HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.a. DARE Program , : , . � RC�S�Illll"�U�1'� t�C�L�C� D��A�'��1M��1`� '�elephone Emergency g11 2l1�� 1�%th $triN WIIlt Chief at f�oliCb Non-Em9rgAncy 423-4491 AbNnlQtlltt, �Ipnn�rot�550�U Jem���. St�llt! �� � � � TO: Mayar, City Co�tncil and City Administrato.r FROM: Lieutenant Ellie7. F. Knutsen �'"y����� DATE: April 24 , 199Q FtE: D.A.R.E. Program (Drug Abuse Resistan�ce Education) The Rosemount Police Department has receivec� question5, interests and concerns from some of tl�e Ca.ty Officials and citizens of Rosemount regarding the D.A.R.E. Program. These inquires were also shared by Lisa Hannon, Prineipal of the Rosemount Elementary School , Tom Cosgrove, Principal of the new Shannon Park Elementary �nd Dr. R. �. Rehwaldt, Superintendent of Independent School District # 196 . The D.A.R.E. Frogram eons�.sts of a full-time licensed Police Officer in uniform to teach a 17-week curriculum of druq abuse resistance strategies to fifth grade classes ithere will be six fifth grade classes between Rosemount Element�ry and Shannon Park Elementary this fall ) . A detailed in- school program regarding the duties �nd responsibilities of a D.A.R.E. Officer is attached for your inforznation. Currently the Rosemount Police Department operates a team patrol system. Each of the two teams consists of thre� P�tro1 Officers and one �'atrol 5ergeant. There is also a Lieutenant and Poliee Chie£ . This system mand�tes the fu11. attention of the Off_icers we now have. In order for the City of Rosemount to �nter this program, the City would have ta hire a new Officer t4 replace the one se].ected from the teams to become the D.A.R.E. Officer. CaSt ta the City for the replacement 0£ficer would be app�ax- imately $30, 430 . Starting in 1990 the Minnesata Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (B.C.A. ) is offering the first Minnesota D.A.R.E. OffiGer Training Course to selected candidates . There will be no tuiti.on �ost; hawever. , the Law Enforcement Agency wi11 be expectec� to pay it ' s Officer' s salary during the two week training period. , D.A.R.E. Frogram April 24 , 199� The D.A.R.E. Program has overwhelmingly been accepted in Minnesota to the point that the earliest class opening is November, 1990 . I was informed by the B.C.A. that they could not hold an opening for a D.A.R.E. candidate until that candidate was : 1 , Approved by the City Council and City Administrator 2 . Approve� b� the �hief of Paliee 3 . A���av�c� by �h� ��hc��a�. �upe�in��nd�nt 4 . Screened by a Licensed Psychologist If the Council approves this x�equest to enter into the D.A.R.E. Proc�ram, I would expedite the application to assure the candidate ' s enrollment i.n November, 1990. � . ' . tzC�SCM(�l1NT EL�MEN�/1RY SCNOOL � , ,�s, ,����, sTa��t w�sT ��.�sx E�AwNd�r, p�iN�ihAl F:t)SE k�UUNT, MN SS�68-AOOd (G12) 423-7h90 Mflrch 20, 1990 Red Steat�, Chief of' f'olice 2876 l��ith fit . W. , ltosemvunt, MN 550fiE3 Dear Chfef Steet� , I am writing to you on beh�lf of tfi� studet�tb� Q�t-�t�ts tlnd ����'�' �� R�semount �sletn�ntary School . � We ere ew�rp th�t thP n. A . R. �. (�rt.�g Nbu�e �fe�i�t�nr.� �dtic€tt,4ott) rrogrom ie up en�i runnfhg ft� m�rny element�t�y �chrt�l� tl�t-c�ughot�t Minnesota. Mgny �atudprit� withi� our �chool df�tt-ict h�ti� p�rt.3c��'�t.