HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.c. Adventure Zone Permit Y« �`-�'� P O. BOX SiQ �✓''�� � 2875-1457H S7, W. osernoun� ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 612--423-4411 TO: Mayor Napper Council Members Willcox, Wippermann, Oxborough� K1�ssen FROM: Susan M. Johnson, City C1erk , DATE: April 27, 199p RE: Adventure Zone Permit �11� m .r � � Attach�d is a letter from Brett C. Harvey whv has indi��i��r� �i� will pur�h��e The Adventur� Zo�e� upon approval by C�.t� Ct�iitt�il to issu� � permit to him ft�r thi� bu�ir�ess. Also a�tachec� is th� Safety Ttules and Guid�llnes p�r��eri��c� b�► l�r, Harvey. They are ba�ically the same ru1e� �nd guideliries �h�� Mr. Moeller, sell�r, usecl si�ce 1986. Police Chief Staats has canducted a background inves�igation o� Mr. Harvey, and th� investigation resulted in a cXean criminal record. Mr. Harvey will be at the CounCil m��ting on May 1 to a11ow you to meet him and answer any questions you may have. If yau choose to app�ove issu�nce af a p�rmi� to Mr. H���t��i recommended Council a�tion wauld be to approv� the perr�it �ubjeet to final sale of the Adventure Zone from L�� Moe�.l�r tt� ���tt C. Harvey. Attachm�nts . r Brett G. Harvey 108 River Edge Way Fridley, MN 55432 (612) 571-8935 City of Rosemount Attn: Ms. Sue Johnson, City Clerk 2875 145th St . W Rosemount, MN 55068 April 25, 1990 Dear Ms , Johnson: Per our conversations of 04/24/90 and 04/25/90, I am sending you this letter to infarm you of my intentions af purchasing The Adventure Zone, upon approval of a permit from the Rosemaunt Gity Council. t4 me. My int�n�ion� ax� �o run th� bus�.ne�s �.n th� same manc�r wi,th the same standaxds as the current owner - Lee Moeiier. The rules and regulations that � wi�.l use are enclosed for yaur revi�w. I understand the requirement of no alcohol being allowed on the Adventure Zone land area and intend to strictly enforce this policy. I also understand that no building or structure may be erected. T also understand the requirement of the general liability insurance and that the insurance must have the City af Rosemount listed as �n additional insured. As part of this requiremen� I have alreacly had Control Systems send a certificate of insurance to your attention: I also understand the requirement of the area needing to be policcd for litter after each game and will insure that a nuisance is not created as a result of noise, littering, tra�fic or disorderly conduct . The hours of operation I would like to have aret Manday through SUnday 8 : OOam - Dusk. This is only slightly different from the hours of operation currently in use by Lee Moeller. The reason for this modification is because some of the players would prefer to play earlier in the morning to avaid the heat of the day. Since there isn 't any residential houses in the immediate area I don't believe this change would cause any concerns ta anyone. �3ackgrounc� Information : I am currently emplayed as a supervisor at a company called Card Systems Testinq Laboratory (CSTL) in Fridley MN. I will have been employed here for 1 year as of May 1 . My Education is a B.S . in Business Administration with a minor in Computer Science. I am also owner of another small business called Harvey' s Tri-State Entertainment Sound & Light Shows . We are a professional entertainmEnt service providing music for Wedding Receptions, High School dances, private parti�s, etc. t I have glayed "splatball" for two years now at the Adventure Zone, so I 'm well aware of the Lee' s standards, the rules, and how everything should operate - and intend to operate it in the same manner. I hope this information provides you with what you need to help in my obtaining pf the permit . If you have any questions 2 can be reached at 571-2633 during the day, and 571-8935 during the evening. ' Sincer ly, , �.