HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.h. Receive Bids / Authorize Purchase, Self-Propelled Asphalt Paver - � * ITEM # �+ � ****************�t�t*****************MEMO*****��***�*�****��*��*�**�**�**���� DATE: APRIL 27, 1990 T0: MAYOR & COUNCILMEMBERS C/O CITY ADMINISTRATOR JILK FROM: CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORK5 DIRECTOR NEF RE: ITEM FOR THE MAY l, 1990 COUNCIL MEETING � CONSENT AGENDA Receive BidsJAuthorize Purchase Self-Propelled Asphalt Paver This item consist of requesting Council to authorize the purchase of a self-prop�lled asphalt paver using 1990 C.I.P. funds. The Public Works Department included three options in addition to the net bid and it would be recommending including all three options when considering awarding the bid. In doing so, we find that the low bid is still from Lano Equipment i�t the amount of $19,450. However, Lano Equipment does not have Option #3 available which consist of Bolt-on Screed extensions. The next low bid from MacQueen Equipment in the amount of $19, 874 includes Options 1, 2 and 3 as standard equipment. In addition the paver from M�cQueen Equipment comes with more capacity for asphalt and a larger hydr�ulic tank for cooling the oil. It is our opinion that MacQueen Equipment also has a better supply of parts on hand. In the Public Works Department previous request to Council to �uthorize preparation of specifications and the bid opening for the asphalt paver, t�e indicated that we had up to $29, 000 to spend for the paver and trail�r. $20, 000 would come from the amount we had originally budgeted for the crack sealing equipment (202-49002-01.-583) while the remaining $9, 000 would come from surplus left over from replacing our single axle dump truck (202- 49002-01-540) we originally estimated the cost for a paver guch �s thi5 to be around $21, 000 - $22 , 000 with r.emaining $7, 000 - $8, 000 being necessa�y for the purchase of a trailer. However, the LeeBoy Paver from MacQueen Equipment is 8 ' 6" wide and we feel we can maneuver this onto a regular trailer rather than having to purchase a specialized trailer as we previously indicated. This should reduce the cost necessary to purchase a trailer, and if possible, we will attempt to utilize existing trailers. Recommended action for Council to consider is to award the bids for the self-propelled asphalt paver to MacQueen Equipment, Inc. in the amount of $19,874 . . C i ty, of Rosemount Pub 1 i c Wori�cs ' Se 1 �F-Prope 1 1 �d FrspF-�a 1 t Pav�r " B i ds Opene�d : Apr i 1 13 , 199i� Ba�e Total All 8 i dder Mode 1 6 i d Upt 1 O�a. t � ORt 3 Otst i ons Lano Equip , Maudlin �2$, 975 �350 561�5 rsa �19, 450 MacQueen Equip . LeeBa� �19, 8?4 std std std �19, 874 Long Lal.ce I mp l . Pucl.cet Bros �19, $84 �39$ #149 �474 �ZO, 905 Aspen Equip . Blaw-Knox 95�4, ZZ5 �Z60 9690� std ��4, 785 Ruf fer i dge-J ol-�nson Na 8 i d Ziegler , Inc . Mo Bid na = nat auailable � std = standard equipment �pt 1 - Scre�d Propa+^tie Heat K i t - Opt � - Cut-off p 1 ates and baff i es for narrow w i dtt-� �pa�i nc„� Opt 3 - Bo 1 t-on Scr��ed extent i ores ZS-Apr-90 ,