�d wi.th officers from Ehe A�+p�e V�� � �y qnd ��,g�n pol.ic� d��t�t�tin�fltt#� �l �k�. W�� l��ve heatd m�ny po�e3l.ive comment� rpg�erdin� thi� �xr.t�ll�tt�. ��-n t��i�i and are wondering 3f it wou1� be � + �o+��ibl� tr� r�ff�t thi� u�+pttt•tuttiii;�► ft� Rasemount. �tudent�a as well? 7'nm Crc,�grove, Frinr.ipt�l of the n�w Shnrindn Park 1s1�t�ent�+�y �tt Ra�t�mount has al�o indic�ted itft�rr�t iri Et�� �rt•r�gr�� i'�t• t�#t�dkft�� �� his sc�haol . Tom t�hd I woulc� b� in�.�rest�d in ���ti�t� w� th y�t� �It yr�u#� conveni�nc� tc+ di�ru�� tl�e pa�,�fbi�ity. f'lee�E� �iv� 1Mt� i� ��111 �! RasPmount Fl�mer�tpry (423-7590) . We know that yau �h�re our concern for the etud�ntb withln �ut- community and wa.sh t� h�lp meke � poeitive diff�r��,c+� for th�M. 7'h�nk pou so much to yav and your dep�rtin�nt fer �11 �ou cfit� f`ut- riUt� community. • $711CPCP13rt t • .�a������� Liesa H�nnon Principal cc: T�m Croagrove� Fr3ricipel , Sh�nntrt� fi�rk �1en►�nt�ry M�rgaret Gohman, Ch�4rpsreon, Bo�rd of fida��tiott bi�lri�t 1�� Cea Zw�iefel , bir�ctor c�f �Slem�ntt�ry �Sduc�t�o» Sta�ve J3.�.k, C3ty Counci.l A�lmini �tret�ar Vc�rnan Napper, Mayor �����• _ iNhti�EN1�FN7 SCNOt7l. t)IStftlCt 196 �^'' 19fi �.,.t� SF_RV�fJG A{'PLE VAtIFV, Nl1RN5VILLE, CC?ATFS, EAGAN, tn►vfa rrr��vE ME�ca�t5, '�q....i � 1 nK1�'�11!', t�t.lt[MCIUN7, i1►Jb EMt*IRE ANp VERMII.LIUN 1(:)YI�NS!lif'5 '''1- (ZOSC'�IC�l1NT ELCMENTARY S�MOC�I_ 3155 1•i�ltla STREFT WEST ■(.iSA HANNON, PRINCIF'Al ROSEti1�lUNT, �IN 55�E>$-4004 (61 zl 423-7690 Apri1 3 , 1990 � . . � . � ' � � a Mr. Steve Jilk ' Ci.ty Council Adminis�rator 2875 145th St . W. • , Rosemount ,. MN 55068 , De�r Mr. Jil1t: As of Mondfly, April 2, we mrt with Chief St�at� end Lyl� Knut�to� re�arding the implements�tian of the D. A. i2.F. progr�m et Ro�enlount F.lementar,y and Shennon PArk for the 1990-1991 �chool y��r. A!� � result of the meeting, we would like to inform �yoU vf our de�it-� ta part: icipate in thia prvgrem. 1f the City of Ftn�em�unt should �'!IPCt to ttain an offir_et- to implemE�nt. the D . A . R. F . progrem in our elementary schools , we , would work with thp police department tn scheduling vulr 5th gr�d� c1�s�c•s for the �apr.oming �achool year. Your r.��n� id�rntian nf thie� request is very much slppr��f�ter�. , • Sincercly, l����Z � G��2el�� Tom Crasgravp Shannc�n Park Frincip�l �� . Lisa Nc�nnon Rosemount filementary Frincipal cc: Chief Sta�ts ���� ,J(��� �'� INt)EPENnfNT SCNQQL nISTRlCT 196 t 1�C .,�� fiERVINC� Af'i'Lf. VI\f.l.[Y, [iURN�VIi.LE, COA7E5, EnC;/�N, INVER �RC)Vf. HEIGNt$, �"��__i i 1 �1kfV11J(, K�)ti(P1t ll INT, nNt) CMPIRF. /�Nt7 VERMI�I_IC?N TC)1NN$F11P5 .,•� � ,dt%'°`.°u�r''.� WY. '�"`Y"-��. i 4t� ��"'�'�?..,w�r^'*�':Me„q�.q�q+� �:� !�w'" �� �..- r .... . . � °�` .. ` ���� ' �; � ti a:. �;�.,,*�yl� 7 ��� 1)-s. Y��+�' `! F � ��t y� �`��►►i'��f��i1►III�N���ft'A ►��: ��: ���;������'��•°�',� � � �`� ; � ���1tA`�`M��I'�.t��'I�ll�l:ld �J�1��1'"�'��,,�,� `��'r�� '�`f�`�`�"�'-�,��`` �;, ,��y; , ';. . �y� ,, w ,.y�,� �p ,.t � f; � � ; . „ � ..... , r','1� 6'�'�jt'Ef"��,��'��y�!".p t M,.,�.�iu"p� �.�'K��.'�'�Yi"4�'L .il't�� . , f�� ^�� .� . . . ��' P' �'.�iMiY�p'a. �1111EAU fiF CpiMINAt AphRINEMSitlN ' 1i46 UnivttSity Avtrnit �t,hatd,lullnn�soRe 55104t110t Apr11 9, 199Q e��Ib��•�t� lt. Knutson Rosemount Police pept. 2875 145th St. W. Rosemount, MN 55068 Dear Lt. Knutson: Thank you for yaur interest in introducing pro3ect b.A.t2.E. , (drug 11Muse Resistance Education) , into yo«r comm�mity. The f9rst two Minnesota p./l.R.E. Officer training Courses will be conducted on April 23 to May 4, 1990 and August 13-24, 1990. The Minnesota O.A.a.E. training center wi�l utilit� a rjgar�us selection process. Only ft�ll-time 1lcensed police and peace bfficers, with two years of law enforcement experiehce, w911 be cvnsid�r2d. �Fficers will b� considered only from cammunities 1n which a signed �qrr.ement is in place between the school dlstrlct and the l�w enForc�m�nt ' agenc,y. t3e�ause of the dem�nds and r�sponsibilitles required of � �.11.