HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.a. Minutes of April 14, 1990 Special Council Meeting 4 « R�1��PdAtt�O'1' �I'1'�t Pt��C�ffiDtlOt'i!� i�Pi�C2AL ��'�tl�C� » 'N4R�CBltC�� APRIL �+l� 15�Q Pursuan� to due call �nd notic� thereof a Speci�l Meeting q� thA City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held pn SBturdB�j April 14, 1990, at 8 :3Q a.m. in the Cauncil lounge. Mayar Napper called the meeting to order with Council M�mb�t� Klassen, Oxborough, Wiilcox and Wippermann present. St�ff pr��t�rit were Jilk, Hefti, Knutsen, Johnson, Darling, �tnd Ak�r. Mayor Napper led the group in the Pledge of All�giance. Mayor Napper explained the purpose �f the meeting w�� to di�cu�� the Goals and Objectives set at the workshop that wgs h�ld or� January 30, 1990. These goals and objectives w�r�: 1) bgko�t� County Was�e To Energy Plant, 2) Induatrial Dev�lopm�nt on E�st Side af Rosemount, and 3) Non-Hazardou� Wast� D�.egosal Project+ coun��i aia�u$��a th� Dakota Caun�y Waste to En�rgy Plant r�g�rdi�g the potential location of the Dakota County Incin�rgtor a�i th� University and the position the University has taken r�ggrding th� possa.ble sale (transf�r) of land to the City 8nd Dakat� Cat�nty foir the incinerator project and other uses . Council aleo discussed the announCement that th� univereity hde decided to consider the location of a "coal tired a�h" l�ndfill on their property in Rosemount and what basi� the City would u�� to stop this. The Council concluded that the City should work to obt8iri th� eleven hundred acres of LTniversity property in Rosemount known �s the Rosemount Research site subject to continued evaluation by staff and subject to the locating of the Dakota Count�r incin�r�tot on a portion of the property. Non-Hazardous Salid Waste Project(s) were discussed. Th� prapo��d USPCI Industrial Waste Cantainment F�cility snd ite possibl� relocation from Highway 55 to the University of Minnesot� praperty was discussed. This seems ta have possibilities if the Univ�r�ity would decide to praceed with an ash landfill end the County would decide to locate other waste management prvjects thez�, �uch �� � materials recovery facility and an ash pellitizgtion facility. The Council concluded that staff should continue to monitor �11 alternatives ta enable USPCI to deve'lop feasible glans to mov� the proposed project to the University property. Industrial development on the east side of Rosemount was discussed. Existing and proposed industrial development were summarized. Th� concerns about Koch Refining Co. buying up sa much l�nd in east P �OS�MOUNT CITY �ROC��b���� SPECIAL ME�TIN� - aOfUtB�d� A�itiL 14 t 199� Rogemount; what Koch Refining pl�ns are and how all of th�t arould be used to bring Koch Refining inta a develapment and cooper�tiv� moad with the City to enable planning and development o€ indu�trigl areas in the East side. The Council concluded that Koch's man�g�m�nt �hould be coi�t�t�t@d and requegted to meet �o that �Qmmunication c$n b�gin on th89� issues. An update was given on the Comprehensive Guide Plan. b3��u��ion � was held +�s ta what procese the Council wauld b� comfort8bl� v��th ta obtain aon�ulting e�ervice� for it� upc�et�. C4uncil cc�tl�lud�d that staff would prepare a set t�f requir�ment� ar�d guid�li.neg fdir the process so that staff can obtain propos�ls fram Hoi�ingtotf Group Inc. far this project. MOTION by Napper to adjourn. SECbND by Willcox. Ayes: 5. N���: 0. Respectfully Subrnitt�d, � � Stephan 3i1k City Administr�tbr ATTEST: Vernon J. Napperr Mayor Published this day of , 19g0 in DBko�� �.oUi}t� Tribune. �