�� G_�� Brett C. Harvey P. S . Also enclosed is my release form for the Ca.ty of Rosemount to conduct a criminal investigatian. , 1 �.RJ ��\I L' � 1 ��J:J ����\I L' ��� ,L i ���� L`�.1�1� lfi{�J J,������t� i};:•.v.•v: w�:.�.�y.}:.}X.:.:n:jrry..},y:.y.,•+.M' Y},1K+{§. }S,L;'rtii�t�.^, . ',a�, t ."a.°.h f^� 'A"�' �'v � �t�' :;;%M;+'oi�k�5�'>;;v<i;i�ery�..:.'�'•.:%2;,., •..�'r<+v)' 'Y• �", w5 : � '� }�, 4 <5 g: �` . ;.'•%`,"';'?wd;,"r;`iik?,5.2 `r�''o,y,,t;�;?K`:.��`.s.. .�Y.w� �2`' t�`'�? a���.a t� tr�:3.��..�°,'.�e:�4•.3� •�i� ?a. :b+•:� ':3. .. }����....f�....h...........�...........�.���x,�:',�t,��...:..............n...�.. ,o-....etr�'.���.i3����i4�C'��.�...�.��,'�}...�£�...�.az�<}.�it.... :.... ' .•:.:::.,• . i��:....:ti• The following information will be read to all players prior to the beginning of play. Any player not obiding by these rules will be asked to leave the Adventure Zone property immediatley. #1 : No Head Shots allowed! The first time this happens you will be removed from the heet. The second time this happens you will be dpne for thP day. If a person appears to be intentionally shooting head shots they will be asked to leave and never return. This is a game of fun and we want to keep it that way. #2 : Only approved goggles are permited on the f�.eld. Safety glasses do not qualify. Once you leave the neutral zone you must hav� your goggles on. If you are caught outside the neutral zone without yo�r goggles you will be asked to leave. #3 : No physical eontact what so ever. This is a game af fun and stamina. #4 : The boundries af the field are marked by twine and ribbans . If you are seen outside the boundries you will be removed from the heet . #5 : Each team will be taken ta their flag. When the �udge blows the whistle you begin. There are 30 minu�es per heet. with ten minutes left we wi11 give you two shar.p blasts on the whistle. If one of you capture the flag you must bring it back to your own station and blow the horn. #6 : We reserve the right to refuse any player (s) who don't abide by the rules of the game. #7 : Any hit, except head shots, counts. When you are �limina�ed please remove your armband, wave it over your head and go directly to the neutral zone. #8 : No alcohol of any type is allowed on the adventure zone grounds . Any player caught with alcohol will be asked ta leave. If you are caught a second time, you will be asked to never return to our playing field. If any player arrives to the field in an intoxicated stated the will not be allowed ta play. If any player is not allowed to play and they attempt to leave the Adventure Zone iand while still under the influence we wili take the players ' license plate number and report it to the Rosmount Police Department . THIS IS A GAME OF FUN! ! and we want it to remain that way. The game is safe if you follow the above rules and guidelines, sa please do. . P E R M I T PERMIT issued this day of , ]990, by the CITY' OF ROSEMOUNT (the "City" ) to Hrett C. Harvey d/b/a THE ADVENTURE ZONE. 1 . The City hereby issues a permit for the °,�dv�nt�ir� Zon� Game" in �ccordance �rith the definition �nd rul�s ��t forth on the attached Exhibit "A" . 