�,�. I,raining officer, all candidates must successfully complete an er�l interview process conducted by the Bureau of Crimin�l Apprehension or its representatives, as well as a psychological evaivatian. the or�1 interview, and the psychological evaluation, may be c�ane at the loc�1 level if specific minimal standards �re met. Th� dEfinttlon nt' tl�osc standarcfs are enclased. Yh�re wfll b� no charg� far th� f3CA hral interview and the psychotogical testing. Once candidates have been selected for d.A.R.E. training by the gC/�, there will be no tuition costs. Law enforcement agencies will be expected to pay its officer's salary during the two week training period, room and board, and transportation to and from the training site. aoom and board costs will be approximately $350.00. A11 candidates will reside �t the training center during the training program. Before a candidate will be considered for b.A.�.E. training, the following dacuments must be completed and forwarded to the BGA D.A.R.E. Office. -D.A.R.E. Program Application -fI.A.R.E. Program Participation Aqreement AN FOUA�OPAt�R7UNiTV FMC'L QYFR ` -a resume of the officer candidate(sj -a letter of recommendation fram the local selectian committee, if you are not utilizing the BCA's selection process. -a letter of recommendation fram the licensed psychologist whn h�s reviewed the resUlts of the eandidate's psychological tests, if you are nat utllizing the BCA's sel�ction process. If you wish the gCA to conduct the oral and/or psycholagical 9nter- views, please not9fy us as soan as possible so we can set up appointments. R�turn the campleted daeuments to the address belaw: Raymond Spack, b.A.R.E. Coordinatow Bureau of Crlminal Apprehension Training and Development Sectlon 1246 Universjty pve. St. Pau1 , MN 55104 Please contact me at (612) 643-3043 if ynu have questfions or if I can be of assistance. Thank you for your interest in Pra�ect D.A.R.E, . We look forward to working with you and yaur community in our efforts to produce a drug-free generation of children. Sincerely, MAaK K. SHt Superintend nt Joy M. R kala Special ent ih Charge RJS/smm Enclosures "'"" . . � � b.A,R.E. PR06RAN ' , �� � �! a�a17 � � ; � pARtICtPAttdNt A6REEMENt , � MINNE50TA A6ENCY �U!�t. o�f'IC� We the undersig�ed agree, if sel�cted, to particip�t� in thp bru� Abu�� Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) program. As Chief/Sheriff� t �gree ta mak� my As school 3up�rintehdpnt� x egr�p t� officer availnbt� to instruct thp provfde clessroom spece �nd �11bt on� D.A.R.E. curriculum in the School p�riod � wpek to the targ�t�d t1�5S district named w9thin this for d�livery �t` th� O.A.R.E. qrngr��n, application. I wi11 � bar emergenci+�s, I underst�nd � t���hprinust b� pr�s�nt attempt to timit thp offic�r's ebs�nce 1n the cleSsr�otn while th� 1�w from the U.A.R.E. clbssroom on M 51h�r enforc�ment offlC�r pr+�SEnts thp designated day(s) of instruction. In D.�.a.