HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.i. Approve Final Payment, Shannon Oaks Street Improvement, City Project #185 . � I�`EM # �. � *******,t*�t*****�r*******��****�F��t**�tMEMO***���t**,k*��**���*���k�**�*�k��r��r�#�F�k*�t DATE: APRIL 27, 1990 T0: MAYOR & COUNCILMEMBERS C/O CITY ADMINISTRATOR JILK FROMs CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORK5 pIRECTOR HEFT RE: ITEM FOR THE MAY 1, 1990 COUNCIL MEETING CONSENT AGENDA Approve Final Payment. Shannon Oaks 5treet Im�rovements This item consist of the 6th and final payment for Project 185, Cit� Contract 1988-6, Shannon Oaks Street Constructi.on. The work has been completed since December of 1989, hotaever we orily recently received all the lien waivers and IC-134 forms from the Mir�nesot� Department of Revenue that are necessary i.n order for us to clos� out the contract. The total construction cost of this projec� overran the co�tract amount by 18g. The main cause of overrun on this project was due to unfoY�eseen pooir soil conditions. These unforeseeh conditions caus�d th� need to i�cr�ase the excavation quantities to remove un�uitable soils and replac� th�m with suitable soils. This was done on site at a much cheaper rate th�n h�ving to truck out the unsuitable soils and truck in suitable soils. The poor soil conditians also necessitated the installation of a subsurfac� drairt to stabilize sub-grade material at an expense of about $6,000. In �t�ditioll� we spent about $10,000 extra to repair our ditches and estab�.ish turf in those ditches resulting from erosion. Although 1989 was a rather dry y�ar, it seemed that when the rains came they all came hard and immediately afte�r the turf establishment constructian was accomplished. We finally ended up using a combination of sod, bail checking, plastic netting and wood fiber blankets to keep the turf establishment in place and growing. The items covered under the supplemental agreement are eligible for reimbursement through State Aid. Items covered in contract Chang� O�der #1 were included in the assessable cost to the project. Recommended action for Council to consider is to app�ove the 6th and final application for payment to Bituminous Roadways, Inc. in the amount of $18, 358. 04 for Shannon Oaks Street Construction, City Contract 1988-5 and accept the street for continual maintenanae. . � = �EkCE�iPEfl - cxm� QF Ros�totn�rrr APf� 1 � 1���� APPLICATION FOIt P�YM£t�T �'IYV't'��pA��*,••��*,�r NO. ,o—�F�/1VA�. CITY pROJECT NO: ��$' SEH FtLE NO: � I �� PROJECT: 5�.}�}NNO}� (,)�j(,$ S-�`R,��T GON 5"�13ViC�.'�'lD�I COAiTRACTOR: g!'r(j��NpvS RDlskbW��� �G, C(?NTRACT DATE: � �� �� �4335' GE�A� /1�/'�. SO. APPLICATICIN D1�TE: ,��,�'„����� �MpL�. ; mN sS4D7 FOR PERIOU ENDING: I�,.f•"� ,�I�� Total Contract Amount S r55 �1.7 Total Amount E�rned $ t��,"��.',�,. '�-� -r—. Material S�titably Stored on Si��, Not Incorporated into Work . $ � Contract Change Order No. � Percent Complete !t�9« $�3�,e�� SuPP�-Er»LNt A�R,t.'E�VIE�If. No. _� Pereent Complete �'� $_ �'�C�eL . bp Contraot Change Urder IVo. �erc�at Camplete �t GROSS AMOUNT DUE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ I g.Z��,a'l.