall assume command at a fire or emergency in the absence of an officer. Fire fighters shall perform other related work as required or assigned by the Chief or Assistant Chief. ARTICLE 5 MEMBERSHIP/GRIEVANCE COMMITTEE Section l. The M%G Committee shall consist of four (4) fire fighters and one (i) chairperson who is a fire fighter. Each committee member shall serve on the M/G Committee for a term of two years. The chairperson shall serve for a term of one year. Chiefs, captains and lieutenants are not allowed to serve on the M/G Committee. Section 2 . The Chief shall annually appoint two (2) fire fighters to the M/G Committee at the regular March meeting. The two new members appointed by the Chief must be ratified by a majority vote of the members present. Of the two outgoing members, one shall be elected chairperson by a majority vote of the members present. Section 3 . The duties of the M/G Committee shall be those that may be assigned by the Chief in addition to the following: (a) Review all applications for membership on the department and _ present a recommendation to the department at a regular meeting. (b) Accept and consider any written complaints by members. (c) Make recommendations to the membership regarding termination of inembership for fire fighters and officers. 4 (d) Maintain a record of attenda�ce requirements. (e) Consider new members as described in Article 1, Section 3 . ARTICLE 6 MEETINGS AND TRAINING Section 1. The regular monthly training of the department will be held on the first, second and fourth Tuesday at 1830 hours. Additional day time or evening training shall be scheduled as deemed necessary by the Chief. Section 2 . The regular monthly meeting of the department shall be on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 2030 hours. The Chief or Assistant Chief may call a special meeting at any time if necessary. Section 3 . The annual meeting of the department shall be held on the fourth Tuesday in January at 2030 hours. _ _ - _ ___ _ _ _ - - __ _ _ _ _ . Section 4 . To receive credit for attendance, all members are to report for meetings and/or training sessions within one-half (1/2) hour of the starting time and not leave before being released by an officer. ARTICLE 7 LOSS OF MEMBERSHIP OR OFFICE Section 1. Any officer of the department, for abuse of his authority or misconduct in office, may be impeached and removed from office by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members present. This may be done at a regular meeting provided that: (a) The charge against him/her shall be made in writing and filed with the secretary at least one (2) month before any vote shall be taken, and (b) The charge against him/her shall be served in writing by the secretary at least two weeks before any vote shall be taken. Section 2 . Any member willfully violating any of the provisions _ of the bylaws of this department may be recommended for removal from membership at any regular meeting by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present. 5 Section 3 . For the purpose of these bylaws, the year shall run from November 1 to October 31. Section 4 . All members must maintain 30 percent attendance for all paged calls during the year. After each quarter (3 months) , the M/G Committee will provide those members under the 30 percent requirement with their percentage and those members will be put on probation. If after a probationary period, a member is still under the required 30 percent, the M/G Committee will bring that person and their percentages up to the membership at a regular monthly meeting. The M/G Committee will make a recommendation to vote at that time on the person in question. A two-thirds (2/3) vote of inembers present is necessary to recommend termination of membership. Section 5. Al1 memb�rs are required to attend 66 percent of the regularly scheduled monthly training sessions during the year. Members may make up training sessions missed by making arrangements with the training coordinator, Chief or a designated officer. Members missing three consecutive training sessions, - without making up any of those sessions during that time period, _will_ be notified to_..appear _before. the M/G Committee--at which time -- the committee may recommend probation or termination of membership. A recommendation of termination will be brought to the membership at the next regular rnonthly meeting. A two- thirds (2/3) vote of inembers present shall forward recommendation to City Administrator for action. Section 6. With respect to Article 7 Section 4 and 5, the M/G Committee may consider extenuating circumstances, including but not limited to, work schedules, family or personal illness, etc. Prior approval is necessary for a special need. Section 7 . Any action taken pursuant to Sections 1, 2, 4 and 5 of this Article 7 is :subject to final action by the City Administrator and the council concerning termination or retention. ARTICLE 8 LEAVE OF ABSENCE Section 1. Personal LOAs may be requested by a member. Personal leaves will be for 90 day increments. A member will not exceed 180 days on a personal LOA during a calendar year. Personal LOA - may be granted by the membership at any meeting, subject to the approval of the City Administrator. While a member is on a personal LOA, he/she is placed on inactive duty status. The time on personal LOA does not count towards time-of-service. 6 Section 2 . Medical LOAs may be granted only with a doctor's slip. These LOAs may be granted for up to 60 days by the membership subject to approval of the City Administratvr. Medical LOAs for sixty days or less, per calendar year, does not affect a member's time-of-service. A medical LOA beyond 60 days requires membership, City Administrator and city council approval. When on a medical LAA, any time beyond the 60 days per calendar year will not count towards time-of-service. Section 3 . A LOA is the only time a member's attendance percentages is not affected by not attending calls or training sessions. ARTICLE 9 ROLL OF HONOR Section 1. The department may place an the Roll of Honor any active member who has become disabled, died, become too old for active duty or has reached full retirement. Placement on the _ _. _ _. _ Roll of _Honor requires _a maj.ority vote o-f inembers preser�t at a -- - regular meeting. Section 2 . Any member who has been placed on the Roll of Honor may sit in at the meetings of the department and have the privilege of debate, but shall not vote. ARTICLE 10 AMENDMENTS Section 1. Amendments to these bylaws shall not be made except at regular meetings of the department. Furthermore, due notice shall have been given ane (T) month previous in writing stating the amendments to be made. A two-thirds (2/3) vote of all members present and council approval sha11 be necessary for its adoption. 7 ARTICLE 11 ORDER OF BUSINESS Section 1. (1) Meeting Called to Order (2) Roll Call (3) Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting (4) Report of Committees (5) Cammunications (6) Unfinished Business (7) New Business (8) Good of the Department (9) Adjournment Section 2 . Unless otherwise provided in the bylaws, Roberts Rules of Order shall govern all meetings of the department. Section 3 . For the conduct of any business at any meeting of the department, there shall be a quorum consisting of at least 50 _ percent of the xegular_ members present excluding probationary- - - members. Members on probation do not have voting privileges. ,T� ADOPTED by the Rosemount Volunteer Fire Department this '�� day �� c�.1���'►j�� , 1990. ROSEMOUNT VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT B � � B � � � y�� Scott W. Aker, Fire Chief Daniel Co 'gan, Secr tary ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota this day of , 1990. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT By By Ver-non J. Napper, Mayor Stephan Jilk, Administrator 8