HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.b. Minutes of April 17, 1990 Regular Meeting R03�MOUNT CITY PROC�SDI�d9 3 REGULAR Mg$TING . � APRIL 17, 1 g9t1 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held on Tuesday, Apri1 17, 1990, at 7:30 p.m. in the CounG3.1 Chambers at City H�t11. ' Mayor Napper called the meeting to order with a11. membezs present. � ` , � � r Mayor Napper led the gzoup in the Pledge of A1legiance. The agenda was amended to include Item 5(f) Dakota County Reeyc�inq , Appreciation Breakfast; Item 9(a) Rural Water System and Item 10tb) Legislative Wrap-up Luncheon. Consent Agenda Item 4(da Adventure Zone Permit was move� to 01c� �usine�S Item 5(g) . Council unanimously agreed the Minutes of April 3, 1990 Regul�r Council Meeting shou�.d be amended regarding the discussion on 1ega1 couns�l of the � Minnesota for the Minnesota Va11ey Transit Authority. Cour►ci1 corlc�trr�d the last sentence should be amended to incli�c�e th�.t Attorney D�vic� �ranni� should be made aware of this decision� MOTION to approve the consent agenda as amended. SECOND by Wi11Co�c, Ay��! ' Willcox, Wippermann, Napper, Oxborough, Napper. Nays: 0. Se� �1�rk'g File 199p-11 . Fire Chief Scott Aker discussed with Council the recommendations from th� fire department membership regarding the bid rec�ivecl from I�o�d �esc�i� �oz the rescue vehicle. The fire chie� noted this w�s tM� only bid r��eiv�cl �t • the bid opening on April 6, 1990. Aker outlined the reGomm�nd�tions ta accept the bid from Rvad Rescue in the amount of $g9,350.00 �nc� to futthe� accept the optional alternate pre-payment method whiCh reduCe� th� Ccs�t tt� $95,873.00. Council reviewed recommendations from the fire department �ar tharee alternates for a total amount o£ $1 ,767.00. See G1erk' s �`i1� 1990- 11 . MOTION by Oxborough to accept the bids and to award the contract to 12oad ' Rescue in the amount of $95,873 and to authorize an amount riot to exC�ed $1 ,767.00 for the alternates. SECOND by Napper. Aye�2 Wipp�rmann� Napper, Oxborough, Klassen, Wi1�.cox. Nays: 0. City Engineer Rich Hefti recommended that Council reject th� one �nd on1�r bid raCeived for Chippendale Street Impro�tement�, City Contract 1g89-10 since the bid was 17 percent over the engineer' � estimate. Hefti �.dvisec� another public improvements hearir�g will have to be scheduled since the contract was not awarded within one year after the Council orderecl the project in December of 1988. See Clerk' s Fi1e 199Q-11 . MOTION by Napper �o r��ect the bid for Chippendale S�reet Improvement�, City Contract 1989-14. SECOND by Willcox. Ayes: Napper, Oxborough, Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann. Nays: 0. Community Development Director Dean Johnso� presentec� the recommenc�ation �rom the Rosemount EDA to remove the Launderville proj�ct from th� 199p Dakota County CDBG App�.ication and using the Dexterity Dental Arts, IhC. Redevelopment Pro�ect as a replacement. Johnson summarized the Dexterity Dental Arts, Inc. Redevelopment Fro�ect and reasons for remaving the RtJSEMUUNT GITY P�.20CEEDIIQGS � REGTJLAR 1MISETII�G � APRIL 17, 1990 ' Launderville pro�ect from the C1�BG funding program. See Clerk' s FiXe 19�0- 11 . MOTION by Wippermann to adopt A RESOI,UTYON �1PPROVIt�G �N AMEI�DMhN� TO � � APkL�CAT�OM UF THE CITY OF` RU�t�N[OUNT FOR FISCA�. YSAR 1990 DAR4TA COt1N'Tlt COMMUNITY DEVBLOPMBNT SLOCK t3RANT FUI�fDINt3. SLCOpU by Willoox. Aye�: Oxborough, Klassen, W�1.lcox, Wippermann, N�pper. Nays�: 0. 