HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.c. Minutes of April 24, 1990 Special Council Meeting Ros�Mourt� cr�� rRac�s�x��s SPEerA.� M�sTzNG APRIL �4�, �g9t� Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Speci�l Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rasemount was duly held on Tuesday, April 24, 1 ��d, at 6 t 30 p.m, in the CounC�.l Chamber� of the City Ha�l1. Mayo� Napper called the meeting tp order with �11 rnembe�s pre�ent. Mayor Napger led the group in the Pledge of A1legiance. Mayor Napper advised the purpose of the Special Council Meeting was to continue Council review and discussion of the propvsed sign oi:din�.nce revisions. City Planner Michael Wozniak referred to a memorandum dated �,pri1 1g, 19�t� from Community Development Direator Dean Johnson regarding the e1Qv�t� it�m9 discussed at the March 27, 1990 sign ordinance workshop anc� the st��u:� o� each of these 3.tems. See Clerk's �"ile 1990-11 . Following considerabl.e discussion on each of the eleven items� Cotliicil reached a consensus on Items 1 , 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9� gnd 10. � Following discussion by Council on Items 5 and 6, Cauncil concurrec3 to th� "sign band" concept but requested further discussion on inGrea9irig �h� w�1,1 coverage percentage far the wa11 signs as we].1 as the s�ixe and h�igh� of signs in "C"' and "IP" districts. Council. discussion led to � recommendation to limit th�se inereases to "G" and "rP" distriCt� �outh a� Gounty Road �42, a].though a unanimou� cQn�en�us wa� hot reach�d. Council disCussed Item No. 11 regarding off-premise advertising, counCil directed staff to investigate the feasibility of City-sponsored m�:rque signs. Council did reach a consensus to continue discussion on the sign ordinanc� revisions at a Special Workshop Council Meeting on May 8, 1990' �t 6:30 p.m. Council concurred with the administ�rator' s memorandum regarding th� progr�tm f4r the April 30, 1990 Open Hause and State of th� City message to th� community. See C1erk' s File 1990-11 . MOTION by Napper to ad�qurn. SECOND by Klassen. �yes: 5. N�yS: 0+ Respectfully submitted, Su�an M. Johnson� City C1erk ATTEST• Stephan Ji1k, City Administrator Published this day of , 1990 in Dakota County Tribune.