�`IO LESS O $ ftETAINAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ^ • AMOLTI+IT DUE TO DATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ I�'j.'�,��o'�.�t� LES$ PREV�OUS APPLICATIONS . . . . . . . , . . . . $ ,�E+'���}�.(p� AMOUNT DUE THIS APPLICATION . . . . . . . . . . . $ �QJI ��"g,p4 P V 2 40 ichard iti, City Engin /Director of Public Works . � �� . ' J1P}'LICJITION FOR PAYMENT `F � '�,� `' � '�f ��R �� ---------------------- _ Sh'�'' �1.i.lOT7 HC�;;ik;('i�.`•,C1i:. if?�;. (t�r1zT r�.�c� CONTItACT) ���� `ti'� 1G�S�' NO. �:in�l ------ 5��. �':4Ll�, _.._��_ --- !?[JiJIaFt: CITY OF FtOSFMOUNT QWNEFt 'S PROJECT NO. 1$S ENGINEER'S �ROJEC�' NO. ----'$$194 r�-- j����'.�'T1�N: StiAP1NOt�! OAKS ---------------- �:OtJ'['RJICTOR RITU[1It10tJS ROADW�IYS, INC. CONT�tACT DATET ��� ! ` ---------------- ------------�------------ 2�25 C�nn� �vr•,rruF SOtJTft CONTRACT AMOUNT 5136, 381 . 50 ---------------- ----------------------- r�tzr�raet�Poi,Is, r�rr 55�0� `.'')ri'1'R . E�'?Ft STREET COi�dSTRUC'I'IOTI - SEi11Ni•ION OJ�KS -----------___---- -----�---------------------------------- --------- I'rL�:[�'. DA'!'E ___L2f91_�.'�---------------- �c:�ic;�: F;r�n. ---10/4/�9 --- --------�----- 11PPLICIITIOIV FQR PAYMENT CONZ'RACT QUANT�TY UNIT �,���r�jfll�I�� UNIT pUANTITY TO bATE PRICE �pr�L _____.___________________L.S. ____�____� • :0?.1 . �01. t�lOBIL7ZATION ------"'----------- ----------_ 1 _ � 4000.00 $40Q0.�0 __ ' . 101 . 502 CL,El�RZ1vG TRE� l0p S5 25.00 �1375.00 •1!).l • 5O7 GRUHBING , T�EE 100 62 25.00 51550,00 .l/)i• 5!!1 COMMON EY, _r,�V��ION (F� ) C. Y. 26950 45435 . 0. 95 S 43163.25 ' .1t}!; . `:�2,1 cr�nlavr�J1R 80RR0�•� (CV) C.Y. 1000 5004 2. 50 $ 12510.00 �__. .t'�r . 5.<5 ;�r..,E�AGFn z�orsoz� � (p ) c.Y. 1850 ��50 0. 95 S 1757.SQ �` .1.1.1 . 5(`_i 'I'EST F.rJLLING R.S. 28 2a 50.OQ $ 1900.00 _ �� 7 1 ?, . �n 1 StIHGf?hDF �R�p1�f?11T TpN R. S . 28 28 _ 95.00 S 2G60.00 -- l.h . ,ral. t;oF�r t�xc�l�vnTtora C.Y. 1500 319�. 1 . 50 54719.�0 C'r 1 t.�� , �'Fi(�R'I'-F.I�LIO'i'm-IiENPR�CKSQN, IPIC. e M 2J ].6. 503 n�:,Gr�EGA�t�e F�nCKFzr�t, C.Y. 1500 3196 2. 50 5 7865.00 _.� »� 1, 59�c nc;c. I311S�� r�r,ncr•.n, cz. 5 c.x. 3190 3190 7.75 S 24722.50 ����. 1 . 55►•� �t" nc;G nn>r•. POR SInEWAT.Fc, S . r 21760 29593 0..16 S 3926.f38_ 7.:?!11 . ,0�1 nTT. t•1J1T. FnR MIX'i't1RE 'I'ON 1.37 108.04 140.00 $ �5125.50 23�11 . 50$ IdF.ARING CUURSF. ��IIXTURE TON 1530 1417.93 9. 9i� S 14037�5Q 2341. . 5J_9 BINDER CnURSF: MIXTURE TON 900 8�5.66 7. 80 S 659G.19 ?.357 . 50?.. BIT. MAT. FOR TACK COA'P GAL. 400 325 1 .25 $ 406.25 2�o� . �a:z a.s° �c �'TPE cvr,v�;Rz� cr, > L. � ?�5 13o ta .00 $ 234a.00 250�. . si, i5'� �c �zF�c ���or� . c�/7�nnstt rU1�P.T? cncft 4 2 200.ol� S 400.00 7,511. . 50�. RAN1�pM RIF'RAP, Gt, III C.Y. 12 6 50.00 $��O.OQ 2�1.1. . 515 GEO'I'EXTII,E FILTER S .Y. 28 �Q 2.00 S 2$�,,.00 25?.]. . �11. 2" A�TUMINQ�JS WRLK S.F. 2176� 21$1Fi Q.2g � 6108.�$ �5S!1 . 50l PERMANF.NT BARR?CADrS L�. F. 16 16 �� •25 $ 5Q0.00 7.5F4. 