1 reviewed the second draft of the ro osed 5tree t Reconstruction C unci P P O direCtion b C�.t � cuss ion and Y' ; fr m dis Y Policies which included the revisions o � ' 1� i ��0-11 � Council at the April 3, 1990 Council meeting. See C1erk s Fi Ma or Na er sus ended the re ular meeting agenda �t 8:00 p.m. to a11o� th� Y PP P g i 1 t condu�ct a u blic hearin scheduled at thi� time. ounc o g C P Mayor Napp�r apened the public hearing to consider rezoning of propeirty ; from AG Agriculture District to IG General Industrial DistriCt. The city clerk presented for the record the Affidavit of Publicatiori and the Affidavit of Mailed and Posted Hearing Notice. 5ee C1erk� s Fi1� 1990- 11 . Community Development Director Dean Johnson advised the City received � petition from RCD Real Estate Partnership in con�Unction with Knutson Services, Inc. to rezone 20 acres of property from Agricultur� ta General Industrial. The property includes the 10 acre Knut�on Mat�rial Recovery Facility site and a 10 acre parcel of property situated between the Knut�ort Property and AAA Auto Salvage. Johnson advised the Planning Commis�ion recommended approval of the 20 acres o£ property included in th� petition from Agriculture to General. Industria].. See Clerk' s File 1990- There were no comments or questions from the audi.ence. MOTION by Wippermann to close the public hearing. SECOND by Willcox. Ayes: Kiassen, Wi�.lcax, Wippermann, Napper, Qxboraugh. Nays: 4. MOTION by Wippermann to adopt AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE B, CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE. SECOND by Klassen. Aye�: Willcox, Wippermann, Napper� Oxborough, Klassen. Nays: 0. Mayor Napper apened the public hearing scheduled at this time to consic��r the proposed assessments for Shannvn Parkway/Gonnemara Tr�.il Street �nd Utility Improvements of 1988, City Project No. 189. The city clerk presented for the record the Affidavit of Publication and A£fidavit of Mailed and Posted Hearing Notice. See C1erk' s File 1990- 11 . City Engineer Rich Hefti provided background information on the pro�ect �nc� reviewed the core costs for sanitary, watermain and street core facility installation and a 600 ' credit for water and street along Connemar�. Trail west of Shannon Parkway. Hefti reviewed the assessment method used to determine the assessment rate for the benefited property affeated by the project. Clerk' s File 1990-11 . 2 ROSEMCIUNT CITY PROC$BDINGS REGULAR MSETING � AFRIL 1'�� 199(1 , Council received na ob�ections from the audience for the proposed assessment. MOTION hy Wippermann to close the public hearing. SgCt�ND by K1�►ssen. Ayes: Wippermann, Napper, Oxbarough, Rlasaen, Willcax. Nays�: OM MOTION by Wippermann to aaopt � RgsoLUTiort AnoPTxr�G Ass�ssMSN� itoLL, SHANNON PARKWAY/CONNBMARA TRAIL STR$8T AND U'1'ILITY �MPROVLMEI�IT3 01� 19��� PROJECT NO. 189. $SCOND by Willcox. Ayes: Napp�r, Oxborough� K�,��.�en� Willcox, Wippermann. Nays: 0. Regular Agenda discussion resumed at this time. Council resumed their discussion of the proposed Street FteconstruCtian Policies. It was noted the percentage af assessable costs for local stree� reconstruction should be Changed from 75'k to 1UO�s. There was unan�.mous consensus from Council to hald a pub�ic information meeting on the St�est Reconstruction Fol.icie�t on Jun� 7, 1990, at City Ha1l.. City Admi.nistrator Stephan Jilk presented for Council review the Request for Proposal (RFF) for procuring planning/design services fo� the Town Green Pro�ect. Jilk advised the RFP refl�ats the ba�kground of Eric}c�4n Pa�k, the Armory site and the Highway 3 area and the relationship of thi�t proiect with the ci�y hall faaility study now being