�. lnstructi�n. th� cl�s5room return. the Minnesota 8ureau of tesch�r will aSs�st, if n�c�sS�ry, �rt Criminat Apprehension will provide 80 the collection of aSSigned hompwork clessroom hours of �ertified O.A.R.E. end wi11 mak� bull�tin babrd sp�t� instructor treining, D.A.R.E. �veil�ble withih th� Ctbssroom. instructional m�terials �nd field coordination. � Name: a t Name: R.J. Rehwaldt type pr nt ype pr n Signature: Sign�tur�; '�`-'— � Title: Folice Chief 7it1�: Superintendent Department�Citv of Rosemount School Distritt: 196 � Address: 2875 145th. St. west AddrpsS: ��a�5 aiamond P�th Rosemount, Mn. 55068 Rosemount, h1N 550G8 � �ate: 04/17/90 Date:Q4�,L7/�� ._ , NOTE: To be eliyible for considerntion in the D.A.R.E, prp�r�m� �1�!!Se return tfiis form to the address listed betow. Mr. Raymond Spack . Minnesote 8ureau of Criminel Apprphension b.A.R.E Progrem 1246 Univprsity Avenu� 5t, Paul , MN 55104 U.A.N.E 'RUGRAM APPLICATION . We, as ChiefjSheriff and School Superintendent desire to participate in LhE� O.A.P,.�. Program. We understand the O.A.R.E. Program is targeted for delivery to fifth and sixth grade students. A u�iformed law enforcement officer will teach a 17-week curritulum of drug abuse resistance strategies that will emphasize awareness, peer pressure resistance and self-esteem. School District Name: Independent School Dist # 196 Department Name: Ros�nount Police Departrnent Superintendent: �• R. J- Rehwaldt C#tief/Sheriff: James E. S�aats, C�ief Address• 14445 Diam�nd Path West Address• 2875 145th Street West Roselmunt, NIDT 55068 Ros�unt, NIlV 55068 Phone Number: t612)423-7700 Phone Number: (612)423-4491 PROPOSED SCHOOt AVAILABLE FflR PRRTICIPATION # of 5th or 5th Name Address Princiaal Phone Grade.s Tar�eted Ros�nount El�nentary 3155 144th Street West, R.smt Lisa Hannon (612)423-7b90 Three Shannon Park Elenentary 1350i Shannon Pkwy, Rsmt Ttian Cosgrove {6i2)423-7700 Three PROPOSED OFFICER CANDIDATES* Name P4ST # Address Phone * R completed resume must be submitted for each officer candidate. Only full-time, licensed police and peace officers will be considered. Officer candidates will be required ta submit to an oral and psycholagical examination to determine eligibility to receive D.A.R.E. training. NOTE: To be eligible for consideration iR the D.A.R.E. Program, please returrr this form ta the address listed below. Mr. Raymond Spack Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension O.A.R.E Program 1246 University Avenu� St. Paul , MM 55104 dUTIES ANO R�SPON3t�Il1TIES 0� A D.�.a.�. a���c�a 8eing � D.A.R.E. instructor Is � demanding �ob. Whi1e it ��y lpa�� officers the burden of afiift tha�ges •nd weekend duty, they �ust �gre�, in the bargain, to work v�ry hard. , ?hp full �xtent of D.A.R.E.•Off�c�rs' duties ind responsiblliti�s t�n b� seen in this 11st, �ulted frqm 3ob descriptions for D.A.R.E. lnstructors teaching �t the el�mpntery lev�1 : -teach D.A.R.E. cort currlculum, sp�nd tlme wlth students during recess ��d in the cafet�ria, ind particip�te 1n schoal �cttvit#�s such �s �ssemblies •nd faculty �eetings� etc. •prepare teaching materials (e.g. i lesson p1ans, stud�nt natebooks �nd handouts, vlsual �idsj and guides for tESCht�S' �uxillary classraam •ctivities •malntain rel�tions wlth schaol princip�ls �nd other key school persannet •vislt K-5 classes �s time permits -prepare for and give presentations at faculty 1n-s�rvite �eetings� parent education evenings� PTA meetings, and con�nunity organi2ation meetings -coordin�te �udiovisual equipment for classroam instruction, par�nt meetings� �nd public speaking engagements -schedule �nd caordinate cuTmination �p.A.R.E. student graduatton) exercises and complete D.A.R.E. diplomas •teach the �unior high curriculum� �s time permits -participate in extracurricular activiti�s such �s holiday programs �nd field trips -present �bbrevlated programs to nonparticipating 3chools -keep records of daily and monthty �ttivities -�ttend in-service tr�►tning sessions � O.A.R.E. OFFICER SELE�tION CRttERIA ' - Conrnitment af th� D.A.R.