2 . This permit is issued subject to the follow�ing conditions: a: The permit is valid only on Tax Pa�c�l Numb�r 34-0200-010-25 . b. The permit holder shall take out �nd m�int�in it� force general liability insurance for gt le8st Five Hundred Thousand Dallars ($500,0(�p) . Th� form of the policy �nd the in�urer shall b� subject to approval by the City Admini�tr�to�. The City shall be named as an gdditiont�l i��turLt� an the policy. The policy shall furth�r pirovid� that the City shall be given ten ( 10) d�ys gdvgri�t� notice of c�ncellation. Proof of thi� in�tt��inC� (Certificat� of Insuranc�} will be pr���nt�cl A� part of approval process of th� p�rmit. c. The hours and days of operatiori ahgll, b� limitec� to the following: Monday through Sund�y $:00 A.M. to dusk. d. The perrnit for operating shall continu� from M�y � 1990, until October 31, 1990. e. No building or other structure m�g be �r�cted ori the site. f. The permit holder shail police the areg for litt�r after each game and shall insure that a nuisance is not created as a result of noige, litte�eing, traffic, or disorderly conduct. g. Beer, wine and intoxicating liquor is prohibited, 3 . This permit may be r�voked for viol�tian af it� t�rm� or violation af any ordinance or statue. THE ADVENTURE ZONE CITY OF ROSEM�UNT BY: BY: Brett C. Harvey Vernon Napper, Mayor . Hy: Stephan Jilk, Administretor 2 �r.e . . . ... ... .. .. _ .... . .. '..... . .. . . ... . .. .... .,,.... ...-.. . .. . . � , � �up b�tE t��ub�nrv, r + � .. ����/�� ' �- -�-�..._..�.# � �'� �'�'1�1'�'13 �r�L��l�i �. ��► St�ite��9 F�rba�I�use, �ror�St��el� �rid t�ur�, iu�ks�C�a� tei� �ti�lhh 1i�! tMiE� � . � , , . . . .. , , . .. ._. . , w � . . ' � . - � . ���it1�IGA'TE �F tN�U�AN�� • . ., � . , . . . .,- � .Air Gun Game ap�ra�ar� t�i.ability atict Memb��:: . . ! Brett �isrv�y d.b:� . '�kr� ,�,,dv��nt��� Zor�� � 108 Riv��r Edge Way ; Fridley, MnT 55432 . . . . . n, .. �-, . C , : ,. TNfS t��d C�RYt�iY YHA'f PC�.iGl1: C�1N 1JRANC�ltS'��R��I.O�Wp HAY����N IS U�0 70'��6 t��UAEb�IAMED A9q�'�tt�������'������i�H� 7Kis G�ar°'i��Aj��MAY 6E 1SSU D�OR MA1��PER7A,t��HE�I�ySURAN.�CB�FFORO G�Y YNE Pt?WClE3 bESCReBEb HERFIN�{S��B�ECY ttl ALL tHE � TEAMS.�fC��&�oKs.a�aQ CON��r1oN�Q��UCH P+�LfCtE&. . TYPE CF fNSURANCH .POLICY hlUM�EF1 POUCY�KPECrn� Db�.tCv E�c�RAt►dN 11��t.tT1�lM�l�7r��N tHaU�AN�� . . „ OATE�IA�SlbCVYYM bAYL CMMttlGtYYI, tuew oatwu�et ►aa«co�tt «�r��n�e�s�nre foaM ���Y ,� � PR�I�Q$F,StqAFRA7lOMS UNOEAC{RWNQ . PRpP RSY �%AL 4lQN i t'ALUAS�HALAAb DAMA�E � � , . PRCdNCiS�ObA+IPL�TED OP6RATION$ C 4 X"r. � O Z 7 Q f ��r�'�'�'�' M�s te r Po I i c wa��n�r,r coNra�araa� Y 4/�8/�0 4/].,8/31 GoM°�tta�a � S UU � �0 i� BAOAD FQRi+t FROAER7Y OJ1iNA�8 GLC6 7 S 03 ' PEASONAt ti�,1lfAY . ��as�aa��N�u�+r S nuro�aoBi�e�sasit�nr . S : �t+�r�na , � !a�` r� �ta.CwN�O At►T05 t�W�bABSy � A1.t OWN�P AU'CQ8 ' . t4�1 (OSN�Y�IAli�RtV.pASS� JGFI � FttR�O AtJ1'QS . t�tpNiYWNEA ALTfC9 pqOpERY`It � � QAMGE W$tL,i'tY QAMAGE ,: ., , COM9IN�C � EXCE83 UABI�ITY � � � � _ .. VM8R6LlJ1 FORI�t �i►l�b � �, 071tER 7f�tMt Uwt�pBLLA FOR6! COM9iN�i! .. ; D�SCR1PTiON OF aP& 'it N L�JCATlt7 SNEFIICLE&/SPECIA t �MS � Afr G�n Game� operstc�rs Lisbi��ty, and Products �n�ur�t►ce Ce�rtificate Hald�r es Add�t��ion�I ,Tn�ured. CERTI�lCA3E HOLD�Fi&ADOITiONA�NAMED iNSU�i�O CANCLLLA7iON C�r��t f i ca�e HO�dei� �HpUlb ANY C�YF1E ABC►YE DESCR1gEb PtiLfCES��+�AN��tl�b���`t���"tNE C i�y .t�f Ro semon t EXPlRATION QAYE TI��a�Q�,1'H�iSSU1Nb C01utPANY WILI.EN6EAYt7A YC MAII Ro s�taUn t� C i ty Ha 11 � � DAY3 WRITiEN NOTtC6 TO 7N�C�RrIFICAT�Np�.O�R NA1�Bp fiC TH6 'P. �0. BOX ��4 , LIABtLI�TY OF ANY K1Hb UPbN i��CBiuipANY ITS Q��TS bR R P gSEN N dR Rasema�t, MN 5�068 � � TATIv ,�ttz►: �ue .�o�nsor� � � � n��R��C�t�T�V� � NP�OS • TO1'F�L p.@1 1;