conducted. Cnuncil concur�ed plans and costs for street decorative lighting for this �re� should be included in the design proposal.. See Clerk' s File 1990-11 . Council Member Klassen advised the Tawn G�een Committee at their last meeting agreed to call the Tawn Green Pro�eat the Erickson Pa�k Corttrnunity Square pro3eat and further agreed the flawer gard�n headed by De�ttn�t Simpson would be a part of the Erickson Park Community Squ�re pro��ct. MOTION by Napper to approve the Request for Propo�al and to �uthori�e advertisemen� to receive the Request for Proposal on May 23� 1990. SBCf�t� by Klassen. Ayes: Oxborough, Klassen, Wi11COX� Wippexmann, N��per. N�y�; 0. Communi�y Development Director Dean Johnson ac�vised Council of an Appxeciation Breakfast, in recognition of Dakota Co�nty and communit�.�g� � recycling efforts, on Agril 25, 199Q, at 7:30 a.m. at the Cafe M5A 3n Eagan. Discussion was held regarding the renewal af the Adventure Zone permit �or 1990. Mayor Napper informed Council the business is for sale and requestec� that the owner, Lee Moeller, be informed that the permit would not be transferable in the event the business was so1d. Sea C1erk's File 1 �90- 11 . MOTION by Napper to approve the permit for the Adventure Zone Game contingent upon the city receiving a cer�ificate of i.nsurance £rom the owner. SECOND by Oxborough. Ayes: Klassen, Wi1lGoxr Wippermann� Napper, Oxborough. Nays: 0. Fire Chief Scott Aker reuiewed with Council proposed salary increases for the fire department officers and fi.re fighter' s pay for fire ca7.1s. Fire 3 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROC$BDING3 REGULAR MEL7.'ING ��' ` APRIL 17� 1990 Chief Aker reviewed a summary of a study of surrouncling fire department� and pointed out that in some positions the officers� sa�.�ries �anked very � high; and in other positions, the salaries ranked very �.ow. Aker �dvi�ed the proposal would bring all of the Rosemount Fire Department �a►lari�� intc� ;;, comparable amounts with other communities and even out existing ; discrepancies in pay. Diecussion ensued by Council regard�ng � t�are8 atep �' procesa for the propo��d �alary inereaseg. Council �xgreed ta inqred��eg for � thoae po�iti.on� proposec� to receive salary inarea�ee for 1990 an� 1991 anc� � requested staff �o present recommenclations for 1992 salaries at the � appropriate time. Council also canaurred that effective November 1 � 19��, the hourly rates for fire calls be increased to $6.00 per hour for 1990 �nd $6.54 per hour f_or 1991 and a review o£ 1992 rates for fire fighters at the appropriate time. See Clerk' s File 1990-11 . MOTTON by Napper to approve the fire department officers salaries for 1950 and 1991 to be effective November 1 , 1989 and to approve th� incr�as� in fire fighters' pay for fire calls for 1990 and 1991 to be effe�tiv8 November 1 , 1989. SLCOND by Willcox. Ayes: Willcox, Wipperm�nh, Napper, Klassen. Nays: 0. Abstain: Oxborough. Administrator Stephan Jilk reviewed with Gouncil the Request for Proposal (RFP) for legal consulting services for the city and requested Council authorization to advertise for xecei,pt of proposals no later than May 24, 1990. See Clerk' s File 1990-11 . MOTION by Willcox to approve the Request for Proposals far leg�1 con�ultii�c� services and to authorize advertisement for the proposal�� SECOND by Klassen. Ayes: Wippermann, Napper, Oxborough, Rlassen, Wi�.lco�. NayBt 0. . Fire Chief 3cott Aker discussed with Council the invitation re�eived from the Wakota Mutual Aid Associatian for the Rosemot�nt Fi.re Departm�nt to become a member. Aker advised membership in the organization would pravicl� assistance from cities th�t surround the area that abu�s the Missi�sippi River as it passes through Dakota and Washington Counties. Th� fixe chi�f further advised the fire department could possibly receive benefit in training through the Wakota Caer Organization. See Clerk'� Fi1� 199�-11 . MOTION by Oxboraugh to authorize the Rosemount Fire Department to join t1�� Wakota Mutual Firemen' s Aid Association. 