�, a�'ficer': dep�rtn►ont I�nd th• �chaa� district in which D.A,R.E. witl be t�ught - Commitment to �nd comfort with chitdren - Commitment ta substanc� us+� prevention �duc�t�on - pedication to the b.A.R.E. progr�m - Common sense; �xcellent ,�udgment • Responsible - Independent; self-tonfident • Moral - Sensitive; caring - History of sobriety; stability - Honest - Ability to teach, motivate - Or�l end �rritten communicatlon skills • Pasltive �ttitude, enthusl�sm - Organized; punctual ; minimal use of sick-le�ve � - At least two years of street expprfence - Spotless record w�th no disclplinary ections • Pro�ect � professional image - Civic lnvolvement ' SE4ECtI0N P�OCESS SfIECTION 1NTERVIEW PROCESS In order to qua�ify for t�ndidacy, D.A.a.E. �ppllt�nts Nill participate in �� oral intervipw pracess tonducted by th� Buratu of Criminal Apprehension. Member� af the int�rvl�w tommittee tonsist of educators� liw enfarcement personnel, end Certified D.A.R.E. officers. Areas tonsidered during th� intervipw prbC�S3 ere the c��dfdate's b�ckqround, work experience, �nd mot�vetion to b�corn� � D.A.R.E. officer. The Bureau of Criminal Appreheasion'x oral intervitw proc�ss will be waived if the �pplicant has met with e selection �brt�nitt�� �t the lot�l level .. Tfiat ton�nitte� wi11 mfnimally tbnsist of one representativ� fram educeti�n �nd one from l�w enforcement. It is reconunended, �lthough nat mandatory, that � certifi�d D.A.R.E. officer ptrtltipate is � memb�r of the selection t�mmitt�e. A suggested selectlon procpdure, Q.A.R.E. officers selection crtteria, �nd sampie interview questions are enclosed. Upon completion of the tocal selection proc�ss, member� �f the local selection cammittee will pr�vide a t�tter nf recommendation. This letter should be �ttached to the completed �pplic�tian materials �nd sent to the 6ureau bf Criminal Appr�hension. D.A.R.E. PSYCHOLOGICAL tESTING As p�rt af the selection proc�ss, D.A.R.E. �pplic�nts must meet with the �ureau of Crimina�l Apprehenxion �ppr�v+�d psychologist far testing ind t►n interview. The testing w111 Cdnsist of (�) the Minnesats Multtphasit person�lity Inventory (MMPIj ind (Zj thp Californi� Personality Inventory (CPIj. The psychologital requirement w111 be waivpd if thp �pplic�nt has completed one test from e�ch of the following twa tatpgorips within the previous 12 month period, ind � letter of recon�n�ndation is aent ta the Bureau of Criminal Appreh�nsinn from the licensed psychologist who hus reviewed the results: Citegory A: t�tegory B; l. Minnesota Multiphasic 1. California P�rsanality Inventory Persanality Inventory �CP�) 2. Clinicel An�lysls 2. Ctinlcal Analysis Qupst�annifre questionn�ire(CAQ) _ (CAQ) 3. "`l6 PF �1. Firo-B 5. Guilford-Iimmerman Temper�ment Survey 6. Hagan Personality Inventory TABLE OF CONTENTS . SESSION ONE: Practices for Persariai Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 SESSION TWO: Drug Use z�nd Misuse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�. . . . . . . , . i SESSIc?N 'i'FiREE: Car�sequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 , ; SESSION �'OTJR: R�sisting Pressures tc� Use Drug� . . . . . . . . . ., . 