531 F & I SIG1J PANE;LS, TYPE C S. F. 45 �2.45 14.75 S 62f�14 OS6� . 0O3 4" WIDE SOL7U LZNF, YELI,OW �'AINT L. F. 54.00 5360 0. 19 S 101$.40 � (�56� . 603 �" 4IIUE SOLID LINr, WNITE PAINT L.F. 115 115 0. �g � 21 .85 �575. 5Q]. ROTtDSIDF SEEDING ACRE 4.0 g 295.00 $ 2360 00 �575. a02 SEED MIXTURE 5 LBS. 200 �Z5 3.00 Srg�S_�� 2575 . 51.1. MULCH M1ITERIAL, '1'YPE 1 TON 8 �,5 200.OQ S3o�2 �l(L � ?.575. 5].9 DZSC 11NCFIORING ACRF. 4. 0 g 55.00 S 440.00 __.`. �'i1r:��; ;' r)I�' 3 :�fl�_�[t'I'.-E;LJ,.1.(?'.l".I'-IIENi)R]:C;F:SOPd � It�C. , �1f'F'I_I ION FOR PAl"t•tEP�T - Conti►iued .a 1 f.;c�ntr'act �.rnntmt h •a��3� � 3��- • �� Total Amount Earned � 1637$�.49 tiater•i�l Suitably Stored oi} Sit;n, NoL Ir�capo►•ated into Work $ f,onfiract fhange Order tlo. __`� _ _ F'Prcent_Complete it0�____ � q��R-21 Cc�ntr-act Ch��nge Ur-dnr Plo. _ ___? _ Percent Complete 1�0 _ �2�L,4Q„�p f;nrrt►•act Ch,3t1q� Order tlo. 3 f'�rcent Complete 100 $7662.OQ _`.- --._..._ _ _ _._ < , GROSS AMOUNt DUE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 182 a22a7p IESS o � RETAINAGE. . . . . . . . . $ - /1t•10UP�T OUE TO DATE. . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1 g2�822.70 LESS hREVIQUS 11C'PIIC/�TIONS. . . . . $1G4,9b4..66 (/ AMOUNT DUE TNIS APPLICA7'ION. . . . $ 18,35g.09 :Of�TRAGTUR'S AFFIUAVIT ^hP uiidersigned Contracto�- hereby s�aears under penalty of perjury that (1) all previous progr�ss. ��yments received fram thP Owner on acc�unt of work performed under tMe contract referi�ed to �hove have been ap�lied by the undersigned to discharge in full all obligations of the under- :i��ned incurred in connection with work covered by prior Applications for Payment under 5�id c�ntr-act, and (2) �11 �aterial and equipment incorporated in said Project or otherwise listed in or covered by this pplication for Paymen� are free and clear of all liens, claims, securi�y intere5tS �nd ncur�ibrarices. �, ,.. at:ed �l�-�<•"r••Y`�'` � 19 �'� i . Bituminous Roadwa s, Inc. � Contr�ctor E3y _-��..rd' �� ..��_ :c,-�.�,c�;�r-: �'Na and Title � � � ')U��TY UF y � �S 1/11'F� �F --� , af�a e �e an th' d �f ,���,,,,�, � , 19 �� persanaliy app�ar�d Y �" n��o me`�`w�`io be9n u sworn, did de ase _, � �Y p ��. s�hat he the of the Contr�ctor above mentldhed; Y '�'C.�c..c.-t-•s Office ^ • iat he �xecuted the above Application for Payment and Affidavit on behalf af said� Cpntr�ctor; id ths3t all of the statements contained therei are true correct and compl . e. � � f,on�r�ii�sion Expires DOROTHYM.FRtTZE._. � �'°°'������ otary Publ � �e under•sic�ned has chPcked the Contractor's /lpplication for Payment shown above. A part of �is Application is the Contractor's Affidavit stating that �11 pr�vious payments to hint �der this Contract have been apnlied by him to discharge in fult all of his oblig�tions in +nnection with the work covered by all prior l�pplications for Payment. �r,c;r�rda►�c:e with the Contr�ct, thP undersigned approves payment to the Contractor of the �ocmt Oue. - � SHORT E TT NE ICY.SOhI I �P ---- _ `�'�s�9�'-------__---- �.� �.. �� ' Of �