5ECOND by Willcox. �y�s: Napper, pxborough, Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann. Nays: 0. City Administrator Stephan Jilk reviewed with Council � rnemoranc3um �rdm Staff Member Diana Korpela reguesting authorization to pt�rchase a nev� capy machine from Pitney Bowes in the amount of �13,646.60. 5ee Clerk� s Fi1e 1990-11 . MOTION by Willcox to approve purchase of a new copy machine a� recommenc�ed. SECOND by Klassen. Ayes: Oxborough, Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann, Napper, Nays: 0. Police Chief Staats reviewed with Council a list of surplus items proposed to be sold at a city surplus auction on May 19, 1990, at 10;00 a.m. The police chief recommended removing the 1980 LTD Ford since the 4 RosEr�caurtT cz�r rt�ac$B�z�t�s , . ���vr��t �a�aarxr�a . � ��a��c� t 7�, ��►�n exhaust and emissions equipment for pollution con�rol had been removec� fror� the vehicle. See C1erk' s File 1990-11 , � M02ION by Napper authorixing the sale of th� surplus equi.pment �� present�d by Police Chief Staats except for the 1980 LTD Ford. SSCOND by Wippermann. Ayest Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann, Napper� Oxborough. N�y�3 0. Police Chief Staats discussed with CounCil the relocation of civil def�rt�� sirens presently located on County Road 38 and in Winds Crassing. paliC� Chief Staats estimated the relocation costs of approxirtat�ly $4�000 �ou1c� eliminate purchasing a new siren in 1993 at �n estimated cost of $9t50d. MQTION by Napper to approve an expenditure not to exCeed $4,000 far the relocation ot two civil defense sirens. 5ECOND by Willcox. Aye�s Willcox, Wippermann, Napper, Oxbarough, Kla�sen. Nay�: 0. Parks and Recreation Director David Bechtold disCugsed with Counci�. hi� recommendation to past an opening for a Parks Maintenance TII po9ition. Bechtold reviewed with Council the job descriptions for the thr�e levels cs� this position and advised the position would be filled from pre�ent st�ff members. See Clerk' s File 1990-11 . MOTION by Napper to accept the job descriptions for the P�rks Mainten2tnc� positions and to authorize the posting of att opening far Parks M�intenanc� III. SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes: Wippermann, Napper, Oxboroughy K1��sen� Willcox. Nays: 4. Council directed staff to report to Council at the May 1 , 195Q Regtilar Council Meeting a status on the rural water syst�m. MOTION by Napper to authorixe funds for Council Member� ancl Departntent Heads to attend the League of Minnesota Cities Ar�nual Confexenc� in Duluth� June 12-15, 1990. SECOND by W111cox. Ayes: Napper� Oxboraugh, Kl��seni Willcox, Wippermann. Nays: Q. City Administrator Stephan Jilk advised the Dakota County City �nd County Administrators will be holding a luncheon on May 7� 1990 to �lloW city officials to learn from county legislators their re�son� for �upporting o� not supporting legislation that was adopted this ses�i�n. MOTION by Klassen to adjourn. SECOND by Napper. Ayes: 5� Nays: 0� Respectfully submittecl, Susan M. Johnson, City Clerk ATTEST: Stephan Ji1k, City Administrator Published this day of , 199A in Dakota Count�ribune. 5