1 � SESSI�N �'IVE: , Re�is�ance �echniques -- Way� to 5ay �I�o� . . « � � i , ; SESSION SIX: Buildinq Self-Esteem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � S'�SSZON SEVEN; Assertiveness -- A Respbnse Style . , . . . . . . . . . 2 5ESSION ESGHTs Managinq Stress Wi,thou�t Takinq Dxvgs . . : . . . . . 2 SESSION NINE: Media tnfl.u�t�ces on Druq Us� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �J SESSION '�EN: �ecisiott Makii�c� and Risk '�akii�g . . . . . . . . . . : . . � SESSION �LE'V�N: Alternatives ta Drug Use . . . . . . .. . . � . . . . . . . . . 3 SESSION TWELVES Role Modelinq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . � � SESSION TH�RfiEEN: Fo�tm3.riq a Supp4rt System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 SESSION FOtJRTEEN: Ways tQ Dea1 Wi�h Pressures From G�r�gs . . . . . . 4 SE5SI�N FIFTEEN: Project D.A.f�.E. Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 SES�3dN SIXT�ENs Tak3�ng a Stand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 SESS�ON SEVENTEEN: D,A.R.E. Culmination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 SESSION ONEi " PIIRP08E: To acquaint students with the r�l� �f the police o�fi��r in the classroom $nd to review safety practices tv pratect student� from harin 'at home, vn the way to and from school, �nd in the neighbor�oad. 4HJECTIVE; Students will demonstrate awarefl�ss o� th� ���� �or laws and rules to protect people and to keep th�� saf�. Worksheet: ��It�s the Law" (Workboakt Page 4, 5) . SE88I01+1 '1'WQ i PCrRPoBEt Td help students understand th� harmful eff�cts of drug� if they are inisused. OBJECTI'V'�3 �tudents Will relate the h�rmful �ff�ct5 th�tt �t�y result from the misuse of drugs. Quiz answer sheet: ��What Do You Know About Drugs?" (Workb�bk; Page 3) , Fi1m: "Brugs and Your Ama2inq Mi�d. " BLSSION TBR.LE t i PURPaBE s fio h�lp students unde�stand th�t thet� �ir� �i�irt� consequences, bath positiv� and negative tih�t may �result frdm u�ing and Prom choosing not to use drugs. OH.TEGTIPEB: The studerits will be �ble to identify cc�h�equ�h�es df using and choosing nat to use alc�hol and marijua�n�t, Worksheet; "Consequenees. " (Workbook: page 7) . SE9SION FOURs BURPUSE: fia mak� students aware of the kinds o� pe�r pressur� th�y may face to take drugs and to help students lear» to say '"no" t4 such offers by thinking of the consequences af drug tis�. ' o&TECT�'PEs Studen�s wi11 be abis to reeist the �re�sure ot � drur� oPter. Worksheet: ��Saying �No' ta Friendly Pressure, " And "Sayitrg 'Na' to Teasing Pressure." (Workbook: Page 8, 9) . , 1 8E$9ION FIV�t PORPosEs To help students learn �nd pr�ctice �ffectiv� way� ta respond to different types of peer pressure to use drtigs. oH.TECTZVEs Students will be able to demanstrat� eff�ctfv� w�ys �o say 'no' in respons�a to different kinds of �eer pr�ss�tr� td u�� druqs. Information S�eet: ��Ways to 5ay 'No' . " (Workbao�cs ��g� 10� . Worksheet: "Why Some Kids Use Drugs. " (Wvrkbookt P�g� lly . ; 8E88ION Slgi PI7RP08E2 To help studen�s understand th�t self-imag�, th� ta�y �1 person regards himself or herself, results from p��itiv� ��d negative �eelinqs and experiences. o&7EC�IVEt Students will recaqfii2e positive qu�liti�s ��iou� themselves. Wdrkshest: ��Compliments'� and "Sample License P1ate.w (Wotkbt�qk: Paqe 12, 13) . Stary: '�Bill's Balloo�i.'� � SE88ItiN SEVENs PVRPo8Et To teactl ass�rtiveness a� a t�chnique fd�t ��fu�ing d�t�rs to use druq�. . oE1JEcfiIVE; Stud�nts will be able to respond assertively ifl refusinq offers to use drugs. (Workbook: Page 14) . sEsszoN �iaaTt PIIRPOSEi �o help studet�ts recoqni2� �tress �ncount�rec� ir► th��r daily living ar�d to suqgest ways to deal witri it otli�� thari �y taking drugs. OH.TECfiIV'E; Students will be able to id�ntify stressors in their lives. . Worksheets: "My Stress Level" and '"5tressors." (Workbaoks pat�� 15, 16j . 2 t • 1 $EBSZON NINBi � POAPOSE2 To help students develop the underst�ndinq �nd �k311� � needed td analy2e and resist media influen�es to us� alco�id.1 �rid drugs, � os.7ECTIVEt Students wili be able to recoq»ize mnd ai�rily��! influencifiq Pactors in media presentations about alcoho2. and drugs. Collage or clippings from nragazines or newspap��s afi �l�t�hol t�� other druq products that illustrat� various �dv�rtising t�Ch�hiqu�s. Worksheet: "Druqs �nd the Media." (Workbook: p�gE 1'f) . Aiyd "Advertisinq Techniques. " (workbvok: Page 18) . BESS�oN TEi�s PQRPOSE2 �'o help stuflent� apply the decisio�-m�king p�tbc�s� ift evaluatinq the results of various kinds of tisk-taking behavior, includinq that af drug use. OH,7ECTIY�! Studer►t� will be able ta apply decisit�n-�t�kinq ski�l� in evalu�tirig the risks in si�uations invalvir�g druq us�. Worksheet: ��Trie Choices You Make" and "i�isks �nd Rc�u1��« '� . (Workbook: page 19, 2q, 21, 22, 23 , 24� and 25) . SE882oN $I.EVEN:` p0'RPosLs �o help students find out �baut �ctiviti�s ttiat �►r� � interestirig �nd rewarding and that are appropriat� �lt�rnativ�s tct takii�g drugs. o&TEC2IPE3: '�he stud�nt will find o�tt �bout activiti�s tY�at ar� irjteres�inq and rewarding. Worksheet: "What I �,ike Tb Do" and "Name th� �am�." (Wc�rktiddk. Page 26, 27) , Filmt "Sparts Suite." SESSION TWELV�S PIIRPo3�: To acquaint students with older student 1ead�rs �nd ath�r positive rcle models triat da not use drugs �ind to clarity tl�� misconception that druq users are in a majority. 0&TECTIVEs Studertt� will identify ways tha� older atud�nts and famous peaple (athletes, aatars, and musiciansj can discouraq� the use of drugs among youth. Lists of questians prepar�d by class members. 3 . � .� , , .. , • 8E89ION THIRTEBNi PIIRPosE: �o help students recoqni�e that inaiviauals h�ed to develop positive relationships with many different peopl� in ord�r • to form a �uppvrt system. � i ' oH�7ECTIVEs Stud�nts will be able to develop pdsitive rel�tiotaship� � with many different people to form a support �ysten►.• Workstleett "Choosinq Frierids" and "My Support System. " (Wb�kboeik: � Page Z8, 29) . � 8888I�N FdC�'��$N 2 � PURPOSE! �o maks �tuc��nts awar� t�C trie kirtds af pressur�� th�y tnl�y .i encount�r from ganq members �hd to h�lp them �v�tlugt� �h� co�sequenc�s of the chvices available td thent. � Worksheets: "Dat� and Son. " (WorkbookS Pages 3c�, 31, 32, �fid 3�j . , sassroN Y�pT�axs � P�`YtPoBE: '�d help �tudents. summarize and ass�ss wh�►t they l��t�'f�d �rom participating i» praject b.A.R.E. ; � � ' o�3.7E�TIVEt Studehts will be �bl� �c� su�ggest appropti�te t�s�ahs�s� � for dealinq with a�d r�sistinq �ressures tt� us� drug�. . Wt�rksheets i "What Do You Know About brugs?" (Work.k�odk: p�lgA �) �. And "Takihq a Stahd.�� (Workbdok: Pa�e 34) . $ESSION ��X'�E8N2 ; BtrRPb8Li �`o help studet�ts respond �ffectively wY��ti tf��y ttr� ' p�essured to use drugs. � � o8�7ECfiiV�Es Students will �omplete and read alouc� script� t�llirtc� h�w they Can r�spond When they are pressured to 1�s� d.rtngs. Workshee�: "Takinq a Stand. " (Workbvok: Page 34) , 8E38IOId BE�TEN".�EEN: � D.A.R.1;, COLMIN�TIt�N 4 •